semipred <- function(semireg, modelterm=NULL, covariate, sm_term=NULL, contr=NULL,
covariateV=NULL, boundary=NULL, level=0.05, trans=NULL, trellis=TRUE,
scales=c("fixed", "free", "free_x", "free_y"),
plotord=NULL, ci=TRUE, point=TRUE, jitterv=0, threeD=FALSE, prt=TRUE) {
stopifnot(inherits(semireg, "semireg"), !is.null(semireg$CovMat))
scales <- as.character(scales)
scales <- match.arg(scales)
if (!is.null(contr)) {
trans <- NULL
stopifnot("'modelterm' must be a single term"=length(unlist(strsplit(modelterm, "\\:")))==1)
if (is.null(modelterm) || all(modelterm%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
modelterm <- covariate
mod_df <- semireg$data
if (!is.null(covariateV)){
if (length(covariate) > 1) {
stopifnot(is.matrix(covariateV), dim(covariateV)[2] == length(covariate))
colnames(covariateV) <- covariate
for (i in covariate) {
if (!is.null(attr(mod_df, paste(i, "mean", sep="_")))) {
if (!is.matrix(covariateV)) covariateV <- covariateV-attr(mod_df, paste(i, "mean", sep="_"))
else covariateV[,i] <- covariateV[,i]-attr(mod_df, paste(i, "mean", sep="_"))
if (!is.null(attr(mod_df, paste(i, "sd", sep="_")))) {
if (length(covariate) ==1) covariateV <- covariateV/attr(mod_df, paste(i, "sd", sep="_"))
else covariateV[,i] <- covariateV[,i]/attr(mod_df, paste(i, "sd", sep="_"))
semer <- semireg$semer
vcov_indN <- semireg$Cov_indN
cov_lst <- semireg$cov_lst
fullCovMat <- semireg$CovMat
if (inherits(semer, "glmmTMB")) betaHat <- fixef(semer)$cond else betaHat <- fixef(semer)
sig.epsHat <- sigma(semer)
sm_varsN <- setdiff(semireg$sm_vars, semireg$fomul_vars)
if (length(sm_varsN) > 0){
lm_fl <- format(formula(terms(semer)))
for (i in sm_varsN) lm_fl <- paste(lm_fl, "+ ",i)
mod_lm <- lm(as.formula(lm_fl), data=mod_df)
KK <- Kmatrix(mod_lm, modelterm, covariate, covariateV)
KK <- Kmatrix(semer, modelterm, covariate, covariateV)
response <- response0 <- KK$response
K <- KK$K[, colnames(model.matrix(semer))]
pred_df <- KK$fctnames
if (!(response %in% names(mod_df))) { # all.vars(str2expression(response0))]
mod_df[["response_y"]] <- eval(parse(text=response), mod_df)
names(pred_df)[names(pred_df)==response] <- "response_y"
response <- "response_y"
if (is.null(sm_term)) {
sm_term <- names(as.list(semireg$smoothZ_call))[-1]
sm_term <- intersect(names(vcov_indN), sm_term)
sm_Cov <- cov_lst$sm_Cov
if (length(sm_term)==1) {
sm_Cov <- cov_lst[[sm_term]]
sm_term <- intersect(names(vcov_indN), sm_term)
sm_termInds <- 1:ncol(getME(semer, "X"))
for (i in sm_term) {
stmch_id <- match(i, names(vcov_indN))
sm_termInds <- c(sm_termInds, (vcov_indN[stmch_id-1]+1):vcov_indN[stmch_id])
sm_Cov <- fullCovMat[sm_termInds, sm_termInds]
u_lst <- list()
for (i in sm_term) {
u_indx <- grep(i, names(semireg$u_lst))
u_lst <- c(u_lst, semireg$u_lst[u_indx])
knots_lst <- semireg$knots_lst[sm_term]
range_lst <- semireg$range_lst[sm_term]
type_lst <- semireg$type_lst[sm_term]
call_lst <- as.list(semireg$smoothZ_call)[sm_term]
call_lstN <- Z_lstN <- vector("list", length(call_lst))
names(call_lstN) <- names(Z_lstN) <- sm_term
for (i in sm_term) {
xcall_lst <- as.list(call_lst[[i]])
if (!is.null(xcall_lst$type) && xcall_lst$type=="smspline") xcall_lst$pred <- TRUE
if (!is.null(xcall_lst$k)) xcall_lst$k <- NULL
if (!is.null(range_lst[[i]]) && type_lst[[i]]!="Ztps") xcall_lst$range.x <- range_lst[[i]]
xcall_lst$intKnots <- knots_lst[[i]]
call_lstN[[i]] <-
for (i in sm_term) {
Z_lstN[[i]] <- with(pred_df, eval(call_lstN[[i]]))
Z_lstNN <- list()
for (i in sm_term){
if (is.list(Z_lstN[[i]])) Z_lstNN <- c(Z_lstNN, unlist(Z_lstN[i], recursive=FALSE)) else Z_lstNN <- c(Z_lstNN, Z_lstN[i])
Z_lstNN <- Z_lstNN[intersect(names(semireg$u_lst), names(Z_lstNN))]
ZN <-"cbind", Z_lstNN)
D_mx <- cbind(K,ZN)
u_hat <-"c", u_lst)
beta_u <- c(betaHat, u_hat)
stderr <- sig.epsHat*sqrt(diag(D_mx%*%sm_Cov%*%t(D_mx)))
y_hat <- as.numeric(D_mx%*%beta_u)
LL <- y_hat - qnorm(1-level)*stderr
UL <- y_hat + qnorm(1-level)*stderr
if (is.null(trans)) {
if (!isLMM(semer)) {
if (inherits(semer, "glmmTMB")) {
family_n <- semer$modelInfo$family$family
invfun <- semer$modelInfo$family$linkinv
weight_fun <- function(eta, mod){
family_fun <- mod$modelInfo$family
family_n <- slot(semer, "resp")$family$family
invfun <- slot(semer, "resp")$family$linkinv
weight_fun <- function(eta, mod){
family_fun <- slot(mod, "resp")$family
stderr_mu <- sig.epsHat*sqrt(diag(D_mx%*%sm_Cov%*%t(D_mx)))*weight_fun(y_hat, semer)
y_hat <- invfun(y_hat)
LL <- y_hat - qnorm(1-level)*stderr_mu
UL <- y_hat + qnorm(1-level)*stderr_mu
if (family_n == "binomial"){
UL <- ifelse(UL > 1, 1, UL)
LL <- ifelse(LL < 0, 0, LL)
if (is.factor(mod_df[[response]])) {
mod_df[[response]] <- as.numeric(mod_df[[response]]) - 1
}else if (!is.null(dim(mod_df[, response])) && ncol(mod_df[, response])==2) {
mod_df[["Proportion"]] <- mod_df[, response][,1]/rowSums(mod_df[, response])
response <- "Proportion"
pred_df$SE_mu <- stderr_mu
}else pred_df$SE <- stderr
y_hat <- trans(y_hat)
LL <- trans(LL)
UL <- trans(UL)
mod_df[["Trans_y"]] <- trans(mod_df[[response]])
response <- "Trans_y"
pred_df[[response]] <- y_hat
pred_df$LL <- LL
pred_df$UL <- UL
if (!is.null(attr(mod_df, "numeric_var"))) {
for (i in attr(mod_df, "numeric_var")) {
if (!is.null(attr(mod_df, paste(i, "sd", sep="_")))) {
mod_df[[i]] <- mod_df[[i]]*attr(mod_df, paste(i, "sd", sep="_"))
pred_df[[i]] <- pred_df[[i]]*attr(mod_df, paste(i, "sd", sep="_"))
if (!is.null(attr(mod_df, paste(i, "mean", sep="_")))) {
mod_df[[i]] <- mod_df[[i]]+attr(mod_df, paste(i, "mean", sep="_"))
pred_df[[i]] <- pred_df[[i]]+attr(mod_df, paste(i, "mean", sep="_"))
if (!is.null(attr(mod_df, paste(response, "sd", sep="_")))) {
pred_df$LL <- pred_df$LL*attr(mod_df, paste(response, "sd", sep="_"))
pred_df$UL <- pred_df$UL*attr(mod_df, paste(response, "sd", sep="_"))
if (!is.null(attr(mod_df, paste(response, "mean", sep="_")))) {
pred_df$LL <- pred_df$LL+attr(mod_df, paste(response, "mean", sep="_"))
pred_df$UL <- pred_df$UL+attr(mod_df, paste(response, "mean", sep="_"))
if (setequal(modelterm, covariate)) {
if (length(covariate)==1) {
plt <- ggplot(pred_df, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate)), y=eval(parse(text = response))))+
geom_line(linewidth=1, col="red") +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL), alpha = 0.6, stat="identity", fill="#00FFFF", col="#00FFFF")+
labs(x=covariate, y=response)+
if (point) plt <- plt + geom_point(data=mod_df, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate)), y=eval(parse(text = response))), col="DeepPink", position = position_jitter(width = jitterv, height = jitterv))
if (response == "response_y") plt <- plt + labs(y=paste(response0, "\n", sep=""))
}else if(length(covariate)==2) {
if (!is.null(boundary)){
inBdry <- HRW::pointsInPoly(pred_df[, covariate], boundary)
pred_df <- droplevels(pred_df[inBdry,])
if (threeD) {
plt <- plotly::plot_ly(pred_df, x = formula(paste("~", covariate[1])),
y = formula(paste("~", covariate[2])),
z = formula(paste("~", response)),
intensity = formula(paste("~", response)),
type = 'mesh3d',
opacity = 0.7)
if (point) plt <- plotly::add_trace(plt, x = mod_df[[covariate[1]]], y = mod_df[[covariate[2]]],
z = mod_df[[response]], mode = "markers", type = "scatter3d",
marker = list(size = 2.5, color = "red", symbol = 104))
plt <- ggplot(pred_df, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate[1])), y=eval(parse(text = covariate[2])), z=eval(parse(text = response)))) +
geom_contour_filled() +
labs(x=covariate[1], y=covariate[2], z=response)
if (point) plt <- plt + geom_point(data=mod_df, col="red", size=1.5)
if (response == "response_y") plt <- plt + labs(y=paste(response0, "\n", sep=""))
vars <- unlist(strsplit(modelterm, "\\:"))
if (length(vars)==1) {
if (length(covariate)==1) {
if (is.null(contr)) {
plt <- ggplot(pred_df, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate)), y=eval(parse(text = response)), col=eval(parse(text = modelterm))))+
geom_line(aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate)), y=eval(parse(text = response)), col=eval(parse(text = modelterm))), linewidth=1) +
labs(x=covariate, y=response, col=modelterm) +
if (ci) plt <- plt +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL, fill=eval(parse(text = modelterm))), alpha = 0.3, stat="identity")+
if (point) plt <- plt +
geom_point(data=mod_df, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate)), y=eval(parse(text = response)), col=eval(parse(text = modelterm))), position = position_jitter(width = jitterv, height = jitterv))+
if (trellis) plt <- plt +
facet_wrap(formula(paste("~", modelterm)), scales=scales)
if (response == "response_y") plt <- plt + labs(y=paste(response0, "\n", sep=""))
grp_fct <- pred_df[[modelterm]]
grp_fct_levl <- levels(grp_fct)
plt_df_lst <- lapply(split(pred_df, grp_fct), function(x) x[, !names(x) %in% modelterm])
plt_df_contr <- plt_df_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[1]]]] - plt_df_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[2]]]]
diff_covarn <- setdiff(names(plt_df_contr), c("SE", response, "LL", "UL"))
plt_df_contr[,diff_covarn] <- plt_df_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[1]]]][, diff_covarn]
D_mx_lst <- lapply(split(data.frame(as.matrix(D_mx)), grp_fct), as.matrix)
D_contr <- D_mx_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[1]]]] - D_mx_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[2]]]]
if (!isLMM(semer)) {
stderr_contr <- sig.epsHat*sqrt(diag(D_contr%*%sm_Cov%*%t(D_contr)))*weight_fun(plt_df_contr[[response]], semer)
stderr_contr <- sig.epsHat*sqrt(diag(D_contr%*%sm_Cov%*%t(D_contr)))
if (!is.null(attr(mod_df, paste(response, "sd", sep="_")))) {
plt_df_contr$LL <- plt_df_contr[[response]] - qnorm(1-level)*stderr_contr*attr(mod_df, paste(response, "sd", sep="_"))
plt_df_contr$UL <- plt_df_contr[[response]] + qnorm(1-level)*stderr_contr*attr(mod_df, paste(response, "sd", sep="_"))
plt_df_contr$LL <- plt_df_contr[[response]] - qnorm(1-level)*stderr_contr
plt_df_contr$UL <- plt_df_contr[[response]] + qnorm(1-level)*stderr_contr
plt <- ggplot(plt_df_contr, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate)), y=eval(parse(text = response))))+
geom_line(linewidth=1, col="blue") +
geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "red") +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL), alpha = 0.6, stat="identity", fill="chartreuse3", col="chartreuse3") +
ggtitle(paste("Factor", modelterm, "level", grp_fct_levl[contr[1]], "vs level", grp_fct_levl[contr[2]], "with", (1-level) * 100, "% CI")) +
labs(x=covariate, y=paste("The difference of ", response, "\n", sep="")) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
if (response == "response_y") plt <- plt + labs(y=paste("The difference of ", response0, "\n", sep=""))
pred_df <- plt_df_contr
pred_df$SE_contr <- stderr_contr
pred_df$SE <- NULL
pred_df$SE_mu <- NULL
}else if(length(covariate)==2) {
if (is.null(contr)) {
if (!is.null(boundary)){
inBdry <- HRW::pointsInPoly(pred_df[, covariate], boundary)
pred_df <- droplevels(pred_df[inBdry,])
if (threeD) {
grp_fct <- pred_df[[modelterm]]
plt <- lapply(split(pred_df, grp_fct), function(x) {
plotly::plot_ly(droplevels(x), x = formula(paste("~", covariate[1])),
y = formula(paste("~", covariate[2])),
z = formula(paste("~", response)),
intensity = formula(paste("~", response)),
type = 'mesh3d',
opacity = 0.7
if (point) {
mod_df_lst <- split(mod_df, mod_df[[modelterm]])
for (i in names(mod_df_lst)) {
plt[[i]] <- plotly::add_trace(plt[[i]], x = mod_df_lst[[i]][[covariate[1]]], y = mod_df_lst[[i]][[covariate[2]]],
z = mod_df_lst[[i]][[response]], mode = "markers", type = "scatter3d",
marker = list(size = 2.5, color = "red", symbol = 104))
plt <- ggplot(pred_df, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate[1])), y=eval(parse(text = covariate[2])), z=eval(parse(text = response)))) +
facet_wrap(formula(paste("~", modelterm)), scales=scales)+
labs(x=covariate[1], y=covariate[2], z=response)
if (point) plt <- plt + geom_point(data=mod_df, col="red", size=1.5)
if (response == "response_y") plt <- plt + labs(y=paste(response0, "\n", sep=""))
grp_fct <- pred_df[[modelterm]]
grp_fct_levl <- levels(grp_fct)
plt_df_lst <- lapply(split(pred_df, grp_fct), function(x) x[, !names(x) %in% modelterm])
plt_df_contr <- plt_df_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[1]]]] - plt_df_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[2]]]]
diff_covarn <- setdiff(names(plt_df_contr), c("SE", response, "LL", "UL"))
plt_df_contr[,diff_covarn] <- plt_df_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[1]]]][, diff_covarn]
D_mx_lst <- lapply(split(data.frame(as.matrix(D_mx)), grp_fct), as.matrix)
D_contr <- D_mx_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[1]]]] - D_mx_lst[[grp_fct_levl[contr[2]]]]
if (!isLMM(semer)) {
stderr_contr <- sig.epsHat*sqrt(diag(D_contr%*%sm_Cov%*%t(D_contr)))*weight_fun(plt_df_contr[[response]], semer)
stderr_contr <- sig.epsHat*sqrt(diag(D_contr%*%sm_Cov%*%t(D_contr)))
if (!is.null(attr(mod_df, paste(response, "sd", sep="_")))) {
plt_df_contr$LL <- plt_df_contr[[response]] - qnorm(1-level)*stderr_contr*attr(mod_df, paste(response, "sd", sep="_"))
plt_df_contr$UL <- plt_df_contr[[response]] + qnorm(1-level)*stderr_contr*attr(mod_df, paste(response, "sd", sep="_"))
plt_df_contr$LL <- plt_df_contr[[response]] - qnorm(1-level)*stderr_contr
plt_df_contr$UL <- plt_df_contr[[response]] + qnorm(1-level)*stderr_contr
if (!is.null(boundary)){
inBdry <- HRW::pointsInPoly(plt_df_contr[, covariate], boundary)
plt_df_contrN <- droplevels(plt_df_contr[inBdry,])
}else plt_df_contrN <- plt_df_contr
plt_df_contrSub <- subset(plt_df_contrN, LL > 0 | UL < 0)
plt <- ggplot(plt_df_contrN, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate[1])), y=eval(parse(text = covariate[2])), z=eval(parse(text = response)))) +
geom_contour_filled() +
geom_point(data=plt_df_contrSub, col="red", size=2.5, shape=22) +
ggtitle(paste("Factor", modelterm, "level", grp_fct_levl[contr[1]], "vs level", grp_fct_levl[contr[2]], "with Points at the Area out of", (1-level) * 100, "% CI")) +
labs(x=covariate[1], y=paste("The difference of ", response, "\n", sep=""), z=response) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
if (response == "response_y") plt <- plt + labs(y=paste("The difference of ", response0, "\n", sep=""))
pred_df <- plt_df_contr
pred_df$SE_contr <- stderr_contr
pred_df$SE <- NULL
pred_df$SE_mu <- NULL
}else if (length(vars)==2) {
if (is.null(plotord) || all(plotord%in%c("NULL", ""))) plotord <- 1:2
fact1 <- (vars[plotord])[1]
fact2 <- (vars[plotord])[2]
plt <- ggplot(pred_df, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate)), y=eval(parse(text = response)), col=eval(parse(text = fact1))))+
geom_line(aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate)), y=eval(parse(text = response)), col=eval(parse(text = fact1))), linewidth=1) +
labs(x=covariate, y=response, col=fact1) +
facet_wrap(formula(paste("~", fact2)), scales=scales)+
if (response == "response_y") plt <- plt + labs(y=paste(response0, "\n", sep=""))
if (ci) plt <- plt +
geom_ribbon(data=pred_df, aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL, fill=eval(parse(text = fact1))), alpha = 0.3, stat="identity") +
if (point) plt <- plt +
geom_point(data=mod_df, aes(x=eval(parse(text = covariate)), y=eval(parse(text = response)), col=eval(parse(text = fact1))), position = position_jitter(width = jitterv, height = jitterv))
# facet_grid(formula(paste(Variable1, "~", Variable2)))
if (prt) {
options(warn = -1)
if (length(covariate)==2 && threeD && !setequal(modelterm, covariate)) {
for (i in names(plt)) print(plt[[i]])
}else print(plt)
options(warn = 0)
rownames(pred_df) <- NULL
return(invisible(list(plt=plt, pred_df=pred_df)))
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