#' Build Index from ivar Argument
#' This function builds an index from the \code{ivar} argument. Used by
#' the \code{propr} initialize method and \code{updateF}.
#' @inheritParams all
#' @return A numeric vector of indices for the reference set.
#' @export
ivar2index <- function(counts, ivar){
if(missing(ivar)) ivar <- 0
if(!is.vector(ivar)) stop("Provide 'ivar' as vector.")
`%is%` <- function(a, b) identical(a, b)
if(ivar %is% 0 | ivar %is% NA | ivar %is% NULL | ivar %is% "all" | ivar %is% "clr"){
use <- 1:ncol(counts) # use all features for geometric mean
}else if(ivar %is% "iqlr"){
if(any(counts == 0)){
message("Alert: Replacing 0s with next smallest value.")
zeros <- counts == 0
counts[zeros] <- min(counts[!zeros])
counts.clr <- apply(log(counts), 1, function(x){ x - mean(x) })
counts.var <- apply(counts.clr, 1, var)
quart <- stats::quantile(counts.var) # use features with unextreme variance
use <- which(counts.var < quart[4] & counts.var > quart[2])
if(!all(ivar %in% colnames(counts))) stop("Some 'ivar' not in data.")
use <- which(colnames(counts) %in% ivar) # use features given by name
use <- sort(ivar) # use features given by number
#' @rdname propr
#' @section Methods (by generic):
#' \code{subset:} Method to subset \code{propr} object.
#' @export
setMethod("subset", signature(x = "propr"),
function(x, subset, select){
if(missing(subset)) subset <- 1:nrow(x@counts)
if(missing(select)) select <- 1:ncol(x@counts)
select <- match(select, colnames(x@counts))
x@counts <- x@counts[subset, select, drop = FALSE]
x@logratio <- x@logratio[subset, select, drop = FALSE]
x@matrix <- x@matrix[select, select, drop = FALSE]
if(length(x@pairs) > 0){
message("Alert: User must repopulate @pairs slot after `subset`.")
x@pairs <- vector("numeric")
message("Alert: Using 'subset' is not compatible the @results table.")
x@results <- data.frame()
message("Alert: Using 'subset' disables permutation testing.")
x@permutes <- list(NULL)
#' @rdname propr
#' @section Methods (by generic):
#' \code{[:} Method to subset \code{propr} object.
#' @aliases [,propr-method
#' @docType methods
#' @export
setMethod('[', signature(x = "propr", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
function(x, i = "all", j, tiny = FALSE){
if(i == "all"){
x@pairs <- indexPairs(x@matrix, "all")
if(!i %in% c("==", "=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "!=")){
stop("Operator not recognized. Index using e.g., `prop[\">\", .95]`.")
if(missing(j) | !is.numeric(j) | length(j) != 1){
stop("Reference not found. Index using e.g., `prop[\">\", .95]`.")
newPairs <- indexPairs(x@matrix, i, j)
if(length(newPairs) == 0) message("Alert: Method failed to index any pairs.")
if(length(x@pairs) > 0) message("Alert: Appending prior index.")
x@pairs <- sort(union(x@pairs, newPairs))
#' @rdname propr
#' @section Functions:
#' \code{simplify:}
#' This convenience function takes an indexed \code{propr} object
#' and subsets the object based on that index. Then, it populates the
#' \code{@@pairs} slot of the new object with an updated version
#' of the original index. You can call \code{simplify} from within the
#' \code{[} method using the argument \code{tiny}.
#' @export
simplify <- function(object){
if(!class(object) == "propr" | length(object@pairs) == 0){
stop("Uh oh! This function requires an indexed 'propr' object.")
# Subset propr object based on index
coords <- indexToCoord(object@pairs, nrow(object@matrix))
selection <- sort(union(coords[[1]], coords[[2]]))
object@pairs <- vector("numeric")
new <- subset(object, select = selection)
# Repopulate the pairs slot
for(i in 1:length(coords[[1]])){
coords[[1]][i] <- which(selection == coords[[1]][i])
coords[[2]][i] <- which(selection == coords[[2]][i])
new@pairs <- (coords[[2]] - 1) * nrow(new@matrix) + (coords[[1]] - 1) + 1
#' @rdname propr
#' @section Functions:
#' \code{updateCutoffs:}
#' Use the \code{propr} object to permute proportionality
#' across a number of cutoffs. Since the permutations get saved
#' when the object is created, calling \code{updateCutoffs}
#' will use the same random seed each time.
#' @export
updateCutoffs.propr <- function(object, cutoff, ncores){
getFdrRandcounts <- function(ct.k){
pr.k <- suppressMessages(
propr::propr(ct.k, object@metric, ivar = object@ivar, alpha = object@alpha))
# Vector of propr scores for each pair of taxa.
pkt <- pr.k@results$propr
# Find number of permuted theta less than cutoff
sapply(FDR$cutoff, function(cut){
if(object@metric == "rho" | object@metric == "cor"){
sum(pkt > cut)
}else{ # phi & phs
sum(pkt < cut)
if(identical(object@permutes, list(NULL))) stop("Permutation testing is disabled.")
# Let NA cutoff skip function
if(identical(cutoff, NA)) return(object)
# Set up FDR cutoff table
FDR <-, nrow = length(cutoff), ncol = 4))
colnames(FDR) <- c("cutoff", "randcounts", "truecounts", "FDR")
FDR$cutoff <- cutoff
p <- length(object@permutes)
if(ncores > 1){
# Set up the cluster and require propr
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
# parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, requireNamespace(propr, quietly = TRUE))
# Each element of this list will be a vector whose elements
# are the count of theta values less than the cutoff.
randcounts <- parallel::parLapply(
cl = cl,
X = object@permutes,
fun = getFdrRandcounts
# Sum across cutoff values
FDR$randcounts <- apply(, 1, sum)
# Explicitly stop the cluster.
# Calculate propr for each permutation -- NOTE: `select` and `subset` disable permutation testing
for(k in 1:p){
numTicks <- progress(k, p, numTicks)
# Calculate propr exactly based on @metric, @ivar, and @alpha
ct.k <- object@permutes[[k]]
pr.k <- suppressMessages(
propr(ct.k, object@metric, ivar = object@ivar, alpha = object@alpha))
pkt <- pr.k@results$propr
# Find number of permuted theta less than cutoff
for(cut in 1:nrow(FDR)){ # randcounts as cumsum
# Count positives as rho > cutoff, cor > cutoff, phi < cutoff, phs < cutoff
if(object@metric == "rho" | object@metric == "cor"){
FDR[cut, "randcounts"] <- FDR[cut, "randcounts"] + sum(pkt > FDR[cut, "cutoff"])
}else{ # phi & phs
FDR[cut, "randcounts"] <- FDR[cut, "randcounts"] + sum(pkt < FDR[cut, "cutoff"])
# Calculate FDR based on real and permuted tallys
FDR$randcounts <- FDR$randcounts / p # randcounts as mean
for(cut in 1:nrow(FDR)){
# Count positives as rho > cutoff, cor > cutoff, phi < cutoff, phs < cutoff
if(object@metric == "rho" | object@metric == "cor"){
FDR[cut, "truecounts"] <- sum(object@results$propr > FDR[cut, "cutoff"])
}else{ # phi & phs
FDR[cut, "truecounts"] <- sum(object@results$propr < FDR[cut, "cutoff"])
FDR[cut, "FDR"] <- FDR[cut, "randcounts"] / FDR[cut, "truecounts"]
# Initialize @fdr
object@fdr <- FDR
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