


test_that("Example of table iv [PMID:15238601]", {
	expect_equal(as.vector(sapply(c("SCHTAVGR", "SCHTGLGR", "EDLIAYLK"), ssrc)),
		c(3.20805, 5.95145, 29.60045),
		tolerance = 0.01)


test_that('iRT peptides', {
  irtPeptide.ssrc <- c(7.33685 , 11.93745 , 29.22845 , 16.65045 , 20.58245 ,
                       27.03345 , 19.42845 , 22.32845 , 22.71845 , 36.67245 ,
                       25.31445 , 34.21845 , 38.108815 , 39.461215 , 40.516115 ,
                       40.488815 , 46.237915 , 41.876215 , 41.476515 , 46.025115 , 
                       7.33685 , 11.59745 , 16.65045 , 20.58245 , 19.42845 ,
                       22.32845 , 22.79845 , 25.57445 , 37.89545 , 40.488815 ,

  expect_equal(as.vector(sapply(as.character(iRTpeptides$peptide), ssrc)),
                     tolerance = 0.01)

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protViz documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:21 a.m.