#' Read a .csv file with distributional data
#' Reads a data table containing distributional data, i.e. lists of
#' continuous data such as detrital zircon U-Pb ages.
#' @param fname the path of a .csv file with the input data, arranged
#' in columns.
#' @param errorfile the (optional) path of a .csv file with the
#' standard errors of the input data, arranged by column in the
#' same order as \code{fname}. Must be specified if the data are
#' to be compared with the Sircombe-Hazelton dissimilarity.
#' @param method an optional string specifying the dissimilarity
#' measure which should be used for comparing this with other
#' datasets. Should be one of either \code{"KS"} (for
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov), \code{"Kuiper"} (for Kuiper) or
#' \code{"SH"} (for Sircombe and Hazelton). If \code{method =
#' "SH"}, then \code{errorfile} should be specified. If
#' \code{method = "SH"} and \code{errorfile} is unspecified, then
#' the program will default back to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
#' dissimilarity.
#' @param xlab an optional string specifying the nature and units of
#' the data. This string is used to label kernel density
#' estimates.
#' @param colmap an optional string with the name of one of R's
#' built-in colour palettes (e.g., heat.colors, terrain.colors,
#' topo.colors, cm.colors), which are to be used for plotting the
#' data.
#' @param sep the field separator character. Values on each line of
#' the file are separated by this character.
#' @param dec the character used in the file for decimal points.
#' @param header a logical value indicating whether the file contains
#' the names of the variables as its first line.
#' @param check.names logical. If \code{TRUE} then the names of the
#' variables in the frame are checked to ensure that they are
#' syntactically variable names.
#' @param ... optional arguments to the built-in \code{read.csv}
#' function
#' @return an object of class \code{distributional}, i.e. a list with
#' the following items:
#' \code{x}: a named list of vectors containing the numerical data for
#' each sample
#' \code{err}: an (optional) named list of vectors containing the
#' standard errors of \code{x}
#' \code{method}: either "KS" (for Kolmogorov-Smirnov), "Kuiper" (for
#' the Kuiper statistic) or "SH" (for Sircombe Hazelton)
#' \code{breaks}: a vector with the locations of the histogram bin edges
#' \code{xlab}: a string containing the label to be given to the
#' x-axis on all plots
#' \code{colmap}: the colour map provided by the input argument
#' \code{name}: the name of the data object, extracted from the file path
#' @examples
#' agefile <- system.file("Namib/DZ.csv",package="provenance")
#' errfile <- system.file("Namib/DZerr.csv",package="provenance")
#' DZ <- read.distributional(agefile,errfile)
#' plot(KDE(DZ$x$N1))
#' @export
read.distributional <- function(fname,errorfile=NA,method="KS",
xlab="age [Ma]",colmap='rainbow',
check.names=FALSE,...) {
out <- list()
out$name <- basename(substr(fname,1,nchar(fname)-4))
if (method=="SH" & method <- "KS"
class(out) <- "distributional"
out$method <- method
out$x <- list()
out$err <- list()
out$colmap <- colmap
dat <- utils::read.csv(fname,sep=sep,dec=dec,header=header,
for (i in 1:length(dat)){
good <- ![,i])
if (any(good)) out$x[[names(dat)[i]]] = dat[good,i]
if (!{
err <- utils::read.csv(errorfile,sep=sep,dec=dec,
for (i in 1:length(err)){
good <- ![,i])
if (any(good)) out$err[[names(dat)[i]]] = err[good,i]
d <- unlist(out$x)
ns <- length(out$x) # number of samples
ng <- length(d) # number of grains
nb <- log(ng/ns,base=2)+1
out$breaks <- seq(min(d),max(d),length.out=nb+1)
out$xlab <- xlab
#' Read a .csv file with varietal data
#' Reads a data table containing compositional data (e.g. chemical
#' concentrations) for multiple grains and multiple samples
#' @param fname file name (character string)
#' @param sep the field separator character. Values on each line of
#' the file are separated by this character.
#' @param dec the character used in the file for decimal points.
#' @param snames either a vector of sample names, an integer marking
#' the length of the sample name prefix, or
#' \code{NULL}. \code{read.varietal} assumes that the row names of
#' the \code{.csv} file consist of character strings marking the
#' sample names, followed by a number.
#' @param method an optional string specifying the dissimilarity
#' measure which should be used for comparing this with other
#' datasets. Should be one of either \code{"KS"} (for
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov) or \code{"Kuiper"} (for Kuiper)
#' @param check.names logical. If \code{TRUE} then the names of the
#' variables in the frame are checked to ensure that they are
#' syntactically variable names.
#' @param row.names logical. See the documentation for the
#' \code{read.table} function.
#' @param ... optional arguments to the built-in \code{read.csv}
#' function
#' @return an object of class \code{varietal}, i.e. a list with the
#' following items:
#' \code{x}: a compositional data table
#' \code{snames}: a vector of strings corresponding to the sample names
#' \code{name}: the name of the dataset, extracted from the file path
#' @examples
#' fn <- system.file("SNSM/Ttn_chem.csv",package="provenance")
#' Ttn <- read.varietal(fname=fn,snames=3)
#' plot(MDS(Ttn))
read.varietal <- function(fname,snames=NULL,sep=',',dec='.',
x <- utils::read.csv(fname,sep=sep,dec=dec,
out <- as.varietal(x=x,snames=snames,method=method)
out$name <- basename(substr(fname,1,nchar(fname)-4))
#' Read a .csv file with compositional data
#' Reads a data table containing compositional data (e.g. chemical
#' concentrations)
#' @param fname a string with the path to the .csv file
#' @param method either "bray" (for the Bray-Curtis distance) or
#' "aitchison" (for Aitchison's central logratio distance). If
#' omitted, the function defaults to 'aitchison', unless there are
#' zeros present in the data.
#' @param colmap an optional string with the name of one of R's
#' built-in colour palettes (e.g., heat.colors, terrain.colors,
#' topo.colors, cm.colors), which are to be used for plotting the
#' data.
#' @param sep the field separator character. Values on each line of
#' the file are separated by this character.
#' @param dec the character used in the file for decimal points.
#' @param row.names a vector of row names. This can be a vector
#' giving the actual row names, or a single number giving the
#' column of the which contains the row names, or character string
#' the name of the table column containing the row names.
#' @param header a logical value indicating whether the file contains
#' the names of the variables as its first line.
#' @param check.names logical. If \code{TRUE} then the names of the
#' variables in the frame are checked to ensure that they are
#' syntactically variable names.
#' @param ... optional arguments to the built-in \code{read.table}
#' function
#' @return an object of class \code{compositional}, i.e. a list with
#' the following items:
#' \code{x}: a data frame with the samples as rows and the categories as columns
#' \code{method}: either "aitchison" (for Aitchison's centred logratio
#' distance) or "bray" (for the Bray-Curtis distance)
#' \code{colmap}: the colour map provided by the input argument
#' \code{name}: the name of the data object, extracted from the file path
#' @examples
#' fname <- system.file("Namib/Major.csv",package="provenance")
#' Major <- read.compositional(fname)
#' plot(PCA(Major))
#' @export
read.compositional <- function(fname,method=NULL,colmap='rainbow',
check.names=FALSE,...) {
out <- list()
out$name <- basename(substr(fname,1,nchar(fname)-4))
class(out) <- "compositional"
dat <- data.matrix(utils::read.table(fname,header=header,
out$x <- removeNAcols(dat)
if (is.null(method)){
if (any(out$x==0)) { method <- "bray" }
else { method <- "aitchison" }
out$method <- method
out$colmap <- colmap
if (any(out$x==0) & method=="aitchison"){
stop(paste("This dataset contains zeros and is",
"incompatible with the 'aitchison' distance"))
#' Read a .csv file with point-counting data
#' Reads a data table containing point-counting data
#' (e.g. petrographic, heavy mineral, palaeontological or
#' palynological data)
#' @param fname a string with the path to the .csv file
#' @param method either "chisq" (for the chi-square distance) or
#' "bray" (for the Bray-Curtis distance)
#' @param colmap an optional string with the name of one of R's
#' built-in colour palettes (e.g., heat.colors, terrain.colors,
#' topo.colors, cm.colors), which are to be used for plotting the
#' data.
#' @param sep the field separator character. Values on each line of
#' the file are separated by this character.
#' @param dec the character used in the file for decimal points.
#' @param row.names a vector of row names. This can be a vector
#' giving the actual row names, or a single number giving the
#' column of the which contains the row names, or character string
#' the name of the table column containing the row names.
#' @param header a logical value indicating whether the file contains
#' the names of the variables as its first line.
#' @param check.names logical. If \code{TRUE} then the names of the
#' variables in the frame are checked to ensure that they are
#' syntactically variable names.
#' @param ... optional arguments to the built-in \code{read.table}
#' function
#' @return an object of class \code{counts}, i.e. a list with the
#' following items:
#' \code{x}: a data frame with the samples as rows and the categories
#' as columns
#' \code{colmap}: the colour map provided by the input argument
#' \code{name}: the name of the data object, extracted from the file path
#' @examples
#' fname <- system.file("Namib/HM.csv",package="provenance")
#' Major <- read.counts(fname)
#' #plot(PCA(HM))
#' @export
read.counts <- function(fname,method='chisq',colmap='rainbow',sep=',',
out <- list()
class(out) <- "counts"
out$name <- basename(substr(fname,1,nchar(fname)-4))
dat <- data.matrix(utils::read.table(fname,header=header,
out$x <- removeNAcols(dat)
out$method <- method
out$colmap <- colmap
#' Read a .csv file with mineral and rock densities
#' Reads a data table containing densities to be used for
#' hydraulic sorting corrections (minsorting and srd functions)
#' @param fname a string with the path to the .csv file
#' @param sep the field separator character. Values on each line of
#' the file are separated by this character.
#' @param dec the character used in the file for decimal points.
#' @param header a logical value indicating whether the file contains
#' the names of the variables as its first line.
#' @param check.names logical. If \code{TRUE} then the names of the
#' variables in the frame are checked to ensure that they are
#' syntactically variable names.
#' @param ... optional arguments to the built-in \code{read.table}
#' function
#' @return a vector with mineral and rock densities
#' @examples
#' data(Namib,densities)
#' N8 <- subset(Namib$HM,select="N8")
#' distribution <- minsorting(N8,densities,phi=2,sigmaphi=1,medium="air",by=0.05)
#' plot(distribution)
#' @export
read.densities <- function(fname,sep=',',dec='.',header=TRUE,
dat <- utils::read.table(fname,header=header,sep=sep,
#' create a \code{data.frame} object
#' Convert an object of class \code{compositional} to a
#' \code{data.frame} for use in the \code{robCompositions} package
#' @param x an object of class \code{compositional}
#' @param ... optional arguments to be passed on to the generic function
#' @return a \code{data.frame}
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' Major.frame <-$Major)
#' ## uncomment the next two lines to plot an error
#' ## ellipse using the robCompositions package:
#' # library(robCompositions)
#' # plot(pcaCoDa(Major.frame))
#' @method compositional
#' @name
#' @export <- function(x,...){
nc <- ncol(data.matrix(x$x))
if (nc==3) out <- data.frame(x$x[,c(2,3,1)],...)
if (nc>3) out <- data.frame(x$x[,c(2,3,1,4:nc)],...)
if (nc<3) out <- data.frame(x$x,...)
#' @rdname
#' @export <- function(x,...){,...)
#' create an \code{acomp} object
#' Convert an object of class \code{compositional} to an object of
#' class \code{acomp} for use in the \code{compositions} package
#' @param x an object of class \code{compositional}
#' @return a \code{data.frame}
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' qfl <- ternary(Namib$PT,c('Q'),c('KF','P'),c('Lm','Lv','Ls'))
#' plot(qfl,type="QFL.dickinson")
#' qfl.acomp <- as.acomp(qfl)
#' ## uncomment the next two lines to plot an error
#' ## ellipse using the 'compositions' package:
#' # library(compositions)
#' # ellipses(mean(qfl.acomp),var(qfl.acomp),r=2)
#' @export
as.acomp <- function(x){
if (!(methods::is(x,"compositional")| methods::is(x,"counts"))){
stop("not an object of class compositional or counts")
dat <- data.matrix(
out <- structure(dat)
attributes(out) <- list(dim = dim(dat), dimnames=dimnames(dat), class="acomp")
as.compositional.matrix <- function(x,method=NULL,colmap='rainbow'){
out <- list(x=NULL,method=method,colmap=colmap)
class(out) <- "compositional"
out$x <- data.matrix(x)
nc <- ncol(out$x)
if (nc==3) out$x <- out$x[,c(3,1,2)]
if (nc>3) out$x <- out$x[,c(3,1,2,4:nc)]
if (nc<3) out$x <- out$x
#' create a \code{compositional} object
#' Convert an object of class \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame} or
#' \code{acomp} to an object of class \code{compositional}
#' @param x an object of class \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame} or
#' \code{acomp}
#' @param method dissimilarity measure, either \code{"aitchison"} for
#' Aitchison's CLR-distance or \code{"bray"} for the Bray-Curtis
#' distance.
#' @param colmap the colour map to be used in pie charts.
#' @return an object of class \code{compositional}
#' @examples
#' data(Namib)
#' PT.acomp <- as.acomp(Namib$PT)
#' PT.compositional <- as.compositional(PT.acomp)
#' print(Namib$PT$x - PT.compositional$x)
#' ## uncomment the following lines for an illustration of using this
#' ## function to integrate 'provenance' with 'compositions'
#' # library(compositions)
#' # data(Glacial)
#' # a.glac <- acomp(Glacial)
#' # c.glac <- as.compositional(a.glac)
#' # summaryplot(c.glac,ncol=8)
#' @export
as.compositional <- function(x,method=NULL,colmap='rainbow'){
if (methods::is(x,"acomp")){
attr <- attributes(x)
attributes(x) <- NULL
x[!is.numeric(x)] <- NA
y <- matrix(x,nrow=attr$dim[[1]],ncol=attr$dim[[2]],dimnames=attr$dimnames)
out <- as.compositional.matrix(y)
} else if (methods::is(x,"data.frame") | methods::is(x,"matrix")){
y <- data.matrix(x)
dimnames(y) <- dimnames(x)
out <- as.compositional.matrix(y,method,colmap)
} else {
stop(paste("cannot convert an object of class",class(x),
"into an object of class compositional"))
out$name <- deparse(substitute(x))
#' create a \code{varietal} object
#' Convert an object of class \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} to an
#' object of class \code{varietal}
#' @param x an object of class \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}
#' @param snames either a vector of sample names, an integer marking
#' the length of the sample name prefix, or \code{NULL}.
#' \code{read.varietal} assumes that the row names of the
#' \code{.csv} file consist of character strings marking the
#' sample names, followed by a number.
#' @param method either \code{'KS'} (for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
#' statistic) or \code{'W2'} (for the Wasserstein-2 distance).
#' @return an object of class \code{varietal}
#' @examples
#' fn <- system.file("SNSM/Ttn_chem.csv",package="provenance")
#' ap1 <- read.csv(fn)
#' ap2 <- as.varietal(x=ap1,snames=3)
#' @export
as.varietal <- function(x,snames=NULL,method='KS'){
if (is.null(snames)){
snames <- unique(gsub("[[:digit:]]","",rownames(x)))
} else if (is.numeric(snames)){
snames <- unique(sapply(rownames(x),substr,1,snames))
out <- list()
out$name <- deparse(substitute(x))
out$method <- method
out$x <- list()
for (sname in snames){
matches <- which(grepl(sname,rownames(x)))
out$x[[sname]] <- data.matrix(x[matches,,drop=FALSE])
class(out) <- append(class(out),'varietal')
#' create a \code{counts} object
#' Convert an object of class \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} to an
#' object of class \code{counts}
#' @param x an object of class \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}
#' @param method either \code{"chisq"} (for the chi-square distance)
#' or \code{"bray"} (for the Bray-Curtis distance)
#' @param colmap the colour map to be used in pie charts.
#' @return an object of class \code{counts}
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(c(0,100,0,30,11,2,94,36,0),nrow=3,ncol=3)
#' rownames(X) <- 1:3
#' colnames(X) <- c('a','b','c')
#' comp <- as.counts(X)
#' d <- diss(comp)
#' @export
as.counts <- function(x,method='chisq',colmap='rainbow'){
y <- data.matrix(x)
dimnames(y) <- dimnames(x)
out <- list(x=NULL,method=method,colmap=colmap)
class(out) <- "counts"
out$x <- y
nc <- ncol(y)
if (nc==3) out$x <- y[,c(3,1,2)]
if (nc>3) out$x <- y[,c(3,1,2,4:nc)]
if (nc<3) out$x <- y
out$name <- deparse(substitute(x))
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