
Defines functions create_fgcz_fasta_db

Documented in create_fgcz_fasta_db

#' create fasta db from one or more fasta files
#' @export
#' @param databasedirectory directory with fasta files
#' @param useContaminants contaminants to add
#' @param revLab reverse label
#' @param outputdir output directory
#' @return list list(resDB, filepath , summary, mcall, dbname)
#' @examples
#' print("NO exmple since function also writes the fasta files")
create_fgcz_fasta_db <- function(databasedirectory ,
                                 useContaminants = loadContaminantsFasta2021(),
                                 revLab = "REV_",
                                 outputdir = NULL){
    mcall <- match.call()

    dbname <- basename(databasedirectory)

    fasta <- grep("fasta", dir(databasedirectory), value = TRUE)
    files1 <- file.path(databasedirectory, fasta)
    annot <- grep("annotation.txt",dir(databasedirectory), value = TRUE)
    if (length(annot) == 0) { stop("NO annotation file found.") }
    annotation <- readLines(file.path(databasedirectory, annot))[1]

    resDB <- createDecoyDB(files1,
                           useContaminants = useContaminants,
                           annot = annotation,
                           revLab = revLab)
    resDB <- resDB[!duplicated(names(resDB))]

    if (is.null(outputdir)) {
        outputdir <- dirname(databasedirectory)

    if (is.null(revLab)) {
        filepath <- file.path(outputdir, paste(dbname,"_",format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d"),".fasta" ,sep = ""))
    } else {
        dbname <- paste0(dbname,"_d")
        filepath <- file.path(outputdir, paste(dbname,"_",format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d"),".fasta" ,sep = ""))

    message("writing db to : ", filepath)
    writeFasta(resDB, file = filepath)

        bigstr <- paste(resDB, collapse = "")
        vec <- strsplit(bigstr,split = "")[[1]]

        aafreq <- table(vec)
        aafreq <- paste(utils::capture.output(as.matrix(aafreq)),"\n", sep = "")
        length_s <- summary(vapply(resDB, seqinr::getLength))
        length_s <- paste(utils::capture.output(length_s),"\n", sep = "")

        summary <- paste0(
            "Database created with prozor: ", paste(utils::capture.output(mcall), collapse = "\n"), "\n",
            "where databasedirectory was prepared according to https://fgcz-intranet.uzh.ch/tiki-index.php?page=SOPrequestFASTA \n\n",
            "\n      FASTA name : ", dbname,
            "\n FASTA file name : ", basename(filepath),
            "\n  written to dir : ", outputdir,
            "\n       annotation:\n",
            annotation, "\n",
            "\n      nr sequences: " , length(resDB), "\n")
        summary <- c(summary, "length summary:\n", length_s, "AA frequencies:\n", aafreq)

    return( list(resDB = resDB, filepath = filepath, summary = summary, mcall = mcall, dbname = dbname))

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prozor documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:51 a.m.