
Defines functions allothertests diftests anchorclass anchorselect auxtests plot.anchortest print.summary.anchortest summary.anchortest print.anchortest anchortest.default anchortest.formula anchortest print.summary.anchor summary.anchor print.anchor anchor.default anchor.formula anchor

Documented in anchor anchor.default anchor.formula anchortest anchortest.default anchortest.formula print.anchor print.anchortest print.summary.anchor print.summary.anchortest summary.anchor summary.anchortest

## choose anchor ##

## generic function anchor
anchor <- function(object, ...)

## formula interface for generic function anchor
anchor.formula <- function(formula, data = NULL, subset = NULL,
  na.action = NULL, weights = NULL, model = raschmodel, ...)
  ## build model frame
  cl <- match.call()
  if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf$formula <- formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
  mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())

  ## extract item responses, binary factor, and weights
  y <- model.matrix(~ 0 + ., Formula::model.part(formula, mf, lhs = 1L))
  x <- Formula::model.part(formula, mf, rhs = 1L)[[1L]]
  w <- model.weights(mf)
  ## fit separate Rasch models
  x0 <- sort(unique(x))
  if(length(x0) != 2L) stop("explanatory variable needs to be a binary factor")
  obj1 <- model(y[x == x0[1L], , drop = FALSE], weights = w[x == x0[1L]])
  obj2 <- model(y[x == x0[2L], , drop = FALSE], weights = w[x == x0[2L]])

  ## call default method
  anchor.default(obj1, obj2, ...)

## default method for generic function anchor
anchor.default <- function(object, object2, class = c("constant", "forward"),
  select = NULL, length = NULL, range = c(0.1, 0.8), ...)
  ## check if items are equal and finite in both groups
  cf1 <- coef(itempar(object))
  cf2 <- coef(itempar(object2))
  stopifnot(all.equal(names(cf1), names(cf2)))
  if (any(is.infinite(cf1)) | any(is.infinite(cf2))) {
    infitems <- unique(c(names(cf1)[is.infinite(cf1)], names(cf2)[is.infinite(cf2)]))
    stop("Infinite item parameter estimates are not allowed: (", paste(infitems, sep = "", collapse = ", "), ").")

  ## anchor method
  class <- match.arg(class)
  if(is.null(select)) {
    select <- if(class == "constant" & (is.null(length) || length == 1L)) {
    } else if(class == "constant") {
    } else {
  select <- match.arg(select, c("MTT", "MPT", "MT", "MP", "NST", "AO", "AOP", "Gini", "CLF", "GiniT", "CLFT"))

  ## default anchor length:
  ## - constant: 1 for alignment anchors, 4 for "classic" test-based anchors
  ## - forward: unrestricted (up to number of items)
  if(is.null(length)) length <- if(class == "constant") {
    if(select %in% c("Gini", "CLF", "GiniT", "CLFT")) 1 else 4
  } else {

  ## warn about alignment selection strategy with length > 1 or forward class
  if(select %in% c("Gini", "CLF", "GiniT", "CLFT")) {
    if(class == "forward") stop("Anchor forward selection cannot be combined with Gini or CLF.")
    if(length > 1) warning("Selecting alignment anchors (Gini or CLF) with length > 1 might not yield optimal results.")
    ## FIXME: when alignanchor() becomes available:
    ## if(length > 1) warning("For selecting alignment anchors (Gini or CLF) with length > 1, please use the alignanchor() function.")

  ## carry out auxiliary DIF tests
  aux_tests <- auxtests(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, select)$aux_tests
  selection_results <- anchorselect(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, aux_tests, select)

  anchor_items <- anchorclass(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, ranking_order = selection_results$ranking_order, 
    class, length = length, range = range)$anchor_items
  results <- list(anchor_items = anchor_items, ranking_order = selection_results$ranking_order,
    criteria = selection_results$criteria, class = class, select = select, length = length, range = range, item_labels = names(cf1))
  class(results) <- "anchor"

## methods for class 'anchor'
print.anchor <- function(x, ...)
  method <- switch(x$class,
    "constant" = sprintf("Anchor selection with %s criterion and constant length %s", x$select, x$length),
    "forward" = sprintf("Anchor forward selection with %s criterion and maximum length %s", x$select, x$length)
  cat(method, "\n")
  cat(if(length(x$anchor_items) > 1L) "Anchor items:" else "Anchor item:",
    strwrap(paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", ")),

summary.anchor <- function(object, ...)
  class(object) <- c("summary.anchor", class(object))

print.summary.anchor <- function(x, ...)
  method <- switch(x$class,
    "constant" = sprintf("Anchor selection with %s criterion and constant length %s", x$select, x$length),
    "forward" = sprintf("Anchor forward selection with %s criterion and maximum length %s", x$select, x$length)
  cat(method, "\n")

  cat(if(length(x$anchor_items) > 1L) "\nAnchor items:" else "\nAnchor item:", "\n")
  cat(strwrap(paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", ")),

  cat("\nRanking order:\n",
    strwrap(paste(x$ranking_order, collapse = ", ")),
  cat("Criterion values (not sorted):\n")
  print(round(setNames(x$criteria, x$item_labels), digits = 2 + (x$select %in% c("Gini", "GiniT"))))


## pairwise anchored tests ##

## generic function anchortest
anchortest <- function(object, ...)

## formula interface for generic function anchortest
anchortest.formula <- function(formula, data = NULL, subset = NULL,
  na.action = NULL, weights = NULL, model = raschmodel, ...)
  ## build model frame
  cl <- match.call()
  if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf$formula <- formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
  mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())

  ## extract item responses, binary factor, and weights
  y <- model.matrix(~ 0 + ., Formula::model.part(formula, mf, lhs = 1L))
  x <- Formula::model.part(formula, mf, rhs = 1L)[[1L]]
  w <- model.weights(mf)
  ## fit separate Rasch models
  x0 <- sort(unique(x))
  if(length(x0) != 2L) stop("explanatory variable needs to be a binary factor")
  obj1 <- model(y[x == x0[1L], , drop = FALSE], weights = w[x == x0[1L]])
  obj2 <- model(y[x == x0[2L], , drop = FALSE], weights = w[x == x0[2L]])
  ## call default method
  anchortest.default(obj1, obj2, ...)

## default method for generic function anchor
anchortest.default <- function(object, object2,  class = c("constant", "forward", "all-other", "fixed"),
  select = NULL, test = TRUE, adjust = "none", length = NULL, range = c(0.1, 0.8), ...)
  ## check input:
  ## - default: constant-MPT  
  ## - if class="forward" -> select="MTT"
  ## - if select="numeric" -> class="fixed"
  if(is.null(select) || is.character(select)) {
    class <- match.arg(class)
    if(is.null(select)) {
      select <- if(class == "constant" & (is.null(length) || length == 1L)) {
      } else if(class == "constant") {
      } else {
    select <- match.arg(select, c("MTT", "MPT", "MT", "MP", "NST", "AO", "AOP", "Gini", "CLF", "GiniT", "CLFT"))
  } else {
    if(!missing(class) && match.arg(class) != "fixed") warning("if 'select' specifies the anchor items directly, 'class' needs to be 'fixed'")
    class <- "fixed"
  adjust <- match.arg(adjust, c("single-step", "Shaffer", "Westfall", "free", p.adjust.methods))
  ## here: add all-other
  if (class == "all-other") {
    anchorres <- list(
      anchor_items = NA,
      ranking_order = NA,
      criteria = NA
    final_tests <- allothertests(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, adjust = adjust) 
  } else if (class == "fixed") {
    if(!is.numeric(select)) stop("if 'class' is 'fixed', 'select' needs to specify the anchor items directly")
    anchorres <- list(
      anchor_items = select,
      ranking_order = NA,
      criteria = NA
    final_tests <- diftests(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, anchor_items = select, adjust = adjust)
  } else {
    anchorres <- anchor(object = object, object2 = object2, class = class, select = select, length = length, range = range)
    final_tests <- diftests(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, anchor_items = anchorres$anchor_items, adjust = adjust)

  results <- list(anchor_items = anchorres$anchor_items, ranking_order = anchorres$ranking_order,
                  criteria = anchorres$criteria, anchored_item_parameters =  final_tests$itempars,
                  anchored_covariances = final_tests$vcovs, final_tests = if(test) final_tests$test else NULL,
                  item_labels = colnames(object$data))

  class(results) <- "anchortest"

## methods for class anchortest
print.anchortest <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Anchor items:\n")
  writeLines(if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$anchor_items, NA))) "NA" else strwrap(paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", ")))
  cat("\nFinal DIF tests:\n")
  print(x$final_tests, ...)

summary.anchortest <- function(object, ...)
  class(object) <- c("summary.anchortest", class(object))

print.summary.anchortest <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Anchor items:\n")
  writeLines(if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$anchor_items, NA))) "NA" else strwrap(paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", ")))
  cat("\nAnchored item parameters:\n")
  print(x$anchored_item_parameters, ...)
  cat("\nRanking order:\n")
  cat("\nCriterion values (not sorted):\n")
  print(setNames(x$criteria, if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$criteria, NA))) NULL else x$item_labels))
  cat("\nFinal DIF tests:\n")
  print(x$final_tests, ...)

plot.anchortest <- function(x, main = NULL, ...) {
  if(is.null(main)) main <- sprintf("Anchor item%s: %s",
    if(length(x$anchor_items) > 1L) "s" else "",
    paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", "))
  plot(x$final_tests, main = main, ...)

## utilities ##

## function auxtests
auxtests <- function(obj1, obj2, select)
  k <- length(coef(itempar(obj1)))
  aux_tests <- matrix(NA, ncol = k, nrow = k)

  if (select %in% c("AO", "AOP")) {
    diag(aux_tests) <- allothertests(obj1 = obj1, obj2 = obj2, adjust = "none")$test$test$tstat
  } else if(select %in% c("Gini", "CLF")) {
    d <- coef(itempar(obj1)) - coef(itempar(obj2))
    aux_tests[] <- outer(d, d, "-")
  } else if (select %in% c("MTT", "MT", "GiniT", "CLFT")) {
    for(i in 1:k) {
      tempdt <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = i, adjust = "none")$test     # contains test stats using single anchors
      aux_tests[i,-i] <- tempdt$test$tstat                                       # contains test statistics 
  } else {
    for(i in 1:k){
      tempdt <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = i, adjust = "none")$test # contains test stats using single anchors
      aux_tests[i,-i] <- tempdt$test$pvalue                                  # contains p-values

  return(list(aux_tests = aux_tests))


## function anchorselect
anchorselect <- function(obj1, obj2, aux_tests, select)
  k <- length(coef(itempar(obj1)))
  mysort <- function(sortvar){ ## sort function, not first item fulfilling minimum, but randomly chosen item fulfilling minimum 
    sorttemp <- sort(sortvar, index.return = TRUE)
    sortlist <- unlist(tapply(sorttemp$ix,as.factor(sorttemp$x), FUN = function(x){
      if(length(x) != 1){
        return(as.integer(sample(x=x, size=length(x), replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)))
      } else {
    names(sortlist) <- NULL

  ## inequality functions for alignment
  gini <- function(d) 2 * sum(1:k * sort(d))/(k * sum(d)) - (k + 1)/k
  clf <- function(d) sum(sqrt(d))

         "MTT" = {                      # mean test statistic treshold after Kopf et al. (2013b)
           threshold <- sort(abs(colMeans(aux_tests, na.rm=TRUE)))[ceiling(0.5*k)]   # threshold definition   
           criteria  <- apply(aux_tests,2,function(x) sum(abs(x) > threshold, na.rm=TRUE))

         "MPT" = {                      # mean p-value treshold after Kopf et al. (2013b)
           threshold <- sort(colMeans(aux_tests,na.rm=TRUE), decreasing = TRUE)[ceiling(0.5*k)]  # threshold definition               
           criteria  <- apply(aux_tests,2,function(x) -sum(x > threshold, na.rm=TRUE))
         "MT" = {                       # mean test statistic after Shih and Wang (2009)
           criteria <- colMeans(abs(aux_tests), na.rm=TRUE)
         "MP" = {                                       # mean p-value after Kopf et al. (2013b)
           criteria <- -colMeans(aux_tests, na.rm=TRUE)
         "NST" = {                      # number of significant after Wang (2004) modified by Kopf et al. (2013a)
           criteria <- colSums(aux_tests<=0.05, na.rm=TRUE)
         "AO" = {                       # suggestion by Woods (2009)
           criteria <- abs(diag(aux_tests)) 
           warning("The all-other selection requires strong prior knowledge that DIF is balanced.")
         "AOP" = {                      # suggestion by Wang (2012)
           AOPtemp <- 1:k
           AOPtempnew <- which(!(abs(diag(aux_tests)) > 1.64)) ### xxx check
             criteria <- abs(diag(aux_tests))
             warning("Caution: AOP-selection replaced by AO-selection (no purification necessary)!")
           if(all(AOPtemp %in% AOPtempnew) & all(AOPtemp %in% AOPtempnew)){            ### xxx simplify no if, only while
             dttemp <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = AOPtempnew, adjust = "none")$test$test    
           while(!(all(AOPtemp %in% AOPtempnew) & all(AOPtemp %in% AOPtempnew))){
             AOPtemp <- AOPtempnew
             tempdt <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = AOPtempnew, adjust = "none")$test$test
             trep <- rep(FALSE, times=k)
             trep[-AOPtempnew[1]] <- tempdt$pvalue<=0.05                 
             AOPtempnew <- AOPtempnew[!trep[AOPtempnew]]
           criteria <- rep(Inf, times=k)
           criteria[-AOPtempnew[1]] <- abs(tempdt$tstat)     
           warning("The all-other purified selection requires strong prior knowledge that DIF is balanced.")        
         "Gini" = {                       # alignment as suggested by Strobl et al. (2020)
           criteria <- -apply(abs(aux_tests), 2, gini)

         "CLF" = {                       # alignment adaptation by Strobl et al. (2020) based on Asparouhov & Muthen (2014).
           criteria <- apply(abs(aux_tests), 2, clf)
         "GiniT" = {                       # modified version of Gini with t statistics rather than coefficient differences
	   diag(aux_tests) <- 0
           criteria <- -apply(abs(aux_tests), 2, gini)

         "CLFT" = {                       # modified version of CLF with t statistics rather than coefficient differences
	   diag(aux_tests) <- 0
           criteria <- apply(abs(aux_tests), 2, clf)

  ranking_order <- mysort(criteria)
  ranking_order <- as.integer(ranking_order)
  return(list(ranking_order = ranking_order, criteria = criteria))


## function anchorclass
anchorclass <- function(obj1, obj2, ranking_order, class, length, range)
  k <- length(coef(itempar(obj1)))
         "constant" = {                 # constant anchor class, predefined number of anchor items, see, e.g. Wang (2004)
           if((abs(length - round(length)) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5) | length > k | length < 1){
             length <- 4
             warning("length argument was not correctly specified and set to default 4.")
           anchor_items <- ranking_order[1:length]
         "forward" = {                  # iterative forward class, see Kopf et al. (2013a)
           if((abs(length - round(length)) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5) | length > k | length < 1){
             length <- k
             warning("length argument was not correctly specified and set to default k.")
           if(range[1]<0 | range[2]>1 | range[1]>range[2]){
             range <- c(0.1, 0.8)
             warning("range argument was not correctly specified and set to default c(0.1, 0.8).")				 		
           if(range[1] == 0){
             indices <- 1:k 
             indices <- c(ceiling(range[1]*k+1):k,1:(ceiling(range[1]*k)))
           index <- 0           
           anchor_cand <- ranking_order[indices]
           while(index == 0 || length(res_anchor) < min(range[2] * sum(diftesttemp$test$pvalue>0.05, na.rm=TRUE),ifelse(is.null(length),k,length))) {
             index <- index + 1             
             res_anchor  <- anchor_cand[1:index]             
             diftesttemp <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = res_anchor, adjust = "none")$test
           anchor_items <- res_anchor

  return(list(anchor_items = anchor_items))  

## diftest: pairwise comparison of item parameters of 
##   - two raschmodel objects (obj1, obj2)
##   - with a certain anchoring
##   - using traditional covariances (i.e., losing one
##     aliased coefficient) 
##   - the Wald tests can either be adjusted for multiple testing
##     or report just marginal Wald tests

diftests <- function(obj1, obj2, anchor_items, adjust){

  ## check for multcomp
  ip1 <- itempar(obj1, ref = anchor_items)
  ip2 <- itempar(obj2, ref = anchor_items)   
  alias <- anchor_items[1]
  cf <- c(coef(ip1)[-alias],coef(ip2)[-alias])
  k <- length(cf)/2
  vc <- matrix(0, 2 * k, 2 * k)
  vc[1:k, 1:k] <- vcov(ip1)[-alias, -alias]
  vc[-(1:k), -(1:k)] <- vcov(ip2)[-alias, -alias]   
  names(cf) <- colnames(vc) <- rownames(vc) <- c(paste(colnames(obj1$data)[-alias], 1, sep = "_"), paste(colnames(obj2$data)[-alias], 2, sep = "_"))
  ## collect in trivial "model object"
  mod <- list(coefficients = cf, vcov = vc)
  class(mod) <- "raschmodel"
  ## new pairwise contrasts
  contr <- cbind(diag(k), -diag(k))
  colnames(contr) <- names(cf)
  rownames(contr) <- colnames(obj1$data)[-alias]
  ## test employed
  test <- if(adjust == "none") multcomp::univariate() else multcomp::adjusted(type = adjust)
  ftest <- summary(multcomp::glht(mod, linfct = contr), test = test)
  return(list(test = ftest, itempars = cf, vcovs = vc))


## allothertests: pairwise all-other comparison of item parameters of 
##   - two raschmodel objects (obj1, obj2)
##   - with all-other as anchor
##   - using traditional covariances no coefficients set aliased

allothertests <- function(obj1, obj2, adjust) {
  ## check for multcomp

  ## extract estimates and covariances
  ip1 <- itempar(obj1, ref = 1)
  ip2 <- itempar(obj2, ref = 1)
  vc1 <- vcov(ip1)
  vc2 <- vcov(ip2)
  k <- length(ip1)
  cf <- c(ip1, ip2)
  vc <- rbind(cbind(vc1, matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k)),
              cbind(matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k), vc2))
  names(cf) <- colnames(vc) <- rownames(vc) <- c(
      paste(colnames(obj1$data), 1, sep = "_"),
      paste(colnames(obj2$data), 2, sep = "_"))
  contrnew <- matrix(data = - 1/(k-1), nrow = k, ncol = k)
  diag(contrnew) <- 1
  contr <- rbind(cbind(contrnew, matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k)),
                 cbind(matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k), contrnew))
  ipreturn <- c(contr %*% cf)
  contrnew <- cbind(contrnew, -contrnew)
  colnames(contrnew) <- names(cf)
  rownames(contrnew) <- colnames(obj1$data)
  ## collect in trivial "model object"	
  mod <- list(coefficients = cf, vcov = vc)
  class(mod) <- "raschmodel"
  ## test employed
  test <- if(adjust == "none") multcomp::univariate() else multcomp::adjusted(type = adjust)
  ftest <- summary(multcomp::glht(mod, linfct = contrnew), test = test)
  return(list(test = ftest, itempars = ipreturn, vcovs = NA))


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