## choose anchor ##
## generic function anchor
anchor <- function(object, ...)
## formula interface for generic function anchor
anchor.formula <- function(formula, data = NULL, subset = NULL,
na.action = NULL, weights = NULL, model = raschmodel, ...)
## build model frame
cl <-
if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
mf <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf$formula <- formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
mf[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
## extract item responses, binary factor, and weights
y <- model.matrix(~ 0 + ., Formula::model.part(formula, mf, lhs = 1L))
x <- Formula::model.part(formula, mf, rhs = 1L)[[1L]]
w <- model.weights(mf)
## fit separate Rasch models
x0 <- sort(unique(x))
if(length(x0) != 2L) stop("explanatory variable needs to be a binary factor")
obj1 <- model(y[x == x0[1L], , drop = FALSE], weights = w[x == x0[1L]])
obj2 <- model(y[x == x0[2L], , drop = FALSE], weights = w[x == x0[2L]])
## call default method
anchor.default(obj1, obj2, ...)
## default method for generic function anchor
anchor.default <- function(object, object2, class = c("constant", "forward"),
select = NULL, length = NULL, range = c(0.1, 0.8), ...)
## check if items are equal and finite in both groups
cf1 <- coef(itempar(object))
cf2 <- coef(itempar(object2))
stopifnot(all.equal(names(cf1), names(cf2)))
if (any(is.infinite(cf1)) | any(is.infinite(cf2))) {
infitems <- unique(c(names(cf1)[is.infinite(cf1)], names(cf2)[is.infinite(cf2)]))
stop("Infinite item parameter estimates are not allowed: (", paste(infitems, sep = "", collapse = ", "), ").")
## anchor method
class <- match.arg(class)
if(is.null(select)) {
select <- if(class == "constant" & (is.null(length) || length == 1L)) {
} else if(class == "constant") {
} else {
select <- match.arg(select, c("MTT", "MPT", "MT", "MP", "NST", "AO", "AOP", "Gini", "CLF", "GiniT", "CLFT"))
## default anchor length:
## - constant: 1 for alignment anchors, 4 for "classic" test-based anchors
## - forward: unrestricted (up to number of items)
if(is.null(length)) length <- if(class == "constant") {
if(select %in% c("Gini", "CLF", "GiniT", "CLFT")) 1 else 4
} else {
## warn about alignment selection strategy with length > 1 or forward class
if(select %in% c("Gini", "CLF", "GiniT", "CLFT")) {
if(class == "forward") stop("Anchor forward selection cannot be combined with Gini or CLF.")
if(length > 1) warning("Selecting alignment anchors (Gini or CLF) with length > 1 might not yield optimal results.")
## FIXME: when alignanchor() becomes available:
## if(length > 1) warning("For selecting alignment anchors (Gini or CLF) with length > 1, please use the alignanchor() function.")
## carry out auxiliary DIF tests
aux_tests <- auxtests(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, select)$aux_tests
selection_results <- anchorselect(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, aux_tests, select)
anchor_items <- anchorclass(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, ranking_order = selection_results$ranking_order,
class, length = length, range = range)$anchor_items
results <- list(anchor_items = anchor_items, ranking_order = selection_results$ranking_order,
criteria = selection_results$criteria, class = class, select = select, length = length, range = range, item_labels = names(cf1))
class(results) <- "anchor"
## methods for class 'anchor'
print.anchor <- function(x, ...)
method <- switch(x$class,
"constant" = sprintf("Anchor selection with %s criterion and constant length %s", x$select, x$length),
"forward" = sprintf("Anchor forward selection with %s criterion and maximum length %s", x$select, x$length)
cat(method, "\n")
cat(if(length(x$anchor_items) > 1L) "Anchor items:" else "Anchor item:",
strwrap(paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", ")),
summary.anchor <- function(object, ...)
class(object) <- c("summary.anchor", class(object))
print.summary.anchor <- function(x, ...)
method <- switch(x$class,
"constant" = sprintf("Anchor selection with %s criterion and constant length %s", x$select, x$length),
"forward" = sprintf("Anchor forward selection with %s criterion and maximum length %s", x$select, x$length)
cat(method, "\n")
cat(if(length(x$anchor_items) > 1L) "\nAnchor items:" else "\nAnchor item:", "\n")
cat(strwrap(paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", ")),
cat("\nRanking order:\n",
strwrap(paste(x$ranking_order, collapse = ", ")),
cat("Criterion values (not sorted):\n")
print(round(setNames(x$criteria, x$item_labels), digits = 2 + (x$select %in% c("Gini", "GiniT"))))
## pairwise anchored tests ##
## generic function anchortest
anchortest <- function(object, ...)
## formula interface for generic function anchortest
anchortest.formula <- function(formula, data = NULL, subset = NULL,
na.action = NULL, weights = NULL, model = raschmodel, ...)
## build model frame
cl <-
if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
mf <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf$formula <- formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
mf[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
## extract item responses, binary factor, and weights
y <- model.matrix(~ 0 + ., Formula::model.part(formula, mf, lhs = 1L))
x <- Formula::model.part(formula, mf, rhs = 1L)[[1L]]
w <- model.weights(mf)
## fit separate Rasch models
x0 <- sort(unique(x))
if(length(x0) != 2L) stop("explanatory variable needs to be a binary factor")
obj1 <- model(y[x == x0[1L], , drop = FALSE], weights = w[x == x0[1L]])
obj2 <- model(y[x == x0[2L], , drop = FALSE], weights = w[x == x0[2L]])
## call default method
anchortest.default(obj1, obj2, ...)
## default method for generic function anchor
anchortest.default <- function(object, object2, class = c("constant", "forward", "all-other", "fixed"),
select = NULL, test = TRUE, adjust = "none", length = NULL, range = c(0.1, 0.8), ...)
## check input:
## - default: constant-MPT
## - if class="forward" -> select="MTT"
## - if select="numeric" -> class="fixed"
if(is.null(select) || is.character(select)) {
class <- match.arg(class)
if(is.null(select)) {
select <- if(class == "constant" & (is.null(length) || length == 1L)) {
} else if(class == "constant") {
} else {
select <- match.arg(select, c("MTT", "MPT", "MT", "MP", "NST", "AO", "AOP", "Gini", "CLF", "GiniT", "CLFT"))
} else {
if(!missing(class) && match.arg(class) != "fixed") warning("if 'select' specifies the anchor items directly, 'class' needs to be 'fixed'")
class <- "fixed"
adjust <- match.arg(adjust, c("single-step", "Shaffer", "Westfall", "free", p.adjust.methods))
## here: add all-other
if (class == "all-other") {
anchorres <- list(
anchor_items = NA,
ranking_order = NA,
criteria = NA
final_tests <- allothertests(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, adjust = adjust)
} else if (class == "fixed") {
if(!is.numeric(select)) stop("if 'class' is 'fixed', 'select' needs to specify the anchor items directly")
anchorres <- list(
anchor_items = select,
ranking_order = NA,
criteria = NA
final_tests <- diftests(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, anchor_items = select, adjust = adjust)
} else {
anchorres <- anchor(object = object, object2 = object2, class = class, select = select, length = length, range = range)
final_tests <- diftests(obj1 = object, obj2 = object2, anchor_items = anchorres$anchor_items, adjust = adjust)
results <- list(anchor_items = anchorres$anchor_items, ranking_order = anchorres$ranking_order,
criteria = anchorres$criteria, anchored_item_parameters = final_tests$itempars,
anchored_covariances = final_tests$vcovs, final_tests = if(test) final_tests$test else NULL,
item_labels = colnames(object$data))
class(results) <- "anchortest"
## methods for class anchortest
print.anchortest <- function(x, ...)
cat("Anchor items:\n")
writeLines(if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$anchor_items, NA))) "NA" else strwrap(paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", ")))
cat("\nFinal DIF tests:\n")
print(x$final_tests, ...)
summary.anchortest <- function(object, ...)
class(object) <- c("summary.anchortest", class(object))
print.summary.anchortest <- function(x, ...)
cat("Anchor items:\n")
writeLines(if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$anchor_items, NA))) "NA" else strwrap(paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", ")))
cat("\nAnchored item parameters:\n")
print(x$anchored_item_parameters, ...)
cat("\nRanking order:\n")
cat("\nCriterion values (not sorted):\n")
print(setNames(x$criteria, if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$criteria, NA))) NULL else x$item_labels))
cat("\nFinal DIF tests:\n")
print(x$final_tests, ...)
plot.anchortest <- function(x, main = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(main)) main <- sprintf("Anchor item%s: %s",
if(length(x$anchor_items) > 1L) "s" else "",
paste(x$item_labels[x$anchor_items], collapse = ", "))
plot(x$final_tests, main = main, ...)
## utilities ##
## function auxtests
auxtests <- function(obj1, obj2, select)
k <- length(coef(itempar(obj1)))
aux_tests <- matrix(NA, ncol = k, nrow = k)
if (select %in% c("AO", "AOP")) {
diag(aux_tests) <- allothertests(obj1 = obj1, obj2 = obj2, adjust = "none")$test$test$tstat
} else if(select %in% c("Gini", "CLF")) {
d <- coef(itempar(obj1)) - coef(itempar(obj2))
aux_tests[] <- outer(d, d, "-")
} else if (select %in% c("MTT", "MT", "GiniT", "CLFT")) {
for(i in 1:k) {
tempdt <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = i, adjust = "none")$test # contains test stats using single anchors
aux_tests[i,-i] <- tempdt$test$tstat # contains test statistics
} else {
for(i in 1:k){
tempdt <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = i, adjust = "none")$test # contains test stats using single anchors
aux_tests[i,-i] <- tempdt$test$pvalue # contains p-values
return(list(aux_tests = aux_tests))
## function anchorselect
anchorselect <- function(obj1, obj2, aux_tests, select)
k <- length(coef(itempar(obj1)))
mysort <- function(sortvar){ ## sort function, not first item fulfilling minimum, but randomly chosen item fulfilling minimum
sorttemp <- sort(sortvar, index.return = TRUE)
sortlist <- unlist(tapply(sorttemp$ix,as.factor(sorttemp$x), FUN = function(x){
if(length(x) != 1){
return(as.integer(sample(x=x, size=length(x), replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)))
} else {
names(sortlist) <- NULL
## inequality functions for alignment
gini <- function(d) 2 * sum(1:k * sort(d))/(k * sum(d)) - (k + 1)/k
clf <- function(d) sum(sqrt(d))
"MTT" = { # mean test statistic treshold after Kopf et al. (2013b)
threshold <- sort(abs(colMeans(aux_tests, na.rm=TRUE)))[ceiling(0.5*k)] # threshold definition
criteria <- apply(aux_tests,2,function(x) sum(abs(x) > threshold, na.rm=TRUE))
"MPT" = { # mean p-value treshold after Kopf et al. (2013b)
threshold <- sort(colMeans(aux_tests,na.rm=TRUE), decreasing = TRUE)[ceiling(0.5*k)] # threshold definition
criteria <- apply(aux_tests,2,function(x) -sum(x > threshold, na.rm=TRUE))
"MT" = { # mean test statistic after Shih and Wang (2009)
criteria <- colMeans(abs(aux_tests), na.rm=TRUE)
"MP" = { # mean p-value after Kopf et al. (2013b)
criteria <- -colMeans(aux_tests, na.rm=TRUE)
"NST" = { # number of significant after Wang (2004) modified by Kopf et al. (2013a)
criteria <- colSums(aux_tests<=0.05, na.rm=TRUE)
"AO" = { # suggestion by Woods (2009)
criteria <- abs(diag(aux_tests))
warning("The all-other selection requires strong prior knowledge that DIF is balanced.")
"AOP" = { # suggestion by Wang (2012)
AOPtemp <- 1:k
AOPtempnew <- which(!(abs(diag(aux_tests)) > 1.64)) ### xxx check
criteria <- abs(diag(aux_tests))
warning("Caution: AOP-selection replaced by AO-selection (no purification necessary)!")
if(all(AOPtemp %in% AOPtempnew) & all(AOPtemp %in% AOPtempnew)){ ### xxx simplify no if, only while
dttemp <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = AOPtempnew, adjust = "none")$test$test
while(!(all(AOPtemp %in% AOPtempnew) & all(AOPtemp %in% AOPtempnew))){
AOPtemp <- AOPtempnew
tempdt <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = AOPtempnew, adjust = "none")$test$test
trep <- rep(FALSE, times=k)
trep[-AOPtempnew[1]] <- tempdt$pvalue<=0.05
AOPtempnew <- AOPtempnew[!trep[AOPtempnew]]
criteria <- rep(Inf, times=k)
criteria[-AOPtempnew[1]] <- abs(tempdt$tstat)
warning("The all-other purified selection requires strong prior knowledge that DIF is balanced.")
"Gini" = { # alignment as suggested by Strobl et al. (2020)
criteria <- -apply(abs(aux_tests), 2, gini)
"CLF" = { # alignment adaptation by Strobl et al. (2020) based on Asparouhov & Muthen (2014).
criteria <- apply(abs(aux_tests), 2, clf)
"GiniT" = { # modified version of Gini with t statistics rather than coefficient differences
diag(aux_tests) <- 0
criteria <- -apply(abs(aux_tests), 2, gini)
"CLFT" = { # modified version of CLF with t statistics rather than coefficient differences
diag(aux_tests) <- 0
criteria <- apply(abs(aux_tests), 2, clf)
ranking_order <- mysort(criteria)
ranking_order <- as.integer(ranking_order)
return(list(ranking_order = ranking_order, criteria = criteria))
## function anchorclass
anchorclass <- function(obj1, obj2, ranking_order, class, length, range)
k <- length(coef(itempar(obj1)))
"constant" = { # constant anchor class, predefined number of anchor items, see, e.g. Wang (2004)
if((abs(length - round(length)) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5) | length > k | length < 1){
length <- 4
warning("length argument was not correctly specified and set to default 4.")
anchor_items <- ranking_order[1:length]
"forward" = { # iterative forward class, see Kopf et al. (2013a)
if((abs(length - round(length)) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5) | length > k | length < 1){
length <- k
warning("length argument was not correctly specified and set to default k.")
if(range[1]<0 | range[2]>1 | range[1]>range[2]){
range <- c(0.1, 0.8)
warning("range argument was not correctly specified and set to default c(0.1, 0.8).")
if(range[1] == 0){
indices <- 1:k
indices <- c(ceiling(range[1]*k+1):k,1:(ceiling(range[1]*k)))
index <- 0
anchor_cand <- ranking_order[indices]
while(index == 0 || length(res_anchor) < min(range[2] * sum(diftesttemp$test$pvalue>0.05, na.rm=TRUE),ifelse(is.null(length),k,length))) {
index <- index + 1
res_anchor <- anchor_cand[1:index]
diftesttemp <- diftests(obj1, obj2, anchor_items = res_anchor, adjust = "none")$test
anchor_items <- res_anchor
return(list(anchor_items = anchor_items))
## diftest: pairwise comparison of item parameters of
## - two raschmodel objects (obj1, obj2)
## - with a certain anchoring
## - using traditional covariances (i.e., losing one
## aliased coefficient)
## - the Wald tests can either be adjusted for multiple testing
## or report just marginal Wald tests
diftests <- function(obj1, obj2, anchor_items, adjust){
## check for multcomp
ip1 <- itempar(obj1, ref = anchor_items)
ip2 <- itempar(obj2, ref = anchor_items)
alias <- anchor_items[1]
cf <- c(coef(ip1)[-alias],coef(ip2)[-alias])
k <- length(cf)/2
vc <- matrix(0, 2 * k, 2 * k)
vc[1:k, 1:k] <- vcov(ip1)[-alias, -alias]
vc[-(1:k), -(1:k)] <- vcov(ip2)[-alias, -alias]
names(cf) <- colnames(vc) <- rownames(vc) <- c(paste(colnames(obj1$data)[-alias], 1, sep = "_"), paste(colnames(obj2$data)[-alias], 2, sep = "_"))
## collect in trivial "model object"
mod <- list(coefficients = cf, vcov = vc)
class(mod) <- "raschmodel"
## new pairwise contrasts
contr <- cbind(diag(k), -diag(k))
colnames(contr) <- names(cf)
rownames(contr) <- colnames(obj1$data)[-alias]
## test employed
test <- if(adjust == "none") multcomp::univariate() else multcomp::adjusted(type = adjust)
ftest <- summary(multcomp::glht(mod, linfct = contr), test = test)
return(list(test = ftest, itempars = cf, vcovs = vc))
## allothertests: pairwise all-other comparison of item parameters of
## - two raschmodel objects (obj1, obj2)
## - with all-other as anchor
## - using traditional covariances no coefficients set aliased
allothertests <- function(obj1, obj2, adjust) {
## check for multcomp
## extract estimates and covariances
ip1 <- itempar(obj1, ref = 1)
ip2 <- itempar(obj2, ref = 1)
vc1 <- vcov(ip1)
vc2 <- vcov(ip2)
k <- length(ip1)
cf <- c(ip1, ip2)
vc <- rbind(cbind(vc1, matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k)),
cbind(matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k), vc2))
names(cf) <- colnames(vc) <- rownames(vc) <- c(
paste(colnames(obj1$data), 1, sep = "_"),
paste(colnames(obj2$data), 2, sep = "_"))
contrnew <- matrix(data = - 1/(k-1), nrow = k, ncol = k)
diag(contrnew) <- 1
contr <- rbind(cbind(contrnew, matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k)),
cbind(matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k), contrnew))
ipreturn <- c(contr %*% cf)
contrnew <- cbind(contrnew, -contrnew)
colnames(contrnew) <- names(cf)
rownames(contrnew) <- colnames(obj1$data)
## collect in trivial "model object"
mod <- list(coefficients = cf, vcov = vc)
class(mod) <- "raschmodel"
## test employed
test <- if(adjust == "none") multcomp::univariate() else multcomp::adjusted(type = adjust)
ftest <- summary(multcomp::glht(mod, linfct = contrnew), test = test)
return(list(test = ftest, itempars = ipreturn, vcovs = NA))
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