pvclust <- function(data, method.hclust="average", method.dist="correlation",
use.cor="pairwise.complete.obs", nboot=1000, parallel=FALSE,
r=seq(.5,1.4,by=.1), store=FALSE, weight=FALSE, iseed=NULL, quiet=FALSE)
p <- parallel
if(is.null(p) || (!is.logical(p) && (!is.integer(p) || p <= 0) && !inherits(p, "cluster")))
stop("parallel should be a logical, an integer or a cluster object.")
if(is.logical(p)) {
par.flag <- p
par.size <- NULL
cl <- NULL
} else if(is.integer(p)) {
par.flag <- TRUE
par.size <- p
cl <- NULL
} else if(inherits(p, "cluster")) {
par.flag <- TRUE
cl <- p
if(par.flag && !requireNamespace("parallel", quietly=TRUE)) {
warning("Package parallel is required for parallel computation. Use non-parallel mode instead.")
par.flag <- FALSE
if(par.flag) {
if(is.null(cl)) {
par.size <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
cat("Creating a temporary cluster...")
try_result <- try(cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(par.size))
if(inherits(try_result, "try-error")) {
cat("failed to create a cluster. Use non-parallel mode instead.")
par.flag <- FALSE
} else {
if(!quiet) {
pvclust.parallel(cl=cl, data=data, method.hclust=method.hclust,
method.dist=method.dist, use.cor=use.cor,
nboot=nboot, r=r, store=store, weight=weight,
iseed=iseed, quiet=quiet, parallel.check=TRUE)
} else {
pvclust.nonparallel(data=data, method.hclust=method.hclust,
method.dist=method.dist, use.cor=use.cor,
nboot=nboot, r=r, store=store, weight=weight, iseed=iseed, quiet=quiet)
parPvclust <- function(cl=NULL, data, method.hclust="average",
method.dist="correlation", use.cor="pairwise.complete.obs",
nboot=1000, r=seq(.5,1.4,by=.1), store=FALSE,
weight=FALSE, init.rand=NULL, iseed=NULL, quiet=FALSE) {
warning("\"parPvclust\" has been integrated into pvclust (with \"parallel\" option).\nIt is available for back compatibility but will be unavailable in the future.")
if(!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly=TRUE))
stop("Package parallel is required for parPvclust.")
pvclust.parallel(cl=cl, data=data, method.hclust=method.hclust,
method.dist=method.dist, use.cor=use.cor,
nboot=nboot, r=r, store=store, weight=weight,
init.rand=init.rand, iseed=iseed, quiet=quiet,
plot.pvclust <- function(x, print.pv=TRUE, print.num=TRUE, float=0.01,
col.pv=c(si=4, au=2, bp=3, edge=8), cex.pv=0.8, font.pv=NULL,
col=NULL, cex=NULL, font=NULL, lty=NULL, lwd=NULL,
main=NULL, sub=NULL, xlab=NULL, ...)
main="Cluster dendrogram with p-values (%)"
sub=paste("Cluster method: ", x$hclust$method, sep="")
xlab=paste("Distance: ", x$hclust$dist.method)
plot(x$hclust, main=main, sub=sub, xlab=xlab, col=col, cex=cex,
font=font, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, ...)
if(!isFALSE(print.pv)) {
# back-compatibility for pvclust <= 2.0-0
if(isTRUE(print.pv) && length(col) == 3 && is.null(names(col))) {
names(col) <- c("au", "bp", "edge")
# Set default p-values to plot
if(isTRUE(print.pv)) {
print.pv <- c("au", "bp")
col.text <- col.pv[print.pv]
if(print.num && "edge" %in% names(col.pv)) {
col.text <- c(col.text, col.pv["edge"])
text(x, col=col.text, cex=cex.pv, font=font.pv, float=float, print.num=print.num)
text.pvclust <- function(x, col=c(au=2, bp=3, edge=8), print.num=TRUE, float=0.01, cex=NULL, font=NULL, ...)
# back-compatibility for pvclust <= 2.0-0
if(length(col) == 3 && is.null(names(col)))
names(col) <- c("au", "bp", "edge")
axes <- hc2axes(x$hclust)
usr <- par()$usr; wid <- usr[4] - usr[3]
# list with character vecotr of p-values
num_str <- lapply(
x$edges[seq_len(which(names(x$edges) == "bp"))],
function(p) round(p * 100))
# change the last elemnt to the name of p-value
for(i in names(num_str)) {
num_str[[i]][length(num_str[[i]])] <- i
# add edge numbers
if(print.num) {
num_str$edge <- as.character(row.names(x$edges))
num_str$edge[length(num_str$edge)] <- "edge #"
} else {
col <- col[names(col) != "edge"]
if(length(col) <= 1) {
range <- 1
pos <- 1
y_offset <- 0
} else if(length(col) <= 3) {
range <- seq_len(min(3, length(col)))
pos <- c(2, 4, 1)
y_offset <- float * wid * c(1, 1, 0)
} else {
range <- 1:4
pos <- c(2, 4, 2, 4)
y_offset <- c(float, float, 0.01, 0.01) * wid * c(1, 1, -2, -2)
for(i in range) {
name <- names(col)[i]
text(x=axes[,1], y=axes[,2] + y_offset[i], num_str[[name]],
col=col[name], pos=pos[i], offset=.3, cex=cex, font=font)
print.pvclust <- function(x, which=NULL, digits=3, ...)
if(is.null(which)) which <- 1:nrow(x$edges)
cat(paste("Cluster method: ", x$hclust$method, "\n", sep=""))
cat(paste("Distance : ", x$hclust$dist.method, "\n\n", sep=""))
cat("Estimates on edges:\n\n")
print(round(x$edges[which,], digits=digits))
summary.pvclust <- function(object, ...){
class(object) <- "list"
summary(object, ...)
pvrect <- function(x, alpha=0.95, pv="au", type="geq", max.only=TRUE, border=NULL, ...)
len <- nrow(x$edges)
member <- hc2split(x$hclust)$member
order <- x$hclust$order
usr <- par("usr")
xwd <- usr[2] - usr[1]
ywd <- usr[4] - usr[3]
cin <- par()$cin
if(is.null(border)) {
border <- c(si=4, au=2, bp=3)[pv]
ht <- c()
j <- 1
if( <- pmatch(type, c("geq", "leq", "gt", "lt"))))
stop("Invalid type argument: see help(pvrect)")
for(i in (len - 1):1)
if (pm==1) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] >= alpha) # Greater than or EQuals
else if(pm==2) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] <= alpha) # Lower than or EQuals
else if(pm==3) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] > alpha) # Greater Than
else if(pm==4) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] > alpha) # Lower Than
mi <- member[[i]]
ma <- match(mi, order)
if(max.only == FALSE || (max.only && sum(match(ma, ht, nomatch=0)) == 0))
xl <- min(ma)
xr <- max(ma)
yt <- x$hclust$height[i]
yb <- usr[3]
mx <- xwd / length(member) / 3
my <- ywd / 200
rect(xl - mx, yb + my, xr + mx, yt + my, border=border, shade=NULL, ...)
j <- j + 1
ht <- c(ht, ma)
msplot <- function(x, edges=NULL, ...)
if(is.null(edges)) edges <- 1:length(x$msfit)
d <- length(edges)
mfrow.bak <- par()$mfrow
for(i in edges) {
if(i == 1 || (i %% 10 == 1 && i > 20))
main <- paste(i, "st edge", sep="")
else if(i == 2 || (i %% 10 == 2 && i > 20))
main <- paste(i, "nd edge", sep="")
else if(i == 3 || (i %% 10 == 3 && i > 20))
main <- paste(i, "rd edge", sep="")
main <- paste(i, "th edge", sep="")
plot(x$msfit[[i]], main=main, ...)
lines.pvclust <- function(x, alpha=0.95, pv="au", type="geq", col=2, lwd=2, ...)
len <- nrow(x$edges)
member <- hc2split(x$hclust)$member
order <- x$hclust$order
usr <- par("usr")
xwd <- usr[2] - usr[1]
ywd <- usr[4] - usr[3]
cin <- par()$cin
ht <- c()
j <- 1
if( <- pmatch(type, c("geq", "leq", "gt", "lt"))))
stop("Invalid type argument: see help(lines.pvclust)")
for(i in (len - 1):1)
if (pm==1) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] >= alpha) # Greater than or EQuals
else if(pm==2) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] <= alpha) # Lower than or EQuals
else if(pm==3) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] > alpha) # Greater Than
else if(pm==4) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] > alpha) # Lower Than
mi <- member[[i]]
ma <- match(mi, order)
if(sum(match(ma, ht, nomatch=0)) == 0)
xl <- min(ma)
xr <- max(ma)
yt <- x$hclust$height[i]
yb <- usr[3]
mx <- xwd/length(member)/10
segments(xl-mx, yb, xr+mx, yb, xpd=TRUE, col=col, lwd=lwd, ...)
j <- j + 1
ht <- c(ht, ma)
pvpick <- function(x, alpha=0.95, pv="au", type="geq", max.only=TRUE)
len <- nrow(x$edges)
member <- hc2split(x$hclust)$member
order <- x$hclust$order
ht <- c()
a <- list(clusters=list(), edges=c()); j <- 1
if( <- pmatch(type, c("geq", "leq", "gt", "lt"))))
stop("Invalid type argument: see help(pickup)")
for(i in (len - 1):1)
if (pm==1) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] >= alpha) # Greater than or Equals
else if(pm==2) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] <= alpha) # Lower than or Equals
else if(pm==3) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] > alpha) # Greater Than
else if(pm==4) wh <- (x$edges[i,pv] < alpha) # Lower Than
mi <- member[[i]]
ma <- match(mi, order)
if(max.only == FALSE || (max.only && sum(match(ma, ht, nomatch=0)) == 0))
a$clusters[[j]] <- x$hclust$labels[mi]
a$edges <- c(a$edges,i)
j <- j + 1
ht <- c(ht, ma)
a$edges <- a$edges[length(a$edges):1]
a$clusters <- a$clusters[length(a$edges):1]
msfit <- function(bp, r, nboot) {
if(length(bp) != length(r))
stop("bp and r should have the same length")
nboot <- rep(nboot, length=length(bp))
min.use <- 3 # >= 2
eps <- 0.001 # > 0
use <- bp > eps & bp < 1-eps
p <- se <- c(0,0,0); names(p) <- names(se) <- c("si", "au", "bp")
coef <- c(0,0); names(coef) <- c("v", "c")
a <- list(p=p, se=se, coef=coef, df=0, rss=0, pchi=0); class(a) <- "msfit"
if(sum(use) < min.use) {
if(mean(bp) < .5) a$p[] <- c(0, 0, 0) else a$p[] <- c(1, 1, 1)
bp <- bp[use]; r <- r[use]; nboot <- nboot[use]
zz <- -qnorm(bp)
vv <- ((1 - bp) * bp) / (dnorm(zz)^2 * nboot)
a$use <- use; a$r <- r; a$zz <- zz
X <- cbind(sqrt(r), 1/sqrt(r)); dimnames(X) <- list(NULL, c("v","c"))
fit <- lsfit(X, zz, 1/vv, intercept=FALSE)
a$coef <- coef <- fit$coef <- c(1, -1); h.bp <- c(1, 1) <- drop( %*% coef); z.bp <- drop(h.bp %*% coef) <- pnorm(; p.bp <- pnorm(-z.bp)
d0 <- pnorm(-coef[2]) # selection probability
p.iau <- pnorm( # <- 1 - p.iau/d0
if(<0) <- 0 else if(>1) <- 1
a$p["au"] <-; a$p["bp"] <- p.bp; a$p["si"] <-
V <- solve(crossprod(X, X/vv)) <- drop( %*% V %*%; vz.bp <- drop(h.bp %*% V %*% h.bp)
if( > 0 && < 1) {
d1 <- dnorm(; d2 <- p.iau*dnorm(coef[2])/d0^2 <- c(d1,-d1+d2) <- drop( %*% V %*%
} else { <- 0
a$se["au"] <- dnorm( * sqrt(; a$se["bp"] <- dnorm(z.bp) * sqrt(vz.bp)
a$se["si"] <- sqrt(
a$rss <- sum(fit$residual^2/vv)
if((a$df <- sum(use) - 2) > 0) {
a$pchi <- pchisq(a$rss, lower.tail=FALSE, df=a$df)
else a$pchi <- 1.0
plot.msfit <- function(x, curve=TRUE, main=NULL, sub=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, ...)
if(is.null(main)) main="Curve fitting for multiscale bootstrap resampling"
sub <- paste("AU = ", round(x$p["au"], digits=2),
", BP = ", round(x$p["bp"], digits=2),
", v = ", round(x$coef["v"], digits=2),
", c = ", round(x$coef["c"], digits=2),
", pchi = ", round(x$pchi, digits=2))
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab=expression(sqrt(r))
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab=expression(z-value)
a <- sqrt(x$r); b <- x$zz
if(!is.null(a) && !is.null(b)) {
plot(a, b, main=main, sub=sub, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
if(curve) lines(x, ...)
else if (!is.null(a)){
plot(0, 0, main=main, sub=sub, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
type="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ...)
a <- text(mean(a), 0, "No fitting")
lines.msfit <- function(x, col=2, lty=1, ...) {
v <- x$coef["v"]; c <- x$coef["c"]
curve(v * x + c / x, add=TRUE, col=col, lty=lty)
summary.msfit <- function(object, digits=3, ...) {
cat("\nResult of curve fitting for multiscale bootstrap resampling:\n\n")
cat("Estimated p-values:\n")
pv <- data.frame(object$p, object$se)
names(pv) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error"); row.names(pv) <- names(object$p)
print(pv, digits=digits); cat("\n")
cat("Estimated coefficients:\n")
coef <- object$coef
print(coef, digits=digits); cat("\n")
cat(paste("Residual sum of squares: ", round(object$rss,digits=digits)),
", p-value: ", round(object$pchi, digits=digits),
" on ", object$df, " DF\n\n", sep="")
seplot <- function(object, type=c("au", "si", "bp"), identify=FALSE,
main=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, ...)
cand <- c("si", "au", "bp")
cand <- cand[cand %in% names(object$edges)]
if(! <- pmatch(type[1], cand))) {
wh <- cand[pm]
main <- "p-value vs standard error plot"
xlab <- c("SI p-value", "AU p-value", "BP value")[pm]
ylab <- "Standard Error"
plot(object$edges[,wh], object$edges[,paste("se", wh, sep=".")],
main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
identify(x=object$edges[,wh], y=object$edges[,paste("se", wh, sep=".")],
else stop("'type' should be \"si\", \"au\" or \"bp\".")
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