# one proportion z test #
pwrss.z.prop <- function (p, p0 = 0, margin = 0, arcsin.trans = FALSE,
alpha = 0.05,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less",
"equivalent", "non-inferior", "superior"),
n = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power)) stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power)) stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`", call. = FALSE)
if ((alternative == "not equal" | alternative == "not equal" | alternative == "not equal") & margin != 0) warning("`margin` argument is ignored", call. = FALSE)
if(arcsin.trans) {
var.num <- 1
h <- switch(alternative,
`not equal` = 2*asin(sqrt(p)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p0)),
`greater` = 2*asin(sqrt(p)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p0)),
`less` = 2*asin(sqrt(p)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p0)),
`non-inferior` = 2*asin(sqrt(p)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p0 + margin)),
`superior` = 2*asin(sqrt(p)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p0 + margin)),
`equivalent` = c(2*asin(sqrt(p)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p0 + margin)), 2*asin(sqrt(p)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p0 - margin))))
if(verbose) cat(" Approach: Arcsine Transformation \n")
} else {
var.num <- p * (1 - p)
h <- switch(alternative,
`not equal` = p - p0,
`greater` = p - p0,
`less` = p - p0,
`non-inferior` = p - p0 - margin,
`superior` = p - p0 - margin,
`equivalent` = c(p - p0 - margin, p - p0 + margin))
if(verbose) cat(" Approach: Normal Approximation \n")
if (alternative == "not equal") {
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n <- M^2 * var.num / h^2
lambda <- h / sqrt(var.num / n)
if (is.null(power)) {
lambda <- h / sqrt(var.num / n)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "greater" | alternative ==
"less") {
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n <- M^2 * var.num / h^2
lambda <- h / sqrt(var.num / n)
if (is.null(power)) {
lambda <- h / sqrt(var.num / n)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "non-inferior" | alternative ==
"superior") {
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n <- M^2 * var.num / h^2
lambda <- h / sqrt(var.num / n)
if (is.null(power)) {
lambda <- h / sqrt(var.num / n)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
} else if (alternative == "equivalent") {
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta / 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
# h <- min(abs(h))
n <- M^2 * var.num / h^2
n <- max(n)
lambda <- h / sqrt(var.num / n)
if (is.null(power)) {
lambda <- h / sqrt(var.num / n)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = abs(lambda[1])) +
1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = abs(lambda[2])) - 1
if(power < 0) stop("design is not feasible", call. = FALSE)
} else {
stop("`alternative` should be in c('not equal', 'greater', 'less', 'equivalent', 'non-inferior', 'superior')",
call. = FALSE)
if(verbose) {
cat(" A Proportion against a Constant (z Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: p = p0 \n HA: p != p0 \n",
`greater` = "H0: p = p0 \n HA: p > p0 \n",
`less` = "H0: p = p0 \n HA: p < p0 \n",
`non-inferior` = "H0: p - p0 <= margin \n HA: p - p0 > margin \n",
`superior` = "H0: p - p0 <= margin \n HA: p - p0 > margin \n",
`equivalent` = "H0: |p - p0| >= margin \n HA: |p - p0| < margin \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(lambda, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(call = call,
parms = list(p = p, p0 = p0, arcsin.trans = arcsin.trans,
alpha = alpha, margin = margin, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
ncp = lambda,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "prop")))
# two proportions z test #
pwrss.z.2props <- function (p1, p2, margin = 0, arcsin.trans = FALSE,
kappa = 1, alpha = 0.05,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less",
"equivalent", "non-inferior", "superior"),
n2 = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
if (is.null(n2) & is.null(power)) stop("`n2` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n2) & !is.null(power)) stop("one of the `n2` or `power` should be `NULL`", call. = FALSE)
if ((alternative == "not equal" | alternative == "not equal" | alternative == "not equal") & margin != 0)
warning("`margin` argument is ignored", call. = FALSE)
# if (alternative == "superior" & margin < 0) warning("expecting `margin > 0`", call. = FALSE)
# if (alternative == "non-inferior" & margin > 0) warning("expecting `margin < 0`", call. = FALSE)
# if (alternative == "greater" & (p1 < p2)) stop("alternative = 'greater' but p1 < p2", call. = FALSE)
# if (alternative == "less" & (p1 > p2)) stop("alternative = 'less' but p1 > p2", call. = FALSE)
if(arcsin.trans) {
h <- switch(alternative,
`not equal` = 2*asin(sqrt(p1)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2)),
`greater` = 2*asin(sqrt(p1)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2)),
`less` = 2*asin(sqrt(p1)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2)),
`non-inferior` = 2*asin(sqrt(p1)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2 + margin)),
`superior` = 2*asin(sqrt(p1)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2 + margin)),
`equivalent` = c(2*asin(sqrt(p1)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2 + margin)),
2*asin(sqrt(p1)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2 - margin))))
# 2*asin(sqrt(p1)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2 + margin)) is same as
# 2*asin(sqrt(p1)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2)) - (2*asin(sqrt(p2 + margin)) - 2*asin(sqrt(p2)))
if(verbose) cat(" Approach: Arcsine Transformation \n", "Cohen's h =", round(h,3), "\n")
} else {
h <- switch(alternative,
`not equal` = p1 - p2,
`greater` = p1 - p2,
`less` = p1 - p2,
`non-inferior` = p1 - p2 - margin,
`superior` = p1 - p2 - margin,
`equivalent` = c(p1 - p2 - margin,
p1 - p2 + margin))
if(verbose) cat(" Approach: Normal Approximation \n")
if (alternative == "not equal") {
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
# kappa = n1/n2
M <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(arcsin.trans) {
n2 <- (M^2 / h^2) * (kappa + 1) / kappa
n1 <- kappa * n2
lambda = h / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
} else {
n1 = M^2 * (p1 * (1 - p1) + p2 * (1 - p2) * kappa) / h^2
n2 <- n1 / kappa
lambda = h / sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1) / n1 + p2 * (1 - p2) / n2)
if (is.null(power)) {
# kappa = n1/n2
n1 <- kappa*n2
if(arcsin.trans) {
lambda = h / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
} else {
lambda = h / sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1) / n1 + p2 * (1 - p2) / n2)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), abs(lambda)) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), abs(lambda))
else if (alternative == "greater" | alternative == "less") {
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(arcsin.trans) {
n2 <- (M^2 / h^2) * (kappa + 1) / kappa
n1 <- kappa * n2
lambda = h / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
} else {
n1 = M^2 * (p1 * (1 - p1) + p2 * (1 - p2) * kappa) / h^2
n2 <- n1 / kappa
lambda = h / sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1) / n1 + p2 * (1 - p2) / n2)
if (is.null(power)) {
# kappa = n1/n2
n1 <- kappa*n2
if(arcsin.trans) {
lambda = h / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
} else {
lambda = h / sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1) / n1 + p2 * (1 - p2) / n2)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), abs(lambda))
else if (alternative == "non-inferior" | alternative == "superior") {
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(arcsin.trans) {
n2 <- (M^2 / h^2) * (kappa + 1) / kappa
n1 <- kappa * n2
lambda = h / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
} else {
n1 = M^2 * (p1 * (1 - p1) + p2 * (1 - p2) * kappa) / h^2
n2 <- n1 / kappa
lambda = h / sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1) / n1 + p2 * (1 - p2) / n2)
if (is.null(power)) {
# kappa = n1/n2
n1 <- kappa*n2
if(arcsin.trans) {
lambda = h / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
} else {
lambda = h / sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1) / n1 + p2 * (1 - p2) / n2)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), abs(lambda))
else if (alternative == "equivalent") {
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta / 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
# h <- min(abs(h))
if(arcsin.trans) {
n2 <- (M^2 / h^2) * (kappa + 1) / kappa
n2 <- max(n2)
n1 <- kappa * n2
lambda = h / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
} else {
n1 = M^2 * (p1 * (1 - p1) + p2 * (1 - p2) * kappa) / h^2
n1 <- max(n1)
n2 <- n1 / kappa
lambda = h / sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1) / n1 + p2 * (1 - p2) / n2)
if (is.null(power)) {
# kappa = n1/n2
n1 <- kappa*n2
if(arcsin.trans) {
lambda = h / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
} else {
lambda = h / sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1) / n1 + p2 * (1 - p2) / n2)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = abs(lambda[1])) +
1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = abs(lambda[2])) - 1
if(power < 0) stop("design is not feasible", call. = FALSE)
else {
stop("`alternative` should be in c('not equal', 'greater', 'less', 'equivalent', 'non-inferior', 'superior')",
call. = FALSE)
if(verbose) {
cat(" Difference between Two Proportions \n (Independent Samples z Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: p1 = p2 \n HA: p1 != p2 \n",
`greater` = "H0: p1 = p2 \n HA: p1 > p2 \n",
`less` = "H0: p1 = p2 \n HA: p1 < p2 \n",
`non-inferior` = "H0: p1 - p2 <= margin \n HA: p1 - p2 > margin \n",
`superior` = "H0: p1 - p2 <= margin \n HA: p1 - p2 > margin \n",
`equivalent` = "H0: |p1 - p2| >= margin \n HA: |p1 - p2| < margin \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n1 =", ceiling(n1), "\n",
" n2 =", ceiling(n2), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(lambda, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(p1 = p1, p2 = p2, kappa = kappa, arcsin.trans = arcsin.trans,
alpha = alpha, margin = margin, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
ncp = lambda,
power = power,
n = c(n1 = n1, n2 = n2)),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "2props")))
# one mean z test #
pwrss.z.mean <- function (mu, sd = 1, mu0 = 0, margin = 0, alpha = 0.05,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less",
"equivalent", "non-inferior", "superior"),
n = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
if (length(alternative) > 1)
alternative <- alternative[1]
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power))
stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & is.null(power))
requested <- "power"
if (is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
requested <- "n"
if (alternative == "not equal") {
if (margin != 0)
warning("`margin` argument is ignored")
HA_H0 <- mu - mu0
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n = M^2 * sd^2 / (HA_H0)^2
if (is.null(power)) {
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "greater" | alternative ==
"less") {
if (margin != 0)
warning("`margin` argument is ignored")
if (alternative == "greater" & (mu < mu0))
stop("alternative = 'greater' but mu < mu0",
call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "less" & (mu > mu0))
stop("alternative = 'less' but mu > mu0", call. = FALSE)
HA_H0 <- mu - mu0
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n = M^2 * sd^2 / (HA_H0)^2
if (is.null(power)) {
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
if(alternative == "less") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "non-inferior" | alternative ==
"superior") {
HA_H0 <- mu - mu0 - margin
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n = M^2 * sd^2 / (HA_H0)^2
if (is.null(power)) {
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
if(alternative == "non-inferior") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "equivalent") {
HA_H0 <- abs(mu - mu0) - margin
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta / 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
n = M^2 * sd^2 / (HA_H0)^2
if (is.null(power)) {
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
power <- 2*(1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)) - 1
if(power < 0) stop("design is not feasible", call. = FALSE)
else {
stop("`alternative` should be in c('not equal', 'greater', 'less', 'equivalent', 'non-inferior', 'superior')",
call. = FALSE)
ncp <- (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
hypothesis <- alternative
if(verbose) {
cat(" A Mean against a Constant (z Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: mu = mu0 \n HA: mu != mu0 \n",
`greater` = "H0: mu = mu0 \n HA: mu > mu0 \n",
`less` = "H0: mu = mu0 \n HA: mu < mu0 \n",
`non-inferior` = "H0: mu - mu0 <= margin \n HA: mu - mu0 > margin \n",
`superior` = "H0: mu - mu0 <= margin \n HA: mu - mu0 > margin \n",
`equivalent` = "H0: |mu - mu0| >= margin \n HA: |mu - mu0| < margin \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(mu = mu, sd = sd, mu0 = mu0,
alpha = alpha, margin = margin, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "mean")))
# one mean t test #
pwrss.t.mean <- function (mu, sd = 1, mu0 = 0, margin = 0, alpha = 0.05,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less",
"equivalent", "non-inferior", "superior"),
n = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
if (length(alternative) > 1)
alternative <- alternative[1]
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power))
stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & is.null(power))
requested <- "power"
if (is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
requested <- "n"
if (alternative == "not equal") {
if (margin != 0)
warning("`margin` argument is ignored")
HA_H0 <- mu - mu0 <- quote({
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha / 2, df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE), df = n - 1, ncp = abs(lambda)) +
pt(-qt(alpha / 2, df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE), df = n - 1, ncp = abs(lambda))
else if (alternative == "greater" | alternative ==
"less") {
if (margin != 0)
warning("`margin` argument is ignored")
if (alternative == "greater" & (mu < mu0))
stop("alternative = 'greater' but mu < mu0",
call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "less" & (mu > mu0))
stop("alternative = 'less' but mu > mu0", call. = FALSE)
HA_H0 <- mu - mu0 <- quote({
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE), df = n - 1, ncp = abs(lambda))
else if (alternative == "non-inferior" | alternative ==
"superior") {
HA_H0 <- mu - mu0 - margin <- quote({
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE), df = n - 1, ncp = abs(lambda))
else if (alternative == "equivalent") {
HA_H0 <- abs(mu - mu0) - margin <- quote({
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
power <- 2*(1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE), df = n - 1, ncp = abs(lambda))) - 1
} else {
stop("`alternative` should be in c('not equal', 'greater', 'less', 'equivalent', 'non-inferior', 'superior')",
call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(power)) {
power <- eval(
if(power < 0) power <- 0
} else if(is.null(n)) {
n <- uniroot(function(n){
power - eval(
}, interval = c(2, 1e+09))$root
lambda <- (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
n <- ceiling(n)
ncp <- (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd^2 / n)
hypothesis <- alternative
if(verbose) {
cat(" A Mean against a Constant (t Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: mu = mu0 \n HA: mu != mu0 \n",
`greater` = "H0: mu = mu0 \n HA: mu > mu0 \n",
`less` = "H0: mu = mu0 \n HA: mu < mu0 \n",
`non-inferior` = "H0: mu - mu0 <= margin \n HA: mu - mu0 > margin \n",
`superior` = "H0: mu - mu0 <= margin \n HA: mu - mu0 > margin \n",
`equivalent` = "H0: |mu - mu0| >= margin \n HA: |mu - mu0| < margin \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Degrees of freedom =", round(ceiling(n) - 1, 3),"\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(mu = mu, sd = sd, mu0 = mu0,
alpha = alpha, margin = margin, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "t",
ncp = ncp,
df = n - 1,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "t", "mean")))
# two means z test #
pwrss.z.2means <- function (mu1, mu2 = 0, sd1 = 1, sd2 = sd1, margin = 0,
kappa = 1, alpha = 0.05,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less",
"equivalent", "non-inferior", "superior"),
n2 = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
# sd1 <- sd2 <- sd # pooled standard devation
if (length(alternative) > 1)
alternative <- alternative[1]
if (is.null(n2) & is.null(power))
stop("`n2` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n2) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n2` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n2) & is.null(power))
requested <- "power"
if (is.null(n2) & !is.null(power))
requested <- "n2"
if (alternative == "not equal") {
if (margin != 0)
warning("`margin` argument is ignored")
HA_H0 <- mu1 - mu2
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
# kappa = n1/n2
M <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 / kappa + sd2^2) / (HA_H0)^2
n1 <- n2 * kappa
if (is.null(power)) {
n1 <- n2 * kappa
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "greater" | alternative ==
"less") {
if (margin != 0)
warning("`margin` argument is ignored")
if (alternative == "greater" & (mu1 < mu2))
stop("alternative = 'greater' but mu1 < mu2",
call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "less" & (mu1 > mu2))
stop("alternative = 'less' but mu1 > mu2",
call. = FALSE)
HA_H0 <- mu1 - mu2
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 / kappa + sd2^2) / (HA_H0)^2
n1 <- n2 * kappa
if (is.null(power)) {
n1 <- n2 * kappa
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
if(alternative == "less") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "non-inferior" | alternative ==
"superior") {
if (alternative == "superior" & margin < 0)
warning("expecting 'margin > 0' when mu1 - mu2 > 0", call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "non-inferior" & margin > 0)
warning("expecting 'margin < 0' when mu1 - mu2 > 0", call. = FALSE)
HA_H0 <- mu1 - mu2 - margin
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 / kappa + sd2^2) / (HA_H0)^2
n1 <- n2 * kappa
if (is.null(power)) {
n1 <- n2 * kappa
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
if(alternative == "non-inferior") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "equivalent") {
HA_H0 <- abs(mu1 - mu2) - margin
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta / 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 / kappa + sd2^2) / (HA_H0)^2
n1 <- n2 * kappa
if (is.null(power)) {
n1 <- n2 * kappa
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
power <- 2*(1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)) - 1
if(power < 0) stop("design is not feasible", call. = FALSE)
else {
stop("`alternative` should be in c('not equal', 'greater', 'less', 'equivalent', 'non-inferior', 'superior')",
call. = FALSE)
n1 <- kappa * n2
ncp <- (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
hypothesis <- alternative
if(verbose) {
cat(" Difference between Two Means (Independent Samples z Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: mu1 = mu2 \n HA: mu1 != mu2 \n",
`greater` = "H0: mu1 = mu2 \n HA: mu1 > mu2 \n",
`less` = "H0: mu1 = mu2 \n HA: mu1 < mu2 \n",
`non-inferior` = "H0: mu1 - mu2 <= margin \n HA: mu1 - mu2 > margin \n",
`superior` = "H0: mu1 - mu2 <= margin \n HA: mu1 - mu2 > margin \n",
`equivalent` = "H0: |mu1 - mu2| >= margin \n HA: |mu1 - mu2| < margin \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n1 =", ceiling(n1), "\n",
" n2 =", ceiling(n2), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(mu1 = mu1, mu2 = mu2, sd1 = sd1, sd2 = sd2, kappa = kappa, alpha = alpha,
margin = margin, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = c(n1 = n1, n2 = n2)),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "2means")))
# two means t test #
# use welch.df = TRUE for unequal variances and unequal n in independent samples t test
# allows r between pre and post to be different from 0, pwr.t.test(...,paired = TRUE) assumes paired.r = 0
# allows diferent sd for pre and post
# default specification assumes standardized means (or mean difference)
# margin is defined as the minimum mu1 - mu2 that is practically relevant
# suggest margin = t_critical * SE by default?
pwrss.t.2means <- function (mu1, mu2 = 0, margin = 0,
sd1 = ifelse(paired, sqrt(1/(2*(1-paired.r))), 1), sd2 = sd1,
kappa = 1, paired = FALSE, paired.r = 0.50,
alpha = 0.05, welch.df = FALSE,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less",
"equivalent", "non-inferior", "superior"),
n2 = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
welch_df <- function(sd1, sd2, n1, n2) {
(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)^2 /
(sd1^4 / (n1^2 * (n1 - 1)) + sd2^4 / (n2^2 * (n2 - 1)))
if (length(alternative) > 1)
alternative <- alternative[1]
if (is.null(n2) & is.null(power))
stop("`n2` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n2) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n2` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if (paired & isTRUE(welch.df))
warning("Welch test does not apply to paired samples",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n2) & is.null(power))
requested <- "power"
if (is.null(n2) & !is.null(power))
requested <- "n2"
if (alternative == "not equal") {
if (margin != 0)
warning("`margin` argument is ignored")
# sample size
if (is.null(n2)) {
HA_H0 <- mu1 - mu2
beta <- 1 - power
i <- 0
tol <- 0.01
conv <- FALSE
n2.0 <- 30
while(i <= 100 & conv == FALSE){
n1.0 <- n2.0 * kappa
if(paired) {
df <- n2.0 - 1
} else {
df <- welch_df(sd1, sd2, n1.0, n2.0),
df <- n1.0 + n2.0 - 2)
if(df<= 0 | is.infinite(df)){break}
M <- qt(alpha / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE) +
qt(beta, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(paired) {
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r) / (HA_H0)^2
} else {
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 / kappa + sd2^2) / (HA_H0)^2
if(abs(n2 - n2.0) < tol){conv <- TRUE}
n2.0 <- (n2 + n2.0)/2
i <- i + 1
ifelse(df > 0, n2 <- n2.0, n2 <- NA)
n1 <- n2 * kappa
# power
if (is.null(power)) {
HA_H0 <- mu1 - mu2
if(paired) {
df <- n2 - 1
lambda <- (HA_H0) / sqrt((sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r) / n2)
} else {
n1 <- n2 * kappa
df <- welch_df(sd1, sd2, n1, n2),
df <- n1 + n2 - 2)
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda) +
pt(-qt(alpha / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda)
else if (alternative == "greater" | alternative ==
"less") {
if (margin != 0)
warning("`margin` argument is ignored", call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "greater" & (mu1 < mu2))
stop("alternative = 'greater' but mu1 < mu2",
call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "less" & (mu1 > mu2))
stop("alternative = 'less' but mu1 > mu2",
call. = FALSE)
# sample size
if (is.null(n2)) {
HA_H0 <- mu1 - mu2
beta <- 1 - power
i <- 0
tol <- 0.01
conv <- FALSE
n2.0 <- 30
while(i <= 100 & conv == FALSE){
if(paired) {
df <- n2.0 - 1
} else {
n1.0 <- n2.0 * kappa
df <- welch_df(sd1, sd2, n1.0, n2.0),
df <- n1.0 + n2.0 - 2)
if(df <= 0 | is.infinite(df)){break}
M <- qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE) +
qt(beta, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(paired) {
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r) / (HA_H0)^2
} else {
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 / kappa + sd2^2) / (HA_H0)^2
if(abs(n2 - n2.0) < tol){conv <- TRUE}
n2.0 <- (n2 + n2.0)/2
i <- i + 1
ifelse(df > 0, n2 <- n2.0, n2 <- NA)
n1 <- n2 * kappa
# power
if (is.null(power)) {
HA_H0 <- mu1 - mu2
if(paired) {
df <- n2 - 1
lambda <- (HA_H0) / sqrt((sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r) / n2)
} else {
n1 <- n2 * kappa
df <- welch_df(sd1, sd2, n1, n2),
df <- n1 + n2 - 2)
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
if(alternative == "less") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda)
else if (alternative == "non-inferior" | alternative ==
"superior") {
# sample size
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
HA_H0 <- mu1 - mu2 - margin
i <- 0
tol <- 0.01
conv <- FALSE
n2.0 <- 30
while(i <= 100 & conv == FALSE){
n1.0 <- n2.0 * kappa
if(paired) {
df <- n2.0 - 1
} else {
df <- welch_df(sd1, sd2, n1.0, n2.0),
df <- n1.0 + n2.0 - 2)
if(df <= 0 | is.infinite(df)){break}
M <- qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE) +
qt(beta, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(paired) {
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r) / (HA_H0)^2
} else {
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 / kappa + sd2^2) / (HA_H0)^2
if(abs(n2 - n2.0) < tol){conv <- TRUE}
n2.0 <- (n2 + n2.0)/2
i <- i + 1
ifelse(df > 0, n2 <- n2.0, n2 <- NA)
n1 <- n2 * kappa
# power
if (is.null(power)) {
HA_H0 <- mu1 - mu2 - margin
n1 <- n2 * kappa
if(paired) {
df <- n2 - 1
lambda <- (HA_H0) / sqrt((sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r) / n2)
} else {
df <- welch_df(sd1, sd2, n1, n2),
df <- n1 + n2 - 2)
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
if(alternative == "non-inferior") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda)
else if (alternative == "equivalent") {
# sample size
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
HA_H0 <- abs(mu1 - mu2) - margin
i <- 0
tol <- 0.01
conv <- FALSE
n2.0 <- 30
while(i <= 100 & conv == FALSE){
n1.0 <- n2.0 * kappa
if(paired) {
df <- n2.0 - 1
} else {
df <- welch_df(sd1, sd2, n1.0, n2.0),
df <- n1.0 + n2.0 - 2)
if(df <= 0 | is.infinite(df)){break}
M <- qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE) +
qt(beta / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(paired) {
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r) / (HA_H0)^2
} else {
n2 = M^2 * (sd1^2 / kappa + sd2^2) / (HA_H0)^2
if(abs(n2 - n2.0) < tol){conv <- TRUE}
n2.0 <- (n2 + n2.0)/2
i <- i + 1
ifelse(df > 0, n2 <- n2.0, n2 <- NA)
n1 <- n2 * kappa
# power
if (is.null(power)) {
HA_H0 <- abs(mu1 - mu2) - margin
if(paired) {
df <- n2 - 1
lambda <- (HA_H0) / sqrt((sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r) / n2)
} else {
n1 <- n2 * kappa
df <- welch_df(sd1, sd2, n1, n2),
df <- n1 + n2 - 2)
lambda = (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
power <- 2 * (1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda)) - 1
if(power < 0) stop("design is not feasible", call. = FALSE)
else {
stop("`alternative` should be in c('not equal', 'greater', 'less', 'equivalent', 'non-inferior', 'superior')",
call. = FALSE)
if(paired) {
n2 <- ceiling(n2)
ncp <- (HA_H0) / sqrt((sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r) / n2)
df <- n2 - 1
} else {
n1 <- ceiling(n1)
n2 <- ceiling(n2)
ncp <- (HA_H0) / sqrt(sd1^2 / n1 + sd2^2 / n2)
df <- welch_df(sd1, sd2, n1, n2),
df <- n1 + n2 - 2)
ifelse(paired, n <- n2, n <- c(n1 = n1, n2 = n2))
hypothesis <- alternative
if(verbose) {
" Difference between Two means \n (Paired Samples t Test) \n",
" Difference between Two means \n (Independent Samples t Test) \n"),
`not equal` = "H0: mu1 = mu2 \n HA: mu1 != mu2 \n",
`greater` = "H0: mu1 = mu2 \n HA: mu1 > mu2 \n",
`less` = "H0: mu1 = mu2 \n HA: mu1 < mu2 \n",
`non-inferior` = "H0: mu1 - mu2 <= margin \n HA: mu1 - mu2 > margin \n",
`superior` = "H0: mu1 - mu2 <= margin \n HA: mu1 - mu2 > margin \n",
`equivalent` = "H0: |mu1 - mu2| >= margin \n HA: |mu1 - mu2| < margin \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
if(paired) {
c(" n =", ceiling(n))
} else {
c(" n1 =", ceiling(n1), "\n n2 =", ceiling(n2))
}, "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Degrees of freedom =", round(df, 2), "\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(mu1 = mu1, mu2 = mu2, sd1 = sd1, sd2 = sd2, kappa = kappa, welch.df = welch.df,
paired = paired, paired.r = paired.r,
alpha = alpha, margin = margin, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "t",
df = df,
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "t", "2means")))
# one correlation z test #
pwrss.z.cor <- pwrss.z.corr <- function (r = 0.50, r0 = 0, alpha = 0.05,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less"),
n = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
if (length(alternative) > 1)
alternative <- alternative[1]
if (!is.null(n) & is.null(power))
requested <- "power"
if (is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
requested <- "n"
if (r < 0 & alternative == "greater")
stop("r < 0 but alternative = 'greater' than 0",
call. = FALSE)
if (r > 0 & alternative == "less")
stop("r > 0 but alternative = 'less' than 0",
call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power))
stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "not equal") {
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
z <- 0.5 * log((1 + r) / (1 - r))
z0 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r0) / (1 - r0))
M <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n <- M^2 / (z - z0)^2 + 3
if (is.null(power)) {
z <- 0.5 * log((1 + r) / (1 - r))
z0 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r0) / (1 - r0))
lambda = (z - z0) / sqrt(1 / (n - 3))
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "greater" | alternative ==
"less") {
if (alternative == "greater" & (r < r0))
stop("alternative = 'greater' but r < r0",
call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "less" & (r > r0))
stop("alternative = 'less' but r > r0", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(n)) {
beta <- 1 - power
z <- 0.5 * log((1 + r) / (1 - r))
z0 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r0) / (1 - r0))
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n <- M^2 / (z - z0)^2 + 3
if (is.null(power)) {
z <- 0.5 * log((1 + r) / (1 - r))
z0 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r0) / (1 - r0))
lambda = (z - z0) / sqrt(1 / (n - 3))
if(alternative == "less") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
ncp <- (z - z0) / sqrt(1 / (n - 3))
hypothesis <- alternative
if(verbose) {
cat(" A Correlation against a Constant (z Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: r = r0 \n HA: r != r0 \n",
`greater` = "H0: r = r0 \n HA: r > r0 \n",
`less` = "H0: r = r0 \n HA: r < r0 \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(r = r, r0 = r0, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "corr")))
# two correlations z test #
pwrss.z.2cors <- pwrss.z.2corrs <- function (r1 = 0.50, r2 = 0.30,
alpha = 0.05, kappa = 1,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less"),
n2 = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
if (length(alternative) > 1)
alternative <- alternative[1]
if (!is.null(n2) & is.null(power))
requested <- "power"
if (is.null(n2) & !is.null(power))
requested <- "n2"
if (r1 - r2 < 0 & alternative == "greater")
stop("r1 - r2 < 0 but alternative = 'greater' than 0",
call. = FALSE)
if (r1 - r2 > 0 & alternative == "less")
stop("r1 - r2 > 0 but alternative = 'less' than 0",
call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(n2) & is.null(power))
stop("`n2` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n2) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n2` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "not equal") {
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
z1 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r1) / (1 - r1))
z2 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r2) / (1 - r2))
M <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n2 <- uniroot(function(n2) M^2 - (z1 - z2)^2 / (1 / (kappa*n2 - 3) + 1 / (n2 - 3)), interval = c(-1e10,1e10))$root
n1 <- kappa*n2
if (is.null(power)) {
z1 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r1) / (1 - r1))
z2 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r2) / (1 - r2))
n1 <- kappa*n2
lambda = (z1 - z2) / sqrt(1 / (n1 - 3) + 1 / (n2 - 3))
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
else if (alternative == "greater" | alternative ==
"less") {
if (alternative == "greater" & (r1 < r2))
stop("alternative = 'greater' but r1 < r2",
call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "less" & (r1 > r2))
stop("alternative = 'less' but r1 > r2", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(n2)) {
beta <- 1 - power
z1 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r1) / (1 - r1))
z2 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r2) / (1 - r2))
M <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE) + qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
n2 <- uniroot(function(n2) M^2 - (z1 - z2)^2 / (1 / (kappa*n2 - 3) + 1 / (n2 - 3)), interval = c(-1e10,1e10))$root
n1 <- kappa*n2
if (is.null(power)) {
z1 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r1) / (1 - r1))
z2 <- 0.5 * log((1 + r2) / (1 - r2))
n1 <- kappa*n2
lambda = (z1 - z2) / sqrt(1 / (n1 - 3) + 1 / (n2 - 3))
if(alternative == "less") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), lambda)
ncp <- (z1 - z2) / sqrt(1 / (n1 - 3) + 1 / (n2 - 3))
hypothesis <- alternative
if(verbose) {
cat(" Difference between Two Correlations \n (Independent Samples z Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: r1 = r2 \n HA: r1 != r2 \n",
`greater` = "H0: r1 = r2 \n HA: r1 > r2 \n",
`less` = "H0: r1 = r2 \n HA: r1 < r2 \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n1 =", ceiling(n1), "\n",
" n2 =", ceiling(n2), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(r1 = r1, r2 = r2, kappa = kappa, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = c(n1 = n1, n2 = n2)),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "2corrs")))
# linear regression z test #
# when k = 1 and predictor is binary
# d <- 0.20
# r2 <- d^2 / (d^2 + 4)
# f2 <- r2 /(1 - r2)
# results will be same as pwrss.t.2means(mu1 = d,...)
# specify k = m (the default) to test r2 difference from zero
# specify k > m to test r2 change from zero
pwrss.f.regression <- pwrss.f.reg <- function (r2 = 0.10, f2 = r2 /(1 - r2),
k = 1, m = k, alpha = 0.05,
n = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power))
stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if(m > k) stop("'m' cannot be greater than 'k'", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(n)) {
n <- uniroot(function(n) {
u <- m
v <- n - k - 1
lambda <- f2 * n
power - pf(qf(alpha, df1 = u, df2 = v, lower.tail = FALSE),
df1 = u, df2 = v, ncp = lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
}, interval = c(k + 2, 1e10))$root
if (is.null(power)) {
u <- m
v <- n - k - 1
lambda <- f2 * n
power <- pf(qf(alpha, df1 = u, df2 = v, lower.tail = FALSE),
df1 = u, df2 = v, ncp = lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
ncp <- f2 * n
df1 <- m
df2 <- n - k - 1
if(verbose) {
cat(ifelse(m == k,
" Linear Regression (F test) \n R-squared Deviation from 0 (zero) \n",
" Hierarchical Linear Regression (F test) \n R-squared Change \n"),
"H0: r2 = 0 \n HA: r2 > 0 \n",
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Numerator degrees of freedom =", round(df1, 3), "\n",
"Denominator degrees of freedom =", round(df2, 3), "\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(r2 = r2, k = k, m = m, f2 = f2,
n = ceiling(n), power = power, alpha = alpha, verbose = verbose),
test = "F",
df1 = df1,
df2 = df2,
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = ceiling(n)),
class = c("pwrss", "f", "reg")))
pwrss.f.ancova <- function(eta2 = 0.01, f2 = eta2 / (1 - eta2),
n.way = length(n.levels),
n.levels = 2, n.covariates = 0, alpha = 0.05,
n = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power))
stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & is.null(power))
requested <- "power"
if (is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
requested <- "n"
ss <- function(df1, n.groups, n.covariates, f2, alpha, power) {
n <- uniroot(function(n) {
u <- df1
v <- n - n.groups - n.covariates
lambda <- f2 * n
power - pf(qf(alpha, df1 = u, df2 = v, lower.tail = FALSE),
df1 = u, df2 = v, ncp = lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
}, interval = c(n.groups + n.covariates + 2, 1e10))$root
pwr <- function(df1, n, n.groups, n.covariates, f2, alpha) {
u <- df1
v <- n - n.groups - n.covariates
lambda <- f2 * n
power <- pf(qf(alpha, df1 = u, df2 = v, lower.tail = FALSE),
df1 = u, df2 = v, ncp = lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
if("f2" %in% names(as.list( eta2 <- f2 / (1 + f2)
nway <- length(n.levels)
n.groups <- prod(n.levels)
if(nway != n.way) {
warning("'n.way' does not match the length of 'n.levels' \n using 'n.way = length(n.levels)'", call. = FALSE)
n.way <- nway
if(verbose) {
cat(" ",
`1` = "One",
`2` = "Two",
`3` = "Three"),
ifelse(n.covariates > 0,
"-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) \n ",
"-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) \n "),
" H0: 'eta2' or 'f2' = 0 \n HA: 'eta2' or 'f2' > 0 \n --------------------------------------\n",
`1` = c(" Factor A: ", n.levels, " levels \n"),
`2` = c(" Factor A: ", n.levels[1], " levels \n", " Factor B: ", n.levels[2], " levels \n"),
`3` = c(" Factor A: ", n.levels[1], " levels \n", " Factor B: ", n.levels[2], " levels \n", " Factor C: ", n.levels[3], " levels \n")),
" --------------------------------------\n",
sep = "")
if(n.way == 1) {
df1 <- n.levels[1] - 1
if(requested == "n") {
n <- ss(df1 = df1, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
df2 <- n - n.groups - n.covariates
ncp <- n*f2
if(verbose) {
effect <- "A"
print(data.frame(effect = effect, power = round(power,3), = ceiling(n),
ncp = round(ncp,3), df1 = df1, df2 = round(df2,3)),
row.names = FALSE)
} else if (requested == "power") {
power <- pwr(df1 = df1, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
df2 <- n - n.groups - n.covariates
ncp <- n*f2
if(verbose) {
effect <- "A"
print(data.frame(effect = effect, power = round(power,3), = n,
ncp = round(ncp,3), df1 = df1, df2 = round(df2,3)),
row.names = FALSE)
} else {
stop("Invalid 'n' or 'power'", call. = FALSE)
} else if(n.way == 2) {
df1.f1 <- n.levels[1] - 1
df1.f2 <- n.levels[2] - 1
df1.f1f2 <- prod(n.levels - 1)
df1 <- c(A = df1.f1,
B = df1.f2 ,
AxB = df1.f1f2)
if(requested == "n") {
ss.f1 <- ss(df1 = df1.f1, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
ss.f2 <- ss(df1 = df1.f2, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
ss.f1f2 <- ss(df1 = df1.f1f2, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
n <- c(A = ss.f1,
B = ss.f2,
AxB = ss.f1f2)
df2 <- c(A = ss.f1 - n.groups - n.covariates,
B = ss.f2 - n.groups - n.covariates,
AxB = ss.f1f2 - n.groups - n.covariates)
ncp <- c(A = ss.f1*f2,
B = ss.f2*f2,
AxB = ss.f1f2*f2)
power <- c(A = power,
B = power,
AxB = power)
if(verbose) {
effect <- c("A", "B", "A x B")
n.tot <- c(ss.f1, ss.f2, ss.f1f2)
print(data.frame(effect = effect, power = round(power,3), = ceiling(n.tot),
ncp = round(ncp,3), df1 = df1, df2 = round(df2,3)),
row.names = FALSE)
} else if (requested == "power") {
pwr.f1 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f1, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
pwr.f2 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f2, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
pwr.f1f2 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f1f2, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
df2 <- c(A = n - n.groups - n.covariates,
B = n - n.groups - n.covariates,
AxB = n - n.groups - n.covariates)
ncp <- c(A = n*f2,
B = n*f2,
AxB = n*f2)
n <- c(A = n,
B = n,
AxB = n)
power <- c(A = pwr.f1,
B = pwr.f2,
AxB = pwr.f1f2)
if(verbose) {
effect <- c("A", "B", "A x B")
power <- c(pwr.f1, pwr.f2, pwr.f1f2)
print(data.frame(effect = effect, power = round(power,3), = n,
ncp = round(ncp,3), df1 = df1, df2 = round(df2,3)),
row.names = FALSE)
} else {
stop("Invalid 'n' or 'power'", call. = FALSE)
} else if(n.way == 3) {
df1.f1 <- n.levels[1] - 1
df1.f2 <- n.levels[2] - 1
df1.f3 <- n.levels[3] - 1
df1.f1f2 <- prod(n.levels[c(1,2)] - 1)
df1.f1f3 <- prod(n.levels[c(1,3)] - 1)
df1.f2f3 <- prod(n.levels[c(2,3)] - 1)
df1.f1f2f3 <- prod(n.levels - 1)
df1 <- c(A = df1.f1,
B = df1.f2,
C = df1.f3,
AxB = df1.f1f2,
AxC = df1.f1f3,
BxC = df1.f2f3,
AxBxC = df1.f1f2f3)
if(requested == "n") {
ss.f1 <- ss(df1 = df1.f1, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
ss.f2 <- ss(df1 = df1.f2, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
ss.f3 <- ss(df1 = df1.f3, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
ss.f1f2 <- ss(df1 = df1.f1f2, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
ss.f1f3 <- ss(df1 = df1.f1f3, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
ss.f2f3 <- ss(df1 = df1.f2f3, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
ss.f1f2f3 <- ss(df1 = df1.f1f2f3, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, power = power)
n <- c(A = ss.f1,
B = ss.f2,
C = ss.f3,
AxB = ss.f1f2,
AxC = ss.f1f3,
BxC = ss.f2f3,
AxBxC = ss.f1f2f3)
df2 <- c(A = ss.f1 - n.groups - n.covariates,
B = ss.f2 - n.groups - n.covariates,
C = ss.f3 - n.groups - n.covariates,
AxB = ss.f1f2 - n.groups - n.covariates,
AxC = ss.f1f3 - n.groups - n.covariates,
BxC = ss.f2f3 - n.groups - n.covariates,
AxBxC = ss.f1f2f3 - n.groups - n.covariates)
ncp <- c(A = ss.f1*f2,
B = ss.f2*f2,
C = ss.f3*f2,
AxB = ss.f1f2*f2,
AxC = ss.f1f3*f2,
BxC = ss.f2f3*f2,
AxBxC = ss.f1f2f3*f2)
power <- c(A = power,
B = power,
C = power,
AxB = power,
AxC = power,
BxC = power,
AxBxC = power)
if(verbose) {
effect <- c("A", "B", "C", "A x B", "A x C", "B x C", "A x B x C")
n.tot <- c(ss.f1, ss.f2, ss.f3, ss.f1f2, ss.f1f3, ss.f2f3, ss.f1f2f3)
print(data.frame(effect = effect, power = round(power,3), = ceiling(n.tot),
ncp = round(ncp,3), df1 = df1, df2 = round(df2,3)),
row.names = FALSE)
} else if (requested == "power") {
pwr.f1 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f1, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
pwr.f2 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f2, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
pwr.f3 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f3, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
pwr.f1f2 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f1f2, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
pwr.f1f3 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f1f3, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
pwr.f2f3 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f2f3, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
pwr.f1f2f3 <- pwr(df1 = df1.f1f2f3, n = n, n.groups = n.groups, n.covariates = n.covariates, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha)
power <-c(A = pwr.f1,
B = pwr.f2,
C = pwr.f3,
AxB = pwr.f1f2,
AxC = pwr.f1f3,
BxC = pwr.f2f3,
AxBxC = pwr.f1f2f3)
ncp <-c(A = n*f2,
B = n*f2,
C = n*f2,
AxB = n*f2,
AxC = n*f2,
BxC = n*f2,
AxBxC = n*f2)
df2 <- c(A = n - n.groups - n.covariates,
B = n - n.groups - n.covariates,
C = n - n.groups - n.covariates,
AxB = n - n.groups - n.covariates,
AxC = n - n.groups - n.covariates,
BxC = n - n.groups - n.covariates,
AxBxC = n - n.groups - n.covariates)
n <- c( A = n,
B = n,
C = n,
AxB = n,
AxC = n,
BxC = n,
AxBxC = n)
if(verbose) {
effect <- c("A", "B", "C", "A x B", "A x C", "B x C", "A x B x C")
power <- c(pwr.f1, pwr.f2, pwr.f3, pwr.f1f2, pwr.f1f3, pwr.f2f3, pwr.f1f2f3)
print(data.frame(effect = effect, power = round(power,3), = n,
ncp = round(ncp,3), df1 = df1, df2 = round(df2,3)),
row.names = FALSE)
} else {
stop("Invalid 'n' or 'power'", call. = FALSE)
} else {
stop("More than three-way ANOVA or ANCOVA is not allowed")
if(verbose) {
cat(" --------------------------------------\n",
"Type I error rate:", round(alpha, 3))
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(eta2 = eta2, f2 = f2, n.way = n.way, n.levels = n.levels,
n.covariates = n.covariates, alpha = alpha, verbose = verbose),
test = "F",
df1 = df1,
df2 = df2,
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "f", "ancova")))
} # end of pwrss.f.ancova()
# Repeated measures ANOVA F test #
# 1 / (n.rm - 1) < epsilon < 1 when spechiricty assumptions does not hold (or when compound symmetry is violated)
# Greenhouse and Geisser (1959), the other is by Huynh and Feldt (1976).
pwrss.f.rmanova <- function (eta2 = 0.10, f2 = eta2/(1 - eta2),
corr.rm = 0.50, n.levels = 2, n.rm = 2,
epsilon = 1, alpha = 0.05,
type = c("between", "within", "interaction"),
n = NULL, power = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
user.parms.names <- names(as.list(
if("repmeasures.r" %in% user.parms.names) stop("'repmeasures.r' argument is obsolete, use 'corr.rm' instead", call. = FALSE)
if("n.measurements" %in% user.parms.names) stop("'n.measurements' argument is obsolete, use 'n.rm' instead", call. = FALSE)
if (length(type > 1)) type <- type[1]
effect <- type
type <- switch(type, between = 0, within = 1, interaction = 2)
if(type == 0 & "epsilon" %in% names(as.list(
warning("non-spehericity correction does not apply to 'between' effect", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power))
stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
ss <- function(f2, n.levels, n.rm, epsilon, alpha, power, type) {
n.min <- n.levels + 1
n <- try(silent = TRUE,
uniroot(function(n) {
if(type == 0) {
df1 <- n.levels - 1
df2 <- n - n.levels
} else if(type == 1) {
df1 <- (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
df2 <- (n - n.levels) * (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
} else if(type == 2) {
df1 <- (n.levels - 1) * (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
df2 <- (n - n.levels) * (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
} else {
stop("Unknown type of effect", call. = FALSE)
u <- df1
v <- df2
lambda <- f2 * n * epsilon
power - pf(qf(alpha, df1 = u, df2 = v, lower.tail = FALSE),
df1 = u, df2 = v, ncp = lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
}, interval = c(n.min, 1e10))$root
) # try
if(inherits(n, "try-error") | n == 1e+10) stop("design is not feasible", call. = FALSE)
pwr <- function(f2, n, n.levels, n.rm, epsilon, alpha, type) {
if(type == 0) {
df1 <- n.levels - 1
df2 <- n - n.levels
} else if(type == 1) {
df1 <- (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
df2 <- (n - n.levels) * df1
} else if(type == 2) {
df1 <- (n.levels - 1) * (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
df2 <- (n - n.levels) * (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
} else {
stop("Unknown type of effect", call. = FALSE)
u <- df1
v <- df2
if(u < 1 | v < 1) stop("design is not feasible", call. = FALSE)
lambda <- f2 * n * epsilon
power <- pf(qf(alpha, df1 = u, df2 = v, lower.tail = FALSE),
df1 = u, df2 = v, ncp = lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
if (type == 0) {
f2 <- f2 * (n.rm / (1 + (n.rm - 1) * corr.rm))
} else {
f2 <- f2 * (n.rm / (1 - corr.rm))
if (is.null(n)) {
n <- ss(f2 = f2, n.levels = n.levels, n.rm = n.rm,
epsilon = epsilon, alpha = alpha, power = power, type = type)
if (is.null(power)) {
power <- pwr(f2 = f2, n = n, n.levels = n.levels, n.rm = n.rm,
epsilon = epsilon, alpha = alpha, type = type)
if(type == 0) {
df1 <- n.levels - 1
df2 <- n - n.levels
} else if(type == 1) {
df1 <- (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
df2 <- (n - n.levels) * df1
} else if(type == 2) {
df1 <- (n.levels - 1) * (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
df2 <- (n - n.levels) * (n.rm - 1) * epsilon
ncp <- f2 * n * epsilon
if(verbose) {
cat(" One-way Repeated Measures \n Analysis of Variance (F test) \n",
"H0: eta2 = 0 (or f2 = 0) \n HA: eta2 > 0 (or f2 > 0) \n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Number of levels (groups) =", n.levels, "\n",
"Number of repeated measurements =", n.rm, "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" Total n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Type of the effect =", dQuote(effect), "\n",
"Numerator degrees of freedom =", round(df1, 3), "\n",
"Denominator degrees of freedom =", round(df2, 3), "\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(f2 = f2, n.levels = n.levels,
n.rm = n.rm, corr.rm = corr.rm,
epsilon = epsilon, alpha = alpha, verbose = verbose),
test = "F",
df1 = df1,
df2 = df2,
ncp = f2 * n * epsilon,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "f", "rmanova")))
# linear regresstion t test #
# if the predictor is binary
# provide sdx = sqrt(p * (1 - p))
# p = proportion of subjects in treatment group
# use defaults if beta1 is standardized
pwrss.t.regression <- pwrss.t.reg <- function (beta1 = 0.25, beta0 = 0, margin = 0,
sdx = 1, sdy = 1,
k = 1, r2 = (beta1 * sdx / sdy)^2,
alpha = 0.05, n = NULL, power = NULL,
alternative = c("not equal", "less", "greater",
"non-inferior", "superior", "equivalent"),
verbose = TRUE) {
alternative <- tolower(match.arg(alternative))
user.parms.names <- names(as.list(
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power))
stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if(r2 > 0.99) stop("unreasonable value for r2, specify r2 explicitly or modify 'beta', 'sdx', 'sdy'", call. = FALSE)
if(r2 < (beta1 * sdx / sdy)^2)
warning("possibly incongruent arguments, need a larger 'r2'", call. = FALSE)
if(alternative == "equivalent") {
if(margin < 0) stop("'margin' should be positive in equivalence design", call. = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "non-inferior") {
if(margin > 0 & (beta1 > beta0)) stop("expecting 'beta1 > beta0' and negative 'margin' if higher values of the outcome are better", call. = FALSE)
if(margin < 0 & (beta1 < beta0)) stop("expecting 'beta1 < beta0' and positive 'margin' if lower values of the outcome are better", call. = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "superior") {
if(margin < 0 & (beta1 > beta0)) stop("expecting 'beta1 < beta0' and positive 'margin' if lower values of the outcome are better", call. = FALSE)
if(margin > 0 & (beta1 < beta0)) stop("expecting 'beta1 > beta0' and negative 'margin' if higher values of the outcome are better", call. = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "greater") {
if("margin" %in% user.parms.names) message("ignoring any specifications to 'margin'")
if(beta1 > beta0) stop("alternative = 'less' but beta1 > beta0", call. = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "less") {
if("margin" %in% user.parms.names) message("ignoring any specifications to 'margin'")
if(beta1 > beta0) stop("alternative = 'less' but beta1 > beta0", call. = FALSE)
HA_H0 <- switch(alternative,
`greater` = beta1 - beta0,
`less` = beta1 - beta0,
`not equal` = beta1 - beta0,
`non-inferior` = beta1 - beta0 - margin,
`superior` = beta1 - beta0 - margin,
`equivalent` = c(abs(beta1 - beta0) - margin, abs(beta1 - beta0) + margin)) <- quote({
if(alternative == "not equal") {
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha / 2, df = v, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = v, ncp = abs(lambda)) +
pt(-qt(alpha / 2, df = v, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = v, ncp = abs(lambda))
} else if(alternative %in% c("greater", "less", "superior", "non-inferior")) {
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = v, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = v, ncp = abs(lambda))
} else if(alternative == "equivalent") {
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = v, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = v, ncp = abs(lambda[1])) +
1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = v, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = v, ncp = abs(lambda[2])) - 1
} else {
stop("not a valid test type", call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(power)) {
ifelse(alternative == "equivalent",
lambda <- cbind(left = HA_H0[1] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)),
right = HA_H0[2] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n))),
lambda <- HA_H0 / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)))
v <- n - k - 1
power <- eval(
if(is.null(n)) {
n <- uniroot(function(n) {
ifelse(alternative == "equivalent",
lambda <- cbind(left = HA_H0[1] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)),
right = HA_H0[2] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n))),
lambda <- HA_H0 / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)))
v <- n - k - 1
power - eval(
}, interval = c(k + 2, 1e10))$root
ifelse(alternative == "equivalent",
lambda <- cbind(left = HA_H0[1] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)),
right = HA_H0[2] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n))),
lambda <- HA_H0 / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)))
v <- n - k - 1
if(verbose) {
cat(" Linear Regression Coefficient (t Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: beta1 = beta0 \n HA: beta1 != beta0 \n",
`greater` = "H0: beta1 = beta0 \n HA: beta1 > beta0 \n",
`less` = "H0: beta1 = beta0 \n HA: beta1 < beta0 \n",
`non-inferior` = ifelse(beta1 > beta0,
"H0: beta1 - beta0 <= margin \n HA: beta1 - beta0 > margin \n",
"H0: beta1 - beta0 >= margin \n HA: beta1 - beta0 < margin \n"),
`superior` = ifelse(beta1 > beta0,
"H0: beta1 - beta0 <= margin \n HA: beta1 - beta0 > margin \n",
"H0: beta1 - beta0 >= margin \n HA: beta1 - beta0 < margin \n"),
`equivalent` = "H0: |beta1 - beta0| >= margin \n HA: |beta1 - beta0| < margin \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Degrees of freedom =", round(v, 3), "\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(lambda, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(beta1 = beta1, beta0, beta0, margin = margin,
sdx = sdx, sdy = sdy, k = k, r2 = r2,
alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "t",
df = v,
ncp = lambda,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "t", "reg")))
# linear regression z test #
# if the predictor is binary
# provide sdx = sqrt(p * (1 - p))
# p = proportion of subjects in treatment group
# use defaults if beta1 is standardized
pwrss.z.regression <- pwrss.z.reg <- function (beta1 = 0.25, beta0 = 0, margin = 0,
sdx = 1, sdy = 1,
k = 1, r2 = (beta1 * sdx / sdy)^2,
alpha = 0.05, n = NULL, power = NULL,
alternative = c("not equal", "less", "greater",
"non-inferior", "superior", "equivalent"),
verbose = TRUE) {
alternative <- tolower(match.arg(alternative))
user.parms.names <- names(as.list(
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power))
stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if(r2 > 0.99) stop("unreasonable value for r2, specify r2 explicitly or modify 'beta', 'sdx', 'sdy'", call. = FALSE)
if(r2 < (beta1 * sdx / sdy)^2)
warning("possibly incongruent arguments, need a larger 'r2'", call. = FALSE)
if(alternative == "equivalent") {
if(margin < 0) stop("'margin' should be positive in equivalence design", call. = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "non-inferior") {
if(margin > 0 & (beta1 > beta0)) stop("expecting 'beta1 > beta0' and negative 'margin' if higher values of the outcome are better", call. = FALSE)
if(margin < 0 & (beta1 < beta0)) stop("expecting 'beta1 < beta0' and positive 'margin' if lower values of the outcome are better", call. = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "superior") {
if(margin < 0 & (beta1 > beta0)) stop("expecting 'beta1 < beta0' and positive 'margin' if lower values of the outcome are better", call. = FALSE)
if(margin > 0 & (beta1 < beta0)) stop("expecting 'beta1 > beta0' and negative 'margin' if higher values of the outcome are better", call. = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "greater") {
if("margin" %in% user.parms.names) message("ignoring any specifications to 'margin'")
if(beta1 > beta0) stop("alternative = 'less' but beta1 > beta0", call. = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "less") {
if("margin" %in% user.parms.names) message("ignoring any specifications to 'margin'")
if(beta1 > beta0) stop("alternative = 'less' but beta1 > beta0", call. = FALSE)
HA_H0 <- switch(alternative,
`greater` = beta1 - beta0,
`less` = beta1 - beta0,
`not equal` = beta1 - beta0,
`non-inferior` = beta1 - beta0 - margin,
`superior` = beta1 - beta0 - margin,
`equivalent` = c(abs(beta1 - beta0) - margin, abs(beta1 - beta0) + margin)) <- quote({
if(alternative == "not equal") {
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = abs(lambda)) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = abs(lambda))
} else if(alternative %in% c("greater", "less", "superior", "non-inferior")) {
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = abs(lambda))
} else if(alternative == "equivalent") {
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = abs(lambda[1])) +
1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = abs(lambda[2])) - 1
} else {
stop("not a valid test type", call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(power)) {
ifelse(alternative == "equivalent",
lambda <- cbind(left = HA_H0[1] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)),
right = HA_H0[2] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n))),
lambda <- HA_H0 / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)))
v <- n - k - 1
power <- eval(
if(is.null(n)) {
n <- uniroot(function(n) {
ifelse(alternative == "equivalent",
lambda <- cbind(left = HA_H0[1] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)),
right = HA_H0[2] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n))),
lambda <- HA_H0 / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)))
v <- n - k - 1
power - eval(
}, interval = c(k + 2, 1e10))$root
ifelse(alternative == "equivalent",
lambda <- cbind(left = HA_H0[1] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)),
right = HA_H0[2] / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n))),
lambda <- HA_H0 / ((sdy / sdx) * sqrt((1 - r2) / n)))
v <- n - k - 1
if(verbose) {
cat(" Linear Regression Coefficient (z Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: beta1 = beta0 \n HA: beta1 != beta0 \n",
`greater` = "H0: beta1 = beta0 \n HA: beta1 > beta0 \n",
`less` = "H0: beta1 = beta0 \n HA: beta1 < beta0 \n",
`non-inferior` = ifelse(beta1 > beta0,
"H0: beta1 - beta0 <= margin \n HA: beta1 - beta0 > margin \n",
"H0: beta1 - beta0 >= margin \n HA: beta1 - beta0 < margin \n"),
`superior` = ifelse(beta1 > beta0,
"H0: beta1 - beta0 <= margin \n HA: beta1 - beta0 > margin \n",
"H0: beta1 - beta0 >= margin \n HA: beta1 - beta0 < margin \n"),
`equivalent` = "H0: |beta1 - beta0| >= margin \n HA: |beta1 - beta0| < margin \n"),
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Degrees of freedom =", round(v, 3), "\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(lambda, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(beta1 = beta1, beta0, beta0, margin = margin,
sdx = sdx, sdy = sdy, k = k, r2 = r2,
alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
df = v,
ncp = lambda,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "reg")))
# mediation z test #
## 'cp = 0' by default, implying complete mediation (it increases explanatory power of the covariate
# use 'r2m.x' and '' to adjust standard error for other predictors in mediation and outcome model
pwrss.z.mediation <- <- function(a, b, cp = 0,
sdx = 1, sdm = 1, sdy = 1,
r2m.x = a^2 * sdx^2 / sdm^2, = (b^2 * sdm^2 + cp^2 * sdx^2) / sdy^2,
n = NULL, power = NULL,
alpha = 0.05, alternative = c("not equal", "less", "greater"),
mc = TRUE, nsims = 1000, ndraws = 1000,
verbose = TRUE) {
user.parms.names <- names(as.list(
if (is.null(n) & is.null(power))
stop("`n` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
alternative <- tolower(match.arg(alternative))
if (alternative == "greater" & (a * b < 0)) stop("alternative = 'greater' but a * b < 0", call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "less" & (a * b > 0)) stop("alternative = 'less' but a * b > 0", call. = FALSE)
if( == 0 & "cp" %in% user.parms.names)
warning("ignoring any specification to 'cp'", call. = FALSE)
if(r2m.x < a^2 * sdx^2 / sdm^2)
warning("specified 'r2m.x' is smaller than the base 'r2m.x'", call. = FALSE)
if( < (b^2 * sdm^2 + cp^2 * sdx^2) / sdy^2)
warning("specified '' is smaller than the base ''", call. = FALSE)
.se.a <- function(sdm, sdx, r2m.x, n) {
var.a <- (1 / n) * (sdm^2) * (1 - r2m.x) / (sdx^2)
.se.b <- function(sdy, sdm,, r2m.x, n) {
var.b <- (1 / n) * (sdy^2) * (1 - / ((sdm^2) * (1 - r2m.x))
if(is.null(power)) {
se.a <- .se.a(sdm, sdx, r2m.x, n)
se.b <- .se.b(sdy, sdm,, r2m.x, n) <- sqrt(a^2 * se.b^2 + b^2 * se.a^2) <- sqrt(a^2 * se.b^2 + b^2 * se.a^2 + se.a^2 * se.b^2) <- sqrt(a^2 * se.b^2 + b^2 * se.a^2 - se.a^2 * se.b^2)
lambda.sobel <- (a * b) /
lambda.aroian <- (a * b) /
lambda.goodman <- (a * b) /
power.sobel <- power.z.test(ncp = lambda.sobel, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
power.aroian <- power.z.test(ncp = lambda.aroian, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
power.goodman <- power.z.test(ncp = lambda.goodman, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
# joint test
power.a <- power.z.test(ncp = a / se.a, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
power.b <- power.z.test(ncp = b / se.b, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
power.joint <- power.a * power.b
# monte carlo interval test
if(mc) {
a <- abs(a)
b <- abs(b)
rejmc <- NULL
for (i in 1:nsims){ <- rnorm(1, a, se.a) <- rnorm(1, b, se.b)
rejmc <- c(rejmc, quantile(rnorm(ndraws,, se.a) * rnorm(ndraws,, se.b),
probs = ifelse(alternative == "not equal", alpha / 2, alpha), na.rm = TRUE) > 0)
} <- mean(rejmc)
} else { <- NA
n.sobel <- n.aroian <- n.goodman <- n.joint <- <- n
if(is.null(n)) {
n.sobel <- uniroot(function(n) {
se.a <- .se.a(sdm, sdx, r2m.x, n)
se.b <- .se.b(sdy, sdm,, r2m.x, n) <- sqrt(a^2 * se.b^2 + b^2 * se.a^2)
lambda.sobel <- (a * b) /
power - power.z.test(ncp = lambda.sobel, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
}, interval = c(10, 1e10))$root
se.a <- .se.a(sdm, sdx, r2m.x, n.sobel)
se.b <- .se.b(sdy, sdm,, r2m.x, n.sobel) <- sqrt(a^2 * se.b^2 + b^2 * se.a^2)
lambda.sobel <- (a * b) /
n.aroian <- uniroot(function(n) {
se.a <- .se.a(sdm, sdx, r2m.x, n)
se.b <- .se.b(sdy, sdm,, r2m.x, n) <- sqrt(a^2 * se.b^2 + b^2 * se.a^2 + se.a^2 * se.b^2)
lambda.aroian <- (a * b) /
power - power.z.test(ncp = lambda.aroian, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
}, interval = c(10, 1e10))$root
n.goodman <- uniroot(function(n) {
se.a <- .se.a(sdm, sdx, r2m.x, n)
se.b <- .se.b(sdy, sdm,, r2m.x, n)
if(a^2 * se.b^2 + b^2 * se.a^2 < se.a^2 * se.b^2) { <- 1
} else { <- sqrt(a^2 * se.b^2 + b^2 * se.a^2 - se.a^2 * se.b^2)
lambda.goodman <- (a * b) /
power - power.z.test(ncp = lambda.goodman, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
}, interval = c(10, 1e10))$root
n.joint <- <- NA
lambda.goodman <- lambda.aroian <- lambda.sobel
power.sobel <- power.aroian <- power.goodman <- power
power.joint <- <- NA
if(verbose) {
if(alternative == "not equal") H0HA.test <- "H0: a * b = 0 \n HA: a * b != 0 \n"
if(alternative == "greater") H0HA.test <- "H0: a * b <= 0 \n HA: a * b > 0 \n"
if(alternative == "less") H0HA.test <- "H0: a * b >= 0 \n HA: a * b < 0 \n"
cat(" Indirect Effect in Mediation Model\n", H0HA.test, "--------------------------- \n")
test <- c("Sobel", "Aroian", "Goodman", "Joint", "Monte Carlo")
power <- c(round(power.sobel, 3),
round(power.aroian, 3),
round(power.goodman, 3),
round(power.joint, 3),
round(, 3))
n <- c(ceiling(n.sobel),
ncp <- c(round(lambda.sobel, 3),
round(lambda.aroian, 3),
round(lambda.goodman, 3),
print(data.frame(test = test, power = power, n = n,
ncp = ncp),
row.names = FALSE)
cat("---------------------------- \n", "Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(a = a, b = b, cp = cp,
sdx = sdx, sdm = sdm, sdy = sdy,
r2m.x = r2m.x, =,
alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
ncp = c(sobel = lambda.sobel, aroian = lambda.aroian, goodman = lambda.goodman),
power = c(sobel = power.sobel, aroian = power.aroian,
goodman = power.goodman, joint = power.joint, mc =,
n = c(sobel = n.sobel, aroian = n.aroian, goodman = n.goodman)),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "med")))
} # end of
# plot function #
plot.pwrss <- function(x, ...) {
if(all(c("pwrss","t") %in% class(x))) {
power.t.test(ncp = abs(max(x$ncp)),
df = x$df,
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
alternative = x$parms$alternative,
verbose = FALSE)
} else if(all(c("pwrss","z") %in% class(x))) {
if("med" %in% class(x)) {
2,3), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)) <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
power.z.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["sobel"]), plot.main = "Sobel",
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
alternative = x$parms$alternative,
verbose = FALSE)
power.z.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["aroian"]), plot.main = "Aroian",
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
alternative = x$parms$alternative,
verbose = FALSE)
power.z.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["goodman"]), plot.main = "Goodman",
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
alternative = x$parms$alternative,
verbose = FALSE)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
} else {
power.z.test(ncp = abs(max(x$ncp)),
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
alternative = x$parms$alternative,
verbose = FALSE)
} else if(all(c("pwrss","f") %in% class(x))) {
if("reg" %in% class(x)) {
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp),
df1 = x$df1,
df2 = x$df2,
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
} else if("ancova" %in% class(x)) {
if(x$parms$n.way == 1) {
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp),
df1 = x$df1,
df2 = x$df2,
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
} else if(x$parms$n.way == 2) {
2,3), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)) <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["A"]), plot.main = "A",
df1 = x$df1["A"],
df2 = x$df2["A"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["B"]), plot.main = "B",
df1 = x$df1["B"],
df2 = x$df2["B"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["AxB"]), plot.main = "A x B",
df1 = x$df1["AxB"],
df2 = x$df2["AxB"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
} else if(x$parms$n.way == 3) {
3,6,7), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["A"]), plot.main = "A",
df1 = x$df1["A"],
df2 = x$df2["A"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["B"]), plot.main = "B",
df1 = x$df1["B"],
df2 = x$df2["B"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["C"]), plot.main = "C",
df1 = x$df1["C"],
df2 = x$df2["C"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["AxB"]), plot.main = "A x B",
df1 = x$df1["AxB"],
df2 = x$df2["AxB"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["AxC"]), plot.main = "A x C",
df1 = x$df1["AxC"],
df2 = x$df2["AxC"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["BxC"]), plot.main = "B x C",
df1 = x$df1["BxC"],
df2 = x$df2["BxC"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp["AxBxC"]), plot.main = "A x B x C",
df1 = x$df1["AxBxC"],
df2 = x$df2["AxBxC"],
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
} else if("rmanova" %in% class(x)) {
power.f.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp),
df1 = x$df1,
df2 = x$df2,
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
} else if(all(c("pwrss","chisq") %in% class(x))) {
power.chisq.test(ncp = abs(x$ncp),
df = x$df,
alpha = x$parms$alpha,
verbose = FALSE)
} else {
stop("not an object of the type 'pwrss'", call. = FALSE)
# two means non-parametric test #
# margin should be on the same scale as mu1 and mu2
# just specify mu1 for cohen's d
# just specify sd1 for pooled standard deviation <- <- function(mu1 = 0.20, mu2 = 0,
sd1 = ifelse(paired, sqrt(1/(2*(1-paired.r))), 1), sd2 = sd1,
margin = 0, alpha = 0.05, paired = FALSE, paired.r = 0.50,
kappa = 1, n2 = NULL, power = NULL,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less",
"non-inferior", "superior", "equivalent"),
distribution = c("normal", "uniform", "double exponential",
"laplace", "logistic"),
method = c("guenther", "noether"),
verbose = TRUE) {
alternative <- tolower(match.arg(alternative))
distribution <- tolower(match.arg(distribution))
method <- tolower(match.arg(method))
if (is.null(n2) & is.null(power))
stop("`n2` and `power` cannot be `NULL` at the same time",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n2) & !is.null(power))
stop("one of the `n2` or `power` should be `NULL`",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(n2) & is.null(power))
requested <- "power"
if (is.null(n2) & !is.null(power))
requested <- "n2"
# wilcoxon adjustment for guenther method
w <- switch(distribution,
`uniform` = 1,
`double exponential`= 2/3,
`laplace`= 2/3,
`logistic` = 9 / pi^2,
`normal` = pi / 3)
ifelse(method == "noether", w.adj <- 1, w.adj <- w) <- quote({
n1 <- n2 * kappa
if(paired) {
psd <- sqrt(sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r)
} else {
psd <- sqrt(((n1 - 1) * sd1^2 + (n2 - 1) * sd2^2) / (n1 + n2 - 2))
d <- (mu1 - mu2) / psd
dmargin <- margin / psd # standardize margin
if(method == "noether") {
if(paired) stop("specify method = 'guenther' to request Wilcoxon signed-rank test for matched pairs", call. = FALSE)
prob0 <- 0.50 # null value
prob1 <- switch(distribution,
`uniform` = d,
`double exponential`= 1 - exp(-(d*sqrt(2)))*(1 + (d*sqrt(2))/2) / 2,
`laplace`= 1 - exp(-(d*sqrt(2)))*(1 + (d*sqrt(2))/2) / 2,
`logistic` = (1 - (1 + (d*pi/sqrt(3))) * exp(-(d*pi/sqrt(3)))) / (1 - exp(-(d*pi/sqrt(3))))^2,
`normal` = pnorm(d/sqrt(2)))
prob1margin <- switch(distribution,
`uniform` = dmargin,
`double exponential`= 1 - exp(-(dmargin*sqrt(2)))*(1 + (dmargin*sqrt(2))/2) / 2,
`laplace`= 1 - exp(-(dmargin*sqrt(2)))*(1 + (dmargin*sqrt(2))/2) / 2,
`logistic` = (1 - (1 + (dmargin*pi/sqrt(3))) * exp(-(dmargin*pi/sqrt(3)))) / (1 - exp(-(dmargin*pi/sqrt(3))))^2,
`normal` = pnorm(dmargin/sqrt(2)))
propss <- kappa / (kappa + 1)
if(alternative == "not equal") {
HA_H0 <- prob1 - prob0
lambda <- sqrt(n2 + n2 * kappa) * sqrt(12 * propss * (1 - propss)) * (HA_H0)
lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = lambda) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = lambda)
} else if(alternative == "greater" | alternative == "less") {
HA_H0 <- prob1 - prob0
lambda <- sqrt(n2 + n2 * kappa) * sqrt(12 * propss * (1 - propss)) * (HA_H0)
lambda <- abs(lambda)
if(alternative == "less") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = lambda)
} else if(alternative == "non-inferior" | alternative == "superior") {
HA_H0 <- prob1 - prob0 - prob1margin
lambda <- sqrt(n2 + n2 * kappa) * sqrt(12 * propss * (1 - propss)) * (HA_H0)
lambda <- abs(lambda)
if(alternative == "non-inferior") lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = lambda)
} else if(alternative == "equivalent") {
HA_H0 <- abs(prob1 - prob0) - prob1margin
lambda <- sqrt(n2 + n2 * kappa) * sqrt(12 * propss * (1 - propss)) * (HA_H0)
lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = lambda)) - 1
} else if(method == "guenther") {
df <- n2 - 1
} else {
df <- n1 + n2 - 2
if(alternative == "not equal") {
HA_H0 <- d
lambda <- HA_H0 / sqrt(1 / n2)
} else {
lambda <- HA_H0 / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda) +
pt(-qt(alpha / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda)
} else if(alternative == "greater" | alternative == "less") {
HA_H0 <- d
lambda <- HA_H0 / sqrt(1 / n2)
} else {
lambda <- HA_H0 / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda)
} else if(alternative == "non-inferior" | alternative == "superior") {
HA_H0 <- d - dmargin
lambda <- HA_H0 / sqrt(1 / n2)
} else {
lambda <- HA_H0 / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda)
} else if(alternative == "equivalent") {
HA_H0 <- abs(d) - dmargin
lambda <- HA_H0 / sqrt(1 / n2)
} else {
lambda <- HA_H0 / sqrt(1 / n1 + 1 / n2)
lambda <- abs(lambda)
power <- 2 * (1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda)) - 1
return(c(lambda, power))
}) # end of
# get power or sample size
if (is.null(power)) {
# apply wilcoxon adjustment
n1 <- n2 * kappa
n1 <- n1 / w
n2 <- n2 / w
power <- eval([2]
if(power < 0) stop("design is not feasible", call. = FALSE)
# reverse wilcoxon adjustment <- n1 * w <- n2 * w
} else if(is.null(n2)) {
if(tolower(method) == "noether") {
HA_H0.min <- 0.01
lambda.max <- 4
propss <- kappa / (kappa + 1)
n.tot.max <- (lambda.max / (sqrt(12 * propss * (1 - propss)) * (HA_H0.min )))^2
n2.max <- n.tot.max / (1 + kappa)
} else {
HA_H0.min <- 0.01
lambda.max <- 4
if(paired) {
n2.max <- (lambda.max / HA_H0.min)^2
} else {
n2.max <- (1 + 1 / kappa) / (HA_H0.min / lambda.max)^2
# n2.max <- 1e+08
# too big of a number throw warning in uniroot()
# full precision may not have been achieved in 'pnt{final}'
# because ncp is too large
n2 <- uniroot(function(n2){
power - eval([2]
}, interval = c(2, n2.max))$root
n1 <- n2 * kappa
# reverse wilcoxon adjustment <- n1 * w <- n2 * w
} # get power or sample size
# get non-centrality parameter
ncp <- eval([1]
# get the common language effect size (probability of superiority)
# n1 <- n2 * kappa
if(paired) {
psd <- sqrt(sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2 * sd1 * sd2 * paired.r)
} else {
psd <- sqrt(((n1 - 1) * sd1^2 + (n2 - 1) * sd2^2) / (n1 + n2 - 2))
d <- (mu1 - mu2) / psd
dmargin <- margin / psd # standardize margin
if(d - dmargin < 0) ncp <- -ncp
prob1 <- switch(distribution,
`uniform` = d,
`double exponential`= 1 - exp(-(d*sqrt(2)))*(1 + (d*sqrt(2))/2) / 2,
`laplace`= 1 - exp(-(d*sqrt(2)))*(1 + (d*sqrt(2))/2) / 2,
`logistic` = (1 - (1 + (d*pi/sqrt(3))) * exp(-(d*pi/sqrt(3)))) / (1 - exp(-(d*pi/sqrt(3))))^2,
`normal` = pnorm(d/sqrt(2)))
prob1margin <- switch(distribution,
`uniform` = dmargin,
`double exponential`= 1 - exp(-(dmargin*sqrt(2)))*(1 + (dmargin*sqrt(2))/2) / 2,
`laplace`= 1 - exp(-(dmargin*sqrt(2)))*(1 + (dmargin*sqrt(2))/2) / 2,
`logistic` = (1 - (1 + (dmargin*pi/sqrt(3))) * exp(-(dmargin*pi/sqrt(3)))) / (1 - exp(-(dmargin*pi/sqrt(3))))^2,
`normal` = pnorm(dmargin/sqrt(2)))
ifelse(paired, n <-, n <- c(n1 =, n2 =
if(verbose) {
" Non-parametric Difference between Two Groups (Dependent samples) \n Wilcoxon signed-rank Test for Matched Pairs \n",
" Non-parametric Difference between Two Groups (Independent samples) \n Mann-Whitney U or Wilcoxon Rank-sum Test \n (a.k.a Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test) \n"),
"Method:", toupper(method), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
paste(" n =", ceiling(,
paste(" n1 =", ceiling(, "\n n2 =", ceiling(, "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Degrees of freedom =", ifelse(method == "noether", NA, round(df, 2)), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(prob1 = prob1, d = d, mu1 = mu1, mu2 = mu2, sd1 = sd1, sd2 = sd2,
prob1margin = prob1margin, margin = margin,
kappa = kappa, alpha = alpha, paired = paired, paired.r = paired.r,
alternative = alternative, verbose = verbose),
test = ifelse(method == "noether", "z", "t"),
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "np", "2means", ifelse(method == "noether", "z", "t"))))
} # end of
# logistic regression z test #
# dist = c("normal", "poisson", "uniform", "exponential", "binomial", "bernouilli", "lognormal")
# dist = list(dist = "normal", mean = 0, sd = 1)
# dist = list(dist = "poisson", lambda = 1)
# dist = list(dist = "uniform", min = 0, max = 1)
# dist = list(dist = "exponential", rate = 1)
# dist = list(dist = "binomial", size = 1, prob = 0.50)
# dist = list(dist = "bernoulli", prob = 0.50)
# dist = list(dist = "lognormal", meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)
pwrss.z.logistic <- pwrss.z.logreg <-
function(p1 = 0.10, p0 = 0.15,
odds.ratio = (p1 / (1 - p1)) / (p0 / (1 - p0)),
beta0 = log(p0 / (1 - p0)), beta1 = log(odds.ratio),
n = NULL, power = NULL, r2.other.x = 0,
alpha = 0.05, alternative = c("not equal", "less", "greater"),
method = c("demidenko(vc)", "demidenko", "hsieh"),
distribution = "normal", verbose = TRUE) {
user.parms.names <- names(as.list(
if(all(c("p0","odds.ratio", "beta0", "beta1") %in% user.parms.names)) {
stop("specify 'p0' & 'p1' \n or 'p0' & 'odds.ratio' \n or 'beta0' & 'beta1'", call. = FALSE)
if(all(c("p0","p1") %in% user.parms.names)) {
if(any(c("odds.ratio", "beta0", "beta1") %in% user.parms.names))
stop("specify 'p0' & 'p1' \n or 'p0' & 'odds.ratio' \n or 'beta0' & 'beta1'", call. = FALSE)
if(all(c("p0","odds.ratio") %in% user.parms.names)) {
if(any(c("p1","beta0", "beta1") %in% user.parms.names))
message("ignoring any specifications to 'p1', 'beta0', or 'beta1'")
beta0 <- log(p0 / (1 - p0))
beta1 <- log(odds.ratio)
p1 <- odds.ratio * (p0 / (1 - p0)) / (1 + odds.ratio * (p0 / (1 - p0)))
if(all(c("beta0","beta1") %in% user.parms.names)) {
if(any(c("p0", "p1", "odds.ratio") %in% user.parms.names))
message("ignoring any specifications to 'p0', 'p1', or 'odds.ratio'")
p0 <- exp(beta0) / (1 + exp(beta0))
odds.ratio <- exp(beta1)
p1 <- odds.ratio * (p0 / (1 - p0)) / (1 + odds.ratio * (p0 / (1 - p0)))
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
method <- match.arg(method)
if (alternative == "less" & p1 > p0)
warning("expecting 'p1 < p0'", call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "greater" & p1 < p0)
warning("expecting 'p1 > p0'", call. = FALSE)
if(length(distribution) == 1 & is.character(distribution)) {
distribution <- switch (tolower(distribution),
`normal` = list(dist = "normal", mean = 0, sd = 1),
`poisson` = list(dist = "poisson", lambda = 1),
`uniform` = list(dist = "uniform", min = 0, max = 1),
`exponential` = list(dist = "exponential", rate = 1),
`binomial` = list(dist = "binomial", size = 1, prob = 0.50),
`bernoulli` = list(dist = "bernoulli", size = 1, prob = 0.50),
`lognormal` = list(dist = "lognormal", meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1))
} else if(is.list(distribution)){
if(length(distribution) > 3) stop("unknown input type for 'distribution' argument", call. = FALSE)
dist.list.names <- names(distribution)
dist.attrib <- c(dist.list.names, tolower(distribution$dist))
dist.invalid <- c(any(, c("dist", "normal", "mean", "sd")))),
any(, c("dist", "lognormal", "meanlog", "sdlog")))),
any(, c("dist", "uniform", "min", "max")))),
any(, c("dist", "exponential", "rate")))),
any(, c("dist", "poisson", "lambda")))),
any(, c("dist", "binomial", "bernoulli", "size","prob")))))
if(all(dist.invalid == TRUE)) stop("unknown input type for 'distribution' argument", call. = FALSE)
} else {
stop("unknown input type for 'distribution' argument", call. = FALSE)
# asymptotic variances
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "normal"){
mean <- distribution$mean
sd <- distribution$sd
min.norm <- qnorm(.0000001, mean = mean, sd = sd)
max.norm <- qnorm(.9999999, mean = mean, sd = sd)
# variance under null
mu <- integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), min.norm, max.norm)$value <- log(mu / (1 - mu)) <- 0
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, min.norm, max.norm)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, min.norm, max.norm)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, min.norm, max.norm)$value
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, min.norm, max.norm)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, min.norm, max.norm)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, min.norm, max.norm)$value
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "poisson"){
lambda <- distribution$lambda
# maximum value
max.pois <- qpois(.9999999, lambda = lambda)
# variance under null
mu <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))), na.rm = TRUE) <- log(mu / (1 - mu)) <- 0
i00 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp( * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
i01 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) x * dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
i11 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) x^2 * dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
i01 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) x * dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
i11 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) x^2 * dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "uniform"){
min <- distribution$min
max <- distribution$max
# variance under null
mu <- integrate(function(x) dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), min, max)$value <- log(mu / (1 - mu)) <- 0
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, min, max)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, min, max)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, min, max)$value
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, min, max)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, min, max)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, min, max)$value
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "exponential"){
rate <- distribution$rate
max.exp <- qexp(.9999999, rate = rate)
# variance under null
mu <- integrate(function(x) dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), 0, max.exp)$value <- log(mu / (1 - mu)) <- 0
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, 0, max.exp)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, 0, max.exp)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, 0, max.exp)$value
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, 0, max.exp)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, 0, max.exp)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, 0, max.exp)$value
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) %in% c("binomial","bernoulli")){
ifelse(tolower(distribution$dist) == "bernoulli", size <- 1, size <- distribution$size)
prob <- distribution$prob
# variance under null
mu <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))), na.rm = TRUE) <- log(mu / (1 - mu)) <- 0
i00 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
i01 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) x * dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
i11 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) x^2 * dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
i01 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) x * dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
i11 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) x^2 * dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2), na.rm = TRUE)
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "lognormal"){
meanlog <- distribution$meanlog
sdlog <- distribution$sdlog
min.lnorm <- qlnorm(.0000001, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog)
max.lnorm <- qlnorm(.9999999, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog)
# variance under null
mu <- integrate(function(x) dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value <- log(mu / (1 - mu)) <- 0
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp( + * x) / (1 + exp( + * x))^2, min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) / (1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * x))^2, min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# Demidenko, E. (2007). Sample size determination for logistic
# regression revisited. Statistics in Medicine, 26, 3385-3397. <- quote({
if(tolower(method) == "demidenko(vc)") {
# correction factor
vcf <- switch (tolower(distribution$dist),
`normal` = 1,
`poisson` = 1,
`uniform` = 1,
`exponential` = 1,
`binomial` = 0.85,
`bernoulli` = 0.85,
`lognormal` = 0.75)
} else if (tolower(method) == "demidenko") {
vcf <- 0
# non-centrality parameter and standard deviation of the non-centrality parameter under alternative
ncp <- beta1 / sqrt(var.beta1 / (n * (1 - r2.other.x)))
sd.ncp <- sqrt((vcf * var.beta0 + (1 - vcf) * var.beta1) / var.beta1)
# compute power
if(alternative == "not equal") {
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = ncp, sd = sd.ncp) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = ncp, sd = sd.ncp)
} else if(alternative == "greater" | alternative == "less") {
if(alternative == "less") ncp <- abs(ncp)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = ncp, sd = sd.ncp)
# Hsieh, F. Y., Bloch, D. A., & Larsen, M. D. (1998). A simple
# method of sample size calculation for linear and logistic
# regression. Statistics in Medicine, 17, 1623-1634. <- quote({
if(tolower(distribution$dist) %in% c("binomial","bernoulli")) {
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "binomial" & distribution$size > 1)
stop("Hsieh et al. (1998) is valid only for a binary covariate or a continuous covariate following normal distribution")
prob <- distribution$prob
beta <- 1 - power
ifelse(tolower(alternative) == "not equal",
z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE),
z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE))
z.beta <- qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE) <- (1 - prob) * p0 + prob * p1
n <- (z.alpha * sqrt( * (1 - / prob) + z.beta * sqrt(p0 * (1 - p0) + p1 * (1 - p1) * (1 - prob) / prob))^2 / ((p0 - p1)^2 * (1 - prob))
n <- n / (1 - r2.other.x)
} else if (tolower(distribution$dist) == "normal") {
beta <- 1 - power
ifelse(tolower(alternative) == "not equal",
z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE),
z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE))
z.beta <- qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
odds.ratio <- (p1 / (1 - p1)) / (p0 / (1 - p0))
beta1 <- log(odds.ratio)
n <- (z.alpha + z.beta)^2 / (p0 * (1 - p0) * beta1^2)
n <- n / (1 - r2.other.x)
} else {
stop("not a valid distribution for Hsieh et al. (1998) procedure", call. = FALSE)
if(tolower(method) == "demidenko(vc)" | tolower(method) == "demidenko") {
if (is.null(power)) {
power <- eval(
} else if(is.null(n)) {
n <- uniroot(function(n){
power - eval(
}, interval = c(2, 1e+09))$root
ncp <- beta1 / sqrt(var.beta1 / (n * (1 - r2.other.x)))
} else if (tolower(method) == "hsieh") {
if (is.null(n)) {
n <- eval(
} else if(is.null(power)) {
power <- uniroot(function(power){
n - eval(
}, interval = c(0.01, 0.999))$root
ifelse(tolower(alternative) == "not equal",
z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE),
z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE))
z.beta <- qnorm(beta, lower.tail = FALSE)
ncp <- z.alpha + z.beta
ifelse(p1 < p0, ncp <- -ncp, ncp <- ncp)
} else {
stop("unknown method", call. = FALSE)
if(verbose) {
cat(" Logistic Regression Coefficient \n (Large Sample Approx. Wald's z Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: beta1 = 0 \n HA: beta1 != 0 \n",
`greater` = "H0: beta1 = 0 \n HA: beta1 > 0 \n",
`less` = "H0: beta1 = 0 \n HA: beta1 < 0 \n"),
"Distribution of X =", sQuote(tolower(distribution$dist)), "\n",
"Method =", toupper(method), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(p0 = p0, p1 = p1, beta0 = beta0, beta1 = beta1,
odds.ratio = odds.ratio, r2.other.x = r2.other.x,
alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, method = method,
distribution = distribution, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "logreg")))
} # end of pwrss.z.logistic()
# poisson regression z test #
# dist = c("normal", "poisson", "uniform", "exponential", "binomial", "bernouilli", "lognormal")
# dist = list(dist = "normal", mean = 0, sd = 1)
# dist = list(dist = "poisson", lambda = 1)
# dist = list(dist = "uniform", min = 0, max = 1)
# dist = list(dist = "exponential", rate = 1)
# dist = list(dist = "binomial", size = 1, prob = 0.50)
# dist = list(dist = "bernoulli", prob = 0.50)
# dist = list(dist = "lognormal", meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)
# mean.exposure is the mean exposure time (should be > 0)
# lambda is the mean event rate for the exposure time
pwrss.z.poisson <- pwrss.z.poisreg <-
function(exp.beta0 = 1.10, exp.beta1 = 1.16,
beta0 = log(exp.beta0), beta1 = log(exp.beta1),
mean.exposure = 1, n = NULL, power = NULL, r2.other.x = 0,
alpha = 0.05, alternative = c("not equal", "less", "greater"),
method = c("demidenko(vc)", "demidenko", "signorini"),
distribution = "normal", verbose = TRUE) {
user.parms.names <- names(as.list(
if(all(c("beta0","betap1") %in% user.parms.names)) {
if(any(c("exp.beta0", "exp.beta1") %in% user.parms.names))
message("ignoring any specifications to 'exp.beta0', or 'exp.beta1'")
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
method <- match.arg(method)
if (alternative == "less" & beta1 > 0)
warning("expecting 'beta1 < 0'", call. = FALSE)
if (alternative == "greater" & beta1 < 0)
warning("expecting 'beta1 > 0'", call. = FALSE)
if(length(distribution) == 1 & is.character(distribution)) {
distribution <- switch (tolower(distribution),
`normal` = list(dist = "normal", mean = 0, sd = 1),
`poisson` = list(dist = "poisson", lambda = 1),
`uniform` = list(dist = "uniform", min = 0, max = 1),
`exponential` = list(dist = "exponential", rate = 1),
`binomial` = list(dist = "binomial", size = 1, prob = 0.50),
`bernoulli` = list(dist = "bernoulli", size = 1, prob = 0.50),
`lognormal` = list(dist = "lognormal", meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1))
} else if(is.list(distribution)){
if(length(distribution) > 3) stop("unknown input type for 'distribution' argument", call. = FALSE)
dist.list.names <- names(distribution)
dist.attrib <- c(dist.list.names, tolower(distribution$dist))
dist.invalid <- c(any(, c("dist", "normal", "mean", "sd")))),
any(, c("dist", "lognormal", "meanlog", "sdlog")))),
any(, c("dist", "uniform", "min", "max")))),
any(, c("dist", "exponential", "rate")))),
any(, c("dist", "poisson", "lambda")))),
any(, c("dist", "binomial", "bernoulli", "size","prob")))))
if(all(dist.invalid == TRUE)) stop("unknown input type for 'distribution' argument", call. = FALSE)
} else {
stop("unknown input type for 'distribution' argument", call. = FALSE)
# asymptotic variances
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "normal"){
mean <- distribution$mean
sd <- distribution$sd
min.norm <- qnorm(.0000001, mean = mean, sd = sd)
max.norm <- qnorm(.9999999, mean = mean, sd = sd)
# variance under null
mu <- integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min.norm, max.norm)$value <- log(mu) <- 0
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp( + * x), min.norm, max.norm)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp( + * x), min.norm, max.norm)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp( + * x), min.norm, max.norm)$value
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min.norm, max.norm)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min.norm, max.norm)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min.norm, max.norm)$value
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "poisson"){
lambda <- distribution$lambda
# maximum value
max.pois <- qpois(.999999999, lambda = lambda)
# variance under null
mu <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), na.rm = TRUE) <- log(mu) <- 0
i00 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp( + * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
i01 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) x * dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp( + * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
i11 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) x^2 * dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp( + * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
i01 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) x * dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
i11 <- sum(sapply(0:max.pois, function(x) x^2 * dpois(x, lambda = lambda) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "uniform"){
min <- distribution$min
max <- distribution$max
# variance under null
mu <- integrate(function(x) dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min, max)$value <- log(mu) <- 0
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp( + * x), min, max)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp( + * x), min, max)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp( + * x), min, max)$value
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min, max)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min, max)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dunif(x, min = min, max = max) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min, max)$value
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "exponential"){
rate <- distribution$rate
max.exp <- qexp(.9999999, rate = rate)
# variance under null
mu <- integrate(function(x) dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), 0, max.exp)$value <- log(mu) <- 0
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp( + * x), 0, max.exp)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp( + * x), 0, max.exp)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp( + * x), 0, max.exp)$value
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), 0, max.exp)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), 0, max.exp)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dexp(x, rate = rate) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), 0, max.exp)$value
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) %in% c("binomial","bernoulli")){
ifelse(tolower(distribution$dist) == "bernoulli", size <- 1, size <- distribution$size)
prob <- distribution$prob
# variance under null
mu <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), na.rm = TRUE) <- log(mu) <- 0
i00 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp( + * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
i01 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) x * dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp( + * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
i11 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) x^2 * dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp( + * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
i01 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) x * dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
i11 <- sum(sapply(0:size, function(x) x^2 * dbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)), na.rm = TRUE)
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
if(tolower(distribution$dist) == "lognormal"){
meanlog <- distribution$meanlog
sdlog <- distribution$sdlog
min.lnorm <- qlnorm(.0000001, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog)
max.lnorm <- qlnorm(.9999999, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog)
# variance under null
mu <- integrate(function(x) dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value <- log(mu) <- 0
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp( + * x), min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp( + * x), min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp( + * x), min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
var.beta0 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
# variance under alternative
i00 <- integrate(function(x) dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
i01 <- integrate(function(x) x * dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
i11 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * dlnorm(x, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog) * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), min.lnorm, max.lnorm)$value
var.beta1 <- i00 / (i00 * i11 - i01^2)
} <- quote({
if(tolower(method) == "demidenko(vc)") {
# correction factor
vcf <- switch (tolower(distribution$dist),
`normal` = 1,
`poisson` = 1,
`uniform` = 1,
`exponential` = 1,
`binomial` = 1, # 0.85
`bernoulli` = 1, # 0.85
`lognormal` = 0.75)
} else if (tolower(method) == "demidenko") {
vcf <- 0
# non-centrality parameter and standard deviation of the non-centrality parameter under alternative
if (tolower(method) == "signorini") {
# Signorini, D. F. (1991). Sample size for poisson regression.
# Biometrika, 78, 446-450.
ncp <- beta1 / sqrt(var.beta0 / (n * (1 - r2.other.x) * mean.exposure))
sd.ncp <- sqrt(var.beta1 / var.beta0)
} else {
# Demidenko, E. (2007). Sample size determination for logistic
# regression revisited. Statistics in Medicine, 26, 3385-3397.
ncp <- beta1 / sqrt(var.beta1 / (n * (1 - r2.other.x) * mean.exposure))
sd.ncp <- sqrt((vcf * var.beta0 + (1 - vcf) * var.beta1) / var.beta1)
# compute power
if(alternative == "not equal") {
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = ncp, sd = sd.ncp) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = ncp, sd = sd.ncp)
} else if(alternative == "greater" | alternative == "less") {
if(alternative == "less") ncp <- abs(ncp)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower.tail = FALSE), mean = ncp, sd = sd.ncp)
if (is.null(power)) {
power <- eval(
} else if(is.null(n)) {
n <- uniroot(function(n){
power - eval(
}, interval = c(2, 1e+09))$root
ncp <- beta1 / sqrt(var.beta1 / (n * (1 - r2.other.x)))
if(verbose) {
cat(" Poisson Regression Coefficient \n (Large Sample Approx. Wald's z Test) \n",
`not equal` = "H0: beta1 = 0 \n HA: beta1 != 0 \n",
`greater` = "H0: beta1 = 0 \n HA: beta1 > 0 \n",
`less` = "H0: beta1 = 0 \n HA: beta1 < 0 \n"),
"Distribution of X =", sQuote(tolower(distribution$dist)), "\n",
"Method =", toupper(method), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Alternative =", dQuote(alternative),"\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(ncp, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(beta0 = beta0, beta1 = beta1, mean.exposure = mean.exposure,
r2.other.x = r2.other.x,
alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative, method = method,
distribution = distribution, verbose = verbose),
test = "z",
ncp = ncp,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "z", "poisreg")))
} # end of pwrss.z.poisson()
# Chi-square test for independence/goodness-of-fit #
# internal function to get some chisq stat <- function(p1) {
p0 <- rep(1/length(p1), length(p1)),
p0 <- outer(rowSums(p1), colSums(p1)) / sum(p1))
df <- length(p1) - 1,
df <- (nrow(p1) - 1) * (ncol(p1) - 1))
chisq <- sum((p1 - p0)^2 / p0)
mdf <- 1,
mdf <- min(nrow(p1) - 1, ncol(p1) - 1))
w <- sqrt(chisq / (sum(p1) * mdf))
list(p1 = p1, p0 = p0, df = df, w = w)
pwrss.chisq.gofit <- function (p1 = c(0.50, 0.50),
p0 =$p0,
w =$w,
df =$df,
n = NULL, power = NULL,
alpha = 0.05, verbose = TRUE)
user.parms.names <- names(as.list(
if("p1" %in% user.parms.names & "w" %in% user.parms.names) {
warning("ignoring any specifications to 'p1', or 'p0'")
if("w" %in% user.parms.names & !("df" %in% user.parms.names)) {
stop("specify 'df'", call. = FALSE)
if(is.vector(p1)) {
if(length(p1) != length(p0)) stop("length of 'p1' and 'p0' should match", call. = FALSE)
if(sum(p1) != 1 | sum(p0) != 1) stop("cell probabilities should sum to 1", call. = FALSE)
} else if(is.matrix(p1)) {
if(any(dim(p1) != dim(p0))) stop("dimensions for 'p1' and 'p0' differ", call. = FALSE)
} else {
stop("not a valid 'p1' argument", call. = FALSE)
} <- quote({
lambda <- n * w^2
pchisq(qchisq(alpha, df = df, lower = FALSE), df = df, ncp = lambda, lower = FALSE)
if (is.null(power)) {
power <- eval(
} else if(is.null(n)) {
n <- uniroot(function(n){
power - eval(
}, interval = c(df + 1, 1e+09))$root
lambda <- n * w^2
if(verbose) {
cat(" Pearson's Chi-square Goodness-of-fit Test \n for Contingency Tables \n",
"------------------------------ \n",
" Statistical power =", round(power, 3), "\n",
" Total n =", ceiling(n), "\n",
"------------------------------ \n",
"Degrees of freedom =", round(df, 3), "\n",
"Non-centrality parameter =", round(lambda, 3), "\n",
"Type I error rate =", round(alpha, 3), "\n",
"Type II error rate =", round(1 - power, 3), "\n")
invisible(structure(list(parms = list(w = w, df = df, alpha = alpha, verbose = verbose),
test = "chisq",
df = df,
ncp = lambda,
power = power,
n = n),
class = c("pwrss", "chisq", "gofit")))
# end of pwrss.chisq.gofit()
# generic t and z test functions #
# type = 1 for light red, 2 for light blue
.plot.t.dist <- function(ncp = 0, df = Inf, xlim, type = 1) {
plot.window.dim <- dev.size("cm")
cex.axis <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 15, plot.window.dim[2] / 15)
ifelse(type == 1,
color <- adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 1),
color <- adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 1))
# non-central t function
funt <- function(x){
dt(x, df = df, ncp = ncp)
# plot central t distribution
ylim <- c(0, 0.50)
plot(funt, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", bty = "l",
col = color, lwd = 2, lty = type,
xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.axis = cex.axis)
# type = 1 for light red shade, 2 for light blue shade, 3 for light black stripes
.paint.t.dist<- function(ncp = 0, df = Inf, xlim, type = 1) {
color <- switch (type,
`1` = adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3),
`2` = adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.3),
`3` = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.3))
# non-central t function
funt <- function(x){
dt(x, df = df, ncp = ncp)
x <- seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), by = .001)
y <- funt(x)
xs <- c(x, rev(x))
ys <- c(y, rep(0, length(y)))
if(type == 1 | type == 2) {
polygon(x = xs, y = ys, col = color, border = NA)
} else if (type == 3) {
polygon(x = xs, y = ys, col = color, density = 20, angle = 45, border = NA)
prob <- pt(max(xlim), df = df, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = TRUE) -
pt(min(xlim), df = df, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = TRUE)
.plot.t.t1t2 <- function(ncp, df, alpha, alternative,
plot.main = NULL, plot.sub = NULL) {
# critical t line segment coordinates
if(alternative == "equivalent") {
if(length(ncp) == 1) ncp <- rbind(min(-ncp, ncp), max(-ncp, ncp))
if(length(ncp) == 2 & is.vector(ncp)) ncp <- rbind(min(ncp), max(ncp))
if(length(ncp) > 2) stop("not a valid plotting option", call. = FALSE)
talpha <- c(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = ncp[1], lower.tail = FALSE),
qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = ncp[2], lower.tail = TRUE))
ytalpha <- dt(talpha, df = df, ncp = ncp)
} else if(alternative == "not equal") {
if(length(ncp) > 1) stop("not a valid plotting option", call. = FALSE)
talpha <- qt(c(1 - alpha / 2, alpha / 2), df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
ytalpha <- dt(talpha, df = df, ncp = 0)
} else {
if(length(ncp) > 1) stop("not a valid plotting option", call. = FALSE)
talpha <- qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
ytalpha <- dt(talpha, df = df, ncp = 0)
if(ncp < 0) talpha <- -talpha
# x-axis limits
ifelse(df < 20, prob.extreme <- 0.001, prob.extreme <- 0.0001)
lower <- min(min(qt(prob.extreme, df = df, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = TRUE)),
qt(prob.extreme, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE))
upper <- max(max(qt(1-prob.extreme, df = df, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = TRUE)),
qt(1-prob.extreme, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE))
xlim <- c(lower, upper )
plot.window.dim <- dev.size("cm")
cex.legend <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 18, plot.window.dim[2] / 15)
cex.title <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 11, plot.window.dim[2] / 11)
cex.label <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 12, plot.window.dim[2] / 12)
# plots
if(alternative == "equivalent") {
.plot.t.dist(ncp = ncp[1], df = df, xlim = xlim, type = 1)
par(new = TRUE)
.plot.t.dist(ncp = ncp[2], df = df, xlim = xlim, type = 1)
par(new = TRUE)
.plot.t.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = xlim, type = 2)
text(0, dt(0, df = df, ncp = 0) + 0.05,
labels = "Alternative \n Hypothesis",
cex = cex.legend, col = adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 1))
} else {
.plot.t.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = xlim, type = 2)
par(new = TRUE)
.plot.t.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = xlim, type = 1)
text(ncp, dt(ncp, df = df, ncp = ncp) + 0.05,
labels = "Alternative \n Hypothesis",
cex = cex.legend, col = adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 1))
} # end of plots
# draw vertical lines for critical region
segments(x0 = talpha, y0 = rep(0, length(talpha)),
x1 = talpha, y1 = ytalpha, col = 2, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
# paint regions
if(alternative == "equivalent") {
.paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp[1], df = df, xlim = c(talpha[1], max(xlim)), type = 1)
.paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp[2], df = df, xlim = c(talpha[2], min(xlim)), type = 1)
.paint.t.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = c(talpha[1], min(xlim)), type = 2)
.paint.t.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = c(talpha[2], max(xlim)), type = 2)
ifelse(talpha[2] > talpha[1],
power <- .paint.t.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = talpha, type = 3),
power <- 0)
} else if(alternative == "not equal") {
.paint.t.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = c(talpha[1], min(xlim)), type = 1)
.paint.t.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = c(talpha[2], max(xlim)), type = 1)
ifelse(ncp < 0,
.paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(talpha[1], max(xlim)), type = 2),
.paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(talpha[2], min(xlim)), type = 2))
ifelse(ncp < 0,
power <- .paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(talpha[1], min(xlim)), type = 3),
power <- .paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(talpha[2], max(xlim)), type = 3))
} else {
ifelse(ncp < 0,
.paint.t.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = c(talpha, min(xlim)), type = 1),
.paint.t.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = c(talpha, max(xlim)), type = 1))
ifelse(ncp < 0,
.paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(talpha, max(xlim)), type = 2),
.paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(talpha, min(xlim)), type = 2))
ifelse(ncp < 0,
power <- .paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(talpha, min(xlim)), type = 3),
power <- .paint.t.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(talpha, max(xlim)), type = 3))
} # end of paint regions
# axes labels and subtitle
title(main = plot.main, line = 2, cex.main = cex.title)
title(sub = plot.sub, line = 3, cex.sub = cex.title)
title(ylab = "Probability Density", line = 2.2, cex.lab = cex.label,
col.lab = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.8))
if(is.finite(df)) {
title(xlab = paste0("t Value (df = ", round(df, digits = 2), ")"),
line = 2.2, cex.lab = cex.label,
col.lab = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.8))
} else {
title(xlab = "z Value", line = 2.2, cex.lab = cex.label,
col.lab = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.8))
if(power < 0) power <- 0
alpha <- round(alpha, 2)
beta <- round(1 - power, 2)
power <- round(power, 2)
legend("topright", cex = cex.legend,
c(as.expression(bquote(Power == .(power))),
as.expression(bquote(alpha == .(alpha))),
as.expression(bquote(beta == .(beta)))),
fill = c(adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.3),
adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3),
adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.3)),
border = c(adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.15),
adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.15),
adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.15)),
bg = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.08),
box.col = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0),
density = c(30, NA, NA),
angle = c(45, NA, NA))
} # end of .plot.t.t1t2()
# power for the generic t test with (optional) type I and type II error plots
power.t.test <- function(ncp, df, alpha = 0.05,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less",
"non-inferior", "superior", "equivalent"),
plot = TRUE, plot.main = NULL, plot.sub = NULL,
verbose = TRUE){
alternative <- tolower(match.arg(alternative))
if(sum(c(length(ncp), length(df), length(alpha)) > 1) > 1)
stop("only one of the 'ncp', 'df', or 'alpha' arguments can take multiple values", call. = FALSE)
if(any(df < 0))
stop("'df' sould be positive", call. = FALSE)
if(any(alpha < 0) | any(alpha > .999))
stop("'alpha' sould be between 0 and 0.999", call. = FALSE)
# calculate statistical power
if(alternative == "not equal") {
if(any(c(length(ncp), length(df), length(alpha)) > 1) & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = abs(ncp)) +
pt(-qt(alpha / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = abs(ncp))
talpha <- rbind(qt(1 - alpha / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE),
qt(alpha / 2, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE))
} else if(alternative %in% c("greater", "less", "superior", "non-inferior")) {
if(any(ncp < 0) & alternative == "greater")
warning("alternative = 'greater' but non-centrality parameter is negative", call. = FALSE)
if(any(ncp > 0) & alternative == "less")
warning("alternative = 'less' but non-centrality parameter is positive", call. = FALSE)
if(any(c(length(ncp), length(df), length(alpha)) > 1) & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = abs(ncp))
talpha <- qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "equivalent") {
if(any(c(length(df), length(alpha)) > 1) & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
if(length(ncp) == 1) {
ncp <- rbind(min(-ncp, ncp), max(-ncp, ncp))
} else {
if(is.vector(ncp)) {
if(length(ncp) > 1 & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
ncp <- rbind(-ncp, ncp)
if(is.matrix(ncp)) {
if(dim(ncp)[1] > 2)
stop("equivalence testing allows multiple 'ncp' parameters in the form of 2 x k matrix \n the first row is the lower bound of 'ncp' and the second row is the upper bound of 'ncp'", call. = FALSE)
if(dim(ncp)[2] > 1 & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
power <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = abs(ncp[1,])) +
1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE), df = df, ncp = abs(ncp[2,])) - 1
# do not rely on lower.tail defaults
# the power function above is same as the following
## beta1 <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = ncp[1,], lower.tail = FALSE),
## df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
## beta2 <- 1 - pt(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = ncp[2,], lower.tail = TRUE),
## df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE)
## power <- 1 - beta1 + 1 - beta2 - 1
# which is more intuative based on type I and type II error plots
power[power < 0] <- 0
talpha <- rbind(qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = ncp[1,], lower.tail = FALSE),
qt(alpha, df = df, ncp = ncp[2,], lower.tail = TRUE))
} else {
stop("not a valid hypothesis type", call. = FALSE)
if(plot) {
.plot.t.t1t2(ncp = ncp, df = df, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative,
plot.main = plot.main, plot.sub = plot.sub)
if(verbose) {
if(alternative == "equivalent") {
if(any(c(is.matrix(df), is.matrix(alpha))))
stop("'verbose' argument is not available for matrix type input", call. = FALSE)
ncp.alt <- 0
ncp.null <- round(ncp, 3)
data.frame(power = power, ncp.alt = ncp.alt,
ncp.null.1 = ncp.null[1,], ncp.null.2 = ncp.null[2,],
alpha = alpha, df = df,
t.crit.1 = talpha[1,], t.crit.2 = talpha[2,]),
row.names = FALSE)
} else {
if(any(c(is.matrix(ncp), is.matrix(df), is.matrix(alpha))))
stop("'verbose' argument is not available for matrix type input", call. = FALSE)
ncp.alt <- round(ncp, 3)
ncp.null <- 0
ifelse(alternative == "not equal",
data.frame(power = power, ncp.alt = ncp.alt, ncp.null = ncp.null,
alpha = alpha, df = df,
t.crit.1 = talpha[1,], t.crit.2 = talpha[2,]),
row.names = FALSE),
data.frame(power = power, ncp.alt = ncp.alt, ncp.null = ncp.null,
alpha = alpha, df = df, t.crit = talpha),
row.names = FALSE))
} # end of verbose
} # end of plot.t.test()
# power for the generic z test with (optional) type I and type II error plots
power.z.test <- function(ncp, alpha = 0.05,
alternative = c("not equal", "greater", "less",
"non-inferior", "superior", "equivalent"),
plot = TRUE, plot.main = NULL, plot.sub = NULL,
verbose = TRUE){
alternative <- tolower(match.arg(alternative))
if(sum(c(length(ncp), length(alpha)) > 1) > 1)
stop("only one of the 'ncp' or 'alpha' arguments can take multiple values", call. = FALSE)
if(any(alpha < 0) | any(alpha > .999))
stop("'alpha' sould be between 0 and 0.999", call. = FALSE)
# calculate statistical power
if(alternative == "not equal") {
if(any(c(length(ncp), length(alpha)) > 1) & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha / 2, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE), sd = 1, mean = abs(ncp)) +
pnorm(-qnorm(alpha / 2, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE), sd = 1, mean = abs(ncp))
zalpha <- rbind(qnorm(1 - alpha / 2, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE),
qnorm(alpha / 2, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE))
} else if(alternative %in% c("greater", "less", "superior", "non-inferior")) {
if(any(ncp < 0) & alternative == "greater")
warning("alternative = 'greater' but non-centrality parameter is negative", call. = FALSE)
if(any(ncp > 0) & alternative == "less")
warning("alternative = 'less' but non-centrality parameter is positive", call. = FALSE)
if(any(c(length(ncp), length(alpha)) > 1) & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE), sd = 1, mean = abs(ncp))
zalpha <- qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else if(alternative == "equivalent") {
if(length(alpha) > 1 & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
if(length(ncp) == 1) {
ncp <- rbind(min(-ncp, ncp), max(-ncp, ncp))
} else {
if(is.vector(ncp)) {
if(length(ncp) > 1 & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
ncp <- rbind(-ncp, ncp)
if(is.matrix(ncp)) {
if(dim(ncp)[1] > 2)
stop("equivalence testing allows multiple 'ncp' parameters in the form of 2 x k matrix \n the first row is the lower bound of 'ncp' and the second row is the upper bound of 'ncp'", call. = FALSE)
if(dim(ncp)[2] > 1 & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
power <- 1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE), sd = 1, mean = abs(ncp[1,])) +
1 - pnorm(qnorm(alpha, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE), sd = 1, mean = abs(ncp[2,])) - 1
power[power < 0] <- 0
zalpha <- rbind(qnorm(alpha, mean = ncp[1,], lower.tail = FALSE),
qnorm(alpha, mean = ncp[2,], lower.tail = TRUE))
} else {
stop("not a valid hypothesis type", call. = FALSE)
if(plot) {
.plot.t.t1t2(ncp = ncp, df = Inf, alpha = alpha, alternative = alternative,
plot.main = plot.main, plot.sub = plot.sub)
if(verbose) {
if(alternative == "equivalent") {
if(any(c(is.matrix(df), is.matrix(alpha))))
stop("'verbose' argument is not available for matrix type input", call. = FALSE)
ncp.alt <- 0
ncp.null <- round(ncp, 3)
data.frame(power = power, ncp.alt = ncp.alt,
ncp.null.1 = ncp.null[1,], ncp.null.2 = ncp.null[2,],
alpha = alpha,
z.crit.1 = zalpha[1,], z.crit.2 = zalpha[2,]),
row.names = FALSE)
} else {
if(any(c(is.matrix(ncp), is.matrix(df), is.matrix(alpha))))
stop("'verbose' argument is not available for matrix type input", call. = FALSE)
ncp.alt <- round(ncp, 3)
ncp.null <- 0
ifelse(alternative == "not equal",
data.frame(power = power, ncp.alt = ncp.alt, ncp.null = ncp.null,
alpha = alpha,
z.crit.1 = zalpha[1,], z.crit.2 = zalpha[2,]),
row.names = FALSE),
data.frame(power = power, ncp.alt = ncp.alt, ncp.null = ncp.null,
alpha = alpha, z.crit = zalpha),
row.names = FALSE))
} # end of verbose
} # end of plot.z.test()
# generic F test functions #
# type = 1 for light red, 2 for light blue
.plot.f.dist <- function(ncp = 0, df1, df2, xlim, type = 1) {
plot.window.dim <- dev.size("cm")
cex.axis <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 15, plot.window.dim[2] / 15)
ifelse(type == 1,
color <- adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 1),
color <- adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 1))
# non-central f function
funf <- function(x){
df(x, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = ncp)
# mod of f dist
ifelse(df1 > 2, mod.x <- (df2 / df1) * (df1 - 2) / (df2 + 2), mod.x <- 0)
ifelse(df1 > 2, mod.y <- max(df(mod.x, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = 0),
df(mod.x, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = ncp)),
mod.y <- 0.60)
# plot central f distribution
ylim <- c(0, mod.y + 0.05)
plot(funf, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", bty = "l",
col = color, lwd = 2, lty = type,
xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.axis = cex.axis)
} # end of .plot.f.dist()
# type = 1 for light red shade, 2 for light blue shade, 3 for light black stripes
.paint.f.dist<- function(ncp = 0, df1, df2, xlim, type = 1) {
color <- switch (type,
`1` = adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3),
`2` = adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.3),
`3` = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.3))
# non-central f function
funf <- function(x){
df(x, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = ncp)
x <- seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), by = .001)
y <- funf(x)
xs <- c(x, rev(x))
ys <- c(y, rep(0, length(y)))
if(type == 1 | type == 2) {
polygon(x = xs, y = ys, col = color, border = NA)
} else if (type == 3) {
polygon(x = xs, y = ys, col = color, density = 20, angle = 45, border = NA)
prob <- pf(max(xlim), df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = TRUE) -
pf(min(xlim), df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = TRUE)
} # end of .paint.f.dist()
.plot.f.t1t2 <- function(ncp, df1, df2, alpha,
plot.main = NULL, plot.sub = NULL) {
if(length(ncp) > 1) stop("not a valid plotting option", call. = FALSE)
falpha <- qf(alpha, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
yfalpha <- df(falpha, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = 0)
# x-axis limits
ifelse(df1 < 2, prob.lower <- 0.30, prob.lower <- 0.001)
lower <- qf(prob.lower, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = 0)
upper <- qf(0.999, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = ncp)
xlim <- c(lower, upper)
plot.window.dim <- dev.size("cm")
cex.legend <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 18, plot.window.dim[2] / 15)
cex.title <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 11, plot.window.dim[2] / 11)
cex.label <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 12, plot.window.dim[2] / 12)
# plots
.plot.f.dist(ncp = ncp, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, xlim = xlim, type = 2)
par(new = TRUE)
.plot.f.dist(ncp = 0, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, xlim = xlim, type = 1)
# draw vertical lines for critical region
segments(x0 = falpha, y0 = rep(0, length(falpha)),
x1 = falpha, y1 = yfalpha, col = 2, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
# paint regions
.paint.f.dist(ncp = 0, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, xlim = c(falpha, max(xlim)), type = 1)
.paint.f.dist(ncp = ncp, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, xlim = c(lower, falpha), type = 2)
power <- .paint.f.dist(ncp = ncp, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, xlim = c(falpha, max(xlim)), type = 3)
# end of paint regions
# axes labels and subtitle
title(main = plot.main, line = 2, cex.main = cex.title)
title(sub = plot.sub, line = 3, cex.sub = cex.title)
title(ylab = "Probability Density", line = 2.2, cex.lab = cex.label,
col.lab = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.8))
title(xlab = paste0("F Value (df1 = ", round(df1, digits = 2), ", df2 = ", round(df2, digits = 2), ")"),
line = 2.2, cex.lab = cex.label,
col.lab = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.8))
alpha <- round(alpha, 2)
beta <- round(1 - power, 2)
power <- round(power, 2)
legend("topright", cex = cex.legend,
c(as.expression(bquote(Power == .(power))),
as.expression(bquote(alpha == .(alpha))),
as.expression(bquote(beta == .(beta)))),
fill = c(adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.3),
adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3),
adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.3)),
border = c(adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.15),
adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.15),
adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.15)),
bg = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.08),
box.col = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0),
density = c(30, NA, NA),
angle = c(45, NA, NA))
} # end of .plot.f.t1t2()
# power for the generic f test with (optional) type I and type II error plots
power.f.test <- function(ncp, df1, df2, alpha = 0.05,
plot = TRUE, plot.main = NULL, plot.sub = NULL,
verbose = TRUE) {
if(sum(c(length(ncp), length(df1), length(df2), length(alpha)) > 1) > 1)
stop("only one of the 'ncp', 'df1', 'df2', and 'alpha' arguments can take multiple values", call. = FALSE)
if(any(c(length(ncp), length(df1), length(df2), length(alpha)) > 1) & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
if(any(df1 < 0)) stop("'df1' sould be positive", call. = FALSE)
if(any(df2 < 0)) stop("'df2' sould be positive", call. = FALSE)
if(any(alpha < 0) | any(alpha > .999)) stop("'alpha' sould be between 0 and 0.999", call. = FALSE)
if(any(ncp < 0)) stop("'ncp' sould be positive", call. = FALSE)
falpha <- qf(alpha, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
power <- pf(qf(alpha, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, lower.tail = FALSE),
df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(plot) {
.plot.f.t1t2(ncp = ncp, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, alpha = alpha,
plot.main = plot.main, plot.sub = plot.sub)
if(verbose) {
if(any(c(is.matrix(ncp), is.matrix(df1), is.matrix(df2), is.matrix(alpha))))
stop("'verbose' argument is not available for matrix type input", call. = FALSE)
ncp.alt <- round(ncp, 3)
ncp.null <- 0
print(data.frame(power = power, ncp.alt = ncp.alt, ncp.null = ncp.null,
alpha = alpha, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, f.crit = falpha), row.names = FALSE)
} # end of verbose
} # end of plot.f.test()
# generic Chi-square test functions #
# type = 1 for light red, 2 for light blue
.plot.chisq.dist <- function(ncp = 0, df, xlim, type = 1) {
plot.window.dim <- dev.size("cm")
cex.axis <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 15, plot.window.dim[2] / 15)
ifelse(type == 1,
color <- adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 1),
color <- adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 1))
# non-central f function
funchisq <- function(x){
dchisq(x, df = df, ncp = ncp)
# plot central t distribution
ylim <- c(0, 0.25)
plot(funchisq, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", bty = "l",
col = color, lwd = 2, lty = type,
xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.axis = cex.axis)
} # end of .plot.chisq.dist()
# type = 1 for light red shade, 2 for light blue shade, 3 for light black stripes
.paint.chisq.dist<- function(ncp = 0, df, xlim, type = 1) {
color <- switch (type,
`1` = adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3),
`2` = adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.3),
`3` = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.3))
# non-central f function
funchisq <- function(x){
dchisq(x, df = df, ncp = ncp)
x <- seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), by = .001)
y <- funchisq(x)
xs <- c(x, rev(x))
ys <- c(y, rep(0, length(y)))
if(type == 1 | type == 2) {
polygon(x = xs, y = ys, col = color, border = NA)
} else if (type == 3) {
polygon(x = xs, y = ys, col = color, density = 20, angle = 45, border = NA)
prob <- pchisq(max(xlim), df = df, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = TRUE) -
pchisq(min(xlim), df = df, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = TRUE)
} # end of .paint.chisq.dist()
.plot.chisq.t1t2 <- function(ncp, df, alpha,
plot.main = NULL, plot.sub = NULL) {
if(length(ncp) > 1) stop("not a valid plotting option", call. = FALSE)
chisq.alpha <- qchisq(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
y.chisq.alpha <- dchisq(chisq.alpha, df = df, ncp = 0)
# x-axis limits
ifelse(df < 2, prob.lower <- 0.30, prob.lower <- 0.001)
lower <- qchisq(prob.lower, df = df, ncp = 0)
upper <- qchisq(0.999, df = df, ncp = ncp)
xlim <- c(lower, upper)
plot.window.dim <- dev.size("cm")
cex.legend <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 18, plot.window.dim[2] / 15)
cex.title <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 11, plot.window.dim[2] / 11)
cex.label <- min(plot.window.dim[1] / 12, plot.window.dim[2] / 12)
# plots
.plot.chisq.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = xlim, type = 2)
par(new = TRUE)
.plot.chisq.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = xlim, type = 1)
# draw vertical lines for critical region
segments(x0 = chisq.alpha, y0 = rep(0, length(chisq.alpha)),
x1 = chisq.alpha, y1 = y.chisq.alpha, col = 2, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
# paint regions
.paint.chisq.dist(ncp = 0, df = df, xlim = c(chisq.alpha, max(xlim)), type = 1)
.paint.chisq.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(lower, chisq.alpha), type = 2)
power <- .paint.chisq.dist(ncp = ncp, df = df, xlim = c(chisq.alpha, max(xlim)), type = 3)
# end of paint regions
# axes labels and subtitle
title(main = plot.main, line = 2, cex.main = cex.title)
title(sub = plot.sub, line = 3, cex.sub = cex.title)
title(ylab = "Probability Density", line = 2.2, cex.lab = cex.label,
col.lab = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.8))
title(xlab = as.expression(bquote(chi[2] ~ "Value (" * df==.(df) * ")")),
line = 2.2, cex.lab = cex.label,
col.lab = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.8))
alpha <- round(alpha, 2)
beta <- round(1 - power, 2)
power <- round(power, 2)
legend("topright", cex = cex.legend,
c(as.expression(bquote(Power == .(power))),
as.expression(bquote(alpha == .(alpha))),
as.expression(bquote(beta == .(beta)))),
fill = c(adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.3),
adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3),
adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.3)),
border = c(adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.15),
adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.15),
adjustcolor(4, alpha.f = 0.15)),
bg = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.08),
box.col = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0),
density = c(30, NA, NA),
angle = c(45, NA, NA))
} # end of .plot.f.t1t2()
# power for the generic Chi-square test with (optional) type I and type II error plots
power.chisq.test <- function(ncp, df, alpha = 0.05,
plot = TRUE, plot.main = NULL, plot.sub = NULL,
verbose = TRUE) {
if(sum(c(length(ncp), length(df), length(alpha)) > 1) > 1)
stop("only one of the 'ncp', 'df', and 'alpha' arguments can take multiple values", call. = FALSE)
if(any(c(length(ncp), length(df), length(alpha)) > 1) & isTRUE(plot))
stop("plotting is not available for multiple values", call. = FALSE)
if(any(df < 0)) stop("'df' sould be positive", call. = FALSE)
if(any(alpha < 0) | any(alpha > .999)) stop("'alpha' sould be between 0 and 0.999", call. = FALSE)
if(any(ncp < 0)) stop("'ncp' sould be positive", call. = FALSE)
chisq.alpha <- qchisq(alpha, df = df, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
power <- pchisq(chisq.alpha, df = df, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(plot) {
.plot.chisq.t1t2(ncp = ncp, df = df, alpha = alpha,
plot.main = plot.main, plot.sub = plot.sub)
if(verbose) {
if(any(c(is.matrix(ncp), is.matrix(df), is.matrix(alpha))))
stop("'verbose' argument is not available for matrix type input", call. = FALSE)
ncp.alt <- round(ncp, 3)
ncp.null <- 0
print(data.frame(power = power, ncp.alt = ncp.alt, ncp.null = ncp.null,
alpha = alpha, df = df, chisq.crit = chisq.alpha), row.names = FALSE)
} # end of verbose
} # end of plot.chisq.test()
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