
propagate <- function(
type = c("raw", "stat"), 
second.order = TRUE,
do.sim = FALSE, 
dist.sim = c("norm", "tnorm"),
use.cov = FALSE, 
nsim = 10000,
do.perm = FALSE, 
perm.crit = NULL, 
ties = NULL,
nperm = 2000,
alpha = 0.05,
plot = TRUE,    
logx = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,      
  ## check for correct inputs  
  type <- match.arg(type)
  dist.sim = match.arg(dist.sim)
  if (!is.expression(expr) && !is.call(expr)) stop("'expr' must be an expression")
  crit.all <- c("perm > init", "perm == init", "perm < init")
  if (is.null(perm.crit)) perm.crit <- crit.all
  else if (!(all(perm.crit %in% crit.all))) stop("'perm.crit' must be one of 'perm > init', 'perm == init' or 'perm < init'!") 
  if (type == "stat") do.perm <- FALSE
  if (NROW(data) == 1) plot <- FALSE          
  if (nsim > 0 && nsim < 5000) stop("Do at least 5000 simulations...")
  if (nsim < 0) stop("'nsim' must be >= 5000!")
  m <- match(all.vars(expr), colnames(data))
  if (any(is.na(m))) stop("Variable names of input dataframe and expression do not match!")
  if (length(unique(m)) != length(m)) stop("Some variable names are repetitive!")

  if (!is.logical(use.cov)) {
    if (!is.matrix(use.cov)) stop("'cov' must be a square covariance matrix!")
    if (is.matrix(use.cov)) {
      if (dim(use.cov)[1] != max(m) || dim(use.cov)[2] != max(m)) stop(paste("'use.cov' is not a ", max(m), "x", max(m), " matrix!", sep=""))
  if (!is.null(ties) && length(ties) != ncol(data)) stop("'ties' must have the same length as number of colums in 'data'!")
  ## create data matrix and covariance matrix
  DATA <- as.matrix(data)
  EXPR <- expr
  if (type == "raw") {
    meanVAL <- apply(DATA, 2, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    sdVAL <- apply(DATA, 2, function(x) sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))
  } else {
    meanVAL <- DATA[1, ]
    sdVAL <- DATA[2, ] 
  if (type == "raw" && use.cov == TRUE) SIGMA <- cov(DATA, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
  if (type == "raw" && use.cov == FALSE) SIGMA <- diag(diag(cov(DATA, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")))
  if (type == "stat") SIGMA <- diag(DATA[2, ]^2) 
  if (all(!is.na(diag(SIGMA)))) {
    isCov <- TRUE
  } else {
    isCov <- FALSE
    SIGMA[is.na(SIGMA)] <- 0
  ## version 1.3-8: because covariance matrices calculated with "pairwise.complete.obs"
  ## are not necessarily positive-definite, Matrix:::nearPD() is applied
  SIGMA <- tryCatch(as.matrix(nearPD(SIGMA)$mat), error = function(e) SIGMA) 
  if (is.matrix(use.cov)) {
    m <- match(colnames(use.cov), colnames(DATA))            
    if (any(is.na(m))) stop("Names of input dataframe and var-cov matrix do not match!")             
    if (length(unique(m)) != length(m)) stop("Some names of the var-cov matrix are repetitive!")             
    if (is.unsorted(m)) stop("Names of input dataframe and var-cov matrix not in the same order!")             
    SIGMA <- use.cov
  colnames(SIGMA) <- colnames(DATA)
  rownames(SIGMA) <- colnames(DATA)     
  ## Monte-Carlo simulation using multivariate (truncated) normal distributions
  if (do.sim && isCov) {   
    datSIM <- mvrnorm(nsim, mu = meanVAL, Sigma = SIGMA, empirical = TRUE)
    ## version 1.3-7: included truncated multivariate normal using 95% confidence values
    ## from multivariate normal
    if (dist.sim == "tnorm") {
      LOWER <- apply(datSIM, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.025))
      UPPER <- apply(datSIM, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.975))
      datSIM <- tmvrnorm(nsim, mean = meanVAL, sigma = SIGMA, lower = LOWER, upper = UPPER)           
    colnames(datSIM) <- colnames(DATA)
    resSIM <- apply(datSIM, 1, function(x) eval(EXPR, envir = as.list(x)))
    confSIM <- quantile(resSIM, c(alpha/2, 1 - (alpha/2)), na.rm = TRUE)  
    if(do.sim && length(unique(resSIM)) == 1) print("Monte Carlo simulation gave unique repetitive error value! Are all derivatives constants?")   
    allSIM <- cbind(datSIM, resSIM)
  } else {
    resSIM <- datSIM <- confSIM <- allSIM <- NA
  ## permutation statistics with ties
  if (do.perm) {
    if (is.null(ties)) ties <- 1:ncol(DATA)
    LEVELS <- unique(ties[!is.na(ties)])
    datPERM <- matrix(nrow = nperm, ncol = ncol(DATA))       
    for (i in 1:nrow(datPERM)) {                 
      SAMPLE <- sample(1:nrow(DATA), length(LEVELS), replace = TRUE)  
        for (j in 1:length(LEVELS)) {
          WHICH <- which(ties == LEVELS[j])              
          datPERM[i, WHICH] <- DATA[SAMPLE[j], WHICH]                       
    colnames(datPERM) <- colnames(DATA)                          
    resPERM <- apply(datPERM, 1, function(x) eval(EXPR, envir = as.list(x)))
    confPERM <- quantile(unique(resPERM), c(alpha/2, 1 - (alpha/2)), na.rm = TRUE)

    ## permutation hypothesis testing
    datPERM2 <- datPERM
    for (i in 1:nrow(datPERM2)) {
      permLEVELS <- sample(LEVELS)
      for (j in 1:length(LEVELS)) {
        origPOS <- which(ties == LEVELS[j])            
        newPOS <- which(ties == permLEVELS[j])
        datPERM2[i, newPOS] <- datPERM[i, origPOS]
    colnames(datPERM2) <- colnames(datPERM)
    resPERM2 <- apply(datPERM2, 1, function(x) eval(EXPR, envir = as.list(x)))
    init <- resPERM
    perm <- resPERM2           
    LOGIC <- lapply(perm.crit, function(x) eval(parse(text = x))) 
    names(LOGIC) <- perm.crit
    pvalPERM <- lapply(LOGIC, function(x) sum(x == TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)/(length(x[!is.na(x)])))
    names(pvalPERM) <- perm.crit
    datLOGIC <- as.data.frame(LOGIC)           
    allPERM <- cbind(datPERM, resPERM, datPERM2, resPERM2, datLOGIC)                                                 
  } else {
     datPERM <- resPERM <- resPERM2 <- confPERM <- pvalPERM <- allPERM <- NA
  ## error propagation with first/second-order Taylor expansion
  ARGS <- colnames(DATA)
  NARGS <- length(ARGS)
  ## make derivatives with gradient and hessian matrix
  doHessian <- if (second.order) TRUE else FALSE
  DERIVS <- try(deriv(EXPR, ARGS, hessian = doHessian), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(DERIVS, "try-error")) stop("There was an error in calculating the derivatives!")
  ## first-order mean: evaluate derivatives
  EVAL <- try(eval(DERIVS, envir = as.list(meanVAL)), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(EVAL, "try-error")) stop("There was an error in evaluating the derivatives!")
  firstMEAN <- as.numeric(EVAL)
  ## second-order mean: mean + 0.5 * tr(H.S)
  GRAD <- attr(EVAL, "gradient")
  if (second.order) {
    HESSIAN <- attr(EVAL, "hessian")  
    HESSIAN <- matrix(HESSIAN, ncol = NARGS)
    secondMEAN <- firstMEAN + 0.5 * sum(diag(HESSIAN %*% SIGMA))
  ## first-order variance: G.S.t(G)
  firstVAR <- GRAD %*% SIGMA %*% matrix(GRAD)   
  ## second-order variance: G.S.t(G) + 0.5 * tr(H.S.H.S)
  if (second.order) secondVAR <- firstVAR + 0.5 * sum(diag(HESSIAN %*% SIGMA %*% HESSIAN %*% SIGMA))
  MEAN <- if(second.order) secondMEAN else firstMEAN  
  VAR <- if(second.order) secondVAR else firstVAR  
  errorPROP <- sqrt(VAR)
  ## simulate from normal distribution
  confNORM <- abs(qnorm(alpha/2)) * errorPROP       
  confPROP <- c(MEAN - confNORM, MEAN + confNORM)
  distPROP <- rnorm(nsim, MEAN, errorPROP)
  ### plotting simulations, permutations & propagations
  if (plot) {           
    par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
    par(mar = c(3, 1, 2, 1))   
    MAIN <- c("Monte-Carlo", "Permutation", "Error propagation")
    for (i in 1:3) {
      plotDATA <- switch(i, resSIM, resPERM, distPROP)
      confDATA <- switch(i, confSIM, confPERM, confPROP)
      if (logx) {
        plotDATA <- suppressWarnings(log(plotDATA))  
        confDATA <- suppressWarnings(log(confDATA))

      FILTER <- quantile(plotDATA, c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)
      plotDATA <- plotDATA[plotDATA > FILTER[1] & plotDATA < FILTER[2]]

      plotDATA <- plotDATA[!is.na(plotDATA)]
      if (length(plotDATA) <= 1) next() 
      if (!exists("XLIM")) XLIM <- range(plotDATA, na.rm = TRUE)

      HIST <- hist(plotDATA, xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "gray", yaxt = "n", breaks = 100, 
                       main = MAIN[i], xlim = XLIM, xaxt = "n", ...) 
      aT = axTicks(side = 1)          
      axis(side = 1, at = aT, labels = if(logx) round(exp(aT), 2) else aT)    
      boxplot(plotDATA, horizontal = TRUE, add = TRUE, at = max(HIST$counts)/2, 
              boxwex = diff(range(HIST$counts))/5, axes = FALSE, medcol = 2, boxfill = "gray", outline = FALSE, ...)
      rug(median(plotDATA, na.rm = TRUE), col = 2, lwd = 4, quiet = TRUE)
      abline(v = confDATA, lwd = 2, col = 4, ...)                              
  outDAT <- data.frame.na(Sim = mean(resSIM, na.rm = TRUE), Perm = mean(resPERM, na.rm = TRUE),  Prop = MEAN)          
  outDAT <- rbind.na(outDAT, c(sd(resSIM, na.rm = TRUE), sd(resPERM, na.rm = TRUE), errorPROP))
  outDAT <- rbind.na(outDAT, c(median(resSIM, na.rm = TRUE), median(resPERM, na.rm = TRUE)))
  outDAT <- rbind.na(outDAT, c(mad(resSIM, na.rm = TRUE), mad(resPERM, na.rm = TRUE)))    
  outDAT <- rbind.na(outDAT, c(confSIM[1], confPERM[1], confPROP[1]))
  outDAT <- rbind.na(outDAT, c(confSIM[2], confPERM[2], confPROP[2]))     
  row.names(outDAT) <- c("Mean", "Std.dev.", "Median", "MAD", "Conf.lower", "Conf.upper") 
  if (!all(is.na(pvalPERM))) {
    pVALS <- as.numeric(pvalPERM)         
    pMAT <- matrix(nrow = length(pVALS), ncol = ncol(outDAT)) 
    WHICH <- which(colnames(outDAT) == "Perm") 
    pMAT[, WHICH] <- pVALS          
    rownames(pMAT) <- names(pvalPERM)
    colnames(pMAT) <- colnames(outDAT)              
    outDAT <- rbind.na(outDAT, pMAT)
  if (verbose) OUT <- list(data.Sim = allSIM, data.Perm = allPERM, data.Prop = distPROP, 
                            gradient = GRAD, hessian = if (second.order) HESSIAN else NULL, covMat = SIGMA, summary = outDAT)
  else OUT <- list(summary = outDAT)

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