
Defines functions transform.grid proxFn klGP getBands trape shrinkFn logsum logmean extract sum.sq unitFn sigFn.inv sigFn nuFn.inv nuFn lamFn ppFn ppFn0 waic estFn.noX estFn predict.qde predict.qrjoint summary.qde summary.qrjoint coef.qde coef.qrjoint update.qde update.qrjoint qde qrjoint

Documented in coef.qde coef.qrjoint estFn extract getBands klGP lamFn logmean logsum nuFn nuFn.inv ppFn ppFn0 predict.qde predict.qrjoint proxFn qde qrjoint shrinkFn sigFn sigFn.inv summary.qde summary.qrjoint sum.sq trape unitFn update.qde update.qrjoint waic


qrjoint <- function(formula, data, nsamp = 1e3, thin = 10, cens = NULL,
                    wt = NULL, incr = 0.01, par = "prior", nknots = 6,
                    hyper = list(sig = c(.1,.1), lam = c(6,4), kap = c(0.1,0.1,1)),
                    shrink = FALSE, prox.range = c(.2,.95), acpt.target = 0.15,
                    ref.size = 3, blocking = "std5", temp = 1, expo = 2,
                    blocks.mu, blocks.S, fix.nu = FALSE, fbase = c("t", "logistic", "unif"), verbose = TRUE){

    # Set up base functions
    fbase.choice <- match(fbase[1], c("t", "logistic", "unif"))
    if(is.na(fbase.choice)) stop("Only 't', 'logistic' or 'unif' is allowed for the choice of fbase")
    if(fbase.choice == 1){
        q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / (dt(qt(unitFn(u), df = nu), df = nu) * qt(.9, df = nu)))
        Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qt(unitFn(u), df = nu) / qt(.9, df = nu))
        F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(pt(x*qt(.9, df = nu), df = nu))
    } else if(fbase.choice == 2){
        fix.nu <- 1
        q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / dlogis(qlogis(unitFn(u))))
        Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qlogis(unitFn(u)))
        F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(plogis(x))
    } else {
        fix.nu <- 1
        q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / (dunif(qunif(u, -1,1), -1,1)))
        Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qunif(u, -1,1))
        F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(punif(x, -1,1))
    base.bundle <- list(q0 = q0, Q0 = Q0, F0 = F0)
    # Set design matrix, response vector, weights
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "cens", "wt"), names(mf), 0L)
    mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
    mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    #mf$na.action <- "na.fail"   # current implementation is model.frame default of "na.omit" no error/warning given
    mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    mt <- attr(mf, "terms")

    stop("Model formula must contain an intercept. See 'qde' formula for density estimation.")
    stop("Model formula must contain at least one non-intercept term. See 'qde' formula for density estimation.")
    y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
    if(length(dim(y))>1)  stop("Model response must be univariate.")
    x <- model.matrix(mt, mf)[,-1,drop=FALSE]
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)
    x <- scale(x, chull.center(x))
    illcond <- (qr(x)$rank < p)

    cens <- model.extract(mf,"cens")
    wt <- model.extract(mf,"wt")
    if(illcond & par!="noX"){
        warning("Ill condiitoned design matrix. Changing parameter initialization to 'noX'")
        par <- "noX"
    if(is.null(cens)) cens <- rep(0,n) else{
        cens <- as.vector(cens)
        stop("'cens' must be a numeric vector")

        if (length(cens) != n) 
        stop(gettextf("number of cens is %d, should equal %d (number of observations)", 
        length(cens), n), domain = NA)}
    if(is.null(wt)) wt <- rep(1,n) else{
      wt <- as.vector(wt)
        stop("'wt' must be a numeric vector")
      if (length(wt) != n) 
        stop(gettextf("number of wt is %d, should equal %d (number of observations)", 
                      length(wt), n), domain = NA)}
    # tau.g:  sequence of tau probabilities to be spead 'incr' apart, 
    #         supplemented at upper and lower regions by additionally fine grid of taus
    # L:      number of tau locations
    # mid:    indexes prob .5, (e.g. median) location in tau grid
    # reg.ix: indices of tau belonging to non-supplemented grid	

    Ltail <- ceiling(2*log(n,2) + log(incr,2))
    if(Ltail > 0){
        tau.tail <- incr / 2^(Ltail:1)
        tau.g <- c(0, tau.tail, seq(incr, 1 - incr, incr), 1 - tau.tail[Ltail:1], 1)
        L <- length(tau.g); mid <- which.min(abs(tau.g - 0.5)); reg.ix <- (1:L)[-c(1 + 1:Ltail, L - 1:Ltail)]
    } else {
        tau.g <- seq(0, 1, incr)
        L <- length(tau.g); mid <- which.min(abs(tau.g - 0.5)); reg.ix <- (1:L)
    tau.kb <- seq(0,1,len = nknots)
    tau.k <- tau.kb
    # set priors to defaults if not specified
    a.sig <- hyper$sig; if(is.null(a.sig)) a.sig <- c(.1, .1)
    a.lam <- hyper$lam; if(is.null(a.lam)) a.lam <- c(6, 4)
    a.kap <- hyper$kap; if(is.null(a.kap)) a.kap <- c(0.1, 0.1, 1); a.kap <- matrix(a.kap, nrow = 3); nkap <- ncol(a.kap); a.kap[3,] <- log(a.kap[3,])
    hyper.reduced <- c(a.sig, c(a.kap))
    # Create grid-discretized lambdas; retain sufficient overlap to get good mixing.
    # User specifies 1) range for reasonable correlations and 2) parameters for 
    # beta distribution dictating the correlation probabilities.
    # Code translates to lambda scale & gives discretized probs
    prox.grid <- proxFn(max(prox.range), min(prox.range), 0.5)
    ngrid <- length(prox.grid)
    lamsq.grid <- lamFn(prox.grid)^2
    prior.grid <- -diff(pbeta(c(1, (prox.grid[-1] + prox.grid[-ngrid])/2, 0), a.lam[1], a.lam[2]))
    lp.grid <- log(prior.grid)  # log probabilities of the lambda prior
    d.kg <- abs(outer(tau.k, tau.g, "-"))^expo	# dist between orig tau grid and reduced tau grid
    d.kk <- abs(outer(tau.k, tau.k, "-"))^expo  # dist between points on reduced tau grid
    gridmats <- matrix(NA, nknots*(L + nknots)+2, ngrid) # setup to hold stuff; (long) x dim of lambda grid
    K0 <- 0
    t1 <- Sys.time()
    for(i in 1:ngrid){
        K.grid <- exp(-lamsq.grid[i] * d.kg); K.knot <- exp(-lamsq.grid[i] * d.kk);	diag(K.knot) <- 1 + 1e-10	
        R.knot <- chol(K.knot); A.knot <- solve(K.knot, K.grid)   # Chol decomp of covariance (not yet inverted)
        # gridmats: Concatenation of first A_0g (L x m), then R_0g (m x m), 
        # then log det of R, then log lambda prior.  Done for each lambda separately	
        gridmats[,i] <- c(c(A.knot), c(R.knot), sum(log(diag(R.knot))), lp.grid[i])	
        # K0: Prior correlation, weighted by prior on different lambda values
        K0 <- K0 + prior.grid[i] * K.knot
    t2 <- Sys.time()
    #cat("Matrix calculation time per 1e3 iterations =", round(1e3 * as.numeric(t2 - t1), 2), "\n")
    ## create list of parameters to be passed to c
    # n: number of observations
    # p: number of covariates in design matrix, not inluding intercept
    # L: number of tau grid points
    # mid: index of tau in grid acting as median.  (indexed as one fewer in C than R)
    # nknots: number of knots in interpolation approximation of each w_j
    # ngrid: number of points in lambda grid/discretized prior (lambda dictates
    #        length-scale in GP, ie how related different taus are to eachother)
    niter <- nsamp * thin
    dimpars <- c(n, p, L, mid - 1, nknots, ngrid, ncol(a.kap), niter, thin, nsamp)
    # First supported option: using prior to initialize MC iteration
    if(par[1] == "prior") {
        par <- rep(0, (nknots+1) * (p+1) + 2)   # vector to hold all parameters
        if(fix.nu) par[(nknots+1) * (p+1) + 2] <- nuFn.inv(fix.nu) # nu in last slot of par
        # Get rq beta coefficients for each tau in grid. Then use 5th degree b-spline
        # to estimate curve for each beta coefficient
        # "dither" slightly perturbs responses in order to avoid potential degeneracy
        # of dual simplex algorithm (present with large number of ties in y) and "hanging"
        # of the rq Fortran code
        beta.rq <- sapply(tau.g, function(a) return(coef(suppressWarnings(quantreg::rq(dither(y) ~ x, tau = a, weights = wt)))))   # THIS COULD BE DONE WITH tau=tau.g
        v <- bs(tau.g, df = 5)
        # over tau and per coefficient get smoothed fits through data (ie independently estimated quantiles);
        # ultimate goal: reasonable estimates at median, at delta and at 1-delta
        rq.lm <- apply(beta.rq, 1, function(z) return(coef(lm(z ~ v))))
        # Combine b-spline estimates to get estimate of coefficient when tau
        # is delta (lower quantile) and when tau is 1 - delta (upper quantile)
        delta <- tau.g[2]
        tau.0 <- tau.g[mid]
        rq.tau0 <- c(c(1, predict(v, tau.0)) %*% rq.lm)
        rq.delta <- c(c(1, predict(v, delta)) %*% rq.lm)
        rq.deltac <- c(c(1, predict(v, 1 - delta)) %*% rq.lm)
        par[nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+1)] <- as.numeric(rq.tau0) # median coefficient quantiles  placed in p + 1 positions just before last 2
        sigma <- 1
        par[(nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1] <- sigFn.inv(sigma, a.sig) # prior for sigma.  
        for(i in 1:(p+1)){
            kapsq <- sum(exp(a.kap[3,]) * (a.kap[2,] / a.kap[1,]))
            lam.ix <- sample(length(lamsq.grid), 1, prob = prior.grid)
            R <- matrix(gridmats[L*nknots + 1:(nknots*nknots),lam.ix], nknots, nknots)
            z <- sqrt(kapsq) * c(crossprod(R, rnorm(nknots)))
            par[(i - 1) * nknots + 1:nknots] <- z - mean(z) # centered and placed in sets of length nknots one after another for p+1 covariates
        # get betas associated with these prior params & corresponding quantile estimate (centered around median)
        beta.hat <- estFn(par, x, y, gridmats, L, mid, nknots, ngrid, a.kap, a.sig, tau.g, reg.ix, FALSE, base.bundle = base.bundle)
        qhat <- tcrossprod(cbind(1, x), beta.hat)
        infl <- max(max((y - qhat[,mid])/(qhat[,ncol(qhat) - 1] - qhat[,mid])), max((qhat[,mid] - y)/(qhat[,mid] - qhat[,2])))
        oo <- .C("INIT", par = as.double(par), x = as.double(x), y = as.double(y), cens = as.integer(cens), wt = as.double(wt),
        shrink = as.integer(shrink), hyper = as.double(hyper.reduced), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridpars = as.double(gridmats), 
        tau.g = as.double(tau.g), siglim = as.double(sigFn.inv(c(1.0 * infl * sigma, 10 * infl * sigma), a.sig)),
        fbase.choice = as.integer(fbase.choice))
        par <- oo$par
    } else if (par[1] == "RQ"){
        # Initialize at a model space approximation of the estimates from rq
        par <- rep(0, (nknots+1) * (p+1) + 2)
        beta.rq <- sapply(tau.g, function(a) return(coef(suppressWarnings(quantreg::rq(quantreg::dither(y)~ x, tau = a, weights = wt)))))
        v <- bs(tau.g, df = 5)
        rq.lm <- apply(beta.rq, 1, function(z) return(coef(lm(z ~ v)))) # smooth though non-monotonic estimates
        delta <- tau.g[2]     # smallest but one
        tau.0 <- tau.g[mid]   # median or mid-most value of taus evaluated
        rq.tau0 <- c(c(1, predict(v, tau.0)) %*% rq.lm)       # estimate coef median MLEs 
        rq.delta <- c(c(1, predict(v, delta)) %*% rq.lm)      # estimate coef upper quantile MLEs
        rq.deltac <- c(c(1, predict(v, 1 - delta)) %*% rq.lm) # estimate coef lower quantile MLEs
        par[nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+1)] <- as.numeric(rq.tau0)
        nu <- ifelse(fix.nu, fix.nu, nuFn(0))
        # Solving for sigma in zeta(tau) - F_0( (beta0(delta) - gam0)/sigma)
        sigma <- min((rq.delta[1] - rq.tau0[1]) / Q0(delta, nu), (rq.deltac[1] - rq.tau0[1]) / Q0(1 - delta, nu))
        par[(nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1]  <- sigFn.inv(sigma, a.sig)
        epsilon <- 0.1 * min(diff(sort(tau.k)))
        tau.knot.plus <- pmin(tau.k + epsilon, 1)
        tau.knot.minus <- pmax(tau.k - epsilon, 0)
        beta.rq.plus <- cbind(1, predict(v, tau.knot.plus)) %*% rq.lm
        beta.rq.minus <- cbind(1, predict(v, tau.knot.minus)) %*% rq.lm
        zeta0.plus <- F0((beta.rq.plus[,1] - rq.tau0[1]) / sigma, nu)
        zeta0.minus <- F0((beta.rq.minus[,1] - rq.tau0[1]) / sigma, nu)
        zeta0.dot.knot <- (zeta0.plus - zeta0.minus) / (tau.knot.plus - tau.knot.minus)
        w0.knot <- log(pmax(epsilon, zeta0.dot.knot)) / shrinkFn(p)
        w0.knot <- (w0.knot - mean(w0.knot))
        w0PP <- ppFn0(w0.knot, gridmats, L, nknots, ngrid)
        w0 <- w0PP$w
        zeta0.dot <- exp(shrinkFn(p) * (w0 - max(w0)))
        zeta0 <- trape(zeta0.dot[-c(1,L)], tau.g[-c(1,L)], L-2)
        zeta0.tot <- zeta0[L-2]
        zeta0 <- c(0, tau.g[2] + (tau.g[L-1]-tau.g[2])*zeta0 / zeta0.tot, 1)
        zeta0.dot <- (tau.g[L-1]-tau.g[2])*zeta0.dot / zeta0.tot
        zeta0.dot[c(1,L)] <- 0
        par[1:nknots] <- w0.knot
        beta0.dot <- sigma * q0(zeta0, nu) * zeta0.dot
        tilt.knot <- tau.g[tilt.ix <- sapply(tau.k, function(a) which.min(abs(a - zeta0)))]
        tau.knot.plus <- pmin(tilt.knot + epsilon, 1)
        tau.knot.minus <- pmax(tilt.knot - epsilon, 0)
        beta.rq.plus <- cbind(1, predict(v, tau.knot.plus)) %*% rq.lm
        beta.rq.minus <- cbind(1, predict(v, tau.knot.minus)) %*% rq.lm
        beta.dot.knot <- (beta.rq.plus[,-1,drop=FALSE] - beta.rq.minus[,-1,drop=FALSE]) /  (tau.knot.plus - tau.knot.minus)
        par[nknots + 1:(nknots*p)] <- c(beta.dot.knot)
        beta.hat <- estFn(par, x, y, gridmats, L, mid, nknots, ngrid, a.kap, a.sig, tau.g, reg.ix, FALSE, base.bundle = base.bundle)
        qhat <- tcrossprod(cbind(1, x), beta.hat)
        infl <- max(max((y - qhat[,mid])/(qhat[,ncol(qhat) - 1] - qhat[,mid])), max((qhat[,mid] - y)/(qhat[,mid] - qhat[,2])))
        oo <- .C("INIT", par = as.double(par), x = as.double(x), y = as.double(y), cens = as.integer(cens),
        wt = as.double(wt), shrink = as.integer(shrink), hyper = as.double(hyper.reduced), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridpars = as.double(gridmats),
        tau.g = as.double(tau.g), siglim = as.double(sigFn.inv(c(1.0 * infl * sigma, 10.0 * infl * sigma), a.sig)), fbase.choice = as.integer(fbase.choice))
        par <- oo$par
    } else if (par[1] == "noX") { # Initialization without regard to X, will definitely work
        fit0 <- qde(y, nsamp = 1e2, thin = 10, cens = cens, wt = wt, nknots = nknots, hyper = hyper, prox.range = prox.range, fbase = fbase, fix.nu = fix.nu, verbose = FALSE)
        par <- rep(0, (nknots + 1) * (p + 1) + 2)
        par[c(1:nknots, nknots * (p + 1) + 1, (nknots + 1) * (p + 1) + 1:2)] <- fit0$par
    } else {
        if(!is.numeric(par)) stop(paste0("'par' must be initialized either as a numeric vector of length ", (nknots + 1)*(p+1) + 2, " or, as one of the following strings: 'prior', 'RQ', 'noX'"))
        if(length(par) != (nknots + 1)*(p+1) + 2) stop(paste0("'par' numeric vector must have length = ", (nknots + 1)*(p+1) + 2))
	# Choose a blocking scheme for updates.
    npar <- (nknots+1)*(p+1) + 2
    if(blocking == "single"){                                                # ONE BLOCK
        blocks <- list(rep(TRUE, npar))                                        # Update all simultaneously
    } else if(blocking == "single2"){                                        # TWO BLOCKS
        blocks <- list(rep(TRUE, npar), rep(FALSE, npar))                      # First, update all simultaneously
        blocks[[2]][nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+3)] <- TRUE                            # Second, update lambda_nots, sigma, and nu simultaneously
    } else if(blocking == "single3"){                                        # THREE BLOCKS
        blocks <- list(rep(TRUE, npar), rep(FALSE, npar), rep(FALSE, npar))    # First, update all simultaneously
        blocks[[2]][nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+1)] <- TRUE                            # Second, update all lambda_nots
        blocks[[3]][(nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1:2] <- TRUE                            # Last, update sigma and nu
    } else if(blocking == "std0"){                                           # P + 1 BLOCKS
        blocks <- replicate(p + 1, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)         # Update everything related to covariate (GP, lamda_not) simulatneous with sigma, nu
        for(i in 0:p) blocks[[i + 1]][c(i * nknots + 1:nknots, nknots*(p+1) + i + 1, (nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1:2)] <- TRUE
    } else if(blocking == "std1"){                                           # P + 2 BLOCKS
        blocks <- replicate(p + 2, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)         # First, Lowrank GPS + sigma, nu for each covariate
        for(i in 0:p) blocks[[i + 1]][c(i * nknots + 1:nknots, nknots*(p+1) + i + 1, (nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1:2)] <- TRUE
        blocks[[p + 2]][nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+3)] <- TRUE                        # Then all covariate medians, sigma, nu simultaneously 
    } else if(blocking == "std2"){                                           # P + 3 BLOCKS
        blocks <- replicate(p + 3, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)         # Just like P+2, with additional update that is only simga and nu
        for(i in 0:p) blocks[[i + 1]][c(i * nknots + 1:nknots, nknots*(p+1) + i + 1, (nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1:2)] <- TRUE
        blocks[[p + 2]][nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+1)] <- TRUE
        blocks[[p + 3]][(nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1:2] <- TRUE
    } else if(blocking == "std3"){                                           # ALSO P + 3 BLOCKS
        blocks <- replicate(p + 3, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)
        for(i in 0:p) blocks[[i + 1]][c(i * nknots + 1:nknots)] <- TRUE        # Update GPs related to covariates
        blocks[[p + 2]][nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+1)] <- TRUE                        # Update covariate medians
        blocks[[p + 3]][(nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1:2] <- TRUE                        # Lastly, update sigma and nu
    } else if(blocking == "std4"){
        blocks <- replicate(p + 3, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)         # ALSO P + 3 BLOCKS
        for(i in 0:p) blocks[[i + 1]][c(i * nknots + 1:nknots, nknots*(p+1) + i + 1)] <- TRUE  # Update GPs and medians
        blocks[[p + 2]][nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+1)] <- TRUE                        # Update medians
        blocks[[p + 3]][(nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1:2] <- TRUE                        # Update sigma and nu
    } else if(blocking == "std5"){
        blocks <- replicate(p + 4, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)        # std4 + single
        for(i in 0:p) blocks[[i + 1]][c(i * nknots + 1:nknots, nknots*(p+1) + i + 1)] <- TRUE
        blocks[[p + 2]][nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+1)] <- TRUE
        blocks[[p + 3]][(nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1:2] <- TRUE
        blocks[[p + 4]][1:npar] <- TRUE
    } else if(blocking == "std6"){
      blocks <- replicate(2*p+4, rep(FALSE,npar), simplify = FALSE)           # std5 + update intercept,covariate GP pairs
      for(i in 0:p) blocks[[i+1]][c(i*nknots+1:nknots, nknots*(p+1)+i+1)] <- TRUE # GP + corresponding median
      blocks[[p+2]][nknots*(p+1) + 1:(p+1)] <- TRUE
      blocks[[p+3]][(nknots+1)*(p+1) + 1:2] <- TRUE
      blocks[[p+4]][1:npar] <- TRUE
      for(i in 1:p) blocks[[p+4+i]][c(1:nknots,i*nknots+1:nknots)] <- TRUE    # intercept GP, covariate GP together
    } else {                                                                # Univariate updates
        blocks <- replicate(npar, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)
        for(i in 1:npar) blocks[[i]][i] <- TRUE
    nblocks <- length(blocks)
    if(fix.nu) for(j in 1:nblocks) blocks[[j]][(nknots+1) * (p+1) + 2] <- FALSE
    blocks.ix <- c(unlist(lapply(blocks, which))) - 1                       # Index of locations of updates
    blocks.size <- sapply(blocks, sum)                                      # Size of MVN in each block update
    if(missing(blocks.mu)) blocks.mu <- rep(0, sum(blocks.size))
        sig.nu <- c(TRUE, !as.logical(fix.nu))
        blocks.S <- lapply(blocks.size, function(q) diag(1, q))
        if(substr(blocking, 1, 3) == "std"){
            for(i in 1:(p+1)) blocks.S[[i]][1:nknots, 1:nknots] <- K0
            if(as.numeric(substr(blocking, 4,5)) > 1){
                if(!illcond) blocks.S[[p + 2]] <- summary(suppressWarnings(quantreg::rq(quantreg::dither(y) ~ x, tau = 0.5, weights = wt)), se = "boot", cov = TRUE)$cov
                blocks.S[[p + 3]] <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, .1), 2, 2)[sig.nu,sig.nu]
            if(as.numeric(substr(blocking, 4,5)) > 4){
                slist <- list(); length(slist) <- p + 3
                for(i in 1:(p+1)) slist[[i]] <- K0
                    slist[[p+2]] <- diag(1,p+1)
                } else {
                    slist[[p+2]] <- summary(suppressWarnings(quantreg::rq(dither(y) ~ x, tau = 0.5, weights = wt)), se = "boot", cov = TRUE)$cov
                slist[[p+3]] <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, .1), 2, 2)[sig.nu,sig.nu]
                blocks.S[[p + 4]] <- as.matrix(bdiag(slist))
                  for(i in 1:p) blocks.S[[p+4+i]] <- as.matrix(bdiag(slist[c(1,i+1)]))
        blocks.S <- unlist(blocks.S)
    imcmc.par <- c(nblocks, ref.size, verbose, max(10, niter/1e4), rep(0, nblocks))
    dmcmc.par <- c(temp, 0.999, rep(acpt.target, nblocks), 2.38 / sqrt(blocks.size))
    # Updated in C code
    # parsamp:  holds all parameters from all iterations in one long vector
    # acptsamp: holds all acceptance rates for each block at each iteration in one long vector
    # lpsamp:   holds all evaluations of log posterior at each iteration 
    tm.c <- system.time(oo <- .C("BJQR", par = as.double(par), x = as.double(x), y = as.double(y), cens = as.integer(cens), wt = as.double(wt),
    shrink = as.integer(shrink), hyper = as.double(hyper.reduced), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridmats = as.double(gridmats),
    tau.g = as.double(tau.g), muV = as.double(blocks.mu), SV = as.double(blocks.S), blocks = as.integer(blocks.ix), 
    blocks.size = as.integer(blocks.size), dmcmcpar = as.double(dmcmc.par), 
    imcmcpar = as.integer(imcmc.par), parsamp = double(nsamp * length(par)), 
    acptsamp = double(nsamp * nblocks), lpsamp = double(nsamp), fbase.choice = as.integer(fbase.choice)))
    if(verbose) cat("elapsed time:", round(tm.c[3]), "seconds\n")
    oo$x <- x; oo$y <- y; oo$xnames <- colnames(x); oo$terms <- mt;
    oo$gridmats <- gridmats; oo$prox <- prox.grid; oo$reg.ix <- reg.ix;
    oo$runtime <- tm.c[3]
    class(oo) <- "qrjoint"

qde <- function(y, nsamp = 1e3, thin = 10, cens = NULL, 
                wt = NULL, incr = 0.01, par = "prior", nknots = 6, # no shrink
                hyper = list(sig = c(.1,.1), lam = c(6,4), kap = c(0.1,0.1,1)),
                prox.range = c(.2,.95), acpt.target = 0.15, 
                ref.size = 3, blocking = "single", temp = 1, expo = 2, # different standard algorithm
                blocks.mu, blocks.S, fix.nu = FALSE, fbase = c("t", "logistic", "unif"), verbose = TRUE){
    fbase.choice <- match(fbase[1], c("t", "logistic", "unif"))
    if(is.na(fbase.choice)) stop("Only 't', 'logistic' or 'unif' is allowed for the choice of fbase")
    if(fbase.choice == 1){
        q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / (dt(qt(unitFn(u), df = nu), df = nu) * qt(.9, df = nu)))
        Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qt(unitFn(u), df = nu) / qt(.9, df = nu))
        F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(pt(x*qt(.9, df = nu), df = nu))
    } else if(fbase.choice == 2){
        fix.nu <- 1
        q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / dlogis(qlogis(unitFn(u))))
        Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qlogis(unitFn(u)))
        F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(plogis(x))
    } else {
        fix.nu <- 1
        q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / (dunif(qunif(u, -1,1), -1,1)))
        Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qunif(u, -1,1))
        F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(punif(x, -1,1))
    base.bundle <- list(q0 = q0, Q0 = Q0, F0 = F0)
    n <- length(y)
    p <- 0
    if(is.null(cens)) cens <- rep(0,n) else{
      cens <- as.vector(cens)
        stop("'cens' must be a numeric vector")
      if (length(cens) != n) 
        stop(gettextf("number of cens is %d, should equal %d (number of observations)", 
                      length(cens), n), domain = NA)}
    if(is.null(wt)) wt <- rep(1,n) else{
      wt <- as.vector(wt)
        stop("'wt' must be a numeric vector")
      if (length(wt) != n) 
        stop(gettextf("number of wt is %d, should equal %d (number of observations)", 
                      length(wt), n), domain = NA)}
    Ltail <- ceiling(2*log(n,2) + log(incr,2))
	if(Ltail > 0){
		tau.tail <- incr / 2^(Ltail:1)
		tau.g <- c(0, tau.tail, seq(incr, 1 - incr, incr), 1 - tau.tail[Ltail:1], 1)
		L <- length(tau.g); mid <- which.min(abs(tau.g - 0.5)); reg.ix <- (1:L)[-c(1 + 1:Ltail, L - 1:Ltail)]
	} else {
		tau.g <- seq(0, 1, incr)
		L <- length(tau.g); mid <- which.min(abs(tau.g - 0.5)); reg.ix <- (1:L)
	tau.kb <- seq(0,1,len = nknots) 
	tau.k <- tau.kb
    delta <- tau.g[2]
    tau.0 <- tau.g[mid]
	a.sig <- hyper$sig; if(is.null(a.sig)) a.sig <- c(.1, .1)
	a.lam <- hyper$lam; if(is.null(a.lam)) a.lam <- c(6, 4)
	a.kap <- hyper$kap; if(is.null(a.kap)) a.kap <- c(0.1, 0.1, 1); a.kap <- matrix(a.kap, nrow = 3); nkap <- ncol(a.kap); a.kap[3,] <- log(a.kap[3,])
	hyper.reduced <- c(a.sig, c(a.kap))
	prox.grid <- proxFn(max(prox.range), min(prox.range), 0.5)
	ngrid <- length(prox.grid)
	lamsq.grid <- lamFn(prox.grid)^2
	prior.grid <- -diff(pbeta(c(1, (prox.grid[-1] + prox.grid[-ngrid])/2, 0), a.lam[1], a.lam[2]))
	lp.grid <- log(prior.grid)
	d.kg <- abs(outer(tau.k, tau.g, "-"))^expo	
	d.kk <- abs(outer(tau.k, tau.k, "-"))^expo
	gridmats <- matrix(NA, nknots*(L + nknots)+2, ngrid)
	K0 <- 0
    t1 <- Sys.time()
	for(i in 1:ngrid){
		K.grid <- exp(-lamsq.grid[i] * d.kg); K.knot <- exp(-lamsq.grid[i] * d.kk);	diag(K.knot) <- 1 + 1e-10	
		R.knot <- chol(K.knot); A.knot <- solve(K.knot, K.grid)
		gridmats[,i] <- c(c(A.knot), c(R.knot), sum(log(diag(R.knot))), lp.grid[i])		
		K0 <- K0 + prior.grid[i] * K.knot
    t2 <- Sys.time()
	niter <- nsamp * thin
	dimpars <- c(n, L, mid - 1, nknots, ngrid, ncol(a.kap), niter, thin, nsamp)
	if(par[1] == "prior") {
		par <- rep(0, nknots+3)
		if(fix.nu) par[nknots+3] <- nuFn.inv(fix.nu)
		beta.rq <- quantile(y, prob = tau.g)
        v <- bs(tau.g, df = 5)
		rq.lm <- coef(lm(beta.rq ~ v))
		rq.tau0 <- c(c(1, predict(v, tau.0)) %*% rq.lm)
		rq.delta <- c(c(1, predict(v, delta)) %*% rq.lm)
		rq.deltac <- c(c(1, predict(v, 1 - delta)) %*% rq.lm)
		par[nknots + 1] <- as.numeric(rq.tau0)
		sigma <- 1
		par[nknots + 2] <- sigFn.inv(sigma, a.sig)
        kapsq <- sum(exp(a.kap[3,]) * (a.kap[2,] / a.kap[1,]))
        lam.ix <- sample(length(lamsq.grid), 1, prob = prior.grid)
        R <- matrix(gridmats[L*nknots + 1:(nknots*nknots),lam.ix], nknots, nknots)
        z <- sqrt(kapsq) * c(crossprod(R, rnorm(nknots)))
        par[1:nknots] <- z - mean(z)
        qhat <- estFn.noX(par, y, gridmats, L, mid, nknots, ngrid, a.kap, a.sig, tau.g, reg.ix, base.bundle = base.bundle)
        infl <- max(max((y - qhat[mid])/(qhat[length(qhat) - 1] - qhat[mid])), max((qhat[mid] - y)/(qhat[mid] - qhat[2])))
        oo <- .C("INIT_noX", par = as.double(par), y = as.double(y), cens = as.integer(cens), wt = as.double(wt),
                 hyper = as.double(hyper.reduced), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridpars = as.double(gridmats),
                 tau.g = as.double(tau.g), siglim = as.double(sigFn.inv(c(1.0 * infl * sigma, 10 * infl * sigma), a.sig)),
                 fbase.choice = as.integer(fbase.choice))
        par <- oo$par

	} else if (par[1] == "RQ"){
		par <- rep(0, nknots+3)
        beta.rq <- quantile(y, prob = tau.g)
        v <- bs(tau.g, df = 5)
        rq.lm <- coef(lm(beta.rq ~ v))
		rq.tau0 <- c(c(1, predict(v, tau.0)) %*% rq.lm)
		rq.delta <- c(c(1, predict(v, delta)) %*% rq.lm)
		rq.deltac <- c(c(1, predict(v, 1 - delta)) %*% rq.lm)
		par[nknots + 1] <- as.numeric(rq.tau0)
		nu <- ifelse(fix.nu, fix.nu, nuFn(0))
		sigma <- min((rq.delta[1] - rq.tau0[1]) / Q0(delta, nu), (rq.deltac[1] - rq.tau0[1]) / Q0(1 - delta, nu))
		par[nknots+2]  <- sigFn.inv(sigma, a.sig)
		epsilon <- 0.1 * min(diff(sort(tau.k)))
		tau.knot.plus <- pmin(tau.k + epsilon, 1)
		tau.knot.minus <- pmax(tau.k - epsilon, 0)
		beta.rq.plus <- cbind(1, predict(v, tau.knot.plus)) %*% rq.lm
		beta.rq.minus <- cbind(1, predict(v, tau.knot.minus)) %*% rq.lm
		zeta0.plus <- F0((beta.rq.plus[,1] - rq.tau0[1]) / sigma, nu)
		zeta0.minus <- F0((beta.rq.minus[,1] - rq.tau0[1]) / sigma, nu)
		zeta0.dot.knot <- (zeta0.plus - zeta0.minus) / (tau.knot.plus - tau.knot.minus)
		w0.knot <- log(pmax(epsilon, zeta0.dot.knot)) / shrinkFn(p)
		w0.knot <- (w0.knot - mean(w0.knot)) 
		w0PP <- ppFn0(w0.knot, gridmats, L, nknots, ngrid)
		w0 <- w0PP$w	
		zeta0.dot <- exp(shrinkFn(p) * (w0 - max(w0)))
		zeta0 <- trape(zeta0.dot[-c(1,L)], tau.g[-c(1,L)], L-2)
		zeta0.tot <- zeta0[L-2] 
		zeta0 <- c(0, tau.g[2] + (tau.g[L-1]-tau.g[2])*zeta0 / zeta0.tot, 1)
		zeta0.dot <- (tau.g[L-1]-tau.g[2])*zeta0.dot / zeta0.tot
		zeta0.dot[c(1,L)] <- 0
		par[1:nknots] <- w0.knot
        qhat <- estFn.noX(par, y, gridmats, L, mid, nknots, ngrid, a.kap, a.sig, tau.g, reg.ix, base.bundle = base.bundle)
        infl <- max(max((y - qhat[mid])/(qhat[length(qhat) - 1] - qhat[mid])), max((qhat[mid] - y)/(qhat[mid] - qhat[2])))
        oo <- .C("INIT_noX", par = as.double(par), y = as.double(y), cens = as.integer(cens), wt = as.double(wt),
        hyper = as.double(hyper.reduced), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridpars = as.double(gridmats),
        tau.g = as.double(tau.g), siglim = as.double(sigFn.inv(c(1.0 * infl * sigma, 10 * infl * sigma), a.sig)),
        fbase.choice = as.integer(fbase.choice))
        par <- oo$par

	npar <- nknots+3
	if(blocking == "single"){
		blocks <- list(rep(TRUE, npar))
	} else if(blocking == "single2"){
		blocks <- list(rep(TRUE, npar), rep(FALSE, npar))
		blocks[[2]][nknots + 1:3] <- TRUE
	} else if(blocking == "single3"){
		blocks <- list(rep(TRUE, npar), rep(FALSE, npar), rep(FALSE, npar))
		blocks[[2]][nknots + 1] <- TRUE
		blocks[[3]][nknots + 1 + 1:2] <- TRUE
    } else if(blocking == "std0"){ # same as single
        blocks <- list(rep(TRUE, npar), rep(FALSE, npar))
        blocks[[2]][nknots + 1:3] <- TRUE
    } else if(blocking == "std1"){ # same as single2
		blocks <- replicate(2, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)
		blocks[[1]] <- rep(TRUE, npar)
		blocks[[2]][nknots + 1:3] <- TRUE
    } else if(blocking == "std2"){ # same as single3
		blocks <- replicate(3, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)
		blocks[[1]] <- rep(TRUE, npar)
		blocks[[2]][nknots + 1] <- TRUE
		blocks[[3]][nknots+1 + 1:2] <- TRUE
	} else if(blocking == "std3"){
		blocks <- replicate(3, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)
		blocks[[1]][1:nknots] <- TRUE
		blocks[[2]][nknots + 1] <- TRUE
		blocks[[3]][nknots + 1 + 1:2] <- TRUE
	} else if(blocking == "std4"){
		blocks <- replicate(3, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)
		blocks[[1]][c(1:nknots, nknots + 1)] <- TRUE
		blocks[[2]][nknots + 1] <- TRUE
		blocks[[3]][nknots + 1 + 1:2] <- TRUE
	} else if(blocking == "std5"){
		blocks <- replicate(4, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)
		blocks[[1]][c(1:nknots, nknots + 1)] <- TRUE
		blocks[[2]][nknots + 1] <- TRUE
		blocks[[3]][nknots+1 + 1:2] <- TRUE
		blocks[[4]][1:npar] <- TRUE
	} else {
		blocks <- replicate(npar, rep(FALSE, npar), simplify = FALSE)
		for(i in 1:npar) blocks[[i]][i] <- TRUE
	nblocks <- length(blocks)
	if(fix.nu) for(j in 1:nblocks) blocks[[j]][nknots+3] <- FALSE
	blocks.ix <- c(unlist(lapply(blocks, which))) - 1
	blocks.size <- sapply(blocks, sum)
	if(missing(blocks.mu)) blocks.mu <- rep(0, sum(blocks.size))
		blocks.S <- lapply(blocks.size, function(q) diag(1, q))
		if(substr(blocking, 1, 3) == "std"){
			blocks.S[[1]][1:nknots, 1:nknots] <- K0
			if(as.numeric(substr(blocking, 4,5)) > 1){
                m0 <- quantile(y, prob = tau.0)
                dd <- density(y, n = 1, from = m0, to = m0)
                blocks.S[[2]] <- tau.0 * (1 - tau.0)/(n * dd$y^2)
				blocks.S[[3]] <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, .1), 2, 2)
			if(as.numeric(substr(blocking, 4,5)) == 5){
				slist <- list(); length(slist) <- 3
				slist[[1]] <- K0
                m0 <- quantile(y, prob = tau.0)
                dd <- density(y, n = 1, from = m0, to = m0)
                slist[[2]] <- tau.0 * (1 - tau.0)/(n * dd$y^2)
				slist[[3]] <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, .1), 2, 2)
				blocks.S[[4]] <- as.matrix(bdiag(slist))
		blocks.S <- unlist(blocks.S)
	imcmc.par <- c(nblocks, ref.size, verbose, max(10, niter/1e4), rep(0, nblocks))
	dmcmc.par <- c(temp, 0.999, rep(acpt.target, nblocks), 2.38 / sqrt(blocks.size))
	tm.c <- system.time(oo <- .C("BQDE", par = as.double(par), y = as.double(y), cens = as.integer(cens), wt = as.double(wt),
								 hyper = as.double(hyper.reduced), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridmats = as.double(gridmats),
								 tau.g = as.double(tau.g), muV = as.double(blocks.mu), SV = as.double(blocks.S), blocks = as.integer(blocks.ix), 
								 blocks.size = as.integer(blocks.size), dmcmcpar = as.double(dmcmc.par), 
								 imcmcpar = as.integer(imcmc.par), parsamp = double(nsamp * length(par)), 
								 acptsamp = double(nsamp * nblocks), lpsamp = double(nsamp), fbase.choice = as.integer(fbase.choice)))
	if(verbose) cat("elapsed time:", round(tm.c[3]), "seconds\n")
	oo$y <- y; oo$gridmats <- gridmats; oo$prox <- prox.grid; oo$reg.ix <- reg.ix; oo$runtime <- tm.c[3]
	class(oo) <- "qde"


update.qrjoint <- function(object, nadd, append = TRUE, ...){
	niter <- object$dim[8]; thin <- object$dim[9]; nsamp <- object$dim[10]
	if(missing(nadd)) nadd <- nsamp
	par <- object$par; npar <- length(par)
	dimpars <- object$dim
	dimpars[8] <- nadd * thin
	dimpars[10] <- nadd
	nblocks <- object$imcmcpar[1]
	object$imcmcpar[4] <- max(10, nadd * thin/1e4)
	tm.c <- system.time(oo <- .C("BJQR", par = as.double(par), x = as.double(object$x), y = as.double(object$y), cens = as.integer(object$cens), wt = as.double(object$wt),
								 shrink = as.integer(object$shrink), hyper = as.double(object$hyper), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridmats = as.double(object$gridmats), 
								 tau.g = as.double(object$tau.g), muV = as.double(object$muV), SV = as.double(object$SV), blocks = as.integer(object$blocks), 
								 blocks.size = as.integer(object$blocks.size), dmcmcpar = as.double(object$dmcmcpar), 
								 imcmcpar = as.integer(object$imcmcpar), parsamp = double(nadd * npar), 
								 acptsamp = double(nadd * nblocks), lpsamp = double(nadd), fbase.choice = as.integer(object$fbase.choice)))
	cat("elapsed time:", round(tm.c[3]), "seconds\n")
	oo$x <- object$x; oo$y <- object$y; oo$xnames <- object$xnames;
	oo$gridmats <- object$gridmats; oo$prox <- object$prox; oo$reg.ix <- object$reg.ix; 
	oo$runtime <- object$runtime+tm.c[3]; oo$terms <- object$terms;
		oo$dim[8] <- niter + nadd * thin
		oo$dim[10] <- nsamp + nadd
		oo$parsamp <- c(object$parsamp, oo$parsamp)
		oo$acptsamp <- c(object$acptsamp, oo$acptsamp)
		oo$lpsamp <- c(object$lpsamp, oo$lpsamp)
	class(oo) <- "qrjoint"

update.qde <- function(object, nadd, append = TRUE, ...){
    niter <- object$dim[7]; thin <- object$dim[8]; nsamp <- object$dim[9]
    if(missing(nadd)) nadd <- nsamp
    par <- object$par; npar <- length(par)
    dimpars <- object$dim
    dimpars[7] <- nadd * thin
    dimpars[9] <- nadd
    nblocks <- object$imcmcpar[1]
    object$imcmcpar[4] <- max(10, nadd * thin/1e4)
    tm.c <- system.time(oo <- .C("BQDE", par = as.double(par), y = as.double(object$y), cens = as.integer(object$cens), wt = as.double(object$wt),
        hyper = as.double(object$hyper), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridmats = as.double(object$gridmats),
        tau.g = as.double(object$tau.g), muV = as.double(object$muV), SV = as.double(object$SV), blocks = as.integer(object$blocks),
        blocks.size = as.integer(object$blocks.size), dmcmcpar = as.double(object$dmcmcpar),
        imcmcpar = as.integer(object$imcmcpar), parsamp = double(nadd * npar),
        acptsamp = double(nadd * nblocks), lpsamp = double(nadd), fbase.choice = as.integer(object$fbase.choice)))
    cat("elapsed time:", round(tm.c[3]), "seconds\n")

    oo$y <- object$y; oo$gridmats <- object$gridmats; oo$prox <- object$prox; oo$reg.ix <- object$reg.ix; oo$runtime <- object$runtime+tm.c[3]
        oo$dim[7] <- niter + nadd * thin
        oo$dim[9] <- nsamp + nadd
        oo$parsamp <- c(object$parsamp, oo$parsamp)
        oo$acptsamp <- c(object$acptsamp, oo$acptsamp)
        oo$lpsamp <- c(object$lpsamp, oo$lpsamp)
    class(oo) <- "qde"


coef.qrjoint <- function(object, burn.perc = 0.5, nmc = 200, plot = FALSE, show.intercept = TRUE, reduce = TRUE, ...){
	nsamp <- object$dim[10]                      # number of iterations retains in sample
	pars <- matrix(object$parsamp, ncol = nsamp) # reorder parameters into npar x nsamp matrix
	ss <- unique(round(nsamp * seq(burn.perc, 1, len = nmc + 1)[-1])) # indices over which to summarizing (exclude burn; keep nmc samples)
	n <- object$dim[1]; p <- object$dim[2]; L <- object$dim[3]; mid <- object$dim[4] + 1; nknots <- object$dim[5]; ngrid <- object$dim[6]
	a.sig <- object$hyper[1:2]; a.kap <- matrix(object$hyper[-c(1:2)], nrow = 3)
	tau.g <- object$tau.g; reg.ix <- object$reg.ix
	x.ce <- outer(rep(1, L), attr(object$x, "scaled:center")); x.sc <- outer(rep(1,L), attr(object$x, "scaled:scale"))

    base.bundle <- list()
    if(object$fbase.choice == 1){
        base.bundle$q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / (dt(qt(unitFn(u), df = nu), df = nu) * qt(.9, df = nu)))
        base.bundle$Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qt(unitFn(u), df = nu) / qt(.9, df = nu))
        base.bundle$F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(pt(x*qt(.9, df = nu), df = nu))
    } else if(object$fbase.choice == 2){
        base.bundle$q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / dlogis(qlogis(unitFn(u))))
        base.bundle$Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qlogis(unitFn(u)))
        base.bundle$F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(plogis(x))
    } else {
        base.bundle$q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / (dunif(qunif(u, -1,1), -1,1)))
        base.bundle$Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qunif(u, -1,1))
        base.bundle$F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(punif(x, -1,1))
  # use estFn to turn posterior on parameters into posterior betas;
  # return 3-D array { L x (p+1) x nsim }
  	beta.samp <- sapply(ss, function(p1) estFn(pars[,p1], object$x, object$y, object$gridmats, L, mid, nknots, ngrid, a.kap, a.sig, tau.g, reg.ix, reduce, x.ce, x.sc, base.bundle), simplify="array")
	if(reduce) tau.g <- tau.g[reg.ix]
	L <- length(tau.g)
		nr <- ceiling(sqrt(p+show.intercept)); nc <- ceiling((p+show.intercept)/nr)
		cur.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
		par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))

  # store summaries in 3-D array {L x (p+1) x 3}
	beta.hat <- array(0,c(L,p+1,3))
	plot.titles <- c("Intercept", object$xnames)
	beta.hat[,1,] <- getBands(beta.samp[,1,], plot = (plot & show.intercept), add = FALSE, x = tau.g, xlab = "tau", ylab = "Coefficient", bty = "n")
	if(plot & show.intercept) title(main = plot.titles[1])
	for(j in 2:(p+1)){
	  beta.hat[,j,] <- getBands(beta.samp[,j,], plot = plot, add = FALSE, x = tau.g, xlab = "tau", ylab = "Coefficient", bty = "n")
    	if(plot) {
			title(main = plot.titles[j])
			abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = 4)
    if(plot) suppressWarnings(par(cur.par,no.readonly = TRUE))  # return R parameters to pre-plot settings
    dimnames(beta.hat) <- list(tau=tau.g, beta=plot.titles, summary=c("b.lo", "b.med", "b.hi"))
    dimnames(beta.samp) <- list(tau=tau.g, beta=plot.titles, iter=1:length(ss))
    invisible(list(beta.samp = beta.samp, beta.est = beta.hat))
    mid.red <- which(tau.g == object$tau.g[mid])
    parametric.list <- rbind(beta.samp[mid.red, , ,drop=TRUE],
          sigma = sigFn(pars[nknots * (p+1) + (p+1) + 1,ss], a.sig),	
          nu = nuFn(pars[(nknots + 1) * (p+1) + 2,ss]))	
    dimnames(parametric.list)[[1]][1 + 0:p] <- c("Intercept", object$xnames)	
    gamsignu <- t(apply(parametric.list, 1, quantile, pr = c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975)))	
    dimnames(gamsignu)[[2]] <- c("Estimate", "Lo95%", "Up95%")	
    invisible(list(beta.samp = beta.samp, beta.est = beta.hat, parametric = gamsignu))

coef.qde <- function(object, burn.perc = 0.5, nmc = 200, reduce = TRUE, ...){
    niter <- object$dim[7]
    nsamp <- object$dim[9]
    pars <- matrix(object$parsamp, ncol = nsamp)
    ss <- unique(round(nsamp * seq(burn.perc, 1, len = nmc + 1)[-1]))
    n <- object$dim[1]; p <- 0; L <- object$dim[2]; mid <- object$dim[3] + 1; nknots <- object$dim[4]; ngrid <- object$dim[5]
    a.sig <- object$hyper[1:2]; a.kap <- matrix(object$hyper[-c(1:2)], nrow = 3)
    tau.g <- object$tau.g; reg.ix <- object$reg.ix
    base.bundle <- list()
    if(object$fbase.choice == 1){
        base.bundle$q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / (dt(qt(unitFn(u), df = nu), df = nu) * qt(.9, df = nu)))
        base.bundle$Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qt(unitFn(u), df = nu) / qt(.9, df = nu))
        base.bundle$F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(pt(x*qt(.9, df = nu), df = nu))
    } else if(object$fbase.choice == 2){
        base.bundle$q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / dlogis(qlogis(unitFn(u))))
        base.bundle$Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qlogis(unitFn(u)))
        base.bundle$F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(plogis(x))
    } else {
        base.bundle$q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(1 / (dunif(qunif(u, -1,1), -1,1)))
        base.bundle$Q0 <- function(u, nu = Inf) return(qunif(u, -1,1))
        base.bundle$F0 <- function(x, nu = Inf) return(punif(x, -1,1))
    beta.samp <- apply(pars[,ss], 2, function(p1) c(estFn.noX(p1, object$y, object$gridmats, L, mid, nknots, ngrid, a.kap, a.sig, tau.g, reg.ix, reduce, base.bundle)))
    if(reduce) tau.g <- tau.g[reg.ix]
    L <- length(tau.g)
    b <- beta.samp[1:L,]
    beta.hat <- getBands(b, plot = FALSE, add = FALSE, x = tau.g, ...)

    parametric.list <- list(gam0 = pars[nknots + 1,ss], sigma = sigFn(pars[nknots + 2,ss], a.sig), nu = nuFn(pars[nknots + 3,ss]))
    gamsignu <- t(sapply(parametric.list, quantile, pr = c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975)))
    dimnames(gamsignu)[[2]] <- c("Estimate", "Lo95%", "Up95%")
    invisible(list(beta.samp = beta.samp, beta.est = beta.hat, parametric = gamsignu))


# Function creates a set of plots to assess convergence of markov chains

summary.qrjoint <- function(object, ntrace = 1000, burn.perc = 0.5, plot.dev = TRUE, more.details = FALSE, ...){
	thin <- object$dim[9]	
	nsamp <- object$dim[10]
	pars <- matrix(object$parsamp, ncol = nsamp)
	ss <- unique(pmax(1, round(nsamp * (1:ntrace/ntrace))))
    post.burn <- (ss > nsamp * burn.perc)
	dimpars <- object$dim
	dimpars[8] <- length(ss)
	n <- object$dim[1]; p <- object$dim[2]; ngrid <- object$dim[6]
	  # Calcuate deviance
    sm <- .C("DEV", pars = as.double(pars[,ss]), x = as.double(object$x), y = as.double(object$y), cens = as.integer(object$cens), wt = as.double(object$wt),
			 shrink = as.integer(object$shrink), hyper = as.double(object$hyper), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridmats = as.double(object$gridmats), tau.g = as.double(object$tau.g),
			 devsamp = double(length(ss)), llsamp = double(length(ss)*n), pgsamp = double(length(ss)*ngrid*(p+1)), qlsamp = double(length(ss)*n),fbase.choice = as.integer(object$fbase.choice))
	deviance <- sm$devsamp
	ll <- matrix(sm$llsamp, ncol = length(ss))
	ql <- matrix(sm$qlsamp, ncol = length(ss))
	fit.waic <- waic(ll[,post.burn])
	pg <- matrix(sm$pgsamp, ncol = length(ss))
	prox.samp <- matrix(NA, p+1, length(ss))
	for(i in 1:(p+1)){
		prox.samp[i,] <- object$prox[apply(pg[(i-1)*ngrid + 1:ngrid,], 2, function(pr) sample(length(pr), 1, prob = pr))]
	# Trace plots for beta coefficients
	if(more.details) {
	  cur.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
	  par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(5,4,3,2)+.1)
		plot(thin * ss, deviance, ty = "l", xlab = "Markov chain iteration", ylab = "Deviance", bty = "n", main = "Fit trace plot", ...)
		grid(col = "gray")
		ngrid <- length(object$prox)
		prior.grid <- exp(object$gridmats[nrow(object$gridmats),])
		lam.priorsamp <- lamFn(sample(object$prox, ntrace, replace = TRUE, prob = prior.grid))
		lam.prior.q <- quantile(lam.priorsamp, pr = c(.025, .5, .975))
		lam.samp <- lamFn(prox.samp)
		a <- min(lamFn(object$prox))
		b <- diff(range(lamFn(object$prox))) * 1.2
		plot(thin * ss, lam.samp[1,], ty = "n", ylim = a + c(0, b * (p + 1)), bty = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
		for(i in 1:(p+1)){
			abline(h = b * (i-1) + lamFn(object$prox), col = "gray")
			abline(h = b * (i - 1) + lam.prior.q, col = "red", lty = c(2,1,2))
			lines(thin * ss, b * (i-1) + lam.samp[i,], lwd = 1, col = 4)
			if(i %% 2) axis(2, at = b * (i-1) + lamFn(object$prox[c(1,ngrid)]), labels = round(object$prox[c(1,ngrid)],2), las = 1, cex.axis = 0.6) 
			mtext(substitute(beta[index], list(index = i - 1)), side = 4, line = 0.5, at = a + b * (i - 1) + 0.4*b, las = 1)			
		title(xlab = "Markov chain iteration", ylab = "Proxmity posterior", main = "Mixing over GP scaling")					
		# Plot of geweke tests for convergence on all parameters estimated; includes
		# Benjamini Hochberg line for false discovery rates
		theta <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(object$parsamp, ncol = nsamp)[,ss[post.burn]]))
		gg <- geweke.diag(theta, .1, .5)
		zvals <- gg$z

		pp <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(zvals)))
		plot(sort(pp), ylab = "Geweke p-values", xlab = "Parameter index (reordered)", main = "Convergence diagnosis", ty = "h", col = 4, ylim = c(0, 0.3), lwd = 2)
		abline(h = 0.05, col = 2, lty = 2)
		abline(a = 0, b = 0.1 / length(pp), col = 2, lty = 2)
		mtext(c("BH-10%", "5%"), side = 4, at = c(0.1, 0.05), line = 0.1, las = 0, cex = 0.6)
		npar <- length(object$par)
		suppressWarnings(image(1:npar, 1:npar, cor(theta), xlab = "Parameter index", ylab = "Parameter index", main = "Parameter correlation"))
		suppressWarnings(par(cur.par,no.readonly = TRUE))
	invisible(list(deviance = deviance, pg = pg, prox = prox.samp, ll = ll, ql = ql, waic = fit.waic))

summary.qde <- function(object, ntrace = 1000, burn.perc = 0.5, plot.dev = TRUE, more.details = FALSE, ...){
    thin <- object$dim[8]
    nsamp <- object$dim[9]
    pars <- matrix(object$parsamp, ncol = nsamp)
    ss <- unique(pmax(1, round(nsamp * (1:ntrace/ntrace))))
    post.burn <- (ss > nsamp * burn.perc)
    dimpars <- object$dim
    dimpars[7] <- length(ss)
    n <- object$dim[1]; p <- 0; ngrid <- object$dim[5]
    sm <- .C("DEV_noX", pars = as.double(pars[,ss]), y = as.double(object$y), cens = as.integer(object$cens), wt = as.double(object$wt),
			 hyper = as.double(object$hyper), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridmats = as.double(object$gridmats), tau.g = as.double(object$tau.g),
             devsamp = double(length(ss)), llsamp = double(length(ss)*n), pgsamp = double(length(ss)*ngrid), qlsamp=double(length(ss)*n),fbase.choice = as.integer(object$fbase.choice))
    deviance <- sm$devsamp
    ll <- matrix(sm$llsamp, ncol = length(ss))
    ql <- matrix(sm$qlsamp, ncol = length(ss))
    fit.waic <- waic(ll[,post.burn])
    pg <- matrix(sm$pgsamp, ncol = length(ss))
    prox.samp <- object$prox[apply(pg[1:ngrid,], 2, function(pr) sample(length(pr), 1, prob = pr))]
    if(more.details) {
      cur.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
      par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(5,4,3,2)+.1)
        plot(thin * ss, deviance, ty = "l", xlab = "Markov chain iteration", ylab = "Deviance", bty = "n", main = "Fit trace plot", ...)
        grid(col = "gray")
        ngrid <- length(object$prox)
        prior.grid <- exp(object$gridmats[nrow(object$gridmats),])
        lam.priorsamp <- lamFn(sample(object$prox, ntrace, replace = TRUE, prob = prior.grid))
        lam.prior.q <- quantile(lam.priorsamp, pr = c(.025, .5, .975))
        lam.samp <- lamFn(prox.samp)
        a <- min(lamFn(object$prox))
        b <- diff(range(lamFn(object$prox))) * 1.2
        plot(thin * ss, lam.samp, ty = "n", ylim = a + c(0, b), bty = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
        for(i in 1:1){
            abline(h = b * (i-1) + lamFn(object$prox), col = "gray")
            abline(h = b * (i - 1) + lam.prior.q, col = "red", lty = c(2,1,2))
            lines(thin * ss, b * (i-1) + lam.samp, lwd = 1, col = 4)
            if(i %% 2) axis(2, at = b * (i-1) + lamFn(object$prox[c(1,ngrid)]), labels = round(object$prox[c(1,ngrid)],2), las = 1, cex.axis = 0.6)
            mtext(substitute(beta[index], list(index = i - 1)), side = 4, line = 0.5, at = a + b * (i - 1) + 0.4*b, las = 1)
        title(xlab = "Markov chain iteration", ylab = "Proxmity posterior", main = "Mixing over GP scaling")
        theta <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(object$parsamp, ncol = nsamp)[,ss[post.burn]]))
        gg <- geweke.diag(theta, .1, .5)
        zvals <- gg$z
        pp <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(zvals)))
        plot(sort(pp), ylab = "Geweke p-values", xlab = "Parameter index (reordered)", main = "Convergence diagnosis", ty = "h", col = 4, ylim = c(0, 0.3), lwd = 2)
        abline(h = 0.05, col = 2, lty = 2)
        abline(a = 0, b = 0.1 / length(pp), col = 2, lty = 2)
        mtext(c("BH-10%", "5%"), side = 4, at = c(0.1, 0.05), line = 0.1, las = 0, cex = 0.6)
        npar <- length(object$par)
        image(1:npar, 1:npar, cor(theta), xlab = "Parameter index", ylab = "Parameter index", main = "Parameter correlation")
        suppressWarnings(par(cur.par,no.readonly = TRUE)) 
    invisible(list(deviance = deviance, pg = pg, prox = prox.samp, ll = ll, ql=ql, waic = fit.waic))

# A function to calculate sampled predictions on original or new data set
# object:  Object of class inheriting from "qrjoint"
# newdata: An optional data frame containing variables on which to predict. If omitted,
#          the fitted values are used.
# at:      (optional) tau.grid values (e.g. .5, .9) to keep and return
# summarize:  Logical - medians of MC posterior

predict.qrjoint <- function(object, newdata=NULL, summarize=TRUE, burn.perc = 0.5, nmc = 200, ...){
  p <- object$dim[2];
  betas <- coef(object, burn.perc=burn.perc, nmc=nmc, plot=FALSE)
  nsamp <- dim(betas$beta.samp)[3]
  L <- dim(betas$beta.samp)[1]
  if(is.null(newdata)) {# if predicting on original data, restore design matrix to original center and scale
    Xpred <- cbind(1, sapply(1:p, function(r) object$x[,r]*attr(object$x,'scaled:scale')[r] + attr(object$x, 'scaled:center')[r]))
  } else{
    Xpred <- model.matrix(object$terms, data=newdata)
    # Would be good to add error catching for NA's in newdata dataframe
  npred <- dim(Xpred)[1]
  pred <- array(NA, c(npred, L, nsamp))
  for (i in 1:nsamp){ pred[,,i] <- tcrossprod(Xpred, betas$beta.samp[,,i]) }
  dimnames(pred) <- list(obs=rownames(Xpred), tau=round(object$tau.g[object$reg.ix],4), samp=1:nsamp)
  # Posterior median as estimate for each observation at each tau
    pred <- apply(pred,c(1,2), quantile, probs=.5)

predict.qde <- function(object, burn.perc = 0.5, nmc = 200, yRange = range(object$y), yLength = 401, ...){
    thin <- object$dim[8]
    nsamp <- object$dim[9]
    pars <- matrix(object$parsamp, ncol = nsamp)
    ss <- unique(round(nsamp * seq(burn.perc, 1, len = nmc + 1)[-1]))
    dimpars <- object$dim
    dimpars[7] <- length(ss)

    yGrid <- seq(yRange[1], yRange[2], len = yLength)
    n <- object$dim[1]; p <- 0; ngrid <- object$dim[5]
    dimpars[1] <- yLength
    pred <- .C("PRED_noX", pars = as.double(pars[,ss]), yGrid = as.double(yGrid), hyper = as.double(object$hyper), dim = as.integer(dimpars), gridmats = as.double(object$gridmats), tau.g = as.double(object$tau.g), ldenssamp = double(length(ss)*yLength),fbase.choice = as.integer(object$fbase.choice))
    dens <- matrix(exp(pred$ldenssamp), ncol = length(ss))
    return(list(y = yGrid, fsamp = dens, fest = t(apply(dens, 1, quantile, pr = c(.025, .5, .975)))))

# Function to construct beta covariate coefficient functionals from posterior outputs

estFn <- function(par, x, y, gridmats, L, mid, nknots, ngrid, a.kap, a.sig, tau.g, reg.ix, reduce = TRUE, x.ce = 0, x.sc = 1, base.bundle){
	n <- length(y); p <- ncol(x)
	wKnot <- matrix(par[1:(nknots*(p+1))], nrow = nknots)
	w0PP <- ppFn0(wKnot[,1], gridmats, L, nknots, ngrid)
	w0 <- w0PP$w
	wPP <- apply(wKnot[,-1,drop=FALSE], 2, ppFn, gridmats = gridmats, L = L, nknots = nknots, ngrid = ngrid, a.kap = a.kap)
	wMat <- matrix(sapply(wPP, extract, vn = "w"), ncol = p)
	zeta0.dot <- exp(shrinkFn(p) * (w0 - max(w0)))          # subract max for numerical stability
	zeta0 <- trape(zeta0.dot[-c(1,L)], tau.g[-c(1,L)], L-2) # take integral of derivative to get original function.
	zeta0.tot <- zeta0[L-2] 
	zeta0 <- c(0, tau.g[2] + (tau.g[L-1]-tau.g[2])*zeta0 / zeta0.tot, 1)
	zeta0.dot <- (tau.g[L-1]-tau.g[2])*zeta0.dot / zeta0.tot
	zeta0.dot[c(1,L)] <- 0
    zeta0.ticks <- pmin(L-1, pmax(1, sapply(zeta0, function(u) sum(tau.g <= u))))
    zeta0.dists <- (zeta0 - tau.g[zeta0.ticks]) / (tau.g[zeta0.ticks+1] - tau.g[zeta0.ticks])
    vMat <- apply(wMat, 2, transform.grid, ticks = zeta0.ticks, dists = zeta0.dists)
	reach <- nknots*(p+1)
	gam0 <- par[reach + 1]; reach <- reach + 1
	gam <- par[reach + 1:p]; reach <- reach + p
	sigma <- sigFn(par[reach + 1], a.sig); reach <- reach + 1
	nu <- nuFn(par[reach + 1]);
	# Intercept quantiles
	b0dot <- sigma * base.bundle$q0(zeta0, nu) * zeta0.dot
	beta0.hat <- rep(NA, L)
	beta0.hat[mid:L] <- gam0 + trape(b0dot[mid:L], tau.g[mid:L], L - mid + 1)
	beta0.hat[mid:1] <- gam0 + trape(b0dot[mid:1], tau.g[mid:1], mid)
	# Working towards other covariate coefficient quantiles
	# First four lines get 'aX' shrinkage factor
	vNorm <- sqrt(rowSums(vMat^2))
	a <- tcrossprod(vMat, x)
	aX <- apply(-a, 1, max)/vNorm
	aX[is.nan(aX)] <- Inf
	aTilde <- vMat / (aX * sqrt(1 + vNorm^2))
	ab0 <- b0dot * aTilde
	beta.hat <- kronecker(rep(1,L), t(gam))
	beta.hat[mid:L,] <- beta.hat[mid:L,] + apply(ab0[mid:L,,drop=FALSE], 2, trape, h = tau.g[mid:L], len = L - mid + 1)
	beta.hat[mid:1,] <- beta.hat[mid:1,] + apply(ab0[mid:1,,drop=FALSE], 2, trape, h = tau.g[mid:1], len = mid)
	beta.hat <- beta.hat / x.sc
	beta0.hat <- beta0.hat - rowSums(beta.hat * x.ce)
	betas <- cbind(beta0.hat, beta.hat)
	if(reduce) betas <- betas[reg.ix,,drop = FALSE]

estFn.noX <- function(par, y, gridmats, L, mid, nknots, ngrid, a.kap, a.sig, tau.g, reg.ix, reduce = TRUE, base.bundle){
    n <- length(y); p <- 0
    wKnot <- par[1:nknots]
    w0PP <- ppFn0(wKnot, gridmats, L, nknots, ngrid)
    w0 <- w0PP$w
    zeta0.dot <- exp(shrinkFn(p) * (w0 - max(w0)))
    zeta0 <- trape(zeta0.dot[-c(1,L)], tau.g[-c(1,L)], L-2)
    zeta0.tot <- zeta0[L-2]
    zeta0 <- c(0, tau.g[2] + (tau.g[L-1]-tau.g[2])*zeta0 / zeta0.tot, 1)
    zeta0.dot <- (tau.g[L-1]-tau.g[2])*zeta0.dot / zeta0.tot
    zeta0.dot[c(1,L)] <- 0
    zeta0.ticks <- pmin(L-1, pmax(1, sapply(zeta0, function(u) sum(tau.g <= u))))
    zeta0.dists <- (zeta0 - tau.g[zeta0.ticks]) / (tau.g[zeta0.ticks+1] - tau.g[zeta0.ticks])
    reach <- nknots
    gam0 <- par[reach + 1]; reach <- reach + 1
    sigma <- sigFn(par[reach + 1], a.sig); reach <- reach + 1
    nu <- nuFn(par[reach + 1]);
    b0dot <- sigma * base.bundle$q0(zeta0, nu) * zeta0.dot
    beta0.hat <- rep(NA, L)
    beta0.hat[mid:L] <- gam0 + trape(b0dot[mid:L], tau.g[mid:L], L - mid + 1)
    beta0.hat[mid:1] <- gam0 + trape(b0dot[mid:1], tau.g[mid:1], mid)
    betas <- beta0.hat
    if(reduce) betas <- betas[reg.ix]

chull.center <- function (x, maxEPts = ncol(x) + 1, plot = FALSE){
    sx <- as.matrix(apply(x, 2, function(s) punif(s, min(s), max(s))))
    dd <- rowSums(scale(sx)^2)
    ix.dd <- order(dd, decreasing = TRUE)
    sx <- sx[ix.dd, , drop = FALSE]
    x.chol <- inchol(sx, maxiter = maxEPts)   # uses default rbfdot (radial basis kernal function, "Gaussian")
    ix.epts <- ix.dd[pivots(x.chol)]          # picks off extreme points
    x.choose <- x[ix.epts, , drop = FALSE]
    xCent <- as.numeric(colMeans(x.choose))   # takes means of extreme points
    attr(xCent, "EPts") <- ix.epts            # returns list of extrememum points
    if (plot) {
        n <- nrow(x)
        p <- ncol(x)
        xjit <- x + matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p) %*% diag(0.05 * apply(x, 2, sd), p)
        xmean <- colMeans(x)
        x.ept <- x[ix.epts, ]
        M <- choose(p, 2)
        xnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
        if (is.null(xnames)) xnames <- paste("x", 1:p, sep = "")
        par(mfrow = c(ceiling(M/ceiling(sqrt(M))), ceiling(sqrt(M))), mar = c(2, 3, 0, 0) + 0.1)
        xmax <- apply(x, 2, max)
        for (i in 1:(p - 1)) {
            for (j in (i + 1):p) {
                plot(x[, i], x[, j], col = "gray", cex = 1, ann = FALSE, ty = "n", axes = FALSE, bty = "l")
                title(xlab = xnames[i], line = 0.3)
                title(ylab = xnames[j], line = 0.3)
                ept <- chull(x[, i], x[, j])
                polygon(x[ept, i], x[ept, j], col = gray(0.9), border = "white")
                points(xjit[, i], xjit[, j], pch = ".", col = gray(0.6))
                points(xmean[i], xmean[j], col = gray(0), pch = 17, cex = 1)
                points(xCent[i], xCent[j], col = gray(0), pch = 1, cex = 2)
                points(x.ept[, i], x.ept[, j], col = gray(.3), pch = 10, cex = 1.5)

waic <- function(logliks, print = TRUE){
	lppd <- sum(apply(logliks, 1, logmean))
	p.waic.1 <- 2 * lppd - 2 * sum(apply(logliks, 1, mean))
	p.waic.2 <- sum(apply(logliks, 1, var))
	waic.1 <- -2 * lppd + 2 * p.waic.1
	waic.2 <- -2 * lppd + 2 * p.waic.2
	if(print) cat("WAIC.1 =", round(waic.1, 2), ", WAIC.2 =", round(waic.2, 2), "\n")
	invisible(c(WAIC1 = waic.1, WAIC2 = waic.2))

# Returns W-tilde_0 (not explictly mentioned in the paper)
# Using t-distribution with three degrees of freedom as prior distribution
# get L-dimensional vector that is needed for likelihood evaluation.

ppFn0 <- function(w.knot, gridmats, L, nknots, ngrid){
	w.grid <- matrix(NA, L, ngrid)
	lpost.grid <- rep(NA, ngrid)
	for(i in 1:ngrid){
		A <- matrix(gridmats[1:(L*nknots),i], nrow = nknots)
		R <- matrix(gridmats[L*nknots + 1:(nknots*nknots),i], nrow = nknots)
		r <- sum.sq(backsolve(R, w.knot, transpose = TRUE))
		w.grid[,i] <- colSums(A * w.knot)
		lpost.grid[i] <- -(0.5*nknots+0.1)*log1p(0.5*r/0.1) - gridmats[nknots*(L+nknots)+1,i] + gridmats[nknots*(L+nknots)+2,i]		
	lpost.sum <- logsum(lpost.grid)
	post.grid <- exp(lpost.grid - lpost.sum)
	w <- c(w.grid %*% post.grid)
	return(list(w = w, lpost.sum = lpost.sum))

# Returns W-tilde_j used in the paper, L-dimensional vector needed for likelihood eval.
# Also returns the log posterior sum.

ppFn <- function(w.knot, gridmats, L, nknots, ngrid, a.kap){
	w.grid <- matrix(NA, L, ngrid)
	lpost.grid <- rep(NA, ngrid)
	for(i in 1:ngrid){
		A <- matrix(gridmats[1:(L*nknots),i], nrow = nknots)
		R <- matrix(gridmats[L*nknots + 1:(nknots*nknots),i], nrow = nknots)
		r <- sum.sq(backsolve(R, w.knot, transpose = TRUE))
		w.grid[,i] <- colSums(A * w.knot)
		lpost.grid[i] <- (logsum(-(nknots/2+a.kap[1,])*log1p(0.5*r/ a.kap[2,]) + a.kap[3,] + lgamma(a.kap[1,]+nknots/2)-lgamma(a.kap[1,])-.5*nknots*log(a.kap[2,]))
						  - gridmats[nknots*(L+nknots)+1,i] + gridmats[nknots*(L+nknots)+2,i])		
	lpost.sum <- logsum(lpost.grid)
	post.grid <- exp(lpost.grid - lpost.sum)
	w <- c(w.grid %*% post.grid)
	return(list(w = w, lpost.sum = lpost.sum))

lamFn <- function(prox) return(sqrt(-100*log(prox)))
nuFn <- function(z) return(0.5 + 5.5*exp(z/2)) 
nuFn.inv <- function(nu) return(2*log((nu - 0.5)/5.5))
sigFn <- function(z, a.sig) return(exp(z/2)) 
sigFn.inv <- function(s, a.sig) return(2 * log(s))
unitFn <- function(u) return(pmin(1 - 1e-10, pmax(1e-10, u)))

sum.sq <- function(x) return(sum(x^2))
extract <- function(lo, vn) return(lo[[vn]])       # pull out the "vn"th list item
logmean <- function(lx) return(max(lx) + log(mean(exp(lx - max(lx)))))
logsum <- function(lx) return(logmean(lx) + log(length(lx)))
shrinkFn <- function(x) return(1) ##(1/(1 + log(x)))
trape <- function(x, h, len = length(x)) return(c(0, cumsum(.5 * (x[-1] + x[-len]) * (h[-1] - h[-len]))))

getBands <- function(b, col = 2, lwd = 1, plot = TRUE, add = FALSE, x = seq(0,1,len=nrow(b)), remove.edges = TRUE, ...){
	colRGB <- col2rgb(col)/255
	colTrans <- rgb(colRGB[1], colRGB[2], colRGB[3], alpha = 0.2)
	b.med <- apply(b, 1, quantile, pr = .5)
	b.lo <- apply(b, 1, quantile, pr = .025)
	b.hi <- apply(b, 1, quantile, pr = 1 - .025)
	L <- nrow(b)
	ss <- 1:L; ss.rev <- L:1
		ss <- 2:(L-1); ss.rev <- (L-1):2
		if(!add) plot(x[ss], b.med[ss], ty = "n", ylim = range(c(b.lo[ss], b.hi[ss])), ...)  
		polygon(x[c(ss, ss.rev)], c(b.lo[ss], b.hi[ss.rev]), col = colTrans, border = colTrans)
		lines(x[ss], b.med[ss], col = col, lwd = lwd)  
	invisible(cbind(b.lo, b.med, b.hi))

# Function to calculate kulback-liebler divergence between two GPS with alternate
# lambdas, detailed in appendix B.2
# Uses formula for kullback liebler divergence of two multiva gauassian dist'ns,
# each of dimension k-knots
# solve(K2,K1) does K2^{-1}%*%K1... and sum/diag around it gives determinant

klGP <- function(lam1, lam2, nknots = 11){
	tau <- seq(0, 1, len = nknots)
	dd <- outer(tau, tau, "-")^2
	K1 <- exp(-lam1^2 * dd); diag(K1) <- 1 + 1e-10; R1 <- chol(K1); log.detR1 <- sum(log(diag(R1)))
	K2 <- exp(-lam2^2 * dd); diag(K2) <- 1 + 1e-10; R2 <- chol(K2); log.detR2 <- sum(log(diag(R2)))
	return(log.detR2-log.detR1 - 0.5 * (nknots - sum(diag(solve(K2, K1)))))

# Function to create non-evenly-spaced grid for lambda discretized grid points
# Involves using kulback-liebler divergence.  Makes sure that prior remains sufficiently
# overlapped for neighboring lambda values, preventing (hopefully) poor mixing of
# Markov chain sampler.

proxFn <- function(prox.Max, prox.Min, kl.step = 1){
	prox.grid <- prox.Max
	j <- 1
	while(prox.grid[j] > prox.Min){
		prox1 <- prox.grid[j]
		prox2 <- prox.Min
		kk <- klGP(lamFn(prox1), lamFn(prox2))
		while(kk > kl.step){
			prox2 <- (prox1 + prox2)/2
			kk <- klGP(lamFn(prox1), lamFn(prox2))
		j <- j + 1
		prox.grid <- c(prox.grid, prox2)

transform.grid <- function(w, ticks, dists){
    return((1-dists) * w[ticks] + dists * w[ticks+1])

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qrjoint documentation built on April 6, 2023, 1:07 a.m.