
Defines functions ncross.rq.fitXBsparse

Documented in ncross.rq.fitXBsparse

ncross.rq.fitXBsparse <-
  function(y, x, B=NULL, X=NULL, taus, monotone=FALSE, concave=FALSE, #tolto argomento interc=FALSE,
           nomiBy=NULL, byVariabili=NULL,
           ndx=10, deg=3, dif=3, lambda=0, eps=.0001, var.pen=NULL, penMatrix=NULL,
           lambda.ridge=0,  dropcList=FALSE, decomList=FALSE, vcList=FALSE, dropvcList=FALSE, centerList=FALSE, 
           ridgeList=FALSE, ps.matrix.list=FALSE, colmeansB=NULL, Bconstr=NULL, adjX.constr=TRUE, 
           adList=FALSE, it.j=10, myeps=NULL, ...){
    #usare spam??

    plott=0 #prima era un argomento
    err.rho=TRUE #prima era un argomento
    u.rho=TRUE ##prima era un argomento
    if(is.null(myeps)) myeps<-1e-06
    Rho <- function(u, tau) u * (tau - (u < 0))
    bspline <- function(x, ndx, xlr = NULL, knots=NULL, deg = 3, deriv = 0, outer.ok=FALSE) {
      # x: vettore di dati
      # xlr: il vettore di c(xl,xr)
      # ndx: n.intervalli in cui dividere il range
      # deg: il grado della spline
      # Restituisce ndx+deg basis functions per ndx-1 inner nodi
      #ci sono "ndx+1" nodi interni + "2*deg" nodi esterni
      #    require(splines)
      if(is.null(knots)) {
        if (is.null(xlr)) {
          xl <- min(x) - 0.01 * diff(range(x))
          xr <- max(x) + 0.01 * diff(range(x))
        else {
          if (length(xlr) != 2)
            stop("quando fornito, xlr deve avere due componenti")
          xl <- xlr[1]
          xr <- xlr[2]
        dx <- (xr - xl)/ndx
        knots <- seq(xl - deg * dx, xr + deg * dx, by = dx)
      #else {
      #if(length(knots)!=(ndx+1+2*deg)) stop("errore nel numero di nodi fornito")
      B <- splineDesign(knots, x, ord = deg + 1, derivs = rep(deriv, length(x)), outer.ok=outer.ok)
    blockdiag <- function(...) {
      args <- list(...)
      nc <- sapply(args,ncol)
      cumnc <- cumsum(nc)
      ##  nr <- sapply(args,nrow)
      ## NR <- sum(nr)
      NC <- sum(nc)
      rowfun <- function(m,zbefore,zafter) {
      ret <- rowfun(args[[1]],0,NC-ncol(args[[1]]))
      for (i in 2:length(args)) {
        ret <- rbind(ret,rowfun(args[[i]],cumnc[i-1],NC-cumnc[i]))
    build.D<-function(var.pen.ok, p.ok, dif.ok, lambda.ok, penMatrix.ok=NULL, dropc=FALSE, decomp=FALSE, 
                      dropvc=FALSE, ridge=FALSE){
      #Build the penalty matrix to be appended below the design matrix
      #var.pen.ok: a string to mean the varying penalty
      #p.ok: no. of coefficients
      #dif.ok: difference order (if dif.ok<=0 the identity matrix is returned)
      #lambda.ok: spar parameter
      #dropvc: TRUE if the penalty refers to VC models wherein the basis has been buit with identif. constr. (dropping the 1 column basis)
        D.ok<- as.matrix.csr(penMatrix.ok)
      } else {
        if(dropvc) p.ok<-p.ok-1
          xx.var.pen <- rep(1,(p.ok-dif.ok))
        } else {
          f.var.pen <- function(k) eval(parse(text = var.pen.ok))
          xx.var.pen <- 1:(p.ok - dif.ok)
          xx.var.pen <- f.var.pen(max(xx.var.pen))
        #D.ok<-if(decomp || ridge) xx.var.pen*diag(p.ok) else xx.var.pen*diff(diag(p.ok), diff=dif.ok)
        D.ok<-if(dif.ok<=0) xx.var.pen*diag(p.ok) else xx.var.pen*diff(diag(p.ok), diff=dif.ok)
      if(dif.ok>=0 && dropc) D.ok<-D.ok[,-1] # D%*%C infatti deve risultare t(C)%*%Penalty%*%C
      if(dropvc) D.ok<- cbind(0,D.ok) #rbind(0,cbind(0,D.ok))
    edf.rqXB <-function(obj, tau, id.coef, vMonot, vConc, pesiL1, output, 
                        df.nc=TRUE, DFvalues=NULL, D.matrix, Bconstr, D1, D2, Y, X){
      #versione per il calcolo edf in ..fitXB()
      #restituisce una lista dove la prima componente e' df.all, la seconda e' la somma per gruppi...
      #obj$DF.NEG e obj$DF.POS.. per i df accounting for noncross..
      #output: which df should be returned?
      #   4 = come 3, ma tutto (anche pen) attraverso su approx quadratica basata sui valori assoluti
      #   3 = the trace of the pseudo-hat matrix based on the smooth approximation (for REML-like estimate)
      #   2 = the number of non-null (penalized) coefficients (for REML-like estimate)
      #   1 = the number of all (penalized) coefficients (for ML estimate)
      # dalla versione 1.0-0 solo le opzioni 2 o 4 sono contemplate.. 
      #Restituisce i df attraverso diag(HatMatrix). tau deve essere uno scalare 
      #Se return.all=TRUE restituisce diag(HatMatrix), cioe' un vettore p-dimensionale. (p=n.variabili)
      #   se return.all=FALSE restituisce un vettore pari al numero dei "gruppi" di variabili
      #   ogni gruppo e' o l'insieme dei termini parametrici o un termine smooth.
      #g: percentuale per calcolare il valore soglia (solo se output=3)
      #id.coef: identif di appartenenza di coeff deve contenere un attributo "nomi (cio? attr(id.coef,"nomi")
      make.positive.definite<-function (m, tol) {
        #preso da  package ?lqmm? 1.5
        #Se M=XtWX+P non ? invertibile calcolare solve(make.positive.definite(M))? da provare
        # vedi comunque qualche altra funzione nel package corpcor
        if (!is.matrix(m)) m = as.matrix(m)
        d = dim(m)[1]
        if (dim(m)[2] != d) stop("Input matrix is not square!")
        es = eigen(m)
        esv = es$values
        if (missing(tol)) tol = d * max(abs(esv)) * .Machine$double.eps
        delta = 2 * tol
        tau1 = pmax(0, delta - esv)
        dm = es$vectors %*% diag(tau1, d) %*% t(es$vectors) #tau1 ? gi? un vettore, diag(tau1) dovrebbe essere sufficiente..
        #dm = crossprod(tau1*es$vectors) 
        return(m + dm)
      blockdiag <- function(...) {
        args <- list(...)
        nc <- sapply(args,ncol)
        cumnc <- cumsum(nc)
        ##  nr <- sapply(args,nrow)
        ## NR <- sum(nr)
        NC <- sum(nc)
        rowfun <- function(m,zbefore,zafter) {
        ret <- rowfun(args[[1]],0,NC-ncol(args[[1]]))
        for (i in 2:length(args)) {
          ret <- rbind(ret,rowfun(args[[i]],cumnc[i-1],NC-cumnc[i]))
      n<- obj$n
      interc<-"(Intercept)"%in% rownames(as.matrix(obj$coef))
      nomiGruppi<-attr(id.coef,"nomi") #"Xlin"(eventuale) + nomi smooth
      b<-if(is.matrix(obj$coef)) obj$coef[,paste(tau)] else obj$coef
      n.par<-tapply(id.coef, id.coef, length) #num. dei parametri di ciascun "gruppo": lineari, 1st smooth, 2nd smooth,..
      n.Gruppi<-length(n.par)#length(n.par) e' il numero dei gruppi= gruppoLin + n.termini smooth
      if(nomiGruppi[1]=="Xlin") {
        pLin<- n.par[1]
      } else {
      H <- length(n.par) #n. smooths
      list.b <-tapply(b, id.coef, function(.x).x) 
      names(list.b)<- nomiGruppi
      if(any(vConc!=0)) list.b1 <-list.b #creato list.b1 per l'eventuale concav (infatti list.b viene sovrascritto dalla monot)
      id.Xlin <- match("Xlin", nomiGruppi, 0)
      if(nrow(D.matrix)==0) {
        P<- t(D.matrix) %*% D.matrix #crossprod(D.matrix) 
        } else {
          #P<- crossprod(drop(pesiL1)*D.matrix[(1:length(pesiL1)),,drop=FALSE])
          D.matrix <- drop(pesiL1)*D.matrix
          P<- t(D.matrix) %*% D.matrix
          #P<- crossprod(drop(pesiL1)*D.matrix[(1:length(pesiL1)),,drop=FALSE])
        wMon<-  wMon<- vector("list", H) #lapply(1:H, function(.x) matrix(0,n.par[.x]-1,n.par[.x]))
        for(j in 1:H){ 
            if(attr(Bconstr[[j]], "constr.fit")) list.b[[j + id.Xlin]] <-  drop(Bconstr[[j]] %*% list.b[[j + id.Xlin]])
            .D1<- 10^6*(abs(diff(list.b[[j+ id.Xlin]], diff=1))<.00001)*D1[[j]]
            wMon[[j]]  <- t(.D1)%*% .D1
          } else {
            wMon[[j]]  <- as.matrix.csr(0,n.par[j],n.par[j])
        wMon<-if(length(wMon)==1) wMon[[1]] else do.call("blockdiag", wMon)
        if(nomiGruppi[1]=="Xlin") wMon <-blockdiag(matrix(0, pLin, pLin), wMon) 
        P <- P + wMon
        wConc<- vector("list", H) #lapply(1:H, function(.x) matrix(0,n.par[.x]-2,n.par[.x]))
        for(j in 1:H){
            if(attr(Bconstr[[j]], "constr.fit")) list.b1[[j+ id.Xlin]] <-  drop(Bconstr[[j]] %*% list.b1[[j+ id.Xlin]])
            .D2 <- crossprod((10^6*(abs(diff(list.b1[[j+ id.Xlin]], diff=2))<.00001))*D2[[j]])
            wConc[[j]]  <- t(.D2)%*% .D2
          } else {
            wConc[[j]]  <- as.matrix.csr(0,n.par[j],n.par[j])
        if(any(vConc!=0)) wConc <-if(length(wConc)==1) wConc[[1]] else do.call("blockdiag", wConc) 
        if(nomiGruppi[1]=="Xlin") wConc <-blockdiag(matrix(0, pLin, pLin), wConc) 
        P <- P + wConc

      #vincoli nc, dalla >=1.2-0
      if(df.nc) diag(P) <- diag(P)+10^6*DFvalues
      #DF.all<-cbind(obj$DF.NEG, obj$DF.POS) #NB DF.NEG non parte dal tau piu' piccolo, ma non e' un problema perche' si prende un tau alla volta..
      #if(paste(tau)%in%colnames(DF.all)) diag(P) <- diag(P) + 10^6*DF.all[1:length(b),paste(tau)]
#      fittedvalues <-drop(obj$fitted.values)[1:n]
      e<- drop(obj$residuals)[1:n]
      #Y<- obj$y[1:n]
      #X<-obj$x[1:n,,drop=FALSE] #design matrix
      #w<-ifelse(Y > fittedvalues, tau, 1-tau)
      w<-ifelse(e > 0, tau, 1-tau)
      Xw <- X*sqrt(w)
      XtWX<- t(Xw) %*% Xw #
      #XtWX<- t(X) %*% as(w,"matrix.diag.csr") %*% X
      A<-try(solve(XtWX+P, XtWX), silent=TRUE)
      #A<-try(backsolve(chol(XtWX+P), XtWX), silent=TRUE)
      if(class(A)[1]=="try-error") {
        #A<-solve(make.positive.definite(XtWX+P), XtWX)
        df.all<-rep(.75, ncol(P))
      } else {

      df.j<-tapply(df.all, id.coef, sum)
      if(is.matrix(df.j)) rownames(df.j)<-attr(id.coef, "nomi") else names(df.j)<-attr(id.coef, "nomi")
      r<-list(edf.all=df.all, edf.j=df.j)

    B<- lapply(B, as.matrix.csr)
    #deve diventare una matrice..
    all.p<-sapply(B, ncol)
    pSmooth <- sum(all.p)
    H <-length(B) #no. of smooth terms
    p <- pSmooth
    #if(!is.null(X)) p<- p + ncol(X)
#    if(!is.null(X)) {
#      pLin <- ncol(X)
#      id.interc <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X), 0)
#    } else {
      pLin <- 0
      id.interc <- 0
 #     }
    #attenzione. Qua se la matrice B comprende variabili da selezionare allora devi comunque consideraarle variabili lineari 
    #e quindi modificare i vincoli..
    # if((pLin - id.interc)>0){ #se ci sono variabili lineari (oltre all'eventuale intercetta)
    #   if(adjX.constr){        
    #     colnamesX <- colnames(X)
    #     if(id.interc>0){ #se c'e' intercetta
    #       minX <- apply(X[,-1, drop=FALSE] , 2, min)
    #       names(minX)<- colnamesX[-1]
    #       X <- cbind(X[,1], apply(X[,-1, drop=FALSE], 2, function(.x) .x- min(.x)))
    #       } else {
    #       minX <- apply(X , 2, min)
    #       names(minX) <- colnamesX
    #       X <- apply(X, 2, function(.x) .x- min(.x))
    #       }
    #     all.max <- apply(X, 2, max)
    #     colnames(X) <- colnamesX
    #   } else {
    #       if( (length(taus)>1)) warning("shifting of linear covariates is requested for noncross")
    #       all.max <- apply(X, 2, max)
    #       minX <- NULL
    #   }
    # } else {

    if(pLin!=(p-pSmooth)) stop("errore") #pSmooth=p1 #n. termini lineari

    group.edf<- matrix(NA, H+(pLin>0),length(taus))
    #un controllo se penMatrix e' fornita
      for(j in 1:H) {
          if(ncol(penMatrix[[j]])!=all.p[j]) stop(paste("wrong dimension (ncol) of pen.matrix for smooth #", j, sep=""))
    #quando le basi sono non centrate la media e' 0.
    # m.colmeansB <- lapply(colmeansB, function(.x) -.x)
    # if(length(dropvcList)!=length(all.p)) stop("errore..") #non dovrebbe servire..
    # id.intercVC <- tapply(rep(1:length(all.p), all.p), rep(1:length(all.p), all.p), function(.x)c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(.x)-1)))
    # id.intercVC <- unlist(id.intercVC) & rep(dropvcList, all.p)
    # id.intc.VC<- which((id.intercVC)) #le posizioni delle intercette dei VC (quando ci sono gruppi)
    # exist.VC <-sum(vcList) #se >0 ci sono VC
    # #n.righe = p
    # #n.colonne = n. di termini lineari + n.smooth. Se non ci sono termini lineari la 1st colonna e' una colonna di FALSE..
    # id.Matr <- sapply(0:length(all.p), function(.x) I(c(rep(0, pLin), rep(1:length(all.p), all.p))==.x))
    # all.maxB<-as.list(rep(1,H))
    # for(j in 1:H){
    #   if(ridgeList[j] && ps.matrix.list[j]) {
    #     cln <- colnames(B[[j]])
    #     B[[j]] <- apply(B[[j]], 2, function(.x) .x- min(.x))
    #     all.maxB[[j]] <-apply(B[[j]], 2, max)
    #     colnames(B[[j]]) <- cln
    #   }
    # }
    #H <-length(B) #no. of smooth terms
    #B <-as.matrix.csr(unlist(B), n, pSmooth) #matrix(unlist(B), nrow=3,byrow = FALSE)
    B<- do.call(cbind, B) #forse e' meglio ma ogni componente di B deve essere una matric csr
    if(is.matrix(lambda)) {

    lambdaM<-matrix(lambda, nrow=nrow(as.matrix(lambda)), ncol=length(taus)) #serve per il calcolo degli edf..
    D.list<-D.list.lambda<-D1<-D2<-vector("list", length=H)
    for(j in 1:H){
      if(monotone[j]!=0) {
        #if(attr(Bconstr[[j]],"constr.fit")) { 
          #D1[[j]] <-sign(monotone[j])*diff(diag(nrow(Bconstr[[j]])), diff=1) %*% Bconstr[[j]]
        #} else {
          #D1[[j]]<-if(dropcList[j]) sign(monotone[j])*(diff(diag(all.p[j]+1), diff=1)[,-1]) else sign(monotone[j])*diff(diag(all.p[j]), diff=1)
          D1[[j]]<- as.matrix.csr(sign(monotone[j])*diff(diag(all.p[j]), diff=1))
      } else { 
        D1[[j]]<- as.matrix.csr(0, all.p[j]-1, all.p[j]) 
      if(concave[j]!=0) {
        #if(attr(Bconstr[[j]],"constr.fit")) { 
         # D2[[j]] <-sign(concave[j])*diff(diag(nrow(Bconstr[[j]])), diff=2) %*% Bconstr[[j]]
        #} else {
       #   D2[[j]]<-if(dropcList[j]) sign(-concave[j])*(diff(diag(all.p[j]+1), diff=2)[,-1]) else sign(-concave[j])*diff(diag(all.p[j]), diff=2)
        D2[[j]]<- as.matrix.csr(sign(-concave[j])*diff(diag(all.p[j]), diff=2))

        #    #D2[[j]] <- sign(-concave[j])*diff(diag(all.p[j]), diff=2)
       # }
      } else { 
        D2[[j]]<- as.matrix.csr(0, all.p[j]-2, all.p[j]) 
      D.list[[j]] <-build.D(var.pen[j], all.p[j]+1*dropcList[j], dif[j], lambda.ok=1, penMatrix[[j]], 
                            dropc=dropcList[j], decomp=decomList[j], dropvc = dropvcList[j], ridge = ridgeList[j])
      #D.list[[j]] e' restituito di classe "csr"..
      D.list.lambda[[j]]<- D.list[[j]]*lambda[j]
    #blockdiag non funziona per matrici csr
    R.monot<-if(length(D1)<=1) D1[[1]] else do.call("blockdiag",D1)
    #R.monot<-cbind(as.matrix.csr(0,nrow=nrow(R.monot), ncol=pLin), R.monot)
    if(any(concave!=0)) {
      R.conc<-if(length(D2)<=1) D2[[1]] else do.call("blockdiag",D2)
      #R.conc<-cbind(as.matrix.csr(0,nrow=nrow(R.conc), ncol=pLin), R.conc)
      R.monot<-rbind(R.monot, R.conc)
    r.monot<-rep(0, nrow(R.monot))
    #matrice D *NON* comprende lambda (e' sparsa)
    D.matrix<-if(length(D.list)<=1) D.list[[1]] else do.call("blockdiag",D.list) 
    #in sparse non sono ammessi termini lineari (pLin=0)
    #D.matrix<- blockdiag(diag(rep(0,pLin), ncol=pLin),D.matrix)
    #matrice D che comprende lambda. D.list.lambda prima era DD
    D.matrix.lambda<-if(length(D.list.lambda)<=1) D.list.lambda[[1]] else do.call("blockdiag",D.list.lambda) 
    #D.matrix.lambda<- blockdiag(diag(rep(0,pLin), ncol=pLin), D.matrix.lambda)
      XB<- rbind(B, D.matrix.lambda)
    } else {
      XB <- B
    #if(lambda.ridge>0) XB<-rbind(XB, lambda.ridge*diag(ncol(XB))) #a small ridge penalty
    if(lambda.ridge>0) XB<-rbind(XB, lambda.ridge*as(ncol(XB),"matrix.diag.csr"))
    #XBm<- as.matrix(XB) #serve per edf.rqXB()
    y <- c(y, rep(0,nrow(XB)-n))
    o.start<-if(any(monotone!=0 | concave!=0)) rq.fit.sfnc(XB, y, tau=start.tau, R=R.monot, r=r.monot)
      else rq.fit.sfn(XB, y=y, tau=start.tau) 
    if(is.null(o.start$fitted.values)) o.start$fitted.values<- y - o.start$residuals
    #Attenzione.. guarda gli oggetti che restituisce e che deve usare edf.rqXB(). Altrimenti non va..
    if(!all(is.finite(o.start$coefficients))) warning(paste("Some NA estimate in the quantile tau =", start.tau, sep="" ))
    o.start$rho<-sum(Rho(o.start$residuals[1:n], start.tau))
    id.coef.spline<-vector("list", length=H+1)
    id.coef.spline[[1]]<- 0 #if(ncol(X)>0) 1:ncol(X) else 0
    for(j in 1:H) id.coef.spline[[j+1]] <- max(id.coef.spline[[j]]) + seq_len(all.p[j])
    names(id.coef.spline)<-c("Xlin", names(lambda))
    for(j in 1:H) sigma2u[j]<- sum(abs(D.list[[j]]%*%o.start$coefficients[id.coef.spline[[j+1]]]))
    sigma2e<-o.start$rho #if(err.rho) o.start$rho else sum(o.start$residuals[1:n]^2*abs(start.tau-I(o.start$residuals[1:n]<0))) #in realta' e' la dev..
    id.df<-rep(1:length(id.coef.spline), sapply(id.coef.spline,length))
    attr(id.df, "nomi")<-c("Xlin", names(lambda))
    if(length(id.coef.spline[[1]])==1 && id.coef.spline[[1]]==0) {
      attr(id.df, "nomi")<-names(lambda)

    #--------calcolo edf
    pesiL1 <- abs((D.matrix%*%o.start$coefficients))
    #lambdaM ha tante colonne quanti i tau...
    lambdasTutti<- rep(lambdaM[,paste(start.tau)], sapply(D.list, nrow)) #controlla se serve -1*dropcList
    if(!is.null(pLin) && pLin>0) lambdasTutti<-c(rep(0, pLin),lambdasTutti)
    pesiL1<-sqrt(lambdasTutti/(pesiL1+.00001)) #(pesiL1[,k]+.00001)
    df.start.tau <- edf.rqXB(o.start, tau=start.tau, id.coef=id.df, vMonot = monotone, vConc=concave, pesiL1=pesiL1,
                             output=list(...)$df.option, df.nc=FALSE, DFvalues=NULL, D.matrix, 
                             Bconstr, D1, D2, Y=y[1:n], X=B)
    all.edf[,paste(start.tau)]<- df.start.tau$edf.all
    if(length(taus)<=1){ #se length(taus)==1
      all.COEF<-as.matrix(o.start$coef) #era all.COEF<- o.start$coef 
      all.rho<-sum(Rho(o.start$residuals[1:n], start.tau)) 
      r<-list(coefficients=all.COEF, x=XB, rho=all.rho, #tolto df=all.df,
              dev2u=sigma2u, dev2e=sigma2e)
      all.dev2u=matrix(sigma2u, ncol=1, dimnames=list(names(lambda), paste(taus)))
      all.dev2e=matrix(sigma2e, ncol=1, dimnames=list(NULL, paste(taus)))
    } else { #se length(taus)>1
      DF.NEG <- DF.POS<- NULL
      Ident<- as(p,"matrix.diag.csr") #diag(p)
      # id.interc.Constr <- id.interc>0
      # if(id.interc.Constr) valueNcrosInterc <- unlist(m.colmeansB)
      # #indici dei coeff delle diverse basi, anche se VC
      # idsmoothInter <- setdiff(unlist(id.coef.spline),id.coef.spline$Xlin)

        rho.pos.tau <-df.pos.tau <- vector(length=n.pos.taus)
        if(any(monotone!=0 | concave!=0)){
          RR<-rbind(Ident, R.monot)
          rr<-c(b.start + eps, r.monot)
        } else {
          RR<- Ident
          rr<- b.start + eps
        #DF per NONcrossing
        DF.POS <- matrix(,nrow(RR),n.pos.taus)
        colnames(DF.POS) <- paste(pos.taus)
        # if(id.interc.Constr){ #se c'e' interc con smooth (incompleti, cioe' chiamati con dropc=FALSE)
        #   RR[1, idsmoothInter] <- valueNcrosInterc #valueNcrosInterc sono le "-colmeansB"
        #   rr[1] <- b.start[1] + sum(valueNcrosInterc * b.start[idsmoothInter]) #b.start[1]+sum((-all.means.B)*b.start[id.smooth])
        # }
        #n.righe = p
        #id.Matr: p x "n. di termini lineari + n.smooth". Se non ci sono termini lineari la 1st colonna e' una colonna di FALSE..

#         if((pLin - id.interc)>0){ #se ci sono variabili lineari (oltre all'eventuale intercetta)
# #          colnamesX <- colnames(X)
# #          all.max<-apply(X,2,max)
#           if(id.interc>0){ #se c'e' intercetta
#             RR[c(FALSE,id.Matr[-1,1]),1]<-1 #aggiungi gli 1 nella prima *colonna* in corrispondenza dei termini lineari
#             rr[2:pLin] <- b.start[1] + b.start[2:pLin]*all.max[2:pLin] + eps
#           } else {
#             rr[1:pLin] <- b.start[1:pLin]*all.max[1:pLin] + eps
# #            minX <- apply(X[,-1, drop=FALSE] ,2, min)
# #            names(minX)<-colnames(X)
# #            X <- apply(X, 2, function(.x) .x- min(.x))
#           }
#           diag(RR)[1:pLin]<- all.max  #aggiungi i max sulla diag principale
#  #         colnames(X) <- colnamesX
#         }
        # for(j in 1:H) {
        #   if(ps.matrix.list[j]) {
        #     RR[id.Matr[,j+1], 1] <- 1
        #     diag(RR)[id.Matr[,j+1]]<-all.maxB[[j]]
        #     if(id.interc>0) {
        #       rr[id.Matr[,j+1]] <- b.start[1] + b.start[id.Matr[,j+1]]*all.maxB[[j]] + eps
        #     } else {
        #       rr[id.Matr[,j+1]] <- b.start[id.Matr[,j+1]]*all.maxB[[j]] + eps
        #     }
        #   }
        # }
        for(i in 1:n.pos.taus){
          #AGGIORNA XB PER INCLUDERE i tau-specific lambda
            lambda<-lambda.matrix[,paste(pos.taus[i])] #lambda.matrix[,i]
            for(j in 1:H) D.list.lambda[[j]]<- D.list[[j]]*lambda[j]
            D.matrix.lambda<-if(length(D.list.lambda)<=1) D.list.lambda[[1]] else do.call("blockdiag",D.list.lambda) 
            D.matrix.lambda<-blockdiag(diag(rep(0,pLin), ncol=pLin),D.matrix.lambda)
            if(any(lambda>0)) XB<-rbind(B, D.matrix.lambda)
            if(lambda.ridge>0) XB<-rbind(XB, lambda.ridge*diag(ncol(XB))) #a small ridge penalty
          o<-rq.fit.sfnc(x=XB, y=y, tau=pos.taus[i], R=RR, r=rr)
          #o<-rq.fit.fnc(x=XB, y=y, tau=pos.taus[i], method="fnc", R=RR, r=rr, eps=myeps)
          if(!all(is.finite(o$coefficients))) warning(paste("Some NA estimate in the quantile tau =", pos.taus[i], sep="" ))
          o$rho<-sum(Rho(o$residuals[1:n], pos.taus[i]))
          #estrai fitted e residuals
          FIT.POS[,i]<- y[1:n] - o$residuals[1:n] # o$fitted.values[1:n]
          #estrai la f. obiettivo
          #df.pos.tau[i] <- sum(abs(o$residuals[1:n])<=.000001)
          rho.pos.tau[i] <- o$rho #sarebbe sum(Rho(o$residuals[1:n], pos.taus[i]))
          #estrai sigma2u
          for(j in 1:H) sigma2u.pos.tau[j,i]<- sum(abs(drop(D.list[[j]]%*%o$coefficients[id.coef.spline[[j+1]]])))

          #estrai sigma2e
          sigma2e.pos.tau[i]<-o$rho #if(err.rho) o$rho else sum(o$residuals[1:n]^2*abs(pos.taus[i]-I(o$residuals[1:n]<0)))
          #estrai i coeff per "aggiornare" i vincoli rr
          #NON ANCORA IMPLEMENTATO: confrontare dove i vincoli NONCROSSING (MA ANCHE MONOT/CONC) sono attivi
          #vedi come considerare l'epsilon.. Inoltre la matrice RR include anche monot/conc
          #in particolare i primi RR[1:p,]b.start rr[1:p] sono per il NONCROSSING
          DF.POS[,i] <- 1*(drop(RR%*%b.start-rr)<=1e-8)

          rr<- if(any(monotone!=0 | concave!=0)) c(b.start+eps, r.monot) else b.start + eps
          # if(id.interc.Constr){ #se ci sono smooth con interc
          #   #  rr[1] <- sum(valueNcrosInterc * b.start[idsmoothInter]) #b.start[1]-sum(all.means.B*b.start[id.smooth])
          #   rr[1] <- b.start[1] + sum(valueNcrosInterc * b.start[idsmoothInter])
          # }
          # if((pLin - id.interc)>0) { #se ci sono termini lineari oltre l'intercetta
          #   if(id.interc>0){
          #     rr[2:pLin] <- b.start[1] + b.start[2:pLin]*all.max[2:pLin] + eps
          #   } else {
          #     rr[1:pLin] <- b.start[1:pLin]*all.max[1:pLin] + eps
          #   }
          # }
          # for(j in 1:H) {
          #   if(ps.matrix.list[j]) {
          #     if(id.interc>0) {
          #       rr[id.Matr[,j+1]] <- b.start[1] + b.start[id.Matr[,j+1]]*all.maxB[[j]] + eps
          #     } else {
          #       rr[id.Matr[,j+1]] <- b.start[id.Matr[,j+1]]*all.maxB[[j]] + eps
          #     }
          #   }
          # }

          #--------calcolo edf

          #lambdaM ha tante colonne quanti i tau...
          lambdasTutti<- rep(lambdaM[,paste(pos.taus[i])], sapply(D.list, nrow)) #controlla se serve -1*dropcList
          if(!is.null(pLin) && pLin>0) lambdasTutti<-c(rep(0, pLin),lambdasTutti)
          pesiL1<-sqrt(lambdasTutti/(pesiL1+.00001)) #(pesiL1[,k]+.00001)
          df.pos.tau <- edf.rqXB(o, tau=pos.taus[i], id.coef=id.df, vMonot = monotone, vConc=concave, pesiL1=pesiL1,
                                   output=list(...)$df.option, df.nc=list(...)$df.nc, DFvalues=DF.POS[,i], 
                                 D.matrix, Bconstr, D1, D2, Y=y[1:n], X=B)
          all.edf[,paste(pos.taus[i])]<- df.pos.tau$edf.all
          }#end for
      }#end if(n.pos.taus>0)
      ### PER I tau "negativi"..
        rho.neg.tau <-df.neg.tau <- vector(length=n.pos.taus)
        COEF.NEG<- matrix(,ncol(XB),n.neg.taus)
        if(any(monotone!=0 | concave!=0)){
          Ident<-as(p, "matrix.diag.csr") #diag(p)
          RR<-rbind(-Ident, R.monot)
          rr <-c(-b.start - eps, r.monot)
        } else {
          RR<- -Ident
          rr<- -b.start - eps
        #DF per NONcrossing
        DF.NEG<- matrix(,nrow(RR),n.neg.taus)
        # if(id.interc.Constr){ #se ci sono smooth con interc
        #   RR[1, idsmoothInter] <- -valueNcrosInterc #valueNcrosInterc sono le "-colmeansB"
        #   rr[1] <- -(b.start[1] + sum(valueNcrosInterc * b.start[idsmoothInter])) #b.start[1]+sum((-all.means.B)*b.start[id.smooth])
        # }
#         if((pLin - id.interc)>0){ #se ci sono variabili lineari (oltre all'eventuale intercetta)
#           #colnamesX <- colnames(X)
#           #all.max<-apply(X,2,max)
#           if(id.interc>0){ #se c'e' intercetta
#             RR[c(FALSE,id.Matr[-1,1]),1]<- -1 #aggiungi i -1 nella prima *colonna* in corrispondenza dei termini lineari
#             rr[2:pLin] <- -(b.start[1] + b.start[2:pLin]*all.max[2:pLin] + eps)
# #            minX <- apply(X[,-1, drop=FALSE] ,2, min)
# #            names(minX)<-colnames(X)[-1]
# #            X <- cbind(X[,1], apply(X[,-1, drop=FALSE], 2, function(.x) .x- min(.x)))
#           } else {
#             rr[1:pLin] <- -(b.start[1:pLin]*all.max[1:pLin] + eps)
# #            minX <- apply(X[,-1, drop=FALSE] ,2, min)
# #            names(minX)<-colnames(X)
# #            X <- apply(X, 2, function(.x) .x- min(.x))
#           }
#           diag(RR)[1:pLin]<- -all.max  #aggiungi i max sulla diag principale
# #          colnames(X) <- colnamesX
#         }
        # for(j in 1:H) {
        #   if(ps.matrix.list[j]) {
        #     RR[id.Matr[,j+1], 1] <- -1
        #     diag(RR)[id.Matr[,j+1]]<- -all.maxB[[j]]
        #     if(id.interc>0) {
        #       rr[id.Matr[,j+1]] <- -(b.start[1] + b.start[id.Matr[,j+1]]*all.maxB[[j]] + eps)
        #     } else {
        #       rr[id.Matr[,j+1]] <- -(b.start[id.Matr[,j+1]]*all.maxB[[j]] + eps)
        #     }
        #   }
        # }

        for(i in 1:n.neg.taus){
          #AGGIORNA XB PER INCLUDERE i tau-specific lambda
            lambda <- lambda.matrix[,paste(neg.taus[i])]
            for(j in 1:H) D.list.lambda[[j]]<- D.list[[j]]*lambda[j]
            D.matrix.lambda<-if(length(D.list.lambda)<=1) D.list.lambda[[1]] else do.call("blockdiag",D.list.lambda) 
            D.matrix.lambda<-blockdiag(diag(rep(0,pLin), ncol=pLin),D.matrix.lambda)
            if(any(lambda>0)) XB<-rbind(B, D.matrix.lambda)
            if(lambda.ridge>0) XB<-rbind(XB, lambda.ridge*diag(ncol(XB))) #a small ridge penalty
          o<-rq.fit.sfnc(x=XB, y=y, tau=neg.taus[i], R=RR,r=rr)
          #o<-rq.fit.fnc(x=XB,y=y,tau=neg.taus[i], R=RR, r=rr, eps=myeps)
          if(!all(is.finite(o$coefficients)))  warning(paste("At least one estimate is NA in the quantile curve tau = ", neg.taus[i], sep="" ))
          o$rho<-sum(Rho(o$residuals[1:n], neg.taus[i]))
          FIT.NEG[,i]<- y[1:n] - o$residuals[1:n]#o$fitted.values[1:n]
          RES.NEG[,i]<- o$residuals[1:n]
          #df.neg.tau[i] <- sum(abs(o$residuals[1:n])<=.000001)
          rho.neg.tau[i] <- o$rho #sum(Rho(o$residuals[1:n], neg.taus[i]))
          #estrai sigma2u
          for(j in 1:H){
            f.coef.pen <- abs(drop(D.list[[j]]%*%o$coefficients[id.coef.spline[[j+1]]]))
            sigma2u.neg.tau[j,i]<- if(u.rho) sum(f.coef.pen)
                else sum(drop(D.list[[j]]%*%o$coefficients[id.coef.spline[[j+1]]])^2)
          #estrai sigma2e
          sigma2e.neg.tau[i]<-o$rho #if(err.rho) o$rho else sum(o$residuals[1:n]^2*abs(neg.taus[i]-I(o$residuals[1:n]<0)))
          #estrai i coeff per aggiornare i vincoli
          DF.NEG[,i] <- 1*(drop(RR%*%b.start-rr)<=1e-8)
          # rr<- if(monotone!=0) c(-b.start+eps, rep(0,p1-1) ) else -b.start+eps
          rr<- if(any(monotone!=0 | concave!=0)) c(-b.start+eps, r.monot) else -b.start + eps
          # if(id.interc.Constr){ #se ci sono smooth con interc
          #   #  rr[1] <- sum(valueNcrosInterc * b.start[idsmoothInter]) #b.start[1]-sum(all.means.B*b.start[id.smooth])
          #   rr[1] <- -(b.start[1] + sum(valueNcrosInterc * b.start[idsmoothInter]))
          # }
          # if((pLin - id.interc)>0) { #se ci sono termini lineari oltre l'intercetta
          #   if(id.interc>0){
          #     rr[2:pLin] <- -(b.start[1] + b.start[2:pLin]*all.max[2:pLin] + eps)
          #   } else {
          #     rr[1:pLin] <- -(b.start[1:pLin]*all.max[1:pLin] + eps)
          #   }
          # }
          # for(j in 1:H) {
          #   if(ps.matrix.list[j]) {
          #     if(id.interc>0) {
          #       rr[id.Matr[,j+1]] <- -(b.start[1] + b.start[id.Matr[,j+1]]*all.maxB[[j]] + eps)
          #     } else {
          #       rr[id.Matr[,j+1]] <- -(b.start[id.Matr[,j+1]]*all.maxB[[j]] + eps)
          #     }
          #   }
          # }
          #--------calcolo edf
          #lambdaM ha tante colonne quanti i tau...
          lambdasTutti<- rep(lambdaM[,paste(neg.taus[i])], sapply(D.list, nrow)) #controlla se serve -1*dropcList
          if(!is.null(pLin) && pLin>0) lambdasTutti<-c(rep(0, pLin),lambdasTutti)
          pesiL1<-sqrt(lambdasTutti/(pesiL1+.00001)) #(pesiL1[,k]+.00001)
          df.neg.tau <- edf.rqXB(o, tau=neg.taus[i], id.coef=id.df, vMonot = monotone, vConc=concave, pesiL1=pesiL1,
                                 output=list(...)$df.option, df.nc=list(...)$df.nc, DFvalues=DF.NEG[,i], 
                                 D.matrix, Bconstr, D1, D2, Y=y[1:n], X=B)
          all.edf[,paste(neg.taus[i])]<- df.neg.tau$edf.all

        }#end for
      }#end if(n.neg.taus>0)
      all.COEF<-cbind(COEF.NEG[,n.neg.taus:1], o.start$coef, COEF.POS)
      all.FIT<-cbind(FIT.NEG[,n.neg.taus:1,drop=FALSE], o.start$fitted.values[1:n], FIT.POS)
      all.RES<-cbind(RES.NEG[,n.neg.taus:1,drop=FALSE], o.start$residuals[1:n], RES.POS)
      all.rho<-c(rho.neg.tau[n.neg.taus:1], o.start$rho , rho.pos.tau)
      all.sigma2e<-c(sigma2e.neg.tau[n.neg.taus:1], sigma2e, sigma2e.pos.tau)
      all.sigma2u <-cbind(sigma2u.neg.tau[,n.neg.taus:1,drop=FALSE], sigma2u, sigma2u.pos.tau)
      r<-list(coefficients=all.COEF, x=XB, rho=all.rho, fitted.values=all.FIT, residuals=all.RES,
              dev2u=sigma2u, dev2e=sigma2e, all.dev2u=all.sigma2u, all.dev2e=all.sigma2e, DF.NEG=DF.NEG, DF.POS=DF.POS) #
    } #end se length(taus)>1
    #Attenzione XB include nella 2nd parte la penalizzazione relativa all'*ultima* curva stimata 
    #    (quindi puo' essere un "problema" se i lambda sono diversi per quantili)
    r$edf.all<- all.edf
    r$edf.j <-group.edf
    r$id.coef <- id.df
    #cosa mettere?:  D.list, D.list.lambda, D.matrix, D.matrix.lambda
    r$nrowDlist<- sapply(D.list, nrow)
    r$lambda<- if(lambda.tau.spec) lambda.matrix else lambda
    if(any(monotone!=0)) r$D1 <-D1
    if(any(concave!=0)) r$D2 <-D2
    if(!is.null(minX)) r$minX<- minX
    pesiPen <- NULL
    #if(any(adList>0)) for(j in 1:H) pesiPen[[j]]<- abs(D.list[[j]]%*%all.COEF[id.coef.spline[[j+1]],,drop=FALSE])
    if(any(adList>0)) for(j in 1:H) pesiPen[[j]]<- apply(all.COEF[id.coef.spline[[j+1]], ],2,function(.x) abs(D.list[[j]]%*%.x))
    r$pesiPen <- pesiPen

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