
Defines functions doublyTValues_new get_p_values_new genNcps_new doublyTValues genNcps doublyT

Documented in doublyT doublyTValues genNcps genNcps_new get_p_values_new

# --------------------------------------------#
# Functions for the doubly t-distribution     #
# --------------------------------------------#

#' Approximation of the distribution function of the doubly noncentral t-distribution
#' Computes the value of the distribution function of the doubly noncentral t-distribution at \code{x}.
#' @inheritParams overview
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Distribution value of the doubly noncentral t-distribution at \code{x}.
doublyT <- function(x, df, lambda1, lambda2, lb = 0, ub) {
  values <- lb:ub
  suppressWarnings(sum(dpois(values, lambda2/2)*pt(x*(1+2*values/df)^(0.5), df+2*values, lambda1)))

#' Calculation of the NCPs of each randomization sequence for the doubly noncentral t-distribution
#' Computes the noncentrality parameters delta and lambda for the doubly noncentral t-distribution of each randomization sequence.
#' @param randSeq object of the class randSeq.
#' @param bias object of the class bias.
#' @param endp object of the class endpoint.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return matrix containing the noncentrality parameters delta and lambda of all randomization sequences.
genNcps <- function(randSeq, bias, endp) {
  stopifnot(is(randSeq, "randSeq"), randSeq@K == 2,
            is(bias, "issue"), is(endp, "endpoint"), sum(duplicated(endp@sigma)) == 1)
  # all randomization sequences
  allRandSeq <- randSeq@M
  # all expectation values in form of a matrix
  allExp <- getExpectation(randSeq, bias, endp)
  # number of randomization sequences
  r <- nrow(allRandSeq)

  P <- lapply(1:r, function(i) {
    randSeq <- allRandSeq[i, ]
    exp <- allExp[i, ]
    splitGroups <- split(exp, randSeq)
    # average expectations in both groups
    avExp <- lapply(splitGroups, mean)
    # variance of the expectations in both groups
    varExp <- lapply(splitGroups, function(x) sum((x-mean(x))^2))
    # number of assigend patients to both of the groups
    numAssPat <- lapply(splitGroups, length)
    # defining P
    P <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 5)
    # updating the matrix P
    P[1, 3] <- do.call("sum", numAssPat)
    P[1, 4] <- ifelse(!is.null(numAssPat$"0"), numAssPat$"0", 0)
    P[1, 5] <- ifelse(!is.null(numAssPat$"1"), numAssPat$"1", 0)

    if (!is.null(numAssPat$"0") && !is.null(numAssPat$"1")) {
      P[1, 1] <- 1/endp@sigma[1] * sqrt((P[1, 4]*P[1, 5]) / (P[1, 4]+P[1, 5])) * (avExp$"0" - avExp$"1")
      P[1, 2] <- 1/endp@sigma[1]^2 * (varExp$"0" + varExp$"1")
    } else {
      P[1, 1] <- 0
      P[1, 2] <- sum((exp - mean(exp))^2)/endp@sigma[1]^2
  P <- do.call("rbind", P)
  colnames(P) <- c("lambda1", "lambda2", "N", "nA", "nB")

#' Calculation of the biased type-one-error probability (resp. power) of Student`s t-test
#' Computes the biased type-one-error probability (resp. power) of Student`s t-test due to shifts in the expectation vectors
#' in both treatment groups.
#' @param randSeq object of the class randSeq.
#' @param bias object of the class bias.
#' @param endp object of the class endpoint.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return the biased type-one-error probability (resp. power) of all randomization sequences.
doublyTValues <- function(randSeq, bias, endp) {
  stopifnot(is(randSeq, "randSeq"), randSeq@K == 2,
            is(bias, "issue"), is(endp, "endpoint"), sum(duplicated(endp@sigma)) == 1)
  # calculation of of the matrix containing the ncp
  ncps <- genNcps(randSeq, bias, endp)
  # variable for the defined alpha quantile
  alpha <- bias@alpha
  # function for calculating the p values of the singular randomization sequences
  p.value <- sapply(1:nrow(ncps), function(i) {
    x <- ncps[i, ]
    # return zero if in one treatment group was no observation
    if( x[4] == 0 || x[5] == 0)

    # lower boundary
    lb <- max(floor(x[2]/2 - qpois(.995, x[2]/2)), 0)
    # upper boundary
    ub <- as.vector(ceiling(x[2]/2 + qpois(.995, x[2]/2)))
    # degrees of freedom
    df <- as.vector(x[3]) - 2
    # t quantiles
    tQuantLow <- qt(alpha/2, df)
    tQuantUpper <- -tQuantLow
    p.value.less <- doublyT(tQuantLow , df, as.vector(x[1]), as.vector(x[2]), lb, ub)
    p.value.greater <- 1 - doublyT(tQuantUpper, df, as.vector(x[1]), as.vector(x[2]), lb, ub)
    p.value <- p.value.less + p.value.greater

#' Calculation of the NCPs of each randomization sequence for the doubly noncentral t-distribution
#' Computes the noncentrality parameters delta and lambda for the doubly noncentral t-distribution of each randomization sequence.
#' @param randSeq a list of randSeq(rCrSeq or others) with possible varying N's
#' @param bias a list of biases - corresponding to the different randSeq's
#' @param endp object of the class endpoint.
#' @param weight if set to TRUE the weight will be set to 1, according to the paper
#' @return a list containing the noncentrality parameters delta and lambda of all randomization sequences.
#' @export

genNcps_new <- function(randSeq, bias, endp, weight = FALSE){
  # we need to iterate over all randSeq and bias objects
  iter = length(randSeq)

  # number of patients allocated to treatment 0
  n_C <- lapply(1:iter, function(i){
    ass_matrix <- randSeq[[i]]@M
    sapply(1:dim(ass_matrix)[1], function(x) sum(ass_matrix[x,]))

  # number of patients allocated to treatment 1
  n_E <- lapply(1:iter, function(i){
    temp_N <- rep(randSeq[[i]]@N, dim(randSeq[[1]]@M)[1])
    temp_N - n_C[[i]]

  # get expectatoins based on the bias chosen
  expectations <- list()
  for(i in 1:iter){
    expectations[[i]] <- matrix(0, dim(randSeq[[i]]@M)[1], randSeq[[i]]@N)
    for(x in 1:dim(randSeq[[i]]@M)[1]){
      temp_randSeq <- genSeq(crPar(randSeq[[i]]@N))
      temp_randSeq@M <- t(matrix(randSeq[[i]]@M[x, ]))
      expectations[[i]][x, ] <- getExpectation(temp_randSeq, bias[[i]], endp);

  avgExp <- list()
  varExp <- list()
  for(i in 1:iter){
    avgExp[[i]] <- matrix(0, dim(randSeq[[i]]@M)[1], 2)
    varExp[[i]] <- matrix(0, dim(randSeq[[i]]@M)[1], 2)
    for(x in 1:dim(randSeq[[i]]@M)[1]){
      splitGroups <- split(expectations[[i]][x,], randSeq[[i]]@M[x,])
      # average expectations in both groups
      avgExp[[i]][x,1] <- mean(splitGroups$`0`)
      avgExp[[i]][x,2] <- mean(splitGroups$`1`)
      varExp[[i]][x,1] <- sum((splitGroups$`0`-mean(splitGroups$`0`))^2)
      varExp[[i]][x,2] <- sum((splitGroups$`1`-mean(splitGroups$`1`))^2)
    avgExp[[i]][which(is.na(avgExp[[i]]))] <- 0

  temp_delta <- list()
  norm_factor <- list()
  for(i in 1:iter){
      temp_delta[[i]] <- sapply(1:dim(randSeq[[i]]@M)[1], function(x){(avgExp[[i]][x,1]-avgExp[[i]][x,2])})
      temp_delta[[i]] <- sapply(1:dim(randSeq[[i]]@M)[1], function(x){(n_E[[i]][x]*n_C[[i]][x]/(n_E[[i]][x]+n_C[[i]][x]))*(avgExp[[i]][x,1]-avgExp[[i]][x,2])})
    temp_delta[[i]][which(is.na(temp_delta[[i]]))] <- 0
    norm_factor[[i]] <- sapply(1:dim(randSeq[[i]]@M)[1], function(x){n_E[[i]][x]*n_C[[i]][x]/(n_E[[i]][x]+n_C[[i]][x])})

  weight_no_star <- Reduce(`+`, norm_factor)
    weight_no_star <- rep(1, length(norm_factor[[1]]))
  # delta - non centrality parameter
  #delta = do.call(sum, temp_delta)/(endp@sigma[1]*sqrt(do.call(sum, norm_factor)))
  delta = Reduce(`+`, temp_delta)/(endp@sigma[1]*sqrt(weight_no_star^2/Reduce(`+`, norm_factor)))
  delta[which(is.na(delta))] <- 0

  temp_expSum <- list()
  for(i in 1:iter){
    temp_expSum[[i]] <- rowSums(expectations[[i]]^2) - n_E[[i]]*(avgExp[[i]][,1]^2) - n_C[[i]]*(avgExp[[i]][,2]^2)
  # lambda - non centrality parameter
  lambda = (1/endp@sigma[1]^2) * Reduce(`+`, temp_expSum)
  return(list(delta, lambda))

#' Calculating p values
#' Computes the p values based on the noncentrality parameters delta and lambda for the doubly noncentral t-distribution
#' @param delta The first noncentrality parameter
#' @param lambda The second noncentrality parameter
#' @param N the amount of patients in the trial
#' @param alpha significance level
#' @param df degrees of freedom
#' @return a p value
#' @export

get_p_values_new <- function(delta, lambda, N, alpha = 0.05, df = sum(N-2)){
  # lower boundary
  lb <- max(floor(lambda/2 - qpois(.995, lambda/2)), 0)
  # upper boundary
  ub <- as.vector(ceiling(lambda/2 + qpois(.995, lambda/2)))
  # degrees of freedom
  #df <- sum(N-2)
  # t quantiles
  tQuantLow <- qt(alpha/2, df)
  tQuantUpper <- -tQuantLow
  p.value.less <- doublyT(tQuantLow , df, delta, lambda, lb, ub)
  p.value.greater <- 1 - doublyT(tQuantUpper, df, delta, lambda, lb, ub)
  p.value <- p.value.less + p.value.greater

# Function to generate the noncentrality parameters and p-values for a stratified sequence
# Input:
# sequences - the stratified sequence
# bias - the bias for the analysis
# weight - binary value that specifies whether the analysis should be weighted or not
  tempN <- 0
  for(i in 1:length(sequences)){
    tempN <- sequences[[i]]@N + tempN


  N <- tempN
  ncps <- genNcps_new(sequences,bias,endp,weight = weight)
  delta <- ncps[[1]]
  lambda <- ncps[[2]]
  pvals <- sapply(1:length(delta), function(i) get_p_values_new(delta = delta[i], lambda = lambda[i], N = N, alpha = 0.05))


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