
#' Estimate the diversity of each sample.
#' @param biom  A \code{matrix}, \code{simple_triplet_matrix}, or \code{BIOM}
#'     object, as returned from \link{read.biom}. For matrices, the rows and
#'     columns are assumed to be the taxa and samples, respectively.
#' @param rarefy  Control how/whether rarefactions are done prior to alpha 
#'     diversity computations. Options are: 
#'     \describe{
#'       \item{\code{FALSE}}{ Use each sample's current set of observations without
#'                       applying any rarefaction. (Default) }
#'       \item{\code{TRUE}}{ Automatically select and apply a single rarefaction. }
#'       \item{\code{"multi"}}{ Automatically select and apply multiple rarefactions. }
#'       \item{\emph{integer vector}}{ Rarefy at the specified depth(s). }
#'     }
#' @return A data frame of four diversity values for each sample in
#'     \code{biom}. The column names are \bold{Sample}, \bold{Depth} and the 
#'     diversity metrics: \bold{OTUs}, \bold{Shannon}, \bold{Chao1}, \bold{Simpson}, 
#'     and \bold{InvSimpson}. The row names are the sample names, except when
#'     multiple rarefactions are done.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     library(rbiom)
#'     infile <- system.file("extdata", "hmp50.bz2", package = "rbiom")
#'     biom <- read.biom(infile)
#'     ad <- alpha.div(biom)
#'     head(ad)
#'     biom <- subset(biom, `Body Site` == "Saliva" & Age < 26)
#'     ad   <- alpha.div(biom, "multi")
#'     boxplot(Shannon ~ Depth, data=ad, xlab="Reads", ylab="Diversity")

alpha.div <- function (biom, rarefy=FALSE) {
  # Get the input into a simple_triplet_matrix
  if (is(biom, "simple_triplet_matrix")) { counts <- biom
  } else if (is(biom, "BIOM"))           { counts <- biom$counts
  } else if (is(biom, "matrix"))         { counts <- slam::as.simple_triplet_matrix(biom)
  } else {
    stop(simpleError("biom must be a matrix, simple_triplet_matrix, or BIOM object."))
  # Define the rarefaction depths to sample at
  if (identical(rarefy, TRUE)) {
    counts <- rbiom::rarefy(counts)
    rLvls <- NA
  } else if (identical(rarefy, "multi")) {
    sample_sums <- slam::col_sums(counts)
    rLvls <- floor(10 ** (c(1:10) * (log10(fivenum(sample_sums)[[4]]) / 10)))
  } else if (is.numeric(rarefy)) {
    rLvls <- sort(rarefy)
  } else {
    rLvls <- NA
  result <- NULL
  for (rLvl in rLvls) {
    otus <- if (is.na(rLvl)) counts else rbiom::rarefy(counts, rLvl)
    df <- rcpp_alpha_div(otus)
    if (length(rLvls) == 1) rownames(df) <- df[['Sample']]
    if (is.null(result)) { result <- df
    } else {               result <- rbind(result, df) }
  return (result)

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rbiom documentation built on Nov. 5, 2021, 9:11 a.m.