
Defines functions plot.mfrd

Documented in plot.mfrd

#' Plot the Multivariate Frontier Regression Discontinuity
#' \code{plot.mfrd} plots a 3D illustration of the bivariate frontier regression discontinuity design (RDD).
#' @param x An \code{mfrd} object returned by \code{mfrd_est} or contained in the object 
#'   returned by \code{mrd_est}.
#' @param model A string containing the model specification. Options include one of \code{c("m_s", "m_h", "m_t")},
#'   which denote the complete model, heterogeneous treatment model, and treatment only 
#'   model, respectively.
#' @param methodname A string containing the method specification.
#'   Options include one of \code{c("Param", "bw", "Half-bw", "Double-bw")}.
#' @param gran A non-negative integer specifying the granularity of the surface grid (i.e. the desired number of predicted points 
#'   before and after the cutoff, along each assignment variable). The default is 10.
#' @param raw_data A logical value indicating whether the raw data points are plotted. The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param color_surface A logical value indicating whether the treated surface is colored. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Additional graphic arguments passed to \code{persp}.
#' @importFrom stats expand.model.frame formula
#' @importFrom graphics persp polygon
#' @importFrom grDevices trans3d
#' @importFrom plot3D persp3D trans3D
#' @importFrom sp point.in.polygon
#' @include treat_assign.R
#' @include wt_kern_bivariate.R
#' @include mfrd_est.R
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(12345)
#' x1 <- runif(1000, -1, 1)
#' x2 <- runif(1000, -1, 1)
#' cov <- rnorm(1000)
#' y <- 3 + 2 * (x1 >= 0) + 3 * cov + 10 * (x2 >= 0) + rnorm(1000)
#' model <- mrd_est(y ~ x1 + x2, cutpoint = c(0, 0), t.design = c("geq", "geq"))
#' plot(model$front$tau_MRD, "m_s", "Param")

plot.mfrd <- function(x, model = c("m_s", "m_h", "m_t"),
                      methodname = c("Param", "bw", "Half-bw", "Double-bw"),
                      gran = 10, raw_data = TRUE, 
                      color_surface = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "mfrd")) 
    stop ("Not an object of class mfrd.")
  model <- match.arg(model)
  methodname <- match.arg(methodname)
  m <- x[[model]][[methodname]]
  c1 <- eval.parent(x$call$c1)
  c2 <- eval.parent(x$call$c2)
  if ("t.design" %in% names(x$call))
    t.design <- eval.parent(x$call$t.design) 
  else t.design <- c("l", "l")
  if ("kernel" %in% names(x$call))
    kernel <- eval.parent(x$call$kernel) 
  else kernel <- "triangular"
  if ("local" %in% names(x$call))
    local <- eval.parent(x$call$local) 
  else local <- 0.15
  if (is.null(m$call$data)) 
    m$call$data <- environment(formula(m))
  frame <- expand.model.frame(m, ~ x1 + x2)
  names(frame)[2:3] <- c("zcx1", "zcx2")
  frame$x1res <- as.integer(frame$zcx1 <= local & frame$zcx1 >= -local)
  frame$x2res <- as.integer(frame$zcx2 <= local & frame$zcx2 >= -local)
  frame$is_local <- frame$x1res | frame$x2res 
  # generate data for plotting
  ratio1 <- (c1 - min(frame$x1)) / (max(frame$x1) - min(frame$x1))
  ratio2 <- (c2 - min(frame$x2)) / (max(frame$x2) - min(frame$x2))

  tol <- .Machine$double.eps * 10 * ifelse(max(abs(c1), abs(c2)) == 0, 1, max(abs(c1), abs(c2)))
  x1 <- c(seq(min(frame$x1), c1 - tol, length.out = ifelse(gran > 4, round(gran * ratio1), 2)),
          seq(c1 + tol, max(frame$x1), length.out = ifelse(gran > 4, round(gran * (1 - ratio1)), 2)))
  x2 <- c(seq(min(frame$x2), c2 - tol, length.out = ifelse(gran > 4, round(gran * ratio2), 2)),
          seq(c2 + tol, max(frame$x2), length.out = ifelse(gran > 4, round(gran * (1 - ratio2)), 2)))
  newdata <- expand.grid(
    x1 = x1,
    x2 = x2
  x1_tr <- treat_assign(newdata$x1, c1, t.design[1])
  x2_tr <- treat_assign(newdata$x2, c2, t.design[2])
  newdata$tr1 <- ifelse(is.na(newdata$x1) | is.na(newdata$x2), NA, ifelse(x1_tr & !x2_tr, 1, 0))
  newdata$tr2 <- ifelse(is.na(newdata$x1) | is.na(newdata$x2), NA, ifelse(!x1_tr & x2_tr, 1, 0))
  newdata$trb <- ifelse(is.na(newdata$x1) | is.na(newdata$x2), NA, ifelse(x1_tr & x2_tr, 1, 0))
  newdata$tr <- ifelse(newdata$tr1 == 1 | newdata$tr2 == 1 | newdata$trb == 1, 1, 0)
  newdata$quadrant <- interaction(x1_tr, x2_tr)
  # newdata$cov = mean(frame$cov)  # not implemented yet
  if (methodname == 'Param'){
    newdata$yhat <- predict(m, newdata = newdata)
    newdata <- merge(newdata, 
                       quadrant = c("0.0", "0.1", "1.0", "1.1"),
                       color = c(NA, "#428bca", "#428bca", "#428bca")
    newdata <- newdata[order(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, newdata$tr1, newdata$tr2), ]
    # plotting  
    preds <- list(
      x1 = sort(x1),
      x2 = sort(x2),
      yhat = matrix(newdata$yhat, ncol = sqrt(nrow(newdata)), byrow = TRUE)
    ele_3d <- persp(preds$x1, preds$x2, preds$yhat, 
                    xlim = range(c(frame$x1, newdata$x1)),
                    ylim = range(c(frame$x2, newdata$x2)),
                    zlim = range(c(frame$y, newdata$y)),
                    xlab = 'A1', ylab = 'A2', zlab = 'y', ...)    
    # color panels
    if (color_surface) {
      by(newdata, newdata$quadrant,
         function(frame) {
           frame <- subset(frame, frame$x1 %in% range(frame$x1) & frame$x2 %in% range(frame$x2))
           poly_3d <- as.data.frame(trans3d(frame$x1, frame$x2, frame$yhat, pmat = ele_3d))
           poly_3d <- poly_3d[c(1, 2, 4, 3), ]
           polygon(poly_3d$x, poly_3d$y, col = adjustcolor(frame$color, alpha.f = .2), border = NA)
    # bandwidth on each axis
    if (methodname == 'bw'){
      front.bw <- x$front.bw
    }else if (methodname == 'Half-bw'){
      front.bw <- x$front.bw/2
    }else if (methodname == 'Double-bw'){
      front.bw <- 2*x$front.bw
    sd.x1 <- sd(frame$x1)
    sd.x2 <- sd(frame$x2)
    if (model == 'm_s'){
      bw.x1 <- front.bw[1]*sd.x1
      bw.x2 <- front.bw[1]*sd.x2
    }else if (model == 'm_h'){
      bw.x1 <- front.bw[2]*sd.x1
      bw.x2 <- front.bw[2]*sd.x2
    }else if (model == 'm_t'){
      bw.x1 <- front.bw[3]*sd.x1
      bw.x2 <- front.bw[3]*sd.x2
    # initialize yhat
    newdata$yhat <- NA
    # locating points within bandwidth
    l.x1 <- c(c1, min(c1-bw.x1, min(frame$x1)), min(c1-bw.x1, min(frame$x1)), c1-bw.x1, 
              c1-bw.x1, c1)
    g.x1 <- c(c1, max(c1+bw.x1, max(frame$x1)), max(c1+bw.x1, max(frame$x1)), c1+bw.x1, 
              c1+bw.x1, c1)
    l.x2 <- c(c2, c2, c2-bw.x2, c2-bw.x2, 
              min(c2-bw.x2, min(frame$x2)), min(c2-bw.x2, min(frame$x2)))
    g.x2 <- c(c2, c2, c2+bw.x2, c2+bw.x2, 
              max(c2+bw.x2, max(frame$x2)), max(c2+bw.x2, max(frame$x2)))

    if (model == 'm_s' || model == 'm_h'){
      ind1 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, l.x1 - tol, g.x2 + tol)
      ind2 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, g.x1 + tol, g.x2 + tol)
      ind3 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, g.x1 + tol, l.x2 - tol)
      ind4 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, l.x1 - tol, l.x2 - tol)
    }else if (model == 'm_t'){
      if ((t.design[1] == 'g' || t.design[1] == 'geq') && 
          (t.design[2] == 'g' || t.design[2] == 'geq')){
        ind1 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, l.x1 - tol, l.x2 - tol)
        ind2 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, c1, c1+bw.x1, c1+bw.x1) + tol, 
                                 c(c2, min(c2-bw.x2, min(frame$x2)), min(c2-bw.x2, min(frame$x2)), c2) - tol)
        ind3 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, c1+bw.x1, c1) + tol, c(c2, c2, c2+bw.x2) + tol)
        ind4 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, min(c1-bw.x1, min(frame$x1)), min(c1-bw.x1, min(frame$x1)), c1) - tol, 
                                 c(c2+bw.x2, c2+bw.x2, c2, c2) + tol)
      }else if ((t.design[1] == 'l' || t.design[1] == 'leq') && 
                (t.design[2] == 'l' || t.design[2] == 'leq')){
        ind1 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, g.x1 + tol, g.x2 + tol)
        ind2 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, max(c1+bw.x1, max(frame$x1)), max(c1+bw.x1, max(frame$x1)), c1) + tol, 
                                 c(c2, c2, c2-bw.x2, c2-bw.x2) - tol)
        ind3 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, c1, c1-bw.x1) - tol, c(c2, c2-bw.x2, c2) - tol)
        ind4 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1-bw.x1, c1-bw.x1, c1, c1) - tol, 
                                 c(c2, max(c2+bw.x2, max(frame$x2)), max(c2+bw.x2, max(frame$x2)), c2) + tol)
      }else if ((t.design[1] == 'g' || t.design[1] == 'geq') && 
                (t.design[2] == 'l' || t.design[2] == 'leq')){
        ind1 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, l.x1 - tol, g.x2 + tol)
        ind2 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, c1, c1+bw.x1, c1+bw.x1) + tol, 
                                 c(c2, max(c2+bw.x2, max(frame$x2)), max(c2+bw.x2, max(frame$x2)), c2) + tol)
        ind3 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, c1+bw.x1, c1) + tol, c(c2, c2, c2-bw.x2) - tol)
        ind4 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, min(c1-bw.x1, min(frame$x1)), min(c1-bw.x1, min(frame$x1)), c1) - tol, 
                                 c(c2-bw.x2, c2-bw.x2, c2, c2) - tol)
      }else if ((t.design[1] == 'l' || t.design[1] == 'leq') && 
                (t.design[2] == 'g' || t.design[2] == 'geq')){
        ind1 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, g.x1 + tol, l.x2 - tol)
        ind2 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, max(c1+bw.x1, max(frame$x1)), max(c1+bw.x1, max(frame$x1)), c1) + tol, 
                                 c(c2, c2, c2+bw.x2, c2+bw.x2) + tol)
        ind3 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1, c1, c1-bw.x1) - tol, c(c2, c2+bw.x2, c2) + tol)
        ind4 <- point.in.polygon(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, 
                                 c(c1-bw.x1, c1-bw.x1, c1, c1) - tol, 
                                 c(c2, min(c2-bw.x2, min(frame$x2)), min(c2-bw.x2, min(frame$x2)), c2) - tol)
    ind.bw <- ind1>0 | ind2>0 | ind3>0 | ind4>0
    # grid points not in bandwidth
    newdata.notbw <- newdata[!ind.bw,]
    # grid points in bandwidth
    newdata.bw <- newdata[ind.bw,]
    FUN <- function(row_i){
      c1.tol <- ifelse(t.design[1] == 'g' || t.design[1] == 'geq', c1 + tol, c1 - tol)
      c2.tol <- ifelse(t.design[2] == 'g' || t.design[2] == 'geq', c2 + tol, c2 - tol)
      if (is.na(row_i[1])){
      }else if ((row_i[1] == c1 - tol || row_i[1] == c1 + tol ||
          row_i[2] == c2 - tol || row_i[2] == c2 + tol) && (model == 'm_h' || model == 'm_s')){
        # grid points on the frontier for m_h and m_s
        dat_i = data.frame(x1 = row_i[1], x2 = row_i[2], tr1 = row_i[3], tr2 = row_i[4], tr = row_i[6])
        return(predict(m, newdata = dat_i))
      }else if ((row_i[1] == c1 - tol || row_i[1] == c1 + tol ||
                 row_i[2] == c2 - tol || row_i[2] == c2 + tol) && model == 'm_t' && row_i[6] == 0){
        # grid points on the frontier for m_t
        dat_i = data.frame(x1 = row_i[1], x2 = row_i[2], tr1 = row_i[3], tr2 = row_i[4], tr = row_i[6])
        return(predict(m, newdata = dat_i))
      }else if ((row_i[1] == c1.tol && model == 'm_t' && row_i[3] == 1) ||
                (row_i[2] == c2.tol && model == 'm_t' && row_i[4] == 1)){
        # grid points on the frontier for m_t
        dat_i = data.frame(x1 = row_i[1], x2 = row_i[2], tr1 = row_i[3], tr2 = row_i[4], tr = row_i[6])
        return(predict(m, newdata = dat_i))
        # grid points not on the frontier
        zc1 <- c(scale(row_i[1], center = mean(x$dat$x1), scale = sd(x$dat$x1)))
        zc2 <- c(scale(row_i[2], center = mean(x$dat$x2), scale = sd(x$dat$x2)))
        wt <- wt_kern_bivariate(x$dat$zx1, x$dat$zx2, zc1, zc2, front.bw, kernel = kernel, t.design = t.design)
        if (model == 'm_s'){
          m_i <- lm(y ~ zx1 * zx2 * (tr1 + tr2) + tr, weights = wt$wAll1, data = x$dat) 
        }else if (model == 'm_h'){
          m_i <- lm(y ~ zx1 + zx2 + tr + tr1 + tr2, weights = wt$wAll2, data = x$dat) 
        }else if (model == 'm_t'){
          m_i <- lm(y ~ zx1 + zx2 + tr, weights = wt$wTr, data = x$dat) 
        dat_i = data.frame(zx1 = zc1, zx2 = zc2, tr1 = row_i[3], tr2 = row_i[4], tr = row_i[6])
        return(predict(m_i, newdata = dat_i))        
    if (nrow(newdata.bw) > 0){
      newdata.bw$yhat <- apply(newdata.bw[,c('x1','x2','tr1','tr2','trb','tr')], 1, FUN)  
    newdata <- rbind(newdata.notbw, newdata.bw)
    newdata <- merge(newdata, 
                       quadrant = c("0.0", "0.1", "1.0", "1.1"),
                       color = c(NA, "#428bca", "#428bca", "#428bca")
    newdata <- newdata[order(newdata$x1, newdata$x2, newdata$tr1, newdata$tr2), ]
    # plotting 
    preds <- list(
      x1 = x1,
      x2 = x2,
      yhat = matrix(newdata$yhat, ncol = sqrt(nrow(newdata)), byrow = TRUE),
      tr =  matrix(newdata$tr, ncol = sqrt(nrow(newdata)), byrow = TRUE)
    if (color_surface) {
      ele_3d <- persp3D(preds$x1, preds$x2, preds$yhat, border = 'black',
                        col = c('white','#428bca'), colvar = preds$tr, colkey = FALSE, alpha = 0.5,
                        xlim = range(c(frame$x1, newdata$x1), na.rm = TRUE),
                        ylim = range(c(frame$x2, newdata$x2), na.rm = TRUE),
                        zlim = range(c(frame$y, newdata$yhat), na.rm = TRUE),
                        xlab = 'A1', ylab = 'A2', zlab = 'y', ...)
      ele_3d <- persp3D(preds$x1, preds$x2, preds$yhat, border = 'black', col = 'white',
                        xlim = range(c(frame$x1, newdata$x1), na.rm = TRUE),
                        ylim = range(c(frame$x2, newdata$x2), na.rm = TRUE),
                        zlim = range(c(frame$y, newdata$yhat), na.rm = TRUE),
                        xlab = 'A1', ylab = 'A2', zlab = 'y', ...)

  if (raw_data) {
    if (methodname == 'Param'){
      pts_3d <- trans3d(frame$x1, frame$x2, frame$y, pmat = ele_3d)
      points(pts_3d, pch = ifelse(frame$tr, 19, 1), cex = .4)      
      wt <- wt_kern_bivariate(x$dat$zcx1, x$dat$zcx2, 0, 0, front.bw, kernel = kernel, t.design = t.design)
      # plot
      if (model == "m_s"){
        pts_3d <- trans3D(frame$x1[wt$wAll1 > 0], frame$x2[wt$wAll1 > 0], frame$y[wt$wAll1 > 0], pmat = ele_3d)
        points(pts_3d, pch = ifelse(frame$tr[wt$wAll1 > 0], 19, 1), cex = .4)
      }else if (model == 'm_h'){
        pts_3d <- trans3D(frame$x1[wt$wAll2 > 0], frame$x2[wt$wAll2 > 0], frame$y[wt$wAll2 > 0], pmat = ele_3d)
        points(pts_3d, pch = ifelse(frame$tr[wt$wAll2 > 0], 19, 1), cex = .4)
      }else if (model == 'm_t'){
        pts_3d <- trans3D(frame$x1[wt$wTr > 0], frame$x2[wt$wTr > 0], frame$y[wt$wTr > 0], pmat = ele_3d)
        points(pts_3d, pch = ifelse(frame$tr[wt$wTr > 0], 19, 1), cex = .4)

  # if (local_data) {
  #   # revert dat_h$h1 dat_h$h2 back to the original scale of x1 and x2
  #   mx1 <- mean(frame$x1)
  #   mx2 <- mean(frame$x2)
  #   sdx1 <- sd(frame$x1)
  #   sdx2 <- sd(frame$x2)
  #   zc1 <- scale(c1, scale = sdx1, center = mx1)
  #   zc2 <- scale(c2, scale = sdx2, center = mx2)
  #   newdata_h <- subset(x$dat_h, select = c("h1", "h2", "tr", "tr1", "tr2"))
  #   newdata_h$x1 <- (x$dat_h$h1 + zc1) * sdx1 + mx1
  #   newdata_h$x2 <- (x$dat_h$h2 + zc2) * sdx2 + mx2
  #   newdata_h$gx1 <- m$coefficients["tr"] * newdata_h$tr + m$coefficients["tr2"] * newdata_h$tr2 + 
  #     m$coefficients[grep("x1(?!.*x2).*:tr2", names(m$coefficients), perl = TRUE)] * newdata_h$tr2 * 
  #     (newdata_h$x1 - zc1)
  #   newdata_h$gx2 <- m$coefficients["tr"] * newdata_h$tr + m$coefficients["tr1"] * newdata_h$tr1 + 
  #     m$coefficients[grep("x2(?!.*x1).*:tr1", names(m$coefficients), perl = TRUE)] * newdata_h$tr1 * 
  #     (newdata_h$x2 - zc2)

  #   h1_3d <- with(newdata_h, trans3d(x1,c2, gx1, pmat = ele_3d))
  #   h2_3d <- with(newdata_h, trans3d(c1, x2, gx2, pmat = ele_3d))
  #   points(h1_3d, pch = 19,  # cex = .7,
  #     col = ifelse(x$dat_h$tr2, "blue", "red") , cex = x$dat_h$fx1)
  #   points(h2_3d, pch = ifelse(x$dat_h$tr, 19, 1),  # cex = .7,
  #     col =ifelse(x$dat_h$tr1, "green", "brown"), cex=x$dat_h$fx2)
  # }

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