
Defines functions get_blank_indicator get_justify translate_invisible get_invisible has_invisible is.invisible is.control get_table_body get_spanning_header get_table_header get_content_offsets get_page_footnotes_text create_table_text create_table_pages_text

# Create Tables -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @details 
#' Order of these operations is very important.  Any change in the order 
#' will require considerable thought, and understanding of any potential
#' consequences.
#' @import fmtr
#' @noRd
create_table_pages_text <- function(rs, cntnt, lpg_rows) {

  #print("Create Table")
  ts <- cntnt$object
  content_blank_row <- cntnt$blank_row
  pgby_var <- NA
  pgby_cnt <- 0
  pgby_fmt <- NULL
  if (!is.null(rs$page_by)) {
    pgby_var <- rs$page_by$var
    pgby_fmt <- rs$page_by$format
  } else if (!is.null(ts$page_by)) {
    pgby_var <- ts$page_by$var
    pgby_fmt <- ts$page_by$format
  if (all(ts$show_cols == "none") & length(ts$col_defs) == 0) {
    stop("ERROR: At least one column must be defined if show_cols = \"none\".")

  font_name <- "Courier New"
  # Set up control columns
  dat <- as.data.frame(ts$data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  
  dat$..blank <- ""
  dat$..row <- NA
  dat$..page_by <- NA
  # If page_break variable has been defined, use it
  if (is.null(ts$page_var)) {
    if (is.na(pgby_var))
      dat$..page <- NA
      dat$..page <-  dat[[pgby_var]]
  } else 
    dat$..page <- dat[[ts$page_var]]
  # If page by is defined, use it
  if (!is.na(pgby_var)) {
    if (!is.null(pgby_fmt))
      dat$..page_by <-  fapply(dat[[pgby_var]], pgby_fmt)
      dat$..page_by <-  dat[[pgby_var]]
    pgby_cnt <- get_pgby_cnt(dat$..page_by)
    # Commenting out for now
    # if (is.unsorted(dat[[pgby_var]], strictly = FALSE))
    #   message("Page by variable not sorted.")
  # Deal with invisible columns
  if (!is.null(ts$col_defs)) {
    for (def in ts$col_defs) {
      if (def$visible == FALSE) {
        nnm <- paste0("..x.", def$var_c)
        dat[[nnm]] <- dat[[def$var_c]]
  # Get control column names 
  control_cols <- names(dat)[is.controlv(names(dat))]

  # Get vector of all included column names
  # Not all columns in dataset are necessarily included
  # depends on show_cols parameter on create_table and
  # visible parameter on column definitions
  keys <- get_table_cols(ts, control_cols)
  # print("keys")
  # print(keys)

  # Filter dataset by included columns
  dat <- get_data_subset(dat, keys, rs$preview)
   # print("Key columns:")
   # print(dat)
  # Update column definitions with column defaults
  ts$col_defs <- set_column_defaults(ts, keys)
  # print("col_defs:")
  # print(ts$col_defs)
  # Get labels
  labels <- get_labels(dat, ts)
  # print("Labels:")
  # print(labels)
  # Get column alignments
  aligns <- get_aligns(dat, ts)
  # Get alignment for labels
  # Follows column alignment by default
  label_aligns <- get_label_aligns(ts, aligns)
  # print("Label Aligns:")
  # print(label_aligns)

  # Clear out existing formats
  cdat <- clear_formats(dat)
  # Get column formats
  formats(cdat) <- get_col_formats(dat, ts)
  # print("formats:")
  # print(formats(cdat))

  # Apply formatting
  fdat <- fdata(cdat)
  # print("fdata:")
  # print(fdat)
  # Prep data for blank lines, indents, and stub columns
  fdat <- prep_data(fdat, ts, rs$char_width, rs$missing)
  # print("prep_data")
  # print(fdat)
  # str(fdat)
  # Reset keys, since prep_data can add/remove columns for stub
  keys <- names(fdat)
  # print("Keys")
  # print(keys)
  # print("Aligns")
  # print(aligns)
  # Copy any width attributes to formatted data frame
  if ("width" %in% ts$use_attributes)
    widths(fdat) <- widths(dat)
  # print("Original Widths")
  # print(widths(dat))
  # Get column widths
  widths_uom <- get_col_widths(fdat, ts, labels, rs$char_width, rs$units)
  # print("Widths UOM")
  # print(widths_uom)
  # Try to figure out a way to put these widths in report spec
  #rs$column_widths[length(rs$column_widths) + 1] <- widths_uom

  # # Convert to text measurements
  # # Adjust by -1 to account for space between columns
  widths_char <- round(widths_uom / rs$char_width) - 1
  # # print("Widths Char")
  # # print(widths_char)

  # Split long text strings into multiple rows
  fdat <- split_cells(fdat, widths_char)
  # print("split_cells")
  # print(fdat)

  # Apply widths and justification
  # widths(fdat) <- widths_char
  # print(widths_char)
  # justification(fdat) <- aligns
  # print(aligns)
  # fdat <- fdata(fdat)
  # print("fdata2")
  # print(fdat)
  fdat <- apply_widths(fdat, widths_char, aligns)
  # Break columns into pages
  wraps <- get_page_wraps(rs$line_size, ts, widths_char, 1, control_cols)
  # print("wraps")
  # print(wraps)

  # Create a temporary page info to pass into get_content_offsets
  tmp_pi <- list(keys = keys, col_width = widths_uom, label = labels,
                 label_align = label_aligns)
  # print("Temp PI")
  # print(tmp_pi)
  # Offsets are needed to calculate splits and page breaks
  content_offset <- get_content_offsets(rs, ts, tmp_pi, content_blank_row, pgby_cnt)
  # split rows
  splits <- get_splits_text(fdat, widths_uom, rs$body_line_count, 
                            lpg_rows, content_offset, ts)
   # print("splits")
   # print(splits)
  # Subset splits by preview, if requested
  if (!is.null(rs$preview)) {
    if (rs$preview < length(splits))
      splits <- splits[seq(1, rs$preview)] 
  tot_count <- length(splits) * length(wraps)
  counter <- 0
  wrap_flag <- FALSE
  blnk_ind <- "none"
  pg_lst <- list()
  for(s in splits) {
    for(pg in wraps) {
      counter <- counter + 1

      if (counter < tot_count)
        wrap_flag <- TRUE
        wrap_flag <- FALSE
      # Ensure content blank rows are added only to the first and last pages
      blnk_ind <- get_blank_indicator(counter, tot_count, content_blank_row,
                                      rs$body_line_count, content_offset, nrow(s))
      if (!is.na(pgby_var))
        pgby <- trimws(s[1, "..page_by"])
        pgby <- NULL
      pi <- page_info(data= s[, pg], keys = pg, label=labels[pg],
                     col_width = widths_uom[pg], col_align = aligns[pg],
                     font_name = font_name, label_align = label_aligns[pg],
      pg_lst[[length(pg_lst) + 1]] <- create_table_text(rs, ts, pi, 
                                                        blnk_ind, wrap_flag,
  ret <- list(widths = widths_uom, page_list = pg_lst)

#' @noRd
create_table_text <- function(rs, ts, pi, content_blank_row, wrap_flag, 
                              lpg_rows) {
  shdrs <- c()
  hdrs <- c()
  if (ts$headerless == FALSE) {
    shdrs <- get_spanning_header(rs, ts, pi)   
    hdrs <- get_table_header(rs, ts, pi)  
  rws <- get_table_body(pi$data)
  ls <- rs$line_size
  if (length(rws) > 0)
    ls <- max(nchar(rws))
  if (!is.null(ts$title_hdr)) {
    ttls <- get_title_header(ts$title_hdr, ls , rs$line_size, 
                             rs$uchar, rs$char_width)
  } else
    ttls <- get_titles(ts$titles, ls, rs$line_size, rs$uchar, rs$char_width) 

  if (!is.null(rs$page_by))
    pgby <- get_page_by(rs$page_by, rs$line_size - 1, pi$page_by)
  else if(!is.null(ts$page_by))
    pgby <- get_page_by(ts$page_by, ls, pi$page_by)
    pgby <- c()
  # print("Create table text:")
  # print(length(pgby))
  a <- NULL
  if (content_blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))
    a <- ""
  # Add top border if requested
  tbrdr <- NULL
  if (any(ts$borders %in% c("top", "all", "outside")))
    tbrdr <-  paste0(paste0(rep(rs$uchar,  ls - 1), collapse = ""), " ")
  # Add bottom border if requested
  bbrdr <- NULL
  if (any(ts$borders %in% c("bottom", "all", "outside")))
    bbrdr <-  paste0(paste0(rep(rs$uchar,  ls - 1), collapse = ""), " ")
  # Append everything together
  ret <- c(a, ttls, pgby, tbrdr, shdrs, hdrs, rws, bbrdr)
  # Footnotes are complicated enough that they need their own function
  ftnts <- get_page_footnotes_text(rs, ts, ls, lpg_rows, 
                                   length(ret), wrap_flag, content_blank_row)
  # Append footnotes 
  ret <- c(ret, ftnts)


#' @description Function to deal with complexities of footnotes.  Complexities
#' include valign parameter and width parameter.
#' @noRd
get_page_footnotes_text <- function(rs, spec, spec_width, 
                                    lpg_rows, row_count, wrap_flag,
                                    content_blank_row) {
  ftnts <- c()
  vflag <- FALSE
  # Deal with valign parameter
  if (!is.null(spec$footnotes)) {
    if (!is.null(spec$footnotes[[length(spec$footnotes)]])) {
      if (spec$footnotes[[length(spec$footnotes)]]$valign == "bottom") {
        vflag <- TRUE
      ftnts <- get_footnotes(spec$footnotes, spec_width, rs$line_size, 
                             rs$uchar, rs$char_width) 
  } else {
    if (!is.null(rs$footnotes[[1]])) {
      if (!is.null(rs$footnotes[[1]]$valign)) {
        if (rs$footnotes[[1]]$valign == "top") {
          ftnts <- get_footnotes(rs$footnotes, spec_width, rs$line_size, 
                                 rs$uchar, rs$char_width) 
  b <- NULL
  if (content_blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))
    b <- ""
  ublnks <- c()
  lblnks <- c()
  len_diff <- rs$body_line_count - lpg_rows - row_count - length(ftnts) - length(b)
  if (vflag) {
    # At some point will have to deal with wrap flag
    # Right now cannot put anything in between end of content
    # and the start of the footnote.  Edge case but should still
    # fix at some point.
    if (len_diff > 0) {
      ublnks <- c(b, rep("", len_diff))
  } else { 
    if (wrap_flag & len_diff > 0) {
      lblnks <- c(rep("", len_diff), b)
    } else {
      lblnks <- b
  ret <- c(ublnks, ftnts, lblnks)

# Sub-Functions -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Get content offsets for table header, titles, footnotes, and content blanks.
#' Needed to calculate page breaks accurately.
#' @return A vector of upper and lower offsets
#' @noRd
get_content_offsets <- function(rs, ts, pi, content_blank_row, pgby_cnt = NULL) {
  ret <- c(upper = 0, lower = 0, blank_upper = 0, blank_lower = 0)
  shdrs <- c()
  hdrs <- c()
  if (ts$headerless == FALSE) {
    shdrs <- get_spanning_header(rs, ts, pi)   
    hdrs <- get_table_header(rs, ts, pi)  
  w <- ceiling(sum(pi$col_width) / rs$char_width)

  if (is.null(ts$title_hdr))
    ttls <- get_titles(ts$titles, w, rs$line_size, rs$uchar, rs$char_width) 
  else {
    ttls <- get_title_header(ts$title_hdr, w, rs$line_size, rs$uchar, 
  pgb <- c()
  if (!is.null(ts$page_by))
    pgb <- get_page_by(ts$page_by, rs$line_size, NULL, pgby_cnt)
  else if (!is.null(rs$page_by))
    pgb <- get_page_by(rs$page_by, rs$line_size, NULL, pgby_cnt)
  # print(paste("Table titles:", ttls))
  tbrdr <- 0
  if (any(ts$borders %in% c("all", "top", "outside")))
      tbrdr <- 1
  bbrdr <- 0
  if (any(ts$borders %in% c("all", "bottom", "outside")))
    bbrdr <- 1
  ret["upper"] <- length(shdrs) + length(hdrs) + length(ttls) + length(pgb) + tbrdr
  if (content_blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))
      ret["blank_upper"] <- 1
  ftnts <- get_footnotes(ts$footnotes, w, rs$line_size, rs$uchar, rs$char_width) 
  rftnts <- get_footnotes(rs$footnotes, w, rs$line_size, rs$uchar, rs$char_width) 
  if (has_top_footnotes(rs)) {
    ret["lower"] <- length(ftnts) + length(rftnts) + bbrdr
  } else {
    ret["lower"] <- length(ftnts) + bbrdr

  if (content_blank_row %in% c("both", "below"))
    ret["blank_lower"] <- 1



#' @description Return a vector of strings for the table header
#' @details Basic idea of this function is to create a list
#' of string vectors of label words sized according to the column 
#' widths, then combine by line/row, and concatenate everything and justify.
#' @noRd
get_table_header <- function(rs, ts, pi) {
  lbls <- pi$label
  lbla <- pi$label_align
  w <- round(pi$col_width / rs$char_width) - 1 # Adjust for gutter
  # print("Label A")
  # print(lbla)
  ret <- c()
  ln <- c()

  # Wrap header labels if needed
  d <- data.frame(as.list(lbls), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(d) <- names(lbls)
  d <- split_cells(d, w)
  d <- push_down(d)

  # Label justification, width, and row concatenation
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(d))) {
    r <- ""

    for (nm in names(d)) {
      if (!is.control(nm)) {
        if (nm %in% names(lbla)) {
          r <- paste0(r, pad_any(d[i, nm],  w[[nm]],
                               get_justify(lbla[[nm]])), " ")
    ln[[length(ln) + 1]] <- r 
  # Underline
  sep <- paste0(paste0(rep(rs$uchar, nchar(r) - 1), collapse = ""), " ")
  ln[[length(ln) + 1]] <- sep

  ret <- ln
  if (ts$first_row_blank)
    ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- ""
  ret <- unlist(ret)

#' @description Return a vector of strings for the table spanning headers
#' @details Basic idea of this function is to figure out which columns 
#' the header spans, add widths, then call get_table_header.  Everything
#' from there is the same.  
#' @import stats
#' @noRd
get_spanning_header <- function(rs, ts, pi) {
  # spns <- ts$col_spans
  # cols <- pi$keys
  # cols <- cols[!is.controlv(cols)]
  # w <- round(pi$col_width / rs$char_width) - 1 # Adjust for gutter
  # w <- w[cols]
  # # print("Cols:")
  # # print(cols)
  # #print(w)
  # # Figure out how many levels there are, 
  # # and organize spans by level
  # lvls <- c()     # Unique levels
  # slvl <- list()  # Will be a list of lists of spans
  # for (spn in spns) {
  #   if (!spn$level %in% lvls) {
  #     lvls[length(lvls) + 1] <- spn$level
  #     slvl[[spn$level]] <- list()
  #   }
  #   slvl[[spn$level]][[length(slvl[[spn$level]]) + 1]] <- spn
  # }
  # # Get unique levels and sort in decreasing order so we go from top down
  # lvls <- sort(unique(lvls), decreasing = TRUE)
  # # print("Levels:")
  # # print(lvls)
  # # 
  # # print("Spanning levels:")
  # # print(slvl)
  # # Create data structure to map spans to columns and columns widths by level
  # # - Seed span_num with negative index numbers to identify unspanned columns
  # # - Also add one to each column width for the blank space between columns 
  # d <- data.frame(colname = cols, colwidth = w + 1, 
  #                 span_num = seq(from = -1, to = -length(cols), by = -1), 
  #                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # wlvl <- list()  # Create one data structure for each level
  # for (l in lvls) {
  #   t <- d  # Copy to temporary variable
  #   # if column is in spanning column list, populate structure with index.
  #   # Otherwise, leave as negative value.
  #   for (i in 1:length(slvl[[l]])) {
  #     cl <- slvl[[l]][[i]]$span_cols
  #     # Span specifications can be a vector of column names or numbers
  #     if (typeof(cl) == "character")
  #       t$span_num <- ifelse(t$colname %in% cl, i, t$span_num)
  #     else 
  #       t$span_num <- ifelse(t$colname %in% cols[cl], i, t$span_num)
  #   }
  #   # Aggregate data structures to get span widths for each span
  #   s <- aggregate(x = list(width = t$colwidth), by = list(span = t$span_num), FUN = sum)
  #   # Then put back in original column order
  #   s$span <- factor(s$span, levels = unique(t$span_num))
  #   s <- s[order(s$span), ]
  #   rownames(s) <- NULL
  #   # Prep data structure
  #   s$span <- unique(t$span_num)
  #   s$label <- ""
  #   s$align <- ""
  #   s$n <- NA
  #   s$name <- ""
  #   s$underline <- TRUE
  #   # Populate data structure with labels, alignments, and n values from 
  #   # spanning column objects
  #   counter <- 1
  #   for (index in s$span) {
  #     if (index > 0) {
  #       s$label[counter] <- slvl[[l]][[index]]["label"]
  #       s$align[counter] <- slvl[[l]][[index]]$label_align
  #       s$underline[counter] <- slvl[[l]][[index]]$underline
  #       if (!is.null(slvl[[l]][[index]]$n))
  #         s$n[counter] <- slvl[[l]][[index]]$n
  #     }
  #     s$name[counter] <- paste0("Span", counter)
  #     counter <- counter + 1
  #   }
  #   # Apply n counts to labels
  #   if (!is.null(ts$n_format)) {
  #     s$label <- ifelse(is.na(s$n), s$label, paste0(s$label, ts$n_format(s$n))) 
  #   }
  #   wlvl[[l]] <- s
  # }
  # Put spanning info in function to eliminate redundancy with rtf version
  w <- round(pi$col_width / rs$char_width) - 1 # Adjust for gutter
  wlvl <- get_spanning_info(rs, ts, pi, w, 1)
  lvls <- sort(seq_along(wlvl), decreasing = TRUE)
  # At this point we have a data frame with labels, etc. and spanning
  # column widths, and are ready to create spanning header rows
  # Format labels for each level
  ln <- c()
  for (l in lvls) {
    s <- wlvl[[l]]
    # Wrap header labels if needed
    d <- data.frame(as.list(s$label), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    w <- s$width
    j <- s$align
    names(d) <- s$name
    names(w) <- s$name
    names(j) <- s$name
    # print("Ready for split cells")
    # print(paste("d:", d))
    # print(paste("w:", w))
    d <- split_cells(d, w)
    d <- push_down(d)
    # Label justification, width, and row concatenation
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(d))) {

      r <- ""

      for (nm in names(d)) {
        if (!is.control(nm)) {

          if (j[[nm]] == "right") # Adjust 1 space for right alignment
            r <- paste0(r, pad_any(d[i, nm], w[[nm]] -1,
                                  get_justify(j[[nm]])), " ")
            r <- paste0(r, pad_any(d[i, nm], w[[nm]],


      ln[[length(ln) + 1]] <- r
    r <- ""
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(s))) {

      if (s$span[i] > 0) {

        if (s$underline[i])
          r <- paste0(r, paste0(rep(rs$uchar, s$width[i] - 1), collapse = ""), " ")
          r <- paste0(r, paste0(rep(" ", s$width[i] - 1), collapse = ""), " ")
      } else {
        r <- paste0(r, paste0(rep(" ", s$width[i]), collapse = ""))
    # r <- ifelse(s$span > 0, paste0(r, paste0(rep("-", 4), collapse = ""), " "),
    #                         paste0(r, rep(" ", 4), collapse = ""))
    ln[[length(ln) + 1]] <- r

  ret <- unlist(ln)

#' @description At this point, can just put out the cells in the page.
#' All the wrapping and splitting has been taken care of.
#' @noRd
get_table_body <- function(dat) {
  df <- dat
  ret <- c()
  nm <- names(df)
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
    r <- ""
    for (j in seq_len(ncol(df))) {
      v <- ""
      p <-df[i, j]
      if (!is.null(p) & !is.na(p))
        v <- p

      if (!is.control(nm[j])) { 
        if ("..blank" %in% names(df)) {
          if (!trimws(df[i, "..blank"]) %in% c("B", "A")) {
            r <- paste0(r, v, " ")
        } else {
          r <- paste0(r, v, " ") 
    ret[length(ret) + 1] <- r

# Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd
is.control <- function(x) {
 ret <- FALSE
 if (!is.na(x)) {
   if (substr(x, 1, 2) == "..")
     ret <- TRUE

is.controlv <- Vectorize(function(x) {

#' @noRd
is.invisible <- function(x) {
  ret <- FALSE
  if (!is.na(x)) {
    if (substr(x, 1, 4) == "..x.")
      ret <- TRUE

is.invisiblev <- Vectorize(function(x) {

has_invisible <- function(lst) {
  ret <- FALSE
  if (length(lst[is.invisiblev(lst)]) > 0)
    ret <- TRUE

get_invisible <- function(nm) {
  return(paste0("..x.", nm)) 

translate_invisible <- function(nm, lst) {
  ret <- nm
  if (has_invisible(lst)) {
    inv <- lst[is.invisiblev(lst)]
    if (get_invisible(nm) %in% inv) {
      ret <- get_invisible(nm)

#' @noRd
get_justify <- function(x) {
  ret <- "left"
  if (is.null(x) | is.na(x))
    ret <- "left"
  else if (x == "center")
    ret <- "centre"
  else if (x %in% c("left", "right", "centre"))
    ret <- x

#' @noRd
get_blank_indicator <- function(pg_num, tot_pg, content_blanks,
                                page_size, content_offset, num_rows) {
  if (pg_num == 1 & pg_num == tot_pg & content_blanks == "both")
    blnk_ind <- "both"
  else if (pg_num == 1 & content_blanks %in% c("both", "above"))
    blnk_ind <- "above"
  else if ((pg_num == tot_pg & content_blanks %in% c("both", "below")) &
           (num_rows < page_size - content_offset["upper"] - content_offset["lower"])) {
    # Exception when number of rows exactly equals available space.
    # Then don't put a blank row below.
    # print(num_rows)
    # print( page_size )
    # print(content_offset)
    blnk_ind <- "below"
  } else 
    blnk_ind <- "none"

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reporter documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:43 a.m.