# Text Sizing Functions --------------------------------------------------------
# @description Splits the data according to height
# @details Logic is to try and estimate the vertical height of each cell
# in a row to get the overall row height. Then break rows into pages based
# on available body height. This function is only used for non-text output.
# For text output, get_splits_text is used.
# @import graphics
# @import qlcMatrix
# @import stringi
# @noRd
# get_splits <- function(dat, col_widths, data_size, font_family) {
# # Row height fixed for now
# # Ultimately needs to be dynamic based on font size and letting
# rh <- .3 #strheight("Test String", units = "inches", family = font_family)
# ws <- list()
# for (i in seq_along(dat)) {
# w_all <- strwidth(dat[[i]], units="inches", family=font_family)
# ws[[length(ws) + 1]] <- w_all
# }
# m <- matrix(unlist(ws), ncol=length(ws), byrow=FALSE)
# # print(m)
# #lin <- ceiling(m /col_widths)
# lin <- ceiling(t(t(m) / col_widths))
# # print(lin)
# # print(col_widths)
# # Get counts of carriage returns per cell
# rs <- list()
# for (col in seq_along(dat)) {
# rs[[length(rs)+1]] <- stri_count(dat[[col]], fixed = "\n")
# }
# r <- matrix(unlist(rs), ncol=length(rs), byrow=FALSE)
# # Add carriage returns to line counts
# lr <- lin + r
# # print(lr)
# lr[ | lr == 0] <- 1
# # print(lr)
# # print(rowMax(lr)@x)
# row_heights <- rowMax(lr, = FALSE)@x * rh
# # print(row_heights)
# # print(length(row_heights))
# row_pages <- get_pages(row_heights, data_size["height"])
# # print(nrow(dat))
# # print(length(row_pages))
# # print(row_pages)
# ret <- split(dat, row_pages)
# return(ret)
# }
#' @description Subset the data by row and column. Depends on whether
#' the user supplied a preview page number.
#' @noRd
get_data_subset <- function(dat, keys, pages) {
if (!is.null(pages)) {
est <- 60 * pages
if (nrow(dat) > est) {
ret <- dat[seq(1, est ), keys]
} else {
ret <- dat[ , keys]
} else {
ret <- dat[ , keys]
#' Gets the page wraps for both text and variable width reports
#' @noRd
get_page_wraps <- function(content_width, ts, widths, gutter, control_cols) {
defs <- ts$col_defs
# Get ID variable from definitions
# These need to be shown on each page
# Also get page wraps
if (!is.null(ts$stub))
id_vars <- c("stub")
id_vars <- c()
wraps <- c()
nms <- c()
for (def in defs) {
if (!is.null(def$id_var) && def$id_var)
id_vars[length(id_vars) + 1] <- def$var_c
wraps[length(wraps) + 1] <- def$page_wrap
nms[length(nms) + 1] <- def$var_c
names(wraps) <- nms
ret <- list() # list of columns for each page
pg <- c() # columns on a page
tw <- content_width # width of the page
for (nm in names(widths)) {
if (!is.control(nm)) {
#If ID vars exist, add them to list
if (length(pg) == 0 && length(id_vars) > 0) {
# Plus gutter in between columns
pg <- widths[id_vars] + gutter
if (any(
stop(paste0("ID column width for '",
paste(id_vars[], sep = " ", collapse = ""),
" not found."))
names(pg) <- id_vars
# Force a page wrap if requested in definition
force_wrap <- FALSE
if (is.null(wraps) == FALSE)
if ([nm]) == FALSE)
if (wraps[nm] == TRUE)
force_wrap <- TRUE
# print(paste("Name:", nm))
# print(paste("Force wrap:", force_wrap))
# print(paste("Sum of widths:", sum(pg, widths[nm] + 1)))
# print(paste("Page:", pg))
# print(paste("Widths:", widths[nm]))
# print(paste("Total width:", tw))
# print("")
if ((sum(pg, widths[nm]) > tw | force_wrap) & (!nm %in% id_vars)) {
# If sum of widths exceed page size, add page to list and reset pg
# Also add control cols so downstream functions can use them
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- c(names(pg), control_cols)
pg <- c()
# Add widths for ID vars
if (length(id_vars) > 0) {
pg <- widths[id_vars] + gutter
names(pg) <- id_vars
# Add width for current column
pg[nm] <- widths[nm] + gutter
} else {
# If sum of widths does not exceed page size, add to pg and keep going
pg[nm] <- widths[nm] + gutter
# Pick any remaining columns
if (length(pg) > 0) {
# Add page to list
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- c(names(pg), control_cols)
#' @description Preps the data
#' @details
#' This function performs a variety of tasks needed to prepare the data
#' for printing. This function must be called before page wrapping and
#' splitting because it will add rows and columns which must be taken into
#' account during those operations. Tasks performed include several
#' options on the variable define function. These include blank_after,
#' label_row, indenting, and creating stub columns.
#' @noRd
prep_data <- function(dat, ts, char_width, missing_val) {
defs <- ts$col_defs
# print("Before prep data")
# print(dat)
# Get vector of columns for blank rows
ls <- c()
for (def in defs) {
if (def$blank_after)
ls[length(ls) + 1] <- translate_invisible(def$var_c, names(dat))
# Add blanks on requested columns
if (!is.null(ls)) {
if (length(ls) > 0) {
# Reverse order so groups turn out correct
ls <- ls[order(ls, decreasing = TRUE)]
# Add blanks
if (length(ls) > 0) {
dat <- add_blank_rows(dat, location = "below", vars = ls)
# print("Blanks")
# Set up label rows
for (def in defs) {
if (def$label_row) {
# Convert to character if necessary
if (all(class(dat[[def$var_c]]) != "character"))
dat[[def$var_c]] <- as.character(dat[[def$var_c]])
dat <- add_blank_rows(dat, "label", vars = def$var_c)
# print("Labels")
# print(dat)
# Indent and Dedupe variables as requested
# Do this after adding blanks
# So any group values in blank rows are removed
for (def in defs) {
if (!is.null(def$indent) | def$dedupe) {
# Convert to character if necessary
if (all(class(dat[[def$var_c]]) != "character"))
dat[[def$var_c]] <- as.character(dat[[def$var_c]])
# Actual deduping now takes place in get_splits_text, so
# label appears at top of each page
# Perform Indenting of requested variables
if (!is.null(def$indent)) {
ind <- floor(def$indent / char_width)
blnks <- paste0(rep(" ", ind), sep = "", collapse = "")
dat[[def$var_c]] <- ifelse([[def$var_c]]), NA, paste0(blnks, dat[[def$var_c]]))
# print("Before stub")
# print(dat)
# Create stub
dat <- create_stub(dat, ts)
#print("After stub")
# Clear out missing values
dat <- clear_missing(dat, missing_val)
create_stub <- function(dat, ts) {
if (!is.null(ts$stub)) {
s <- ts$stub
v <- s$vars
# Initialize with first column
st <- dat[[v[1]]]
nms <- names(dat)
# For each subsequent column, if the value is not NA,
# replace first column value.
for (i in seq(from = 2, to = length(v), by = 1)) {
if ("..blank" %in% nms) {
st <- ifelse([[v[i]]]) | (trimws(dat[[v[i]]]) == "" & dat[["..blank"]] == "L"),
st, dat[[v[i]]])
} else {
st <- ifelse([[v[i]]]), st, dat[[v[i]]])
# Allow empty to remain. Sure I put this in for a reason. Need to test.
#st <- ifelse([[v[i]]]) | trimws(dat[[v[i]]]) == "", st, dat[[v[i]]])
# Remove stub variables from data frame
d <- dat[ , -which(names(dat) %in% v)]
# print("Names before")
# print(names(d))
# Combine with stub column
dat <- data.frame(stub = st, d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Have to restore names, otherwise data.frame will mess them up
names(dat) <- c("stub", names(d))
# print("Names after")
# print(names(dat))
#' Get the column widths
# @import graphics
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
get_col_widths <- function(dat, ts, labels, char_width, uom,
merge_label_row = TRUE) {
defs <- ts$col_defs
if (uom == "cm") {
max_col_width = 12.7
min_col_width = .254
} else if (uom == "inches") {
max_col_width = 5
min_col_width = .1
} else if (uom == "char") {
max_col_width = 60
min_col_width = 2
nms <- names(labels)
dwidths <- c()
mwidths <- c()
# Set default widths based on length of data
for (nm in nms) {
#w <- max(strwidth(dat[[nm]], units="inches", family=font_family))
if (is.control(nm) | all([[nm]]) == TRUE))
w <- 0
else {
# Clear out label rows, as these can mess up column width calculations.
# Label row widths are dealt with later.
if ("..blank" %in% names(dat) & merge_label_row) {
colattr <- attributes(dat[[nm]])
dat[[nm]] <- ifelse(dat[["..blank"]] %in% c("L", "B"), " ", dat[[nm]])
attributes(dat[[nm]]) <- colattr
w <- max(nchar(as.character(dat[[nm]])), na.rm = TRUE) * char_width
sd <- stri_split(as.character(dat[[nm]]), regex=" |\n|\r|\t", simplify = TRUE)
mwidths[[nm]] <- max(nchar(as.character(sd)), na.rm = TRUE) * char_width
if (w > max_col_width)
w <- max_col_width
else if (w < min_col_width)
w <- min_col_width
w <- (ceiling(w * 100)/100)
# print(paste("w:", w))
# print(paste("Label:", labels[[nm]]))
# Determine width of words in label for this column
s <- stri_split(labels[[nm]], regex=" |\n|\r|\t", simplify = TRUE)
#l <- strwidth(s[[1]], units="inches", family=font_family)
l <- max(nchar(as.character(s)), na.rm = TRUE) * char_width
# print(paste("s:", s))
# print(paste("l:", l))
# If the max word width is greater than the data width,
# set column width to max label word width
# so as not to break any words in the label
if (max(l) > w)
dwidths[[nm]] <- max(l) + char_width
dwidths[[nm]] <- w + char_width
# Set names for easy access
#names(dwidths) <- names(dat)
# Set default widths
ret <- dwidths
#print("Default Widths")
# Let widths on orig df override defaults
orig <- widths(dat)
for (nm in names(orig)) {
ret[[nm]] <- orig[[nm]]
defnms <- c()
# Let user definitions override everything
for (def in defs) {
if (def$var_c %in% names(dat) & !is.null(def$width) && def$width > 0) {
if (def$width >= mwidths[[def$var_c]])
ret[[def$var_c]] <- def$width
ret[[def$var_c]] <- mwidths[[def$var_c]] + char_width
defnms[length(defnms) + 1] <- def$var_c
# Deal with stub
if (!is.null(ts$stub)) {
# Add stub width if exists
if (!is.null(ts$stub$width)) {
ret[["stub"]] <- ts$stub$width
defnms[length(defnms) + 1] <- "stub"
# print(ret[["stub"]])
# print(ts$stub$width)
# Turn into vector if needed
ret <- unlist(ret)
# Remove control columns
ret <- ret[!sapply(names(ret), is.control)]
# Deal with table width
if (!is.null(ts$width)) {
# print(paste("Table width:", ts$width))
# Adjusted to keep
#blnkw <- (length(ret) - 0) * char_width
# print(paste("Blank width:", blnkw))
# print(paste("Before:", sum(ret)))
# print(ret)
if (sum(ret) < ts$width) {
# Get columns not defined by user
variable <- ret[!names(ret) %in% defnms]
fixed <- ret[names(ret) %in% defnms]
available <- ts$width - sum(fixed)
variable <- variable * available / sum(variable)
for (nm in names(variable))
ret[[nm]] <- variable[[nm]]
# print("diff")
# Add one character to first column so it fills the entire page
ret[[1]] <- ret[[1]] + char_width
} else {
# If table width is less than the sum of the columns.
# This means the table should wrap to the next page,
# but each page should be set to the table width.
# Having a hard time figuring out how to do this.
# Will come back to it later.
# print("Here")
# ret2 <- c()
# pg <- c()
# for (i in seq_along(ret)) {
# print(ret[i])
# print(paste("sumpg:", sum(pg)))
# print(paste("lengthpg:", length(pg)))
# print(paste("char_width:", char_width))
# blnkw <- (length(pg) - 1) * char_width
# tot <- sum(pg) + blnkw
# print(paste("tot:", tot))
# if (tot + ret[i] > ts$width) {
# pg <- pg * ((ts$width - blnkw) / sum(pg))
# ret2 <- c(ret2, pg)
# print(ret2)
# pg <- c(ret[[i]])
# } else {
# pg[length(pg) + 1] <- ret[[i]]
# print(paste("pg:", pg))
# }
# }
# if (length(pg) > 0) {
# blnkw <- (length(pg) - 1) * char_width
# pg <- pg * ((ts$width - blnkw) / sum(pg))
# ret2 <- c(ret2, pg)
# }
# names(ret2) <- names(ret)
# print(paste("ret2:", ret2))
# ret <- ret2
# print(paste("After:", sum(ret)))
# print(ret)
#' Get the column widths
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
get_col_widths_variable <- function(dat, ts, labels, font,
font_size, uom, gutter_width,
merge_label_row = TRUE) {
defs <- ts$col_defs
if (uom == "cm") {
max_col_width = 12.7
min_col_width = .254
} else if (uom == "inches") {
max_col_width = 5
min_col_width = .1
} else if (uom == "char") {
max_col_width = 60
min_col_width = 2
nms <- names(labels)
dwidths <- c()
mwidths <- c()
# Set default widths based on length of data
for (nm in nms) {
if (is.control(nm) | all([[nm]]) == TRUE))
w <- 0
else {
# Clear out label rows, as these can mess up column width calculations.
# Label row widths are dealt with later.
if ("..blank" %in% names(dat) & merge_label_row) {
dat[[nm]] <- ifelse(dat[["..blank"]] %in% c("L", "B"), " ", dat[[nm]])
w <- max(get_text_width(dat[[nm]], units=uom, font=font, font_size = font_size))
sd <- stri_split(as.character(dat[[nm]]), regex=" |\n|\r|\t", simplify = TRUE)
# Would prefer to not calculate this again. w and mwidths seem redundant.
mwidths[[nm]] <- max(get_text_width(as.character(sd), units=uom,
font=font, font_size = font_size))
if (w > max_col_width)
w <- max_col_width
else if (w < min_col_width)
w <- min_col_width
w <- (ceiling(w * 100)/100)
# print(paste("w:", w))
# print(paste("Label:", labels[[nm]]))
# Determine width of words in label for this column
s <- stri_split(labels[[nm]], regex=" |\n|\r|\t", simplify = TRUE)
l <- max(get_text_width(as.character(s), units=uom,
font=font, font_size = font_size))
# print(paste("s:", s))
# print(paste("l:", l))
# If the max word width is greater than the data width,
# set column width to max label word width
# so as not to break any words in the label
if (max(l) > w)
dwidths[[nm]] <- max(l) + gutter_width
dwidths[[nm]] <- w + gutter_width
# Set names for easy access
#names(dwidths) <- names(dat)
# Set default widths
ret <- dwidths
#print("Default Widths")
# Let widths on orig df override defaults
orig <- widths(dat)
for (nm in names(orig)) {
ret[[nm]] <- orig[[nm]]
defnms <- c()
# Let user definitions override everything
for (def in defs) {
if (def$var_c %in% names(dat) & !is.null(def$width) && def$width > 0) {
if (def$width >= mwidths[[def$var_c]])
ret[[def$var_c]] <- def$width
ret[[def$var_c]] <- mwidths[[def$var_c]] + gutter_width
defnms[length(defnms) + 1] <- def$var_c
# Deal with stub
if (!is.null(ts$stub)) {
# Add stub width if exists
if (!is.null(ts$stub$width)) {
ret[["stub"]] <- ts$stub$width
defnms[length(defnms) + 1] <- "stub"
# print(ret[["stub"]])
# print(ts$stub$width)
# Turn into vector if needed
ret <- unlist(ret)
# Remove control columns
ret <- ret[!sapply(names(ret), is.control)]
# Deal with table width
if (!is.null(ts$width)) {
# print(paste("Table width:", ts$width))
# Adjusted to keep
#blnkw <- (length(ret) - 0) * char_width
# print(paste("Blank width:", blnkw))
# print(paste("Before:", sum(ret)))
# print(ret)
if (sum(ret) < ts$width) {
# Get columns not defined by user
variable <- ret[!names(ret) %in% defnms]
fixed <- ret[names(ret) %in% defnms]
available <- ts$width - sum(fixed)
variable <- variable * available / sum(variable)
for (nm in names(variable))
ret[[nm]] <- variable[[nm]]
# print("diff")
# Add one character to first column so it fills the entire page
#ret[[1]] <- ret[[1]] + gutter_width
} else {
# If table width is less than the sum of the columns.
# This means the table should wrap to the next page,
# but each page should be set to the table width.
# Having a hard time figuring out how to do this.
# Will come back to it later.
# print("Here")
# ret2 <- c()
# pg <- c()
# for (i in seq_along(ret)) {
# print(ret[i])
# print(paste("sumpg:", sum(pg)))
# print(paste("lengthpg:", length(pg)))
# print(paste("char_width:", char_width))
# blnkw <- (length(pg) - 1) * char_width
# tot <- sum(pg) + blnkw
# print(paste("tot:", tot))
# if (tot + ret[i] > ts$width) {
# pg <- pg * ((ts$width - blnkw) / sum(pg))
# ret2 <- c(ret2, pg)
# print(ret2)
# pg <- c(ret[[i]])
# } else {
# pg[length(pg) + 1] <- ret[[i]]
# print(paste("pg:", pg))
# }
# }
# if (length(pg) > 0) {
# blnkw <- (length(pg) - 1) * char_width
# pg <- pg * ((ts$width - blnkw) / sum(pg))
# ret2 <- c(ret2, pg)
# }
# names(ret2) <- names(ret)
# print(paste("ret2:", ret2))
# ret <- ret2
# print(paste("After:", sum(ret)))
# print(ret)
# widths not incorporated yet
# Gets the data size
# @import graphics
# @noRd
# get_data_size <- function(body_size, widths, labels, font_family) {
# #ppi = 72
# blank_row <- .3
# sz <- c()
# for (n in labels) {
# sz[length(sz) + 1] <- strheight(n, units="inches", family=font_family)
# }
# ret <- body_size
# ret["height"] <- ret["height"] - max(sz) - blank_row
# return(ret)
# }
get_label_aligns <- function(ts, aligns) {
defs <- ts$col_defs
# Default to column aligns
ret <- aligns
# Let any defined value override the default
for (d in defs) {
if (!is.null(d$label_align) & d$var_c %in% names(aligns))
ret[[d$var_c]] <- d$label_align
# Deal with stub
if (!is.null(ts$stub)) {
# Assing label align if exists
if (is.null(ts$stub$label_align))
ret[["stub"]] <- ts$stub[["align"]]
ret[["stub"]] <- ts$stub[["label_align"]]
#' Gets column formats from definitions
#' @noRd
get_col_formats <- function(dat, ts) {
defs <- ts$col_defs
ret <- c()
# Get any existing formats
if ("format" %in% ts$use_attributes) {
ret <- formats(dat)
for (d in defs) {
if (!is.null(d$format))
ret[[d$var_c]] <- d$format
#' Gets the alignments
#' @noRd
get_aligns <- function(dat, ts) {
defs <- ts$col_defs
nms <- names(dat)
ret <- c()
# Get default alignments
# based on data type
# Character will go to left
# Others goes to right
for (nm in nms) {
if (is.character(dat[[nm]]))
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- "left"
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- "right"
# Assign names to vector for easy access to alignment values
names(ret) <- nms
# Get any justification from original data frame
if ("justify" %in% ts$use_attributes) {
orig <- justification(dat)
for (nm in names(orig))
ret[[nm]] <- orig[[nm]]
# Assign alignments from column definitions
for (d in defs) {
if (!is.null(d$align) & d$var_c %in% nms)
ret[d$var_c] <- d$align
# Deal with stub
if (!is.null(ts$stub)) {
# Remove variables associated with stub
ret <- ret[-which(names(ret) %in% ts$stub$vars)]
# Assign alignment from stub definition
ret[["stub"]] <- ts$stub$align
#' Gets the labels
#' @noRd
get_labels <- function(dat, ts){
defs <- ts$col_defs
nfmt <- ts$n_format
# Get the column names from the dataframe
#print("Names in label function")
v1 <- names(dat)
# Get the labels from the dataframe
# Not so easy because not all columns have labels.
# If a column has no labels, use the column name
# as the header string.
v2 <- c()
counter <- 1
for (col in dat) {
if (!is.null(attr(col, "label")) & "label" %in% ts$use_attributes) {
v2 <- c(v2, attr(col, "label"))
} else {
if (is.null( names(col))) {
v2 <- c(v2, v1[counter])
} else {
# Not actually sure what the situation is when this would be viable.
# Consider taking this whole else condition out.
# Only time I've seen names directly on the column,
# something is messsed up.
if (length(names(col)) == 1)
v2 <- c(v2, names(col))
v2 <- c(v2, v1[counter])
counter <- counter + 1
# Convert label vector to a list
#ls <- as.list(v2)
ls <- v2
# Assign names to list
names(ls) <- v1
# Let any defined labels override any attribute labels
for (def in defs) {
if (!is.null(def[["label"]]))
ls[[def$var]] <- def[["label"]]
if (!is.null(def$n) ) {
ls[[def$var]] <- paste0(ls[[def$var]], nfmt(def$n))
# Deal with stub
if (!is.null(ts$stub)) {
# Remove variables associated with stub
ls <- ls[-which(names(ls) %in% ts$stub$vars)]
# Assign label from stub definition
ls <- c(stub = ts$stub$label, ls)
#' @title Get the columns for the table
#' @description Get the columns for the table
#' @param x The Table spec object
#' @noRd
get_table_cols <- function(x, control_cols) {
dat <- x$data
ret <- c()
show_all <- FALSE
if (length(x$show_cols) == 1 && x$show_cols == "all") {
ret <- names(dat)
show_all <- TRUE
else if (length(x$show_cols) == 1 && x$show_cols == "none") {
show_all <- FALSE
else if (all(x$show_cols %in% names(dat)))
ret <- x$show_cols
else {
diff <- setdiff(x$show_cols, names(dat))
if (length(diff) > 0)
stop("Columns not found in data: ", paste(diff, collapse = ","))
# Deal with visible options
if (!is.null(x$col_defs)) {
for (def in x$col_defs) {
if (show_all == FALSE & def$visible)
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- def$var_c
#else if (show_all == TRUE & def$visible == FALSE)
else if (def$visible == FALSE) {
if (def$var_c %in% ret) {
ret <- ret[!ret %in% def$var_c]
ret <- unique(ret)
diff <- setdiff(ret, names(dat))
if (length(diff) > 0)
stop("Columns not found in data: ", paste(diff, collapse = ","))
ret <- unique(c(ret, control_cols))
# Text Sizing Functions ---------------------------------------------------
#' Split the data horizontally by available page size
#' @param x The data frame to split
#' @param widths The column widths
#' @param page_size The size of the available space in rows
#' @noRd
get_splits_text <- function(x, widths, page_size, lpg_rows,
content_offsets, ts, count_row_var = FALSE) {
defs <- ts$col_defs
# Calculate where page breaks should occur
# Based on available height, content size, and offsets
# Function adds a variable with page indicator
pgs <- get_page_breaks(x, page_size, lpg_rows, content_offsets, count_row_var)
# Eliminate pages that have only blank lines
sb <- subset(pgs, trimws(pgs$..blank) == "")
non_blank_pages <- unique(sb$
sbst <- subset(pgs, pgs$ %in% non_blank_pages)
# Split the data frame at the page indicators
ret <- split(sbst, sbst$
# Perform column deduping
ret <- dedupe_pages(ret, defs)
# Dedupe stub if child column dedupe was requested.
# Somewhat unsure of this.
if (stub_dedupe(ts$stub, defs)) {
sdef <- define_c("stub", dedupe = TRUE)
ret <- dedupe_pages(ret, list(sdef))
#' Function to calculate page breaks
#' @param x Data frame to page.
#' @param page_size Available data height in number of rows.
#' @param lpg_rows Last page rows. Subtracted from available height.
#' @param content_offsets Blank rows requested above or below content
#' @return Data frame with column populated with page numbers.
#' @noRd
get_page_breaks <- function(x, page_size, lpg_rows, content_offsets,
count_row_var = FALSE ){
pg <- 1
counter <- 0
offset <- lpg_rows + content_offsets["blank_upper"]
ttfl <- content_offsets["upper"] + content_offsets["lower"]
# User Paging variable
currentPage <- NA
lastPage <- NA
userForce <- FALSE
# print(paste("Content Upper:", content_offsets["upper"]))
# print(paste("Content Lower:", content_offsets["lower"]))
# print(paste("Page size:", page_size))
# print(paste("Last Page Rows:", lpg_rows))
# print(paste("Content offset:", offset))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))){
if (count_row_var) {
if ($..row[i])) {
counter <- counter + 1
} else
counter <- counter + x$..row[i]
} else
counter <- counter + 1
if (i == nrow(x)) {
# Exception where last line is equal to number of available lines
# Don't put the blank row in this case.
if (counter < (page_size - ttfl)) {
offset <- offset + content_offsets["blank_lower"]
#print(paste("Lower Blank:", offset))
# print(paste("Counter:", counter))
# print(paste("Condition:", (page_size - offset - ttfl)))
# Get current page value
currentPage <- x$[i]
# If last page is not equal to current page, and neither is NA,
# force a page break
if (! & ! &
trimws(lastPage) != "NA" & trimws(currentPage) != "NA" &
trimws(lastPage) != "" & trimws(currentPage) != "" &
currentPage != lastPage) {
userForce <- TRUE
} else
userForce <- FALSE
# After comparison, set last page value
lastPage <- currentPage
# Force a break if the next row has wraps that exceed the page size
if (count_row_var & i < nrow(x)) {
nextRowCount <- x$..row[i + 1]
if (! {
if (nextRowCount > 1) {
if (page_size - offset - ttfl - nextRowCount - counter < -1) {
userForce <- TRUE
# print(pg)
# print(page_size - offset - ttfl - nextRowCount - counter)
# If line count is greater than page size, start a new page
if ((counter > (page_size - offset - ttfl)) | userForce) {
# Don't understand why this adjustment is needed. But it is.
# Have to figure it out, because it seems wrong.
if (pg == 1)
page_size <- page_size - 1
# Increment page count
pg <- pg + 1
# Reset line counter
counter <- 0
# Set offset to zero on first page
offset <- 0
x$[i] <- pg
# print(pg)
# Convert back to number if necessary
if (all(class(x$ != "numeric"))
x$ <- as.numeric(x$
#print(paste("Page count:", counter))
stub_dedupe <- function(stb, defs) {
ret <- FALSE
for (df in defs) {
if (df$var_c %in% stb$vars) {
if (df$dedupe == TRUE & df$label_row == FALSE) {
ret <- TRUE
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
get_pgby_cnt <- function(pgby) {
ret <- 0
if (!is.null(pgby)) {
upgby <- unique(pgby)
for (pgb in upgby) {
lns <- unlist(stri_split_fixed(pgb, "\n"))
if (length(lns) > ret)
ret <- length(lns)
#' @noRd
get_pgby_value <- function(value, pgby_cnt) {
ret <- ""
if (is.null(value)) {
if (!is.null(pgby_cnt)) {
if (pgby_cnt > 0) {
ret <- rep("x", pgby_cnt)
ret <- paste0(ret, collapse = "\n")
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