# Utility Functions -------------------------------------------------------
#' gen_groups
#' Creates group values based on a number of items and a vector of item
#' counts per group.
#' This function is used to create a vector of group values. It can use used to
#' dynamically subset a dataframe based on row counts rather than data values.
#' The last_indices parameter can be used to return the indexes of the
#' last item in each group.
#' @param tot Total number of items in return vector.
#' @param group_cnt Number of items in each group. This can be a single value
#' or vector of values. Will recycle if needed.
#' @param last_indices TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether to return the
#' vector of values, or a vector of row indices where the breaks occur.
#' @return A vector of length \code{tot} broken into groups specified by
#' \code{group_cnt}. Groups will be identified by integers from 1 to n.
#' @examples
#' gen_groups(10, 3)
#' #>[1] 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4
#' gen_groups(12, c(3, 2, 5, 2))
#' #>[1] 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4
#' gen_groups(10, 3, last_indices = TRUE)
#' #>[1] 3 6 9 10
#' gen_groups(12, c(3, 2, 5, 2), last_indices = TRUE)
#' #>[1] 3 5 10 12
#' @noRd
gen_groups <- function(tot, group_cnt, last_indices = FALSE) {
# Create empty return vector
ret <- c()
# Initialize cursors
cnt <- 0
ind <- 1
# Populate return vector with group values or last indices
while(cnt <= tot){
for(i in seq_along(group_cnt)){
for(j in 1:group_cnt[i]){
cnt <- cnt + 1
if (cnt <= tot){
if (last_indices){
ret[ind] <- cnt
ret[cnt] <- ind
ind <- ind + 1
#' Get the font family from the font name
#' @noRd
get_font_family <- function(font_name) {
# Trap missing or invalid font_name parameter
if (!tolower(font_name) %in% c("arial", "courier", "times")) {
stop(paste0("ERROR: font_name parameter on get_font_family() ",
"function is invalid: '", font_name,
"'\n\tValid values are: 'Arial', 'Courier', and 'Times'."
fam <- "mono"
# mono, serif, sans
if (tolower(font_name) == "arial") {
fam <- "sans"
} else if (tolower(font_name) == "times") {
fam <- "serif"
#' @title
#' Add a blank row to a data frame
#' @description
#' The purpose of this function is to add a blank row to the top or bottom
#' of a dataframe. Character columns will be set to an empty string. Numeric
#' and date columns will be set to an NA. The function allows the user to pass
#' in values for specified columns. This feature is useful for setting key
#' values. Note that a blank value will be added to factor levels that do not
#' contain blanks.
#' @param x The dataframe to add blanks to.
#' @param ... Column names and non-blank values to assign.
#' @param location The location to add the blank row. Valid values are "above",
#' "below", and "both". The default value is "below".
#' @return The input dataset with the blank row added at the specified
#' location.
#' @examples
#' #s <- filter(iris, Species == "setosa")
#' #b <- add_blank_row(s)
#' @noRd
add_blank_row <- function(x, location="below", vars = NULL){
# Create a blank row with the same structure as the incoming dataframe.
rw <- x[0, ]
# Get group values
if (!is.null(vars)) {
gv <- x[1, vars]
names(gv) <- vars
gn <- names(x)
# For character columns, add a blank.
# For numeric columns, NA is generated automatically.
# For factors, cast to vector if blank is not in level list.
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
rv <- NA
if ("character" %in% class(rw[[i]])) {
rv <- ""
} else if("factor" %in% class(rw[[i]])) {
if (!"" %in% levels(rw[[i]])) {
levels(x[[i]]) <- c(levels(x[[i]]), "")
levels(rw[[i]]) <- c(levels(rw[[i]]), "")
rv <- ""
if (is.null(vars))
rw[1, i] <- rv
else if (gn[i] %in% vars) {
if (!
rw[1, i] <- gv[1]
rw[1, i] <- gv[1, gn[[i]]]
rw[1, i] <- rv
# Change copy position depending on location
cpos <- 1
if (location == "below")
cpos <- nrow(x)
# Set page and page by values
if ("..page_by" %in% names(x))
rw[1, "..page_by"] <- x[1, "..page_by"]
if ("" %in% names(x)) {
# rw[1, ""] <- x[1, ""]
rw[1, ""] <- x[cpos, ""]
# Add the blank row to the specified location.
ret <- x
if ("..blank" %in% names(ret))
ret$..blank <- ifelse($..blank), "", ret$..blank)
ret$..blank <- ""
if (location == "below") {
rw$..blank <- "B"
ret <- rbind(ret, rw)
} else if (location == "above") {
rw$..blank <- "A"
ret <- rbind(rw, ret)
} else if (location == "label") {
rw$..blank <- "L"
ret <- rbind(rw, ret)
} else if (location == "both") {
rw2 <- rw
rw$..blank <- "A"
rw2$..blank <- "B"
if ("" %in% names(x))
rw2[1, ""] <- x[nrow(x), ""]
ret <- rbind(rw, ret, rw2)
#' @noRd
compare_rows <- function(row1, row2) {
ret <- TRUE
for(i in seq_along(row1)) {
if (!strong_eq(row1[[i]], row2[[i]])) {
ret <- FALSE
#' @noRd
strong_eq <- Vectorize(function(x1, x2) {
ret <- TRUE
if (is.null(x1) & is.null(x2))
ret <- TRUE
else if (is.null(x1) & !is.null(x2))
ret <- FALSE
else if (!is.null(x1) & is.null(x2))
ret <- FALSE
else if ( &
ret <- TRUE
else if ( & !
ret <- FALSE
else if (! &
ret <- FALSE
else {
ret <- x1 == x2
#' @noRd
get_breaks <- function(x) {
counter <- 1
lastrow <- x[1, ]
ret <- c()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
row <- x[i, ]
if (!compare_rows(row, lastrow)) {
counter <- counter + 1
lastrow <- row
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- counter
#' @title
#' Add blank rows to a data frame after each by-group
#' @description
#' The purpose of this function is to add a blank rows to a dataframe for each
#' by-group. Character columns will be set to an empty string. Numeric
#' and date columns will be set to an NA. The function allows the user to pass
#' in column names to group by. Note that a blank value will be added to factor
#' levels that do not contain blanks.
#' @param x The dataframe to add blanks to.
#' @param ... Column names for group variables.
#' @param .var_list A character vector or list of column names to split by.
#' @return The input dataset with the blank row added after each by-group.
#' @examples
#' b <- add_blank_rows(iris, Species)
#' @noRd
add_blank_rows <- function(x, location = "below", vars = NULL) {
# Seems like this is not needed any more
# for (nm in vars)
# x[[nm]] <- factor(x[[nm]], levels=unique(x[[nm]]))
# Alternate to get rid of tidyverse dependency
if (is.null(vars))
lst <- list(x)
else {
lst <- split(x, get_breaks(x[vars]))
# print("Split list")
# print(lst)
# Create a new list to avoid complaints
ret <- list()
# Add blank row for each split
for (i in seq_along(lst)) {
# Don't append line for blank rows
if ("..blank" %in% names(lst[[i]]) & all(lst[[i]][["..blank"]] == "B")) {
ret[[i]] <- lst[[i]]
} else {
ret[[i]] <- add_blank_row(lst[[i]], location = location, vars = vars)
# print("After blank row")
# print(ret)
# Combine splits
ret <-"rbind", ret)
rownames(ret) <- NULL
#' @noRd
get_page_size <- function(paper_size, units) {
# If no paper size specified,
# make it essentially infinite.
ret <- c(1000000, 1000000)
if (units == "inches") {
if (paper_size == "letter")
ret <- c(8.5, 11)
else if (paper_size == "legal")
ret <- c(8.5, 14)
else if (paper_size == "A4")
ret <- c(8.27, 11.69)
else if (paper_size == "RD4")
ret <- c(7.7, 10.7)
} else if (units == "cm") {
if (paper_size == "letter")
ret <- c(21.59, 27.94)
else if (paper_size == "legal")
ret <- c(21.59, 35.56)
else if (paper_size == "A4")
ret <- c(21, 29.7)
else if (paper_size == "RD4")
ret <- c(19.6, 27.3)
# For character units,
# use inches and convert
} else if (units == "char") {
if (paper_size == "letter")
ret <- c(8.5, 11)
else if (paper_size == "legal")
ret <- c(8.5, 14)
else if (paper_size == "A4")
ret <- c(8.27, 11.69)
else if (paper_size == "RD4")
ret <- c(7.7, 10.7)
#' Split data frame cells into multiple rows based on expected column width.
#' This is necessary to wrap long values onto multiple lines, and have other
#' columns stay aligned horizontally.
#' @param x A data frame
#' @param col_widths A named vector of columns widths in number of characters
#' @return The data frame with long values split and added to their own
#' rows.
#' @noRd
split_cells <- function(x, col_widths) {
dat <- NULL # Resulting data frame
row_values <- list() # A list to hold cell values for one row
max_length <- 0 # The maximum number of splits of a cell in that row
wdths <- col_widths[!is.controlv(names(x))]
for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
for (nm in names(x)) {
if (any(typeof(x[[nm]]) == "character") &
!is.control(nm) ) {
if ("..blank" %in% names(x) && x[[i, "..blank"]] == "B") {
cell <- substr(x[[i, nm]], 1, col_widths[[nm]])
} else if ("..blank" %in% names(x) && x[[i, "..blank"]] == "L") {
cell <- stri_wrap(unlist(
strsplit(x[[i, nm]], split = "\n", fixed = TRUE)),
width = sum(wdths), normalize = FALSE)
} else {
cell <- stri_wrap(unlist(
strsplit(x[[i, nm]], split = "\n", fixed = TRUE)),
width = col_widths[[nm]], normalize = FALSE)
} else {
cell <- x[i, nm]
# print(paste("cell: ", cell))
if (length(cell) > max_length)
max_length <- length(cell)
if (identical(cell, character(0)))
cell <- ""
row_values[[length(row_values) + 1]] <- cell
# print(paste("Row:", row_values))
names(row_values) <- names(x)
a <- align_cells(row_values, max_length)
a$..row <- i
if (is.null(dat))
dat <- a
dat <- rbind(dat, a)
max_length <- 0
row_values <- list()
# Reset names
if ("..row" %in% names(x))
names(dat) <- c(names(x))
names(dat) <- c(names(x), "..row")
#' @noRd
split_strings <- function(strng, width, units, multiplier = 1.03) {
lnlngth <- 0
ln <- c()
lns <- c()
wdths <- c()
un <- "inches"
w <- width
if (units == "cm")
w <- cin(width)
if (! {
splits <- unlist(stri_split_fixed(strng, "\n"))
for (split in splits) {
wrds <- strsplit(split, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
# Old code
# lngths <- (suppressWarnings(strwidth(wrds, units = un)) +
# suppressWarnings(strwidth(" ", units = un))) * multiplier
if (length(wrds) > 0) {
lngths <- (strwdth(wrds, un) + strwdth(" ", un)) * multiplier
# Loop through words and add up lines
for (i in seq_along(wrds)) {
lnlngth <- lnlngth + lngths[i]
if (lnlngth <= w)
ln <- append(ln, wrds[i])
else {
if (length(ln) == 0) {
lns[length(lns) + 1] <- wrds[i]
if (units == "cm")
wdths[length(wdths) + 1] <- ccm(lnlngth)
wdths[length(wdths) + 1] <- lnlngth
lnlngth <- 0
} else {
# Assign current lines and counts
lns[length(lns) + 1] <- paste(ln, collapse = " ")
if (units == "cm")
wdths[length(wdths) + 1] <- ccm(lnlngth - lngths[i])
wdths[length(wdths) + 1] <- lnlngth - lngths[i]
# Assign overflow to next line
ln <- wrds[i]
lnlngth <- lngths[i]
# Deal with last line
if (length(ln) > 0) {
lns[length(lns) + 1] <- paste(ln, collapse = " ")
if (units == "cm")
wdths[length(wdths) + 1] <- ccm(lnlngth)
wdths[length(wdths) + 1] <- lnlngth
# Reset ln and lnlngth
ln <- c()
lnlngth <- 0
} else {
lns <- ""
wdths <- 0
ret <- list(text = lns,
widths = wdths)
strwdth <- Vectorize(function(wrd, un) {
if ( {
ret <- 0
} else {
ret <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings(strwidth(wrd, units = un))
}, error = function(cond) {
suppressWarnings(strwidth("a", units = un)) * nchar(wrd)
#' @description Calling function is responsible for opening the
#' device context and assigning the font. This function will use
#' strwidth to determine number of wraps of a string within a particular
#' width. Lines are returned as a single rtf string separated by an rtf
#' line ending.
#' @noRd
split_string_rtf <- function(strng, width, units, font = "Arial", nm = "",
char_width = 1) {
if (tolower(font) == "courier")
mp <- 1.01
mp <- 1.02
# Deal with indents
blnks <- ""
indnt <- 0
cstrng <- strng
indntw <- 0
if (nm == "stub") {
bpos <- regexpr("^\\s+", strng)
if (bpos > 0) {
indnt <- attr(bpos, "match.length")
blnks <- paste0(rep(" ", indnt), sep = "", collapse = "")
cstrng <- substr(strng, indnt + 1, nchar(strng))
#indntw <- indnt * char_width / mp
res <- split_strings(cstrng, width - indntw, units, multiplier = mp)
# Concat lines and add line ending to all but last line.
# Also translate any special characters to a unicode rtf token
# Doing it here handles for the entire report, as every piece runs
# through here.
ret <- list(rtf = paste0(blnks, encodeRTF(res$text), collapse = "\\line "),
lines = length(res$text),
widths = res$widths + indntw)
#' @noRd
split_string_html <- function(strng, width, units, nm = "", char_width = 1) {
# Deal with indents
blnks <- ""
indnt <- 0
cstrng <- strng
indntw <- 0
if (nm == "stub") {
bpos <- regexpr("^\\s+", strng)
if (bpos > 0) {
indnt <- attr(bpos, "match.length")
blnks <- paste0(rep(" ", indnt), sep = "", collapse = "")
cstrng <- substr(strng, indnt + 1, nchar(strng))
indntw <- indnt * char_width
res <- split_strings(cstrng, width - indntw, units, multiplier = 1)
ret <- list(html = paste0(blnks, res$text, collapse = "\n"),
lines = length(res$text),
widths = res$widths + indntw)
#' @noRd
split_string_text <- function(strng, width, units, nm = "", char_width = 1) {
# Deal with indents
blnks <- ""
indnt <- 0
cstrng <- strng
indntw <- 0
if (nm == "stub") {
bpos <- regexpr("^\\s+", strng)
if (bpos > 0) {
indnt <- attr(bpos, "match.length")
blnks <- paste0(rep(" ", indnt), sep = "", collapse = "")
cstrng <- substr(strng, indnt + 1, nchar(strng))
indntw <- indnt * char_width
res <- split_strings(cstrng, width - indntw, units, multiplier = 1)
ret <- list(text = paste0(blnks, res$text),
lines = length(res$text),
widths = res$widths + indntw)
#' Split data frame cells based on expected column width.
#' For variable width reports, will just insert a carriage return at the
#' split points.
#' @param x A data frame
#' @param col_widths A named vector of columns widths in the unit of measure
#' @return The data frame with long values split by carriage returns.
#' @import stringi
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
split_cells_variable <- function(x, col_widths, font, font_size, units,
output_type, char_width) {
dat <- NULL # Resulting data frame
wdths <- list() # Resulting list of widths
row_values <- list() # A list to hold cell values for one row
row_widths <- list() # A list to hold text widths for one row
max_length <- 1 # The maximum number of splits of a cell in that row
fnt <- "mono"
if (tolower(font) == "arial")
fnt <- "sans"
else if (tolower(font) == "times")
fnt <- "serif"
par(family = fnt, ps = font_size)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
for (nm in names(x)) {
nch <- 1
res <- list(widths = 0)
if (any(typeof(x[[nm]]) == "character") &
!is.control(nm) ) {
if ("..blank" %in% names(x) && x[[i, "..blank"]] == "B") {
cell <- ""
} else if ("..blank" %in% names(x) && x[[i, "..blank"]] == "L") {
if (output_type %in% c("HTML", "DOCX")) {
res <- split_string_html(x[[i, nm]], sum(col_widths), units)
cell <- res$html
} else if (output_type == "RTF") {
res <- split_string_rtf(x[[i, nm]], sum(col_widths), units, font)
cell <- res$rtf
} else if (output_type == "PDF") {
res <- split_string_text(x[[i, nm]], sum(col_widths), units)
cell <- paste0(res$text, collapse = "\n")
} else {
if (output_type %in% c("HTML", "DOCX")) {
res <- split_string_html(x[[i, nm]], col_widths[[nm]], units, nm, char_width)
cell <- res$html
} else if (output_type == "RTF") {
res <- split_string_rtf(x[[i, nm]], col_widths[[nm]], units, font, nm, char_width)
cell <- res$rtf
} else if (output_type == "PDF") {
res <- split_string_text(x[[i, nm]], col_widths[[nm]], units, nm, char_width)
cell <- paste0(res$text, collapse = "\n")
nch <- res$lines
} else {
cell <- x[i, nm]
# print(paste("cell: ", cell))
if (identical(cell, character(0)))
cell <- ""
# print(nch)
# print(cell)
# print(max_length)
if (nch > max_length)
max_length <- nch
row_values[[length(row_values) + 1]] <- cell
if (is.null(res$widths))
row_widths[[length(row_widths) + 1]] <- 0
row_widths[[length(row_widths) + 1]] <- res$widths
# print(paste("Row:", row_values))
# print(names(x))
names(row_values) <- names(x)
names(row_widths) <- names(x)
row_values$..row <- max_length
wdths[[length(wdths) + 1]] <- row_widths
if (is.null(dat)) {
dat <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
check.names = FALSE)
} else {
# names(dat)
# names(row_values)
dat <- rbind(dat, row_values)
max_length <- 1
row_values <- list()
row_widths <- list()
rownames(dat) <- NULL
# # Reset names
# if ("..row" %in% names(x))
# names(dat) <- c(names(x))
# else
# names(dat) <- c(names(x), "..row")
ret <- list(data = dat,
widths = wdths)
#' Given a jagged set of vectors, align to the longest by filling with
#' empty strings
#' @param x A list of vectors of varying lengths
#' @param len The length of the longest vector
#' @return A data frame with the number of rows equal to len. Missing cell
#' values are filled with empty strings.
#' @noRd
align_cells <- function(x, len) {
ret <- list()
for(nm in names(x)) {
t <- len - length(x[[nm]])
if (t > 0) {
if (nm == "..blank") {
if ([[nm]]))
v <- c(rep(NA, t))
v <- c(rep(x[[nm]], t))
} else if (any(typeof(x[[nm]]) == "character"))
v <- c(rep("", t))
v <- c(rep(NA, t))
ret[[nm]] <- c(x[[nm]], v)
} else {
ret[[nm]] <- x[[nm]]
names(ret) <- names(x)
ret <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' For any remaining non-character columns, convert to character and
#' clear the missing values.
#' @noRd
clear_missing <- function(x, missing_val) {
for (nm in names(x)) {
if (!is.control(nm)) {
if (typeof(x[[nm]]) != "character")
x[[nm]] <- as.character(x[[nm]])
x[[nm]] <- ifelse([[nm]]), missing_val, x[[nm]])
#' Push string values down to lowest row in data frame
#' @noRd
push_down <- function(x) {
tot <- nrow(x)
for (nm in names(x)) {
tmp <- x[[nm]][x[[nm]] != ""]
x[[nm]] <- c(rep("", tot - length(tmp)), tmp)
#' @description Dedupe requested columns
#' @details This function is performed in the page splitting routine
#' so that groups which span multiple pages retain a label at the top
#' of the page.
#' @import common
#' @noRd
dedupe_pages <- function(pgs, defs) {
ret <- list()
for (dat in pgs) {
nms <- names(dat)
for (def in defs) {
if (def$dedupe) {
if(def$var_c %in% nms) {
# Convert to character if necessary
if (all(dat[[def$var_c]] != "character"))
dat[[def$var_c]] <- as.character(dat[[def$var_c]])
# Fill with blanks as appropriate
w <- min(nchar(dat[[def$var_c]])) # Take min to exclude label row
v <- paste0(rep(" ", times = w), collapse = "")
if (length(dat[[def$var_c]]) > 1) {
dat[[def$var_c]] <- ifelse(changed(dat[[def$var_c]]),
dat[[def$var_c]], v)
# dat[[def$var_c]] <- ifelse(!duplicated(dat[[def$var_c]]),
# dat[[def$var_c]], v)
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- dat
clear_formats <- function(x) {
for (nm in names(x)) {
attr(x[[nm]], "format") <- NULL
quote_names <- function(x) {
if (typeof(substitute(x, env = environment())) == "language")
v <- substitute(x, env = environment())
v <- substitute(list(x), env = environment())
vars <- c()
if (length(v) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(v)) {
vars[[length(vars) + 1]] <- as.character(v[[i]])
ret <- unlist(vars)
set_column_defaults <- function(ts, keys) {
ret <- ts$col_defs
dflts <- ts$col_dflts
if (!is.null(dflts)) {
for (i in seq_along(dflts)) {
# A vector of columns names for the defaults
v <- c()
# An individual default
dflt <- dflts[[i]]
# Need to get vector of column names whether it is
# passed to the default as a vector or a range
if (!is.null(dflt$vars))
v <- dflt$vars
else if (!is.null(dflt$from) & !is.null(dflt$to)) {
startpos <- which(keys == dflt$from)
endpos <- which(keys == dflt$to)
if (startpos > endpos) {
stop(paste("'from' and 'to' parameters on column_defaults",
"must be specified from left to right"))
# Get vector of column names from range
v <- keys[seq(from = startpos, to = endpos)]
} else
v <- keys[!is.controlv(keys)]
for (nm in v) {
# if definition doesn't exist, create it
if (nm %in% names(ret))
def <- ret[[nm]]
def <- define_c(nm)
if (is.null(def$width))
def$width <- dflt$width
if (is.null(def$align))
def$align <- dflt$align
# Have to deal with $ partial matching
if (is.null(def[["label"]]))
def[["label"]] <- dflt[["label"]]
if (is.null(def$format))
def$format <- dflt$format
if (is.null(def$label_align))
def$label_align <- dflt$label_align
if (is.null(def$n))
def$n <- dflt$n
if (is.null(def$style))
def$style <- dflt$style
ret[[nm]] <- def
# Create a list of style specs for all columns that have styles assigned.
get_styles <- function(ts) {
ret <- list()
if (!is.null(ts$col_defs)) {
for (def in ts$col_defs) {
if (!is.null(def$style)) {
if (!is.null(def$style$indicator)) {
icol <- ts$col_defs[[def$style$indicator]]
if (!is.null(icol)) {
if (icol$visible == FALSE) {
def$style$indicator <- paste0("..x.", def$style$indicator)
ret[[def$var_c]] <- def$style
if (!is.null(ts$stub$style)) {
if (!"stub" %in% names(styles)) {
if (!is.null(ts$stub$style$indicator)) {
icol <- ts$col_defs[[ts$stub$style$indicator]]
if (!is.null(icol)) {
if (icol$visible == FALSE) {
ts$stub$style$indicator <- paste0("..x.", ts$stub$style$indicator)
ret[["stub"]] <- ts$stub$style
#' @noRd
getExtension <- function(file){
ex <- strsplit(basename(file), split="\\.")[[1]]
#' @noRd
log_logr <- function(x) {
if (length(find.package('logr', quiet=TRUE)) > 0) {
if (utils::packageVersion("logr") >= "1.2.0") {
#' @noRd
has_bottom_footnotes <- function(rs) {
ret <- FALSE
if (!is.null(rs$footnotes)) {
for (ftn in rs$footnotes) {
if (ftn$valign == "bottom") {
ret <- TRUE
#' @noRd
has_top_footnotes <- function(rs) {
ret <- FALSE
if (!is.null(rs$footnotes)) {
for (ftn in rs$footnotes) {
if (ftn$valign == "top") {
ret <- TRUE
#' @description Translate border spec to a vector of border positions
#' @noRd
get_outer_borders <- function(brdr_spec) {
ret <- c()
if (any(brdr_spec == "none")) {
ret <- c()
} else {
if (any(brdr_spec == "outside") | any(brdr_spec == "all")) {
ret <- append(ret, c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"))
} else {
if (any(brdr_spec == "top"))
ret <- append(ret, "top")
if (any(brdr_spec == "bottom"))
ret <- append(ret, "bottom")
if (any(brdr_spec == "left"))
ret <- append(ret, "left")
if (any(brdr_spec == "right"))
ret <- append(ret, "right")
#' @noRd
has_page_footer <- function(rs) {
ret <- FALSE
if (!is.null(rs$page_footer_left)) {
ret <- TRUE
if (!is.null(rs$page_footer_right)) {
ret <- TRUE
if (!is.null(rs$page_footer_center)) {
ret <- TRUE
get_spanning_info <- function(rs, ts, pi, widths, gutter = 1) {
spns <- ts$col_spans
cols <- pi$keys
cols <- cols[!is.controlv(cols)]
w <- widths
w <- w[cols]
# print("Cols:")
# print(cols)
# Figure out how many levels there are,
# and organize spans by level
lvls <- c() # Unique levels
slvl <- list() # Will be a list of lists of spans
for (spn in spns) {
if (!spn$level %in% lvls) {
lvls[length(lvls) + 1] <- spn$level
slvl[[spn$level]] <- list()
slvl[[spn$level]][[length(slvl[[spn$level]]) + 1]] <- spn
# Get unique levels and sort in decreasing order so we go from top down
lvls <- sort(unique(lvls), decreasing = TRUE)
# print("Levels:")
# print(lvls)
# print("Spanning levels:")
# print(slvl)
# Create data structure to map spans to columns and columns widths by level
# - Seed span_num with negative index numbers to identify unspanned columns
# - Also add gutter to each column width for the space between columns
d <- data.frame(colname = cols, colwidth = w + gutter,
span_num = seq(from = -1, to = -length(cols), by = -1),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
wlvl <- list() # Create one data structure for each level
for (l in lvls) {
t <- d # Copy to temporary variable
# print(t)
# print(slvl)
col_span <- c()
# if column is in spanning column list, populate structure with index.
# Otherwise, leave as negative value.
for (i in 1:length(slvl[[l]])) {
cl <- slvl[[l]][[i]]$span_cols
# Span specifications can be a vector of column names or numbers
if (typeof(cl) == "character")
t$span_num <- ifelse(t$colname %in% cl, i, t$span_num)
t$span_num <- ifelse(t$colname %in% cols[cl], i, t$span_num)
col_span[i] <- length(cl)
# Aggregate data structures to get span widths for each span
s <- aggregate(x = list(width = t$colwidth), by = list(span = t$span_num), FUN = sum)
# Then put back in original column order
s$span <- factor(s$span, levels = unique(t$span_num))
s <- s[order(s$span), ]
rownames(s) <- NULL
# Prep data structure
s$span <- unique(t$span_num)
s$label <- ""
s$align <- ""
s$n <- NA
s$name <- ""
s$underline <- TRUE
s$col_span <- 1
s$bold <- FALSE
# Populate data structure with labels, alignments, and n values from
# spanning column objects
counter <- 1
for (index in s$span) {
if (index > 0) {
s$label[counter] <- slvl[[l]][[index]]["label"]
s$align[counter] <- slvl[[l]][[index]]$label_align
s$underline[counter] <- slvl[[l]][[index]]$underline
s$bold[counter] <- slvl[[l]][[index]]$bold
if (!is.null(slvl[[l]][[index]]$n))
s$n[counter] <- slvl[[l]][[index]]$n
s$name[counter] <- paste0("Span", counter)
if (index > 0) {
if (![index]))
s$col_span[counter] <- col_span[index]
counter <- counter + 1
# Apply n counts to labels
if (!is.null(ts$n_format)) {
s$label <- ifelse($n), s$label, paste0(s$label, ts$n_format(s$n)))
wlvl[[l]] <- s
#' @import stringi
apply_widths <- function(dat, wdths, algns) {
w <- wdths[!is.controlv(names(wdths))]
ret <- dat
for (nm in names(ret)) {
if (!is.control(nm)) {
cw <- wdths[[nm]]
# If column width is miscalculated, fix it.
if ("..blank" %in% names(dat)) {
mxw <- max(ifelse(ret[["..blank"]] == "L", 0, nchar(ret[[nm]])), na.rm = TRUE)
if (mxw > cw)
cw <- mxw
if (algns[nm] == "left") {
ret[[nm]] <- stri_pad_right(ret[[nm]], cw)
} else if (algns[nm] == "right") {
ret[[nm]] <- stri_pad_left(ret[[nm]], cw)
} else if (algns[nm] == "center") {
ret[[nm]] <- stri_pad_both(ret[[nm]], cw)
# Clear out label rows
ret[[nm]] <- clear_labels(ret[[nm]], ret[["..blank"]], sum(w))
if (any(class(ret[[nm]]) == "factor"))
ret[[nm]] <- as.character(ret[[nm]])
#' @import stringi
clear_labels <- Vectorize(function(vect, bvect, tw) {
ret <- vect
if (bvect == "L") {
if (trimws(vect) == "") {
ret <- ""
} else {
ret <- stri_pad_right(vect, tw)
# Sizing utilities --------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
get_content_size <- function(rs) {
# Assume landscape
pg_h <- rs$page_size[1]
pg_w <- rs$page_size[2]
# Change to portrait
if(rs$orientation == "portrait") {
pg_w <- rs$page_size[1]
pg_h <- rs$page_size[2]
# Calculate available space for page body
ret <- c(height = pg_h - rs$margin_top - rs$margin_bottom ,
width = pg_w - rs$margin_right - rs$margin_left)
#' @noRd
ccm <- function(x) {
return(2.54 * x)
#' @noRd
cin <- function(x) {
return(x / 2.54)
units_html <- function(u) {
ret <- u
if (ret == "inches")
ret <- "in"
# RTF Functions -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Estimate number of wraps based on text, width, and a font.
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
get_lines_rtf <- function(txt, width, font, font_size = 10, units = "inches") {
f <- "mono"
if (tolower(font) == "arial")
f <- "sans"
else if (tolower(font) == "times")
f <- "serif"
names(width) <- NULL
lns <- unlist(stri_split_fixed(txt, "\n"))
val <- get_text_width(lns, units = units,
font = font, font_size = font_size) * .975/width
# print(val)
ret <- sum(ceiling(val))
#' @description Estimate number of wraps based on text, width, and a font.
#' @import graphics
#' @noRd
get_text_width <- function(txt, font, font_size = 10, units = "inches",
multiplier = .975) {
f <- "mono"
if (tolower(font) == "arial")
f <- "sans"
else if (tolower(font) == "times")
f <- "serif"
un <- "inches"
#R.devices::devEval("nulldev", {
par(family = f, ps = font_size)
if (length(txt) > 0) {
#ret <- suppressWarnings(strwidth(txt, units = un)) * multiplier
ret <- strwdth(txt, un) * multiplier
} else {
ret <- 0
if (units == "cm")
ret <- ccm(ret)
# PDF Functions -----------------------------------------------------------
# Convert units to points for PDF x/y placement
cpoints <- function(vals, units) {
if (units == "inches")
ret <- round(vals * 72, 3)
else if (units == "cm")
ret <- round((vals / 2.54) * 72, 3)
names(ret) <- NULL
get_points_left <- function(left_bound, right_bound, widths, units) {
# Three points added to the left function to prevent text from touching borders
ret <- cpoints(rep(left_bound, length(widths)), units) + 3
names(ret) <- NULL
get_points_right <- function(left_bound, right_bound, widths, units) {
ret <- cpoints(right_bound - widths, units)
names(ret) <- NULL
get_points_center <- function(left_bound, right_bound, widths, units) {
# One point added to the center function to prevent text from touching borders
# and center the text more accurately.
ret <- cpoints(left_bound + ((right_bound - left_bound)/ 2) - (widths/ 2), units) + 1
names(ret) <- NULL
get_points <- function(left_bound, right_bound, widths, units, align) {
ret <- NULL
if (tolower(align) == "left")
ret <- get_points_left(left_bound, right_bound, widths, units)
else if (tolower(align) == "right")
ret <- get_points_right(left_bound, right_bound, widths, units)
else if (tolower(align) %in% c("center", "centre"))
ret <- get_points_center(left_bound, right_bound, widths, units)
gluev <- function(str) {
ret <- str
if (!is.null(ret)) {
if (!all( {
if (typeof(ret) == "character") {
ret <- glueint(str)
#' @import glue
glueint <- Vectorize(function(str) {
ret <- glue(str, .trim = FALSE)
#' @noRd
has_glue <- function() {
ret <- TRUE
opts <- options("reporter.glue")[[1]]
if (!is.null(opts)) {
if (opts == FALSE) {
ret <- FALSE
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