# The page template is everything except the content: page header/footer,
# titles, footnotes, etc.
# Page Template HTML Functions ---------------------------------------------
#' Create a page template with header, titles, footnotes, and footer.
#' @param rs The report spec
#' @return The page template object
#' @noRd
page_template_html <- function(rs) {
pt <- structure(list(), class = c("page_template_html", "list"))
pt$page_header <- get_page_header_html(rs)
pt$title_hdr <- get_title_header_html(rs$title_hdr, rs$line_size, rs)
pt$titles <- get_titles_html(rs$titles, rs$line_size, rs)
pt$footnotes <- c()
if (!is.null(rs$footnotes)) {
if (!is.null(rs$footnotes[[1]])) {
if (rs$footnotes[[1]]$valign == "bottom")
pt$footnotes <- get_footnotes_html(rs$footnotes, rs$line_size, rs)
pt$page_footer <- get_page_footer_html(rs)
pt$lines <- sum(pt$page_header$lines, pt$page_footer$lines,
pt$title_hdr$lines, pt$titles$lines, pt$footnotes$lines)
# Page by not here. Messes up line counts.
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_page_header_html <- function(rs) {
ret <- ""
cnt <- 0
hl <- rs$page_header_left
hr <- rs$page_header_right
maxh <- max(length(hl), length(hr))
# User controlled width of left column
lwdth <- rs$page_header_width
if (is.null(lwdth))
lwdth <- rs$content_size[["width"]]/2
# Calculate right column width
rwdth <- rs$content_size[["width"]] - lwdth
lpct <- round(lwdth / rs$content_size[["width"]] * 100)
rpct <- round(rwdth / rs$content_size[["width"]] * 100)
u <- rs$units
if (rs$units == "inches")
u <- "in"
if (maxh > 0) {
ret <- paste0("<table ",
"<colgroup>\n<col style=\"width:", lpct, "%\">\n",
"<col style=\"width:", rpct,"%\">\n</colgroup>\n")
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
for (i in seq(1, maxh)) {
ret <- paste0(ret, "<tr>")
if (length(hl) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp <- split_string_html(hl[[i]], lwdth, rs$units)
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:left\">", encodeHTML(tmp$html),
lcnt <- tmp$lines
} else {
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:left\"> </td>\n")
lcnt <- 1
if (length(hr) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp2 <- split_string_html(hr[[i]], rwdth, rs$units)
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:right\">", encodeHTML(tmp2$html),
rcnt <- tmp2$lines
} else {
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:right\"> </td></tr>\n")
rcnt <- 1
if (lcnt > rcnt)
cnt <- cnt + lcnt
cnt <- cnt + rcnt
ret <- paste0(ret, "</table>")
if (rs$page_header_blank_row == "below") {
ret <- paste0(ret, "<br>")
cnt <- cnt + 1
res <- list(html = ret, lines = cnt)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_page_footer_html <- function(rs) {
ret <- ""
cnt <- 1
fl <- rs$page_footer_left
fc <- rs$page_footer_center
fr <- rs$page_footer_right
maxf <- max(length(fl), length(fc), length(fr))
if (maxf > 0) {
ret <- paste0("<br>\n<table ",
"<colgroup>\n<col style=\"width:33.3%\">\n",
"<col style=\"width:33.3%\">\n",
"<col style=\"width:33.3%\">\n</colgroup>\n")
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
for (i in seq(1, maxf)) {
ret <- paste0(ret, "<tr>")
if (length(fl) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp1 <- split_string_html(fl[[i]], rs$content_size[["width"]]/3, rs$units)
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:left\">", encodeHTML(tmp1$html),
lcnt <- tmp1$lines
} else {
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:left\"> </td>")
lcnt <- 1
if (length(fc) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp2 <- split_string_html(fc[[i]], rs$content_size[["width"]]/3, rs$units)
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:center\">", encodeHTML(tmp2$html),
ccnt <- tmp2$lines
} else {
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:center\"> </td>")
ccnt <- 1
if (length(fr) >= i) {
tmp3 <- split_string_html(fr[[i]], rs$content_size[["width"]]/3, rs$units)
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:right\">", encodeHTML(tmp3$html),
rcnt <- tmp3$lines
} else {
ret <- paste0(ret, "<td style=\"text-align:right\"> </td>")
rcnt <- 1
cnt <- cnt + max(lcnt, ccnt, rcnt)
ret <- paste0(ret, "</tr>\n")
ret <- paste0(ret, "</table>\n")
res <- list(html = paste0(ret, collapse = ""),
lines = cnt)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_titles_html <- function(ttllst, content_width, rs, talgn = "center") {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
# ta <- "align=\"left\" "
# if (talgn == "right")
# ta <- "align=\"right\" "
# else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre"))
# ta <- "align=\"center\" "
sty <- paste0(get_style_html(rs, "title_font_color"),
get_style_html(rs, "title_background"),
get_style_html(rs, "title_font_bold"),
get_style_html(rs, "title_font_size"))
u <- rs$units
if (rs$units == "inches")
u <- "in"
if (length(ttllst) > 0) {
for (ttls in ttllst) {
cols <- ttls$columns
if (ttls$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ttls$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ttls$width))
width <- ttls$width
w <- round(width, 3)
cwidth <- width / cols
cw <- w / cols
if (ttls$align %in% c("centre", "center"))
algn <- "text-align: center;"
else if (ttls$align == "right")
algn <- "text-align: right;"
algn <- "text-align: left;"
alcnt <- 0
blcnt <- 0
# Open device context
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste0("<table ",
"style=\"width:", w, u, ";",
al <- ""
if (any(ttls$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
alcnt <- 1
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(1, 1, length(ttls$titles) + alcnt,
1, ttls$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
if (tb == "")
al <- paste0("<tr><td colspan=\"", cols, "\"> </td></tr>\n")
al <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb, "\" colspan=\"", cols,
"\"> </td></tr>\n")
# Can append now, since it is first
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- al
cnt <- cnt + 1
bl <- ""
if (any(ttls$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
blcnt <- 1
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(length(ttls$titles) + alcnt + blcnt, 1,
length(ttls$titles) + alcnt + blcnt,
1, ttls$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
if (tb == "")
bl <- paste0("<tr><td colspan=\"", cols, "\"> </td></tr>\n")
bl <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb, "\" colspan=\"", cols,
"\"> </td></tr>\n")
# Wait to append until after title rows
cnt <- cnt + 1
i <- 1
while (i <= length(ttls$titles)) {
# Calculate current row
rwnum <- ceiling(i / cols)
mxlns <- 0
rw <- "<tr>"
for (j in seq_len(cols)) {
b <- get_cell_borders_html(rwnum + alcnt, j,
length(ttls$titles) + alcnt + blcnt,
cols, ttls$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
# Not all cells have titles
if (i > length(ttls$titles))
vl <- ""
vl <- ttls$titles[[i]]
# Deal with column alignments
if (cols == 1) {
calgn <- algn
} else if (cols == 2) {
if (j == 1)
calgn <- "text-align: left;"
calgn <- "text-align: right;"
} else if (cols == 3) {
if (j == 1)
calgn <- "text-align: left;"
else if (j == 2)
calgn <- "text-align: center;"
else if (j == 3)
calgn <- "text-align: right;"
cws <- paste0("width:", cw, u, ";")
valgn <- "vertical-align:text-top;"
# Split title strings if they exceed width
tmp <- split_string_html(vl, cwidth, rs$units)
# Track max lines for counting
if (tmp$lines > mxlns)
mxlns <- tmp$lines
if (ttls$bold)
tstr <- paste0("<b>", encodeHTML(tmp$html), "</b>")
tstr <- encodeHTML(tmp$html)
fz <- ""
if (!is.null(ttls$font_size)){
fz <- paste0("font-size:", ttls$font_size, "pt;")
# Concatenate title string
rw <- paste0(rw, paste0("<td style=\"", cws, b, fz, calgn, valgn, "\">",
tstr, "</td>\n"))
i <- i + 1
ret <- append(ret, paste0(rw, "</tr>\n"))
# Keep track of lines
cnt <- cnt + mxlns
# A flag to indicate that this block has bottom borders.
# Used to eliminate border duplication on subsequent blocks.
if ("bottom" %in% get_outer_borders(ttls$borders))
border_flag <- TRUE
# Append blank row at bottom
if (bl != "")
ret <- append(ret, bl)
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- "</table>"
res <- list(html = paste0(ret, collapse = ""),
lines = cnt,
border_flag = border_flag)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_titles_html_back <- function(ttllst, content_width, rs, talgn = "center") {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
# ta <- "align=\"left\" "
# if (talgn == "right")
# ta <- "align=\"right\" "
# else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre"))
# ta <- "align=\"center\" "
sty <- paste0(get_style_html(rs, "title_font_color"),
get_style_html(rs, "title_background"),
get_style_html(rs, "title_font_bold"),
get_style_html(rs, "title_font_size"))
u <- rs$units
if (rs$units == "inches")
u <- "in"
if (length(ttllst) > 0) {
for (ttls in ttllst) {
if (ttls$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ttls$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ttls$width))
width <- ttls$width
w <- round(width, 3)
if (ttls$align %in% c("centre", "center"))
algn <- "text-align: center;"
else if (ttls$align == "right")
algn <- "text-align: right;"
algn <- "text-align: left;"
alcnt <- 0
blcnt <- 0
# Open device context
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste0("<table ",
"style=\"width:", w, u, ";",
algn, sty,
for (i in seq_along(ttls$titles)) {
al <- ""
if (i == 1) {
if (any(ttls$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
alcnt <- 1
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(i, 1, length(ttls$titles) + alcnt,
1, ttls$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
if (tb == "")
al <- "<tr><td> </td></tr>\n"
al <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb, "\"> </td></tr>\n")
cnt <- cnt + 1
bl <- ""
if (i == length(ttls$titles)) {
if (any(ttls$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
blcnt <- 1
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(i + alcnt + blcnt, 1,
length(ttls$titles) + alcnt + blcnt,
1, ttls$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
if (tb == "")
bl <- "<tr><td> </td></tr>\n"
bl <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb, "\"> </td></tr>\n")
cnt <- cnt + 1
b <- get_cell_borders_html(i + alcnt, 1,
length(ttls$titles) + alcnt + blcnt,
1, ttls$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
# Split title strings if they exceed width
tmp <- split_string_html(ttls$titles[[i]], width, rs$units)
if (ttls$bold)
tstr <- paste0("<b>", encodeHTML(tmp$html), "</b>")
tstr <- encodeHTML(tmp$html)
fz <- ""
if (!is.null(ttls$font_size)){
fz <- paste0("font-size:", ttls$font_size, "pt;")
# Concatenate title string
if (al != "")
ret <- append(ret, al)
if (b == "" & fz == "") {
ret <- append(ret, paste0("<tr><td>", tstr,
} else {
ret <- append(ret, paste0("<tr><td style=\"", b, fz, "\">",
if (bl != "")
ret <- append(ret, bl)
cnt <- cnt + tmp$lines
# A flag to indicate that this block has bottom borders.
# Used to eliminate border duplication on subsequent blocks.
if ("bottom" %in% get_outer_borders(ttls$borders))
border_flag <- TRUE
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- "</table>"
res <- list(html = paste0(ret, collapse = ""),
lines = cnt,
border_flag = border_flag)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_footnotes_html <- function(ftnlst, content_width, rs, talgn = "center",
ex_brdr = FALSE) {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
exclude_top <- NULL
if (ex_brdr)
exclude_top <- "top"
u <- rs$units
if (rs$units == "inches")
u <- "in"
sty <- paste0(get_style_html(rs, "footnote_font_color"),
get_style_html(rs, "footnote_background"),
get_style_html(rs, "footnote_font_bold"))
if (length(ftnlst) > 0) {
for (ftnts in ftnlst) {
cols <- ftnts$columns
if (ftnts$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ftnts$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ftnts$width))
width <- ftnts$width
w <- round(width, 3)
cwidth <- width / cols
cw <- w / cols
if (ftnts$align %in% c("centre", "center"))
algn <- "text-align: center;"
else if (ftnts$align == "right")
algn <- "text-align: right;"
algn <- "text-align: left;"
alcnt <- 0
blcnt <- 0
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste0("<table ",
"style=\"width:", w, u, ";",
algn, sty,
al <- ""
if (any(ftnts$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
alcnt <- 1
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(1, 1, length(ftnts$footnotes) + alcnt,
1, ftnts$borders, exclude = exclude_top,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
if (tb == "")
al <- paste0("<tr><td colspan=\"", cols, "\"> </td></tr>\n")
al <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb, "\" colspan=\"", cols,
"\"> </td></tr>\n")
# Can append now, since it is first
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- al
cnt <- cnt + 1
bl <- ""
if (any(ftnts$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
blcnt <- 1
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(length(ftnts$footnotes) + alcnt + blcnt, 1,
length(ftnts$footnotes) + alcnt + blcnt,
1, ftnts$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
if (tb == "")
bl <- paste0("<tr><td colspan=\"", cols, "\"> </td></tr>\n")
bl <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb, "\" colspan=\"", cols,
"\"> </td></tr>\n")
cnt <- cnt + 1
i <- 1
while (i <= length(ftnts$footnotes)) {
# Calculate current row
rwnum <- ceiling(i / cols)
mxlns <- 0
rw <- "<tr>"
for (j in seq_len(cols)) {
b <- get_cell_borders_html(rwnum + alcnt, j,
length(ftnts$footnotes) + alcnt + blcnt,
cols, ftnts$borders, exclude = exclude_top,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
# Not all cells have titles
if (i > length(ftnts$footnotes))
vl <- ""
vl <- ftnts$footnotes[[i]]
# Deal with column alignments
if (cols == 1) {
calgn <- algn
} else if (cols == 2) {
if (j == 1)
calgn <- "text-align: left;"
calgn <- "text-align: right;"
} else if (cols == 3) {
if (j == 1)
calgn <- "text-align: left;"
else if (j == 2)
calgn <- "text-align: center;"
else if (j == 3)
calgn <- "text-align: right;"
cws <- paste0("width:", cw, u, ";")
valgn <- "vertical-align:text-top;"
# Split footnote strings if they exceed width
tmp <- split_string_html(vl, cwidth, rs$units)
# Track max lines for counting
if (tmp$lines > mxlns)
mxlns <- tmp$lines
if (ftnts$italics)
txt <- paste0("<i>", encodeHTML(tmp$html), "</i>")
txt <- encodeHTML(tmp$html)
# if (b == "")
# ret <- append(ret, paste0("<tr><td>", txt,
# "</td></tr>\n"))
# else {
# ret <- append(ret, paste0("<tr><td style=\"", b, "\">",
# txt,
# "</td></tr>\n"))
# Concat tags and footnote content
rw <- paste0(rw, paste0("<td style=\"", cws, b, calgn, valgn, "\">",
txt, "</td>\n"))
i <- i + 1
ret <- append(ret, paste0(rw, "</tr>\n"))
# Keep track of lines
cnt <- cnt + mxlns
if (bl != "")
ret <- append(ret, bl)
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- "</table>"
res <- list(html = paste0(ret, collapse = ""),
lines = cnt)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_footnotes_html_back <- function(ftnlst, content_width, rs, talgn = "center",
ex_brdr = FALSE) {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
exclude_top <- NULL
if (ex_brdr)
exclude_top <- "top"
u <- rs$units
if (rs$units == "inches")
u <- "in"
sty <- paste0(get_style_html(rs, "footnote_font_color"),
get_style_html(rs, "footnote_background"),
get_style_html(rs, "footnote_font_bold"))
if (length(ftnlst) > 0) {
for (ftnts in ftnlst) {
if (ftnts$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ftnts$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ftnts$width))
width <- ftnts$width
w <- round(width, 3)
if (ftnts$align %in% c("centre", "center"))
algn <- "text-align: center;"
else if (ftnts$align == "right")
algn <- "text-align: right;"
algn <- "text-align: left;"
alcnt <- 0
blcnt <- 0
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste0("<table ",
"style=\"width:", w, u, ";",
algn, sty,
for (i in seq_along(ftnts$footnotes)) {
al <- ""
if (i == 1) {
if (any(ftnts$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
alcnt <- 1
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(i, 1, length(ftnts$footnotes) + alcnt,
1, ftnts$borders, exclude = exclude_top,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
if (tb == "")
al <- "<tr><td> </td></tr>\n"
al <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb, "\"> </td></tr>\n")
cnt <- cnt + 1
bl <- ""
if (i == length(ftnts$footnotes)) {
if (any(ftnts$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
blcnt <- 1
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(i + alcnt + blcnt, 1,
length(ftnts$footnotes) + alcnt + blcnt,
1, ftnts$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
if (tb == "")
bl <- "<tr><td> </td></tr>\n"
bl <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb, "\"> </td></tr>\n")
cnt <- cnt + 1
b <- get_cell_borders_html(i + alcnt, 1,
length(ftnts$footnotes) + alcnt + blcnt,
1, ftnts$borders, exclude = exclude_top,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
# Split footnote strings if they exceed width
tmp <- split_string_html(ftnts$footnotes[[i]], width, rs$units)
if (al != "")
ret <- append(ret, al)
if (ftnts$italics)
txt <- paste0("<i>", encodeHTML(tmp$html), "</i>")
txt <- encodeHTML(tmp$html)
if (b == "")
ret <- append(ret, paste0("<tr><td>", txt,
else {
ret <- append(ret, paste0("<tr><td style=\"", b, "\">",
if (bl != "")
ret <- append(ret, bl)
cnt <- cnt + tmp$lines
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- "</table>"
res <- list(html = paste0(ret, collapse = ""),
lines = cnt)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_title_header_html <- function(thdrlst, content_width, rs, talgn = "center") {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
u <- rs$units
if (rs$units == "inches")
u <- "in"
if (length(thdrlst) > 0) {
for (ttlhdr in thdrlst) {
if (ttlhdr$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ttlhdr$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ttlhdr$width))
width <- ttlhdr$width
w <- round(width, 3)
mx <- max(length(ttlhdr$titles), length(ttlhdr$right))
alcnt <- 0
blcnt <- 0
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste0("<table ",
"style=\"width:", w, u, ";",
"<colgroup><col style=\"width:70%;\">\n",
"<col style=\"width:30%;\"></colgroup>\n")
for(i in seq_len(mx)) {
al <- ""
if (i == 1) {
if (any(ttlhdr$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
alcnt <- 1
tb1 <- get_cell_borders_html(i, 1, mx + alcnt,
2, ttlhdr$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
tb2 <- get_cell_borders_html(i, 2, mx + alcnt,
2, ttlhdr$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
al <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"text-align:left;", tb1, "\"> </td>",
"<td style=\"text-align:right;", tb2,
"\"> </td></tr>\n")
cnt <- cnt + 1
bl <- ""
if (i == mx) {
if (any(ttlhdr$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
blcnt <- 1
tb1 <- get_cell_borders_html(i + alcnt + blcnt, 1,
mx + alcnt + blcnt,
2, ttlhdr$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
tb2 <- get_cell_borders_html(i + alcnt + blcnt, 2,
mx + alcnt + blcnt,
2, ttlhdr$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
bl <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"text-align:left;", tb1, "\"> </td>",
"<td style=\"text-align:right;", tb2,
"\"> </td></tr>\n")
cnt <- cnt + 1
if (length(ttlhdr$titles) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp1 <- split_string_html(ttlhdr$titles[[i]], width * .7, rs$units)
ttl <- tmp1$html
tcnt <- tmp1$lines
} else {
ttl <- ""
tcnt <- 1
if (length(ttlhdr$right) >= i) {
tmp2 <- split_string_html(ttlhdr$right[[i]],
width * .3, rs$units)
hdr <- get_page_numbers_html(tmp2$html, FALSE)
hdr <- tmp2$html
hcnt <- tmp2$lines
} else {
hdr <- ""
hcnt <- 1
b1 <- get_cell_borders_html(i + alcnt, 1, mx + alcnt + blcnt,
2, ttlhdr$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
b2 <- get_cell_borders_html(i + alcnt, 2, mx+ alcnt + blcnt,
2, ttlhdr$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
if (al != "")
ret <- append(ret, al)
ret <- append(ret, paste0("<tr><td style=\"text-align:left;", b1, "\">",
"</td><td style=\"text-align:right;", b2, "\">",
if (bl != "")
ret <- append(ret, bl)
if (tcnt > hcnt)
cnt <- cnt + tcnt
cnt <- cnt + hcnt
if ("bottom" %in% get_outer_borders(ttlhdr$borders))
border_flag <- TRUE
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- "</table>\n"
res <- list(html = paste0(ret, collapse = ""),
lines = cnt,
border_flag = border_flag)
#' Get page by text strings suitable for printing
#' @import stringi
#' @return A vector of strings
#' @noRd
get_page_by_html <- function(pgby, width, value, rs, talgn, ex_brdr = FALSE, pgby_cnt = NULL) {
if (is.null(width)) {
stop("width cannot be null.")
if (is.null(value))
value <- get_pgby_value(value, pgby_cnt)
ll <- width
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
exclude_top <- NULL
if (ex_brdr)
exclude_top <- "top"
if (!is.null(pgby)) {
if (!any(class(pgby) == "page_by"))
stop("pgby parameter value is not a page_by.")
w <- paste0("width:", round(width, 3), units_html(rs$units), ";")
if (pgby$align %in% c("centre", "center"))
algn <- "text-align: center;"
else if (pgby$align == "right")
algn <- "text-align: right;"
algn <- "text-align: left;"
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste0("<table style=\"", algn, w, "\">\n")
trows <- 1
brow <- 1
if (pgby$blank_row %in% c("above", "both")) {
trows <- trows + 1
brow <- 2
if (pgby$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))
trows <- trows + 1
if (pgby$blank_row %in% c("above", "both")) {
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(1, 1, trows, 1, pgby$borders,
exclude = exclude_top,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb,
"\"> </td></tr>\n")
cnt <- cnt + 1
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(brow, 1 , trows, 1, pgby$borders,
exclude = exclude_top,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
# Account for multiple pgby lines
tmp <- split_string_html(value, width, rs$units)
vl <- tmp$html
cnt <- cnt + tmp$lines
# Construct HTML for page by
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb, "\">",
pgby$label, encodeHTML(vl), "</td></tr>\n")
#cnt <- cnt + 1
if (pgby$blank_row %in% c("below", "both")) {
tb <- get_cell_borders_html(trows, 1, trows, 1, pgby$borders,
border_color = get_style(rs, "border_color"))
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste0("<tr><td style=\"", tb,
"\"> </td></tr>\n")
cnt <- cnt + 1
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- "</table>"
if ("bottom" %in% get_outer_borders(pgby$borders))
border_flag <- TRUE
res <- list(html = paste0(ret, collapse = ""),
lines = cnt,
border_flag = border_flag)
# Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Return border code for a particular cell. Idea is
#' you pass in the size of the table and the particular cell position,
#' and this function will return the correct border codes. System works
#' great.
#' @noRd
get_cell_borders_html <- function(row, col, nrow, ncol, brdrs,
flag = "", exclude = NULL,
border_color = "",
stub_flag = FALSE) {
t <- ""
b <- ""
l <- ""
r <- ""
if (border_color == "")
border_color <- "black"
if ("all" %in% brdrs) {
t <- paste0("border-top:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
b <- paste0("border-bottom:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
l <- paste0("border-left:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
r <- paste0("border-right:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
if (row > 1)
t <- ""
if (col < ncol & stub_flag == FALSE)
r <- ""
} else {
if ("inside" %in% brdrs) {
t <- ""
b <- paste0("border-bottom:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
l <- paste0("border-left:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
r <- ""
if (col == 1)
l <- ""
if (col == ncol)
r <- ""
if (row == nrow)
b <- ""
if (row == 1)
t <- ""
if (row == 1 & any(brdrs %in% c("outside", "top")))
t <- paste0("border-top:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
if (row == nrow & any(brdrs %in% c("bottom", "outside")))
b <- paste0("border-bottom:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
if (col == 1 & any(brdrs %in% c("outside", "left")))
l <- paste0("border-left:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
if (col == ncol & any(brdrs %in% c("outside", "right")))
r <- paste0("border-right:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
# Deal with flag
# Flag is for special rows like blanks or labels
if (!is.null(flag)) {
if (flag %in% c("L", "B")) {
if (stub_flag == FALSE & col == 1 & any(brdrs %in% c("outside", "all", "right")))
r <- paste0("border-right:thin solid ", border_color, ";")
else if (col != ncol & stub_flag == FALSE)
r <- ""
if (col != 1)
l <- ""
if (!is.null(exclude)) {
if (any(exclude == "top"))
t <- ""
if (any(exclude == "bottom"))
b <- ""
if (any(exclude == "left"))
l <- ""
if (any(exclude == "right"))
r <- ""
ret <- paste0(t, b, l, r)
get_page_numbers_html <- function(val, tpg = TRUE) {
ret <- val
ret <- gsub("[pg]", "\\chpgn ", ret, fixed = TRUE)
if (tpg)
ret <- gsub("[tpg]", "{\\field{\\*\\fldinst NUMPAGES }}", ret, fixed = TRUE)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.