
Defines functions predictRisk.wglm iid.wglm information.wglm score.wglm print.wglm summary.wglm coef.wglm formula.wglm nobs.wglm wglm

Documented in iid.wglm information.wglm predictRisk.wglm score.wglm wglm

### wglm.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: sep  1 2020 (14:58) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: maj  2 2023 (09:44) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 381
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * wglm
#' @title Logistic Regression Using IPCW
#' @description Logistic regression over multiple timepoints
#' where right-censoring is handled using inverse probability of censoring weighting (IPCW). 
#' @param regressor.event [formula] a formula with empty left hand side and the covariates for the logistic regression on the right hand side.
#' @param formula.censor [formula] a formula used to fit the censoring model.
#' @param times [numeric vector] time points at which to model the probability of experiencing an event.
#' @param data [data.frame] dataset containing the time at which the event occured, the type of event, and regressors used to fit the censoring and logistic models.
#' @param cause [character or numeric] the cause of interest. Defaults to the first cause. 
#' @param fitter [character] routine to fit the Cox regression models.
#' @param product.limit [logical] if \code{TRUE} the survival is computed using the product limit estimator.
#' @details First, a Cox model is fitted (argument formula.censor)
#' and the censoring probabilities are computed relative to each timepoint (argument times) to obtain the censoring weights.
#' Then, for each timepoint, a logistic regression is fitted with the appropriate censoring weights
#' and where the outcome is the indicator of having experience the event of interest (argument cause) at or before the timepoint.
#' @return an object of class \code{"wglm"}.
#' @examples
#' library(survival)
#' set.seed(10)
#' n <- 250
#' tau <- 1:5
#' d <- sampleData(n, outcome = "competing.risks")
#' dFull <- d[event!=0] ## remove censoring
#' dSurv <- d[event!=2] ## remove competing risk
#' #### no censoring ####
#' e.wglm <- wglm(regressor.event = ~ X1, formula.censor = Surv(time,event==0) ~ 1,
#'                times = tau, data = dFull, product.limit = TRUE)
#' e.wglm ## same as a logistic regression
#' summary(ate(e.wglm, data = dFull, times = tau, treatment = "X1", verbose = FALSE))
#' #### right-censoring ####
#' ## no covariante in the censoring model (independent censoring)
#' eC.wglm <- wglm(regressor.event = ~ X1, formula.censor = Surv(time,event==0) ~ 1,
#'                times = tau, data = dSurv, product.limit = TRUE)
#' eC.wglm
#' ## with covariates in the censoring model
#' eC2.wglm <- wglm(regressor.event = ~ X1 + X8,
#'                 formula.censor = Surv(time,event==0) ~ X1*X8,
#'                  times = tau, data = dSurv)
#' eC2.wglm
#' #### Competing risks ####
#' ## here Kaplan-Meier as censoring model
#' eCR.wglm <- wglm(regressor.event = ~ X1,
#'                  formula.censor = Surv(time,event==0) ~ strata(X1),
#'                  times = tau, data = d, cause = 1, product.limit = TRUE)
#' eCR.wglm
#' @export
wglm <- function(regressor.event, formula.censor, times, data, cause = NA,
                 fitter = "coxph", product.limit = FALSE){
    tol <- 1e-12
    varSurv <- SurvResponseVar(formula.censor)
    newname <- paste0("XX_",varSurv$status,".",times,"_XX")
    obs.newname <- paste0("XX_observed.",times,"_XX")
    IPCW.newname <- paste0("XX_IPCW.",times,"_XX")
    n.times <- length(times)
    ## ** check arguments
    fitter <- match.arg(fitter,c("coxph","cph","phreg"))
    if(any(newname %in% names(data))){
        stop("Argument \'data\' should not have a column named \"",paste0(newname[newname %in% names(data)],collapse="\" \""),"\"\n",
             "This name is used internally \n.")
    if(any(obs.newname %in% names(data))){
        stop("Argument \'data\' should not have a column named \"",paste0(obs.newname[obs.newname %in% names(data)],collapse="\" \""),"\"\n",
             "This name is used internally \n.")
    if(any(IPCW.newname %in% names(data))){
        stop("Argument \'data\' should not have a column named \"",paste0(IPCW.newname[IPCW.newname %in% names(data)],collapse="\" \""),"\"\n",
             "This name is used internally \n.")
        warning("Argument \'data\' contains missing values. \n")

    ## ** fit censoring model
    object.censor <- do.call(fitter, list(formula = formula.censor, data = data, x=TRUE,y=TRUE))

    ## ** extract information
    recoverCensor <- object.censor$y[,"status"]
    recoverTime <- object.censor$y[,"time"]
    recoverStatus <- data[[varSurv$status]]
        cause <- sort(recoverStatus[recoverCensor!=1])[1]
    allCauses <- sort(unique(recoverStatus[recoverCensor!=1]))
    n.censor <- sapply(times, function(iTime){sum((recoverTime<iTime)*recoverCensor)})
    ## ** create glm object
    out <- list(fit = vector(mode = "list", length = n.times))
    for(iTime in 1:n.times){
        iFormula.glm <- update(regressor.event, paste0(newname[iTime],"~."))
        data[[newname[iTime]]] <- (data[[varSurv$status]]==cause)*(recoverTime<=times[iTime])
        data[[obs.newname[iTime]]] <- (1-(recoverCensor==1)*(recoverTime<times[iTime])) ## equivalent to status>0 or eventtime>=tau

            iPred <- predictRisk(object.censor, diag = TRUE, newdata = data, times = pmin(recoverTime, times[iTime]) - tol,
                                 type = "survival", product.limit = product.limit)
            data[[IPCW.newname[[iTime]]]] <- ifelse(data[[obs.newname[iTime]]],1/iPred[,1],0)
            out$fit[[iTime]] <- suppressWarnings(do.call(stats::glm, list(formula = iFormula.glm, family = stats::binomial(link = "logit"),
                                                                          data = data, weights = data[[IPCW.newname[[iTime]]]])))
            ## Warning message:
            ##             In eval(family$initialize) : non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!

            out$fit[[iTime]]$time.prior.weights <- pmin(recoverTime, times[iTime]) - tol
            out$fit[[iTime]]$prior.weights2 <- ifelse(data[[obs.newname[iTime]]],1/iPred[,1]^2,0)
            IPCW.newname[[iTime]] <- NA
            out$fit[[iTime]] <- do.call(stats::glm, list(formula = iFormula.glm,
                                                         family = stats::binomial(link = "logit"), data = data))

    ## ** export
    out$call <- match.call()
    out$formula <- update(as.formula(paste0(varSurv$status,"~.")),regressor.event)
    out$n <- NROW(data)
    out$n.censor <- n.censor
    out$cox <- object.censor
    out$data <- data
    out$var.outcome <- varSurv$status
    out$var.time <- varSurv$time
    out$name.IPCW <- IPCW.newname
    out$name.outcome <- newname
    out$times <- times
    out$theCause <- cause
    out$causes <- allCauses
    out$product.limit <- product.limit
    class(out) <- append("wglm",class(out))

## * nobs.wglm
#' @export
nobs.wglm <- function(object, ...){
## * formula.wglm
#' @export
formula.wglm <- function(x, ...){

## * coef.wglm
#' @export
coef.wglm <- function(object, times = NULL, simplifies = TRUE, ...){
        times <- object$times
        if(any(times %in% object$times == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'times\' \n",
                 "Should be one of \"",paste0(times,collapse="\" \""),"\" \n")
    n.times <- length(times)
    M.coef <- do.call(rbind,setNames(lapply(object$fit, coef),object$time))
    return(M.coef[object$times %in% times,,drop=simplifies])

## * summary.wglm
#' @export
summary.wglm <- function(object, print = TRUE, se = "robust", times = NULL, ...){

    se <- match.arg(se, c("robust","model-wknown","robust-wknown"))
        times <- object$times
        if(any(times %in% object$times == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'times\' \n",
                 "Should be one of \"",paste0(times,collapse="\" \""),"\" \n")
    n.times <- length(times)
    if(se == "robust"){
        object.iid <- lava::iid(object, simplifies = FALSE, times = times)
    }else if(se == "robust-wknown"){
        object.iid <- lapply(object$fit[match(times, object$times)],lava::iid)
    out <- setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = n.times), times)
            text.CR <- paste0("for cause ",object$theCause)
            text.CR <- ""
            text.IPCW <- "IPCW "
            text.IPCW <- ""
        cat("     ",text.IPCW,"logistic regression ",text.CR,": \n",sep="")
    for(iTime in 1:n.times){
        iTime2 <- which(object$times == times[iTime])
        suppressWarnings(out[[iTime]] <- summary(object$fit[[iTime2]])$coef)
        if(se %in% c("robust","robust-wknown")){
            out[[iTime]][,"Std. Error"] <- sqrt(diag(crossprod(object.iid[[iTime]])))
            out[[iTime]][,3] <- out[[iTime]][,"Estimate"]/out[[iTime]][,"Std. Error"] ## name change from z to t stat when using quasibinomial instead binomial
            out[[iTime]][,4] <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(out[[iTime]][,3])))
            cat("  - time: ",times[iTime],"\n",sep="")
                print(as.call(list(quote(glm),eval(object$fit[[iTime2]]$call$formula),family = quote(binomial(link="logit")), weights = eval(object$name.IPCW[[iTime2]]))))
                print(as.call(list(quote(glm),eval(object$fit[[iTime2]]$call$formula),family = quote(binomial(link="logit")))))


## * print.wglm
#' @export
print.wglm <- function(x, times = NULL, ...){
        times <- x$times
        if(any(times %in% x$times == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'times\' \n",
                 "Should be one of \"",paste0(times,collapse="\" \""),"\" \n")
    n.times <- length(times)
        text.CR <- paste0("for cause ",x$theCause)
        text.CR <- ""
        text.IPCW <- "IPCW "
        text.IPCW <- ""
    cat("     ",text.IPCW,"logistic regression ",text.CR,": \n",sep="")
    for(iTime in which(times %in% x$times)){
        iTime2 <- which(x$times == times[iTime])
            x$fit[[iTime2]]$call <- as.call(list(quote(glm),eval(x$fit[[iTime2]]$call$formula),family = quote(binomial(link="logit")), weights = eval(x$name.IPCW[[iTime2]])))
            x$fit[[iTime2]]$call <- as.call(list(quote(glm),eval(x$fit[[iTime2]]$call$formula),family = quote(binomial(link="logit"))))
        cat("  - time: ",times[iTime],"\n",sep="")

## * score.wglm
#' @title Score for IPCW Logistic Regressions
#' @description Compute the first derivative of the log-likelihood for IPCW logistic regressions.
#' @param x a wglm object.
#' @param indiv [logical] should the individual score be output? Otherwise the total score (i.e. summed over all individuals will be output).
#' @param times [numeric vector] time points at which the score should be output. 
#' @param simplifies [logical] should the ouput be converted to a matrix when only one timepoint is requested. Otherwise will always return a list.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @export
score.wglm <- function(x, indiv = FALSE, times = NULL, simplifies = TRUE, ...){
    if(inherits(x,"glm") && !inherits(x,"wglm")){
        x <- list(fit = list("1" = x),
                  times = "1")
        times <- "1"
    }else if(is.null(times)){
        times <- x$times
        if(any(times %in% x$times == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'times\' \n",
                 "Should be one of \"",paste0(times,collapse="\" \""),"\" \n")
    n.times <- length(times)

    out <- setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = n.times), times)
    for(iTime in 1:n.times){
        iTime2 <- which(x$times == times[iTime])
        iObject <- x$fit[[iTime2]]

        X <- stats::model.matrix(iObject)
        pi <- stats::predict(iObject, type = "response")
        Y <- iObject$y
        W <- iObject$prior.weights
        out[[iTime]] <- colMultiply_cpp(X, scale = W*(Y - pi))
        colnames(out[[iTime]]) <- colnames(X)
        if(indiv==FALSE){out[[iTime]] <- colSums(out[[iTime]])}

    if(n.times == 1 && simplifies){

## * information.wglm
#' @title Information for IPCW Logistic Regressions
#' @description Compute the information (i.e. opposit of the expectation of the second derivative of the log-likelihood) for IPCW logistic regressions.
#' @param x a wglm object.
#' @param times [numeric vector] time points at which the score should be output. 
#' @param simplifies [logical] should the ouput be converted to a matrix when only one timepoint is requested. Otherwise will always return a list.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @export
information.wglm <- function(x, times = NULL, simplifies = TRUE, ...){
    if(inherits(x,"glm") && !inherits(x,"wglm")){
        x <- list(fit = list("1" = x),
                  times = "1")
        times <- "1"
    }else if(is.null(times)){
        times <- x$times
        if(any(times %in% x$times == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'times\' \n",
                 "Should be one of \"",paste0(times,collapse="\" \""),"\" \n")
    n.times <- length(times)

    out <- setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = n.times), times)
    for(iTime in 1:n.times){
        iTime2 <- which(x$times == times[iTime])
        iObject <- x$fit[[iTime2]]

        X <- stats::model.matrix(iObject)
        pi <- stats::predict(iObject, type = "response")
        W <- iObject$prior.weights
        out[[iTime]] <- t(colMultiply_cpp(X, scale = W*pi*(1-pi))) %*% X
        rownames(out[[iTime]]) <- colnames(out[[iTime]])

    if(n.times == 1 && simplifies){


## * iid.wglm
#' @title IID for IPCW Logistic Regressions
#' @description Compute the decomposition in iid elements of the ML estimor of IPCW logistic regressions.
#' @param x a wglm object.
#' @param times [numeric vector] time points at which the iid should be output. 
#' @param simplifies [logical] should the ouput be converted to a matrix when only one timepoint is requested. Otherwise will always return a list.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @export
iid.wglm <- function(x, times = NULL, simplifies = TRUE, ...){
    if(inherits(x,"glm") && !inherits(x,"wglm")){
        x <- list(fit = list("1" = x),
                  times = "1",
                  n.censor = 0)
        times <- "1"
        class(x) <- append("wglm",class(x))
    }else if(is.null(times)){
        times <- x$times
        if(any(times %in% x$times == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'times\' \n",
                 "Should be one of \"",paste0(times,collapse="\" \""),"\" \n")
    n.times <- length(times)
    ls.score <- lava::score(x, times = times, simplifies = FALSE, indiv = TRUE)
    ls.info <- lava::information(x, times = times, simplifies = FALSE)

    out <- setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = n.times), times)
    for(iTime in 1:n.times){
        iTime2 <- which(x$times == times[iTime])
        iObject <- x$fit[[iTime2]]

        ## ** compute the uncertainty related to the weights
        ## S score, I information matrix, H hessian, X design matrix, Y outcome, \pi fitted probabilities
        ## \beta regresssion parameters (logit) \eta nuisance parameters (censoring)
        ## The estimating equation of \beta is
        ## S = 0 = sum_i W_i X_i (Y_i - \pi_i(\beta))
        ##       = n\int W(O,\Prob_n) X(O) (Y(O) - \pi(O,\beta(\Prob_n))) d\Prob_n(O)
        ## dS(\Prob_h)/dh =   n\int dW(O, \Prob_h)/dh X(O) (Y(O) - \pi(O,\beta(\Prob_h))) d\Prob_h(O)
        ##                  - n\int W(O, \eta(\Prob_h)) X(O) d\pi(O,\beta(\Prob_h))/dh d\Prob_h(O)
        ##                  + n\int W(O, \eta(\Prob_h)) X(O) (Y(O) - \pi(O,\beta(\Prob_h))) d(d\Prob_h(O)/dh)
        ## dS(\Prob_h)/dh =   n(\int dW(O,\Prob_h)/dh X(O) (Y(O) - \pi(O)) d\Prob_h(O))
        ##                  - n(\int W(0)) X(O) d\pi(0,\beta)/d\beta d\Prob_h(O)) * (d\beta(\Prob_h)/d\Prob_h)
        ##                  + n\int W(0) X(O) (Y(O) - \pi(O)) d(d\Prob_n(O)/dh)
        ## \Prob_h = (1-h)\Prob + h \delta_{O_i}
        ## dS(\Prob_h)/dh|h = 0 = n\int IF_{W_O}(O_i) X(O) (Y(O) - \pi(O)) d\Prob_h(O) 
        ##                        + dS/d\beta IF_\beta(O_i)
        ##                        + (-S + S_i) where S=0 (since it is at ML)
        ## IF_\beta(O_i) = (S_i + n\int IF_{W_O}(O_i) X(O) (Y(O) - \pi(O)) d\Prob_h(O)) / (-dS/d\beta)
        ##               = (S_i + n*AIF_{W,X*(Y-pi)}(O_i) / I
        ## NOTE: IF_{W_O}(O_i) = dW(O,\eta)/d\eta \IF_\eta(O_i)
            n.obs <- stats::nobs(iObject)
            W2 <- iObject$prior.weights2
            X <- stats::model.matrix(iObject)
            pi <- stats::predict(iObject, type = "response")
            Y <- iObject$y

            factor <- TRUE        
            attr(factor,"factor") <- lapply(apply(colMultiply_cpp(X, -W2*(Y - pi)), 2, list), function(iVec){cbind(iVec[[1]])})
            iPred <- predictRisk(x$cox, diag = TRUE, newdata = x$data, times = iObject$time.prior.weights,
                                 type = "survival", product.limit = FALSE, average.iid = factor, store.iid = "minimal")

        ## ** assemble uncertainty
        ## (S+dS/dW)/I
            out[[iTime]] <- (ls.score[[iTime]] + do.call(cbind,attr(iPred, "average.iid"))*NROW(x$data)) %*% solve(ls.info[[iTime]])
            out[[iTime]] <- ls.score[[iTime]] %*% solve(ls.info[[iTime]])
        ## ## WRONG VERSION
        ## factor1 <- colMultiply_cpp(X, (Y - pi)) %*% iVcov
        ## factor2 <- - ls.score[[iTime]] %*% crossprod(iVcov) %*% t(colMultiply_cpp(X, scale = -pi*(1-pi))) %*% X
        ## factor <- TRUE        
        ## attr(factor,"factor") <- lapply(apply(factor1 + factor2, 2, list), function(iVec){cbind(iVec[[1]])})
        ## iPred <- predictRisk(x$cox, diag = TRUE, newdata = x$data, times = iObject$time.prior.weights,
        ##                      type = "survival", product.limit = FALSE, average.iid = factor)
        ## out[[iTime]] <- out[[iTime]] - do.call(cbind,attr(iPred, "average.iid"))*NROW(x$data)

    ## ** export
    if(n.times == 1 && simplifies){

## * predictRisk.wglm
#' @rdname predictRisk
#' @method predictRisk wglm
#' @export
predictRisk.wglm <- function(object, newdata, times = NULL, 
                             product.limit = FALSE, diag = FALSE, iid = FALSE, average.iid = FALSE, ...){

    dots <- list(...)
    if(is.null(dots$e)){ ## hidden se argument
        se <- "robust"
        se <- match.arg(se, c("robust","robust-wknown"))

    ## ** extract information and normalize arguments
        times <- object$times
        if(any(times %in% object$times == FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'times\' \n",
                 "Should be one of \"",paste0(times,collapse="\" \""),"\" \n")
    n.times <- length(times)
    n.sample <- stats::nobs(object)
    n.newdata <- NROW(newdata)

            factor <- list(matrix(1, nrow = n.newdata, ncol = n.times))
            factor <- attr(average.iid, "factor")
                factor <- list(factor)
                stop("Attribute \'factor\' for argument \'average.iid\' must be a list \n")
            if(any(sapply(factor, is.matrix)==FALSE)){
                stop("Attribute \'factor\' for argument \'average.iid\' must be a list of matrices \n")
            for(iFactor in 1:length(factor)){ ## iFactor <- 1
                ## when only one column and diag = FALSE, use the same weights at all times
                if((diag == FALSE) && (NCOL(factor[[iFactor]])==1) && (n.times > 1)){
                    factor[[iFactor]] <- matrix(factor[[iFactor]][,1],
                                                nrow = NROW(factor[[iFactor]]),
                                                ncol = n.times, byrow = FALSE)
                ## check dimensions
                if(any(dim(factor[[iFactor]])!=c(n.newdata, diag + (1-diag)*n.times))){
                    stop("Attribute \"factor\" of argument \'average.iid\' must be a list of matrices of size ",n.newdata,",",diag + (1-diag)*n.times," \n")
        n.factor <- length(factor)

    ## hidden argument: enable to ask for the prediction of Y==1 or Y==0
    level <- list(...)$level

    ## ** prepare output
    out <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.newdata, ncol = n.times)
        attr(out,"iid") <- array(NA, dim = c(n.sample, n.times, n.newdata))
        attr(out,"average.iid") <- lapply(1:n.factor, function(x){matrix(NA, nrow = n.sample, ncol = n.times)})
            names(attr(out,"average.iid")) <- names(factor)

    if(iid || average.iid){
            object.iid <- lava::iid(object, simplifies = FALSE, times = times)
        }else if(se == "robust-wknown"){
            object.iid <- lapply(object$fit[match(times, object$times)],lava::iid)

    for(iTime in 1:n.times){
        iTime2 <- which(object$times == times[iTime])
        iObject <- object$fit[[iTime2]]
        iFormula <- stats::formula(iObject)
        ## ** identify correct level
            matching.Ylevel <- table(iObject$data[[all.vars(formula(iObject))[1]]],
            all.levels <- rownames(matching.Ylevel)
            level <- match.arg(level, all.levels)

            index.level <- which(matching.Ylevel[level,]>0)
            if(length(index.level) > 1){
                stop("Unknown value for the outcome variable \n")
            index.level <- 2

        ## ** point estimate
        if(index.level == 1){
            out[,iTime] <- 1-predict(iObject, type = "response", newdata = newdata, se = FALSE)
            out[,iTime] <- predict(iObject, type = "response", newdata = newdata, se = FALSE)
        ## ** uncertainty (chain rule)
        if(iid || average.iid){
            iid.beta <- object.iid[[iTime]]
            newX <- model.matrix(delete.response(terms(iFormula)), newdata)
            Xbeta <- predict(iObject, type = "link", newdata = newdata, se = FALSE)

                for(iFactor in 1:n.factor){
                    iE.X <- colMeans(colMultiply_cpp(newX, scale = factor[[iFactor]][,iTime] * exp(-Xbeta)/(1+exp(-Xbeta))^2))
                    if(index.level == 1){
                        attr(out,"average.iid")[[iFactor]][,iTime] <- -iid.beta %*% iE.X
                        attr(out,"average.iid")[[iFactor]][,iTime] <- iid.beta %*% iE.X
                if(index.level == 1){
                    attr(out,"iid")[,iTime,] <- -iid.beta %*% t(colMultiply_cpp(newX, scale = exp(-Xbeta)/(1+exp(-Xbeta))^2))
                    attr(out,"iid")[,iTime,] <- iid.beta %*% t(colMultiply_cpp(newX, scale = exp(-Xbeta)/(1+exp(-Xbeta))^2))

    ## ** export
    if(average.iid && is.null(attr(average.iid,"factor"))){
        attr(out,"average.iid") <- attr(out,"average.iid")[[1]]


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