
Defines functions plot.calibrate.default print.calibrate.default calibrate.default

Documented in calibrate.default plot.calibrate.default print.calibrate.default

calibrate.default <- function(fit, predy, 
			      B=40, bw=FALSE, rule=c("aic","p"),
			      sls=.05, aics=0, force=NULL, estimates=TRUE, pr=FALSE, kint,
			      smoother="lowess", digits=NULL, ...)
  call   <- match.call()
  method <- match.arg(method)
  rule   <- match.arg(rule)
  type   <- match.arg(type)

  ns <- num.intercepts(fit)
  if(missing(kint)) kint <- floor((ns+1)/2)
  clas <- attr(fit,"class")
  model <- if(any(clas=="lrm"))"lr"
           else if(any(clas=="ols")) "ol"
           else stop("fit must be from lrm or ols")
  lev.name <- NULL
  yvar.name <- as.character(formula(fit))[2]
  y <- fit$y
  n <- length(y)
  if(length(y) == 0) stop("fit did not use x=TRUE,y=TRUE")
  if(model == "lr") {
    y <- factor(y)
    lev.name <- levels(y)[kint+1]
    fit$y <- as.integer(y)-1

  predicted <- if(model=="lr") 
                 plogis(fit$linear.predictors-fit$coefficients[1] +
  if(missing(predy)) {
    if(n < 11) stop("must have n > 10 if do not specify predy")
    p <- sort(predicted)
    predy <- seq(p[5], p[n-4], length=50)
    p <- NULL
  penalty.matrix <- fit$penalty.matrix

  cal.error <- function(x, y, iter, smoother, predy, kint, model,
                        digits=NULL, ...)
      if(model=="lr") {
        x <- plogis(x)
        y <- y >= kint
      if(length(digits)) x <- round(x, digits)
      smo <- if(is.function(smoother)) smoother(x, y) else
       lowess(x, y, iter=0)
      cal <- approx(smo, xout=predy, ties=function(x)x[1])$y
      if(iter==0) structure(cal - predy, keepinfo=list(orig.cal=cal)) else
      cal - predy

  fitit <- function(x, y, model, penalty.matrix=NULL, xcol=NULL, ...) {
    if(length(penalty.matrix) && length(xcol)) {
      if(model=='ol') xcol <- xcol[-1] - 1   # take off intercept position
      penalty.matrix <- penalty.matrix[xcol, xcol, drop=FALSE]
    f <-
             lr = lrm.fit(x, y, penalty.matrix=penalty.matrix, tol=1e-13),
             ol = if(length(penalty.matrix)==0)
                  w <- lm.fit.qr.bare(x, y, intercept=TRUE, xpxi=TRUE)
                  w$var <- w$xpxi * sum(w$residuals^2) /
                    (length(y) - length(w$coefficients))
                  lm.pfit(x, y, penalty.matrix=penalty.matrix)
    if(any(is.na(f$coefficients))) f$fail <- TRUE

  z <- predab.resample(fit, method=method, fit=fitit, measure=cal.error,
                       pr=pr, B=B, bw=bw, rule=rule, type=type, sls=sls,
                       aics=aics, force=force, estimates=estimates,
                       smoother=smoother, predy=predy, model=model, kint=kint,
                       penalty.matrix=penalty.matrix, ...)

  orig.cal <- attr(z, 'keepinfo')$orig.cal
  z <- cbind(predy, calibrated.orig=orig.cal,
             calibrated.corrected=orig.cal - z[,"optimism"],
  structure(z, class="calibrate.default", call=call, kint=kint, model=model,
            lev.name=lev.name, yvar.name=yvar.name, n=n, freq=fit$freq,
            non.slopes=ns, B=B, method=method, 
            predicted=predicted, smoother=smoother)

print.calibrate.default <- function(x, B=Inf, ...)
  at <- attributes(x)
  cat("\nEstimates of Calibration Accuracy by ",at$method," (B=",at$B,")\n\n",
  if(at$model=="lr") {
    lab <- paste("Pr{",at$yvar.name,sep="")
    if(at$non.slopes==1) lab <- paste(lab,"=",at$lev.name,"}",sep="")
    else lab <- paste(lab,">=",at$lev.name,"}",sep="")
  else lab <- at$yvar.name
  cat("\nPrediction of",lab,"\n\n")
  predicted <- at$predicted
  if(length(predicted)) {  ## for downward compatibility
    s <- !is.na(x[,'predy'] + x[,'calibrated.corrected'])
    err <- predicted - approx(x[s,'predy'],x[s,'calibrated.corrected'], 
                              xout=predicted, ties=mean)$y
    cat('\nn=',length(err),    '   Mean absolute error=',
        round(mean(abs(err),na.rm=TRUE),3),'   Mean squared error=',
        '\n0.9 Quantile of absolute error=',
        round(quantile(abs(err),.9,na.rm=TRUE),3),	   '\n\n',sep='')
  kept <- at$kept
  if(length(kept)) {
    cat("\nFactors Retained in Backwards Elimination\n\n")
    varin <- ifelse(kept, '*', ' ')
    print(varin[1:min(nrow(varin), B),], quote=FALSE)
    cat("\nFrequencies of Numbers of Factors Retained\n\n")
    nkept <- apply(kept, 1, sum)
    tkept <- table(nkept)
    names(dimnames(tkept)) <- NULL

plot.calibrate.default <-
  function(x, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, legend=TRUE, 
           subtitles=TRUE, cex.subtitles=.75,
           riskdist=TRUE, scat1d.opts=list(nhistSpike=200), ...)
  at <- attributes(x)
    ylab <- if(at$model=="lr") "Actual Probability"
    else paste("Observed", at$yvar.name)
  if(missing(xlab)) {
    if(at$model=="lr") {
      xlab <- paste("Predicted Pr{",at$yvar.name,sep="")
      if(at$non.slopes==1) {
        xlab <- if(at$lev.name=="TRUE") paste(xlab, "}", sep="")
        else paste(xlab,"=", at$lev.name, "}", sep="")
      else xlab <- paste(xlab,">=", at$lev.name, "}", sep="")
    else xlab <- paste("Predicted", at$yvar.name)
  p     <- x[,"predy"]
  p.app <- x[,"calibrated.orig"]
  p.cal <- x[,"calibrated.corrected"]
  if(missing(xlim) & missing(ylim))
    xlim <- ylim <- range(c(p, p.app, p.cal), na.rm=TRUE)
  else {
    if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- range(p)
    if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- range(c(p.app, p.cal, na.rm=TRUE))
  plot(p, p.app, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, type="n", ...)
  predicted <- at$predicted
  err <- NULL
  if(length(predicted)) {  ## for downward compatibility
    s <- !is.na(p + p.cal)
    err <- predicted - approx(p[s], p.cal[s], xout=predicted, ties=mean)$y
    cat('\nn=',n <- length(err),    '   Mean absolute error=',
        round(mae <- mean(abs(err), na.rm=TRUE),3),'   Mean squared error=',
        round(mean(err^2, na.rm=TRUE),5),
        '\n0.9 Quantile of absolute error=',
        round(quantile(abs(err), .9, na.rm=TRUE),3),	   '\n\n', sep='')
    if(subtitles) title(sub=paste('Mean absolute error=', round(mae,3),
                                  ' n=', n, sep=''),
                        cex.sub=cex.subtitles, adj=1)

    if(riskdist) do.call('scat1d', c(list(x=predicted), scat1d.opts))
  lines(p, p.app, lty=3)
  lines(p, p.cal, lty=1)
  abline(a=0, b=1, lty=2)
  if(subtitles) title(sub=paste("B=", at$B, "repetitions,", at$method),
                      cex.sub=cex.subtitles, adj=0)
  if(!(is.logical(legend) && !legend)) {
    if(is.logical(legend)) legend <- list(x=xlim[1] + .55*diff(xlim),
                                          y=ylim[1] + .32*diff(ylim))
    legend(legend, c("Apparent", "Bias-corrected", "Ideal"),
           lty=c(3,1,2), bty="n")

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