
Defines functions lrm.fit

Documented in lrm.fit

#If est is specified and it is not 1:ncol(x), user will have to negate
# $var[est,est] before running matinv on non.slopes+(1:nx)[-est] in 
# obtaining score
# statistics.
# Use est=NULL to compute score stat components for all vars
# fit$non.slopes = # intercepts
# trace to print loglik at each iteration
# Set tol=0 to turn off singularity checking
# tol is only used during iteractions, not for final inversion (since
# solve does not pass the tolerance argument).
#Mod 1-2-91 : change !is.matrix to is.vector
#Sent to statlib : ??/??/??
#Mod 5-24-91: if maxiter=1, does not compute p-values
#Mod 6-11-91: model with no covariables return proper fail, added is.null to
#             missing(x), is.vector to !is.matrix(x)
#Mod 10-8-91: Changed missing data routines to tstna, naset (see na.fortran.f),
#	      added specialsok=T to .Fortran calls
#Mod 10-11-91:Added class attribute "logist" to fit object, improved call
#Mod 10-30-91:Changed to lrm.fit for use with lrm function,
#             removed subset, print.iter->trace,maxiter->maxit,dlike->eps,
#             eps->tol, f$coef->f$coefficients
#             Remove attributes(x) from fit object
#Mod 3-5-92  :Use solvet instead of solve, to pass tol argument
#    6-9-92  :Change to Nagelkerke R2
#    9-27.92 :Remove dyn load commands (using .First.lib now)
#    5-23-94 :Check for 0 length as well as NULL
#   11-28-94 :added Brier score,
#	      return linear predictor, get rid of "nused", improve NA logic
#    1-17-95 :added penalty, penalty.matrix
#    9-30-95 :changed penalty matrix to be self-contained
#    5-06-96 :return information matrix
#    6-06-02 :added back weights, normwt like SAS PROC LOGIST
#    1-17-03 :made all versions use weights, double precision for x,y
#    5-13-10 :change B to use middle intercept; added g-index
#    8-17-14 :added scale
#    3-20-22 :new adjusted R^2

lrm.fit <- function(x, y, offset=0, initial, est,
                    maxit=12, eps=.025, tol=1E-7, trace=FALSE,
                    penalty.matrix=NULL, weights=NULL, normwt=FALSE,
  cal <- match.call()
  opts <- double(12)
  opts[1:4] <- c(tol, eps, maxit, trace)
  len.penmat <- length(penalty.matrix)

  n <- length(y)
  wtpres <- TRUE
  if(!length(weights)) {
    wtpres <- FALSE
    normwt <- FALSE
    weights <- rep(1, n)
  if(length(weights) != n) stop('length of wt must equal length of y')
  if(normwt) weights <- weights * n / sum(weights)
  storage.mode(weights) <- 'double'
  opts[12] <- normwt

  initial.there <- !missing(initial)
  if(missing(x) || length(x) == 0) {
    nx <- 0
    xname <- NULL
    if(!missing(est))stop("est was given without x")
    est <- NULL
    x <- 0
  } else {
    if(! is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    dx <- dim(x)
    nx <- dx[2]
    if(dx[1] != n)stop("x and y must have same length")
    if(scale) {
      x <- scale(x)
      scinfo <- attributes(x)[c('scaled:center', 'scaled:scale')]
      xbar <- as.matrix(scinfo[[1]])
      xsd  <- as.matrix(scinfo[[2]])
    storage.mode(x) <- "double"

    if(missing(est)) est <- 1:nx
      if(length(est)) {
        estr <- range(est)
        if(estr[1] < 1 | estr[2] > nx)
          stop("est has illegal column number for x")
        if(anyDuplicated(est)) stop("est has duplicates")
        storage.mode(est) <- "integer"
    xname <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
    if(length(xname)==0) xname <- paste("x[",1:nx,"]",sep="")
  nxin <- length(est)

  if(! is.factor(y)) y <- as.factor(y)
  y <- unclass(y)   # in case is.factor
  ylevels <- levels(y)

  ofpres <- !all(offset == 0)
  opts[5] <- ofpres
  if(ofpres && length(offset) != n) stop("offset and y must have same length")
  storage.mode(offset) <- "double"

  if(n < 3) stop("must have >=3 non-missing observations")
  kint   <- as.integer(length(ylevels) - 1)
  ftable <- integer(5001 * (kint + 1))
  levels(y) <- ylevels
  numy <- table(y)
  names(numy) <- ylevels
  y <- as.integer(y - 1)
  nvi <- as.integer(nxin + kint)
  sumwty <- tapply(weights, y, sum)
  sumwt  <- sum(sumwty)
  if(!wtpres && any(numy != sumwty)) stop('program logic error 1')
  sumw <- if(normwt) numy else as.integer(round(sumwty))
  if(missing(initial)) {
    ncum <- rev(cumsum(rev(sumwty)))[2 : (kint + 1)]
    pp   <- ncum/sumwt
    initial <- log(pp / (1 - pp))
    if(ofpres) initial <- initial - mean(offset)
  if(length(initial) < nvi)
    initial <- c(initial, rep(0, nvi - length(initial)))
  storage.mode(initial) <- "double"
  loglik <- -2 * sum(sumwty*logb(sumwty/sum(sumwty)))
  ## loglik <-  -2 * sum(numy * logb(numy/n))
  if(nxin > 0) {
    if(len.penmat == 0) penalty.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=nx, ncol=nx)
    if(nrow(penalty.matrix) != nx || ncol(penalty.matrix) != nx) 
      stop(paste("penalty.matrix does not have", nx, "rows and columns"))
    penmat <- rbind(
      matrix(0, ncol=kint+nx, nrow=kint),
      cbind(matrix(0, ncol=kint, nrow=nx), penalty.matrix))
    penmat <- matrix(0, ncol=kint, nrow=kint)
  storage.mode(penmat) <- 'double'
  if(nxin == 0 & ! ofpres) {
    loglik <- rep(loglik,2)
    z <- list(coef=initial, u=rep(0,kint),
              opts=as.double(c(rep(0,7), .5, 0, 0, 0, 0)))
  if(ofpres) {
    ##Fit model with only intercept(s) and offset
    z <- 
      .Fortran(F_lrmfit, coef=initial, as.integer(0), as.integer(0),
               x, y, offset,
               double(kint*(kint+1)/2),loglik=double(1), n, as.integer(0),
               sumw, kint,
               v=double(kint*kint), double(kint), double(2*kint),
               double(kint), pivot=integer(kint), opts=opts, ftable,
               penmat, weights)
    loglik <- c(loglik,z$loglik)
    if(z$opts[6] | z$opts[7] < kint)
      return(structure(list(fail=TRUE), class="lrm"))
    initial <- z$coef
  if(nxin > 0) {
    ##Fit model with intercept(s), offset, and any fitted covariables
    z <- 
      .Fortran(F_lrmfit, coef=initial, nxin, est, x, y, offset,
               double(nvi*(nvi+1)/2), loglik=double(1), n, nx, sumw, nvi,
               v=double(nvi*nvi), double(nvi), double(2*nvi), double(nvi),
               pivot=integer(nvi), opts=opts, ftable, penmat, weights)
	irank <- z$opts[7]
	if(irank < nvi) {
      cat("singular information matrix in lrm.fit (rank=",irank,
          ").  Offending variable(s):\n")
      cat(paste(xname[est[z$pivot[nvi : (irank + 1)] - kint]],
                collapse=" "),"\n")
      return(structure(list(fail=TRUE), class="lrm"))
	loglik <- c(loglik, z$loglik)
  dvrg <- z$opts[6] > 0
  if(nxin != nx) {
    ##Set up for score statistics - last model is not refitted but derivatives
    ##with respect to all other columns of x are evaluated
    initial <- rep(0,nx)
    if(length(est)) initial[est] <- z$coef[(kint + 1) : nvi]
    initial <- c(z$coef[1 : kint], initial)
    nvi <- as.integer(kint + nx)
    opts[3] <- 1	#Max no. iterations
    z <-
      .Fortran(F_lrmfit, coef=initial, nx, 1:nx, x, y, offset,
               u=double(nvi), double(nvi*(nvi+1)), double(1), n, nx,
               sumw, nvi, v=double(nvi*nvi), double(nvi), double(2*nvi),
               double(nvi), integer(nvi), opts=opts, ftable, penmat, weights)
  ##Invert v with respect to fitted variables
  if(nxin == 0) elements <- 1 : kint
    elements <- c(1 : kint, kint + est)
  if(nx == 0 && !ofpres) {
    v <- NULL; info.matrix <- NULL
    irank <- kint
  else {
    if(nxin == nx) { 
      info.matrix <- matrix(z$v, nrow=nvi, ncol=nvi)
      v <- solvet(info.matrix, tol=tol)
      irank <- nvi
    else {
      info.matrix <- matrix(z$v, nrow=nvi, ncol=nvi)
      v <- matinv(info.matrix, elements, negate=TRUE, eps=tol)
      info.matrix <- info.matrix[elements, elements]
      usc <- z$u[-elements]
      resid.chi2 <- usc %*% solve(v[-elements, -elements],
                                  tol=tol) %*% usc
      resid.df <- nx - nxin
      irank <- attr(v,"rank")
      attr(v,"rank") <- NULL
  if(kint == 1) name <- "Intercept"
    name <- paste("y>=", ylevels[2 : (kint + 1)], sep="")
  name <- c(name, xname)
  kof <- z$coef

  ## Compute linear predictor before unscaling beta, as x is scaled
  lp <- if(nxin > 0) matxv(x, kof, kint=1) else rep(kof[1], n)
  if(scale && nx > 0) {
    trans <-
      rbind(cbind(diag(kint), matrix(0, nrow=kint, ncol=nx)),
            cbind(-matrix(rep(xbar/xsd, kint), ncol=kint),
                  diag(1 / as.vector(xsd))))
    v   <- t(trans) %*% v %*% trans
    kof <- (kof %*% trans)[,, drop=TRUE]

  names(kof) <- name
  names(z$u) <- name
  if(length(v)) dimnames(v) <- list(name, name)
  llnull <- loglik[length(loglik)-1]
  model.lr <- llnull - loglik[length(loglik)]
  model.df <- irank - kint
  model.p <- if(initial.there) NA else
  if(model.df > 0) 1 - pchisq(model.lr, model.df) else 1
  r2     <- 1 - exp(- model.lr / sumwt)
  r2.max <- 1 - exp(- llnull   / sumwt)
  r2     <- r2 / r2.max
  r2m    <- R2Measures(model.lr, model.df, sumwt, sumwty)
  kmid <- floor((kint + 1) / 2)
  lpmid <- lp - kof[1] + kof[kmid] 
  prob <- plogis(lpmid)
  event <- y > (kmid - 1)
  ##  B <- mean((prob - event)^2)
  B <- sum(weights*(prob - event)^2) / sum(weights)
  g  <- GiniMd(lpmid)
  gp <- GiniMd(prob)
  stats <- c(n, max(abs(z$u[elements])), model.lr, model.df,
             model.p, z$opts[8], z$opts[9],
             z$opts[10], z$opts[11], r2, r2m, B, g, exp(g), gp)
  nam <- c("Obs", "Max Deriv",
           "Model L.R.", "d.f.", "P", "C", "Dxy",
           "Gamma", "Tau-a", "R2", names(r2m), "Brier", "g", "gr", "gp")
  if(nxin != nx) {
    stats <- c(stats, resid.chi2, resid.df,
               1 - pchisq(resid.chi2, resid.df))
    nam <- c(nam, "Residual Score", "d.f.", "P")
  names(stats) <- ifelse(nam == 'R2m', names(r2m), nam)
  if(wtpres) stats <- c(stats, 'Sum of Weights'=sumwt)
  retlist <- list(call=cal, freq=numy, sumwty=if(wtpres)sumwty else NULL,
                  stats=stats, fail=dvrg, coefficients=kof,
                  var=v, u=z$u,
                  est=est, non.slopes=kint, linear.predictors=lp,
                  penalty.matrix=if(nxin>0 && any(penalty.matrix!=0))
                  penalty.matrix else NULL,
                  weights=if(wtpres) weights else NULL)
  class(retlist) <- 'lrm'

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