
Defines functions Mean.lrm predict.orm predict.lrm

Documented in Mean.lrm predict.lrm predict.orm

predict.lrm <- function(object, ..., 
		"terms", "cterms", "ccterms", "adjto", "adjto.data.frame",
		se.fit=FALSE, codes=FALSE)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(type %nin% c("fitted","fitted.ind", "mean"))
    return(predictrms(object,...,type=type, se.fit=se.fit))

  xb <- predictrms(object, ..., type="lp", se.fit=FALSE)
  rnam <- names(xb)
  ns <- object$non.slopes
  cnam <- names(object$coef[1:ns])
  trans <- object$trans
  ## If orm object get cumulative probability function used
  cumprob <- if(length(trans)) trans$cumprob else plogis
    warning('se.fit not supported with type="fitted" or type="mean"')
  if(ns == 1 & type == "mean")
    stop('type="mean" makes no sense with a binary response')
  if(ns == 1) return(cumprob(xb))
  intcept <- object$coef[1:ns]
  interceptRef <- object$interceptRef
  if(!length(interceptRef)) interceptRef <- 1
  xb <- xb - intcept[interceptRef]
  xb <- sapply(intcept, "+", xb)
  P <- cumprob(xb)
  nam <- names(object$freq)
  if(is.matrix(P)) dimnames(P) <- list(rnam, cnam)
  else names(P) <- names(object$coef[1:ns])
  if(type=="fitted") return(P)

  ##type="mean" or "fitted.ind"
  vals <- names(object$freq)
  P   <- matrix(P, ncol=ns)
  Peq <- cbind(1, P) - cbind(P, 0)
  if(type == "fitted.ind") {
    ynam <- as.character(attr(object$terms, "formula")[2])
    ynam <- paste(ynam, "=", vals, sep="")
    dimnames(Peq) <- list(rnam, ynam)
  if(codes) vals <- 1:length(object$freq)
  else {
    vals <- as.numeric(vals)
      stop('values of response levels must be numeric for type="mean" and codes=F')
  m <- drop(Peq %*% vals)
  names(m) <- rnam

predict.orm <- function(object, ..., 
		"terms", "cterms", "ccterms", "adjto", "adjto.data.frame",
		se.fit=FALSE, codes=FALSE)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  predict.lrm(object, ..., type=type, se.fit=se.fit, codes=codes)

Mean.lrm <- function(object, codes=FALSE, ...)
  ns <- object$non.slopes
  if(ns < 2)
    stop('using this function only makes sense for >2 ordered response categories')
  if(codes) vals <- 1:length(object$freq)
  else {
    vals <- object$yunique
    if(!length(vals)) vals <- names(object$freq)
    vals <- as.numeric(vals)
      stop('values of response levels must be numeric for codes=FALSE')
  f <- function(lp=numeric(0), X=numeric(0),
                intercepts=numeric(0), slopes=numeric(0),
                info=numeric(0), values=numeric(0),
                interceptRef=integer(0), trans=trans, conf.int=0)
    ns <- length(intercepts)
    lp <- if(length(lp)) lp - intercepts[interceptRef] else matxv(X, slopes) 
    xb <- sapply(intercepts, '+', lp)
    P  <- matrix(trans$cumprob(xb), ncol = ns)
    P  <- cbind(1, P) - cbind(P, 0)
    m  <- drop(P %*% values)
    names(m) <- names(lp)
    if(conf.int) {
      if(! length(X)) stop('must specify X if conf.int > 0')
      lb <- matrix(sapply(intercepts, '+', lp), ncol = ns)
      dmean.dalpha <- t(apply(trans$deriv(lb),
                              1, FUN=function(x)
                                x * (values[2:length(values)] - values[1:ns])))
      dmean.dbeta  <- apply(dmean.dalpha, 1, sum) * X
      dmean.dtheta <- cbind(dmean.dalpha, dmean.dbeta)
      mean.var <- diag(dmean.dtheta %*% solve(info, t(dmean.dtheta)))
      w <- qnorm((1 + conf.int) / 2) * sqrt(mean.var)   
      attr(m, 'limits') <- list(lower = m - w, 
                                upper = m + w)
  ## If lrm fit, add information that orm fits have
  family <- object$family
  trans  <- object$trans
  if(! length(family)) {
    family <- 'logistic'
    trans  <- probabilityFamilies$logistic
  ## Re-write first derivative so that it doesn't need the f argument
  if(family == "logistic")
    trans$deriv <- function(x) {p <- plogis(x); p * (1. - p)}
  ir <- object$interceptRef
  if(!length(ir)) ir <- 1
  formals(f) <- list(lp=numeric(0), X=numeric(0), 
                     intercepts=object$coef[1 : ns],
                     slopes=object$coef[- (1 : ns)],
                     values=vals, interceptRef=ir, trans=trans,

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