
Defines functions predictrms

Documented in predictrms

##newdata=data frame, vector,  matrix, or list.  All but first assume data
##need coding, e.g. categorical variables are given as integers
##variable missing for all obs -> use adjust-to value in limits
##(means (parms) for matrx)

predictrms <-
  function(fit, newdata=NULL,
           type=c("lp", "x", "data.frame", "terms", "cterms", "ccterms",
             "adjto", "adjto.data.frame", "model.frame"),
           se.fit=FALSE, conf.int=FALSE,
           conf.type=c('mean', 'individual', 'simultaneous'),
           kint=NULL, na.action=na.keep, expand.na=TRUE,
           center.terms=type=="terms", ref.zero=FALSE,
           posterior.summary=c('mean', 'median', 'mode'), second=FALSE, ...)
  type              <- match.arg(type)
  conf.type         <- match.arg(conf.type)
  posterior.summary <- match.arg(posterior.summary)

  # Prevents structure(NULL, ...) below (now deprecated)
  nulll <- function(z) if(is.null(z)) list() else z

  if(second && type %nin% c('lp', 'x', 'adjto', 'adjto.data.frame'))
    stop('type not implemented when second=TRUE')

  draws <- fit$draws
  bayes <- length(draws) > 0
  if(bayes) param <- fit$param
  if(bayes && conf.type == 'simultaneous')
    stop('conf.type simultaneous not supported for Bayesian models')
  if(bayes && se.fit) {
    warning('se.fit ignored for Bayesian models')
    se.fit <- FALSE
  if(second || conf.type == 'simultaneous') {
    ## require(multcomp)
    if(missing(newdata) || ! length(newdata))
      stop('newdata must be given if conf.type="simultaneous" or second=TRUE')

  at        <- if(second) fit$zDesign else fit$Design
  assume    <- at$assume.code
  Limval    <- Getlim(at, allow.null=TRUE, need.all=FALSE)
  Values    <- Limval$values
  non.ia    <- assume != 9L
  non.strat <- assume != 8L
  f         <- sum(non.ia)
  nstrata   <- sum(assume == 8L)
  somex     <- any(non.strat)
  rnam      <- NULL
  cox <- inherits(fit, "cph")
  naa <- fit$na.action
  if(! expand.na)
    naresid <- function(a,b) b #don't really call naresid if drop NAs

  parms   <- at$parms
  name    <- at$name
  coeff   <- if(bayes) rmsb::getParamCoef(fit, posterior.summary,
                                    what=if(second) 'taus' else 'betas')
  nrp     <- num.intercepts(fit)
  nrpcoef <- num.intercepts(fit, 'coef')
  if(! length(kint)) kint <- fit$interceptRef  # orm, lrm, blrm otherwise NULL

  int.pres <- nrp > 0L

  assign <- if(second) fit$zassign else fit$assign
  nama <- names(assign)[1L]
  asso <- 1*(nama=="Intercept" | nama=="(Intercept)")

  Center <- if(cox) fit$center else 0.

  oldopts <- options(contrasts=c(factor="contr.treatment",
                       ordered="contr.treatment"),   # was "contr.poly"

  ## In SV4 options(two lists) causes problems

  ## Formula without response variable and any offsets:
  formulano <- if(second) fit$zsformula
                   removeFormulaTerms(fit$sformula, which='offset',

  offset <- 0; offpres <- FALSE
  ## offset is ignored for prediction (offset set to zero)
  ## if(! missing(newdata) && length(newdata)) {
    ##    offset <- model.offset(model.frame(removeFormulaTerms(fit$sformula,
    ##                   delete.response=TRUE), newdata,
    ##                   na.action=na.action, ...))
    ## offpres <- length(offset) > 0
    ## if(! offpres) offset <- 0
  ## }

  #Terms  <- delete.response(terms(formula(fit), specials='strat'))
  Terms  <- terms(formulano, specials='strat')

  attr(Terms, "response")  <- 0L
  attr(Terms, "intercept") <- 1L
  ## Need intercept whenever design matrix is generated to get
  ## current list of dummy variables for factor variables
  stra      <- attr(Terms, "specials")$strat

  Terms.ns       <- if(length(stra))      Terms[-stra] else Terms

  if(conf.int) {
    vconstant <- 0.
    if(conf.type=='individual') {
      vconstant <- fit$stats['Sigma']^2
        stop('conf.type="individual" requires that fit be from ols')
    zcrit <- if(length(idf <- fit$df.residual))
      qt((1. + conf.int) / 2., idf) else qnorm((1. + conf.int) / 2.)

  ## Form design matrix for adjust-to values
  ## Result of Adjto() is a model matrix with no intercept(s)
  Adjto <- function(type) {
    adjto <- list()
    ii <- 0L
    for(i in (1L : length(assume))[non.ia]) {
      ii <- ii + 1L
      xi <- Getlimi(name[i], Limval, need.all=TRUE)[2L]
      if(assume[i] %in% c(5L, 8L))
        xi <- factor(xi, parms[[name[i]]])
        if(assume[i] == 7L) xi <- scored(xi, name=name[i])
          if(assume[i] == 10L)
            xi <- I(matrix(parms[[name[i]]], nrow=1)) #matrx col medians
      adjto[[ii]] <- xi
    names(adjto) <- name[non.ia]
    attr(adjto, "row.names") <- "1"
    class(adjto) <- "data.frame"
    if(type == "adjto.data.frame") return(adjto)
    adjto <- model.frame(Terms, adjto)
    adjto <- model.matrix(Terms.ns, adjto)[, -1, drop=FALSE]
    if(type == 'adjto') {
      k <- (nrpcoef + 1L) : length(coeff)
      nck <- names(coeff)[k]
        dimnames(adjto) <- list(dimnames(adjto)[[1L]], nck)
      else names(adjto) <- nck

  adjto <- NULL

  if(type %nin% c('adjto', 'adjto.data.frame')) {
    X <- NULL
    if(missing(newdata) || ! length(newdata)) {
      flp <- fit$linear.predictors
      if(type == "lp" && length(flp)) {
        LP  <- naresid(naa, flp)
        if(int.pres) {
          lpkint <- attr(flp, 'intercepts')
          if(! length(lpkint)) lpkint <- 1L
          if(length(kint) && kint != lpkint)
              LP <- LP - coeff[lpkint] + coeff[kint]
        if(length(stra <- fit$strata))
          attr(LP, "strata") <- naresid(naa, stra)
        if(! se.fit && ! conf.int) return(LP)
          if(length(fit$se.fit)) {
            if(nrp > 1L)
              warning("se.fit is retrieved from the fit but it corresponded to kint")
            retlist <- list(linear.predictors=LP)
            if(se.fit) retlist$se.fit <- naresid(naa, fit$se.fit)
            if(conf.int) {
              plminus <- zcrit * sqrt(retlist$se.fit^2 + vconstant)
              retlist$lower <- LP - plminus
              retlist$upper <- LP + plminus
      }   # end type='lp' with linear.predictors stored in fit
        if(type == "x") return(structure(nulll(naresid(naa, fit$x)),
             strata=if(length(stra <- fit$strata))
             naresid(naa, stra) else NULL))
      X <- fit[['x']]
      rnam <- dimnames(X)[[1]]
      if(! length(X))
        stop("newdata not given and fit did not store x")
    }   # end no newdata
    if(! length(X)) {
      if(! is.data.frame(newdata)) {
        if(is.list(newdata)) {
          ## When second=TRUE the formula may not contain all the variables
          ## in newdata
          loc <- name[assume != 9L]
          if(length(names(newdata))) newdata <- newdata[loc]
          ## loc <- if(! length(names(newdata))) 1L : f else name[assume != 9L]
          new <- matrix(double(1L),
          for(j in 1L : ncol(new)) new[, j] <- newdata[[loc[j]]]
          newdata <- new
        if(! is.matrix(newdata)) newdata <- matrix(newdata, ncol=f)
        if(ncol(newdata) != f)
          stop("# columns in newdata not= # factors in design")
        X  <- list()
        k  <- 0L
        ii <- 0L
        for(i in (1L : length(assume))[non.ia]) {
          ii <- ii + 1L
          xi <- newdata[, ii]
          as <- assume[i]
          allna <- all(is.na(xi))
          if(as == 5L | as == 8L) {
            xi <- as.integer(xi)
            levels(xi) <- parms[[name[i]]]
            class(xi) <- "factor"
          else if(as == 7L) xi <- scored(xi, name=name[i])
          else if(as == 10L) {
            if(i == 1) ifact <- 1L
            else ifact <- 1L + sum(assume[1L : (i - 1L)] != 8L)
            ##	Accounts for assign not being output for strata factors
            ncols <- length(assign[[ifact + asso]])
            if(allna) {
              xi <- matrix(double(1L),
                           nrow=length(xi), ncol=ncols)
              for(j in 1L : ncol(xi)) xi[, j] <- parms[[name[i]]][j]
              xi <- I(xi)
            else xi <- I(matrix(xi, nrow=length(xi), ncol=ncols))

          ##	Duplicate single value for all parts of matrix
          k <- k + 1L
          X[[k]] <- xi
        names(X) <- name[non.ia]
        attr(X, "row.names") <- as.character(1L : nrow(newdata))
        class(X) <- "data.frame"
        newdata <- X
        ## Note: data.frame() converts matrix variables to individual variables
        if(type == "data.frame") return(newdata)
      }  # end !is.data.frame(newdata)
      else {
        ## Need to convert any factors to have all levels in original fit
        ## Otherwise, wrong dummy variables will be generated by model.matrix
        nm <- names(newdata)
        for(i in 1L : ncol(newdata)) {
          j <- match(nm[i], name)
          if(! is.na(j)) {
            asj <- assume[j]
            w   <- newdata[, i]
            V   <- NULL
            if(asj %in% c(5L, 7L, 8L) | 
               (name[j] %in% names(Values) &&
                asj != 11 && length(V <- Values[[name[j]]]) &&
                is.character(V))) {
              if(length(Pa <- parms[[name[j]]])) V <- Pa
              newdata[,i] <- factor(w, V)
              ## Handles user specifying numeric values without quotes, that
              ## are levels
              ww <- is.na(newdata[,i]) & ! is.na(unclass(w))
              if(any(ww)) 	{
                cat("Error in predictrms: Values in", names(newdata)[i],
                    "not in", V, ":\n")
                print(as.character(w[ww]), quote=FALSE); stop()
      }  # is.data.frame(newdata)

      X <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action=na.action, ...)
      if(type == "model.frame") return(X)
      naa  <- attr(X, "na.action")
      rnam <- row.names(X)
      strata <- list()
      nst <- 0
      ii <- 0
      for(i in 1L : ncol(X)) {
        ii <- ii + 1L
        xi <- X[[i]]
        asi <- attr(xi, "assume.code")
        as <- assume[ii]
        if(! length(asi) && as == 7L) {
          attr(X[,i], "contrasts") <- 
            attr(scored(xi, name=name[ii]), "contrasts")
          if(length(xi) == 1L) warning("a bug in model.matrix can produce incorrect results\nwhen only one observation is being predicted for an ordered variable")
        if(as == 8L) {
          nst <- nst + 1L
          ste <- paste(name[ii], parms[[name[ii]]], sep='=')
          strata[[nst]] <- factor(ste[X[,i]], ste)
      X <- if(! somex) NULL
      else model.matrix(Terms.ns, X)[, -1L, drop=FALSE]
      if(nstrata > 0L) {
        names(strata) <- paste("S", 1L : nstrata, sep="")
        strata <- interaction(as.data.frame(strata), drop=FALSE)
    }   # end !length(X)
    else strata <- attr(X, "strata")
  }   # if(end adj.to adj.to.data.frame)
  if(somex && ! bayes) {
    cov <- vcov(fit, regcoef.only=TRUE, intercepts=kint)
    covnoint <- if(nrp == 0) cov
                  vcov(fit, regcoef.only=TRUE, intercepts='none')

  if(type %in% c('adjto.data.frame', 'adjto')) return(Adjto(type))
  if(type=="x") return(
       structure(nulll(naresid(naa, X)),
                 strata=if(nstrata > 0)  naresid(naa, strata) else NULL,
                 na.action=if(expand.na) NULL else naa)

  if(type == "lp") {
    if(somex) {
      xb <- matxv(X, coeff, kint=kint) - Center + offset
      names(xb) <- rnam
      if(bayes && conf.int) {
        xB <- matxv(X, draws, kint=kint, bmat=TRUE)
        xB <- apply(xB, 1, rmsb::HPDint, prob=conf.int)
        lower <- xB[1, ]
        upper <- xB[2, ]
    else {
      xb <- if(offpres) offset else numeric(0)
      if(nstrata > 0) attr(xb, 'strata') <- naresid(naa, strata)
                            se.fit=rep(NA, length(xb))) else
                       na.action=if(expand.na) NULL else naa))
    xb <- naresid(naa, xb)
    if(nstrata > 0) attr(xb, "strata") <- naresid(naa, strata)
    ycenter <- if(ref.zero && somex) {
      if(! length(adjto)) adjto <- Adjto(type)
      matxv(adjto, coeff, kint=kint) - Center
      } else 0.
    if(ref.zero || ((se.fit || conf.int) && somex)) {
      dx <- dim(X)
      n <- dx[1L]; p <- dx[2L]
      if(cox && ! ref.zero) X <- X - rep(fit$means, rep.int(n, p))
      if(ref.zero) {
        if(! length(adjto)) adjto <- Adjto(type)
        X <- X - rep(adjto, rep.int(n, p))
      if(! bayes) {
        se <- drop(if(ref.zero || nrp == 0L)
                     sqrt(((X %*% covnoint) * X) %*% rep(1L, ncol(X)))
                   else {
                     Xx <- cbind(Intercept=1., X)
                     sqrt(((Xx %*% cov) * Xx) %*% rep(1L, ncol(Xx)))
        names(se) <- rnam
        sef <- naresid(naa, se)
        ww <- if(conf.int || se.fit) {
          list(linear.predictors = xb - ycenter, se.fit = sef) else
        list(linear.predictors = xb - ycenter)
                xb - ycenter
      if(bayes) {lower <- lower - ycenter; upper <- upper - ycenter}
      retlist <- structure(nulll(ww), 
                           na.action=if(expand.na) NULL else naa)
      if(conf.int) {
        if(conf.type == 'simultaneous') {
          num.intercepts.not.in.X <- length(coeff) - ncol(X)
          u <- confint(multcomp::glht(fit,
                            if(num.intercepts.not.in.X == 0L) X else Xx,
                            df=if(length(idf)) idf else 0L),
          retlist$lower <- u[,'lwr']
          retlist$upper <- u[,'upr']
        } else {
          if(bayes) {
            retlist$lower <- lower
            retlist$upper <- upper
          else {
            plminus <- zcrit*sqrt(sef^2 + vconstant)
            retlist$lower <- xb - plminus - ycenter
            retlist$upper <- xb + plminus - ycenter
    else return(structure(xb - ycenter, na.action=if(expand.na)NULL else naa))
  }   ## end if type='lp'

  if(type %in% c("terms", "cterms", "ccterms")) {
    if(! somex)
      stop('type="terms" may not be given unless covariables present')
    usevar <- if(type=="terms") non.strat else rep(TRUE, length(assume))
    fitted <- array(0, c(nrow(X), sum(usevar)),
                    list(rnam, name[usevar]))
    if(se.fit) se <- fitted
    if(center.terms) {
      if(! length(adjto)) adjto <- Adjto(type)
      if(ncol(adjto) != ncol(X)) {
        if(dimnames(adjto)[[2L]][1L] %in% c('Intercept','(Intercept)') &&
           dimnames(X)[[2L]][1L]    %nin% c('Intercept','(Intercept)'))
          adjto <- adjto[, -1L, drop=FALSE]
        if(ncol(adjto) != ncol(X)) stop('program logic error')
      X <- sweep(X, 2L, adjto) # center columns
    j <- 0L
    for(i in (1L : length(assume))[usevar]) {
      j <- j + 1L
      if(assume[i] != 8L) { # non-strat factor; otherwise leave fitted=0
        k <- assign[[j + asso]]
        num.intercepts.not.in.X <- length(coeff) - ncol(X)
        ko <- k - num.intercepts.not.in.X
        fitted[, j] <- matxv(X[, ko, drop=FALSE], coeff[k])
        if(se.fit) se[,j] <-
          (((X[, ko, drop=FALSE]  %*% cov[k, k, drop=FALSE]) * 
             X[, ko, drop=FALSE]) %*% rep(1., length(ko)))^.5
    if(type == "cterms") {
      ## Combine all related interation terms with main effect terms
      w <- fitted[, non.ia, drop=FALSE]  # non-interaction terms
      for(i in 1L : f) {
        ia <- interactions.containing(at, i)
        ## subscripts of interaction terms related to predictor i
        if(length(ia)) w[, i] <- rowSums(fitted[, c(i,ia), drop=FALSE])
      fitted <- w

      if(type=='ccterms') {
        z <- combineRelatedPredictors(at)
        f <- length(z$names)
        w <- matrix(NA, ncol=f, nrow=nrow(fitted))
        colnames(w) <- sapply(z$names, paste, collapse=', ')
        for(i in 1L : f)
          w[,i] <- rowSums(fitted[, z$namesia[[i]], drop=FALSE])
        fitted <- w
    fitted <- structure(nulll(naresid(naa, fitted)),
                        strata=if(nstrata==0) NULL else naresid(naa, strata))
    if(se.fit) {
      return(structure(list(fitted=fitted, se.fit=naresid(naa,se)),
                       na.action=if(expand.na)NULL else naa)) 	}
    else return(structure(fitted, na.action=if(expand.na)NULL else naa))

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rms documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:51 p.m.