
Defines functions survest.cph

Documented in survest.cph

##Use x= if input is a design matrix, newdata= if a data frame or data matrix
##or vector.  Can specify (centered) linear predictor values instead (linear.predictors).
##Strata is attached to linear.predictors or x as "strata" attribute.
##data matrix assumes that categorical variables are coded with integer codes

survest.cph <- function(fit, newdata, linear.predictors, x, times, fun,
                        loglog=FALSE, conf.int=.95,
                        type=NULL, vartype=NULL,
                        conf.type=c("log", "log-log","plain","none"),
                        se.fit=TRUE, what=c("survival","parallel"),
                        individual=FALSE, ...)
  at <- fit$Design

  f  <- sum(at$assume.code != 8)		#non-strata factors
  nf <- length(at$name) - f
  strata.levels <- levels(fit$strata)
  num.strata    <- if(nf == 0) 1 else length(strata.levels)

  conf.type <- match.arg(conf.type)
  what <- match.arg(what)
  if(what == 'parallel') {
    conf.int <- FALSE
    conf.type <- 'none'

  inputData <- ! (missing(newdata) && missing(linear.predictors) &&
  if(! se.fit) conf.int <- 0
  if(individual && (length(fit$x) == 0 || length(fit$y) == 0 || 
                    attr(fit$y,'type') != 'counting')) 
    stop('must specify x=TRUE, y=TRUE, and start and stop time to cph when individual=TRUE')

  if(missing(fun)) fun <-
    if(loglog) function(x) logb(-logb(ifelse(x == 0 | x == 1, NA, x)))
    else function(x) x

  ## Compute confidence limits for survival based on -log survival,
  ## constraining to be in [0,1]; d = std.error of cum hazard * z value
  ciupper <- function(surv, d) ifelse(surv == 0, 0, pmin(1, surv*exp(d)))
  cilower <- function(surv, d) ifelse(surv == 0, 0, surv*exp(-d))

  naa <- fit$na.action

  ##First see if use method that depends on x and y being stored in fit

  if(! missing(linear.predictors) && length(fit$surv) == 0)
    stop('when using linear.predictors= must have specified surv=TRUE to cph')

  if(length(fit$y) && (f == 0 || length(fit$x)) &&
     ((conf.int > 0 && f > 0) | length(fit$surv) == 0) &
     (! missing(newdata) | (missing(linear.predictors) && missing(x)))) {
    if(! missing(linear.predictors) | ! missing(x))
      stop(paste("may not specify linear.predictors or x when survival estimation",
                 "is not using underlying survival estimates stored with surv=TRUE"))
    sf <- function(..., type=NULL, vartype=NULL, cphnull=FALSE) {
      g <- list(...)
      if(length(type))    g$type <- type
      if(length(vartype)) g$vartype <- vartype
      g$censor <- FALSE  # don't output censored values
      do.call('survfit.cph', g)
    if(f == 0) {
      g <- sf(fit, se.fit=se.fit, conf.int=conf.int, conf.type=conf.type,
              type=type, vartype=vartype, cphnull=TRUE)
      sreq <- if(missing(newdata)) 1
                attr(predict(fit, newdata, type="lp", expand.na=FALSE), "strata")
      else {
        if(missing(newdata)) {
          g <- sf(fit, se.fit=se.fit, conf.int=conf.int,
                  type=type, vartype=vartype)
          sreq <- 1
        } else {
          if(nrow(newdata) > 1 && ! individual && missing(times))
            stop("must specify times= if predicting for >1 observation")
          g <- sf(fit, newdata=newdata, se.fit=se.fit, conf.int=conf.int,
                  conf.type=conf.type, individual=individual,
                  type=type, vartype=vartype)
          sreq <- g$requested.strata
        naa <- g$na.action
    sreq <- unclass(sreq)
    if(missing(times)) {
      ##delete extra S(t) curves added by survfit for all strata
      ##No newdata -> requested underlying survival for all strata
      if(missing(newdata)) return(g)
      else {
        if(nf == 0) j <- TRUE
        else {
          stemp <- rep(1:num.strata, g$strata)
          j <- stemp == sreq
        tim   <- c(0,             g$time[j])
        nr    <- c(g$n.risk[j][1],g$n.risk[j])
        ne    <- c(0,             g$n.event[j])
        surv  <- c(1,             g$surv[j])
        se    <- c(NA,            g$std.err[j])
        upper <- c(1,             g$upper[j])  # 1 was NA
        lower <- c(1,             g$lower[j])  # 1 was NA
        yy <- fit$y
        ny <- ncol(yy)
        str <- unclass(fit$strata)
        if(length(str)) yy <- yy[str == sreq, ny-1] else yy <- yy[,ny-1]
        maxt <- max(yy)
        if(maxt > tim[length(tim)]) {
          tim   <- c(tim,maxt)
          nr    <- c(nr, sum(yy >= maxt-1e-6))
          ne    <- c(ne, 0)
          surv  <- c(surv, surv[length(surv)])
          se    <- c(se, NA)
          upper <- c(upper, NA)
          lower <- c(lower, NA)
        surv  <- fun(surv)
        surv[is.infinite(surv)]   <- NA
        lower <- fun(lower)
        lower[is.infinite(lower)] <- NA
        upper <- fun(upper)
        upper[is.infinite(upper)] <- NA
        retlist <- list(time=tim,n.risk=nr,
                        upper=upper, lower=lower, 
                        conf.int=g$conf.int, call=g$call)
        if(nf > 0) retlist$strata <- sreq
    }       ## end if(missing(times))
    else {  ## times specified
      ##        g$requested.strata <- NULL
      ##        return(g)
      g <- summary(g, print.it=FALSE, times=times, extend=TRUE)
      for(w in c('n.risk', 'n.event', 'n.censor',
                 if(num.strata > 1) 'strata',
                 'surv', 'cumhaz', 'std.err', 'lower', 'upper'))
        if(is.matrix(g[[w]]) && nrow(g[[w]]) == 1)
          g[[w]] <- as.vector(g[[w]])
      ## Why does summary.survfit output vectors as row matrices?
      ## summary.survfit returns std. err of S(t) unlike other
      ## survival package functions
      g$std.err <- ifelse(g$surv == 0, NA, g$std.err / g$surv)
      if(! individual && nf > 0 &&  ## delete extra cells added by survfit for strat
         ! missing(newdata) && nrow(newdata) == 1 &&
           any(g$strata %nin% g$requested.strata)) {
        j <- g$strata %in% g$requested.strata
        g$time     <- g$time[j]
        g$n.risk   <- g$n.risk[j]
        g$n.event  <- g$n.event[j]
        g$n.censor <- g$n.censor[j]
        g$strata   <- g$strata[j]
        g$surv     <- g$surv[j]
        g$cumhaz   <- g$cumhaz[j]
        g$std.err  <- g$std.err[j]
        g$lower    <- g$lower[j]
        g$upper    <- g$upper[j]
        if(FALSE) {
          if(length(g$time) != length(times) * num.strata)
            stop('summary.survfit could not compute estimates for all strata at all times requested.\nYou probably requested times where data are limited.')
          d <- dim(g$surv)
          if(length(d) == 0) d <- c(length(g$surv), 1)
          strata.col <- matrix(rep(sreq, d[1]), ncol=d[2], byrow=TRUE)
          gs <- factor(g$strata, strata.levels)
          strata.row <- matrix(rep(unclass(gs), d[2]), ncol=d[2])
          m <- strata.col == strata.row
          g$surv    <- matrix(g$surv[m],   ncol=d[2])[,,drop=TRUE]
          g$lower   <- matrix(g$lower[m],  ncol=d[2])[,,drop=TRUE]
          g$upper   <- matrix(g$upper[m],  ncol=d[2])[,,drop=TRUE]
          g$std.err <- matrix(g$std.err[m],ncol=d[2])[,,drop=TRUE]
      if(length(times) > 1)
        for(w in c('n.risk', 'n.event', 'n.censor',
                   if(num.strata > 1) 'strata',
                   'surv', 'cumhaz', 'std.err', 'lower', 'upper'))
          g[[w]] <- matrix(g[[w]], ncol=length(times), byrow=TRUE)
    }    # end non-missing times
    tim  <- g$time
    nr   <- g$n.risk
    ne   <- g$n.event
    surv <- g$surv
    se   <- g$std.err
    low  <- g$lower
    up   <- g$upper
    tim <- unique(tim)
    if(FALSE && is.matrix(surv)) {
      surv <- t(surv)
      se   <- t(se)
      low  <- t(low)
      up   <- t(up)
      dn   <- list(row.names(newdata),format(tim))
      dimnames(surv) <- dn
      dimnames(se)   <- dn
      dimnames(low)  <- dn
      dimnames(up)   <- dn
    surv <- fun(surv)
    low  <- fun(low)
    up   <- fun(up)
    surv[is.infinite(surv)] <- NA
    low[is.infinite(low)]   <- NA
    up[is.infinite(up)]     <- NA
    retlist <- list(time=tim, surv=naresid(naa,surv),
                    lower=naresid(naa,low), upper=naresid(naa,up))
    if(nf > 0) retlist$strata <- naresid(naa,sreq)
  asnum.strata <- function(str, strata.levels) {
    if(! length(str)) return(NULL)
    if(is.numeric(str) && any(str < 1 | str>length(strata.levels)))
      stop('illegal stratum number')
    if(is.factor(str) || is.numeric(str)) return(as.integer(str))
    i <- match(str, strata.levels, nomatch=0)
    if(any(i == 0)) stop(paste('illegal strata:',
                               paste(str[i == 0],collapse=' ')))
  ##Instead use the baseline survival computed at fit time with cph(...,surv=TRUE)
  nt <- if(missing(times)) 0 else length(times)
  if(conf.int > 0 && f > 0)
    warning(paste("S.E. and confidence intervals are approximate except",
                  "at predictor means.\nUse cph(...,x=TRUE,y=TRUE) (and don't use linear.predictors=) for better estimates."))

  if(missing(linear.predictors)) {
    if(missing(x) && missing(newdata)) {
      linear.predictors <- fit$linear.predictors	#assume was centered
      rnam <- names(linear.predictors)
      if(! length(linear.predictors)) {
        if(length(fit$x) == 0)
          stop("newdata, x, linear.predictors not given but x nor linear.predictors stored in fit")
        linear.predictors <- matxv(fit$x, fit$coef) - fit$center
        strata <- fit$strata
        rnam   <- dimnames(fit$x)[[1]]
      else  strata <- attr(linear.predictors,"strata")
    else { 
      if(missing(x)) {
        x   <- predict(fit, newdata, type="x", expand.na=FALSE)
        naa <- attr(x,"na.action")
      strata <- attr(x,"strata")
      if(f > 0) linear.predictors <- matxv(x,fit$coef) - fit$center 
      else linear.predictors <- 0
      rnam <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
  else {
    strata <- asnum.strata(attr(linear.predictors, "strata"), strata.levels)
    rnam   <- names(linear.predictors)
  if(length(strata) == 0 && nf > 0) 
    stop("strata not stored in x or linear.predictors")
  attr(strata, "class") <- NULL

  if(length(fit$surv) == 0 && length(fit$x) == 0 && length(fit$y) == 0)
    stop("you did not specify surv=TRUE or x=TRUE, y=TRUE in cph")
  if(conf.int>0) zcrit <- qnorm((conf.int+1)/2)
  if(length(strata) == 0) {
    n      <- length(linear.predictors)
    strata <- rep(1,n)
    ns     <- 1
  else {
    ns <- max(strata, na.rm=TRUE)
    n  <- length(strata)
  if(what == 'parallel') {
    if(length(times) >1 && length(times) != n)
      stop('length of times must equal 1 or number of subjects being predicted')
    if(! length(fit$surv)) stop('must specify surv=TRUE to cph')
    if(diff(range(strata)) == 0) {
      estsurv <- approx(fit$time, fit$surv, xout=times,
                        method="constant", f=0, ties=mean)$y
      return(estsurv ^ exp(linear.predictors))
    est.surv <- double(n)
    for(zs in unique(strata)) {
      this <- strata == zs
      estsurv <- approx(fit$time[[zs]], fit$surv[[zs]],
                        xout=if(length(times) == 1)times else times[this],
                        method='constant', f=0, ties=mean)$y
      est.surv[this] <-
        estsurv ^ exp(if(length(linear.predictors) == 1)
                        linear.predictors else
  if(n>1 && nt == 0)
    stop("must specify times if getting predictions for >1 obs.")
  if(nt == 0) {  #Get est for 1 obs
    if(! is.list(fit$time)) {
      times   <- fit$time
      surv    <- fit$surv^exp(linear.predictors)
      std.err <- fit$std.err
    else {
      times   <- fit$time[[strata]]
      surv    <- fit$surv[[strata]]^exp(linear.predictors)
      std.err <- fit$std.err[[strata]]
    if(conf.int > 0) {
      lower <- cilower(surv, zcrit*std.err)
      upper <- ciupper(surv, zcrit*std.err)
      lower[1] <- 1
      upper[1] <- 1
      attr(lower, "type") <- NULL
      attr(upper, "type") <- NULL
    surv <- fun(surv); surv[is.infinite(surv)] <- NA
    if(conf.int>0) {
      lower <- fun(lower); lower[is.infinite(lower)] <- NA
      upper <- fun(upper); upper[is.infinite(upper)] <- NA
    if(nf == 0) strata <- NULL
    retlist <- list(time=times, surv=surv,
      retlist <- 
        c(retlist,list(lower=lower, upper=upper, std.err=std.err))
    if(nf>0) {
      retlist$strata           <- strata
      retlist$requested.strata <- unclass(strata)
  }   # end if(nt==0)
  ##Selected times for >=1 obs
  ##First get survival at times "times" for each stratum
  surv <- matrix(double(1), nrow=ns, ncol=nt)
  serr <- matrix(double(1), nrow=ns, ncol=nt)
  for(i in 1:ns) {
    if(! is.list(fit$time)) {
      tim <- fit$time
      se  <- fit$std.err
      srv <- fit$surv
    else {
      tim <- fit$time[[i]]
      se  <- fit$std.err[[i]]
      srv <- fit$surv[[i]]
    m <- length(tim)
    j <- 0
    for(u in times) {
      j <- j + 1
      tm <- max((1:length(tim))[tim<=u+1e-6])
      s <- srv[tm]
      Se <- se[tm]
      if(u > tim[m] && srv[m] > 0) {s <- NA; Se <- NA}
      surv[i,j] <- s
      serr[i,j] <- Se
  srv <- surv[strata,]^exp(linear.predictors)
  ft <- format(times)
  if(is.matrix(srv)) {
    dn <- list(rnam, ft)
    dimnames(srv) <- dn
  else names(srv) <- if(n == 1) ft else rnam
  if(conf.int > 0) {
    serr <- serr[strata,]
    lower <- cilower(srv, zcrit*serr)
    upper <- ciupper(srv, zcrit*serr)
    if(is.matrix(lower)) {
      dimnames(serr)  <- dn
      dimnames(lower) <- dn
      dimnames(upper) <- dn
    else {
      names(serr) <- names(lower) <- names(upper) <- if(n == 1) ft else rnam
    lower <- fun(lower); lower[is.infinite(lower)] <- NA
    upper <- fun(upper); upper[is.infinite(upper)] <- NA
  srv <- fun(srv)
  srv[is.infinite(srv)] <- NA
  nar <- if(inputData) function(naa,w) w
           function(...) naresid(...)
  if(conf.int == 0)
    return(list(time=times, surv=nar(naa,srv)))
  retlist <- list(time=times, surv=nar(naa,srv), lower=nar(naa,lower),
                  upper=nar(naa,upper), std.err=nar(naa,serr))
  if(nf>0) retlist$requested.strata <- nar(naa, unclass(strata))

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