####========== Pairwise methods for covariance / correlation =================
### From: Kjell Konis <>
### To:, Ricardo Maronna ...
### Cc: Rand Wilcox ...
### Subject: Re: [RsR] [R] M-estimator R function question
### Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 10:29:11 +0000
### Here is an implementation of the OGK estimator completely in R. I
### haven't touched it for a while and I forget how thoroughly I tested
### it so use it with a bit of caution.
### --------------------------------------------
## Computes the orthogonalized pairwise covariance matrix estimate described in
## in Maronna and Zamar (2002).
## Use: pairwise(X, 2, gk.sigmamu, gk, hard.rejection) for the
## Gnanadesikan-Kettenring estimate.
## Alternatively, supply your own functions.
## MM replaced sweep(X, 1, .., '*') which is inefficient!
## == used crossprod() where appropriate
## I don't like the names gk.sigmamu() and gk(),
## "gk":= Gnanadesikan-Kettenring; particularly not for the Tau-estimator
## which is not at all related to G.-K.
## ---> replacements s/gk.sigmamu/scaleTau2/
## s/gk/covGK/
## -- also in the line of the many other cov*() functions I've renamed
## s/pairwise/covOGK/
## NOTA BENE: Is *now* consistent, since MM made scaleTau2() consistent
### Documentation -----> ../man/covOGK.Rd
## ============= ================
##' Compute the mahalanobis distances for *diagonal* var/cov matrix:
##' @param x n x p numeric data matrix
##' @param center numeric p-vector (or length 1 - is recycled) or FALSE
##' @param sd numeric p-vector of "standard deviations"
##' @examples all.equal(mahalanobisD(x, FALSE, sd),
##' mahalanobis (x, rep(0,p), diag(sd^2)))
mahalanobisD <- function(x, center, sd) {
## Compute the mahalanobis distances (for diagonal cov).
x <- sweep(x, 2L, center, check.margin=FALSE)
rowSums(sweep(x, 2L, sd, '/', check.margin=FALSE)^2)
covOGK <- function(X, n.iter = 2,
rcov = covGK, weight.fn = hard.rejection, = FALSE, ...)
stopifnot(n.iter >= 1)
call <-
X <- as.matrix(X)
p <- ncol(X)
if(p < 2) stop("'X' must have at least two columns")
Z <- X # as we use 'X' for the (re)weighting
U <- diag(p)
A <- list()
## Iteration loop.
for(iter in 1:n.iter) { ## only a few iterations
## Compute the vector of standard deviations d and
## the covariance matrix U.
d <- apply(Z, 2L, sigmamu, ...)
Z <- sweep(Z, 2L, d, '/', check.margin=FALSE)
for(i in 2:p) { # only need lower triangle of U
for(j in 1:(i - 1))
U[i, j] <- rcov(Z[ ,i], Z[ ,j], ...)
## Compute the eigenvectors of U and store them as columns of E:
## eigen(U, symmetric) only needs left/lower triangle
E <- eigen(U, symmetric = TRUE)$vectors
## Compute A and store it for each iteration
A[[iter]] <- d * E
## Project the data onto the eigenvectors
Z <- Z %*% E
## End of orthogonalization iterations.
## Compute the robust location and scale estimates for
## the transformed data.
sqrt.gamma <- apply(Z, 2L, sigmamu, mu.too = TRUE, ...)
center <- sqrt.gamma[1, ]
sqrt.gamma <- sqrt.gamma[2, ]
distances <- mahalanobisD(Z, center, sd=sqrt.gamma)
## From the inside out compute the robust location and
## covariance matrix estimates. See equation (5).
## MM[FIXME]: 1st iteration (often the only one!) can be made *much* faster
## -----
covmat <- diag(sqrt.gamma^2)
for(iter in n.iter:1) {
covmat <- A[[iter]] %*% covmat %*% t(A[[iter]])
center <- A[[iter]] %*% center
center <- as.vector(center)
## Compute the reweighted estimate. First, compute the
## weights using the user specified weight function.
weights <- weight.fn(distances, p, ...)
sweights <- sum(weights)
## Then compute the weighted location and covariance
## matrix estimates.
## MM FIXME 2 : Don't need any of this, if all weights == 1
## ----- (which is not uncommon) ==> detect that "fast"
wcenter <- colSums(X * weights) / sweights
Z <- sweep(X, 2L, wcenter, check.margin=FALSE) * sqrt(weights)
wcovmat <- crossprod(Z) / sweights
list(center = center,
cov = covmat,
wcenter = wcenter,
wcov = wcovmat,
weights = weights,
distances = distances,
n.iter = n.iter,
sigmamu = deparse(substitute(sigmamu)),
weight.fn = deparse(substitute(weight.fn)),
rcov = deparse(substitute(rcov)),
call = call,
## =,
data = if( X)
## a version with weights and consistency (but only one tuning const!!)
## is in /u/maechler/R/other-people/Mspline/Mspline/R/scaleTau.R
scaleTau2 <- function(x, c1 = 4.5, c2 = 3.0, na.rm = FALSE, consistency = TRUE,
mu0 = median(x),
sigma0 = median(x.), # = MAD(x) {without consistency factor}
mu.too = FALSE, iter = 1, tol.iter = 1e-7)
x <- x[!]
n <- length(x)
x. <- abs(x - mu0)
stopifnot(is.numeric(sigma0), length(sigma0) == 1) # error, not NA ..
if( not needed (?) || (!na.rm && anyNA(x.)))
return(c(if(mu.too) mu0, sigma0))
if(sigma0 <= 0) { # no way to get tau-estim.
if(!missing(sigma0)) warning("sigma0 =", sigma0," ==> scaleTau2(.) = 0")
return(c(if(mu.too) mu0, 0))
stopifnot(iter >= 1, iter == as.integer(iter), # incl. iter=TRUE
is.numeric(tol.iter), tol.iter > 0)
nEs2 <-
if(!isFALSE(consistency)) {
Erho <- function(b)
## E [ rho_b ( X ) ] X ~ N(0,1)
2*((1-b^2)*pnorm(b) - b * dnorm(b) + b^2) - 1
Es2 <- function(c2)
## k^2 * E[ rho_{c2} (X' / k) ] , where X' ~ N(0,1), k= qnorm(3/4)
Erho(c2 * qnorm(3/4))
## the asymptotic E[ sigma^2(X) ] is Es2(c2), {Es2(3) ~= 0.925} :
## TODO: 'n-2' below will probably change; ==> not yet documented
## ---- ==> ~/R/MM/STATISTICS/robust/1d-scaleTau2-small.R
## and ~/R/MM/STATISTICS/robust/1d-scale.R
(if(consistency == "finiteSample") n-2 else n) * Es2(c2)
else n
sTau2 <- function(sig0) { # also depends on (x., x, c1,c2, Es2)
mu <-
if(c1 > 0) { # "bi-weight" {in a way that works also with x.=Inf}:
w <- pmax(0, 1 - (x. / (sig0 * c1))^2)^2
if(!is.finite(s.xw <- sum(x*w))) { ## x*w \-> NaN when (x,w) = (Inf,0)
wpos <- w > 0
w <- w[wpos]
s.xw <- sum(x[wpos]*w)
s.xw / sum(w)
else mu0
x <- (x - mu) / sig0
rho <- x^2
rho[rho > c2^2] <- c2^2
## return
c(m = mu,
## basically sqrt(sigma2) := sqrt( sigma0^2 / n * sum(rho) ) :
s = sig0 * sqrt(sum(rho)/nEs2))
} # { sTau2() }
s0 <- sigma0
if(isTRUE(iter)) iter <- 100000 # "Inf"
repeat {
m.s <- sTau2(s0)
s. <- m.s[["s"]]
if((iter <- iter - 1) <= 0 || ||
abs(s. - s0) <= tol.iter * s.) break
s0 <- s. # and iterate further
## return
c(if(mu.too) m.s[["m"]], s.)
## Two other simple 'scalefun' to be used for covOGK;
## s_Qn(), s_Sn() are in ./qnsn.R
s_mad <- function(x, mu.too= FALSE, na.rm = FALSE) {
if (na.rm) x <- x[!]
mx <- median(x)
c(if(mu.too) mx, mad(x, center = mx))
s_IQR <- function(x, mu.too= FALSE, na.rm = FALSE) {
Qx <- quantile(x, (1:3)/4, na.rm = na.rm, names = FALSE)
c(if(mu.too) Qx[2], (Qx[3] - Qx[1]) * 0.5 * formals(mad)$constant)
covGK <- function(x, y, scalefn = scaleTau2, ...)
## Gnanadesikan-Kettenring's, based on 4*Cov(X,Y) = Var(X+Y) - Var(X-Y)
(scalefn(x + y, ...)^2 - scalefn(x - y, ...)^2) / 4
hard.rejection <- function(distances, p, beta = 0.9, ...)
d0 <- median(distances) * qchisq(beta, p) / qchisq(0.5, p)
wts <- double(length(distances))# == 0, but
wts[distances <= d0] <- 1.0
##-- TODO "pairwise QC" ... etc
##--> ~maechler/R/MM/STATISTICS/robust/pairwise-new.R
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