
#       regression2: rpanel function for regression
#                    with two covariates.

rp.regression2 <- function (y, x1, x2, ylab = NA, x1lab = NA, x2lab = NA, panel = TRUE,
    model = "None", residuals.showing = FALSE, size = 3, col = "red") {

   rp.rotate <- function(panel) {
      with(panel, {
         if (phi < -90) phi <- -90
         if (phi >  90) phi <-  90
         rgl::view3d(theta = theta, phi = phi, fov = fov)

   rp.regression2.model <- function(panel) {
     with(panel, {
         if (current.model != "None") {
            if (residuals.showing) rgl::rgl.pop()
         if (model != "None") {
            a <- scaling(xgrid, smat[,, model], zgrid)
            rgl::surface3d(a$x, a$z, a$y, alpha = 0.5)
            if (residuals.showing)
               rgl.segments(x, fv[, model], z, x, y, z, scaling, col = "green")
   panel$current.model <- panel$model

   rp.regression2.residuals <- function(panel) {
      with(panel, {
         if (model != "None") {
            if (residuals.showing)
               rgl.segments(x, fv[, model], z, x, y, z, scaling, col = "green")
            else rgl::rgl.pop()

    if (requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) {

        if (is.na(x1lab))
            x1lab <- deparse(substitute(x1))
        if (is.na(x2lab))
            x2lab <- deparse(substitute(x2))
        if (is.na(ylab))
            ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))
        x      <- x1
        z      <- x2
        xlab   <- x1lab
        zlab   <- x2lab
        ngrid  <- 20
        ind <- !is.na(x + y + z)
        if (length(col) == length(x)) {
           ind <- (ind & (!is.na(col)))
           clr <- col[ind]
           clr <- col
        if (!all(ind)) {
           x <- x[ind]
           y <- y[ind]
           z <- z[ind]
           cat("Warning: missing data removed. \n")
        xlo <- min(x) - 0.05 * diff(range(x))
        xhi <- max(x) + 0.05 * diff(range(x))
        ylo <- min(y) - 0.05 * diff(range(y))
        yhi <- max(y) + 0.05 * diff(range(y))
        zlo <- min(z) - 0.05 * diff(range(z))
        zhi <- max(z) + 0.05 * diff(range(z))
        xgrid <- seq(xlo, xhi, length = ngrid)
        zgrid <- seq(zlo, zhi, length = ngrid)
        smatx <- matrix(rep(xgrid, ngrid), ncol = ngrid)
        smatz <- t(matrix(rep(zgrid, ngrid), ncol = ngrid))
        smat <- array(c(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE) + 0 * smatx,
                        coef(lm(y ~ x))[1] + coef(lm(y ~ x))[2] * smatx,
                        coef(lm(y ~ z))[1] + coef(lm(y ~ z))[2] * smatz,
                        coef(lm(y ~ x + z))[1] + coef(lm(y ~ x + z))[2] * smatx +
                                coef(lm(y ~ x + z))[3] * smatz),
                      dim = c(ngrid, ngrid, 4))
        fv <- matrix(c(fitted(lm(y ~ 1)), fitted(lm(y ~ x)),
                       fitted(lm(y ~ z)), fitted(lm(y ~ x + z))), ncol = 4)
        both <- paste(xlab, "and", zlab)
        dimnames(smat) <- list(NULL, NULL, c("No effects", xlab, zlab, both))
        dimnames(fv) <- list(NULL, c("No effects", xlab, zlab, both))
        ylo <- min(ylo, smat)
        yhi <- max(yhi, smat)
        ylim <- c(ylo, yhi)
        scaling <- rp.plot3d(x, y, z, xlab = x1lab, ylab = ylab,
            zlab = x2lab, ylim = ylim, col = clr)

        if (panel) {
            panel.name <- rp.panelname()
            spin.panel <- rp.control("Spin plot", x = x, y = y,
                z = z, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab,
                theta = -30, phi = 30, realname = panel.name,
                xgrid = xgrid, zgrid = zgrid, scaling = scaling,
                fov = 1, current.model = "None", smat = smat,
                fv = fv, model = model, residuals.showing = residuals.showing)
            rp.doublebutton(spin.panel, theta, -1, title = "Theta", action = rp.rotate)
            rp.doublebutton(spin.panel, phi,   -1, title = "Phi",   action = rp.rotate)
            rp.radiogroup(spin.panel, model,
                c("None", "No effects", xlab, zlab, paste(xlab, "and", zlab)),
                title = "Model", action = rp.regression2.model)
            rp.checkbox(spin.panel, residuals.showing, rp.regression2.residuals, "Show residuals")
            rp.do(spin.panel, rp.regression2.model)
            invisible(list(panel.name = panel.name))
        else {
            rp.regression2.model(list(x = x, y = y, z = z, xlab = xlab,
                ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab, theta = -30, phi = 30,
                xgrid = xgrid, zgrid = zgrid, scaling = scaling,
                fov = 1, current.model = "None", model = model,
                smat = smat, fv = fv, residuals.showing = residuals.showing))
    else {
        stop("regression2 will not run without the rgl package.")

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rpanel documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:37 p.m.