

test_that("export_as_txt works with and without pagination", {

    lyt <- basic_table() %>%
        split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
        analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2", "COUNTRY"))

    tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)

    tmptxtf <- tempfile()
    export_as_txt(tbl, file = tmptxtf, paginate = TRUE, lpp = 8, verbose = TRUE)
    txtlns <- readLines(tmptxtf)
    expect_identical(grep("\\\\s\\\\n", txtlns),
                     c(9L, 17L))

                     export_as_txt(tbl, file = NULL, paginate = FALSE))

test_that("export_as_txt works with wrapping", {
    clw <- c(5, 7, 6, 6) + 12
    lpp_tmp <- 18

    ## no vert pagination because lpp is so big
    tmptxtf1 <- tempfile()
                  file = tmptxtf1,
                  paginate = TRUE,
                  lpp = 150,
                  colwidths = clw,
                  tf_wrap = TRUE,
                  max_width = 20, cpp = 80, verbose = TRUE)
    txtlns1 <- readLines(tmptxtf1)
    pagepos1 <- grep("\\\\s\\\\n", txtlns1)
    expect_identical(pagepos1, 30L) ##c(30L, 58L))

    ## explicitly no vertical pagination (lpp = NULL)
    tmptxtf1b <- tempfile()
                  file = tmptxtf1b,
                  paginate = TRUE,
                  lpp = NULL,
                  colwidths = clw,
                  tf_wrap = TRUE,
                  max_width = 20, cpp = 80)

    txtlns1b <- readLines(tmptxtf1b)
    expect_identical(txtlns1, txtlns1b)

    ## no horiz pagination, tf_wrap FALSE

    tmptxtf2 <- tempfile()
                                 file = tmptxtf2,
                                 paginate = TRUE,
                                 lpp = lpp_tmp,
                                 colwidths = clw,
                                 tf_wrap = FALSE,
                                 max_width = 20, verbose = TRUE))
    txtlns2 <- readLines(tmptxtf2)
    pagepos2 <- grep("\\\\s\\\\n", txtlns2)
    expect_identical(pagepos2, 18L) ##c(26L, 50L))

    tmptxtf2b <- tempfile()
                  file = tmptxtf2b,
                  paginate = TRUE,
                  lpp = lpp_tmp,
                  colwidths = clw,
                  tf_wrap = TRUE,
                  max_width = 20, verbose = TRUE))
                  file = tmptxtf2b,
                  paginate = TRUE,
                  lpp = lpp_tmp,
                  colwidths = clw,
                  tf_wrap = TRUE,
                  max_width = 40, verbose = TRUE)
    txtlns2b <- readLines(tmptxtf2b)
    pagepos2b <- grep("\\\\s\\\\n", txtlns2b)
    expect_identical(pagepos2b, c(16L, 33L, 49L)) ## 16 because we dont' get our first pick of pagination spots anymore

    ## both vertical and horizontal pagination #458
    tmptxtf3 <- tempfile()
    ## this fails, no valid pagination after both heade rand footer
    ## are wrapped to 20
                  file = tmptxtf3,
                  paginate = TRUE,
                  lpp = lpp_tmp,
                  colwidths = clw,
                  tf_wrap = TRUE,
                  max_width = 20,
                  cpp = 80))
                  file = tmptxtf3,
                  paginate = TRUE,
                  lpp = lpp_tmp,
                  colwidths = clw,
                  tf_wrap = TRUE,
                  max_width = 40,
                  cpp = 80, verbose = TRUE)

    txtlns3 <- readLines(tmptxtf3)
    pagepos3 <- grep("\\\\s\\\\n", txtlns3)
    expect_identical(pagepos3[1], pagepos2b[1])

test_that("tsv roundtripping for path_enriched_df", {

    tbl2 <- tt_to_export()

    df <- path_enriched_df(tbl2)

    tmptsv <- tempfile(fileext = ".tsv")

    export_as_tsv(tbl2, file = tmptsv)

    newdf <- import_from_tsv(tmptsv)

    expect_true(all(sapply(newdf, is.list)))
    expect_equal(unclass(newdf[1, 2]), #AsIs "class"
                                     16 / sum(ex_adsl$ARM == "A: Drug X" &
                                                  ex_adsl$SEX == "M")))))

test_that("export_as_pdf works", {

    tbl <- tt_to_export()
    tmpf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")

    expect_warning(export_as_pdf(tbl, file = tmpf, landscape = TRUE, width = 3, paginate = FALSE),
                   "width of page 1 exceeds the available space")
    expect_warning(export_as_pdf(tbl, file = tmpf, height = 3, paginate = FALSE),
                   "height of page 1 exceeds the available space")

    res <- export_as_pdf(tbl, file = tmpf)

    expect_equal(res$npages, 3)


# test_that("exporting pdfs gives the correct values", {
#     if (check_pdf) {
#         lyt <- basic_table(title = " ") %>%
#             split_rows_by("SEX", page_by = TRUE) %>%
#             analyze("AGE")
#         # Building the table
#         tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)
#         tmpf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
#         res <- export_as_pdf(tbl, file = tmpf, hsep = "=", lpp = 20)
#         res_pdf <- pdf_text(tmpf)
#         # Removing spaces and replacing separators
#         res_pdf <- gsub(res_pdf, pattern = "==*", replacement = "+++")
#         res_pdf <- gsub(res_pdf, pattern = "  +", replacement = " ")
#         res_pdf <- gsub(res_pdf, pattern = " \n", replacement = "")
#         # Pagination is present as vector in pdf_text. Doing the same with tbl
#         expected <- sapply(paginate_table(tbl), function(x) toString(x, hsep = "="), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
#         names(expected) <- NULL
#         # Removing spaces and replacing separators
#         expected <- gsub(expected, pattern = "==*", replacement = "+++")
#         expected <- gsub(expected, pattern = "  +", replacement = " ")
#         expected <- gsub(expected, pattern = " \n", replacement = "\n")
#         expected <- gsub(expected, pattern = "^\n", replacement = "")
#         expect_identical(res_pdf, expected)
#         ## TODO understand better how to compare exactly these outputs
#     }
# })

test_that("exporting pdf does the inset", {
    tbl <- tt_to_export()
    table_inset(tbl) <- 100
    tmpf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")

    expect_error(export_as_pdf(tbl, file = tmpf))

test_that("flextable export works", {

    analysisfun <- function(x, ...) {
        in_rows(row1 = 5,
                row2 = c(1, 2),
                .row_footnotes = list(row1 = "row 1 - row footnote"),
                .cell_footnotes = list(row2 = "row 2 - cell footnote"))

    lyt <- basic_table() %>%
        split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
        split_cols_by("SEX", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("M", "F"))) %>%
        split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%
        summarize_row_groups() %>%
        split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("WHITE", "ASIAN"))) %>%
        analyze("AGE", afun = analysisfun)

    tbl <-  build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
    ft <- tt_to_flextable(tbl, total_width = 20)
    expect_equal(sum(unlist(nrow(ft))), 20)

    ft2 <- tt_to_flextable(tbl, paginate = TRUE, lpp = 20, verbose = TRUE)
    expect_equal(length(ft2), 6)

test_that("as_html smoke test", {

    tmpf <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")

    tbl <- tt_to_export()
    oldo <- options(viewer = identity)
    fl <- Viewer(tbl)

## https://github.com/insightsengineering/rtables/issues/308
test_that("path_enriched_df works for tables with a column that has all length 1 elements", {

    my_table <- basic_table() %>%
        split_rows_by("Species") %>%
        analyze("Petal.Length") %>%
        build_table(df = iris)
    mydf <- path_enriched_df(my_table)
    expect_identical(dim(mydf), c(3L, 2L))

test_that("export_as_rtf works", {

    tbl <- tt_to_export()
    tmpf <- tempfile(fileext = ".rtf")

    expect_error(export_as_rtf(tbl, file = tmpf, landscape = TRUE, margins = c(2, 2, 2, 2), colwidths = 2),
                 "non-null colwidths argument")

    res <- export_as_rtf(tbl, file = tmpf)

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rtables documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:07 p.m.