
Defines functions trim_workhorse

Documented in trim_workhorse

#' TRIM workhorse function
#' @param count a numerical vector of count data.
#' @param site a numerical vector time points for each count data point.
#' @param year an numerical vector time points for each count data point.
#' @param month vector of month data.
#' @param covars an optional data frame with covariates
#' @param model a model type selector
#' @param serialcor a flag indication of autocorrelation has to be taken into account.
#' @param overdisp a flag indicating of overdispersion has to be taken into account.
#' @param changepoints a numerical vector change points (only for Model 2)
#' @param weights a numerical vector of weights.
#' @param covin a list of variance-covariance matrices; one per pseudo-site.
#' @param constrain_overdisp control constraining overdispersion
#' @param conv_crit convergence criterion.
#' @param max_iter maximum number of iterations allowed.
#' @param max_beta maximum value for beta parameters
#' @return a list of class \code{trim}, that contains all output, statistiscs, etc.
#'   Usually this information is retrieved by a set of postprocessing functions
#' @keywords internal
trim_workhorse <- function(count, site, year, month, weights, covars,
                           model, changepoints, overdisp, serialcor, autodelete, stepwise,
                           covin = list(),
                           constrain_overdisp=1.0, conv_crit=1e-5, max_iter=200,
  # if (debug) browser()

  alpha_method <- 1     # Choose between 2 methods to compute alpha (1 is recommended)
  graph_debug <- FALSE  # enable graphical display of the model convergence
  compatible <- FALSE   # Strict TRIM compatibility (i.e. move to GEE after 3 ML iterations)

  # These were user options, but are now fixed
  max_sub_step <- 7L
  max_beta <- 20

  # =========================================================== Preparation ====

  # Check the arguments. \verb!count! should be a vector of numerics.
  stopifnot(class(count) %in% c("integer","numeric"))
  n = length(count)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------- Check sites ----

  # Check length
  if (length(site) != length(count)) {
    msg <- sprintf("Number of site ID's (%d) is different than the number of counts (%d)",
                   length(site), length(count))
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  # Convert numerics that are integers in disguise
  num2int <- function(x, tol=1e-7) {
    # convert numeric to integer, if appropriate
    if (inherits(x,"numeric")) {
      int_x <- as.integer(x)
      if (max(abs(x - int_x)) < tol) x <- int_x
  if (inherits(site,"numeric")) site <- num2int(site)

  if (inherits(site,"integer")) {
    # Integer site ID's are always accepted
    site <- factor(site)                # Convert to a factor
    site_id <- as.integer(levels(site)) # Original values
  } else if (inherits(site,"character")) {
    # Character site ID's are always accepted
    site <- factor(site)
    site_id <- levels(site)
  } else if (inherits(site,"factor")) {
    # Factor site ID's are always accepted
    site <- factor(site) # Refactor to get rid of unused levels
    site_id <- levels(site)
  } else {
    msg <- sprintf("Invalid site class: %s", paste0(class(site), collapse=","))
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  I <- nsite <- nlevels(site)
  site_nr <- as.integer(site)         # 1, 2, ..., I

  # ----------------------------------------------------------- Check years ----

  # Check length
  if (length(year) != length(count)) {
    msg <- sprintf("Number of years (%d) is different than the number of counts (%d)",
                   length(year), length(count))
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  # Years must be integers or numerics with a constant step size.
  # Convert numerics that are integers in disguise
  if (inherits(year, "numeric")) year <- num2int(year)

  if (inherits(year,"integer")) {
    # Integers are allowed iff they have a constant step size
    delta <- unique(diff(sort(unique(year))))
    if (length(delta)!=1L) stop("Years don't have a constant interval")
    year <- ordered(year)
    year_id <- as.integer(levels(year))
  } else  if (inherits(year, "numeric")) {
    # Idem for numerics
    delta <- unique(diff(sort(unique(year))))
    if (length(delta)!=1L) stop("Years don't have a constant interval")
    year <- ordered(year)
    year_id <- as.numeric(levels(year))
  } else {
    msg <- sprintf("Invalid year class: %s", paste0(class(year), collapse=","))
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  J <- nyear <- nlevels(year)
  year_nr <- as.integer(year)

  # ---------------------------------------------------------- Check months ----

  if (is.null(month)) {
    use.months <- FALSE
    M <- nmonth <- 1L
  } else {

    # Check length
    if (length(month) != length(count)) {
      msg <- sprintf("Number of month specifiers (%d) is different than the number of counts (%d)",
                     length(month), length(count))
      stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

    # Convert numerics that are integers in disguise
    if (inherits(month, "numeric")) month <- num2int(month)

    if (inherits(month,"integer")) {
      # Integers are always OK
      use.months <- TRUE
      month <- ordered(month)
      month_id  <- as.integer(levels(month)) # the original month identifiers
    } else if (inherits(month, "character")) {
      # Characters are always accepted, will be sorted on order of appearance
      use.months <- TRUE
      month <- ordered(month, levels=unique(month))
      month_id <- levels(month)
    } else if (inherits(month,"ordered")) {
      use.months <- TRUE
      month <- ordered(month) # Get rid of unused levels
      month_id <- ordered(levels(month), levels(month))
    } else if (inherits(month,"factor")) {
      use.months <- TRUE
      month <- factor(month) # Get rid of unused levels
      month_id <- ordered(levels(month), levels(month))
    } else {
      msg <- sprintf("Invalid year class: %s", paste0(class(year), collapse=","))
      stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

    month_nr <- as.integer(month)
    M <- nmonth <- nlevels(month)

  # ---------------------------------------------------------- Check covars ----

  # \verb!covars! should be a list where each element (if any) is a vector
  ncovar <- length(covars)
  use.covars <- ncovar>0
  if (use.covars) {
    # convert to numerical values (1...nlevel)
    icovars <- vector("list", ncovar)
    for (i in 1:ncovar) {
      if (any(is.na(covars[[i]]))) {
        stop(sprintf('NA values not allowed for covariate "%s".', names(covars)[i]), call.=FALSE)
      # test for covariant types: integer/string/factor are allowd; all will be converted to factor
      if (class(covars[[i]])=="integer") {
        covars[[i]] <- as.factor(covars[[i]])
      } else if (class(covars[[i]])=="character") {
        covars[[i]] <- as.factor(covars[[i]])
      if (!"factor" %in% class(covars[[i]])) {
        stop(sprintf('Invalid data type for covariate "%s".', names(covars)[i]), call.=FALSE)
      icovars[[i]] <- as.integer((covars[[i]]))

    # Also, each covariate $i$ should be a number (ID) ranging $1\ldots nclass_i$
    nclass <- numeric(ncovar)
    for (i in 1:ncovar) {
      cv <- icovars[[i]] # The vector of covariate class ID's
      stopifnot(min(cv)==1) # Assert lower end of range
      nclass[i] = max(cv)  # Upper end of range
      #stopifnot(nclass[i]>1) # Assert upper end
      stopifnot(length(unique(cv))==nclass[i]) # Assert the range is contiguous
  } else {
    nclass <- 0

  # remove covariates that have only a single class
  while (any(nclass==1)) {
    idx <-  which(nclass==1)[1]
    warning(sprintf("Removing covariate \"%s\" which has only one class.", names(covars)[idx])
            , call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
    covars <-  covars[-idx]
    icovars <- icovars[-idx]
    nclass <- nclass[-idx]
    ncovar <- ncovar-1
    if (ncovar==0) {
      warning("No covariates left", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
      use.covars <- FALSE

  # ----------------------------------------------------- Check double data ----

  if (use.months) {
    check <- tapply(count, list(site_nr, year_nr, month_nr), length)
    if (max(check, na.rm=TRUE)>1)
      stop("More than one observation given for at least one site/year/month combination.", call.=FALSE)
  } else {
    check <- tapply(count, list(site_nr, year_nr), length)
    if (max(check, na.rm=TRUE)>1)
      stop("More than one observation given for at least one site/year combination.", call.=FALSE)
  if (length(count) > I*J*M) {
    msg <- sprintf("Unexpected error: more count data (%d) than I*J*M (%d)", length(count), I*J*M)
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------- Other setup ----

  # \verb!model! should be in the range 1 to 3
  stopifnot(model %in% 1:3)

  # beta parameters are used only if we have model2+changepoints, or model3
  if (model==1) {
    use.beta <- FALSE
  } else if (model==2) {
    use.beta <- length(changepoints) > 0
  } else if (model==3) {
    use.beta <- TRUE
  } else stop("Should not happen")

  # Weights should be either absent, or aligned with the counts
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    use.weights <- FALSE
  } else {
    use.weights <- TRUE

  # User-specified covariance
  use.covin <- length(covin)>0

  # Check for sufficient data
  # # todo: speedup by using as.integer(month_fctr) etc.

  for (i in 1:I) {
    cur_site <- site_id[i]
    site_idx <- site_nr==i
    # for (m in 1:M) {
      # cur_month = levels(month_fctr)[m]
      # month_idx = month == cur_month
      idx <- site_idx # & month_idx
      nobs <- sum(idx)
      # if (nobs==0) stop(sprintf("No observations for site \"%s\", month %s", cur_site, cur_month))
      if (nobs==0) stop(sprintf("No observations for site %s", cur_site), call.=FALSE)
      npos <- sum(count[idx], na.rm=TRUE)
      # if (npos==0) stop(sprintf("No positive observations for site \"%s\", month %s", cur_site, cur_month), call.=FALSE)
      if (npos==0) stop(sprintf("No positive observations for site %s", cur_site), call.=FALSE)
  # }

  # Create observation matrix $f$.
  # Convert the data from a vector representation to a matrix representation.
  # It's OK to have missing site/time combinations; these will automatically
  # translate to NA values.
  if (!use.months) {
    f <- matrix(NA, nsite, nyear) # ??? check if we should not use NA instead of 0!!!
    rows <- site_nr # works because site_nr = 1...I
    cols <- year_nr # idem
    idx <- (cols-1)*nsite+rows   # Create column-major linear index from row/column subscripts.
    f[idx] <- count    # ... such that we can paste all data into the right positions
  } else {
    # Create a layers f, one layer per month
    f <- array(NA, dim=c(nsite,nyear,nmonth))
    for (m in 1:M) {
      fm <- matrix(NA, nsite, nyear)
      midx <- month_nr == m # month factor -> 1,2,3,etc
      rows <- site_nr[midx]
      cols <- year_nr[midx]
      idx <- (cols-1)*nsite+rows
      fm[idx] <- count[midx]
      f[ , ,m] <- fm

  # # New check for sufficient data.
  # # This test will find the observations that are supposed to provide info for
  # # both site-parameters and time-parameters.
  # if (!use.months) {
  #   I <- dim(f)[1]
  #   J <- dim(f)[2]
  #   fpos <- f > 0
  #   fpos[is.na(fpos)] <- FALSE
  #   fpos <- fpos * 1L            # Hack to convert logical matrix to a numerical one
  #   # Create counts for all combinations
  #   n1 <- apply(fpos, 1, sum)
  #   n2 <- apply(fpos, 1, sum)
  #   for (i in 1:I) for (j in 1:J) {
  #     nn <- n1[i] + n2[j] - fpos[i,j] # row total + col total; correct for combi
  #     if (nn<2) stop(sprintf("Problem at i=%d, j=%d (%d)", i, j, year_id[j]))
  #   }
  # } else {
  #   I <- dim(f)[1]
  #   J <- dim(f)[2]
  #   M <- dim(f)[3]
  #   fpos <- f > 0
  #   fpos[is.na(fpos)] <- FALSE
  #   fpos <- fpos * 1L            # Hack to convert logical matrix to a numerical one
  #   # Create counts for all planes
  #   n12 <- apply(fpos, c(1,2), sum)
  #   n13 <- apply(fpos, c(1,3), sum)
  #   n23 <- apply(fpos, c(2,3), sum)
  #   for (i in 200:202) for (j in 1:J) for (m in 1:M) {
  #     if ((n12[i,j]==1 && n13[i,m]==1) && n23[j,m]==1) {
  #       cat(sprintf("problem at i=%d j=%d m=%d\n", i,j,m))
  #     }
  #   }
  # }

  # TRIM is not intended for extrapolation. Therefore, issue a warning if the first or last
  # time points do not contain positive observations.
  totals <- colSums(f, na.rm=TRUE)
  if (use.months) totals <- rowSums(totals) # aggregate months
  if (sum(totals)==0) stop("No positive observations in the data.")
  if (totals[1]==0) {
    n = which(totals>0)[1] - 1L
    warning(sprintf("Data starts with %d years without positive observations.", n), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
  totals <- rev(totals)
  if (totals[1]==0) {
    n <- which(totals>0)[1] - 1L
    warning(sprintf("Data ends with %d years without positive observations.", n), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)

  # Create similar matrices for all covariates
  if (use.covars) {
    if (use.months) stop("months+covars not yet correctly implemented")
    cvmat <- list()
    for (i in 1:ncovar) {
      cv <- icovars[[i]]
      m <- matrix(NA, nsite, nyear)
      m[idx] <- cv
      # not sure why the following line was included; NA's are allowed (mirroring NA's in f)
      # if (any(is.na(m))) stop(sprintf('(implicit) NA values in covariate "%s".', names(covars)[i]), call.=FALSE)
      cvmat[[i]] <- m
  } else {
    cvmat <- NULL

  # idem for the weights
  if (use.months) {
    wt <- array(1.0, dim=c(nsite,nyear,nmonth))
    if (use.weights) {
      for (m in 1:M) {
        wtm <- matrix(1.0, nsite, nyear)
        midx <- month_nr==m
        rows <- site_nr[midx]
        cols <- year_nr[midx]
        idx <- (cols-1)*nsite+rows
        wtm[idx] <- weights[midx]
        wt[ , ,m] <- wtm
  } else {
    wt <- matrix(1.0, nsite, nyear)
    if (use.weights) wt[idx] <- weights

  # We often need some specific subset of the data, e.g.\ all observations for site 3.
  # These are conveniently found by combining the following indices:
  observed <- is.finite(f)  # Flags observed (TRUE) / missing (FALSE) data
  positive <- is.finite(f) & f > 0.0 # Flags useful ($f_{i,j}>0$) observations
  site_ii <- as.vector(slice.index(f,1)) # # Internal site identifiers are the row numbers of the original matrix.
  #TODO: check site_ii==site_nr
  nobs <- rowSums(observed) # Number of actual observations per site (alwso works with months)
  npos <- rowSums(positive) # Number of useful ($f_{i,j}>0$) observations per site.

  # Store indices for observed counts
  obsi <- vector("list", nsite)
  if (use.months) {
    for (i in 1:nsite) {
      obsi[[i]] <- as.vector(observed[i, ,]) # use 3D observed
  } else {
    for (i in 1:nsite) {
      obsi[[i]] <- as.vector(observed[i, ]) # use 2D

  # in case of covin: ensure that all matrices correspond to the right sites.
  # These latter are refactored, so we do that as well.
  if (use.covin && !is.null(names(covin))) {
    covin_names <- names(covin)
    covin_ids   <- as.integer(factor(covin_names))
    covin_new <- vector("list", nsite)
    for (i in 1:nsite) {
      j <- covin_ids[i]
      covin_new[[j]] <- covin[[i]]
    covin <- covin_new

  # Check if the covin matrices all have the right size.
  if (use.covin) {
    for (i in 1:nsite) {

  if (model!=2 && length(changepoints) > 0)
    stop(sprintf("Changepoints cannot be specified for model %d", model), call.=FALSE)

  # For model 2, test that changepoints (if any) are in the range 1..J-1
  use.changepoints <- model==2 && length(changepoints)>0
  if (use.changepoints) {
    if (min(changepoints)>=1 && max(changepoints)<nyear) {
      # case 1: already in 1..J-1
    } else if (all(changepoints %in% year_id)) {
      # case 2: actual years (used); convert to 1..J-1
      changepoints <- match(changepoints, year_id)
    } else {
      stop("Invalid changepoints specified")
    # Last checks
    stopifnot(all(changepoints >= 1L))
    stopifnot(all(changepoints < nyear))
    stopifnot(all(diff(changepoints) > 0)) # changepoints must be in incraesing order

  # We make use of the generic model structure
  # $$ \log\mu = A\alpha + B\beta $$
  # where design matrices $A$ and $B$ both have $IJ$ rows.
  # For efficiency reasons the model estimation algorithm works on a per-site basis.
  # There is thus no need to store these full matrices. Instead, $B$ is constructed as a
  # smaller matrix that is valid for any site, and $A$ is not used at all.

  # Create matrix $B$, which is model-dependent.
  if (!use.beta) {
    # Model 1 or Model 2 without changepoints.
    # These run easier if we have a fake beta with a fixed value of 1. Therefore, create a corresponding B
    B <- matrix(0, J, 1)
  } else if (model==2) {
    # normal model 2, with changepoints
    ncp  <-  length(changepoints)
    B <- matrix(0, J, ncp)
    for (i in 1:ncp) {
      cp1  <-  changepoints[i]
      cp2  <-  ifelse(i<ncp, changepoints[i+1], J)
      if (cp1>1) B[1:(cp1-1), i]  <-  0
      B[cp1:cp2,i]  <-  0:(cp2-cp1)
      if (cp2<J) B[(cp2+1):J,i]  <-  B[cp2,i]
  } else if (model==3) {
    # Model 3 in it's canonical form uses a single time parameter $\gamma$ per time step,
    # so design matrix $B$ is essentially a $J\times$J identity matrix.
    # Note, hoewever, that by definition $\gamma_1 \equiv 0$, so effectively there are $J-1$ $\gamma$-values to consider.
    # As a consequence, the first column is deleted.
    B <- diag(J)  # Construct $J\times$J identity matrix...
    B <- B[ ,-1, drop=FALSE]  # ...and remove the first column to account for $gamma_1\equiv 0$
  } else stop("Can't happen.")

  # When using months...
  if (use.months) {
    # ...we have to paste together M copies of B
    B <- do.call("rbind", replicate(M, B, simplify=FALSE))
    # and add links to the (M-1) month factors as well
    D <- matrix(rep(diag(M), each=J), J*M)
    D <- D[ ,-1, drop=FALSE]
    B <- cbind(B, D) # combine year effects and month effects

  # For some purposes (e.g. vcov() ), we do need a dummy first column in B
  Bfull <- cbind(0, B)

  # optionally add covariates. Each covar class (except class 1) adds an extra copy of $B$,
  # where rows are cleared if that site/time combi does not participate in
  if (use.covars) {
    cvmask <- list()
    for (cv in 1:ncovar) {
      cvmask[[cv]] = list()
      for (cls in 2:nclass[cv]) {
        cvmask[[cv]][[cls]] <- list()
        for (i in 1:nsite) {
          cvmask[[cv]][[cls]][[i]] <- which(cvmat[[cv]][i, ]!=cls)
    # The amount of extra parameter sets is the total amount of covariate classes
    # minus the number of covariates (because class 1 does not add extra params)
    num.extra.beta.sets <- sum(nclass-1)

  # When we use covariates, $B$ is site-specific. We thus define a function to make
  # the proper $B$ for each site $i$

  B0 <- B # The "standard" B
  make.B <- function(i, debug=FALSE) {
    if (debug) { printf("make.B(%i): B0:", i); str(B0) }
    if (use.covars) {
      # Model 2 with covariates. Add a copy of B for each covar class
      Bfinal <- B0
      for (cv in 1:ncovar) {
        if (debug) printf("adding covar %d\n", cv)
        for (cls in 2:nclass[cv]) {
          if (debug) printf("adding class %d\n", cls)
          Btmp <- B0
          mask <- cvmask[[cv]][[cls]][[i]]
          if (length(mask)>0) Btmp[mask, ] = 0
          Bfinal <- cbind(Bfinal, Btmp)
    } else {
      Bfinal = B0
    if (debug) { printf("make.B(%i): Bfinal:", i); str(Bfinal)}

  # ================================== Setup parameters and state variables ====

  # Parameter $\alpha$ has a unique value for each site.
  # alpha <- matrix(0, nsite,1) # Store as column vector
  alpha <- matrix(log(rowSums(f, na.rm=TRUE)/nyear))
  # alpha <- matrix(log(rowMeans(f*wt, na.rm=TRUE)));

  # Parameter $\beta$ is model dependent.
  # if (model==1) {
  #   nbeta <- 1
  # } else if (model==2) {
  #   # For model 2 we have one $\beta$ per change points (if any)
  #   nbeta <- if (use.changepoints) length(changepoints) else 1
  # } else if (model==3) {
  #   # For model 3, we have one $\beta$ per time $j>1$
  #   nbeta = nyear - 1
  # } else if (model==4) {
  #   nbeta <- (J-1) + (M-1)
  # }
  nbeta <- ncol(B0)

  # If we have covariates, $\beta$'s are repeated for each covariate class $>1$.
  nbeta0 <- nbeta # Number of `baseline' (i.e., without covariates) $\beta$'s.
  if (use.covars) {
    nbeta <- nbeta0 * (sum(nclass-1)+1)

  # Now that we know how much parameters are requested, check if we do have enough observations.
  # For this, we ignore the `0' observations
  nalpha <- length(alpha)
  if (sum(nobs) < (nalpha+nbeta)) {
    msg <- sprintf("Not enough positive observations (%d) to specify %d parameters (%d alpha + %d beta)", sum(npos), nalpha+nbeta, nalpha, nbeta)
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  # All $\beta_j$ are initialized at 0, to reflect no trend (model 1 or 2) or no time effects (model 3)
  beta <- matrix(0.0, nbeta,1) # Store as column vector

  # Variable $\mu$ holds the estimated counts.
  if (use.months) mu <- array(0, dim=c(I,J,M))
  else            mu <- matrix(0, nsite, nyear)

  # Setup error handling
  err.out <- NULL

  # ====================================================== Model estimation ====

  # TRIM estimates the model parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$ in an iterative fashion,
  # so separate functions are defined for the updates of these and other variables needed.

  #3 Site-parameters $\alpha$
  # Update $\alpha_i$ using:
  # $$ \alpha_i^t = \log z_i' f_i - \log z_i' \exp(B_i \beta^{t-1}) $$
  # where vector $z$ contains just ones if autocorrelation and overdispersion are
  # ignored (i.e., Maximum Likelihood, ML),
  # or weights, when these are taken into account (i.e., Generalized Estimating
  # Equations, GEE).
  # In this case,
  # $$ z = \mu V^{-1} $$
  # with $V$ a covariance matrix (see Section~\ref{covariance}).

  update_alpha <- function(method=c("ML","GEE")) {
    for (i in 1:nsite) {
      obs <- obsi[[i]] # observed[i, ]
      if (alpha_method==1) {
        # get (observed) counts for this site
        f_i <- if (use.months) f[i,,] else f[i,] # Data for this site
        f_i <- as.vector(f_i)                    # Matrix->vector representation
        f_i <- f_i[obs]                          # Observed only
        # idem weights, using more compact but equivalent code
        wt_i <- if (use.months) as.vector(wt[i,,])[obs] else wt[i,obs]
        # idem expected
        mu_i <- if (use.months) as.vector(mu[i,,])[obs] else mu[i,obs]
        # Get design matrix B
        B <- make.B(i)
        B_i <- B[obs, , drop=FALSE]
        if (method=="ML") { # no covariance; $V_i = \diag{mu}$
          z_t <- matrix(1, 1, nobs[i])
        } else if (method=="GEE") { # Use covariance
          z_t <- mu_i %*% V_inv[[i]] # define correlation weights
        } else stop("Can't happen")
        if (z_t %*% f_i > 0) { # Application of method 1 is possible
          alpha[i] <<- log(z_t %*% f_i) - log(z_t %*% exp(B_i %*% beta - log(wt_i)))
          if (!is.finite(alpha[i])) stop("non-finite alpha problem 1a")
        } else { # Fall back to method 2
          sumf <- sum(f_i)
          sumu <- sum(mu_i)
          dalpha <- if (sumf/sumu > 1e-7) log(sumf/sumu) else 0.0
          alpha[i] <<- alpha[i] + dalpha;
          if (!is.finite(alpha[i])) stop("non-finite alpha problem 1b")
        #if (z_t %*% f_i < 0) z_t = matrix(1, 1, nobs[i]) # alternative hack
      } else { #method 2: classic TRIM
        f_i <- f[i, obs]
        mu_i <- mu[i, obs]
        sumf <- sum(f_i)
        sumu <- sum(mu_i)
        dalpha <- if (sumf/sumu > 1e-7) log(sumf/sumu) else 0.0
        alpha[i] <<- alpha[i] + dalpha;
        if (!is.finite(alpha[i])) stop("non-finite alpha problem 2")
    #printf("\n\n** %f ** \n\n", max(abs(alpha1-alpha2)))
    #alpha <<- alpha1 # works better in some cases, i.e. testset 10104_0.tcf
    #if (!all(is.finite(alpha))) alpha <- alpha2
    if (any(!is.finite(alpha))) stop("non-finite alpha problem")

  # ----------------------------------------------- Time parameters $\beta$ ----

  # Estimates for parameters $\beta$ are improved by computing a change in $\beta$ and
  # adding that to the previous values:
  # $$ \beta^t = \beta^{t-1} - (i_b)^{-1} U_b^\ast \label{beta}$$
  # where $i_b$ is a derivative matrix (see Section~\ref{Hessian})
  # and $U_b^\ast$ is a Fisher Scoring matrix (see Section~\ref{Scoring}).
  # Note that the `improvement' as defined by \eqref{beta} can actually results in a decrease in model fit.
  # These cases are identified by measuring the model Likelihood Ratio (Eqn~\eqref{LR}).
  # If this measure increases, then smaller adjustment steps are applied.
  # This process is repeated until an actually improvement is found.

  max_dbeta <- 0.0

  check_beta <- function() {
    problem <- ""
    if (any(!is.finite(beta))) {
      problem <- "non-finite beta value"
      idx <- which(!is.finite(beta))[1]
    if (any(beta >  max_beta)) {
      problem <- "excessive high beta value"
      idx <- which(beta > max_beta)[1]
    if (any(beta < -max_beta)) {
      problem <- "excessive low beta value"
      idx <- which(beta < -max_beta)[1]
    if (problem != "") {
      if (model==2) {
        msg <- sprintf("Model can't be estimated due to %s at changepoint #%d (%d)", problem, idx, year_id[idx])
      } else if (model==3) {
        msg <- sprintf("Model can't be estimated due to %s at year #%d (%d)", problem, idx+1, year_id[idx+1])
      } else stop("Unexpected model:", model)
      stop(msg, call.=FALSE)


  update_beta <- function(method=c("ML","GEE"))
    # Compute the proposed change in $\beta$.
    dbeta  <-  -solve(i_b) %*% U_b
    max_dbeta <<- max(abs(dbeta))
    if (!all(is.finite(dbeta))) stop("non-finite beta problem")
    # This is the maximum update; if it results in an \emph{increased} likelihood ratio,
    # then we have to take smaller steps. First record the original state and likelihood.
    beta0  <- beta
    lik0  <- likelihood()
    stepsize <- 1.0
    for (subiter in 1:max_sub_step) {
      beta  <<- beta0 + stepsize*dbeta

      if (!is.null(err.out)) return()

      lik <- likelihood()
      likc <- (1+conv_crit) * lik0 # threshold value
      if (lik>0 && lik < likc) break else stepsize <- stepsize / 2 # Stop or try again
      # condition lik>0 added to prevent crash due to extreme lik(mu(dbeta(i_b))) as in testcase 412_21

  # --------------------- Covariance and autocorrelation \label{covariance} ----

  # Covariance matrix $V_i$ is defined by
  # \begin{equation}
  #   V_i = \sigma^2 \sqrt{\diag{\mu}} R \sqrt{\diag{\mu}} \label{V1}
  # \end{equation}
  # where $\sigma^2$ is a dispersion parameter (Section~\ref{sig2})
  # and $R$ is an (auto)correlation matrix.
  # Both of these two elements are optional.
  # If the counts are perfectly Possion distributed, $\sigma^2=1$,
  # and if autocorrelation is disabled (i.e.\ counts are independent),
  # Eqn~\eqref{V1} reduces to
  # \begin{equation}
  #   V_i = \sigma^2 \diag{\mu} \label{V2}
  # \end{equation}
  V_inv  <- vector("list", nsite) # Create storage space for $V_i^{-1}$.
  Omega <- vector("list", nsite)

  update_V <- function(method=c("ML","GEE")) {
    for (i in 1:nsite) {
      obs <- obsi[[i]]
      f_i <- if (use.months) as.vector(f[i,,])[obs] else f[i,obs]
      mu_i <- if (use.months) as.vector(mu[i,,])[obs] else mu[i,obs]
      d_mu_i <- diag(mu_i, length(mu_i)) # Length argument guarantees diag creation
      if (method=="GEE" & serialcor) {
        idx <- which(obs)
        R_i <- Rg[idx,idx]
        V_i <- sig2 * sqrt(d_mu_i) %*% R_i %*% sqrt(d_mu_i)
      } else {
        V_i <- sig2 * d_mu_i
      # if (any(abs(diag(V_i))<1e-12)) browser()
      # printf("\n!!! Site: %d\n", i)
      # print(mu_i)
      # if (any(mu_i < 6e-18)) browser()
      V_inv[[i]] <<- solve(V_i) # Store $V^{-1}# for later use
      Omega[[i]] <<- d_mu_i %*% V_inv[[i]] %*% d_mu_i # idem for $\Omega_i$

  # The (optional) autocorrelation structure for any site $i$ is stored in $n_i\times n_i$ matrix $R_i$.
  # In case there are no missing values, $n_i=J$, and the `full' or `generic' autocorrelation matrix $R$ is expressed
  # as
  # \begin{equation}
  # R = \begin{pmatrix}
  #   1          & \rho       & \rho^2     & \cdots & \rho^{J-1} \\
  #   \rho       & 1          & \rho       & \cdots & \rho^{J-2} \\
  #   \vdots     & \vdots     & \vdots     & \ddots & \vdots     \\
  #   \rho^{J-1} & \rho^{J-2} & \rho^{J-3} & \cdots & 1
  #   \end{pmatrix}
  # \end{equation}
  # where $\rho$ is the lag-1 autocorrelation.
  Rg <- diag(1, nyear) # default (no autocorrelation) value
  update_R <- function() {
    Rg <<- rho ^ abs(row(diag(nyear)) - col(diag(nyear)))

  # Lag-1 autocorrelation parameter $\rho$ is estimated as
  # \begin{equation}
  #   \hat{\rho} = \frac{1}{n_{i,j,j+1}\hat{\sigma}^2} \left(\Sum_i^I\Sum_j^{J-1} r_{i,j}r_{i,j+1}) \right)
  # \end{equation}
  # where the summation is over observed pairs $i,j$--$i,j+1$, and $n_{i,j,j+1}$ is the number of pairs involved.
  # Again, both $\rho$ and $R$ are computes $\rho$ in a stepwise per-site fashion.
  # Also, site-specific autocorrelation matrices $R_i$ are formed by removing the rows and columns from $R$
  # corresponding with missing observations.
  rho <- 0.0 # default value (ML)
  update_rho <- function() {
    # First estimate $\rho$
    rho   <-  0.0
    count <-  0
    for (i in 1:nsite) {
      for (j in 1:(nyear-1)) {
        if (observed[i,j] && observed[i,j+1]) { # short-circuit AND intended
          rho <- rho + r[i,j] * r[i,j+1]
          count <- count+1
    rho <<- rho / (count * sig2) # compute and store in outer environment
    # if (rho < 0) rho <<- 0.0 # Don't allow negative autocorrelation

  # ------------------------------------------ Overdispersion. \label{sig2} ----

  # Dispersion parameter $\sigma^2$ is estimated as
  # \begin{equation}
  #   \hat{\sigma}^2 = \frac{1}{n_f - n_\alpha - n_\beta} \sum_{i,j} r_{ij}^2
  # \end{equation}
  # where the $n$ terms are the number of observations, $\alpha$'s and $\beta$'s, respectively.
  # Summation is over the observed $i,j$ only.
  # and $r_{ij}$ are Pearson residuals (Section~\ref{r})
  sig2 <- 1.0 # default value (Maximum Likelihood case)
  update_sig2 <- function() {
    # analyse constrain_overdisp:
    # 0..1 : use Chi-squared approach
    # 1    : don't constrain
    # >1   : use Tuckey's Fence
    if (constrain_overdisp <= 0) {
      stop("Invalid value for constrain_overdisp")
    } else if (constrain_overdisp < 1) {
      # Use Chi-squared approach
      ok <- as.logical(is.finite(f)) # matrix -> vector
      r2 <- r[ok]^2
      for (iter in 1:50) {
        df <- length(r2) - length(alpha) - length(beta)
        if (iter > 1) old_sig2 <- sig2
        sig2 <<- if (df>0) sum(r2) / df else 1.0
        if (iter > 1) {
          change <- sig2 - old_sig2
          if (abs(change) < 0.1) break
        cutoff <- sig2 * qchisq(constrain_overdisp, 1)
        ok <- r2 < cutoff
        r2 <- r2[ok]
      rprintf("sig2 converged after %d iterations\n", iter)
    } else if (constrain_overdisp > 1) {
      # Use Tuckey's Fence
      ok <- as.logical(is.finite(f)) # matrix -> vector
      r2 <- r[ok]^2
      Q <- quantile(r2, c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75)) # Q[3] now is what you expect
      IQR <- Q[3] - Q[1] # Interquartile range
      lo <- Q[1] - constrain_overdisp * IQR
      hi <- Q[3] + constrain_overdisp * IQR
      rprintf("Using r2 limit %f -- %f\n", lo, hi)
      ok <- (r2>lo) & (r2<hi)
      r2 <- r2[ok]
      df <- length(r2) - length(alpha) - length(beta)
      sig2 <<- if (df>0) sum(r2) / df else 1.0
    } else {
      # Unconstrained
      df <- sum(nobs) - length(alpha) - length(beta) # degrees of freedom
      sig2 <<- if (df>0) sum(r^2, na.rm=TRUE) / df else 1.0
    if (sig2 < 1e-7) stop("Overdispersion apparently 0; consider setting overdisp=FALSE")
    if (sig2 < 1) warning(sprintf("Overdispersion %.1f <1; consider setting overdisp=FALSE", sig2), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
    if (!is.finite(sig2)) stop("Overdispersion problem")

  # -------------------------------------------- Pearson residuals\label{r} ----

  # Deviations between measured and estimated counts are quantified by the
  # Pearson residuals $r_{ij}$, given by
  # \begin{equation}
  #   r_{ij} = (f_{ij} - \mu_{ij}) / \sqrt{\mu_{ij}}
  # \end{equation}
  r <- matrix(0, nsite, nyear)
  update_r <- function() {
    r[observed] <<- (f[observed]-mu[observed]) / sqrt(mu[observed])

  # -------------------------------------------- Derivatives and GEE scores ----

  # \label{Hessian}\label{Scoring}
  # Derivative matrix $i_b$ is defined as
  # \begin{equation}
  #   -i_b = \sum_i B_i' \left(\Omega_i - \frac{1}{d_i}\Omega_i z_i z_i' \Omega_i\right) B_i \label{i_b}
  # \end{equation}
  # where
  # \begin{equation}
  #   \Omega_i = \diag{\mu_i} V_i^{-1} \diag{\mu_i} \label{Omega_i}
  # \end{equation}
  # with $V_i$ the covariance matrix for site $i$, and
  # \begin{equation}
  #   d_i = z_i' \Omega_i z_i \label{d_i}
  # \end{equation}
  i_b <- 0
  U_b <- 0
  update_U_i <- function() {
    i_b <<- 0 # Also store in outer environment for later retrieval
    U_b <<- 0
    for (i in 1:nsite) {
      obs <- obsi[[i]]
      f_i <- if (use.months) as.vector(f[i,,])[obs] else f[i,obs]
      mu_i <- if (use.months) as.vector(mu[i,,])[obs] else mu[i,obs]
      d_mu_i <- diag(mu_i, length(mu_i)) # Length argument guarantees diag creation
      ones <- matrix(1, nobs[i], 1)
      # d_i <- as.numeric(t(ones) %*% Omega[[i]] %*% ones) # Could use sum(Omega) as well...
      d_i <- sum(Omega[[i]])
      B <- make.B(i)
      B_i <- B[obs, ,drop=FALSE] # recyle index for e.g. covariates in $B$
      i_b <<- i_b - t(B_i) %*% (Omega[[i]] - (Omega[[i]] %*% ones %*% t(ones) %*% Omega[[i]]) / d_i) %*% B_i
      U_b <<- U_b + t(B_i) %*% d_mu_i %*% V_inv[[i]] %*% (f_i - mu_i)
    # # PWB todo: the following gerenates a bug in the Grutto user case (Jelle)
    # print(i_b)
    # cat("\n")
    # print(eigen(i_b)$values)
    # print(colSums(i_b))
    # print(abs(colSums(i_b)))
    # if (use.beta && all(abs(colSums(i_b))< 1e-12)) stop("Data does not contain enough information to estimate model.", call.=FALSE)

    # invertable <- class(try(solve(i_b), silent=T))=="matrix" # not R4.0 compatible; use "matrix" %in% class() instead!
    # if (!invertable) {
    #   browser()
    # }

  # ------------------------------------------------------- Count estimates ----

  # Let's not forget to provide a function to update the modelled counts $\mu_{ij}$:
  # $$ \mu^t = \exp(A\alpha^t + B\beta^{t-1} - \log w) $$
  # where it is noted that we do not use matrix $A$. Instead, the site-specific
  # parameters $\alpha_i$ are used directly:
  # $$ \mu_i^t = \exp(\alpha_i^t + B\beta^{t-1} - \log w) $$
  update_mu <- function(fill) {
    for (i in 1:nsite) {
      B = make.B(i)

      if (use.months) {
        if (use.weights) mu[i, , ] <<- (exp(alpha[i] + B %*% beta) / as.vector(wt[i,,]))
        else             mu[i, , ] <<-  exp(alpha[i] + B %*% beta)
      } else {
        if (use.weights) mu[i, ]   <<- (exp(alpha[i] + B %*% beta) / wt[i, ])
        else             mu[i, ]   <<-  exp(alpha[i] + B %*% beta)
      # browser()

      # Do not allow very small estimates, because that screws up the computation of $V$.
      # Anyway, the model is not designed to predict 0's
      if (use.months) {
        for (m in 1:M) {
          mu_check <- mu[i, ,m] < 1e-12
          if (any(mu_check)) {
            j <- which(mu_check)[1]
            msg <- sprintf("Zero expected value at year %d month %d\n", year_id[j], month_id[m])
            stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
      } else {
        mu_check <- mu[i, ] < 1e-12
        if (any(mu_check)) {
          j <- which(mu_check)[1]
          msg <- sprintf("Zero expected value at year %d\n", year_id[j])
          stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
    # clear estimates for non-observed cases, if required.
    if (!fill) mu[!observed] <<- 0.0

  # ------------------------------------------------------------ Likelihood ----

  likelihood <- function() {
    # lik <- 2*sum(f*log(f/mu), na.rm=TRUE)
    lik <- 2*sum(f[positive]*log(f[positive]/mu[positive]))
    # ok = f>1e-6 & mu>1e-6
    # lik <- 2*sum(f[ok]*log(f[ok]/mu[ok]))

  # ----------------------------------------------------------- Convergence ----

  # The parameter estimation algorithm iterates until convergence is reached.
  # `convergence' here is defined in a multivariate way: we demand convergence in
  # model paramaters $\alpha$ and $\beta$, model estimates $\mu$ and likelihood measure $L$.
  new_par <- new_cnt <- new_lik <- new_rho <- new_sig <- NULL
  old_par <- old_cnt <- old_lik <- old_rho <- old_sig <- NULL

  check_convergence <- function(iter) {

    # Collect new data for convergence test
    # (Store in outer environment to make them persistent)
    new_par <<- c(as.vector(alpha), as.vector(beta))
    new_cnt <<- as.vector(mu)
    new_lik <<- likelihood()
    new_rho <<- rho
    new_sig <<- sig2

    if (iter>1) {
      max_par_change <- max(abs(new_par - old_par))
      max_cnt_change <- max(abs(new_cnt - old_cnt))
      max_lik_change <- max(abs(new_lik - old_lik))
      rho_change <- abs(new_rho - old_rho)
      sig_change <- abs(new_sig - old_sig)
      beta_change <- max_dbeta
      conv_par <- max_par_change < conv_crit
      conv_cnt <- max_cnt_change < conv_crit
      conv_lik <- max_lik_change < conv_crit
      conv_rho <- rho_change < conv_crit
      conv_sig <- sig_change < conv_crit
      conv_beta <- beta_change < conv_crit
      # convergence <- conv_par && conv_cnt && conv_lik
      convergence <- conv_rho && conv_sig && conv_beta
      # rprintf(" Max change: %10e %10e %10e ", max_par_change, max_cnt_change, max_lik_change)
      # rprintf(" Max change: %10e %10e %10e ", rho_change, sig_change, beta_change)
      rprintf(" (max change:")
      if (overdisp)  rprintf(" sig^2=%.3e", sig_change)
      if (serialcor) rprintf(" rho=%.3e", rho_change)
      rprintf(" beta=%.3e)", beta_change)
    } else {
      convergence = FALSE

    # Today's new stats are tomorrow's old stats
    old_par <<- new_par
    old_cnt <<- new_cnt
    old_lik <<- new_lik
    old_rho <<- new_rho
    old_sig <<- new_sig


  # --------------------------------------------- Main estimation procedure ----

  # Now we have all the building blocks ready to start the iteration procedure.
  # We start `smooth', with a couple of Maximum Likelihood iterations
  # (i.e., not considering $\sigma^2\neq1$ or $\rho>0$), after which we move to on
  # GEE iterations if requested.
  method    <- "ML" # start with Maximum Likelihood
  final_method <- ifelse(serialcor || overdisp, "GEE", "ML") # optionally move on to GEE
  if (use.covin) final_method <- "ML" # fall back during upscaling


  for (iter in 1:max_iter) {
    if (compatible && iter==4) method <- final_method
    rprintf("Iteration %d (%s", iter, method)
    if (!is.null(err.out)) return(err.out)
    if (method=="GEE") {
      if (serialcor || overdisp)  update_sig2() # hack
      if (serialcor) update_rho()
      if (!overdisp) sig2 <- 1.0 # hack
    if (use.beta) { # model 2+changepoints, or model 3
      update_U_i() # update Score $U_b$ and Fisher Information $i_b$
      subiters <- update_beta(method)
      if (!is.null(err.out)) return(err.out)
      rprintf("; %d subiters)", subiters)
    rprintf("; lik=%.3f", likelihood())
    if (overdisp)  rprintf("; sig^2=%.3f", sig2)
    if (serialcor) rprintf("; rho=%.3f;", rho)

    convergence <- check_convergence(iter)

    if (graph_debug) {
      nn = colSums(observed)
      fp = colSums(f, na.rm=TRUE) / nn
      mp = colSums(mu, na.rm=TRUE)/ nn
      plot(1:nyear, fp, type='b', ylim=range(c(fp,mp), na.rm=TRUE))
      points(1:nyear, mp, col="red")
    if (convergence && method==final_method) {
    } else if (convergence) {
      rprintf("\nChanging ML --> GEE\n")
      method = "GEE"
    } else {

  # If we reach the preset maximum number of iterations, we clearly have not reached
  # convergence.
  converged <- iter < max_iter
  convergence_msg <- sprintf("%s reached after %d iterations",
                             ifelse(convergence,"Convergence","No convergence"),
  rprintf("%s\n", convergence_msg)

  # Warn the user if a very low serial correlation has been found
  if (serialcor && rho < 0.2) {
    status <- ifelse(rho<0, "negative", "very low")
    msg <- sprintf("Serial correlation is %s (rho=%.3f); consider disabling it.", status, rho)
    warning(msg, call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)

  # Run the final model

  # Covariance matrix
  if (use.beta) V <- -solve(i_b)

  if (use.covin) {
    UUT <- matrix(0,nbeta,nbeta)
    for (i in 1:nsite) {
      B <- make.B(i)
      # mu_i <- mu[site_ii==i & observed]
      # n_i <- length(mu_i)
      # d_mu_i <- diag(mu_i, n_i) # Length argument guarantees diag creation
      # OM <- Omega[[i]]
      # d_i <- sum(OM) # equivalent with z' Omega z, as in the TRIM manual
      Bi <- B[observed[site_ii==i], ,drop=FALSE]
      var_fi <- covin[[i]]
      vi <- rowSums(var_fi)
      vipp <- sum(var_fi)
      mui <- mu[site_ii==i & observed]
      muip <- sum(mui)
      term1 <- var_fi
      term2 <- vi %*% t(mui) / muip
      term3 <- mui %*% t(vi) / muip
      term4 <- vipp * mui %*% t(mui) / muip^2
      UUT <- UUT + t(Bi) %*% (term1-term2-term3+term4) %*% Bi
    V <- V %*% UUT %*% V

  # Variance of the $\beta$'s is given by the covariance matrix
  if (use.beta) var_beta = V

  # ============================================================ Imputation ====

  # The imputation process itself is trivial: just replace all missing observations
  # $f_{i,j}$ by the model-based estimates $\mu_{i,j}$.
  imputed <- ifelse(observed, f, mu)

  # ============================================= Output and postprocessing ====

  # Measured, modelled and imputed count data are stored in a TRIM output object,
  # together with parameter values and other usefull information.

  #todo: fix time_id below (change to year_id)

  z <- list(title=title, f=f, nsite=nsite, nyear=nyear, ntime=nyear, nmonth=nmonth,
            time.id=year_id, site_id=site_id,
            nbeta0=nbeta0, covars=covars, ncovar=ncovar, cvmat=cvmat,
            model=model, changepoints=changepoints, converged=converged,
            mu=mu, imputed=imputed, alpha=alpha)
  if (use.beta) {
    z$beta <- beta
    z$var_beta <- var_beta

  if (use.months) {
    z$month_id <- month_id

  z$method <- ifelse(use.covin, "Pseudo ML", final_method)
  z$convergence <- convergence_msg

  # # mark the original request for changepoints to allow wald(z) to perform a dslope
  # # test in case of a single changepoint. (otherwise we cannot distinguish it from an
  # # automatic changepoint 1)
  # if (model==2) z$ucp <- use.changepoints

  if (use.covars) {
    z$ncovar <- ncovar # todo: eliminate?
    z$nclass <- nclass
  if (use.weights) {
    z$wt = wt
  } else {
    # Do nothing

  class(z) <- "trim"

  # Several kinds of statistics can now be computed, and added to this output object.

  # ------------------------------------- Overdispersion and Autocorrelation ---

  # remove if not required: makes summary printing and extracting more elegant.
  z$sig2 <- if (overdisp) sig2 else NULL
  z$rho  <- if (serialcor) rho else  NULL

  #-------------------------------------------- Coefficients and uncertainty ---

  if (!use.beta) {
    z$coefficients <- NULL

  if (model==2 && use.beta) {
    se_beta  <- sqrt(diag(var_beta))

    # browser()

    # beta-coefficients are stored in a particular order.
    # We always have the baseline changepoint beta's, optionally followd by the baseline
    # monthly beta's. This is the baseline `set'.
    # Optionally, we have multiple sets, one each for every covariate category (expcept the first)
    nset <- ifelse(use.covars, num.extra.beta.sets+1, 1)

    coefs <- data.frame() # start withh empty data frame

    offset <- 0L
    for (set in 1:nset) {
      # annual (i.e., changepoint-related) coefficients
      ncp <- length(changepoints)
      from_cp <- changepoints
      upto_cp <- if (ncp==1) J else c(changepoints[2:ncp], J)
      yidx <- (1 : ncp) + offset
      ycoefs = data.frame(
        from   = year_id[from_cp],
        upto   = year_id[upto_cp],
        add    = beta[yidx],
        se_add = se_beta[yidx],
        mul    = exp(beta[yidx]),
        se_mul = exp(beta[yidx]) * se_beta[yidx]

      # Optionally we have monthly parameters as well
      if (use.months) {
        # First add an extra column identifying yearly/monthy coefs
        ycoefs <- cbind(data.frame(what=factor("year")), ycoefs)
        midx <- 1 : (M-1) + ncp + offset
        stopifnot(max(midx)==nbeta) # check
        mcoefs <- data.frame(
          what = factor("month"),
          from = 1 : M,
          upto = 1 : M,
          add    = c(0, beta[midx]),
          se_add = c(0, se_beta[midx]),
          mul    = c(1, exp(beta[midx])),
          se_mul = c(0, exp(beta[midx]) * se_beta[midx])

      # add coeficients to the growing collection of sets
      coefs <- rbind(coefs, ycoefs)
      if (use.months) coefs <- rbind(coefs, mcoefs)

      offset <- offset + nbeta0 # pick up params for next set

    if (use.covars) {
      # Add some prefix columns with covariate and factor ID
      # Note that we have to specify all covariate levels here, to prevent them
      # from being to converted to NA later
      prefix <- data.frame(covar = factor("baseline",levels=c("baseline", names(covars))),
                           cat   = 0)
      coefs <- cbind(prefix, coefs)
      idx = 1:nbeta0
      for (i in 1:ncovar) {
        for (j in 2:nclass[i]) {
          idx <- idx + nbeta0
          coefs$covar[idx]  <- names(covars)[i]
          coefs$cat[idx]    <- j

    z$coefficients <- coefs
  } # if model==2

  if (model==3) {
    # Model coefficients are output in two types; as additive parameters:
    # $$ \log\mu_{ij} = \alpha_i + \gamma_j $$
    # and as multiplicative parameters:
    # $$ \mu_{ij} = a_i g_j $$
    # where $a_i=e^{\alpha_i}$ and $g_j = e^{\gamma_j}$.

    # For the first time point, $\gamma_1=0$ by definition.
    # So we have to add values of 0 for the baseline case and each covariate category $>1$, if any.
    #gamma <- matrix(beta, nrow=nbeta0) # Each covariate category in a column
    #gamma <- rbind(0, gamma) # Add row of 0's for first time point
    #gamma <- matrix(gamma, ncol=1) # Cast back into a column vector
    gamma <- beta
    g     <- exp(gamma)

    # Parameter uncertainty is expressed as standard errors.
    # For the additive parameters $\gamma$, the variance is estimated as
    # $$ \var{\gamma} = (-i_b)^{-1} $$
    var_gamma <-  -solve(i_b) # BUG: should be var_beta (inc covin effect)
    # Finally, we compute the standard error as $\se{\gamma} = \sqrt{\diag{\var{\gamma}}}$
    se_gamma  <-  sqrt(diag(var_gamma))

    # The standard error of the multiplicative parameters $g_j$ is opproximated by
    # using the delta method, which is based on a Taylor expansion:
    # \begin{equation}
    #   \var{f(\theta)} = \left(f'(\theta)\right)^2 \var{\theta}
    # \end{equation}
    # which for $f(\theta)=e^\theta$ translates to
    # $$ \var{g} = \var{e^{\gamma}} = e^{2\gamma} \var{\gamma} $$
    # leading to
    # $$ \se{g} = e^{\gamma} \se{\gamma} = g \se{\gamma} $$
    se_g <- g * se_gamma

    # Baseline coefficients.
    # Note that, because $\gamma_1\equiv0$, it was not estimated,
    # and as a results $j=1$ was not incuded in $i_b$, nor in $\var{gamma}$ as computed above.
    # We correct this by adding the `missing' 0 (or 1 for multiplicative parameters) during output
    if (!use.months) { # Normal version (years, no months)
      idx = 1:(J-1)
      coefs <- data.frame(
        time   = 1:J,
        add    = c(0, gamma[idx]),
        se_add = c(0, se_gamma[idx]),
        mul    = c(1, g[idx]),
        se_mul = c(0, g[idx] * se_gamma[idx])
      # Covariate categories ($>1$)
      if (use.covars) {
        prefix = data.frame(covar=factor("baseline"), cat=0)
        coefs <- cbind(prefix, coefs)
        for (i in 1:ncovar) {
          for (j in 2:nclass[i]) {
            idx <- idx + nbeta0
            df <- data.frame(
              covar  = factor(names(covars)[i]),
              cat    = j,
              time   = 1:J,
              add    = c(0, gamma[idx]),
              se_add = c(0, se_gamma[idx]),
              mul    = c(1, g[idx]),
              se_mul = c(0, g[idx] * se_gamma[idx])
            coefs <- rbind(coefs, df)
      z$coefficients <- coefs
    } else { # with months
      yidx = 1:(J-1)
      midx = 1:(M-1) + J-1
      ycoefs <- data.frame(
        what   = factor("year"),
        which   = 1:J,
        add    = c(0, gamma[yidx]),
        se_add = c(0, se_gamma[yidx]),
        mul    = c(1, g[yidx]),
        se_mul = c(0, g[yidx] * se_gamma[yidx])
      mcoefs <- data.frame(
        what   = factor("month"),
        which  = 1:M,
        add    = c(0, gamma[midx]),
        se_add = c(0, se_gamma[midx]),
        mul    = c(1, g[midx]),
        se_mul = c(0, g[midx] * se_gamma[midx])
      # z$coefficients = list(yearly=ycoefs, monthly=mcoefs)
      z$coefficients = rbind(ycoefs, mcoefs)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------- Time totals ----

  # Recompute Score matrix $i_b$ with final $\mu$'s
  saved.ib = i_b
  ib <- 0
  for (i in 1:nsite) {
    B <- make.B(i)
    mu_i <- mu[site_ii==i & observed]
    n_i <- length(mu_i)
    d_mu_i <- diag(mu_i, n_i) # Length argument guarantees diag creation
    OM <- Omega[[i]]
    d_i <- sum(OM) # equivalent with z' Omega z, as in the TRIM manual
    B_i <- B[observed[site_ii==i], ,drop=FALSE]
    om <- colSums(OM)
    OMzzOM <- om %*% t(om) # equivalent with OM z z' OM, as in the TRIM manual
    term <- t(B_i) %*% (OM - (OMzzOM) / d_i) %*% B_i
    ib <- ib - term

  # save stuff for debugging purposes
  z$ib = ib
  z$Omega = Omega

  # Matrices E and F take missings into account
  E <- -ib # replace by covin hessian

  rep.rows <- function(row, n) matrix(rep(row, each=n), nrow=n)
  rep.cols <- function(col, n) matrix(rep(col, times=n), ncol=n)

  var_model_tt <- function(observed_only=FALSE, mask=NULL) {

    if (!use.covin) { # use computed covariance

      d <- numeric(nsite)
      for (i in 1:nsite) {
        d[i] <- sum(Omega[[i]])

      # Matrices G and H are for all (weighted) mu's
      wmu <- if (use.weights) wt * mu else mu
      # Zero-out unobserved $i,j$ to facilitate the computation of the variance of the imputed counts
      if (observed_only) wmu[!observed] = 0.0
      # Zero-out unselected sites to facilitate the computation of the variance of covariate categories
      if (!is.null(mask)) wmu[!mask]    = 0.0

      G <- matrix(0, nyear, nsite)
      if (use.months) {
        for (i in 1:nsite) for (j in 1:nyear) G[j,i] = sum(wmu[i,j, ])
      } else {
        for (i in 1:nsite) for (j in 1:nyear) G[j,i] = wmu[i,j]

      GddG <- matrix(0, nyear,nyear)
      # for (i in 1:nsite) {
      #   for (j in 1:nyear) for (k in 1:nyear) {
      #     GddG[j,k] <- GddG[j,k] + G[j,i] * G[k,i] / d[i]
      #   }
      # }
      for (j in 1:nyear) for (k in 1:nyear) {
        GddG[j,k] <- sum(G[j, ] * G[k, ] / d)

      # For model 1, F etc do not exist, so exit early
      if (!use.beta) {
        V <- GddG

      # Continue for other models

      F <- matrix(0, nsite, nbeta)
      for (i in 1:nsite) {
        w_i <- colSums(Omega[[i]])
        B <- make.B(i)
        obs <- obsi[[i]]
        B_i <- B[obs, ,drop=FALSE]
        F_i <- (t(w_i) %*% B_i) / d[i]
        F[i, ] <- F_i

      GF = G %*% F

      H <- matrix(0, nyear, nbeta)
      if (use.months) {
        for (i in 1:nsite) {
          B_i <- make.B(i)
          idx <- 1 : J # rows of B_i for m=1
          for (m in 1:nmonth) {
            B_i_m <- B_i[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
            idx <- idx + J # shift no next month
            # for (k in 1:nbeta) for (j in 1:nyear) {
            #   H[j,k]  <- H[j,k] + B_i[j,k] * wmu[i,j,m]
            # }
            wmu_im <- matrix(wmu[i, ,m], nyear,nbeta)
            H <- H + (B_i_m * wmu_im)
      } else {
        for (i in 1:nsite) {
          B_i <- make.B(i)
          # for (k in 1:nbeta) for (j in 1:nyear) {
          #   H[j,k]  <- H[j,k] + B_i[j,k] * wmu[i,j]
          # }
          wmu_i <- matrix(wmu[i, ], nyear,nbeta) # recycling intended
          H <- H + (B_i * wmu_i)

      GFminH <- GF - H

      # All building blocks are ready. Use them to compute the variance
      V <- GddG + GFminH %*% solve(E) %*% t(GFminH)

      # output for debugging
      if (observed_only==FALSE) {
        z$G <<- G
        z$d <<- d
        z$GddG <<- GddG
        z$GF <<- GF
        z$H <<- H
        z$GFminH <<- GFminH
        z$Einv <<- solve(E)
        z$V <<- V
        z$vtt_vars <<- list(G=G, d=d, GddG=GddG, GF=GF, H=H, GFminH=GFminH, Einv=solve(E), V=V)

    } else { # Use input covariance
      if (model==4) stop("Alas, covin+model 4 not implemented for model 4")
      if (!is.null(mask)) stop("Alas, covariates+upscaling not implemented yet.");
      # First loop op sites to compute $GF - H$.
      GFminH = matrix(0, nyear, nbeta)
      for (i in 1:nsite) { # First loop
        u <-  mu[i, ]
        wu <- wt[i, ] * mu[i, ]
        obs <- obsi[[i]] # observed[i, ] # observed j's
        if (observed_only) wu[!obs] <- 0.0
        w <- mu[i, obs]
        d <- sum(w)
        Bi = make.B(i)
        Bo = Bi[obs, ]
        w_mat = rep.cols(w, nbeta)
        F = colSums(Bo * w_mat / d)
        wu_mat <- rep.cols(wu, nbeta)
        F_mat <- rep.rows(F, nyear)
        GFminH <- GFminH + wu_mat * (F_mat - Bi)
      M2 <- GFminH %*% solve(E)

      # second loop
      V <- matrix(0, nyear, nyear)
      for (i in 1:nsite) {
        u <-  mu[i, ]
        wu <- wt[i, ] * mu[i, ]
        obs <- observed[i, ] # observed j's
        if (observed_only) wu[!obs] <- 0.0
        w <- mu[i, obs]
        d <- sum(w)
        M1 <- rep.cols(wu/d, nobs[i])
        Bi = make.B(i)
        Bo = Bi[obs, ]
        w_mat = rep.cols(w, nbeta)
        F = colSums(Bo * w_mat / d)
        F_mat <- rep.rows(F, nobs[i])
        M3 <- t(F_mat - Bo)
        M4 = M1 + M2 %*% M3
        Vi <- M4 %*% covin[[i]] %*% t(M4)
        V <- V + Vi

    V # function output

  # if (model==4) var_tt_mod = matrix(0,J,J)
  # else          var_tt_mod <- var_model_tt(observed_only = FALSE)
  var_tt_mod <- var_model_tt(observed_only = FALSE)

  # To compute the variance of the time totals of the imputed data, we first
  # substract the contribution due to te observations, as computed by above scheme,
  # and replace it by the contribution due to the observations, as resulting from the
  # covariance matrix.

  var_observed_tt <- function(mask=NULL) {
    # Variance due to observations
    V = matrix(0, nyear, nyear)
    if (!use.covin) {
      wwmu <- if (use.weights) wt * wt * mu else mu
      wwmu[!observed] <- 0 # # erase estimated $\mu$'s
      if (!is.null(mask)) wmu[!mask] <- 0.0 # Erase 'other' covariate categories also.
      for (i in 1:nsite) {
        if (use.months) {
          for (m in 1:nmonth) {
            wwmu_im <- wwmu[i, ,m]
            Vi <- sig2 * diag(wwmu_im)
            V <- V + Vi
        } else {
          wwmu_i <- wwmu[i, ]
          if (serialcor) {
            srdu = sqrt(diag(wwmu_i))
            Vi = sig2 * srdu %*% Rg %*% srdu
          } else {
            Vi = sig2 * diag(wwmu_i)
          V = V + Vi
    } else {
      if (model==4) stop("Alas, covin+model 4 not implemented for model 4")
      for (i in 1:nsite) {
        Vi = covin[[i]]
        obs <- observed[i, ]
        wt1 = rep.rows(wt[i, obs], nobs[i])
        wt2 = rep.cols(wt[i, obs], nobs[i])
        V[obs,obs] <- V[obs,obs] + wt1 * wt2 * Vi

  # Combine
  # if (model==4) var_tt_imp = matrix(0,J,J)
  # else {
    var_tt_obs_old <- var_model_tt(observed_only=TRUE)
    var_tt_obs_new <- var_observed_tt()
    var_tt_imp = var_tt_mod - var_tt_obs_old + var_tt_obs_new
  # }

  # Time totals of the model, and it's standard error
  wmu <- if (use.weights) wt * mu else mu
  tt_mod    <- if (use.months) apply(wmu, 2, sum) else colSums(wmu)
  se_tt_mod <- round(sqrt(diag(var_tt_mod)))

  wimp <- if (use.weights) wt * imputed  else imputed #kan eleganter

  tt_imp     <- if (use.months) apply(wimp, 2, sum) else colSums(wimp)
  se_tt_imp <- round(sqrt(diag(var_tt_imp)))

  # also compute OBSERVED time totals
  wobs <- if (use.weights) wt * f  else f
  tt_obs <- if (use.months) apply(wobs, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) else colSums(wobs, na.rm=TRUE)

  # Store in TRIM output
  z$tt_mod <- tt_mod
  z$tt_imp <- tt_imp
  z$var_tt_mod <- var_tt_mod
  z$var_tt_imp <- var_tt_imp

  z$time.totals <- data.frame(
    time     = year_id,
    fitted   = round(tt_mod),
    se_fit   = se_tt_mod,
    imputed  = round(tt_imp),
    se_imp   = se_tt_imp,
    observed = round(tt_obs)

  # Indices for covariates. First baseline
  if (use.covars) {
    if (use.months) stop("Covariates not implemented for use with months")
    z$covar_tt <- list()
    for (i in 1:ncovar) {
      cvname <- names(covars)[i]
      cvtt = vector("list", nclass[i])
      for (j in 1:nclass[i]) {
        classname <- ifelse(is.factor(covars[[i]]), levels(covars[[i]])[j], j)
        mask <- cvmat[[i]]==j
        # Time totals (fitted)
        mux <- wmu
        mux[!mask] <- 0.0
        tt_mod <- colSums(mux)
        # Corresponding variance
        var_tt_mod <- var_model_tt(mask=mask)
        # Time-total (imputed)
        impx <- wimp
        impx[!mask] <- 0.0
        tt_imp <- colSums(impx)
        # Variance
        var_tt_obs_old <- var_model_tt(observed_only=TRUE, mask=mask)
        var_tt_obs_new <- var_observed_tt(mask)
        var_tt_imp = var_tt_mod - var_tt_obs_old + var_tt_obs_new
        # Store
        df <- list(covariate=cvname, class=j, mod=tt_mod, var_mod=var_tt_mod, imp=tt_imp, var_imp=var_tt_imp)
        cvtt[[j]] <- df
      z$covar_tt[[cvname]] <- cvtt
  } else z$covar_tt <- NULL

  # ----------------------------------------- Reparameterisation of Model 3 ----

  # Here we consider the reparameterization of the time-effects model in terms of
  # a model with a linear trend and deviations from this linear trend for each time point.
  # The time-effects model is given by
  # \begin{equation}
  #   \log\mu_{ij}=\alpha_i+\gamma_j,
  # \end{equation}
  # with $\gamma_j$ the effect for time $j$ on the log-expected counts and $\gamma_1=0$. This reparameterization can be expressed as
  # \begin{equation}
  #   \log\mu_{ij}=\alpha^*_i+\beta^*d_j+\gamma^*_j,
  # \end{equation}
  # with $d_j=j-\bar{j}$ and $\bar{j}$ the mean of the integers $j$ representing
  # the time points.
  # The parameter $\alpha^*_i$ is the intercept and the parameter $\beta^*$ is
  # the slope of the least squares regression line through the $J$ log-expected
  # time counts in site $i$ and  $\gamma^*_j$ can be seen as the residuals of this
  # linear fit.
  # From regression theory we have that the `residuals'"'  $\gamma^*_j$ sum to zero
  # and are orthogonal to the explanatory variable, i.e.
  # \begin{equation}
  #   \sum_j\gamma^*_j = 0 \quad \text{and} \quad \sum_jd_j\gamma^*_j = 0. \label{constraints}
  # \end{equation}
  # Using these constraints we obtain the equations:
  # \begin{gather}
  #   \log\mu_{ij}           = \alpha^*_i+\beta^*d_j+\gamma^*_j=\alpha_i+\gamma_j  \label{repar1}\\
  #   \sum_j \log\mu_{ij}    = J\alpha^*_j = J\alpha_i+\sum_j\gamma_j \label{repar2}\\
  #   \sum_j d_j\log\mu_{ij} = \beta^*\sum_jd^2_j = \sum_jd_j\gamma_j \label{repar3},
  # \end{gather}
  # where \eqref{repar1} is the re-parameterization equation itself and \eqref{repar2}
  # and \eqref{repar3} are obtained by using the constraints~\eqref{constraints}

  # From \eqref{repar2} we have that $\alpha^*_i=\alpha_i+\frac{1}{J}\sum_j\gamma_j$.
  # Now, by using the equations \eqref{repar1} thru \eqref{repar3} and defining
  # $D=\sum_jd^2_j$, we can express the parameters $\beta^*$ and $\gamma^*$ as
  # functions of the parameters $\gamma$ as follows:
  # \begin{align}
  #   \label{betaster}
  #   \beta^* &=\frac{1}{D}\sum_jd_j\gamma_j,\\ \nonumber
  #   \label{gammaster}
  #   \gamma^*_j &= \alpha_i+\gamma_j-\alpha^*_i-\beta^*d_j  \quad (\text{using (5)})\\ \nonumber
  #   &=\alpha_i-\left( \alpha_i+\frac{1}{J}\sum_j\gamma_j\right) +\gamma_j-d_j\frac{1}{D}\sum_jd_j\gamma_j \\
  #   &=\gamma_j-\frac{1}{J}\sum_j\gamma_j-d_j\frac{1}{D}\sum_jd_j\gamma_j.
  # \end{align}
  # Since $\beta^*$ and $\gamma^*_j$ are linear functions of the parameters $\gamma_j$
  # they can be expressed in matrix notation by
  # \begin{equation}
  #   \left ( \begin{array} {c}
  #          \beta^* \\
  #          \boldsymbol{\gamma}^*
  #   \end{array} \right ) = \mathbf{T}\boldsymbol{\gamma},
  # \end{equation}
  # with $\boldsymbol{\gamma}^*=(\gamma^*_1,\ldots,\gamma^*_J)^T$,
  # $\boldsymbol{\gamma}=(\gamma_1,\ldots,\gamma_J)^T$ and $\mathbf{T}$
  # the $(J+1) \times J$ transformation matrix that transforms
  # $\boldsymbol{\gamma}$ to  $\left (\beta^*,(\boldsymbol{\gamma}^*)^T\right)^T$.
  # From \eqref{betaster} and \eqref{gammaster} it follows that the elements of
  # $\mathbf{T}$ are given by:
  # \begin{align}
  #   \label{matrixT} \nonumber
  #   &\mathbf{T}_{(1,j)}=\frac{d_j}{D} &\quad (i=1,j=1,\ldots,J)\\ \nonumber
  #   &\mathbf{T}_{(i,j)}=1-\frac{1}{J}-\frac{1}{D}d_{i-1}d_j &\quad(i=2,\ldots,J+1,j=1,\ldots,J,i-1=j)\\ \nonumber
  #   &\mathbf{T}_{(i,j)}=-\frac{1}{J}-\frac{1}{D}d_{i-1}d_j &\quad(i=2,\ldots,J+1,j=1,\ldots,J,i-1 \neq j)
  # \end{align}

  if (model==3 && !use.covars && !use.months) {

    TT <- matrix(0, nyear+1, nyear)
    J <- nyear
    j <- 1:J; d <- j - mean(j) # i.e, $ d_j = j-\frac{1}{J}\sum_j j$
    D <- sum(d^2)             # i.e., $ D = \sum_j d_j^2$
    TT[1, ] <- d / D
    for (i in 2:(J+1)) for (j in 1:J) {
      if (i-1 == j) {
        TT[i,j] <- 1 - (1/J) - d[i-1]*d[j]/D
      } else {
        TT[i,j] <-   - (1/J) - d[i-1]*d[j]/D

    gstar <- TT %*% c(0, gamma) # Add the implicit $\gamma_1=0$
    bstar <- gstar[1]
    gstar <- gstar[2:(J+1)]

    # The covariance matrix of the transformed parameter vector can now be obtained
    # from the covariance matrix $\mathbf{T}\boldsymbol{\gamma}$ of $\boldsymbol{\gamma}$ as
    # \begin{equation}
    #   V\left( \begin{array} {c} \beta^* \\\boldsymbol{\gamma}^* \end{array} \right)
    #   = \mathbf{T}V(\boldsymbol{\gamma})\mathbf{T}^T
    # \end{equation}

    var_gstar <- TT %*% rbind(0,cbind(0,var_gamma)) %*% t(TT) # Again, $\gamma_1=0$
    se_bstar  <- sqrt(diag(var_gstar))[1]
    se_gstar  <- sqrt(diag(var_gstar))[2:(nyear+1)]

    z$gstar <- gstar
    z$var_gstar <- var_gstar

    z$linear.trend <- data.frame(
      Additive       = bstar,
      std.err        = se_bstar,
      Multiplicative = exp(bstar),
      std.err.       = exp(bstar) * se_bstar,
      row.names      = "Slope",
      check.names    = FALSE)

    # Deviations from the linear trend
    z$deviations <- data.frame(
      Time       = 1:nyear,
      Additive   = gstar,
      std.err.   = se_gstar,
      Multiplicative = exp(gstar),
      std.err.   = exp(gstar) * se_gstar,
      check.names = FALSE


  # ======================================================== Return results ====

  # The TRIM result is returned to the user\ldots
  rprintf("(Exiting workhorse function)\n")
# \ldots which ends the main TRIM function.

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