
Defines functions repmat .block_bootstrap .stationary_bootstrap bootstrap mcsTest .Log .VaRreport .VaRplot .signpluszero .medianlossfn .meanlossfn gauss_legendre2D gauss_legendre2D_helper Rcc1 Momstat quartic fnbound ghat funb HLTest .waldcomomtest GMMTest .hweibull .pweibull .dweibull .likDurationW VaRDurTest ESTest VaRTest DACTest .BerkowitztLRtail BerkowitzTest .medianlossfn .meanlossfn lossfn.ret lossfn.var .gofTest .signbiasTest .nyblomCritical .nyblomTest .weightedBoxTest .box.test .information.test

Documented in BerkowitzTest DACTest ESTest GMMTest HLTest mcsTest VaRDurTest VaRTest

##   R package rugarch by Alexios Galanos Copyright (C) 2008-2022.
##   This file is part of the R package rugarch.
##   The R package rugarch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##   (at your option) any later version.
##   The R package rugarch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##   GNU General Public License for more details.

# BDS Test
# Dechert, Scheinkman and LeBaron (1996)
# BDS i.i.d test of
# Brock and Potter (1993) and de Lima (1996) show that is
# applying the BDS test to the log of the squared standardized residuals
# log(z^2) the bias in the BDS test is almost corrected because the logarithmic
# transformation transforms the GARCH model into a linear additive model which
# satisfies the nuisance free parameter conditions in de Lima (1996) for the BDS
# test (does not apply to more richly parametrized models e.g. with leverage since
# they cannot be cast into linear additive models).

#.bds.test = function(z){
#	fNonlinear::bdsTest(log(z[is.finite(z)]^2), m = 5)

.information.test = function(LLH, nObs, nPars)
	AIC  = (-2*LLH)/nObs + 2 * nPars/nObs
	BIC  = (-2*LLH)/nObs + nPars * log(nObs)/nObs
	SIC  = (-2*LLH)/nObs + log((nObs+2*nPars)/nObs)
	HQIC = (-2*LLH)/nObs + (2*nPars*log(log(nObs)))/nObs
	informationTests = list(AIC = AIC, BIC = BIC, SIC = SIC, HQIC = HQIC)

# Q-Statistics on Standardized Residuals
.box.test = function(stdresid, p=1, df = 0)
	if(any(!is.finite(stdresid))) stdresid[!is.finite(stdresid)]=0
	# p=1 normal case, p=2 squared std. residuals
	# Q-Statistics on Standardized Residuals
	#H0 : No serial correlation ==> Accept H0 when prob. is High [Q < Chisq(lag)]
	box10 = Box.test(stdresid^p, lag = 1, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf = 0)
	box15 = Box.test(stdresid^p, lag = df+1, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf = df)
	box20 = Box.test(stdresid^p, lag = df+5, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf = df)
	LBSR[1:3,1] = c(box10$statistic[[1]],box15$statistic[[1]],box20$statistic[[1]])
	LBSR[1:3,2] = c(box10$p.value[[1]],box15$p.value[[1]],box20$p.value[[1]])
	rownames(LBSR) = c(paste("Lag[1]",sep=""), paste("Lag[p+q+1][",df+1,"]",sep=""), paste("Lag[p+q+5][",df+5,"]",sep=""))
	colnames(LBSR) = c("statistic","p-value")

.weightedBoxTest = function(stdresid, p=1, df = 0)
	if(any(!is.finite(stdresid))) stdresid[!is.finite(stdresid)]=0
	# p=1 normal case, p=2 squared std. residuals
	# Q-Statistics on Standardized Residuals
	#H0 : No serial correlation ==> Accept H0 when prob. is High [Q < Chisq(lag)]
	box10 = Weighted.Box.test(stdresid, lag = 1, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf = 0, if(p==2) sqrd.res = TRUE else sqrd.res = FALSE)
	box15 = Weighted.Box.test(stdresid, lag = max(2, 2*df+df-1), type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf = df, if(p==2) sqrd.res = TRUE else sqrd.res = FALSE)
	box20 = Weighted.Box.test(stdresid, lag = max(5, 4*df+df-1), type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf = df, if(p==2) sqrd.res = TRUE else sqrd.res = FALSE)
	LBSR[1:3,1] = c(box10$statistic[[1]],box15$statistic[[1]],box20$statistic[[1]])
	LBSR[1:3,2] = c(box10$p.value[[1]],box15$p.value[[1]],box20$p.value[[1]])
	rownames(LBSR) = c(paste("Lag[1]",sep=""), paste("Lag[2*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][",max(2, 2*df+df-1),"]",sep=""), paste("Lag[4*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][",max(5, 4*df+df-1),"]",sep=""))
	colnames(LBSR) = c("statistic","p-value")

.archlmtest = function (x, lags, demean = FALSE)
	if(any(!is.finite(x))) x[!is.finite(x)] = 0
	x = as.vector(x)
	if(demean) x = scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
	lags = lags + 1
	mat = embed(x^2, lags)
	arch.lm = summary(lm(mat[, 1] ~ mat[, -1]))
	STATISTIC = arch.lm$r.squared * length(resid(arch.lm))
	names(STATISTIC) = "Chi-squared"
	PARAMETER = lags - 1
	names(PARAMETER) = "df"
	PVAL = 1 - pchisq(STATISTIC, df = PARAMETER)
	METHOD = "ARCH LM-test"
	result = list(statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = PARAMETER,
			p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD)
	class(result) = "htest"

.weightedarchlmtest = function (x, sigma, lags, fitdf = 2, demean = FALSE)
	if(any(!is.finite(x))) x[!is.finite(x)] = 0
	x = as.vector(x)
	if(demean) x = scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
	result = Weighted.LM.test(x, sigma^2, lag = lags, type = c("correlation", "partial")[1], fitdf = fitdf, weighted=TRUE)

.nyblomTest = function(object)
	#pnames = rownames(object@fit$ipars[object@fit$ipars[,"Estimate"]==1,])
	grad = object@fit$scores
	pnames = colnames(grad)
	if(is.null(pnames)) pnames = rownames(object@fit$ipars[object@fit$ipars[,"Estimate"]==1,,drop=FALSE])
	# special case when fixed parameters exist but the fixed.se was used in fit.control options
	#if( length(pnames) != dim(grad)[2] && dim(grad)[2] == length(object@fit$ipars[object@fit$ipars[,"Include"]==1,]) ){
	#	pnames = rownames(object@fit$ipars[object@fit$ipars[,"Include"]==1,])
	if(is(object, "ARFIMAfit")) res = object@fit$residuals/object@model$pars["sigma", 1] else res = object@fit$residuals/object@fit$sigma
	res[!is.finite(res) | is.nan(res) | is.na(res)] = 0
	nn = length(res)
	hes = t(grad)%*%(grad)
	shes = try(solve(hes), silent = TRUE)
		shes = try( solve(object@fit$hessian) )
			IndividualStat = matrix(rep(NA, length(pnames)), ncol=1)
			IndividualCritical = .nyblomCritical(1)
			JointCritical = .nyblomCritical(length(pnames))
			rownames(IndividualStat) = pnames
			JointStat = NA
		} else{
			zx = matrix(cbind(res, res^2, res^3, res^4), ncol = 4)
			zs = apply(zx, 2, FUN = function(x) scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE))
			x = as.matrix(apply(grad, 2, FUN = function(x) cumsum(x)))
			xx = t(x)%*%x
			nyblomj = sum(diag(xx%*%shes))/nn
			nyblomt = diag(xx)/(diag(hes)*nn)
			IndividualStat = matrix(nyblomt, ncol=1)
			IndividualCritical = .nyblomCritical(1)
			JointCritical = .nyblomCritical(length(pnames))
			rownames(IndividualStat) = pnames
			JointStat = nyblomj
	} else{
		zx = matrix(cbind(res, res^2, res^3, res^4), ncol = 4)
		zs = apply(zx, 2, FUN = function(x) scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE))
		x = as.matrix(apply(grad, 2, FUN = function(x) cumsum(x)))
		xx = t(x)%*%x
		nyblomj = sum(diag(xx%*%shes))/nn
		nyblomt = diag(xx)/(diag(hes)*nn)
		IndividualStat = matrix(nyblomt, ncol=1)
		IndividualCritical = .nyblomCritical(1)
		JointCritical = .nyblomCritical(length(pnames))
		rownames(IndividualStat) = pnames
		JointStat = nyblomj
.nyblomCritical = function(n){
	# Test for Constancy of Parameters: Hansen Tests (1990 mimeo paper)
	# Null Hypothesis: constant parameters
	cval = matrix(c(0.353, 0.470, 0.748,
					0.610, 0.749, 1.07,
					0.846, 1.01, 1.35,
					1.07,  1.24, 1.60,
					1.28,  1.47, 1.88,
					1.49,  1.68, 2.12,
					1.69,  1.90, 2.35,
					1.89,  2.11, 2.59,
					2.10,  2.32, 2.82,
					2.29,  2.54, 3.05,
					2.49,  2.75, 3.27,
					2.69,  2.96, 3.51,
					2.89,  3.15, 3.69,
					3.08,  3.34, 3.90,
					3.26,  3.54, 4.07,
					3.46,  3.75, 4.30,
					3.64,  3.95, 4.51,
					3.83,  4.14, 4.73,
					4.03,  4.33, 4.92,
					4.22,  4.52, 5.13), byrow=T, ncol=3)
		ans = cval[n,]
	} else {
		ans="too many parameters"

.signbiasTest = function(object)
	if(is(object, "uGARCHfilter")) z = object@filter$z else z = z = object@fit$z
	res = as.numeric(residuals(object))
	z2 = z^2
	n = length(z)
	zminus = as.integer(res<0)
	zplus = 1-zminus
	czminus = zminus*res
	czplus = zplus*res
	cz = cbind(rep(1, n), zminus, czminus, czplus)
	cz = cz[1:(n-1),]
	z2 = matrix(z2[2:n],ncol = 1)
	cm = data.frame(y = z2, const = cz[,1], zminus = cz[,2], czminus = cz[,3], czplus = cz[,4])
	fitA = lm(y~const+zminus+czminus+czplus-1, data = cm)
	resA = residuals(fitA)
	sgmatrix = matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 4)
	rownames(sgmatrix) = c("Sign Bias","Negative Sign Bias","Positive Sign Bias","Joint Effect")
	colnames(sgmatrix) = c("t-value","prob","sig")
	sgmatrix[1:3,1:2] = abs(summary(fitA)$coef[2:4,3:4])
	jeffect = .linear.hypothesis(fitA, c("zminus = 0", "czminus = 0","czplus  =  0"), test  =  "Chisq")
	sgmatrix[4,1] = jeffect[5]$Chisq[2]
	sgmatrix[4,2] = jeffect[6][2,]
	sgmatrix = as.data.frame(sgmatrix)
	sgmatrix[,3] = .stars(sgmatrix[,2])

.gofTest = function(object, groups)
	modelinc = object@model$modelinc
	idx = object@model$pidx
	if(is(object, "uGARCHfilter")){
		ipars = object@filter$ipars
		z = object@filter$z
	} else{
		ipars = object@fit$ipars
		z = object@fit$z
	# must remove fixed parameters
	dist = object@model$modeldesc$distribution
	cdfv = pdist(dist, q = sort(z), lambda = ipars[idx["ghlambda",1],1], skew = ipars[idx["skew",1],1],
			shape = ipars[idx["shape",1],1])
	j = length(groups)
	gofmat = matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = j)
	gofmat[,1] = groups
	for(i in 1:j){
		sq = seq(1/groups[i], 1, by = 1/groups[i])
		ni = tabulate(findInterval(cdfv, c(0, sq), rightmost.closed = TRUE,
						all.inside = FALSE))
		ExpValue = length(cdfv)/groups[i]
		gofmat[i,2] = sum( ( ( ni - ExpValue ) ^2 )/ExpValue )
		gofmat[i,3] = pchisq(q=gofmat[i,2], df = groups[i]-1, lower.tail = FALSE)
	colnames(gofmat) = c("group", "statistic", "p-value(g-1)")
	rownames(gofmat) = 1:j

# returns various loss functions (vectors)
lossfn.var = function(realized, forecast)
	x = cbind(realized, forecast)
	#exc = which(is.na(x))
	#if(length(exc)>0) x = x[-exc,]
	mse  = (x[,1] - x[,2])^2
	# qlike: quasi likelihood (implied by gaussian likelihood)
	qlike = log(x[,2]) + x[,1]/x[,2]
	# r2log: penalizes forecasts asymmetrically in low and high volatility periods
	r2log = ( log(x[,1]/x[,2]) )^2
	mad = abs(x[,1] - x[,2])
	#hmse = (x[,1]*(1/x[,2]))^2
	lossdf = data.frame(cbind(mse, mad, qlike, r2log))

lossfn.ret = function(realized, forecast)
	x = cbind(realized, forecast)
	#exc = which(is.na(x), arr.ind = TRUE)
	#if(length(exc)>0) x = x[-exc[,1],]
	mse  = (x[,1] - x[,2])^2
	mae = abs(x[,1] - x[,2])
	#hmse = (x[,1]*(1/x[,2]))^2
	# we count zero as positive for investment purposes
	dac = as.integer(.signpluszero(x[,1])==.signpluszero(x[,2]))
	lossdf = data.frame(cbind(mse, mae, dac))

.meanlossfn = function(lossdf)
	n = dim(lossdf)[1]
	nm = colnames(lossdf)
	ans = apply(lossdf, 2, FUN = function(x) 1/(n-1) * sum(x[!is.na(x)]))
	names(ans) = nm

.medianlossfn = function(lossdf)
	n = dim(lossdf)[1]
	xn = dim(lossdf)[2]
	nm = colnames(lossdf)
	ans = apply(lossdf[,-xn], 2, FUN = function(x) median(x, na.rm = TRUE))
	# obviously we cannot have the median of a 0/1 series.
	ans = c(ans, .meanlossfn(lossdf[,xn]))
	names(ans) = nm

# Diebold Mariano Test (JBES 1995)
#.DM.test = function(x, lagq)
	# x = vector of differences btw the loss function of the benchmark model and the loss fn of the competing model
	# lagq = lag considered to calculate the newey-west var-cov matrix
	#n.ahead = forecast horizon
	# Returns:
	# an anova class object from the linear.hypothesis test of library car
	# x = rnorm(100, 0, 0.01) - rnorm(100,0.0001,0.01)
#	exc = which(is.na(x))
#	if(length(exc)>0) x = x[-exc]
#	dm = lm(x~1)
#	dm.test = .linear.hypothesis(dm,  c("(Intercept) = 0"), test = "Chisq", vcov  =  NeweyWest(dm, lag = lagq,
#					order.by = NULL, prewhite = TRUE, adjust = TRUE))
#	return(dm.test)

# From his 2001 paper. Also added the Jarque Bera Test as reccomended by Dowd
# since the test does not really account for residuals being from the Normal distribution.

BerkowitzTest = function(data, lags = 1, significance = 0.05, tail.test = FALSE, alpha = 0.05)
		ans = .BerkowitztLRtail(data, alpha = alpha, significance = significance)
		ans$rho =  NA
		ans$JB = NA
		ans$JBp = NA
	} else{
		if( lags < 1 ) stop("\nlags must be 1 or greater!") else lags = as.integer(lags)
		x = as.numeric(data) - mean(data)
		n = length(data)
		xlag = NULL
		for(i in 1:lags) xlag = cbind(xlag, .lagx(x, n.lag = i, pad = 0))
		ans = lm(x~xlag-1)
		uLL = sum(dnorm(residuals(ans)[-c(1:lags)], sd = summary(ans)$sigma, log = TRUE))
		rLL = sum(dnorm(data[-c(1:lags)], log = TRUE))
		LR = 2*(uLL - rLL)
		chid = 1-pchisq(LR, 2 + lags)
		if(chid < significance) res = paste("reject NULL") else res = paste("fail to reject NULL")
		H0 = paste("Normal(0,1) with no autocorrelation")
		m1 = sum(x)/n
		xm = (x - m1)
		m2 = sum(xm^2)/n
		m3 = sum(xm^3)/n
		m4 = sum(xm^4)/n
		k1 = (m3/m2^(3/2))^2
		k2 = (m4/m2^2)
		JB = n * k1/6 + n * (k2 - 3)^2/24
		JBp = 1 - pchisq(JB, df = 2)
		return(list(uLL = uLL, rLL = rLL, LR = LR, LRp = chid, H0 = H0, Decision = res,
						mu = mean(data), sigma = summary(ans)$sigma, rho =  coef(ans)[1:(lags)],
				JB = JB, JBp = JBp))

.BerkowitztLRtail = function(data, alpha = 0.05, significance = 0.05){

	.lrh = function(pars, x){
		p1 = x[which(x<qnorm(alpha))]
		p2 = x[which(x>=qnorm(alpha))]*0 + qnorm(alpha)
		-( sum(log(dnorm((p1-pars[1])/pars[2])/pars[2])) + sum(log(1-pnorm((p2 - pars[1])/pars[2]) )) )
	tst = solnp(c(0.0, 0.95), fun = .lrh, LB = c(-10, 0.01), UB = c(10, 3), x = data, control=list(trace = FALSE))
	uLL = -tail(tst$values, 1)
	rLL = -.lrh(c(0, 1), data)
	LR = 2 * (uLL - rLL)
	chid = 1 - pchisq(LR, 2)
	if (chid < significance)
		res = paste("reject NULL")
	else res = paste("fail to reject NULL")
	H0 = paste("Normal(0,1)")
	return(list(uLL = uLL, rLL = rLL, LR = LR, LRp = chid, H0 = H0,
					Decision = res, mu = tst$par[1], sigma = tst$par[2]))

# Tests of Directional Accuracy
DACTest = function(forecast, actual, test = c("PT", "AG"), conf.level = 0.95)
  n = length(actual)
  if( length(forecast) != n ) stop("Length of forecast and actual must be the same")
  if( test == "PT"){
    x_t = z_t = y_t = rep(0, n)
    x_t[which(actual>0)] = 1
    y_t[which(forecast>0)] = 1
    p_y = mean(y_t)
    p_x = mean(x_t)
    z_t[which( (forecast*actual)>0 )] = 1
    p_hat = mean(z_t)
    p_star = p_y*p_x + (1 - p_y)*(1-p_x)
    p_hat_var = (p_star*(1-p_star))/n
    p_star_var = ((2*p_y-1)^2*(p_x*(1-p_x)))/n + ((2*p_x-1)^2*(p_y*(1-p_y)))/n + (4*p_x*p_y*(1-p_x)*(1-p_y))/n^2
    s_n = (p_hat - p_star)/sqrt(p_hat_var - p_star_var)
    ans = list(Test = "Pesaran and Timmermann", Stat = s_n, p.value = 1-pnorm(s_n), H0 = "Independently Distributed",
    Decision = if( s_n >  qnorm(conf.level) ) "Reject  H0" else "Fail to Reject H0",
    DirAcc = p_hat)
  } else{
    A_t = mean(r_t)
    B_t = mean(sign(forecast))*mean(actual)
    p_y = 0.5 * (1 + mean(sign(forecast)))

    V_EP = (4/(n^2))*p_y*(1-p_y)*sum((actual-mean(actual))^2)
    EP = (A_t-B_t)/sqrt(V_EP)
    ans = list(Test = "Anatolyev and Gerko", Stat = EP, p.value = 1-pnorm(EP), H0 = "No Predictability",
    Decision = if( EP >  qnorm(conf.level) ) "Reject  H0" else "Fail to Reject H0",
    DirAcc = sum(r_t>0)/n)
  return( ans )

VaRTest = function(alpha = 0.05, actual, VaR, conf.level = 0.95){
	N = length(actual)
	VaRn = floor(N * alpha)
	if(N != length(VaR)) stop("\nlength of realized not equal to length of VaR!")
	tmp = LR.cc.test(p = alpha, actual = actual, VaR = VaR, conf.level = conf.level)
	ans = list()
	ans$expected.exceed = floor(alpha*tmp$TN)
	ans$actual.exceed = tmp$N
	ans$uc.H0 = "Correct Exceedances"
	ans$uc.LRstat = tmp$stat.uc
	ans$uc.critical = tmp$crit.val.uc
	ans$uc.LRp = tmp$p.value.uc
	ans$uc.Decision = ifelse(ans$uc.LRp<(1-conf.level), "Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")

	ans$cc.H0 = "Correct Exceedances & Independent"
	ans$cc.LRstat = tmp$stat.cc
	ans$cc.critical = tmp$crit.val.cc
	ans$cc.LRp = tmp$p.value.cc
	ans$cc.Decision = ifelse(ans$cc.LRp<(1-conf.level), "Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")

ESTest = function(alpha = 0.05, actual, ES, VaR, conf.level = 0.95, boot = FALSE, n.boot = 1000){
	N = length(actual)
	if(N != length(VaR)) stop("\nlength of realized not equal to length of VaR!")
	idx = which(as.numeric(VaR)>actual)
	z = (ES[idx] - actual[idx])
	.fn = function(x){
		n = length(x)
		rbt = matrix(sample(z, size = length(z) * n.boot, replace = TRUE), nrow = n.boot)
		pv = mean( apply(rbt, 1, FUN = function(x) .fn(x)) )
		npv = .fn(z)
	} else{
		npv = .fn(z)
		pv = NA
	ans = list()
	ans$expected.exceed = floor(alpha*N)
	ans$actual.exceed = length(idx)
	# conditional expected shortfall is systematically underestimated
	ans$H1 = "Mean of Excess Violations of VaR is greater than zero"
	ans$boot.p.value = pv
	ans$p.value = npv
	ans$Decision = ifelse(npv<(1-conf.level),"Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")

VaRDurTest = function(alpha, actual, VaR, conf.level = 0.95){
	VaR.ind = ifelse(actual < VaR, 1, 0)
	N = sum(VaR.ind)
	TN = length(VaR.ind)
	D = diff(which(VaR.ind==1))
	C = rep(0, length(D))
	# left-censored
		C = c(1, C)
		# the number of days until we get the first hit
		D = c(which(VaR.ind==1)[1], D)
	# right-censored
		C = c(C, 1)
		# the number of days after the last one in the hit sequence
		D = c(D, TN - tail(which(VaR.ind==1), 1))
	N = length(D)
	sol = try(optim(par = 2, fn = .likDurationW, gr = NULL, D = D, C = C, N = N,
			method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0.001, upper = 10, control = list(trace=0)), silent = TRUE)
	b = sol$par
	uLL = -sol$value
	rLL = -.likDurationW(1, D, C, N)
	LR = 2*(uLL - rLL)
	LRp = 1 - pchisq(LR, 1)
	H0 = "Duration Between Exceedances have no memory (Weibull b=1 = Exponential)"
	#i.e. whether we fail to reject the alternative in the LR test that b=1 (hence correct model)
	Decision = ifelse(LRp<(1-conf.level),"Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")
	return(list(b = b, uLL = uLL, rLL = rLL, LRp = LRp, H0 = H0, Decision = Decision))

.likDurationW = function(pars, D, C, N){
	b = pars[1]
	a = ( (N - C[1] - C[N])/(sum(D^b)) )^(1/b)
	lik = C[1]*log(.pweibull(D[1],a,b,survival=TRUE)) + (1-C[1])*.dweibull(D[1], a, b, log = TRUE) +
					sum(.dweibull(D[2:(N-1)], a, b, log = TRUE) ) + C[N]*log(.pweibull(D[N],a,b,survival=TRUE) )  +
									(1 - C[N]) *.dweibull(D[N], a, b, log = TRUE)
	if(!is.finite(lik) || is.nan(lik)) lik = 1e10 else lik = -lik

# When b=1 we get the exponential
.dweibull = function(D, a, b, log = FALSE){
	# density of Weibull
	pdf = b * log(a) + log(b) + (b - 1) * log(D) - (a * D)^b
	if(!log) pdf = exp(pdf)
.pweibull = function(D, a, b, survival = FALSE){
	# distribution of Weibull
	cdf = 1 - exp(-(a*D)^b)
	if(survival) cdf = 1 - cdf
.hweibull = function(D, a, b){
	# hazard of Weibull
	h = (a^b)*b*(D^(b-1))

# CHANGELOG (15-08-2012): Changed kurt argument in GMMTest to default of 3 (Normal)
# ...was badly set at 0.

GMMTest = function(z, lags = 1, skew=0, kurt=3, conf.level = 0.95){
	if(length(skew)>1) sk = skew[-c(1:lags)] else sk = skew
	if(length(kurt)>1) ku = kurt[-c(1:lags)] else ku = kurt
	z = matrix(z, ncol = 1)
	N = dim(z)[1] - lags
	zlag = z[-c(1:lags), , drop = FALSE]
	orthmat = matrix(NA, ncol = 8, nrow = 3)
	colnames(orthmat) = c("E[z]", "E[z^2]-1", "E[z^3]", "E[z^4]-3", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4","J")
	rownames(orthmat) = c("mean", "var", "t.value")
	f1 = zlag[,1]
	orthmat[1:3,1] = c(mean(f1), mean(f1^2)/N, mean(f1)/sqrt(mean(f1^2)/N))
	f2 = (zlag[,1]^2)-1
	orthmat[1:3,2] = c(mean(f2), mean(f2^2)/N, mean(f2)/sqrt(mean(f2^2)/N))
	f3 = zlag[,1]^3-sk
	orthmat[1:3,3] = c(mean(f3), mean(f3^2)/N, mean(f3)/sqrt(mean(f3^2)/N))
	f4 = zlag[,1]^4-ku
	orthmat[1:3,4] = c(mean(f4), mean(f4^2)/N, mean(f4)/sqrt(mean(f4^2)/N))
	M = rbind(t(f1), t(f2), t(f3), t(f4))

	tmp1 = .waldcomomtest(z[,1]^2-1, lags, N)
	orthmat[3, 5] = tmp1$tval[lags+1]

	tmp2 = .waldcomomtest(z[,1]^3-skew, lags, N)
	orthmat[3, 6] = tmp2$tval[lags+1]

	tmp3 = .waldcomomtest(z[,1]^4-kurt, lags, N)
	orthmat[3, 7] = tmp3$tval[lags+1]

	M = rbind(M, tmp1$h, tmp2$h, tmp3$h)
	g = c(as.numeric(orthmat[1,1:4]), tmp1$g, tmp2$g, tmp3$g)

	# all moments
	S = (M %*% t(M))/N
	jtval = N*t(g)%*%solve(S)%*%g
	orthmat[3,8] = jtval
	p = rep(conf.level, 2)
	df = c(lags, lags, lags, (4+3*lags))
	critical.values = qchisq(p,df)
	# i.e. if tval>critical value reject the NULL
	Decision = NULL
	Decision[1] = ifelse(orthmat[3, 5]<critical.values[1], "Fail to Reject H0", "Reject H0")
	Decision[2] = ifelse(orthmat[3, 6]<critical.values[2], "Fail to Reject H0", "Reject H0")
	Decision[3] = ifelse(orthmat[3, 7]<critical.values[3], "Fail to Reject H0", "Reject H0")
	Decision[4] = ifelse(orthmat[3, 8]<critical.values[4], "Fail to Reject H0", "Reject H0")

	H0 = "[Q-Moment Conditions] Model is Correctly Specified"
	moment.mat = orthmat[1:3,1:4]
	joint.mat = rbind(orthmat[3,5:8], critical.values)
	rownames(joint.mat) = c("t-value", "critical.value")
	return(list(joint.mat = joint.mat, moment.mat = moment.mat, H0 = H0, Decision = Decision) )

.waldcomomtest = function(z, lags, N){
	f0 = z %*% matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = lags)
	fx = NULL
	for(i in 1:lags) fx = cbind(fx, .lagx(z, n.lag = i, pad = 0))
	fx = fx[-c(1:lags), , drop = FALSE]
	f0 = f0[-c(1:lags), , drop = FALSE]
	fmat = f0 * fx
	g = colMeans(fmat)
	varg = apply(fmat, 2, FUN = function(x) mean(x^2)/N)
	tval = g/varg
	h = t(fmat)
	S = (h%*%t(h))/N
	joint = N*t(g)%*%solve(S)%*%g
	tval = c(tval, joint)
	return(list(tval = tval, h = h, g = g, varg = varg, S = S))

# currenly only quartic kernel implemented
# Hong and Li Test
# M(1,2) test for ARCH-in-Mean
# M(2,1) tests for leverage
HLTest = function(PIT, lags = 4, kernel = "quartic", conf.level = 0.95){
	p = lags
	Vcon = 2*(50/49 - 300/294 + 1950/1960 - 900/1568 + 450/2304)^2
	Qhatvector = matrix(0, p,1)
	res = rep(0, 7)
	Acon2 = integrate(funb, 0, 1)$value
	T = length(PIT)
	hpit = sd(PIT) * T^(-1/6)
	Acon11 = (1/hpit-2)*(5/7)
	Acon_1 = (Acon11 + 2*Acon2)^2 - 1
	for(i in 1:p){
		Mhat1 = gauss_legendre2D(f = ghat, 0,1,0,1, pit = PIT, i = i, T = T, hpit = hpit)
		Qhatvector[i,1] = ( (T-i)*hpit*Mhat1 - hpit*Acon_1 )/sqrt(Vcon)
	res[7] = sum(Qhatvector[,1])/sqrt(p)

	res[1] = Momstat(1,1, p, PIT, T)
	res[2] = Momstat(2,2, p, PIT, T)
	res[3] = Momstat(3,3, p, PIT, T)
	res[4] = Momstat(4,4, p, PIT, T)
	res[5] = Momstat(1,2, p, PIT, T)
	res[6] = Momstat(2,1, p, PIT, T)

	names(res) = c("M(1,1)", "M(2,2)", "M(3,3)", "M(4,4)", "M(1,2)", "M(2,1)", "W")
	Decision = NULL
	RejectH0 = as.logical( res>rep( qnorm(conf.level), 7 ))
	Decision[1] = ifelse(RejectH0[1], "Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")
	Decision[2] = ifelse(RejectH0[2], "Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")
	Decision[3] = ifelse(RejectH0[3], "Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")
	Decision[4] = ifelse(RejectH0[4], "Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")
	Decision[5] = ifelse(RejectH0[5], "Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")
	Decision[6] = ifelse(RejectH0[6], "Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")
	Decision[7] = ifelse(RejectH0[7], "Reject H0", "Fail to Reject H0")
	names(Decision) = c("M(1,1)", "M(2,2)", "M(3,3)", "M(4,4)", "M(1,2)", "M(2,1)", "W")
	H0 = NULL
	H0[1] = "M(1,1) Correctly Specified"
	H0[2] = "M(2,2) Correctly Specified"
	H0[3] = "M(3,3) Correctly Specified"
	H0[4] = "M(4,4) Correctly Specified"
	H0[5] = "M(1,2) Correctly Specified"
	H0[6] = "M(2,1) Correctly Specified"
	H0[7] = "Model Correctly Specified"
	return(list(statistic = res, H0 = H0, Decision = Decision))

funb = function(b){
	tmp1 = (8/15 + b - (2/3)*(b^3)+(1/5)*(b^5))^(-2)
	tmp2 = b*( (1-b^2)^4 )+128/315+(8/3)*(b^3)-(24/5)*(b^5)+(24/7)*(b^7)-(8/9)*(b^9)
	ans = tmp1 * tmp2

ghat = function(x, pit, i, T, hpit){
	z1 = x[1]
	z2 = x[2]
	n = length(pit)
	b1 = fnbound( z1, pit[-c(1:i)], hpit)
	b2 = fnbound( z2, pit[-c((n-i+1):n)], hpit)
	g = sum(b1* b2)/(T-i)
	return( (g - 1)^2 )

fnbound = function(x, y, hpit)
	K1 = quartic( (x - y)/hpit )/hpit
	if( (x >= 0)*(x < hpit) ){
		K2 = integrate(quartic, (-x/hpit), 1)$value
	} else if ((x >= hpit)*(x <= (1-hpit))){
		return( K1 )
	} else if( (x>(1-hpit))*(x <= 1) ){
		K2 = integrate(quartic, -1, (1-x)/hpit )$value

quartic = function(z){
	kernell = rep(0, length(z))
	nonzeros = which(z<=1 & z>=-1)
	v = z[nonzeros]
	v = 1-v^2
	kernell[nonzeros] = (15/16)*(v^2)

Momstat = function(m, ll, p, pit, T){
	part1 = 0
	part2 = 0
	part3 = 0
	for(j in 1:p){
		w = 1 - j/p
		part1 = part1 + (w^2)*(T-j)*((Rcc1(j, m, ll, pit, T)/Rcc1(0, m, ll, pit, T))^2)
		part2 = part2 + w^2
		part3 = part3 + w^4
	return( (part1-part2)/part3 )

Rcc1 = function(j, m, ll, pit, T){
	R1 = sum( (pit[(j+1):T]^m) * (pit[1:(T-j)]^ll) ) / T
	R2 = sum( (pit[(j+1):T]^m) ) / T
	R3 = sum( (pit[1:(T-j)]^ll) ) / T
	return( R1 - R2*R3 )

# 2D Integration
# Code from forums:
# http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e5/help/08/09/2919.html
# posted by Earl F. Glynn

gauss_legendre2D_helper <- function(f, x, a2,b2, nodes, weights, ...) {
	C <- (b2 - a2) / 2
	D <- (b2 + a2) / 2
	sum <- 0.0
	for (i in 1:length(nodes))
		y <- nodes[i]*C + D
		sum <- sum + weights[i] * f(c(x,y), ...)
	return(C * sum)

gauss_legendre2D <- function(f, a1,b1, a2,b2, ...) {
	#N <- 12
	#GL <- gauss.quad(N)
	nodes = c(-0.9815606, -0.9041173, -0.7699027, -0.5873180, -0.3678315,
			-0.1252334, 0.1252334, 0.3678315, 0.5873180, 0.7699027, 0.9041173,
	weights = c(0.04717534, 0.10693933, 0.16007833, 0.20316743,
			0.23349254, 0.24914705, 0.24914705, 0.23349254, 0.20316743,
			0.16007833, 0.10693933, 0.04717534)
	C <- (b1 - a1) / 2
	D <- (b1 + a1) / 2
	sum <- 0.0
	for (i in 1:length(nodes))
		x <- nodes[i]*C + D
		sum <- sum + weights[i] * gauss_legendre2D_helper(f, x, a2, b2, nodes, weights, ...)

	return(C * sum)

.meanlossfn = function(lossdf)
	n = dim(lossdf)[1]
	nm = colnames(lossdf)
	ans = apply(lossdf, 2, FUN = function(x) 1/(n-1) * sum(x[!is.na(x)]))
	names(ans) = nm

.medianlossfn = function(lossdf)
	n = dim(lossdf)[1]
	xn = dim(lossdf)[2]
	nm = colnames(lossdf)
	ans = apply(lossdf[,-xn], 2, FUN = function(x) median(x, na.rm = TRUE))
	# obviously we cannot have the median of a 0/1 series.
	ans = c(ans, .meanlossfn(lossdf[,xn]))
	names(ans) = nm

.signpluszero = function(x)
	z = as.numeric(x)
	ans = rep(0, length(z))
	ans[z>=0] = 1

.VaRplot = function(varname , p, actual, dates, VaR)

	y.actual = actual
	y.VaR = VaR
	x.dates = dates
	zd = .makedate(as.character(dates))
	if(zd$status == 0) dates = 1:length(dates) else dates = zd$dates
	title = paste("Daily Returns and Value-at-Risk Exceedances\n","(Series: ", varname,", alpha=", p,")",sep="")
		plot(x = as.Date(dates, format = zd$dformat), y = y.actual, type = "n",
				main = title, ylab = "Daily Log Return", xlab = "time",
				ylim = c(min(y.actual, y.VaR), max(y.actual, y.VaR)))
	} else{
		plot(as.numeric(dates), y.actual, type = "n",
				main = title, ylab = "Daily Log Return", xlab = "time",
				ylim = c(min(y.actual, y.VaR), max(y.actual, y.VaR)))
	abline(h = 0, col = 2, lty = 2)
	sel  =  which(y.actual>0)
	points(dates[sel], y.actual[sel], pch = 18, col = "green")
	sel  =  which(y.actual<0)
	points(dates[sel], y.actual[sel], pch = 18, col = "orange")
	sel  =  which(y.actual<y.VaR)
	points(dates[sel], y.actual[sel], pch = 18, col = "red")
		lines(x = as.Date(dates, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), y = y.VaR, lwd = 2, col = "black")
	} else{
		lines(as.numeric(dates), y.VaR, lwd = 2, col = "black")
	legend("topleft", max(actual),c("return >= 0","VaR <= return < 0","return < VaR","VaR"),
			col=c("green","orange","red","black"), cex=0.75,
			pch = c(18,18,18,-1), lty=c(0,0,0,1), lwd=c(0,0,0,2), bty = "n")

.VaRreport = function(varname, garchmodel, distribution, p, actual, VaR, conf.level = 0.95)
	result <- LR.cc.test(p=p,actual=actual,VaR=VaR,conf.level=conf.level)
	cat("VaR Backtest Report\n")
	cat(paste("Backtest Length:\t",result$TN,"\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("Expected Exceed:\t",round(p*result$TN,1),"\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("Actual VaR Exceed:\t",result$N,"\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("Actual %:\t\t\t",round(100*result$N/result$TN,1),"%\n",sep=""))
	cat("\nUnconditional Coverage (Kupiec)")
	cat("\nNull-Hypothesis:\tCorrect Exceedances\n")
	cat(paste("LR.uc Statistic:\t",round(result$stat.uc,3),"\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("LR.uc Critical:\t\t",round(result$crit.val.uc,3),"\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("LR.uc p-value:\t\t",round(result$p.value.uc,3),"\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("Reject Null:\t\t",ifelse(round(result$p.value.uc,3)< (1-conf.level), "YES","NO"),"\n",sep=""))
	cat("\nConditional Coverage (Christoffersen)")
	cat("\nNull-Hypothesis:\tCorrect Exceedances and\n\t\t\t\t\tIndependence of Failures\n")
	cat(paste("LR.cc Statistic:\t",round(result$stat.cc,3),"\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("LR.cc Critical:\t\t",round(result$crit.val.cc,3),"\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("LR.cc p-value:\t\t",round(result$p.value.cc,3),"\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("Reject Null:\t\t",ifelse(result$reject,"YES","NO"),"\n",sep=""))

# Available in a number of locations/textbooks.
# This code originally presented in a webcast by Guy Yollin Feb 2006 (from Insightful)
# Functions to perform Hypothesis test
# on VaR models based on # of exceedances
# calc LR.uc statistic
LR.cc.test = function (p, actual, VaR, conf.level = 0.95)
	result = .LR.cc(p = p, actual = actual, VaR = VaR)
	crit.val.uc = qchisq(conf.level, df = 1)
	crit.val.cc = qchisq(conf.level, df = 2)
	p.value.cc = 1 - pchisq(result$stat.cc, df = 2)
	p.value.uc = 1 - pchisq(result$stat.uc, df = 1)
	reject = ifelse(p.value.cc < 1 - conf.level, TRUE, FALSE)
	return(list(stat.cc = result$stat.cc, stat.uc = result$stat.uc,
					p.value.cc = p.value.cc, p.value.uc = p.value.uc, conf.level = conf.level,
					reject = reject, N = result$N, TN = result$TN, crit.val.uc = crit.val.uc,
					crit.val.cc = crit.val.cc))

.LR.cc = function (p, actual, VaR)
  VaR.ind = as.numeric(ifelse(actual < VaR, 1, 0))
  N = sum(VaR.ind)
  TN = length(VaR.ind)
  # Thanks to Kurt Hornik for the simplications and fix
  n <- table(head(VaR.ind, -1), tail(VaR.ind, -1))
  N00 = n[1,1]
  N11 = n[2,2]
  N01 = n[1,2]
  N10 = n[2,1]
  # p01: Probability of having a failure at time t | no failure at t-1
  p01 = N01/(N00+N01)
  # p11: Probability of having a failure at time t | failure at t-1
  p11 = N11/(N10+N11)
  # pUc : unconditional probability of a failure
  pUc = (N01+N11)/sum(n)
  l1 = (1-pUc)^(N00+N10)*pUc^(N01+N11)
  l2 = (1-p01)^(N00)*p01^(N01)*(1-p11)^(N10)*p11^(N11)
  stat.ind = -2*log(l1/l2)
  stat.uc = .LR.uc(p = p, TN = TN, N = N)
  stat.cc = stat.uc + stat.ind
  return(list(stat.cc = stat.cc, stat.uc = stat.uc, N = N, TN = TN))


.LR.uc = function (p, TN, N)
  l1 = (1-p)^(TN-N)*p^N
  l2 = (1-N/TN)^(TN-N)*(N/TN)^N
  stat.uc = -2 * log(l1/l2)

.Log = function(x){
	ans = log(x)
	#if(!is.finite(ans)) ans = sign(ans) * 1e10

# MCS Test of Hansen, Lunde and Nason
# Partially transalted from Kevin Sheppard's mcs matlab function
mcsTest = function(losses, alpha, nboot = 100, nblock = 1, boot = c("stationary", "block"))
	n = NROW(losses)
	m = NCOL(losses)
	bsdat = bootstrap(1:n, nboot, nblock, type = boot[1])$B
	dijbar = matrix(0, m, m)
	for(j in 1:m) dijbar[j, ] = colMeans(losses - losses[,j])
	dijbarstar = array(0, dim = c(m, m, nboot))
	for(i in 1:nboot){
		tmp = colMeans(losses[bsdat[,i],,drop = FALSE])
		for(j in 1:m){
			dijbarstar[j,,i] = tmp - tmp[j]
	tmp = array(NA, dim = c(m, m, nboot))
	for(i in 1:nboot) tmp[,,i] = dijbar
	xtmp = ((dijbarstar - tmp)^2)
	vardijbar = matrix(0, m, m)
	for(i in 1:nboot) vardijbar = vardijbar + xtmp[,,i]
	vardijbar = vardijbar/nboot
	vardijbar = vardijbar + diag(m)
	tmp2 = array(NA, dim = c(m, m, nboot))
	for(i in 1:nboot) tmp2[,,i] = sqrt(vardijbar)
	excludedR = matrix(0, m,1)
	pvalsR = matrix(1,m,1)
	for(i in 1:(m-1)){
		included = setdiff(1:m,excludedR)
		mx = length(included)
		z = z0[included, included,]
		empdistTR = apply(abs(z), 3, function(x) max(x))
		zdata = zdata0[included,included]
		TR = max(.Call("colMaxRcpp", zdata, PACKAGE = "rugarch"))
		pvalsR[i] = mean(empdistTR>TR)
		dibar = colMeans(dijbar[included,included])*(mx/(mx-1))
		dibstar = apply(dijbarstar[included,included,,drop=FALSE], 3, function(x) colMeans(x))*(mx/(mx-1))
		vardi=colMeans((t(dibstar)-matrix(dibar, nrow = nboot, ncol = mx, byrow = TRUE))^2)
		temp = max(tx)
		modeltoremove = which(tx == max(tx))[1]
	for(i in 2:m){
			pvalsR[i] = maxpval
		} else{
			maxpval = pvalsR[i]
	excludedR[NROW(excludedR)] = setdiff(1:m,excludedR)
	pl = which(pvalsR >= alpha)[1]
	includedR = excludedR[pl:m]
	if(pl==1) excludedR = NULL else excludedR = excludedR[1:(pl-1)]
	excludedSQ = matrix(0,m,1)
	pvalsSQ = matrix(1,m,1)
	for(i in 1:(m-1)){
		included = setdiff(1:m,excludedSQ)
		mx = length(included)
		z = z0[included,included,]
		empdistTSQ = apply(z^2, 3, function(x) sum(x))/2
		zdata = zdata0[included,included]
		TSQ = sum(colSums(zdata^2))/2
		pvalsSQ[i] = mean(empdistTSQ>TSQ)
		dibar = colMeans(dijbar[included,included])*(mx/(mx-1))
		dibstar = apply(dijbarstar[included,included,,drop=FALSE], 3, function(x) colMeans(x))*(mx/(mx-1))
		vardi = colMeans((t(dibstar)-matrix(dibar, nrow = nboot, ncol = mx, byrow = TRUE))^2)
		tx = dibar/sqrt(vardi)
		temp = max(tx)
		modeltoremove = which(tx == max(tx))[1]
	maxpval = pvalsSQ[1]
	for( i in 2:m){
			pvalsSQ[i] = maxpval
		} else{
			maxpval = pvalsSQ[i]
	excludedSQ[NROW(excludedSQ)] = setdiff(1:m,as.numeric(excludedSQ))
	includedSQ = excludedSQ[pl:m]
	if(pl==1) excludedSQ = NULL else excludedSQ = excludedSQ[1:(pl-1)]
	return(list(includedR = includedR, pvalsR = pvalsR, excludedR = excludedR,
					includedSQ = includedSQ, pvalsSQ = pvalsSQ, excludedSQ = excludedSQ))

bootstrap = function(data, nboot = 10, nblock = 5, type = c("stationary", "block"))
	type = match.arg(type[1], c("stationary", "block"))
	ans = switch(type,
			stationary = .stationary_bootstrap(data, nboot, nblock),
			block = .block_bootstrap(data, nboot, nblock))

.stationary_bootstrap = function(data, nboot = 100, nblock = 1){
	n = length(data)
	p = 1/nblock
	idx = matrix(0, n, nboot)
	idx[1, ] = ceiling(n * matrix(runif(1*nboot), 1, nboot))
	sel_idx = matrix(runif(n*nboot), n, nboot)<p
	cn = sum(colSums(sel_idx))
	idx[sel_idx] = ceiling(matrix(runif(1*cn), 1, cn)*n)
	for(i in 2:n){
		idx[i,!sel_idx[i,]] = idx[i-1,!sel_idx[i,]]+1
	data = c(data, data)
	B = apply(idx, 2, FUN = function(x) data[x])
	return(list(B = B, idx = idx))

.block_bootstrap = function(data, nboot, nblock){
	n = length(data)
	data = c(data, data[1:(nblock-1)])
	s = ceiling(n/nblock)
	S = floor(matrix(runif(s*nboot), s, nboot)*n)+1
	idx = matrix(0, s*nblock, nboot)
	A = repmat( 0:(nblock-1), 1, nboot)
	for(i in seq(1, n, by = nblock)){
		idx[i:(i+nblock-1),] = repmat(S[iter, ,drop = FALSE], nblock, 1) + A
		iter = iter + 1
	idx = idx[1:n, ,drop = FALSE]
	B = apply(idx, 2, FUN = function(x) data[x])
	return(list(B = B, idx = idx))

repmat = function(a,n,m){

# Direct Import of Weighted Tests of FISHER and GALLAGHER (WeightedPortTest package)
Weighted.Box.test = function (x, lag = 1, type = c("Box-Pierce", "Ljung-Box", "Monti"),
		fitdf = 0, sqrd.res = FALSE, log.sqrd.res = FALSE, abs.res = FALSE,
		weighted = TRUE)
	if(lag<(2*fitdf+fitdf-1)) stop("\nLag must be equal to a minimum of 2*fitdf+fitdf-1")
	if(NCOL(x) > 1) stop("\nx is not a vector or univariate time series")
	if(lag < 1) stop("\nLag must be positive")
	if(fitdf < 0) stop("\nFitdf cannot be negative")
	if((sqrd.res && log.sqrd.res) || (sqrd.res && abs.res) || (log.sqrd.res && abs.res)) stop("Only one option of: sqrd.res, log.sqrd.res or abs.res can be selected")
	DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x))
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if (abs.res) {
		x <- abs(x)
	if (sqrd.res || log.sqrd.res) {
		x <- x^2
	if (log.sqrd.res) {
		x <- log(x)
	if (weighted) {
		if (type == "Monti") {
			METHOD <- "Weighted Monti test (Gamma Approximation)"
			cor <- acf(x, lag.max = lag, type = "partial", plot = FALSE,
					na.action = na.pass)
			obs <- cor$acf[1:lag]
		else {
			cor <- acf(x, lag.max = lag, type = "correlation",
					plot = FALSE, na.action = na.pass)
			obs <- cor$acf[2:(lag + 1)]
		if (type == "Ljung-Box") {
			METHOD <- "Weighted Ljung-Box test (Gamma Approximation)"
		n <- sum(!is.na(x))
		weights <- (lag - 1:lag + 1)/(lag)
		if (type == "Box-Pierce") {
			METHOD <- "Weighted Box-Pierce test (Gamma Approximation)"
			STATISTIC <- n * sum(weights * obs^2)
		else {
			STATISTIC <- n * (n + 2) * sum(weights * (1/seq.int(n - 1, n - lag) * obs^2))
		if (sqrd.res) {
			fitdf <- 0
			names(STATISTIC) <- "Weighted X-squared on Squared Residuals for detecting nonlinear processes"
		else if (log.sqrd.res) {
			fitdf <- 0
			names(STATISTIC) <- "Weighted X-squared on Log-Squared Residuals for detecting nonlinear processes"
		else if (abs.res) {
			fitdf <- 0
			names(STATISTIC) <- "Weighted X-squared on Absolute valued Residuals for detecting nonlinear processes"
		else {
			names(STATISTIC) <- "Weighted X-squared on Residuals for fitted ARMA process"
		shape <- (3/4) * (lag + 1)^2 * lag/(2 * lag^2 + 3 * lag + 1 - 6 * lag * fitdf)
		scale <- (2/3) * (2*lag^2 + 3*lag+1 - 6 * lag * fitdf)/(lag*(lag + 1))
		PARAMETER <- c(shape, scale)
		names(PARAMETER) <- c("Shape", "Scale")
		PVAL <- 1 - pgamma(STATISTIC, shape = shape, scale = scale)
		names(PVAL) <- "Approximate p-value"
	else {
		if (type == "Monti") {
			METHOD <- "Monti test"
			cor <- acf(x, lag.max = lag, type = "partial", plot = FALSE,
					na.action = na.pass)
			obs <- cor$acf[1:lag]
		else {
			cor <- acf(x, lag.max = lag, type = "correlation",
					plot = FALSE, na.action = na.pass)
			obs <- cor$acf[2:(lag + 1)]
		if (type == "Ljung-Box") {
			METHOD <- "Ljung-Box test"
		n <- sum(!is.na(x))
		if (type == "Box-Pierce") {
			METHOD <- "Box-Pierce test"
			STATISTIC <- n * sum(obs^2)
		else {
			STATISTIC <- n * (n + 2) * sum((1/seq.int(n - 1,
										n - lag) * obs^2))
		if (sqrd.res) {
			fitdf <- 0
			names(STATISTIC) <- "X-squared on Squared Residuals for detecting nonlinear processes"
		else if (log.sqrd.res) {
			fitdf <- 0
			names(STATISTIC) <- "X-squared on Log-Squared Residuals for detecting nonlinear processes"
		else if (abs.res) {
			fitdf <- 0
			names(STATISTIC) <- "X-squared on Absolute valued Residuals for detecting nonlinear processes"
		else {
			names(STATISTIC) <- "X-squared on Residuals for fitted ARMA process"
		mydf <- lag - fitdf
		PARAMETER <- c(mydf)
		names(PARAMETER) <- c("df")
		PVAL <- 1 - pchisq(STATISTIC, df = mydf)
		names(PVAL) <- "p-value"
	structure(list(statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = PARAMETER,
					p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD, data.name = DNAME),
			class = "htest")

Weighted.LM.test <- function (x, h.t, lag = 1, type = c("correlation", "partial"), fitdf = 1, weighted=TRUE)
	### Error Checking
	if (NCOL(x) > 1)
		stop("x is not a vector or univariate time series");
	if (fitdf >= lag)
		stop("Lag must exceed fitted degrees of freedom");
	if (fitdf < 1)
		stop("Fitted degrees of freedom must be positive");
	if( !(length(x)==length(h.t)) )
		stop("Length of x and h.t must match");

	DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x))
	type <- match.arg(type)

	x <- x^2/h.t

	if( type == "partial") {
		cor <- acf(x, lag.max = lag, type="partial", plot=FALSE, na.action=na.pass)
		obs <- cor$acf[1:lag];
	else {
		cor <- acf(x, lag.max = lag, type="correlation", plot=FALSE, na.action=na.pass)
		obs <- cor$acf[2:(lag + 1)];

	if(type == "correlation" && weighted) {
		METHOD <- "Weighted Li-Mak test on autocorrelations (Gamma Approximation)"
	else if(type == "partial" && weighted) {
		METHOD <- "Weighted Li-Mak test on partial autocorrelations (Gamma Approximation)"
	else if(type == "correlation" && !weighted) {
		METHOD <- "Li-Mak test on autocorrelations (Chi-Squared Approximation)"
	else {
		METHOD <- "Li-Mak test on partial autocorrelations (Chi-Squared Approximation)"

	n <- sum(!is.na(x))
	if(weighted) {
		weights <- (lag - (fitdf+1):lag + (fitdf+1) )/lag;
		obs <- obs[(fitdf+1):lag];
		STATISTIC <- n * sum(weights*obs^2);
		names(STATISTIC) <- "Weighted X-squared on Squared Residuals for fitted ARCH process";
		shape <- (3/4)*(lag + fitdf + 1)^2*(lag - fitdf)/(2*lag^2 + 3*lag + 2*lag*fitdf + 2*fitdf^2 + 3*fitdf + 1);
		scale <- (2/3)*(2*lag^2 + 3*lag + 2*lag*fitdf + 2*fitdf^2 + 3*fitdf + 1)/(lag*(lag + fitdf + 1));
		PARAMETER <- c(shape, scale);
		names(PARAMETER) <- c("Shape", "Scale")
	else {
		weights <- rep(1,(lag-fitdf) );
		obs <- obs[(fitdf+1):lag];
		STATISTIC <- n * sum(weights*obs^2);
		names(STATISTIC) <- "X-squared on Squared Residuals for fitted ARCH process"
		shape <- (lag-fitdf)/2;          # Chi-squared df in Gamma form.
		scale <- 2;
		PARAMETER <- c((lag-fitdf));
		names(PARAMETER) <- c("Degrees of Freedom");

	PVAL <- 1 - pgamma(STATISTIC, shape=shape, scale=scale)
	names(PVAL) <- "Approximate p-value"

	structure(list(statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = PARAMETER,
					p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD, data.name = DNAME),
			class = "htest")
# End Import

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