
eblupSTFH <- function (formula, D, T, vardir, proxmat, model = "ST", MAXITER = 100, 
          PRECISION = 1e-04, 
          theta_iter = FALSE,
          sigma21_start = 0.5 * median(vardir), rho1_start = 0.5, 
          sigma22_start = 0.5 * median(vardir), rho2_start = 0.5,

  result <- list(eblup = NA, fit = list(model = model, convergence = TRUE, 
                                        iterations = 0, estcoef = NA, estvarcomp = NA, 
                                        estvarcomp_iterations=NULL,goodness = NA))
  if (model != "S" && model != "ST") 
    stop("Argument model=\"", model, "\" must be \"S\" or \"ST\".")
  namevar <- deparse(substitute(vardir))
  if (!missing(data)) {
    formuladata <- model.frame(formula, na.action = na.omit, 
    X <- model.matrix(formula, data)
    vardir <- data[, namevar]
  else {
    formuladata <- model.frame(formula, na.action = na.omit)
    X <- model.matrix(formula)
  y <- formuladata[, 1]
  if (attr(attributes(formuladata)$terms, "response") == 1) 
    textformula <- paste(formula[2], formula[1], formula[3])
  else textformula <- paste(formula[1], formula[2])
  if (length(na.action(formuladata)) > 0) 
    stop("Argument formula=", textformula, " contains NA values.")
  if (any(is.na(vardir))) 
    stop("Argument vardir=", namevar, " contains NA values.")
  proxmatname <- deparse(substitute(proxmat))
  if (any(is.na(proxmat))) 
    stop("Argument proxmat=", proxmatname, " contains NA values.")
  nformula <- nrow(X)
  nvardir <- length(vardir)
  M <- D * T
  if (nformula != nvardir | nformula != M) 
    stop("   formula=", textformula, " [rows=", nformula, 
         "] and \n", "     vardir=", namevar, " [rows=", nvardir, 
         "] \n", "  must have D*T = ", D, "*", T, " = ", M, 
         " rows.")
  if (!is.matrix(proxmat)) 
    proxmat <- as.matrix(proxmat)
  nproxmat <- nrow(proxmat)
  if (nproxmat != D || ncol(proxmat) != D) 
    stop("Argument proxmat=", proxmatname, " [rows=", nproxmat, 
         ",columns=", ncol(proxmat), "] must be a square matrix of size D=", 
         D, ".")
  if (theta_iter != FALSE & theta_iter != TRUE)
    stop("Argument theta_iter=",theta_iter," must be FALSE or TRUE.")    
  if (sigma21_start<0)
     stop("Argument sigma21_start=",sigma21_start," must be greater than or equal to 0.")
  if (sigma22_start<0)
    stop("Argument sigma22_start=",sigma22_start," must be greater than or equal to 0.")  

  if (rho1_start<=-1 || rho1_start>=1)
    stop("Argument rho1_start=",rho1_start," must contain a value in the interval (-1,1).")  

  if (rho2_start<=-1 || rho2_start>=1)
    stop("Argument rho2_start=",rho2_start," must contain a value in the interval (-1,1).")  
  theta0 <- rbind(sigma21 = sigma21_start, rho1 = rho1_start, sigma22 = sigma22_start)
  if (model == "ST") 
    theta0 <- rbind(theta0,  rho2 = rho2_start)    

  nparam <- nrow(theta0)
  invA <- matrix(0, nrow = M, ncol = M)
  invAZ1 <- matrix(0, nrow = M, ncol = D)
  tZ1PZ1 <- matrix(0, nrow = D, ncol = D)
  tZ1P <- matrix(0, nrow = D, ncol = M)
  S <- trPV <- matrix(0, nrow = nparam, ncol = 1)
  F <- trPVPV <- matrix(0, nrow = nparam, ncol = nparam)
  Va <- list()
  vector1T <- matrix(1, nrow = T, ncol = 1)
  Z1 <- matrix(0, nrow = D * T, ncol = D)
  first <- 1
  for (d in 1:D) {
    last <- first + T - 1
    Z1[first:last, d] <- vector1T
    first <- last + 1
  tZ1 <- t(Z1)
  ty <- t(y)
  tX <- t(X)
  tproxmatproxmat <- crossprod(proxmat)
  p1derivrho1 <- -proxmat - t(proxmat)
  Id <- diag(1, nrow = D, ncol = D)
  Tmen1 <- T - 1
  if (model == "S") 
    Va[[3]] <- diag(1, nrow = M, ncol = M)
  else {
    PV <- list()
    Omega2drho2 <- derivOmega2drho2 <- matrix(0, nrow = T, 
                                              ncol = T)
    seqTmen1_1 <- sequence(Tmen1:1)
    Ve <- diag(vardir)
  thetakmas1 <- thetak <- theta0
  k <- 0
  diff <- PRECISION + 1
  while (diff > PRECISION & k < MAXITER) {
    k <- k + 1
    thetak <- thetakmas1
    if (theta_iter==TRUE)
       result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- rbind(result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations,cbind(iter=k-1,t(thetak)))
    sigma21_k <- thetak["sigma21", 1]
    rho1_k <- thetak["rho1", 1]
    sigma22_k <- thetak["sigma22", 1]
    Omega1rho1_k <- try(solve(crossprod(Id - rho1_k * proxmat)), silent=TRUE)
    if (class(Omega1rho1_k)[1] == "try-error") {
      result$fit$convergence <- FALSE
      #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
      #   result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL
    Vu1 <- sigma21_k * Omega1rho1_k
    if (model == "S") {
      invAvec <- 1/(sigma22_k + vardir)
      invA <- diag(invAvec)
      first <- 1
      for (i in 1:D) {
        last <- first + Tmen1
        firstlast <- first:last
        invAZ1[firstlast, i] <- invAvec[firstlast]
        first <- first + T
    else {
      rho2_k <- thetak["rho2", 1]
      Unomenrho22_k <- 1 - (rho2_k^2)
      Omega2drho2_k <- matrix(0, nrow = T, ncol = T)
      Omega2drho2_k[lower.tri(Omega2drho2_k)] <- rho2_k^seqTmen1_1
      Omega2drho2_k <- Omega2drho2_k + t(Omega2drho2_k)
      diag(Omega2drho2_k) <- 1
      Omega2drho2_k <- (1/Unomenrho22_k) * Omega2drho2_k
      sigma22Omega2drho2_k <- sigma22_k * Omega2drho2_k
      first <- 1
      for (i in 1:D) {
        last <- first + Tmen1
        firstlast <- first:last
        Ved <- Ve[first:last, first:last]
        Ad <- sigma22Omega2drho2_k + Ved
        invAd <- solve(Ad)
        invA[first:last, first:last] <- invAd
        first <- first + T
      invAZ1 <- invA %*% Z1
    invVu1 <- try(solve(Vu1), silent=TRUE)
    if (class(invVu1)[1]=="try-error"){
      result$fit$convergence <- FALSE
      #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
      #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL      
    invV <- invA - invAZ1 %*% solve(invVu1 + tZ1 %*% invAZ1) %*% 
    tXinvV <- tX %*% invV
    inv_tXinVX <- solve(tXinvV %*% X)
    P <- invV - t(tXinvV) %*% inv_tXinVX %*% tXinvV
    derivrho1_k <- p1derivrho1 + 2 * rho1_k * tproxmatproxmat
    sigmaOmegaderivrho1Omega <- (-sigma21_k) * (Omega1rho1_k %*% 
                                                  derivrho1_k %*% Omega1rho1_k)
    Va[[1]] <- Z1 %*% Omega1rho1_k %*% tZ1
    Va[[2]] <- Z1 %*% sigmaOmegaderivrho1Omega %*% tZ1
    if (model == "S") {
      tZ1P <- tZ1 %*% P
      tZ1PZ1 <- tZ1P %*% Z1
      auxV1 <- tZ1PZ1 %*% Omega1rho1_k
      trPV[1] <- sum(diag(auxV1))
      auxV2 <- tZ1PZ1 %*% sigmaOmegaderivrho1Omega
      trPV[2] <- sum(diag(auxV2))
      trPV[3] <- sum(diag(P))
      Py <- P %*% y
      tyP <- t(Py)
      trPVPV[1, 1] <- sum(auxV1 * t(auxV1))
      trPVPV[2, 2] <- sum(auxV2 * t(auxV2))
      trPVPV[3, 3] <- sum(P * t(P))
      trPVPV[1, 2] <- sum(auxV1 * t(auxV2))
      tZ1PPZ1 <- tZ1P %*% t(tZ1P)
      trPVPV[1, 3] <- sum(tZ1PPZ1 * t(Omega1rho1_k))
      trPVPV[2, 3] <- sum(tZ1PPZ1 * t(sigmaOmegaderivrho1Omega))
    else {
      Va[[3]] <- diagonalizematrix(Omega2drho2_k, ntimes = D)
      derivOmega2drho2_k <- matrix(0, nrow = T, ncol = T)
      derivOmega2drho2_k[lower.tri(derivOmega2drho2_k)] <- seqTmen1_1 * 
        rho2_k^(seqTmen1_1 - 1)
      derivOmega2drho2_k <- derivOmega2drho2_k + t(derivOmega2drho2_k)
      derivOmega2drho2_k <- (1/Unomenrho22_k) * derivOmega2drho2_k + 
        (2 * rho2_k/Unomenrho22_k) * Omega2drho2_k
      sigma22derivOmega2drho2_k <- sigma22_k * derivOmega2drho2_k
      Va[[4]] <- diagonalizematrix(sigma22derivOmega2drho2_k, 
                                   ntimes = D)
      for (i in 1:nparam) {
        PV[[i]] <- P %*% Va[[i]]
        trPV[i] <- sum(diag(PV[[i]]))
      for (j in 1:nparam) {
        tPVj <- t(PV[[j]])
        for (i in 1:j) trPVPV[i, j] <- sum(PV[[i]] * 
      Py <- P %*% y
      tyP <- t(Py)
    for (a in 1:nparam) {
      S[a] <- (-0.5) * trPV[a] + 0.5 * (tyP %*% Va[[a]] %*% 
      for (b in a:nparam) F[a, b] <- 0.5 * trPVPV[a, b]
    for (a in 2:nparam) for (b in 1:(a - 1)) F[a, b] <- F[b,a] 
    Finv <- try(solve(F), silent=TRUE)   
    if (class(Finv)[1] == "try-error") {
      result$fit$convergence <- FALSE
      #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
      #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL      
    thetakmas1 <- thetak + Finv %*% S
    if (thetakmas1["rho1", 1] <= -1) 
      thetakmas1["rho1", 1] <- -0.999
    else if (thetakmas1["rho1", 1] >= 1) 
      thetakmas1["rho1", 1] <- 0.999
    if (model == "ST") {
      if (thetakmas1["rho2", 1] <= -1) 
        thetakmas1["rho2", 1] <- -0.999
      else if (thetakmas1["rho2", 1] >= 1) 
        thetakmas1["rho2", 1] <- 0.999

    if (any(thetak == 0)) 
      for (i in 1:nparam) if (thetak[i] == 0) 
        thetak[i] <- 1e-04
    diff <- max(abs((thetak - thetakmas1)/thetak))
  thetakmas1["sigma21", 1] <- max(thetakmas1["sigma21", 1], 0)
  thetakmas1["sigma22", 1] <- max(thetakmas1["sigma22", 1], 0)
  sigma21_k <- thetakmas1["sigma21", 1]
  sigma22_k <- thetakmas1["sigma22", 1]

  rho1_k <- thetakmas1["rho1", 1]
  if (model == "ST") {
    rho2_k <- thetakmas1["rho2", 1]
  result$fit$iterations <- k
  if (k >= MAXITER && diff >= PRECISION) {
    result$fit$convergence <- FALSE
    #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
    #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL     
  if (theta_iter == TRUE)
     result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- rbind(result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations,cbind(iter=k,t(thetakmas1)))  
  if (sigma21_k < 0 || rho1_k < (-1) || rho1_k > 1 || sigma22_k < 
      0 || (model == "ST" && (rho2_k < (-1) || rho2_k > 1))) {
    result$fit$estvarcomp <- data.frame(estimate = thetakmas1, 
                                        std.error = 0)
    #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
    #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL     
  Omega1rho1_k <- try(solve(crossprod(Id - rho1_k * proxmat)))
  if (class(Omega1rho1_k)[1] == "try-error") {
    result$fit$convergence <- FALSE
    result$fit$estvarcomp <- data.frame(estimate = thetakmas1, 
                                        std.error = 0)
    #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
    #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL     
  if (model == "S") {
    invAvec <- 1/(sigma22_k + vardir)
    invA <- diag(invAvec)
    first <- 1
    for (i in 1:D) {
      last <- first + Tmen1
      firstlast <- first:last
      invAZ1[firstlast, i] <- invAvec[firstlast]
      first <- first + T
  else {
    Unomenrho22_k <- 1 - (rho2_k^2)
    Omega2drho2_k <- matrix(0, nrow = T, ncol = T)
    Omega2drho2_k[lower.tri(Omega2drho2_k)] <- rho2_k^seqTmen1_1
    Omega2drho2_k <- Omega2drho2_k + t(Omega2drho2_k)
    diag(Omega2drho2_k) <- 1
    Omega2drho2_k <- (1/Unomenrho22_k) * Omega2drho2_k
    sigma22Omega2drho2_k <- sigma22_k * Omega2drho2_k
    first <- 1
    for (i in 1:D) {
      last <- first + Tmen1
      firstlast <- first:last
      Ad <- sigma22Omega2drho2_k + Ve[first:last, first:last]
      invAd <- solve(Ad)
      invA[first:last, first:last] <- invAd
      first <- first + T
    invAZ1 <- invA %*% Z1
  Vu1 <- sigma21_k * Omega1rho1_k
  if (sigma21_k != 0) {
    invVu1 <- try(solve(Vu1), silent = TRUE)
    if (class(invVu1)[1] == "try-error") {
      result$fit$convergence <- FALSE
      result$fit$estvarcomp <- data.frame(estimate = thetakmas1, 
                                          std.error = 0)
      print("Error: Inverse of V_{u1} can not be obtained.\n")
      #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
      #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL       
    invV <- invA - invAZ1 %*% solve(invVu1 + tZ1 %*% invAZ1) %*% 
  else invV <- invA
  tXinvV <- tX %*% invV
  Q <- solve(tXinvV %*% X)
  betaest <- Q %*% (tXinvV %*% y)
  ymenXbetaest <- (y - X %*% betaest)
  invVymenXBest <- invV %*% ymenXbetaest
  parte1 <- Vu1 %*% tZ1
  if (model == "S") 
    parte2 <- diag(sigma22_k, nrow = M)
  else parte2 <- diagonalizematrix(sigma22Omega2drho2_k, ntimes = D)
  u1est <- parte1 %*% invVymenXBest
  u2dtest <- parte2 %*% invVymenXBest
  u1dtest <- matrix(data = rep(u1est, each = T), nrow = M, 
                    ncol = 1)
  mudtest <- X %*% betaest + u1dtest + u2dtest
  V <- try(solve(invV))
  if (class(V)[1]=="try-error"){
    result$fit$convergence <- FALSE
    result$fit$estvarcomp <- data.frame(estimate = thetakmas1, 
                                        std.error = 0)
    cat("Error: Inverse of V can not be obtained.\n")
    #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
    #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL     
  loglike <- (-0.5) * (M * log(2 * pi) + determinant(V, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus + 
                         t(ymenXbetaest) %*% invV %*% ymenXbetaest)
  AIC <- (-2) * loglike + 2 * (length(betaest) + nparam)
  BIC <- (-2) * loglike + log(M) * (length(betaest) + nparam)
  std.errorbeta <- sqrt(diag(Q))
  tvalue <- betaest/std.errorbeta
  pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(abs(tvalue), lower.tail = FALSE)
  result$fit$estcoef <- data.frame(beta = betaest, std.error = std.errorbeta, 
                                   tvalue = tvalue, pvalue = pvalue)
  result$fit$goodness <- c(loglike = loglike, AIC = AIC, BIC = BIC)
  result$eblup <- mudtest
  diagFinv <- diag(Finv)
  if (any(diagFinv<0))
    result$fit$convergence <- FALSE        
    result$fit$estvarcomp <- data.frame(estimate = thetakmas1, std.error = 0)  
    #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
    #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL     
    return (result)    
  std.errortheta <- sqrt(diagFinv)

    result$fit$convergence <- FALSE    
    result$fit$estvarcomp <- data.frame(estimate = thetakmas1, 
                                        std.error = 0)    
    #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
    #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL     
  result$fit$estvarcomp <- data.frame(estimate = thetakmas1, 
                                      std.error = std.errortheta)
  #if (theta_iter == FALSE)
  #  result$fit$estvarcomp_iterations <- NULL   

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