Man pages for scdhlm
Estimating Hierarchical Linear Models for Single-Case Designs

AlberMorganAlber-Morgan, et al. (2007)
AngleseaExample 2 from Hedges, Pustejovsky, & Shadish (2012)
BartonArwoodBarton-Arwood, Wehby, & Falk (2005)
batch_calc_BCSMDA convenience function for calculating multiple...
Bryant2018Bryant et al. (2018)
calc_BCSMDA convenience function for calculating design comparable...
CarsonCarson (2008)
CaseHarrisGrahamCase, Harris, and Graham (1992)
CI_gCalculates a confidence interval for a standardized mean...
compare_RML_HPSRun simulation comparing REML and HPS estimates
DatchukDatchuk (2016)
default_timesCalculate default initial treatment time and follow-up time.
DelemereDounaviDelemere & Dounavi (2018)
design_matrixCreate a design matrix for a single-case design
effect_size_ABkCalculates HPS effect size
effect_size_MBCalculates HPS effect size
graph_SCDGraph Single Case Design Data
g_REMLCalculates adjusted REML effect size
GunningEspieGunning & Espie (2003)
Info_Expected_lmeAR1Calculate expected information matrix
LambertExample 1 from Hedges, Pustejovsky, & Shadish (2012)
LaskiExample 2 from Hedges, Pustejovsky, & Shadish (2013)
MB1resultsMB1 simulation results
MB1timeMB1 simulation time
MB2resultsMB2 simulation results
MB2timeMB2 simulation time
MB4resultsMB4 simulation results
MB4timeMB4 simulation time
MusserMusser (2001)
PeltierPeltier et al. (2020)
phase_pairsCalculate phase-pairs for a unique case
preprocess_SCDClean Single Case Design Data
RodgersRodgers et al. (2021)
RodriguezRodriguez & Anderson (2014)
RomaniukRomaniuk (2002)
RuizRuiz, et al. (2020)
SaddlerExample 1 from Hedges, Pustejovsky, & Shadish (2013)
SalazarSalazar, et al. (2020)
SchutteExample from Pustejovsky, Hedges, & Shadish (2014)
session_by_treatmentCalculate session-by-treatment interactions for a unique case
shine_scdA shiny interface for the scdhlm package
simulate.g_REMLSimulate data from a fitted 'g_REML' object
simulate_MB2Simulate Model MB2 from Pustejovsky, Hedges, & Shadish (2014)
simulate_MB4Simulate Model MB4 from Pustejovsky, Hedges, & Shadish (2014)
Thiemann2001Thiemann & Goldstein (2001)
Thiemann2004Thiemann & Goldstein (2004)
ThorneThorne (2005)
scdhlm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:11 p.m.