AlberMorgan: Alber-Morgan, et al. (2007)

AlberMorganR Documentation

Alber-Morgan, et al. (2007)


Data from a multiple baseline design conducted by Alber-Morgan, Ramp, Anderson, & Martin (2007). The variables are as follows:

  • case Participant identifier

  • condition Factor identifying the phase of the design (baseline or treatment)

  • session Measurement occasion

  • outcome Number of words read correctly per minute


A data frame with 119 rows and 4 variables


Alber-Morgan, S. R., Ramp, E. M., Anderson, L. L., & Martin, C. M. (2007). Effects of repeated readings, error correction, and performance feedback on the fluency and comprehension of middle school students with behavior problems. Journal of Special Education, 41(1), 17-30. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1177/00224669070410010201")}

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