Bryant2018: Bryant et al. (2018)

Bryant2018R Documentation

Bryant et al. (2018)


Data from a clustered multiple baseline across participants design conducted by Bryant et al. (2018). The variables are as follows:

  • Study_ID. Study identifier.

  • school. School identifier.

  • group. Group identifier.

  • case. Student identifier.

  • treatment. Indicator for treatment phase.

  • session. Measurement occasion.

  • session_trt. Measurement occasion times treatment phase.

  • outcome. Texas Early Mathematics Inventory (TEMI-Aim Check) scores.

  • session_c. Measurement occasion centered at the follow-up time.


A data frame with 536 rows and 8 variables


Bryant, D. R., Bryant, B. R., Sorelle-Miner, D. A., Falcomata, T. S. & Nozari, M. (2018). Tier 3 intensified intervention for second grade students with severe mathematics difficulties. Archives of Psychology, 2(11), 1-24. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.31296/aop.v2i11.86")}

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