Thiemann2001: Thiemann & Goldstein (2001)

Thiemann2001R Documentation

Thiemann & Goldstein (2001)


Data from a multiple baseline across behaviors design conducted by Thiemann & Goldstein (2001). The variables are as follows:

  • Study_ID. Study identifier.

  • case. Student identifier.

  • series. Series identifier.

  • outcome. Frequency of coded social communication skills, as measured by a direct observation coding system with 15-second intervals recording for the occurrence of any of the four social measures: contingent responses, securing attention, initiating comments, and initiating requests.

  • time. Measurement occasion.

  • treatment. Indicator for treatment phase.

  • trt_time. Measurement occasion times treatment phase.

  • time_c. Measurement occasion centered at the follow-up time.


A data frame with 363 rows and 8 variables


Thiemann, K.S., & Goldstein, H. (2001). Social stories, written text cues, and video feedback: effects on social communication of children with Autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 34(4), 425-446. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1901/jaba.2001.34-425")}

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