
Defines functions resolve.defaults reconcile.df allspecies tanklist dive.segment chop.dive timetaken print.rate descent ascent rate is.rate print.summary.dive summary.dive print.dive plot.dive whichtank durations.dive times.dive depths.dive is.dive dive

Documented in allspecies ascent chop.dive depths.dive descent dive dive.segment durations.dive is.dive is.rate plot.dive print.dive print.rate print.summary.dive rate reconcile.df resolve.defaults summary.dive tanklist times.dive timetaken whichtank

# 	dive.R
#	$Revision: 1.30 $	$Date: 2014/01/28 02:16:00 $
# Dive profiles
# e.g.
#      dive(c(21,30),c(5,5),c(0,120),c(18,30),c(5,5))
#	  means: 21 m for 30 min, 5@5, 2 hour surface, 18 m for 30 min, 5@5
#      dive(nitrox(0.32), c(25,30), 5, nitrox(0.5), c(5,5))
#                 means dive on EANx 32 to 25 metres for 30 min,
#                 ascending to 5 metres, switching to EANx 50,
#                 5@5 then surfacing.

dive <- function(..., begin=0, end=0, tanklist=NULL) {
  X <- list(...)
  if(length(X) == 0)
    stop("No dive profile supplied")

    stopifnot(is.numeric(begin) && length(begin) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(end) && length(end) == 1)

  tanks.given <- !is.null(tanklist)
  gases.given <- tanks.given || any(unlist(lapply(X, is.gas)))
  tanks.implied <- FALSE

  # initialise current state and rules
  state <- data.frame(time=0, depth=begin,
                      fO2=air$fO2, fN2=air$fN2, fHe=air$fHe, tankid=1)
  rate.down <- descent(30)  # default descent rate
  rate.up <- ascent(18)    # default ascent rate
    tanklist <- list(air)  # default tank
  # set up data frame to record the entire dive profile
  # NB: gas fractions apply to the time interval [i,i+1]
  df <- state
  now <- 1

  # Some entries of X may be labelled (tag=value)
  tagged <- nzchar(names(X))
  if(length(tagged) == 0) tagged <- rep(FALSE, length(X)) 
  change <- function(state, duration=NULL, depth=NULL,
                     fO2=NULL, fN2=NULL, fHe=NULL, tankid=NULL) {
    if(!is.null(duration)) state$time <- state$time + duration
    if(!is.null(depth))    state$depth <- depth
    if(!is.null(fO2))      state$fO2 <- fO2
    if(!is.null(fN2))      state$fN2 <- fN2
    if(!is.null(fHe))      state$fHe <- fHe
    if(!is.null(tankid))   state$tankid <- tankid

  gasequal <- function(g1, g2) { identical(all.equal(g1, g2), TRUE) }

  # examine arguments one-by-one
  for(i in seq(X)) {
    Y <- X[[i]]
    # ....................................................................
    if(is.rate(Y)) # change the ascent or descent rate
      if(Y$up) rate.up <- Y else rate.down <- Y
    else if(is.gas(Y)) {
      # switch to new gas for next time interval
        stop(paste("If tanklist is given, gas switches should indicate",
                   "which tank is used (tank=number or tank=name)"))
      matched <- unlist(lapply(tanklist, gasequal, g2=Y))
        tankid <- min(which(matched))
      else {
        # new gas
        if(now == 1) 
          tanklist <- list(Y)
          tanklist <- append(tanklist, list(Y))
        tankid <- length(tanklist)
      state <- change(state, fO2=Y$fO2, fN2=Y$fN2, fHe=Y$fHe, tankid=tankid)
      df[now, ] <- state
    } else if(tanks.given && tagged[i] && names(X)[i] == "tank") {
      # argument tank=name or tank=number
      # switch to new tank Y for next time interval
        stop("Cannot change tank: no tanks specified")
      Z <- tanklist[[Y]]
      state <- change(state, fO2=Z$fO2, fN2=Z$fN2, fHe=Z$fHe, tankid=Y)
      df[now, ] <- state
    } else if(is.vector(Y)) {
      # waypoint
      if(length(Y) > 2)
        stop("Vector of length > 2 is not a recognised format")
      newdepth <- Y[1]
      currentdepth <- state$depth
      if(is.na(currentdepth)) {
        # re-initialise depth
        state <- change(state, depth=newdepth)
      } else if(newdepth != currentdepth) {
        # Ascend or descend to this new depth (making new waypoint)
        duration <- timetaken(currentdepth, newdepth, rate.up, rate.down)
        state <- change(state, duration, newdepth)
        df <- rbind(df, state)
        now <- now + 1
      # Now stay at this depth for the specified time (making new waypoint)
      if(length(Y) > 1) {
        duration <- Y[2]
        state <- change(state, duration)
        df <- rbind(df, state)
        now <- now + 1
    } else if(is.data.frame(Y)) {
      # dive profile data
      if(ncol(Y) != 2)
        stop("Data frame should have 2 columns")
      newtimes <- Y[,1]
      newdepths <- Y[,2]
      nsteps <- nrow(Y)

      if(inherits(newtimes, "difftime")) {
        # convert to minutes
        units(newtimes) <- "mins"
        newtimes <- as.numeric(newtimes)
      } else if(is.numeric(newtimes)) {
        # assume seconds -- convert to minutes
        message("Elapsed times are assumed to be given in seconds (and are converted to minutes)")
        newtimes <- newtimes/60
      } else if(is.character(newtimes)) {
        # assume mm:ss format
        zip <- function(x){
          x <- as.numeric(x)
          n <- length(x)
          secs <- sum(x * 60^((n-1):0))
        newtimes <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(newtimes, ":"), zip))
      } else 
        stop("Unknown format for elapsed times")

        stop("Unable to convert times")
      if(!all(diff(newtimes) > 0))
        stop("Elapsed times are not an increasing sequence")

      # convert elapsed times
      newtimes <- newtimes + state$time
      # make data frame 
      newdf <- data.frame(time=newtimes,
        newdf <- cbind(newdf, tankid=state$tankid)

      currentdepth <- state$depth
      if(is.na(currentdepth)) {
        # dive not yet started: take X as dive data
        df <- newdf
      } else {
        # dive already started - transition to X
        if(newdepths[1] != currentdepth) {
          # First ascend/descend to starting depth (on current gas)
          duration <- timetaken(currentdepth, newdepths[1], rate.up, rate.down)
          newdf$time <- newdf$time + duration
        } else if(newtimes[1] == state$time) {
          # last row of df duplicates first row of newdf
          df <- df[-now, ]
        # tack on the data frame
        df <- rbind(df, newdf)
      now <- nrow(df)
      state <- df[now, ]
    } else if(is.dive(Y)) {
      #### dive object
      Ydata <- Y$data
      # First ascend/descend to depth (on current gas)
      newdepth <- Ydata$depth[1]
      if(newdepth != state$depth) {
        duration <- timetaken(state$depth, newdepth, rate.up, rate.down)
        state <- change(state, duration, newdepth)
        df <- rbind(df, state)
        now <- now + 1
      } else {
          # last row of df duplicates first row of newdf
          df <- df[-now, ]
      # Now determine breathing gases and alter 'Ydata'
      if(gases.given) {
        # The arguments in the call to dive() specify some gases.
        # Override the gases used in Y.
        # Assume Y is conducted using current gas
        Ydata$tankid <- state$tankid
        Ydata$fO2    <- state$fO2
        Ydata$fN2    <- state$fN2
        Ydata$fHe    <- state$fHe
      } else {
        # No gases were specified in the call to dive().
        if(now == 1) {
          # We haven't started diving yet, so no tanks have been breathed
          # and the tank list is so far undetermined.
          # Copy the (explicit or implicit) tank list from Y
          # Copy tank selection from Y
          tanklist <- Y$tanklist
          tanks.implied <- tanks.implied || Y$tanks.given
        } else if(!Y$tanks.given) {
          # Y does not have any user-defined tank information;
          # override gases in Y
          # Assume Y is conducted using current gas
          Ydata$tankid <- state$tankid
          Ydata$fO2    <- state$fO2
          Ydata$fN2    <- state$fN2
          Ydata$fHe    <- state$fHe
        } else {
          # Y has user-defined tank information;
          # our dive has already started on some tank;
          # merge tank lists
          tanks.implied <- TRUE
          tid <- df$tankid
          Ytid <- Ydata$tankid
          if(is.factor(tid) && is.factor(Ytid)) {
            # tanks identified by factor/character labels
            if(!identical(tanklist, Y$tanklist)
               || !identical(levels(tid), levels(Ytid))) {
              # Factors are not compatible
              # Take union of factor levels
              tidN <- length(levels(tid))
              YtidN <- length(levels(Ytid))
              lev <- c(levels(tid), levels(Ytid))
              tid <- factor(tid, levels=lev)
              Ytid <- factor(as.integer(Ytid) + tidN, levels=seq(tidN + YtidN))
              levels(Ytid) <- lev
              df$tankid <- tid
              Ydata$tankid <- Ytid
              tanklist <- append(tanklist, Y$tanklist)
          } else {
            # tanks will be numbered
            df$tankid <- as.integer(tid)
            Ydata$tankid <- as.integer(Ydata$tankid) + length(tanklist)
            tanklist <- append(tanklist, Y$tanklist)
          # update gas fractions in 'Ydata'
          Ydata <- reconcile.df(Ydata, tanklist)
      # Then tack on the new dive
      Ydata$time <- (Ydata$time - Ydata$time[1]) + state$time
      df <- rbind(df, Ydata)
      state <- df[nrow(df), ]
      now <- nrow(df) + 1
    } else 
    stop(paste("The format of argument", i, "is not recognised\n"))
    # ....................................................................
  # End of loop - all arguments examined.
  if(!is.na(end) && state$depth != end) {
    # Don't forget to surface.. (or whatever)
    duration <- timetaken(state$depth, end, rate.up, rate.down)
    state <- change(state, duration, end)
    df <- rbind(df, state)
    now <- now + 1
  # check dive is all under water!
  if(any(df$depth < 0)) {
    warning("Some depths were less than 0; they were reset to 0")
    df$depth <- pmax(0, df$depth)
  # was it an air dive?
  airdive <- all(with(df, gasnames(fO2, fN2, fHe)) == "air")

  # convert character tank names to factor levels
  # so that they can always be coerced to integer
  if(is.character(df$tankid)) {
    nama <- names(tanklist)
      nama <- paste(seq(tanklist))
    df$tankid <- factor(df$tankid, levels=nama)
  # dive depth/time profile
  if(nrow(df) <= 1)
    stop("Need at least two waypoints for a dive")
  pro <- approxfun(df$time, df$depth, method="linear", rule=2, ties="ordered")
  result <- list(profile=pro, data=df, airdive=airdive, tanklist=tanklist,
                 tanks.given=tanks.given || tanks.implied)
  class(result) <- c("dive", class(result))

is.dive <- function(x) { inherits(x,"dive")}

# Entries in dive objects

depths.dive <- function(d) {

times.dive <- function(d) {

durations.dive <- function(d) {

"depths.dive<-" <- function(d, value) {
  stopifnot(is.vector(value) && is.numeric(value))
  if(length(value) != nrow(d$data))
    stop("incorrect length of replacement vector for depths")
  d$data$depth <- value
  # update dive depth/time profile
  d$profilepro <- approxfun(d$data$time, d$data$depth,
                            method="linear", rule=2, ties="ordered")

"times.dive<-" <- function(d, value) {
  stopifnot(is.vector(value) && is.numeric(value))
  if(length(value) != nrow(d$data))
    stop("incorrect length of replacement vector for times")
  d$data$time <- value
  # update dive depth/time profile
  d$profilepro <- approxfun(d$data$time, d$data$depth,
                            method="linear", rule=2, ties="ordered")

"durations.dive<-" <- function(d, value) {
  stopifnot(is.vector(value) && is.numeric(value))
  if(length(value) != nrow(d$data) - 1)
    stop("incorrect length of replacement vector for durations")
  d$data$time <- d$data$time[1] + cumsum(c(0, value))
  # update dive depth/time profile
  d$profilepro <- approxfun(d$data$time, d$data$depth,
                            method="linear", rule=2, ties="ordered")

whichtank <- function(d) {

"whichtank<-" <- function(d, value) {
  DF <- d$data
  TL <- d$tanklist
  ndf <- nrow(DF)

  checkcollapse <- TRUE
  if(length(value) == 1) { 
    value <- rep(value, ndf)
    checkcollapse <- FALSE
  } else if(length(value) != ndf) 
    stop("Replacement value has the wrong length")

  if(is.numeric(value)) {
    # entries in 'value' are integers
    if(!all(value %in% seq(TL)))
      stop("Tank numbers do not match tanklist")
    DF$tankid <- value
  } else {
      stop(paste("The tanklist does not assign names to the tanks;",
                 "tanks must be indexed by numbers"))
    # entries in 'value' are character or factor;
    # tanklist has names.
    if(is.character(value)) {
      if(!all(value %in% names(TL)))
        stop("Tank names do not match names in tanklist")
      DF$tankid <- factor(value, levels=names(TL))
    } else if(is.factor(value)) {
      if(!all(as.character(levels(value)) %in% names(TL)))
        stop("Tank names do not match names in tanklist")
      DF$tankid <- value
    } else stop("Unrecognised format for replacement value")
  if(checkcollapse && length(unique(DF$tankid)) == 1)
    warning("Entire dive is conducted on a single tank")
  # update gas fractions
  DF <- reconcile.df(DF, TL)
  d$data <- DF
# methods for print, plot etc

plot.dive <- function(x, ...,
                      key.gases=c("text", "legend", "none"),
                      legendpos=c("top","bottom", "left", "right",
                        "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft", "bottomright",
  legendpos <- match.arg(legendpos)
  times <- times.dive(x)
  depths <- depths.dive(x)
  if(mean(diff(times)) <= 1 && missing(key.gases)) {
    key.gases <- "legend"
  } else key.gases <- match.arg(key.gases)

  # create plot 
  add <- resolve.defaults(list(...), list(add=FALSE))$add
            resolve.defaults(list(times, -depths, type="n"),
                             list(main=main, axes=FALSE,
                                  xlab="Time (minutes)",
                                  ylab="Depth (metres)", lwd=2)))
  # plot axes
  axis(1, at=pretty(range(times)))
  yp <- pretty(range(depths))
  axis(2, at=-yp, labels=paste(yp))
  # determine plot colour for each gas
  ntank <- length(x$tanklist)
  conformit <- function(argu, n, default=1) {
    arguname <- deparse(substitute(argu))
      argu <- default
    if(length(argu) == n)
    if(length(argu) == 1)
      return(rep(argu, n))
    stop(paste(arguname, "has the wrong length"))
  col.gases <- conformit(col.gases, ntank)
  # plot segments  
  noway <- nrow(x$data)
  tankid <- as.integer(x$data$tankid)
          resolve.defaults(list(times[-noway], -depths[-noway],
                                times[-1], -depths[-1]),

  # annotate
           none = {},
           legend = {
             ug <- summary(x)$uniquegases
             legend(legendpos, lty=1, col=col.gases, legend=ug)
           text = {
             labels <- with(x$data, gasnames(fO2, fN2, fHe))[-nrow(x$data)]
             rates <- abs(diff(depths)/diff(times))
             aspect <- diff(range(depths))/diff(range(times))
             vertical <- (rates > 2 * aspect)
             n <- length(times)
             midx <- (times[-n] + times[-1])/2
             midy <- -x$profile(midx)
             text(midx[!vertical],  midy[!vertical], labels[!vertical],
                  pos=3, cex=text.cex)
               text(midx[vertical], midy[vertical], labels[vertical],
                    srt=90, pos=4, offset=1, cex=text.cex)

print.dive <- function(x, ..., seconds=TRUE) {
  cat("Dive profile\n")
  depths <- depths.dive(x)
  times <- times.dive(x)
  if(seconds) {
    mins <- floor(times)
    secs <- floor((times * 60) %% 60)
    watchtimes <- paste(mins, ":",
                        ifelse(secs < 10, "0", ""),
                        secs, sep="")
  } else 
    watchtimes <- paste(round(times))
  if(any(iii <- is.infinite(times)))
    watchtimes[iii] <- "Inf"
  if(x$airdive) {
    # air dive: print time and depth profiles
    cat("gas: air\n")
    print(data.frame(time=watchtimes, depth=depths))
  } else if(x$tanks.given) {
    # dive using specified tanks
    print(data.frame(time=watchtimes, depth=depths, tank=factor(x$data$tankid),
                     stringsAsFactors=FALSE), quote=FALSE)
    cat("\nTank contents:\n")
    tk <- x$tanklist
    gasblurbs <- unlist(lapply(tk, as.character, full=TRUE))
    tanknames <- names(tk)
    if(!any(nzchar(tanknames))) tanknames <- paste(1:length(tk))
    for(i in 1:length(gasblurbs))
      cat(paste(tanknames[i], ":\t", gasblurbs[i], "\n", sep=""))
  } else {
    # gases specified along the way.
    gases <- with(x$data, gasnames(fO2, fN2, fHe))
    if(length(unique(gases)) == 1) {
      cat(paste("gas:", gases[1], "\n"))
      print(data.frame(time=watchtimes, depth=depths))
    } else
                     stringsAsFactors=FALSE), quote=FALSE)

summary.dive <- function(object, ...) {
  depths <- depths.dive(object)
  times <- times.dive(object)
  n <- length(depths)
  totaltime <- times[n]
  durations <- diff(times)
  middepths <- (depths[-1] + depths[-n])/2
  meandepth <- sum(durations * middepths)/totaltime
  gases <- with(object$data, gasnames(fO2, fN2, fHe))
  flat <- (diff(depths) == 0 & durations >= 1)
  stages <- data.frame(depth=(depths[-n])[flat],
  ugases <-
    if(object$airdive) "air" else
    if(!object$tanks.given) unique(gases) else 
          unlist(lapply(object$tanklist, as.character)))

  # could be a double dive, etc
  ndives <- with(stages, 1 + sum(depth == 0))
  z <- list(depths=depths,
  class(z) <- c("summary.dive", class(z))
print.summary.dive <- function(x, ...) {
  descrip <- switch(x$ndives,
                    '1' = "Dive to",
                    '2' = "Double dive to maximum depth",
                    paste("Sequence of", x$ndives, "dives to maximum depth"))
  cat(paste(descrip, x$maxdepth, "metres"))
    cat(" on air\n")
  else {
    gases <- unique(x$gasnames)
    ngas <- length(gases)
    if(ngas <= 5) 
      cat(paste("\n", ngettext(ngas, "Gas: ", "Gases: "),
                paste(gases, collapse=", "), "\n", sep=""))
      cat("More than 5 gas settings")
  cat(paste("Total dive time:", round(x$totaltime,1), "minutes\n"))
  if(nrow(x$stages) > 0) {
  cat(paste("Mean depth", round(x$meandepth,1), "metres\n"))
#  Ascent/descent rates/times

is.rate <- function(x) { inherits(x, "rate") }

rate <- function(speed=NULL, time=NULL, up=TRUE) {
  ngiven <- (!is.null(speed)) + !is.null(time)
  if(ngiven != 1)
    stop("Exactly one of \"speed\" and \"time\" should be specified")
  if(!is.null(speed) && speed <= 0)
    stop("speed should be a positive number (metres/minute)")
  if(!is.null(time) && time <= 0)
    stop("time should be a positive number (minutes)")
  ra <- list(speed=speed, time=time, up=up)
  class(ra) <- c("rate", class(ra))

ascent <- function(speed=NULL, time=NULL) { return(rate(speed, time, TRUE)) }

descent <- function(speed=NULL, time=NULL) { return(rate(speed, time, FALSE)) }

print.rate <- function(x, ...) {
            if(x$up) "ascent" else "descent",
              paste("rate", x$speed, "metres/minute")
              paste("time", x$time, "minutes"),

timetaken <- function(start, finish, uprate, downrate) {
  if(!is.rate(uprate) || !uprate$up)
    stop("\"uprate\" should be an ascent rate")
  if(!is.rate(downrate) || downrate$up)
    stop("\"downrate\" should be a descent rate")
  rat <- if(start > finish) uprate else downrate

# Manipulating dives

chop.dive <- function(d, t0=0, t1=max(times.dive(d))) {
  stopifnot(t1 > t0)
  times <- times.dive(d)
  df <- d$data
  if(t0 < 0)
    stop("The start time t0 is before the beginning of the dive")
  if(t1 > max(times))
    stop("The termination time t1 is later than the end of the dive")

  intervening <- (times >= t0 & times <= t1)
  middle <- any(intervening)
  if(middle) {
    # extract data from waypoints between t0 and t1 inclusive
    ra <- range(which(intervening))
    first <- ra[1]
    last <- ra[2]
    dfOUT <- df[first:last, ]
  } else {
    # there are no intervening waypoints
    dfOUT <- NULL
    # index for data that apply to dive
    first <- last <- max(which(times <= t0))
  if(times[first] != t0) {
    # start time is between two waypoints
    # interpolate to find depth
    dep0 <- d$profile(t0)
    # tack on an initial row
    df0 <- df[first,]
    df0$time <- t0
    df0$depth <- dep0
    dfOUT <- rbind(df0, dfOUT)
  if(times[last] != t1) {
    # finish time is between two waypoints
    # interpolate to find depth
    dep1 <- d$profile(t1)
    # tack on a final row
    df1 <- df[last,]
    df1$time <- t1
    df1$depth <- dep1
    dfOUT <- rbind(dfOUT, df1)
  # reset the clock
  dfOUT$time <- with(dfOUT, time - time[1])
  # create dive profile 
  pro <- approxfun(dfOUT$time, dfOUT$depth,
                   method="linear", rule=2, ties="ordered")
  airdive <- all(with(dfOUT, gasnames(fO2, fN2, fHe)) == "air")
  result <- d
  result$profile <- pro
  result$data    <- dfOUT
  result$airdive <- airdive

dive.segment <- function(d, i) {
  # make a `dive' out of one segment (between two waypoints) of a dive d
  df <- d$data[c(i, i+1), ]
  airdive <- all(with(df, gasnames(fO2, fN2, fHe)) == "air")
  pro <- approxfun(df$time, df$depth, method="linear", rule=2, ties="ordered")
  result <- d
  result$profile <- pro
  result$data    <- df
  result$airdive <- airdive

# tank lists

tanklist <- function(d) {

"tanklist<-" <- function(d, value) {
    stop("In tanklist(d) <- value, d must be a dive object")

  if(is.null(value)) {
    # wipe all tank data
    d$tanks.given <- FALSE
    d$tanklist <- list(air)
    d$airdive <- TRUE
    d$data$tankid <- 1
    d$data$fO2 <- air$fO2
    d$data$fN2 <- air$fN2
    d$data$fHe <- air$fHe
  if(!is.list(value) ||
     length(value) == 0 ||
     !all(unlist(lapply(value, is.gas))))
    stop("In tanklist(d) <- value, value must be a list of gases")

  tk <- d$tanklist
  if(is.null(tk)) {
    # Dive does not currently contain any tank information
    # Assign tanklist
    d$tanklist <- value 
    # Assume tank 1 used throughout dive
    tanknames <- names(value)
      d$data$tankid <- factor(tanknames[1], levels=tanknames)
      d$data$tankid <- 1
    # Fill out gas fractions
    g <- tanklist[[1]]
    d$data$fO2 <- g$fO2
    d$data$fN2 <- g$fN2
    d$data$fHe <- g$fHe
    # Was it an air dive?
    d$airdive <- is.air(g)
  if(length(tk) != length(value)) {
    # check whether existing tankid values would be valid
    mold <- max(as.integer(d$data$tankid))
    mnew <- length(value)
    if(mold > mnew)
      stop(paste("New tanklist contains only", mnew, "tanks;",
                 "dive schedule requires", mold, "tanks"))
  # reconcile names of tanks
  hasoldnames <- any(nzchar(names(tk)))
  hasnewnames <- any(nzchar(names(value)))
  if(!hasnewnames && hasoldnames)
    names(value) <- names(tk)

  d$tanks.given <- TRUE
  d$tanklist <- value
  df <- d$data
  # update gas fractions
  df <- reconcile.df(df, value)

    df$tankid <- factor(names(value)[as.integer(df$tankid)],

  d$data <- df
  d$airdive <- all(unlist(lapply(value, is.air)))

allspecies <- function(d, inert=TRUE) {
  gf <- d$data[, c("fO2", "fN2", "fHe")]
  present <- (apply(as.matrix(gf), 2, max) > 0)
  spec <- c("O2", "N2", "He")
  out <- spec[as.logical(present)]
    out <- out[out != "O2"]

reconcile.df <- function(df, tanks) {
  ## Ensure gas fractions are correctly determined by tank id
  tkid <- df$tankid
  ntanks <- length(tanks)
  if(is.numeric(tkid)) {
    if(!all(unique(tkid) %in% seq_len(ntanks)))
      stop("Tank numbers out-of-bounds")
    for(k in seq_len(ntanks)) {
      relevant <- (tkid == k)
      if(any(relevant)) {
        g <- tanks[[k]]
        df$fO2[relevant] <- g$fO2
        df$fN2[relevant] <- g$fN2
        df$fHe[relevant] <- g$fHe
  } else {
    tkname <- as.factor(tkid)
    nama <- names(tanks)
    if(!all(levels(tkname) %in% nama))
      stop("Tank names not recognised")
    for(k in seq_len(ntanks)) {
      relevant <- (tkname == nama[k])
      if(any(relevant)) {
        g <- tanks[[k]]
        df$fO2[relevant] <- g$fO2
        df$fN2[relevant] <- g$fN2
        df$fHe[relevant] <- g$fHe

# Resolve conflicts between several sets of defaults
# Usage:
#     resolve.defaults(list1, list2, list3, .......)
# where the earlier lists have priority 
resolve.defaults <- function(...) {
  arglist <- list(...)
  argue <- list()
  if((n <- length(arglist)) > 0)  {
    for(i in seq(n))
      argue <- append(argue, arglist[[i]])
  if(!is.null(nam <- names(argue))) {
    named <- (nam != "")
    arg.unnamed <- argue[!named]
    arg.named <-   argue[named]
    if(any(discard <- duplicated(names(arg.named)))) 
      arg.named <- arg.named[!discard]
    argue <- append(arg.unnamed, arg.named)

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scuba documentation built on Oct. 18, 2022, 5:06 p.m.