
## package 'secr'
## Dsurface.R
## 2011-10-21, modified through 2011-11-10
## 2012-10-25 bug fixed in getDensityArray with multi-session mask
## 2014-03-18 fixedbeta allowed
## 2014-10-13 predictD generalized for noneuc
## 2016-05-13 plot.Dsurface no longer requires 'covariate' specified for multisession input
## 2018-04-29 drop dim of predictD output
## 2020-11-05 rectangularMask rewritten to allow disjunct mask blocks
## 2022-11-28 spotHeight bug fixed xy <- data.frame(locator(1))

predictD <- function (object, regionmask, group, session,
                se.D = FALSE, cl.D = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, parameter = c('D','noneuc')) {
    ## For one session and group at a time
    ## not exported; used also by region.N()
    parameter <- match.arg(parameter)
    ## return all-1's if not relevant
    if ((parameter == 'noneuc') & !('noneuc' %in% getuserdistnames(object$details$userdist)))
      return(rep(1, nrow(regionmask)))
    sessionlevels <- session(object$capthist)
    grouplevels <- group.levels(object$capthist,object$groups)
    if (is.null(session))
        session <- sessionlevels[1]
    if (is.null(group))
        group <- grouplevels[1]
    if (is.null(regionmask))
        regionmask <- object$mask
    if (ms(regionmask))
        regionmask <- regionmask[[session]]
## line commented out 2014-09-20
## group <- match (group, grouplevels)   ## numeric

    ## must use mean and SD for scaling from original mask(s)
    ## this is a list for ms masks
    if (ms(object))
        meanSD <- attr(object$mask[[session]], 'meanSD')
        meanSD <-attr(object$mask, 'meanSD')

    ## 2011-11-08 allow for 'mashing'
    if (ms(object))  {
        n.mash <- attr (object$capthist[[session]], 'n.mash')
        n.clust <- length(n.mash)
    else {
        n.mash <- attr (object$capthist, 'n.mash')
        n.clust <- length(n.mash)
    ## 2012-07-24 allow for unmash model fit
    unmash <- object$details$unmash
    if (is.null(unmash))
        unmash <- FALSE
    if (is.null(n.mash) | unmash)
        n.clust <- 1

    ## no density model (conditional likelihood fit)
    if (!is.null(object$CL) && object$CL && parameter == 'D') {    ## implies is.null(object$model$D)
        temp <- derived(object, se.D = (se.D | cl.D)) ## inefficient as repeats for each sess
        if (!is.data.frame(temp))
            temp <- temp[[session]]
        D <- temp['D', 'estimate'] / n.clust
        if (se.D) {
            attr(D, 'SE') <- temp['D', 'SE'] / n.clust
        if (cl.D) {
            z <- abs(qnorm(1-alpha/2))
            attr(D, 'lcl') <- temp['D', 'lcl'] / n.clust
            attr(D, 'ucl') <- temp['D', 'lcl'] / n.clust
        return (D)

    ## user-defined density model
    else if (userD(object) & (parameter == 'D')) {
        designD <- object$details$userDfn
        if (!is.function(designD))
            stop ("details$userDfn must be a function")
        if (se.D | cl.D)
            warning ("SE and confidence intervals may be unavailable with userDfn")
        if (n.clust>1)
            warning ("no adjustment for mashing when using userDfn")
        ## getD is in functions.R
        ## does not use link$D when calling user function userDfn
        D <- getD (designD, object$fit$par, regionmask, object$parindx,
                   object$link$D, object$fixed, grouplevels, sessionlevels,
        ## 2022-05-24 temp fix for unresolved issue
        ## return(D[,group,session])
    ## linear density model on link scale
    else {
        newdata <- D.designdata (regionmask, object$model[[parameter]],
             grouplevels, sessionlevels, sessioncov = object$sessioncov,
             meanSD = meanSD)
        dimD <- attr(newdata, "dimD")
        ## if newdata has more than one group or session...
        if (prod(dimD[2:3]) > 1) {
            ## select a single group
            # block 2017-02-15
            # groupOK <- (group == grouplevels) | (dimD[2]==1)
            # select by group number 2017-02-15
            groupOK <- (group == (1:length(grouplevels))) | (dimD[2]==1)
            groupOK <- rep(rep(groupOK, each = dimD[1]), dimD[3])
            ## select a single session
            sessionOK <- if (is.character(session))
                session == sessionlevels
                session == 1:dimD[3]
            sessionOK <- rep(sessionOK, each = prod(dimD[1:2]))
            newdata <- newdata[sessionOK & groupOK,]
        class(newdata) <- c('mask', 'data.frame')
        attr (newdata, 'area') <- attr(regionmask, 'area')

        ## allow for fixed beta parameters 2014-03-18
        beta <- complete.beta(object)
        beta.vcv <- complete.beta.vcv(object)

        indx <- object$parindx[[parameter]]
        betaD <- beta[indx]
        if (object$model[[parameter]] == ~1) {
            D <- untransform(betaD, object$link[[parameter]])
            D <- max(D,0) / n.clust
            return ( rep(D, nrow(regionmask) ))
        else {
            vars <- all.vars(object$model[[parameter]])
            if (any(!(vars %in% names(newdata))))
                stop ("one or more model covariates not found")
            newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
            if (is.null(object$details[['f']]) || parameter != 'D') {
                mat <- general.model.matrix(
                    data = newdata, 
                    gamsmth = object$smoothsetup[[parameter]], 
                    contrasts = object$details$contrasts)
                lpred <- as.numeric(mat %*% betaD)   ## 2018-04-29 drop matrix class, dim attribute
                temp <- untransform(lpred, object$link[[parameter]])
                temp <- pmax(temp, 0) / n.clust
                if (se.D | cl.D) {
                    vcv <- beta.vcv [indx,indx]
                    selpred <- sapply(1:nrow(mat), function(i)
                        mat[i,, drop=F] %*% vcv %*% t(mat[i,, drop=F]))^0.5
                    if (se.D) {
                        attr(temp, 'SE') <- se.untransform (lpred, selpred, object$link[[parameter]]) / n.clust
                        attr(temp, 'SE')[temp<=0] <- NA
                    if (cl.D) {
                        z <- abs(qnorm(1-alpha/2))
                        attr(temp, 'lcl') <- untransform (lpred - z * selpred, object$link[[parameter]]) / n.clust
                        attr(temp, 'ucl') <- untransform (lpred + z * selpred, object$link[[parameter]]) / n.clust
                        attr(temp, 'lcl')[temp<=0] <- NA
                        attr(temp, 'ucl')[temp<=0] <- NA
            else {
                f <- object$details[['f']]
                lpred <- f(newdata[, vars[1]], beta[indx])
                temp <- untransform(lpred, object$link[[parameter]])
                temp <- pmax(temp, 0) / n.clust
                if (se.D | cl.D) {
                    warning("se.D and cl.D not available for user-specified density function")
            return (temp)

rectangularMaskold <- function (mask) {
    if (ms(mask)) {
        lapply(mask, rectangularMaskold)
    else {
        temp <- expand.grid (x=sort(unique(mask$x)), y=sort(unique(mask$y)))
        temp <- read.mask(data = temp, spacing = spacing(mask))
        OK <- match(interaction(temp), interaction(mask))
        if (!is.null(covariates(mask))) {
            covariates(temp) <- covariates(mask)[OK,, drop = FALSE]
            rownames(covariates(temp)) <- 1:nrow(temp)
        class(temp) <- class(mask)
        attr(temp, 'polygon') <-     attr(mask, 'polygon')
        attr(temp, 'poly.habitat') <-     attr(mask, 'poly.habitat')
        attr(temp, 'type') <- 'user'
        attr(temp, 'meanSD') <- attr(mask, 'meanSD')
        attr(temp, 'area') <-  attr(mask, 'area')
        attr(temp, 'boundingbox') <- attr(mask, 'boundingbox')
        attr(temp, 'OK') <- !is.na(OK)

rectangularMask <- function (mask) {
    if (ms(mask)) {
        lapply(mask, rectangularMask)
    else {
        # rewritten 2020-11-05
        sp <- spacing(mask)
        minx <- min(mask$x)
        maxx <- max(mask$x)
        miny <- min(mask$y)
        maxy <- max(mask$y)
        nx1 <- round((maxx-minx)/sp)
        ny1 <- round((maxy-miny)/sp)
        # build new mask
        temp <- expand.grid (x = 0:nx1, y = 0:ny1)
        temp <- sweep(temp*sp, MARGIN = 2, STATS = c(minx,miny), FUN = "+")
        temp <- read.mask(data = temp, spacing = sp)
        # which new points occur in old mask?
        maski <- data.frame(x = round((mask$x-minx)/sp), y = round((mask$y-miny)/sp))
        # maski <- maski$y * (nx1+1) + maski$x
        maski <- maski$y * (nx1+1) + maski$x + 1    ## 2021-05-16
        OK <- logical(nrow(temp))
        OK[maski] <- TRUE
        # add covariates?
        if (!is.null(covariates(mask))) {
            covariates(temp) <- covariates(mask)[rep(1,nrow(temp)),,drop = FALSE]
            covariates(temp)[,] <- NA
            covariates(temp)[maski,] <- covariates(mask)[,]
            rownames(covariates(temp)) <- 1:nrow(temp)
        # attributes
        class(temp) <- class(mask)
        attr(temp, 'type') <- 'user'
        attr(temp, 'meanSD') <- attr(mask, 'meanSD')   ## same as old mask? cf getMeanSD(mask)
        attr(temp, 'polygon') <- attr(mask, 'polygon')           ## same as old mask  
        attr(temp, 'poly.habitat') <- attr(mask, 'poly.habitat') ## same as old mask
        attr(temp, 'area') <-  attr(mask, 'area')                ## same as old mask
        attr(temp, 'boundingbox') <- attr(mask, 'boundingbox')   ## same as old mask
        attr(temp, 'OK') <- OK

predictDsurface <- function (object, mask = NULL, se.D = FALSE, cl.D = FALSE, alpha = 0.05,
                             parameter = c('D','noneuc')) {
    parameter <- match.arg(parameter)
    sessionlevels <- session(object$capthist)
    grouplevels <- group.levels(object$capthist, object$groups)
    if (is.null(mask))
        mask <- object$mask
    densitylist <- vector('list')
    ## 2015-12-04 to fix bug found by Rahel Sollmann
    if (ms(mask)) {
        if (is.null(names(mask)))
            names(mask) <- sessionlevels
        if (any(names(mask) != sessionlevels))
            stop("names(object$mask) conflicts with session(object$capthist)")
    for (session in sessionlevels) {
        if (ms(mask))
            sessmask <- mask[[session]]
            sessmask <- mask
        D <- data.frame (seq = 1:nrow(sessmask))
        for (group in grouplevels) {
            predicted <- predictD(object, sessmask, group, session, se.D, cl.D, 
                                  alpha, parameter)
            D[,paste(parameter,group,sep='.')] <- as.numeric(predicted)
            if (se.D) {
                D[,paste('SE',group,sep='.')] <- as.numeric(attr(predicted, 'SE'))
            if (cl.D) {
                D[,paste('lcl',group,sep='.')] <- as.numeric(attr(predicted, 'lcl'))
                D[,paste('ucl',group,sep='.')] <- as.numeric(attr(predicted, 'ucl'))
        if (is.null(covariates(sessmask)))
            tempcov <- D
            tempcov <-  cbind (covariates(sessmask), D)
        tempcov$seq <- NULL ## drop dummy

        ## impose null observations
        if (!is.null(attr(sessmask, 'OK')))
             tempcov[!attr(sessmask,'OK'),] <- NA
        if (ms(mask))
            covariates(mask[[session]]) <- tempcov
            covariates(mask) <- tempcov
    if (ms(mask)) {
        ## drop 'data.frame' because fools ms(), but worrying...
        class (mask) <- c('Dsurface', 'mask', 'list')
        for (i in 1:length(mask))
            class(mask[[i]]) <- c('Dsurface','mask', 'data.frame')
        class (mask) <- c('Dsurface', 'mask', 'data.frame')
    attr (mask, 'parameter') <- parameter

plot.Dsurface <- function (x, covariate, group = NULL, plottype = 'shaded',
     scale = 1, ...) {
    # 2016-05-13
    if (missing(covariate)) {
        covariate <- attr(x, 'parameter')
        if (is.null(covariate)) covariate <- 'D'  ## for backwards compatibility
    if (ms(x)) {
        breaklist <- lapply(x, plot, covariate, group, plottype, scale, ...)
    else {
        if (is.null(group))
            group <- 0
        # moved 2016-05-13
        # if (missing(covariate)) {
        #     covariate <- attr(x, 'parameter')
        #     if (is.null(covariate)) covariate <- 'D'  ## for backwards compatibility
        # }
        if (length(covariate)>1)
            stop ("whoa... just one at a time")
        if (covariate %in% c('D','noneuc','SE','lcl','ucl')) {
            covariate <- paste(covariate, group, sep='.')
        if (!(covariate %in% names(covariates(x))))
            stop ("covariate ", covariate, " not found")
        covariates(x)[,covariate] <- covariates(x)[,covariate] * scale
        if (plottype %in% c('contour','persp')) {
            xval <- sort(unique(x$x))
            yval <- sort(unique(x$y))
            if (nrow(x) != length(xval)*length(yval)) {
                x <- rectangularMask(x)
                if(nrow(x) != length(xval)*length(yval))
                    stop ("failed to convert irregular mask to rectangle")
            zmat <- matrix(covariates(x)[,covariate], nrow = length(xval))
            if (plottype == 'contour')
                contour(x=xval, y=yval, z=zmat, ...)
                persp(x=xval, y=yval, z=zmat, ...)
        else {
            class(x) <- c('mask','data.frame')
            ## use scale = 1 because already scaled by now
            covlevels <- plot(x, covariate = covariate, dots = (plottype == 'dots'),
                              scale = 1, ...)
            if (!is.null(covlevels)) invisible(covlevels)

Dsurface.as.data.frame <- function (x, scale = 1) {
    covnames <- names(covariates(x))
    prefix <- attr(x, 'parameter')
    if (is.null(prefix)) prefix <- 'D'    ## for backwards compatibility
    prefix <- paste(prefix, '.', sep='')
    OK <- (substring(covnames,1,2) == prefix) |
        (substring(covnames,1,3) == 'SE.') |
        (substring(covnames,1,4) %in% c('lcl.', 'ucl.'))
    covnames <- covnames[OK]
    densities <- covariates(x)[,covnames] * scale
    df <- cbind(x, densities)
    names(df) <- c('x','y',covnames)

print.Dsurface <- function (x, scale = 1, ...) {
    if (ms(x)) {
        out <- vector('list')
        for (session in names(x)) {
            cat ('Session ', session, '\n')
            print(x[[session]], scale, ...)
            out[[session]] <- x[[session]]
        names(out) <- names(x)
    else {
        df <- Dsurface.as.data.frame(x, scale)
        print(df, ...)

summary.Dsurface <- function (object, scale = 1, ...) {
    if (ms(object)) {
        temp <- lapply(object, summary, scale, ...)
        class(temp) <- c('summary.Dsurface', 'list')
    else {
        covnames <- names(covariates(object))
        prefix <- attr(object, 'parameter')
        if (is.null(prefix)) prefix <- 'D'    ## for backwards compatibility
        prefix <- paste(prefix, '.', sep='')        
        covnames <- covnames[substring(covnames,1,8) == prefix]
        densities <- covariates(object)[,covnames,drop=FALSE]
        densities <- densities * scale
        if (dim(densities)[2] > 1)
            densities$Total <- apply(densities,1,sum)

         class(object) <- c('mask','data.frame')
         covariates(object) <- NULL
         tempmasksummary <- summary(object,...)

        list (
            mask = tempmasksummary,
            density = apply (densities, 2, summary))

spotHeight <- function (object, prefix = NULL, dec = 2, point = FALSE, text = TRUE,
                        sep = ', ', session = 1, scale = 1, ...) {
    if ((!inherits(object, 'mask')) | (is.null(covariates(object))))
        stop ("requires plotted Dsurface or mask with covariates")
    ## Esc or click outside to break
    decxy <- 0   ## decimal places for x-y coordinates
    if (is.null(prefix)) {
      if (inherits(object,'Dsurface')) {
        prefix <- attr(object, 'parameter')
        if (is.null(prefix)) prefix <- 'D'    ## for backwards compatibility
        prefix <- paste(prefix, '.', sep='')
      prefix <- ''
    # can only deal with one session
    if (ms(object))
        object <- object[[session]]

    covnames <- names(covariates(object))
    if (all(prefix == ""))
        OK <- rep(TRUE, times=length(covnames))
        OK <- pmatch(prefix, covnames)
     if (all(is.na(OK)))
        stop("prefix does not match any covariates")
    out <- vector('list')
    i <- 0
    repeat {
        xy <- data.frame(locator(1))
        if (is.null(xy) || nrow(xy) == 0)
        maskrow <- nearesttrap(xy, object)
        if (distancetotrap(xy,object[maskrow,]) > (2 * spacing(object)))

        xy <- object[maskrow,,drop = FALSE]  ## centre
        if (point)
            points(xy, ...)
        D <- covariates(object)[maskrow,OK, drop = FALSE]
        for (j in 1:ncol(D)) {
            if (is.numeric(D[,j]))
                D[,j] <- format(round(D[,j]*scale, dec), nsmall = dec, trim = TRUE)
        out[[i<-i+1]] <- cbind(xy,D)
        Dstr <- paste(D, collapse = sep)
        if (text)
            text(xy[1], xy[2], Dstr, ...)
        cat ('xy ', paste(round(xy,decxy), collapse = ', '), " : ", Dstr, '\n')
    invisible (do.call(rbind, out))

getDensityArray <- function (x, paddedlength = NULL) {
    if (ms(x)) {
        ## find maximum mask points (may vary between sessions)
        maxnrow <- max(sapply(x, nrow))
        nsession <- length(x)
        densities <- lapply(x, getDensityArray, maxnrow)
        do.call(abind, densities)
    else {
        covnames <- names(covariates(x))
        OK <- substring(covnames,1,2) == 'D.'
        covnames <- covnames[OK]
        densities <- covariates(x)[,covnames, drop = FALSE]
        nDcol <- ncol(densities)
        if (is.null(paddedlength))
            paddedlength <- nrow(x)
        dmat <- array(dim=c(paddedlength,nDcol))
        dmat[1:nrow(x),] <- unlist(densities)
#        if (!is.null(paddedlength))
#            densities <- c(densities, rep(NA, paddedlength-length(densities)))
#        array(densities, dim=c(nrow(x), length(covnames), 1))
        array(dmat, dim=c(dim(dmat), 1))


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secr documentation built on June 29, 2024, 9:07 a.m.