Man pages for sequoia
Pedigree Inference from SNPs

CalcBYprobsBirth year probabilities
CalcCornersCorner coordinates
CalcMaxMismatchMaximum Number of Mismatches
CalcOHLLRCalculate OH and LLR for a pedigree
CalcPairLLCalculate Likelihoods for Alternative Relationships
CalcRpedCalculate Pedigree Relatedness
CheckAPcheck AgePrior
CheckGenoCheck Genotype Matrix
CheckLHCheck LifeHistData
CheckParamsCheck if input parameters are valid
ComparePairsCompare Pairwise Relationships
Conf_griffinExample output from estimating confidence probabilities:...
CountAgeDifTabulate Age Differences
DoErrorsFortran Simulate Genotyping Errors
DuplicateCheckCheck Data for Duplicates.
DyadCompareCompare Dyads (DEPRECATED)
ErrToMGenerate Genotyping Error Matrix
EstConfConfidence Probabilities
EstErEstimate genotyping error rate (REMOVED; will be...
FieldMums_griffinExample field-observed mothers: griffins
FindFamiliesAssign Family IDs
FoldSibGPsFold IDs of Sibship Grandparents
FortifyPairsMake Pairs Fortran Compatible
GenoConvertConvert Genotype Data
Geno_griffinExample genotype file: Griffins
Geno_HSg5Example genotype file: 'HSg5'
GetAncestorsGet ancestors
getAssignCatAssignability of Reference Pedigree
GetDescendantsGet descendants
GetDummifiableDummifiable IDs
getGenerationsCount Generations
GetLLRAgeLLR-age from Ageprior Matrix
GetMaybeRelFind Putative Relatives
GetRelAArray with Pairwise Relationships
GetRelMMatrix with Pairwise Relationships
Inherit_patternsInheritance patterns
LHConvertExtract Sex and Birth Year from PLINK File
LH_griffinExample life history data: griffins
LH_HSg5Example life history file: 'HSg5'
LLRplotScatter Plot of Pair LLRs
MakeAgePriorAge Priors
MaybeRel_griffinExample output from check for relatives: griffins
MergeFillSpecial Merge
MkAPdefaultMake default 1/0 ageprior
MkFortParamsPARAM to FortPARAM
MkGenoErrorsSimulate Genotyping Errors
mtSame2DifCheck and recode mtSame matrix
NumToIDChange Numeric Pedigree back to Character Pedigree
OHperSNPEstimate Genotyping Error Rate
orderLHOrder Lifehistory Data
ParamToSpecsPARAM to Specs
PedCompareCompare Two Pedigrees
Ped_griffinExample pedigree: griffins
Ped_HSg5Example pedigree: 'HSg5'
PedPolishFix Pedigree
PedStripFIDBack-transform IDs
PedToNumTurn Character Pedigree into Numeric Pedigree
PlotAgePriorPlot Age Priors
PlotPairLLPlot Pair Log10-Likelihoods
PlotPedCompVisualise PedCompare Output
PlotRelPairsPlot Pairwise Relationships
PlotSeqSumPlot Summary Overview of sequoia Output
PlotSnpStatsplot SnpStats results
rcFind siblings
SelectNotSampledselect non-genotyped parents
SeqOUT_griffinExample output from pedigree inference: griffins
SeqOUT_HSg5Example output from pedigree inference: 'HSg5'
SeqParSibFortran Wrapper for Pedigree Reconstruction
sequoiaPedigree Reconstruction
SibMatchFind the closest matching inferred sibship to a true sibship
SimGenoSimulate Genotypes
SimGeno_exampleExample genotype file: 'HSg5'
SmoothAPSmooth out dips in ageprior matrix
SnpStatsSNP Summary Statistics
SpecsToParamSpecs to PARAM
SummarySeqSummarise Sequoia Output or Pedigree
tryCatch.W.EtryCatch both warnings (with value) and errors
VcompCompare two vectors
VennSquaresSquare Venn diagram
writeColumnsWrite Data to a File Column-wise
writeSeqWrite Sequoia Output to File
sequoia documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:10 a.m.