## File Name: R2conquest.R
## File Version: 1.41
# Function R2Conquest for Rasch Model
##NS export(rasch.conquest)
R2conquest <- function( dat, path.conquest,"console",
converge=0.001, deviancechange=0.0001,
iter=800, nodes=20,
minnode=-6, maxnode=6, show.conquestoutput=FALSE,
name="rasch", pid=1:(nrow(dat) ),
wgt=NULL, X=NULL, set.constraints=NULL,
model="item", regression=NULL, itemcodes=seq( 0, max(dat,na.rm=TRUE) ),
constraints=NULL, digits=5, onlysyntax=FALSE, qmatrix=NULL,
import.regression=NULL, anchor.regression=NULL, anchor.covariance=NULL,
pv=TRUE, designmatrix=NULL,
only.calibration=FALSE, init_parameters=NULL, n_plausible=10,
persons.elim=TRUE, est.wle=TRUE, save.bat=TRUE, use.bat=FALSE,
# pv ... estimation of plausible values?
# pv <- TRUE
s1 <- Sys.time()
if ( is.null(wgt) ){ wgt <- 1 + 0 * pid }
if (onlysyntax==FALSE){
cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
cat("Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation \n")
cat("Estimation of the Rasch Model in ConQuest\n")
cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
# shQuote() for path.conquest
path.conquest <- shQuote( path.conquest )
# pv estimation?
if (only.calibration){ pv <- FALSE }
# calculate score
score1 <- rowMeans( dat, na.rm=T )
# character vector for items in constraints matrix
if (! is.null( constraints) ){
constraints[,1] <- paste( constraints[,1] )
constraints <- constraints[ constraints[,1] %in% colnames(dat), ]
# data preparation (eliminate items)
items.elim <- which( colSums( 1 - )==0 )
# initial warnings (no responses on some items)
if ( length(items.elim) > 0 & is.null(constraints) ){
cat( "\nSome items have been removed because they have no responses!\n" )
dat <- dat[, - items.elim ]
# data preparation (eliminate persons)
if ( ! is.null(X) ){ persons.elim <- FALSE }
if ( persons.elim ){
persons.elim <- which( rowSums( 1 - )==0 )
if ( length(persons.elim) > 0 ){
cat( "\nSome persons have been removed because they have no responses!\n" )
dat <- dat[ - persons.elim, ]
pid <- pid[ - persons.elim ]
wgt <- wgt[ - persons.elim ]
# number of items
I <- ncol(dat)
p1 <- path.conquest
# remove files
h1 <- c( "analysis.bat", "rasch.cqc", "rasch.nam", "rasch.shw", "rasch.itn", "rasch.wle", "rasch.des",
"rasch.par", "rasch.constrpar", "rasch.regr", "rasch.cov", "rasch.pv", "rasch.dat", "rasch.log",
"rasch.designmatrix" )
h1 <- gsub( "rasch", name, h1 )
f1 <- getwd()
h1 <- intersect( list.files( f1 ), h1 )
file.remove(h1 )
# generate label file for ConQuest
writeLines( c( "===> item", paste( 1:I, colnames(dat) ) ),
paste( name,".nam",sep="") )
# which items are being constrained
if ( ! is.null( constraints) ){
constraints$itemnr <- match( constraints[,1], colnames(dat) )
constraints <- constraints[ order( constraints$itemnr), ]
c1 <- paste( constraints[,3], constraints[,2], paste( " /* ", constraints[,1], "*/" ) )
utils::write.table( c1, paste( name,".constrpar",sep=""), quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=F )
# extract decimals for person ID
PP <- round( max( floor( log( pid, 10 ) + 1 ) ) )
# extract decimals for weights
WW <- round( max( floor( log( wgt, 10 )) + 1 ) + digits )
# do covariates exist? If, then add constant column
if (! is.null(X)){
X <- data.frame( "one"=1, X )
XNcols <- apply( abs( X ), 2, FUN=function(ll){ floor(max( log( ll, 10 ) )+1)+1 } )
rdcols <- digits * ( 1 - colMeans( X==round(X) ) )
XNcols <- XNcols + rdcols + 1
# possible correction
XNcols <- ifelse( floor(XNcols ) !=XNcols, floor(XNcols)+1, XNcols )
# write data
dat2 <- data.frame( pid, wgt, X, dat )
i1 <- write.fwf2( dat=dat2, format.full=c( PP, WW, XNcols, rep(1,I)),
format.round=c( 0, digits, rdcols, rep(1,I) ), savename=name )
if (is.null(X)){
dat2 <- data.frame( pid, wgt, dat )
i1 <- write.fwf2( dat=dat2,
format.full=c( PP, WW, rep(1,I)),
format.round=c( 0, digits, rep(1,I) ),
savename=name )
# statement data input
state1 <- paste0( "format " )
if ( ! ){
state1 <- paste0( state1, "pid ", 1, "-", PP )
state1 <- paste0( state1, " wgt ", PP+1, "-", PP+WW,
" responses ", PP+1+WW, "-", PP + I + WW,";" )
if ( ! is.null(X) ){
i1a <- i1[ seq( 1, 2 + ncol(X) ), ]
state2 <- paste( paste( i1a$variable, " ", i1a$begin, "-", i1a$end, sep="" ), collapse=" " )
state1 <- paste( "format ", state2, paste( "responses ", i1[ 3 + ncol(X), "begin" ], "-", i1[ nrow(i1), "end" ], ";", sep=""), sep=" " )
# input designmatrix
if ( ! is.null(designmatrix) ){
utils::write.table( designmatrix, paste( name, ".des", sep=""), col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F )
desformat <- readLines( paste( name, ".des", sep="") )
desformat <- gsub( "0", "-0", desformat )
desformat <- c( ncol(designmatrix), desformat )
writeLines( desformat, paste( name, ".des", sep="") )
# regression statement
if (is.null(X)){ regrstate <- "" } else {
regrstate <- paste( "regression ", paste( colnames(X)[-1], collapse=" " ), " ;", sep="") }
if ( ! is.null(regression) ){ regrstate <- paste( "regression ", regression, " ;", sep="") }
# constraints statement
constrstate <- ""
if( ! is.null(constraints) ){ constrstate <- "set constraints=none;" } else
{ if( is.null(constraints) & is.null(X) ) {
constrstate <- "set constraints=cases;" } else
{ constrstate <- "set constraints=items;" }
if ( ! is.null( set.constraints )){
constrstate <- paste( "set constraints=", set.constraints, ";", sep="")
# generate score statement
if (! is.null(qmatrix)){
# q1 <- qmatrix[ match( colnames(dat), qmatrix[,1]), ]
q1 <- qmatrix
DD <- ncol(q1)
h1 <- paste( "score (", paste( itemcodes, collapse=" " ), ")", sep="" )
for (dd in 1:DD){
# dd <- 1
h1.dd <- outer( q1[,dd], itemcodes, FUN=function(x,y){ x * y } )
h1.dd <- apply( h1.dd, 1, FUN=function(ll){ paste( ll, collapse=" " ) } )
h1 <- paste( h1, "(", h1.dd, ")", sep="")
scorestate <- paste( h1, " !items(", 1:I, "); /* ", q1[,1], " */", sep="" )
} else {
DD <- 1
scorestate <- NULL
# change number of nodes in monte carlo integration
if (DD > 2 & nodes < 100 ){ nodes <- 2500 }
# generate ConQuest Syntax for Rasch model
cqc <- c(
paste( "title ", name, " ", Sys.time(), " ;", sep=""),
paste( "let name=", name, ";", sep=""),
"datafile %name%.dat ;",
"caseweight wgt;",
paste( "codes ", paste( itemcodes,collapse=","),";",sep=""),
ifelse( is.null(designmatrix), "labels << %name%.nam;", "" ), "",
scorestate, "",
# initial item parameters
ifelse( ! is.null(init_parameters), paste( "import init_parameters << ", init_parameters, " ; ", sep=""), ""),
# import designmatrix
ifelse( is.null(designmatrix), "", "import designmatrix << %name%.des ;" ),
# anchor item parameters
ifelse( is.null(constraints), "", "import anchor_parameters << %name%.constrpar ;" ),
ifelse( is.null(import.regression), "", paste( "import init_reg_coefficients << ", import.regression, " ;", sep="") ),
ifelse( is.null(anchor.regression), "", paste( "import anchor_reg_coefficients << ", anchor.regression, " ;", sep="") ),
ifelse( is.null(anchor.covariance), "", paste( "import anchor_covariance << ", anchor.covariance, " ;", sep="") ),
paste( "model ", model, ";",sep=""),
paste( "estimate !iter=", iter, ", nodes=", nodes,
", minnode=", minnode, ", maxnode=", maxnode,
ifelse( DD > 2, ", method=montecarlo ", "" ),
", converge=", gsub( " ", "", formatC(converge,8)),
", deviancechange=", gsub( " ", "", formatC(deviancechange,8)), "; ", sep="" ),
"export parameters >> %name%.par;",
"export reg_coefficients >> %name%.regr;",
"export covariance >> %name%.cov;",
"export logfile >> %name%.log;",
"export designmatrix >> %name%.designmatrix ;",
ifelse( ( ! only.calibration ) & est.wle, "show cases ! estimates=wle >> %name%.wle ;", "" ),
ifelse( pv, paste( "set n_plausible=", n_plausible, ";",sep=""), "" ),
ifelse( pv, "show cases !estimates=latent >> %name%.pv;", "" ),
"show >> %name%.shw ;",
ifelse(!only.calibration, "itanal >> %name%.itn;",""),
"quit;" )
# write ConQuest syntax
writeLines( cqc, paste( name, ".cqc", sep="") )
# write bat file
if ( save.bat ){
writeLines( paste( path.conquest, "\\",, " ",
paste( name, ".cqc", sep=""), sep=""), "analysis.bat" )
if ( onlysyntax ){
cat( paste( "Conquest Input Syntaxes are in ", getwd(), "\n", sep="") )
res <- NULL
else {
# link to conquest console
if ( use.bat ){
# system( "analysis.bat", show.output.on.console=show.conquestoutput, invisible=FALSE )
system( "analysis.bat" )
} else {
system(paste(path.conquest,"\\",, ".exe ", name,".cqc",sep=""),
show.output.on.console=show.conquestoutput, invisible=FALSE)
if (read.output){
if ( ( ! only.calibration ) & est.wle ){
# read WLEs and add pid
wle <- utils::read.table( paste( name, ".wle", sep="") )
v1 <- c("score", "max", "wle", "se.wle" )
if (DD > 1 ){
v1 <- rep( v1, each=DD )
v1 <- paste( rep( paste( "dim", 1:DD, sep=""), 4 ), v1, sep="")
if ( ){
colnames(wle) <- c("case", v1 )
wle <- data.frame( "case"=wle[,"case"], "pid"=wle[,"case"],
wle[,-1] )
} else {
colnames(wle) <- c("case", "pid", v1 )
wle <- data.frame( wle )
} else { wle <- NA }
# read shw file
shw <- readLines( paste( name, ".shw", sep="") )
deviance <- as.numeric( substring( shw[ grep( "Final Deviance:", shw ) ], 17 ) )
numbiter <- as.numeric( substring( shw[ grep( "The number of iterations:", shw ) ], 26 ) )
ind1 <- grep("TERM 1: item", shw ) + 6
ind2 <- grep("An asterisk next to a", shw )[1] - 2
# extract trait mean and trait variance
# m3 <- read.table( paste( name, ".regr", sep=""), header=F)
m3 <- utils::read.table( paste( name, ".regr", sep="") )
mean.trait <- m3[ 1, 3]
trait.variance <- as.numeric( substring( shw[ grep( "Variance ", shw ) ], 25 ) )
wle.rel <- as.numeric( substring( shw[ grep( " WLE Person separation RELIABILITY:", shw ) ], 37 ) )
itemdiff <- as.numeric( substring( shw[ ind1:ind2 ], 20, 27 ) )
# read pv file
if ( pv ) {
if (DD==1){
pv1 <- .read.pv( pvfile=paste( name, ".pv", sep=""), npv=n_plausible )
} else {
pv1 <- .read.multidimpv( pvfile=paste( name, ".pv", sep=""), ndim=DD,
npv=n_plausible )
if ( mean( pv1$pid ) )==1 ){
pv1$pid <- pv1$case
pv1 <- pv1[, - grep( "case", colnames(pv1) ) ]
wle <- merge( x=wle, y=pv1, by="pid", all=T )
# reliability estimation
reliability <- NULL
if ( ! only.calibration & DD==1){
# WLE reliability
reliability$wle.reliability <- 1 - mean( wle$se.wle^2 ) / stats::var( wle$wle )
# EAP reliability
reliability$eap.reliability <- 1 - mean( wle$se.eap^2 ) / ( stats::var( wle$eap ) + mean( wle$se.eap^2 ) )
# calculate expected probability
if (DD==1 & pv ){
thetagrid <- seq( -10, 10, .01 )
mean.trait <- mean( pv1$PV1)
sd.trait <- stats::sd( pv1$PV1 )
dens.thetagrid <- sirt_dnorm( thetagrid, mean=mean.trait, sd=sd.trait )
dens.thetagrid <- dens.thetagrid / sum( dens.thetagrid )
p.exp <- sapply( itemdiff, FUN=function(bii) {
stats::weighted.mean( stats::plogis( thetagrid - bii ), dens.thetagrid )
} ) }
if ( DD > 1 | ( !pv )) { p.exp <- rep(NA,I) }
if ( DD==1 & pv ) {
# emp.discrim <- round( item.discrim( dat, wle$wle ),3) }
emp.discrim <- stats::cor( dat, wle$wle, use="pairwise.complete.obs") }
else { emp.discrim <- NA }
diffs <- as.numeric( substring( shw[ ind1:ind2 ], 20, 27 ) )
diffs <- diffs - mean(diffs)
item <- data.frame( "item"=colnames(dat),
"N"=colSums( 1, na.rm=T),
"p"=round(colMeans( dat, na.rm=T ),3),
"se.itemdiff"=as.numeric( substring( shw[ ind1:ind2 ], 29, 35 ) ),
"outfit"=as.numeric( substring( shw[ ind1:ind2 ], 38, 43 ) ),
"t.outfit"=as.numeric( substring( shw[ ind1:ind2 ], 58, 62 ) ),
"infit"=as.numeric( substring( shw[ ind1:ind2 ], 64, 69 ) ),
"t.infit"=as.numeric( substring( shw[ ind1:ind2 ], 84, 88 ) )
res <- list( "person"=wle, "item"=item, "deviance"=deviance, "numbiter"=numbiter, "mean.trait"=mean.trait,
"sd.trait"=sqrt(trait.variance), "wle.rel"=wle.rel, "itemmean"=mean( item$itemdiff),
"reliability"=reliability )
s2 <- Sys.time()
res$sys.time <- list( "start"=s1, "end"=s2, "timediff"=s2-s1 )
if ( DD==1){
res$shw.itemparameter <- showfile=paste( name, ".shw", sep="") )
res$shw.regrparameter <- showfile=paste( name, ".shw", sep="") )
res$shw.pimap <- read.pimap( showfile=paste( name, ".shw", sep="") )
class(res) <- "rasch.conquest"
# function for reading conquest files of plausible values
.read.pv <- function( pvfile, npv=5 ){
pv <- readLines( pvfile ) # read file with plausible values
nl <- length(pv) # length of pv file
nseq <- npv + 3 # number of lines corresponding to one person
N <- nl/nseq # number of persons
# all plausible values
pv.all <- as.numeric( substring( pv[ - c( nseq * ( 1:N ) - 1, nseq * ( 1:N ) - 0, nseq * ( 1:N -1 ) +1 ) ], 11 ) )
pv1 <- matrix( pv.all, ncol=npv, byrow=T )
colnames(pv1) <- paste("PV", 1:npv, sep="")
pid <- as.numeric( substring( pv[ nseq * ( 1:N ) - npv -2 ], 6, 40 ) )
pv1 <- data.frame( "case"=1:N,
"eap"=as.numeric( pv[ nseq * ( 1:N ) - 1 ] ),
"se.eap"=as.numeric( pv[ nseq * ( 1:N ) ] ),
# function for reading conquest files of plausible values
.read.multidimpv <- function( pvfile, ndim, npv=5 ){
# pvfile ... name of file with plausible values
# ndim ... number of dimensions for which plausible values were drawn
pv <- scan( pvfile )
pv1 <- readLines( pvfile )
a1 <- pv1[1]
a1 <- gsub( " ", "", a1 )
pid.pres <- 1
# if ( a1=="1" ){ pid.pres <- 0 } else { pid.pres <- 1 }
nl <- length(pv1) # length of pv file
nseq <- npv + 3 # number of lines corresponding to one person
N <- nl/nseq # number of persons
# numbers for each person
L <- npv * ( ndim + 1 ) + 2 * ndim + 1 + pid.pres
# arrange matrix
dfr <- matrix( pv, ncol=L, byrow=T)
dfr <- cbind( dfr[,1], seq(1,N), dfr[,-1] )
# which columns should be deleted from dfr
# dfr <- data.frame(dfr[, - c( 1 + seq( 2, 1 + (ndim+1)*npv, ndim+1 )) ])
del <- c( 3, ( 0:(npv-1))*(ndim+1) +1+3 )
dfr <- data.frame(dfr[, - del ] )
colnames(dfr)[1:2] <- c( "case", "pid" )
cdim <- matrix( sapply( 1:npv, FUN=function(pp){ paste( "dim", 1:ndim, "pv", pp, sep="") } ), ncol=1)[,1]
colnames(dfr)[ seq( 1, length(cdim) ) + 2 ] <- cdim
cdim <- c( paste( "dim", 1:ndim, "eap", sep=""), paste( "dim", 1:ndim, "seeap", sep="") )
colnames(dfr)[ seq( 1 + ncol(dfr) - 2* ndim, ncol(dfr) ) ] <- cdim
# R2conquest <- rasch.conquest
read.pv <- .read.pv
read.multidimpv <- .read.multidimpv
# Summary for rasch.conquest object *
##NS S3method(summary,rasch.conquest)
summary.R2conquest <- function( object, ... ){
# object ... object from rasch.conquest #
cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
cat("Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation (Normal Distribution) \n")
cat("Estimation of the Rasch Model in ConQuest\n" )
cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
cat(paste( "Rasch Model with ", nrow(object$item), " Items (Average Number of Items per Person: ",
round( mean( object$person$max ), 1 ), " )\n", sep="") )
cat( "Deviance=", round( object$deviance, 2 ), "\n" )
cat( "Trait Distribution: ",
"Mean=", round(object$mean.trait,3), " SD=", round( object$sd.trait, 3), " WLE Reliability=", round( object$wle.rel, 3), "\n")
cat("Mean of Item Difficulty Parameters: ", round( object$itemmean, 3 ), "\n" )
cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
cat( paste( "WLE Reliability:", round( object$reliability$wle.reliability,3 )), "\n")
cat( paste( "EAP Reliability:", round( object$reliability$eap.reliability,3 )), "\n")
cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
cat("Item Parameter \n")
print( object$item[, c("N", "p", "itemdiff", "emp.discrim", "outfit", "infit" )] )
# summary.R2conquest <- summary.rasch.conquest
## #*******************************************************
## # plot rasch.conquest object
## ##NS S3method(plot,rasch.conquest)
## plot.rasch.conquest <- function( x, plottitle="Person-Item-Map",
## n.gridpoints=41, itemcex=1, ...){
## # calculate empirical WLE distribution
## object <- x
## trait.grid <- seq( -4, 4,len=n.gridpoints )
## h <- diff(trait.grid)[1]
## breaks.grid <- c( - 1000, ( trait.grid + h / 2 )[ - n.gridpoints ], 1000 )
## freq <- hist( object$person$wle, breaks=breaks.grid, plot=F)
## object$trait.distr <- cbind( trait.grid, freq$counts / sum( freq$counts) )
## object$fixed.a <- 1 + 0 * 1:(nrow(object$item))
## # class(object) <- "rasch.mml"
## plot.rasch.mml( object, plottitle=plottitle, itemcex=itemcex)
## }
## #******************************************************
# Read parameter for one term from a ConQuest output shw file #
##NS export( <- function( showfile, term ){
shw <- readLines( showfile )
ind <- intersect( grep( "TERM", shw ), grep( term, shw ) )[1]
i1 <- ind+6
i2 <- grep( "--------------", shw )
i2 <- i2[ i2 > i1 ][1] - 1
table1 <- shw[i1:i2]
h1 <- regexpr( "ESTIMAT", shw[i1-2] )[1]
h2 <- h1 - 21
dfr1 <- data.frame( "term"=shw[ind],
"parameter"=substring( table1, 6, h1- 1 ),
"parameter2"=gsub( " ", "", substring( table1, 6, h1- 1 ) ),
"itemdiff"=as.numeric( substring( table1, 21+h2,27+h2 ) ),
"constrained"=1* ( substring( table1, 28+h2,28+h2 )=="*" ),
"se.itemdiff"=as.numeric( substring( table1, first=31+h2, last=35+h2 )),
"outfit"=as.numeric( substring( table1, first=39+h2, last=43+h2 )),
"t.outfit"=as.numeric( substring( table1, first=58+h2, last=62+h2 )),
"infit"=as.numeric( substring( table1, first=65+h2, last=69+h2 ) ),
"t.infit"=as.numeric( substring( table1, first=84+h2, last=88+h2 ) )
p2 <- paste(dfr1$parameter)
p2 <- unlist( lapply( strsplit( p2, split=" " ), FUN=function(ll){
paste( ll[ ll !="" ], collapse="-") } ) )
dfr1$parameter2 <- p2
# read all terms from a ConQuest shw file
##NS export( <- function( showfile){
shw <- readLines( showfile )
# liste alle verschiedenen auftretenden Terme auf
terms.shw <- shw[ grep( "TERM", shw ) ]
terms.shw <- strsplit( shw[ grep( "TERM", shw ) ], split=": ")
terms.shw <- unlist( lapply( terms.shw, FUN=function(ll){ paste(ll[1],sep=":") } ) )
dfr <- NULL
for (tt in terms.shw ){
dfr1 <- showfile=showfile, term=tt )
dfr <- rbind( dfr, dfr1 )
# read regression coefficients and residual variance from a ConQuest output showfile
##NS export( <- function( showfile ){
shw <- readLines( showfile )
# Regression Coefficients
i1 <- grep("Regression Variable", shw )+2
i2 <- grep("--------------------------", shw )
i2 <- i2[ i2>i1][1] - 1
dfr1 <- data.frame( "parameter"=gsub( " ", "", substring( shw[i1:i2], 1, 25 ) ),
"estimate"=as.numeric( substring( shw[i1:i2], 26, 32 ) ),
"se"=as.numeric( substring( shw[i1:i2], 35, 40 ) )
# Variance
i1 <- grep("Variance", shw )
dfr2 <- data.frame( "parameter"="Variance",
"estimate"=as.numeric( substring( shw[i1], 26, 33 ) ),
dfr <- rbind( dfr1, dfr2 )
dfr$par.index <- seq( 1, nrow(dfr) )
# read person-item map from ConQuest output shw file
##NS export(read.pimap)
read.pimap <- function( showfile ){
shw <- readLines( showfile )
ind1 <- grep( "MAP OF LATENT ", shw )[1] + 5
ind2 <- grep( "===========================", shw )
ind2 <- ( ind2[ ind2 > ind1 ] )[1] - 1
ZZ <- ind2 - ind1
dfr <- data.frame( matrix(NA, nrow=ZZ, ncol=6 ) )
colnames(dfr) <- c( "row", "", "",
"ylab", "X", "items" )
dfr$row <- seq( 1, ZZ )
for (zz in 1:ZZ){
# zz <- 25
shw.zz <- unlist( strsplit( shw[ind1+zz], split="") )
a1 <- grep( "\\|", shw.zz )
dfr$[zz] <- a1[1]
dfr$[zz] <- a1[2]
dfr$X[zz] <- sum( shw.zz[ seq(1,a1[1]) ]=="X" )
items.zz <- paste( shw.zz[ seq(a1[1]+1,a1[2]-1) ], collapse="" )
items.zz <- unlist( strsplit( items.zz, split=" " ) )
items.zz <- items.zz[ items.zz !="" ]
dfr$items[zz] <- paste( items.zz, collapse="-" )
dfr$ylab[zz] <- as.numeric(shw.zz[4])
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