#' Acoustic analysis
#' Acoustic analysis of one or more sounds: pitch tracking, basic spectral
#' characteristics, formants, estimated loudness (see
#' \code{\link{getLoudness}}), roughness (see \code{\link{modulationSpectrum}}),
#' novelty (see \code{\link{ssm}}), etc. The default values of arguments are
#' optimized for human non-linguistic vocalizations. See
#' vignette('acoustic_analysis', package = 'soundgen') for details. The defaults
#' and reasonable ranges of all arguments can be found in
#' \code{\link{defaults_analyze}}. For high-precision work, first extract and
#' manually correct pitch contours with \code{\link{pitch_app}}, PRAAT, or
#' whatever, and then run \code{analyze(pitchManual = ...)} with these manual
#' contours.
#' Each pitch tracker is controlled by its own list of settings, as follows:
#' \describe{\item{\code{pitchDom} (lowest dominant frequency band)}{\itemize{
#' \item\code{domThres} (0 to 1) to find the lowest dominant frequency band, we
#' do short-term FFT and take the lowest frequency with amplitude at least
#' domThres \item\code{domSmooth} the width of smoothing interval (Hz) for
#' finding \code{dom}}} \item{\code{pitchAutocor} (autocorrelation)}{\itemize{
#' \item \code{autocorThres} voicing threshold (unitless, ~0 to 1)
#' \item\code{autocorSmooth} the width of smoothing interval (in bins) for
#' finding peaks in the autocorrelation function. Defaults to 7 for sampling
#' rate 44100 and smaller odd numbers for lower values of sampling rate \item
#' \code{autocorUpsample} upsamples acf to this resolution (Hz) to improve
#' accuracy in high frequencies \item \code{autocorBestPeak} amplitude of the
#' lowest best candidate relative to the absolute max of the acf }}
#' \item{\code{pitchCep} (cepstrum)}{\itemize{\item \code{cepThres} voicing
#' threshold (unitless, ~0 to 1) \item \code{cepZp} zero-padding of the spectrum
#' used for cepstral pitch detection (final length of spectrum after
#' zero-padding in points, e.g. 2 ^ 13)}} \item{ \code{pitchSpec} (ratio of
#' harmonics - BaNa algorithm)}{\itemize{ \item \code{specThres} voicing
#' threshold (unitless, ~0 to 1) \item \code{specPeak,specHNRslope} when looking
#' for putative harmonics in the spectrum, the threshold for peak detection is
#' calculated as \code{specPeak * (1 - HNR * specHNRslope)} \item specSmooth the
#' width of window for detecting peaks in the spectrum, Hz \item
#' \code{specMerge} pitch candidates within \code{specMerge} semitones are
#' merged with boosted certainty \item \code{specSinglePeakCert} (0 to 1) if F0
#' is calculated based on a single harmonic ratio (as opposed to several ratios
#' converging on the same candidate), its certainty is taken to be
#' \code{specSinglePeakCert}}} \item{ pitchHps (harmonic product
#' spectrum)}{\itemize{\item \code{hpsNum} the number of times to downsample the
#' spectrum \item \code{hpsThres} voicing threshold (unitless, ~0 to 1) \item
#' \code{hpsNorm} the amount of inflation of hps pitch certainty (0 = none)
#' \item \code{hpsPenalty} the amount of penalizing hps candidates in low
#' frequencies (0 = none) }} } Each of these lists also accepts graphical
#' parameters that affect how pitch candidates are plotted, eg \code{pitchDom =
#' list(domThres = .5, col = 'yellow')}. Other arguments that are lists of
#' subroutine-specific settings include: \describe{ \item{\code{harmonicHeight}
#' (finding how high harmonics reach in the spectrum)}{\itemize{\item
#' \code{harmThres} minimum height of spectral peak, dB \item \code{harmPerSel}
#' the number of harmonics per sliding selection \item \code{harmTol} maximum
#' tolerated deviation of peak frequency from multiples of f0, proportion of f0
#' }} }
#' @seealso \code{\link{pitch_app}} \code{\link{getLoudness}}
#' \code{\link{segment}} \code{\link{getRMS}}
#' @inheritParams spectrogram
#' @inheritParams getLoudness
#' @param silence (0 to 1 as proportion of max amplitude) frames with RMS
#' amplitude below \code{silence * max_ampl adjusted by scale} are not
#' analyzed at all.
#' @param cutFreq if specified, spectral descriptives (peakFreq, specCentroid,
#' specSlope, and quartiles) are calculated only between \code{cutFreq[1]} and
#' \code{cutFreq[2]}, Hz. If a single number is given, analyzes frequencies
#' from 0 to \code{cutFreq}. For ex., when analyzing recordings with varying
#' sampling rates, set to half the lowest sampling rate to make the spectra
#' more comparable. Note that "entropyThres" applies only to this frequency
#' range, which also affects which frames will not be analyzed with
#' pitchAutocor.
#' @param formants a list of arguments passed to
#' \code{\link[phonTools]{findformants}} - an external function called to
#' perform LPC analysis
#' @param nFormants the number of formants to extract per STFT frame (0 = no
#' formant analysis, NULL = as many as possible)
#' @param loudness a list of parameters passed to \code{\link{getLoudness}} for
#' measuring subjective loudness, namely \code{SPL_measured, Pref,
#' spreadSpectrum}. NULL = skip loudness analysis
#' @param roughness a list of parameters passed to
#' \code{\link{modulationSpectrum}} for measuring roughness. NULL = skip
#' roughness analysis
#' @param novelty a list of parameters passed to \code{\link{ssm}} for measuring
#' spectral novelty. NULL = skip novelty analysis
#' @param pitchMethods methods of pitch estimation to consider for determining
#' pitch contour: 'autocor' = autocorrelation (~PRAAT), 'cep' = cepstral,
#' 'spec' = spectral (~BaNa), 'dom' = lowest dominant frequency band, 'hps' =
#' harmonic product spectrum, NULL = no pitch analysis
#' @param pitchManual manually corrected pitch contour. For a single sound,
#' provide a numeric vector of any length. For multiple sounds, provide a
#' dataframe with columns "file" and "pitch" (or path to a csv file) as
#' returned by \code{\link{pitch_app}}, ideally with the same windowLength and
#' step as in current call to analyze. A named list with pitch vectors per
#' file is also OK (eg as returned by pitch_app)
#' @param entropyThres pitch tracking is only performed for frames with Weiner
#' entropy below \code{entropyThres}, but other spectral descriptives are
#' still calculated (NULL = analyze everything)
#' @param pitchFloor,pitchCeiling absolute bounds for pitch candidates (Hz)
#' @param priorMean,priorSD specifies the mean (Hz) and standard deviation
#' (semitones) of gamma distribution describing our prior knowledge about the
#' most likely pitch values for this file. For ex., \code{priorMean = 300,
#' priorSD = 6} gives a prior with mean = 300 Hz and SD = 6 semitones (half
#' an octave). To avoid using any priors, set \code{priorMean = NA, priorAdapt
#' = FALSE}
#' @param priorAdapt adaptive second-pass prior: if TRUE, optimal pitch contours
#' are estimated first with a prior determined by \code{priorMean,priorSD}, and
#' then with a new prior adjusted according to this first-pass pitch contour
#' @param nCands maximum number of pitch candidates per method, normally 1...4
#' (except for \code{dom}, which returns at most one candidate per frame)
#' @param minVoicedCands minimum number of pitch candidates that have to be
#' defined to consider a frame voiced (if NULL, defaults to 2 if \code{dom} is
#' among other candidates and 1 otherwise)
#' @param pitchDom a list of control parameters for pitch tracking using the
#' lowest dominant frequency band or "dom" method; see details and
#' \code{?soundgen:::getDom}
#' @param pitchAutocor a list of control parameters for pitch tracking using the
#' autocorrelation or "autocor" method; see details and
#' \code{?soundgen:::getPitchAutocor}
#' @param pitchCep a list of control parameters for pitch tracking using the
#' cepstrum or "cep" method; see details and \code{?soundgen:::getPitchCep}
#' @param pitchSpec a list of control parameters for pitch tracking using the
#' BaNa or "spec" method; see details and \code{?soundgen:::getPitchSpec}
#' @param pitchHps a list of control parameters for pitch tracking using the
#' harmonic product spectrum or "hps" method; see details and
#' \code{?soundgen:::getPitchHps}
#' @param pitchZc a list of control parameters for pitch tracking based on zero
#' crossings in bandpass-filtered audio or "zc" method; see
#' \code{\link{getPitchZc}}
#' @param harmHeight a list of control parameters for estimating how high
#' harmonics reach in the spectrum; see details and \code{?soundgen:::harmHeight}
#' @param subh a list of control parameters for estimating the strength of
#' subharmonics per frame - that is, spectral energy at integer ratios of f0:
#' see \code{?soundgen:::subhToHarm}
#' @param flux a list of control parameters for calculating feature-based flux
#' (not spectral flux) passed to \code{\link{getFeatureFlux}}
#' @param amRange target range of frequencies for amplitude modulation, Hz: a
#' vector of length 2 (affects both \code{amMsFreq} and \code{amEnvFreq})
#' @param fmRange target range of frequencies for analyzing frequency
#' modulation, Hz (\code{fmFreq}): a vector of length 2
#' @param shortestSyl the smallest length of a voiced segment (ms) that
#' constitutes a voiced syllable (shorter segments will be replaced by NA, as
#' if unvoiced)
#' @param shortestPause the smallest gap between voiced syllables (ms): large
#' value = interpolate and merge, small value = treat as separate syllables
#' separated by an unvoiced gap
#' @param interpol a list of parameters (currently \code{win, tol, cert}) passed
#' to \code{soundgen:::pathfinder} for interpolating missing pitch candidates
#' (NULL = no interpolation)
#' @param pathfinding method of finding the optimal path through pitch
#' candidates: 'none' = best candidate per frame, 'fast' = simple heuristic,
#' 'slow' = annealing. See \code{soundgen:::pathfinder}
#' @param annealPars a list of control parameters for postprocessing of
#' pitch contour with SANN algorithm of \code{\link[stats]{optim}}. This is
#' only relevant if \code{pathfinding = 'slow'}
#' @param certWeight (0 to 1) in pitch postprocessing, specifies how much we
#' prioritize the certainty of pitch candidates vs. pitch jumps / the internal
#' tension of the resulting pitch curve
#' @param snakeStep optimized path through pitch candidates is further
#' processed to minimize the elastic force acting on pitch contour. To
#' disable, set \code{snakeStep = 0}
#' @param snakePlot if TRUE, plots the snake
#' @param smooth,smoothVars if \code{smooth} is a positive number, outliers of
#' the variables in \code{smoothVars} are adjusted with median smoothing.
#' \code{smooth} of 1 corresponds to a window of ~100 ms and tolerated
#' deviation of ~4 semitones. To disable, set \code{smooth = 0}
#' @param summaryFun functions used to summarize each acoustic characteristic,
#' eg "c('mean', 'sd')"; user-defined functions are fine (see examples); NAs
#' are omitted automatically for mean/median/sd/min/max/range/sum, otherwise
#' take care of NAs yourself
#' @param invalidArgAction what to do if an argument is invalid or outside the
#' range in \code{defaults_analyze}: 'adjust' = reset to default value,
#' 'abort' = stop execution, 'ignore' = throw a warning and continue (may
#' crash)
#' @param plot if TRUE, produces a spectrogram with pitch contour overlaid
#' @param showLegend if TRUE, adds a legend with pitch tracking methods
#' @param savePlots full path to the folder in which to save the plots (NULL =
#' don't save, '' = same folder as audio)
#' @param pitchPlot a list of graphical parameters for displaying the final
#' pitch contour. Set to \code{list(type = 'n')} to suppress
#' @param extraContour name of an output variable to overlap on the pitch
#' contour plot, eg 'peakFreq' or 'loudness'; can also be a list with extra
#' graphical parameters, eg \code{extraContour = list(x = 'harmHeight', col =
#' 'red')}
#' @param xlab,ylab,main plotting parameters
#' @param width,height,units,res parameters passed to
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{png}} if the plot is saved
#' @param ... other graphical parameters passed to \code{\link{spectrogram}}
#' @return Returns a list with \code{$detailed} frame-by-frame descriptives and
#' a \code{$summary} with one row per file, as determined by \code{summaryFun}
#' (e.g., mean / median / SD of each acoustic variable across all STFT
#' frames). Output measures include: \describe{\item{duration}{total duration,
#' s} \item{duration_noSilence}{duration from the beginning of the first
#' non-silent STFT frame to the end of the last non-silent STFT frame, s (NB:
#' depends strongly on \code{windowLength} and \code{silence} settings)}
#' \item{time}{time of the middle of each frame (ms)}
#' \item{amEnvFreq,amEnvDep}{frequency (Hz) and
#' depth (0 to 1) of amplitude modulation estimated from a smoothed amplitude
#' envelope} \item{amMsFreq,amMsPurity}{frequency and purity of amplitude
#' modulation estimated via \code{\link{modulationSpectrum}}}
#' \item{ampl}{root mean square of amplitude per frame, calculated as
#' sqrt(mean(frame ^ 2))} \item{ampl_noSilence}{same as \code{ampl}, but
#' ignoring silent frames} \item{CPP}{Cepstral Peak Prominence, dB (a measure
#' of pitch quality, the ratio of the highest peak in the cepstrum to the
#' regression line drawn through it)} \item{dom}{lowest dominant frequency
#' band (Hz) (see "Pitch tracking methods / Dominant frequency" in the
#' vignette)} \item{entropy}{Weiner entropy of the spectrum of the current
#' frame. Close to 0: pure tone or tonal sound with nearly all energy in
#' harmonics; close to 1: white noise} \item{entropySh}{Normalized Shannon
#' entropy of the spectrum of the current frame: 0 = pure tone, 1 = white
#' noise} \item{f1_freq, f1_width, ...}{the frequency and bandwidth of the
#' first nFormants formants per STFT frame, as calculated by
#' phonTools::findformants} \item{flux}{feature-based flux, the rate of change
#' in acoustic features such as pitch, HNR, etc. (0 = none, 1 = max); "epoch"
#' is an audio segment between two peaks of flux that exceed a threshold of
#' \code{flux = list(thres = ...)} (listed in output$detailed only)}
#' \item{fmFreq}{frequency of frequency modulation (FM) such as vibrato or
#' jitter, Hz} \item{fmDep}{depth of FM, semitones} \item{fmPurity}{purity or
#' dominance of the main FM frequency (fmFreq), 0 to 1} \item{harmEnergy}{the
#' amount of energy in upper harmonics, namely the ratio of total spectral
#' mass above 1.25 x F0 to the total spectral mass below 1.25 x F0 (dB)}
#' \item{harmHeight}{how high harmonics reach in the spectrum, based on the
#' best guess at pitch (or the manually provided pitch values)}
#' \item{HNR}{harmonics-to-noise ratio (dB), a measure of harmonicity returned
#' by soundgen:::getPitchAutocor (see "Pitch tracking methods /
#' Autocorrelation"). If HNR = 0 dB, there is as much energy in harmonics as
#' in noise} \item{loudness}{subjective loudness, in sone, corresponding to
#' the chosen SPL_measured - see \code{\link{getLoudness}}}
#' \item{novelty}{spectral novelty - a measure of how variable the spectrum is
#' on a particular time scale, as estimated by \code{\link{ssm}}}
#' \item{peakFreq}{the frequency with maximum spectral power (Hz)}
#' \item{pitch}{post-processed pitch contour based on all F0 estimates}
#' \item{quartile25, quartile50, quartile75}{the 25th, 50th, and 75th
#' quantiles of the spectrum of voiced frames (Hz)} \item{roughness}{the
#' amount of amplitude modulation, see modulationSpectrum}
#' \item{specCentroid}{the center of gravity of the frame’s spectrum, first
#' spectral moment (Hz)} \item{specSlope}{the slope of linear regression fit
#' to the spectrum below cutFreq (dB/kHz)} \item{subDep}{estimated depth of
#' subharmonics per frame: 0 = none, 1 = as strong as f0. NB: this depends
#' critically on accurate pitch tracking} \item{subRatio}{the ratio of f0 to
#' subharmonics frequency with strength subDep: 2 = period doubling, 3 = f0 /
#' 3, etc.} \item{voiced}{is the current STFT frame voiced? TRUE / FALSE}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sound = soundgen(sylLen = 300, pitch = c(500, 400, 600),
#' noise = list(time = c(0, 300), value = c(-40, 0)),
#' temperature = 0.001,
#' addSilence = 50) # NB: always have some silence before and after!!!
#' # playme(sound, 16000)
#' a = analyze(sound, samplingRate = 16000, plot = TRUE)
#' str(a$detailed) # frame-by-frame
#' a$summary # summary per sound
#' \dontrun{
#' # For maximum processing speed (just basic spectral descriptives):
#' a = analyze(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
#' plot = FALSE, # no plotting
#' pitchMethods = NULL, # no pitch tracking
#' loudness = NULL, # no loudness analysis
#' novelty = NULL, # no novelty analysis
#' roughness = NULL, # no roughness analysis
#' nFormants = 0 # no formant analysis
#' )
#' # Take a sound hard to analyze b/c of subharmonics and jitter
#' sound2 = soundgen(sylLen = 900, pitch = list(
#' time = c(0, .3, .8, 1), value = c(300, 900, 400, 2300)),
#' noise = list(time = c(0, 900), value = c(-40, -20)),
#' subDep = 10, jitterDep = 0.5,
#' temperature = 0.001, samplingRate = 44100, pitchSamplingRate = 44100)
#' # playme(sound2, 44100)
#' a2 = analyze(sound2, samplingRate = 44100, priorSD = 24,
#' plot = TRUE, ylim = c(0, 5))
#' # Compare the available pitch trackers
#' analyze(sound2, 44100,
#' pitchMethods = c('dom', 'autocor', 'spec', 'cep', 'hps', 'zc'),
#' # don't use priors to see weird pitch candidates better
#' priorMean = NA, priorAdapt = FALSE,
#' plot = TRUE, yScale = 'bark')
#' # Fancy plotting options:
#' a = analyze(sound2, samplingRate = 44100, plot = TRUE,
#' xlab = 'Time, ms', colorTheme = 'seewave',
#' contrast = .5, ylim = c(0, 4), main = 'My plot',
#' pitchMethods = c('dom', 'autocor', 'spec', 'hps', 'cep'),
#' priorMean = NA, # no prior info at all
#' pitchDom = list(col = 'red', domThres = .25),
#' pitchPlot = list(col = 'black', pch = 9, lty = 3, lwd = 3),
#' extraContour = list(x = 'peakFreq', type = 'b', pch = 4, col = 'brown'),
#' osc = 'dB', heights = c(2, 1))
#' # Analyze an entire folder in one go, saving spectrograms with pitch contours
#' # plus an html file for easy access
#' s2 = analyze('~/Downloads/temp',
#' savePlots = '', # save in the same folder as audio
#' showLegend = TRUE, yScale = 'bark',
#' width = 20, height = 12,
#' units = 'cm', res = 300, ylim = c(0, 5))
#' s2$summary[, 1:5]
#' # Different options for summarizing the output
#' a = analyze(sound2, 44100,
#' summaryFun = c('mean', 'range'))
#' a$summary # one row per sound
#' # ...with custom summaryFun, eg time of peak relative to duration (0 to 1)
#' timePeak = function(x) which.max(x) / length(x) # without omitting NAs
#' timeTrough = function(x) which.min(x) / length(x)
#' a = analyze(sound2, samplingRate = 16000,
#' summaryFun = c('mean', 'timePeak', 'timeTrough'))
#' colnames(a$summary)
#' # Analyze a selection rather than the whole sound
#' a = analyze(sound, samplingRate = 16000, from = .1, to = .3, plot = TRUE)
#' # Use only a range of frequencies when calculating spectral descriptives
#' # (ignore everything below 100 Hz and above 8000 Hz as irrelevant noise)
#' a = analyze(sound, samplingRate = 16000, cutFreq = c(100, 8000))
#' ## Amplitude and loudness: analyze() should give the same results as
#' # dedicated functions getRMS() / getLoudness()
#' # Create 1 kHz tone
#' samplingRate = 16000; dur_ms = 50
#' sound3 = sin(2*pi*1000/samplingRate*(1:(dur_ms/1000*samplingRate)))
#' a1 = analyze(sound3, samplingRate = samplingRate, scale = 1,
#' windowLength = 25, overlap = 50,
#' loudness = list(SPL_measured = 40),
#' pitchMethods = NULL, plot = FALSE)
#' a1$detailed$loudness # loudness per STFT frame (1 sone by definition)
#' getLoudness(sound3, samplingRate = samplingRate, windowLength = 25,
#' overlap = 50, SPL_measured = 40, scale = 1)$loudness
#' a1$detailed$ampl # RMS amplitude per STFT frame
#' getRMS(sound3, samplingRate = samplingRate, windowLength = 25,
#' overlap = 50, scale = 1)$detailed
#' # or even simply: sqrt(mean(sound3 ^ 2))
#' # The same sound as above, but with half the amplitude
#' a_half = analyze(sound3 / 2, samplingRate = samplingRate, scale = 1,
#' windowLength = 25, overlap = 50,
#' loudness = list(SPL_measured = 40),
#' pitchMethods = NULL, plot = FALSE)
#' a1$detailed$ampl / a_half$detailed$ampl # rms amplitude halved
#' a1$detailed$loudness/ a_half$detailed$loudness
#' # loudness is not a linear function of amplitude
#' # Analyzing ultrasounds (slow but possible, just adjust pitchCeiling)
#' s = soundgen(sylLen = 100, addSilence = 10,
#' pitch = c(25000, 35000, 30000),
#' formants = NA, rolloff = -12, rolloffKHz = 0,
#' pitchSamplingRate = 350000, samplingRate = 350000, windowLength = 5,
#' pitchCeiling = 45000, invalidArgAction = 'ignore')
#' # s is a bat-like ultrasound inaudible to humans
#' a = analyze(
#' s, 350000, plot = TRUE,
#' pitchFloor = 10000, pitchCeiling = 90000, priorMean = NA,
#' pitchMethods = c('autocor', 'spec'),
#' # probably shouldn't use pitchMethod = "dom" b/c of likely low-freq noise
#' windowLength = 5, step = 2.5,
#' shortestSyl = 10, shortestPause = 10, # again, very short sounds
#' interpol = list(win = 10), # again, very short sounds
#' smooth = 0.1, # might need less smoothing if very rapid f0 changes
#' nFormants = 0, loudness = NULL, roughness = NULL, novelty = NULL)
#' # NB: ignore formants and loudness estimates for such non-human sounds
#' # download 260 sounds from Anikin & Persson (2017)
#' #
#' # unzip them into a folder, say '~/Downloads/temp'
#' myfolder = '~/Downloads/temp' # 260 .wav files live here
#' s = analyze(myfolder) # ~ 10-20 minutes!
#' # s = write.csv(s, paste0(myfolder, '/temp.csv')) # save a backup
#' # Check accuracy: import manually verified pitch values (our "key")
#' # pitchManual # "ground truth" of mean pitch per sound
#' # pitchContour # "ground truth" of complete pitch contours per sound
#' files_manual = paste0(names(pitchManual), '.wav')
#' idx = match(s$file, files_manual) # in case the order is wrong
#' s$key = pitchManual[idx]
#' # Compare manually verified mean pitch with the output of analyze:
#' cor(s$key, s$summary$pitch_median, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs')
#' plot(s$key, s$summary$pitch_median, log = 'xy')
#' abline(a=0, b=1, col='red')
#' # Re-running analyze with manually corrected contours gives correct
#' pitch-related descriptives like amplVoiced and harmonics (NB: you get it "for
#' free" when running pitch_app)
#' s1 = analyze(myfolder, pitchManual = pitchContour)
#' plot(s$summary$harmonics_median, s1$summary$harmonics_median)
#' abline(a=0, b=1, col='red')
#' }
analyze = function(
samplingRate = NULL,
scale = NULL,
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
dynamicRange = 80,
silence = 0.04,
windowLength = 50,
step = windowLength / 2,
overlap = 50,
specType = c('spectrum', 'reassign', 'spectralDerivative')[1],
wn = 'gaussian',
zp = 0,
cutFreq = NULL,
nFormants = 3,
formants = list(),
loudness = list(SPL_measured = 70),
roughness = list(msType = '1D', windowLength = 25, step = 2, amRes = 5),
novelty = list(input = 'melspec', kernelLen = 100),
pitchMethods = c('dom', 'autocor'),
pitchManual = NULL,
entropyThres = 0.6,
pitchFloor = 75,
pitchCeiling = 3500,
priorMean = 300,
priorSD = 6,
priorAdapt = TRUE,
nCands = 1,
minVoicedCands = NULL,
pitchDom = list(domThres = 0.1,
domSmooth = 220),
pitchAutocor = list(autocorThres = 0.7,
autocorSmooth = 7,
autocorUpsample = 25,
autocorBestPeak = 0.975,
interpol = 'sinc'),
pitchCep = list(cepThres = 0.75,
cepZp = 0),
pitchSpec = list(specThres = 0.05,
specPeak = 0.25,
specHNRslope = 0.8,
specSmooth = 150,
specMerge = 0.1,
specSinglePeakCert = 0.4,
specRatios = 3),
pitchHps = list(hpsNum = 5,
hpsThres = 0.1,
hpsNorm = 2,
hpsPenalty = 2),
pitchZc = list(zcThres = 0.1,
zcWin = 5),
harmHeight = list(harmThres = 3,
harmTol = 0.25,
harmPerSel = 5),
subh = list(method = c('cep', 'pitchCands', 'harm')[1],
nSubh = 5,
tol = .05,
nHarm = 5,
harmThres = 12,
harmTol = 0.25,
amRange = c(10, 200)),
flux = list(thres = 0.15,
smoothWin = 100),
amRange = c(10, 200),
fmRange = c(5, 1000 / step / 2),
shortestSyl = 20,
shortestPause = 60,
interpol = list(win = 75, tol = 0.3, cert = 0.3),
pathfinding = c('none', 'fast', 'slow')[2],
annealPars = list(maxit = 5000, temp = 1000),
certWeight = .5,
snakeStep = 0,
snakePlot = FALSE,
smooth = 1,
smoothVars = c('pitch', 'dom'),
summaryFun = c('mean', 'median', 'sd'),
invalidArgAction = c('adjust', 'abort', 'ignore')[1],
reportEvery = NULL,
cores = 1,
plot = FALSE,
osc = 'linear',
showLegend = TRUE,
savePlots = NULL,
pitchPlot = list(col = rgb(0, 0, 1, .75), lwd = 3, showPrior = TRUE),
extraContour = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
xlab = 'Time',
ylab = NULL,
main = NULL,
width = 900,
height = 500,
units = 'px',
res = NA,
) {
## Validate the parameter values that do not depend on sound-specific
## characteristics like samplingRate and duration
# Check simple numeric default pars
simplePars = c('silence', 'entropyThres', 'domThres',
'autocorThres', 'autocorSmooth',
'specThres', 'specPeak',
'specSinglePeakCert', 'certWeight')
for (p in simplePars) {
gp = try(get(p), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(gp, "try-error")) {
if (is.numeric(gp)) {
validatePars(p, gp, def = defaults_analyze,
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction))
rm(simplePars, gp, p)
# Check parameters supplied as lists
pitchDom_plotPars = pitchAutocor_plotPars =
pitchCep_plotPars = pitchSpec_plotPars =
pitchHps_plotPars = pitchZc_plotPars =
harmHeight_plotPars = NULL # otherwise CMD check complains
# Here we specify just the names of pars as c('', '').
# (values are in defaults_analyze)
parsToValidate = list(
harmHeight = c('harmThres', 'harmTol', 'harmPerSel'),
pitchDom = c('domThres', 'domSmooth'),
pitchAutocor = c('autocorThres', 'autocorSmooth',
'autocorUpsample', 'autocorBestPeak', 'interpol'),
pitchCep = c('cepThres', 'cepZp'),
pitchSpec = c('specSmooth', 'specHNRslope', 'specThres',
'specPeak', 'specSinglePeakCert', 'specMerge',
'specMethod', 'specRatios'),
pitchHps = c('hpsNum', 'hpsThres', 'hpsNorm', 'hpsPenalty'),
pitchZc = c('zcThres', 'zcWin')
for (i in 1:length(parsToValidate)) {
parGroup_user = get(names(parsToValidate)[i])
# whatever is not in parsToValidate is interpreted as plotting options
assign(paste0(names(parsToValidate)[i], '_plotPars'),
parGroup_user[!names(parGroup_user) %in% parsToValidate[[i]]])
# if there's nothing to add, it becomes an empty list()
# now we check the value of those pars that ARE in parsToValidate
parGroup_user = parGroup_user[names(parGroup_user) %in% parsToValidate[[i]]]
parGroup_def = parsToValidate[[i]]
for (p in parGroup_def) {
if (is.null(parGroup_user[[p]])) {
# fall back to the default value
parGroup_user[p] = defaults_analyze[p, 'default']
} else {
# validate user-defined value
if (is.numeric(parGroup_user[[p]])) {
parGroup_user[[p]] = validatePars(
p, parGroup_user[[p]], defaults_analyze, invalidArgAction)
assign(noquote(names(parsToValidate)[i]), parGroup_user)
rm('parsToValidate', 'parGroup_user', 'parGroup_def', 'p', 'i',
if ($specMethod)) pitchSpec$specMethod = 'commonFactor'
if ($interpol)) pitchAutocor$interpol = 'sinc'
# Check defaults that depend on other pars or require customized warnings
if (is.character(pitchMethods) && pitchMethods[1] != '') {
valid_names = c('dom', 'autocor', 'cep', 'spec', 'hps', 'zc')
invalid_names = pitchMethods[!pitchMethods %in% valid_names]
if (length(invalid_names) > 0) {
message(paste('Ignoring unknown pitch tracking methods:',
paste(invalid_names, collapse = ', '),
'; valid pitchMethods:',
paste(valid_names, collapse = ', ')))
rm('valid_names', 'invalid_names')
if (is.numeric(priorSD)) {
if (priorSD <= 0) {
priorSD = 6
warning('"priorSD" must be positive; defaulting to 6 semitones')
if (!is.numeric(nCands) | nCands < 1) {
nCands = 1
warning('"nCands" must be a positive integer; defaulting to 1')
} else if (!is.integer(nCands)) {
nCands = round(nCands)
if (!is.numeric(shortestSyl) | shortestSyl < 0) {
shortestSyl = 0
warning('shortestSyl must be non-negative; defaulting to 0 ms')
if (!is.numeric(shortestPause) | shortestPause < 0) {
shortestPause = 0
warning('shortestPause must be a non-negative number; defaulting to 0 ms')
# Check non-numeric defaults
supported_wn = c('bartlett', 'blackman', 'flattop', 'gaussian',
'hamming', 'hanning', 'rectangle')
if (!wn %in% supported_wn) {
wn = 'gaussian'
warning(paste('Implemented "wn":',
paste(supported_wn, collapse = ', '),
'. Defaulting to "gaussian"'))
if (!pathfinding %in% c('none', 'fast', 'slow')) {
pathfinding = 'fast'
warning(paste('Implemented "pathfinding": "none", "fast", "slow";',
'defaulting to "fast"'))
# reformat pitchManual, if any
if (!is.null(pitchManual)) {
pitchManual_list = formatPitchManual(pitchManual)
} else {
pitchManual_list = NULL
# reformat loudness/novelty etc lists, if any
if (!is.null(novelty)) {
if (is.null(novelty$windowLength)) novelty$windowLength = windowLength
if (is.null(novelty$step)) novelty$step = step
if (!is.null(loudness)) {
if (is.null(loudness$SPL_measured)) loudness$SPL_measured = 70
if (is.null(loudness$Pref)) loudness$Pref = 2e-5
if (is.null(loudness$spreadSpectrum)) loudness$spreadSpectrum = TRUE
if (!is.null(interpol)) {
if (is.null(interpol$win)) interpol$win = 75
if (is.null(interpol$tol)) interpol$tol = .3
if (is.null(interpol$cert)) interpol$cert = .3
if (is.null(flux$thres)) flux$thres = 0.15
if (is.null(flux$smoothWin)) flux$smoothWin = 100
# match args
myPars = c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
# myPars = mget(names(formals()), sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
# exclude some args
myPars = myPars[!names(myPars) %in% c(
'x', 'samplingRate', 'scale', 'from', 'to', 'reportEvery', 'cores',
'savePlots', 'pitchPlot', 'pitchManual', 'summaryFun', 'invalidArgAction',
'loudness', 'roughness', 'novelty', 'subh')]
# add plot pars correctly, without flattening the lists
list_pars = c('pitchManual_list', 'pitchPlot',
'pitchDom_plotPars', 'pitchAutocor_plotPars',
'pitchCep_plotPars', 'pitchSpec_plotPars',
'pitchHps_plotPars', 'pitchZc_plotPars',
'loudness', 'roughness', 'novelty', 'interpol', 'subh')
for (lp in list_pars) myPars[[lp]] = get(lp)
# analyze
pa = processAudio(
samplingRate = samplingRate,
scale = scale,
from = from,
to = to,
funToCall = '.analyze',
myPars = myPars,
reportEvery = reportEvery,
cores = cores,
savePlots = savePlots
# htmlPlots
if (!is.null(pa$input$savePlots) && pa$input$n > 1) {
try(htmlPlots(pa$input, savePlots = savePlots, changesAudio = FALSE,
suffix = "analyze", width = paste0(width, units)))
# prepare output
if (!is.null(summaryFun) && any(! {
temp = vector('list', pa$input$n)
for (i in 1:pa$input$n) {
if (!pa$input$failed[i]) {
temp[[i]] = summarizeAnalyze(
summaryFun = summaryFun,
var_noSummary = c('duration', 'duration_noSilence', 'voiced', 'time', 'epoch'))
idx_failed = which(pa$input$failed)
if (length(idx_failed) > 0) {
idx_ok = which(!pa$input$failed)
if (length(idx_ok) > 0) {
filler = temp[[idx_ok[1]]] [1, ]
filler[1, ] = NA
} else {
stop('Failed to analyze any input')
for (i in idx_failed) temp[[i]] = filler
mysum_all = try(cbind(data.frame(file = pa$input$filenames_base),
data.table::rbindlist(temp, fill = TRUE)))
if (inherits(mysum_all, 'try-error')) mysum_all = NULL
} else {
mysum_all = NULL
if (pa$input$n == 1) pa$result = pa$result[[1]]
detailed = pa$result,
summary = mysum_all
#' Analyze per sound
#' Internal soundgen function
#' Called by \code{\link{analyze}} and \code{\link{pitch_app}} to analyze a
#' single sound.
#' @inheritParams analyze
#' @param audio a list returned by \code{readAudio}
#' @keywords internal
.analyze = function(
dynamicRange = 80,
silence = 0.04,
windowLength = 50,
step = windowLength / 2,
overlap = 50,
specType = c('spectrum', 'reassign', 'spectralDerivative')[1],
wn = 'gaussian',
zp = 0,
cutFreq = NULL,
nFormants = 3,
formants = NULL,
loudness = NULL,
roughness = NULL,
novelty = NULL,
pitchMethods = c('dom', 'autocor'),
pitchManual_list = NULL,
entropyThres = 0.6,
pitchFloor = 75,
pitchCeiling = 3500,
priorMean = 300,
priorSD = 6,
priorAdapt = TRUE,
nCands = 1,
minVoicedCands = NULL,
pitchDom = list(domThres = 0.1,
domSmooth = 220),
pitchAutocor = list(autocorThres = 0.7,
autocorSmooth = 7,
autocorUpsample = 25,
autocorBestPeak = 0.975),
pitchCep = list(cepThres = 0.75,
cepZp = 0),
pitchSpec = list(specThres = 0.05,
specPeak = 0.25,
specHNRslope = 0.8,
specSmooth = 150,
specMerge = 0.1,
specSinglePeakCert = 0.4,
specRatios = 3),
pitchHps = list(hpsNum = 5,
hpsThres = 0.1,
hpsNorm = 2,
hpsPenalty = 2),
pitchZc = list(zcThres = 0.1,
zcWin = 5),
harmHeight = list(harmThres = 3,
harmTol = 0.25,
harmPerSel = 5),
subh = list(method = c('cep', 'pitchCands', 'harm')[1],
nSubh = 5,
tol = .05,
nHarm = 5,
harmThres = 12,
harmTol = 0.25,
amRange = c(10, 200)),
flux = list(thres = 0.15,
smoothWin = 100),
amRange = c(10, 200),
fmRange = c(5, 1000 / step / 2),
shortestSyl = 20,
shortestPause = 60,
interpol = NULL,
pathfinding = c('none', 'fast', 'slow')[2],
annealPars = list(maxit = 5000, temp = 1000),
certWeight = .5,
snakeStep = 0,
snakePlot = FALSE,
smooth = 1,
smoothVars = c('pitch', 'dom'),
returnPitchCands = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,
showLegend = TRUE,
osc = 'linear',
pitchPlot = list(col = rgb(0, 0, 1, .75), lwd = 3, showPrior = TRUE),
pitchDom_plotPars = list(),
pitchAutocor_plotPars =list(),
pitchCep_plotPars = list(),
pitchSpec_plotPars =list(),
pitchHps_plotPars = list(),
pitchZc_plotPars = list(),
extraContour = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
main = NULL,
width = 900,
height = 500,
units = 'px',
res = NA,
) {
## Validate the parameter values that do not depend on sound-specific
## characteristics like samplingRate and duration
if (!is.numeric(windowLength) | windowLength <= 0 |
windowLength > (audio$duration / 2 * 1000)) {
windowLength = min(50, round(audio$duration / 2 * 1000))
step = windowLength / 2
'"windowLength" must be between 0 and half the sound duration (in ms);
resetting to ', windowLength, ' ms')
windowLength_points = floor(windowLength / 1000 * audio$samplingRate / 2) * 2
# to ensure that the window length in points is a power of 2, say 2048 or 1024:
# 2^round(log(windowLength*audio$samplingRate/1000)/log(2), 0)
if (!is.numeric(step)) {
if (!is.numeric(overlap) | overlap < 0 | overlap > 99) {
overlap = 50
warning('If "step" is not specified, overlap must be between 0 and 99%',
'; overlap reset to 50%')
} else {
step = windowLength * (1 - overlap / 100)
} else {
if (is.numeric(overlap) & overlap != 50) { # step specified, overlap != default
message('"overlap" is ignored if "step" is not NULL')
if (step <= 0 | step > (audio$duration * 1000)) {
step = windowLength / 2
warning('"step" must be between 0 and sound_duration ms;
defaulting to windowLength / 2')
if (step > windowLength)
warning(paste('"step" should normally not be larger than "windowLength" ms:',
'you are skipping parts of the sound!'))
if (shortestPause < step) {
warning(paste0('shortestPause (', shortestPause,
' ms) is shorter than one STFT step (', step, ' ms)',
'; setting shortestPause = ', 1.5 * step, ' ms'))
shortestPause = 1.5 * step
if (shortestPause < 1000 / pitchFloor) {
'shortestPause (', shortestPause,
' ms) is shorter than one glottal cycle = 1000 / pitchFloor (',
round(1000 / pitchFloor), ' ms); setting shortestPause = ',
round(1.5 * 1000 / pitchFloor), ' ms'))
shortestPause = round(1.5 * 1000 / pitchFloor)
if (!is.numeric(zp)) {
zp = 0
} else if (zp < 0) {
zp = 0
warning('"zp" must be non-negative; defaulting to 0')
if (!is.null(cutFreq) && !any( {
# a single value refers to upper end of the analyzed frequency range
if (length(cutFreq) == 1) cutFreq = c(0, cutFreq)
if ([1]) || cutFreq[1] <= 0) cutFreq[1] = 0
if ([2]) || cutFreq[2] > (audio$samplingRate / 2)) {
cutFreq[2] = audio$samplingRate / 2
warning(paste('"cutFreq" should not be above Nyquist (samplingRate / 2);',
'setting cutFreq = NULL'))
if (!is.numeric(pitchFloor) | pitchFloor <= 0 |
pitchFloor > audio$samplingRate / 2) {
pitchFloor = 1
warning(paste('"pitchFloor" must be between 0 and pitchCeiling;',
'defaulting to 1 Hz'))
} # 1 Hz ~ 4 octaves below C0
if (!is.numeric(pitchCeiling) | pitchCeiling > audio$samplingRate / 2) {
pitchCeiling = audio$samplingRate / 2 # Nyquist
warning(paste('"pitchCeiling" must be between 0 and Nyquist;',
'defaulting to samplingRate / 2'))
if (pitchFloor > pitchCeiling) {
pitchFloor = 1
pitchCeiling = audio$samplingRate / 2
warning(paste('"pitchFloor" cannot be above "pitchCeiling";',
'defaulting to 1 Hz and samplingRate / 2, respectively'))
if (is.numeric(priorMean)) {
if (priorMean > audio$samplingRate / 2 | priorMean <= 0) {
priorMean = 300
warning(paste('"priorMean" must be between 0 and Nyquist;',
'defaulting to 300; set to NULL to disable prior'))
if (!is.null(interpol)) {
if (shortestPause > 0 & interpol$win > 0) {
if (interpol$win * step < shortestPause / 2) {
interpol$win = ceiling(shortestPause / 2 / step)
'"interpol$win" reset to', interpol$win,
': interpolation must be able to bridge merged voiced fragments'))
if (interpol$tol <= 0) {
interpol$tol = 0.3
warning('"interpol$tol" must be positive; defaulting to 0.3')
if (!is.numeric(pitchAutocor$autocorSmooth)) {
pitchAutocor$autocorSmooth = 2 * ceiling(7 * audio$samplingRate / 44100 / 2) - 1
# width of smoothing interval, chosen to be proportionate to samplingRate (7
# for samplingRate 44100), but always an odd number.
# for(i in seq(16000, 60000, length.out = 10)) {
# print(paste(round(i), ':', 2 * ceiling(7 * i / 44100 / 2) - 1))
# }
# calculate scaling coefficient for loudness calculation, but don't convert
# yet, since most routines in analyze() require scale [-1, 1]
if (!is.null(loudness)) {
scaleCorrection = max(abs(scaleSPL(
scale = audio$scale,
SPL_measured = loudness$SPL_measured,
Pref = loudness$Pref)))
} else {
scaleCorrection = NA
# Adjust silence threshold as proportion of the observed max ampl
# (has the effect of looking for voiced segments even in very quiet files)
m = max(abs(audio$sound))
m_to_scale = m / audio$scale
silence = silence * m_to_scale
if (m_to_scale < silence)
message('The audio is too quiet: max ampl is lower than silence = ', silence)
if (!is.null(loudness)) { # if analyzing loudness
if (audio$samplingRate < 2000) {
warning(paste('Sampling rate must be >2 KHz to resolve frequencies of at least 8 barks',
'and estimate loudness in sone'))
} else if (audio$samplingRate > 44100) {
message(paste('Sampling rate above 44100, but discarding frequencies above 27 barks',
'(27 KHz) as inaudible to humans when estimating loudness'))
# normalize to range from no less than -1 to no more than +1
if (any(audio$sound > 0)) {
# center first
mean_s = mean(audio$sound)
audio$sound = audio$sound - mean(audio$sound)
audio$sound = audio$sound / max(abs(audio$sound))
} else {
audio$sound = audio$sound / m
# Set up filter for calculating pitchAutocor
# filter = seewave::ftwindow(2 * windowLength_points, wn = wn) # plot(filter, type='l')
# powerSpectrum_filter = abs(fft(filter)) ^ 2
# autoCorrelation_filter = abs(fft(powerSpectrum_filter, inverse = TRUE)) ^ 2
# autoCorrelation_filter = autoCorrelation_filter[1:windowLength_points]
# autoCorrelation_filter = autoCorrelation_filter / max(autoCorrelation_filter)
filter = seewave::ftwindow(windowLength_points, wn = wn) # plot(filter, type='l')
sp_filter = fft(filter)
powerSpectrum_filter = Re(sp_filter * Conj(sp_filter))
autoCorrelation_filter = Re(fft(powerSpectrum_filter, inverse = TRUE))
autoCorrelation_filter = autoCorrelation_filter[1:(windowLength_points / 2)]
autoCorrelation_filter = autoCorrelation_filter / autoCorrelation_filter[1] # /max(autoCorrelation_filter)
# plot(autoCorrelation_filter, type = 'l')
## fft and acf per frame
if (is.character(audio$savePlots)) {
plot = TRUE
png(filename = paste0(audio$savePlots, audio$filename_noExt, "_analyze.png"),
width = width, height = height, units = units, res = res)
frameBank = getFrameBank(
sound = audio$sound,
samplingRate = audio$samplingRate,
windowLength_points = windowLength_points,
wn = wn,
step = step,
zp = zp,
normalize = TRUE,
filter = NULL,
padWithSilence = FALSE,
timeShift = audio$timeShift
timestamps = as.numeric(colnames(frameBank))
extraSpecPars = list(...)
extraSpecPars$osc = NULL
s = try(, c(list(
audio = audio[names(audio) != 'savePlots'], # otherwise spectrogram() plots
internal = list(frameBank = frameBank),
dynamicRange = dynamicRange,
windowLength = windowLength,
specType = specType,
zp = zp,
wn = wn,
step = step,
normalize = FALSE,
output = 'original',
padWithSilence = FALSE,
plot = FALSE
), extraSpecPars)))
if (inherits(s, 'try-error')) return(NA)
# image(t(s))
bin = audio$samplingRate / 2 / nrow(s) # width of spectral bin, Hz
freqs = as.numeric(rownames(s)) * 1000 # central bin freqs, Hz
# specFlux = getSpectralFlux(s) # spectral flux - not very useful, IMHO
# calculate rms amplitude of each frame
myseq = (timestamps - audio$timeShift * 1000 - windowLength / 2) *
audio$samplingRate / 1000 + 1
myseq[1] = 1 # just in case of rounding errors
l = length(myseq)
myseq[l] = min(myseq[l], audio$ls - windowLength_points)
ampl = apply(as.matrix(1:length(myseq)), 1, function(x) {
# perceived intensity - root mean square of amplitude
# (NB: m / scale corrects the scale back to original, otherwise sound is [-1, 1])
sqrt(mean((audio$sound[myseq[x]:(myseq[x] + windowLength_points - 1)] *
m / audio$scale) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE))
# calculate entropy of each frame within the most relevant
# vocal range only (up to to cutFreq Hz)
rowLow = 1 # which(as.numeric(rownames(s)) > 0.05)[1] # 50 Hz
if (!is.null(cutFreq)) {
rowHigh = tail(which(freqs <= cutFreq[2]), 1) # 6000 Hz etc
} else {
rowHigh = nrow(s)
if (length(rowHigh) < 1 | !is.finite(rowHigh)) rowHigh = nrow(s)
entropy = apply(as.matrix(1:ncol(s)), 1, function(x) {
getEntropy(s[rowLow:rowHigh, x], type = 'weiner')
entropySh = apply(as.matrix(1:ncol(s)), 1, function(x) {
getEntropy(s[rowLow:rowHigh, x], type = 'shannon', normalize = TRUE)
# if the frame is too quiet or too noisy, we will not analyze it
cond_silence = ampl >= silence &
as.logical(apply(s, 2, sum) > 0) # b/c s frames are not 100% synchronized with ampl frames
# cond_silence[] = FALSE # just in case of weird NAs
framesToAnalyze = which(cond_silence)
if (!is.numeric(entropyThres)) entropyThres = Inf
cond_entropy = cond_silence & entropy < entropyThres
cond_entropy[] = FALSE
# save duration of non-silent part of audio
nf = length(framesToAnalyze)
if (nf > 0) {
# the beginning of the first non-silent frame
time_start = timestamps[framesToAnalyze[1]] - windowLength / 2
# the end of the last non-silent frame
time_end = timestamps[framesToAnalyze[nf]] + windowLength / 2
duration_noSilence = (time_end - time_start) / 1000
} else {
duration_noSilence = 0
'The audio is too quiet! No frames above silence = ', silence
# autocorrelation for each frame
autocorBank = matrix(NA, nrow = length(autoCorrelation_filter),
ncol = ncol(frameBank))
for (i in which(cond_entropy)) {
# acf is ~10 times slower than FFT
# autocorBank[, i] = acf(frameBank[, i], # or frame^2
# windowLength_points,
# plot = FALSE)$acf / autoCorrelation_filter
sp_fr = fft(frameBank[, i])
powerSpectrum_fr = Re(sp_fr * Conj(sp_fr))
# Im * conj(Im) is the same as abs(fft())^2, but faster
autoCorrelation_fr = Re(fft(powerSpectrum_fr, inverse = TRUE))
autoCorrelation_fr = autoCorrelation_fr[1:(windowLength_points/2)]
autoCorrelation_fr = autoCorrelation_fr / autoCorrelation_fr[1] # /max(autoCorrelation_fr)
# plot(autoCorrelation_fr, type = 'l')
autocorBank[, i] = autoCorrelation_fr / autoCorrelation_filter
# plot(autocorBank[, i], type = 'l')
# plot(rownames(autocorBank), autocorBank[, i], type = 'l', log = 'x')
autocorBank = autocorBank[-1, ] # b/c it starts with zero lag (identity)
rownames(autocorBank) = audio$samplingRate / (1:nrow(autocorBank))
# plot(rownames(s)[1:50], s[1:50, 8], type = 'l')
# plot(frameBank[, 8], type = 'l')
# plot(names(autocorBank[1:25, 8]), autocorBank[1:25, 8], type = 'l')
fmts = NULL
no_formants = FALSE
if (is.null(nFormants)) nFormants = 100
# try one frame to see how many formants are returned
fmts_list = vector('list', length = nf)
if (nFormants > 0 & nf > 0) {
# we don't really know how many formants will be returned by phonTools, so
# we save everything at first, and then trim to nFormants
for (i in 1:nf) {
fmts_list[[i]] = try(suppressWarnings(
c(list(frameBank[, framesToAnalyze[i]],
fs = audio$samplingRate, verify = FALSE),
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fmts_list[[i]], 'try-error')) {
fmts_list[[i]] = data.frame(formant = NA, bandwidth = NA)[-1, ]
# check how many formants we will/can save
nFormants_avail = min(nFormants, max(unlist(lapply(fmts_list, nrow))))
if (nFormants_avail > 0) {
nFormants = nFormants_avail
availableRows = 1:nFormants
fmts = matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(frameBank), ncol = nFormants * 2)
colnames(fmts) = paste0('f', rep(availableRows, each = 2),
rep(c('_freq', '_width'), nFormants))
# iterate through the full formant list and save what's needed
for (i in 1:nf) {
ff = fmts_list[[i]]
if (is.list(ff)) {
nr = nrow(ff)
if (nr < nFormants) {
ff[(nr + 1):nFormants, ] = NA
temp = matrix(NA, nrow = nFormants, ncol = 2)
temp[availableRows, ] = as.matrix(ff[availableRows, ])
fmts[framesToAnalyze[i], ] = matrix(t(temp), nrow = 1)
} else {
no_formants = TRUE
} else if (nFormants > 0 && nf == 0) {
no_formants = TRUE
if (no_formants) {
# no formant analysis
availableRows = 1:nFormants
fmts = matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(frameBank), ncol = nFormants * 2)
colnames(fmts) = paste0('f', rep(availableRows, each = 2),
rep(c('_freq', '_width'), nFormants))
## PITCH and other spectral analysis of each frame from fft
# set up an empty nested list to save values in - this enables us to analyze
# only the non-silent and not-too-noisy frames but still have a consistently
# formatted output
frameInfo = rep(list(list(
'pitchCands_frame' = data.frame(
'pitchCand' = NA,
'pitchCert' = NA,
'pitchSource' = NA,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
'summaries' = data.frame(
'loudness' = NA,
'HNR' = NA,
'dom' = NA,
'specCentroid' = NA,
'peakFreq' = NA,
'quartile25' = NA,
'quartile50' = NA,
'quartile75' = NA,
'specSlope' = NA
)), ncol(s))
for (i in framesToAnalyze) {
# for each frame that satisfies our condition, do spectral analysis (NB: we
# do NOT analyze frames that are too quiet, so we only get NA's for those
# frames, no meanFreq, dom etc!)
frameInfo[[i]] = analyzeFrame(
frame = s[, i],
bin = bin, freqs = freqs, # prepared in analyze() to save time
autoCorrelation = autocorBank[, i],
samplingRate = audio$samplingRate,
scaleCorrection = scaleCorrection,
loudness = loudness,
cutFreq = cutFreq,
trackPitch = cond_entropy[i],
pitchMethods = pitchMethods,
nCands = nCands,
pitchDom = pitchDom,
pitchAutocor = pitchAutocor,
pitchCep = pitchCep,
pitchSpec = pitchSpec,
pitchHps = pitchHps,
pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling
# Store the descriptives provided by function analyzeFrame in a dataframe
result = lapply(frameInfo, function(y) y[['summaries']])
result = data.frame(matrix(unlist(result), nrow = length(frameInfo), byrow = TRUE))
colnames(result) = names(frameInfo[[1]]$summaries)
if (!is.null(fmts)) result = cbind(result, fmts)
result$entropy = entropy
result$entropySh = entropySh
result$ampl = result$ampl_noSilence = ampl
result$ampl_noSilence[-framesToAnalyze] = NA
result$time = as.numeric(colnames(frameBank))
result$duration_noSilence = duration_noSilence
result$duration = audio$duration
nc = ncol(result); nr = nrow(result)
# change the order of columns
first_three = c('duration', 'duration_noSilence', 'time')
rest = colnames(result)[!colnames(result) %in% first_three]
result = result[, c(first_three, sort(rest))]
## Pitch tracking based on zero crossing rate
if ('zc' %in% pitchMethods) {
pitch_zc =, c(pitchZc, list(
audio = audio,
env = ampl,
pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling, # priorMean * 2 ^ (priorSD / 12),
silence = silence)))
# plot(pitch_zc$time, pitch_zc$pitch, type = 'l')
pitch_zc_cnt = getSmoothContour(
data.frame(time = pitch_zc$time, value = pitch_zc$pitch),
len = nr, interpol = 'approx', NA_to_zero = FALSE, discontThres = 0)
pitch_zc_cnt[-framesToAnalyze] = NA
# plot(pitch_zc_cnt, type = 'l')
pitch_zc_cert = getSmoothContour(
data.frame(time = pitch_zc$time, value = pitch_zc$cert),
len = nr, interpol = 'approx', NA_to_zero = FALSE, discontThres = 0)
# plot(pitch_zc_cert, type = 'l')
idx_notNA = which(!
idx_notNA = idx_notNA[idx_notNA %in% framesToAnalyze]
if (length(idx_notNA) > 0) {
for (i in idx_notNA) {
zc_i = data.frame(pitchCand = pitch_zc_cnt[i],
pitchCert = pitch_zc_cert[i],
pitchSource = 'zc')
frameInfo[[i]]$pitchCands_frame = rbind(
frameInfo[[i]]$pitchCands_frame, zc_i)
## Postprocessing
# extract and prepare pitch candidates for the pathfinder algorithm
pm_woDom = pitchMethods[pitchMethods != 'dom']
if (length(pm_woDom) > 0) {
pitchNames = data.frame(pitchMethod = pm_woDom,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pitchNames$pitchName = paste0(
toupper(substr(pitchNames$pitchMethod, 1, 1)),
substr(pitchNames$pitchMethod, 2, nchar(pitchNames$pitchMethod))
} else {
pitchNames = list('pitchMethod' = NULL, 'pitchName' = NULL)
max_cands = max(unlist(lapply(frameInfo, function(y)
if (max_cands == 0) {
# no pitch candidates at all, purely unvoiced
result[, c('pitch', pitchNames$pitchName)] = NA
pitchCands_list = list()
} else {
# some pitch candidates found
pitchCands_list = rep(list(matrix(
nrow = max_cands,
ncol = length(frameInfo),
dimnames = list(1:max_cands, result$time)
)), 3)
names(pitchCands_list) = c('freq', 'cert', 'source')
for (i in 1:length(frameInfo)) {
temp = frameInfo[[i]]$pitchCands_frame
n = nrow(temp)
if (n > 0) {
pitchCands_list[[1]][1:n, i] = temp[, 1]
pitchCands_list[[2]][1:n, i] = temp[, 2]
pitchCands_list[[3]][1:n, i] = temp[, 3]
# divide the file into continuous voiced syllables
voicedSegments = findVoicedSegments(
shortestSyl = shortestSyl,
shortestPause = shortestPause,
minVoicedCands = minVoicedCands,
pitchMethods = pitchMethods,
step = step,
samplingRate = audio$samplingRate
# add prior
if (is.numeric(priorMean) & is.numeric(priorSD)) {
pitchCert_multiplier = getPrior(priorMean = priorMean,
priorSD = priorSD,
pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling,
pitchCands = pitchCands_list$freq,
plot = FALSE)
pitchCands_list$cert = pitchCands_list$cert * pitchCert_multiplier
# for each syllable, impute NA's and find a nice path through pitch candidates
pitchFinal = rep(NA, ncol(pitchCands_list$freq))
if (nrow(voicedSegments) > 0) {
# if we have found at least one putatively voiced syllable
for (syl in 1:nrow(voicedSegments)) {
myseq = voicedSegments$segmentStart[syl]:voicedSegments$segmentEnd[syl]
# compute the optimal path through pitch candidates
pitchFinal[myseq] = pathfinder(
pitchCands = pitchCands_list$freq[, myseq, drop = FALSE],
pitchCert = pitchCands_list$cert[, myseq, drop = FALSE],
pitchSource = pitchCands_list$source[, myseq, drop = FALSE],
step = step,
certWeight = certWeight,
pathfinding = pathfinding,
annealPars = annealPars,
interpolWin_bin = ceiling(interpol$win / step),
interpolTol = interpol$tol,
interpolCert = interpol$cert,
snakeStep = snakeStep,
snakePlot = snakePlot
# second pass with adaptive prior
if (priorAdapt) {
# revert to original pitchCert
if (exists('pitchCert_multiplier'))
pitchCands_list$cert = pitchCands_list$cert / pitchCert_multiplier
if (any(! {
pitch_sem = HzToSemitones(pitchFinal[!])
priorMean = semitonesToHz(mean(pitch_sem))
new_sd = sd(pitch_sem)
if (is.finite(new_sd))
priorSD = semitonesToHz(new_sd) * 4
pitchCert_multiplier2 = getPrior(priorMean = priorMean,
priorSD = priorSD,
pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling,
pitchCands = pitchCands_list$freq,
plot = FALSE)
pitchCands_list$cert = pitchCands_list$cert * pitchCert_multiplier2
pitchFinal = rep(NA, ncol(pitchCands_list$freq))
if (nrow(voicedSegments) > 0) {
# if we have found at least one putatively voiced syllable
for (syl in 1:nrow(voicedSegments)) {
myseq = voicedSegments$segmentStart[syl]:voicedSegments$segmentEnd[syl]
# compute the optimal path through pitch candidates
pitchFinal[myseq] = pathfinder(
pitchCands = pitchCands_list$freq[, myseq, drop = FALSE],
pitchCert = pitchCands_list$cert[, myseq, drop = FALSE],
pitchSource = pitchCands_list$source[, myseq, drop = FALSE],
step = step,
certWeight = certWeight,
pathfinding = pathfinding,
annealPars = annealPars,
interpolWin_bin = ceiling(interpol$win / step),
interpolTol = interpol$tol,
interpolCert = interpol$cert,
snakeStep = snakeStep,
snakePlot = snakePlot
# save optimal pitch track and the best candidates separately for
# each pitch tracking method
result$pitch = pitchFinal # optimal pitch track
if (!is.null(pitchNames$pitchMethod)) {
for (p in 1:nrow(pitchNames)) {
result[pitchNames$pitchName[p]] = as.numeric(lapply(frameInfo, function(x) {
idx_method = which(x$pitchCands_frame$pitchSource == pitchNames$pitchMethod[p])
idx_maxCert = which.max(x$pitchCands_frame$pitchCert[idx_method])
return(x$pitchCands_frame$pitchCand[idx_method] [idx_maxCert])
## Median smoothing of specified contours (by default pitch & dom)
if (smooth > 0) {
points_per_sec = nr / audio$duration
# smooth of 1 means that smoothing window is ~100 ms
smoothing_ww = round(smooth * points_per_sec / 10, 0)
# the larger smooth, the heavier the smoothing (lower tolerance
# threshold before values are replaced by median over smoothing window).
# smooth of 1 gives smoothingThres of 4 semitones
smoothingThres = 4 / smooth
keep = apply(result[, smoothVars], 2, function(x) any(!
smoothVars = smoothVars[keep]
if (length(smoothVars) > 0) {
result[, smoothVars] = medianSmoother(
result[, smoothVars, drop = FALSE],
smoothing_ww = smoothing_ww,
smoothingThres = smoothingThres
# Convert HNR to dB
result$HNR = to_dB(result$HNR)
## Finalize / update results using the final pitch contour
# (or the manual pitch contour, if provided)
pitch_true = result$pitch
if (!is.null(pitchManual_list)) {
if (length(pitchManual_list) == 1) {
pitch_raw = pitchManual_list[[1]]
} else {
pitch_raw = pitchManual_list[[audio$filename_base]]
if (!is.null(pitch_raw)) {
# up/downsample pitchManual to the right length
pitch_true = .resample(
list(sound = pitch_raw),
len = nr,
lowPass = FALSE,
plot = FALSE)
} else {
'Failed to find file', audio$filename_base,
'in the provided pitchManual; using detected pitch contour instead'))
## Roughness and AM calculation via a modulation spectrum
if (is.null(roughness) ||
(!is.null(roughness$amRes) && roughness$amRes == 0)) {
# don't analyze the modulation spectrum
result[, c('roughness', 'amMsFreq', 'amMsPurity')] = NA
} else {
ms =, c(
list(audio = audio[c('sound', 'samplingRate', 'ls', 'duration')],
returnMS = FALSE, plot = FALSE, amRange = amRange),
result$roughness = .resample(list(sound = ms$roughness), len = nr,
lowPass = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
result$amMsFreq = .resample(list(sound = ms$amMsFreq), len = nr,
lowPass = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
result$amMsPurity = .resample(list(sound = ms$amMsPurity), len = nr,
lowPass = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
result[!cond_silence, c('roughness', 'amMsFreq', 'amMsPurity')] = NA
## Novelty calculation
if (is.null(novelty)) {
result$novelty = NA
} else {
novel =, c(
list(audio = audio[c('sound', 'samplingRate', 'ls', 'duration')],
sparse = TRUE, plot = FALSE),
result$novelty = .resample(list(sound = novel), len = nr,
lowPass = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
result$novelty[!cond_silence] = NA
# AM from envelope
result[, c('amEnvFreq', 'amEnvDep')] = NA
if (!is.null(amRange)) {
am = getAM_env(audio = audio,
amRange = amRange,
overlap = overlap,
plot = FALSE)
result$amEnvFreq = .resample(list(sound = am$freq), len = nr,
lowPass = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
result$amEnvDep = .resample(list(sound = am$dep), len = nr,
lowPass = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
result[!cond_silence, c('amEnvFreq', 'amEnvDep')] = NA
# save spectral descriptives separately for voiced and unvoiced frames
varsToUnv = c(
'ampl', 'roughness', 'amMsFreq', 'amMsPurity', 'amEnvFreq', 'amEnvDep',
'novelty', 'entropy', 'entropySh', 'dom', 'HNR', 'loudness', 'peakFreq',
'quartile25', 'quartile50', 'quartile75', 'specCentroid', 'specSlope'
for (v in varsToUnv) {
result[, paste0(v, 'Voiced')] = result[, v]
# update using final / manual pitch
result = updateAnalyze(
result = result,
pitch_true = pitch_true,
pitchCands_list = pitchCands_list,
spectrogram = s,
freqs = freqs,
bin = bin,
samplingRate = audio$samplingRate,
windowLength = windowLength,
harmHeight_pars = harmHeight,
subh_pars = subh,
flux_pars = flux,
fmRange = fmRange,
smooth = smooth,
smoothing_ww = smoothing_ww,
smoothingThres = smoothingThres,
# NB: peakFreq & specCentroid are defined for unvoiced frames, but not quartiles
varsToUnv = paste0(varsToUnv, 'Voiced')
## Add pitch contours to the spectrogram
if (plot) {
# extra contour
cnt = cnt_plotPars = NULL
if (!is.null(extraContour)) {
if (is.list(extraContour)) {
cnt_name = extraContour[[1]]
cnt_plotPars = extraContour[2:length(extraContour)]
} else {
cnt_name = extraContour
valid_cols = colnames(result)[4:ncol(result)]
valid_cols = valid_cols[valid_cols != 'voiced']
if (cnt_name %in% valid_cols) {
cnt = result[, cnt_name]
col_non_Hz = c(
'amEnvDep', 'amMsPurity', 'ampl, amplVoiced',
'entropy', 'entropyVoiced', 'entropySh', 'entropyShVoiced',
paste0('f', 1:10, '_width'), 'flux', 'fmDep',
'harmEnergy', 'harmSlope', 'HNR', 'HNR_voiced', 'CPP',
'loudness', 'loudnessVoiced', 'roughness', 'roughnessVoiced',
'novelty', 'noveltyVoiced', 'specSlope', 'specSlopeVoiced',
'subDep', 'subRatio'
if (cnt_name %in% col_non_Hz) {
# normalize
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(0, audio$samplingRate / 2 / 1000)
cnt = zeroOne(cnt, na.rm = TRUE) * ylim[2] * 1000
} else {
message(paste0('Valid extraContour names are: ',
paste(valid_cols, collapse = ', ')))
if (is.null(main)) {
if (audio$filename_base == 'sound') {
main = ''
} else {
main = audio$filename_base
# we call spectrogram() a second time to get nice silence padding and to add
# pitch contours internally in spectrogram() - a hassle, but it only take a
# few ms, and otherwise it's hard to add pitch contours b/c the y-axis is
# messed up if spectrogram() calls layout() to add an oscillogram
try(, c(list(
audio = list(
sound = audio$sound,
samplingRate = audio$samplingRate,
scale = audio$scale / m, # normalize
ls = audio$ls,
duration = audio$duration,
timeShift = audio$timeShift,
filename = audio$filename,
filename_base = audio$filename_base
dynamicRange = dynamicRange,
windowLength = windowLength,
specType = specType,
zp = zp,
wn = wn,
step = step,
normalize = FALSE,
output = 'original',
padWithSilence = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,
ylim = ylim,
xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
main = main,
osc = osc,
internal = list(
frameBank = frameBank,
pitch = list(
pitchCands = pitchCands_list$freq,
pitchCert = pitchCands_list$cert,
pitchSource = pitchCands_list$source,
pitch = result$pitch,
timestamps = result$time / 1000, # spetcrogram always plots in s
candPlot = list(
dom = pitchDom_plotPars,
autocor = pitchAutocor_plotPars,
cep = pitchCep_plotPars,
spec = pitchSpec_plotPars,
hps = pitchHps_plotPars,
zc = pitchZc_plotPars
extraContour = cnt,
extraContour_pars = cnt_plotPars,
pitchPlot = pitchPlot,
priorMean = priorMean,
priorSD = priorSD,
pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling,
addToExistingPlot = TRUE,
showLegend = showLegend,
ylim = ylim,
xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
main = audio$filename_base,
timeShift = audio$timeShift
), extraSpecPars))
) # end of try()
if (is.character(audio$savePlots)) {
if (returnPitchCands) {
invisible(list(result = result,
pitchCands = pitchCands_list,
spectrogram = s))
} else {
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