#' Auditory spectrogram
#' Produces an auditory spectrogram by convolving the sound with a bank of
#' bandpass filters. The main difference from STFT is that we don't window the
#' signal and de facto get variable temporal resolution in different frequency
#' channels, as with a wavelet transform. The key settings are
#' \code{filterType}, \code{nFilters}, and \code{yScale}, which determine the
#' type, number, and spacing of the filters, respectively. Gammatone filters
#' were designed as a simple approximation of human perception - see
#' \code{\link[seewave]{gammatone}} and Slaney 1993 "An Efficient Implementation
#' of the Patterson–Holdsworth Auditory Filter Bank". Butterworth or Chebyshev
#' filters are not meant to model perception, but can be useful for quickly
#' plotting a sound.
#' @inheritParams spectrogram
#' @param step step, ms (determines time resolution of the plot, but not of the
#' returned envelopes per channel). step = NULL means no downsampling at all
#' (ncol of output = length of input audio)
#' @param filterType "butterworth" = Butterworth filter
#' \code{\link[signal]{butter}}, "chebyshev" = Chebyshev filter
#' \code{\link[signal]{butter}}, "gammatone" =
#' \code{\link[seewave]{gammatone}}
#' @param nFilters the number of filters between \code{minFreq} and
#' \code{maxFreq} (determines frequency resolution, while \code{yScale}
#' determines the location of center frequencies)
#' @param nFilters_oct an alternative way to specify frequency resolution: the
#' number of filters per octave
#' @param filterOrder filter order (defaults to 4 for gammatones, 3 otherwise)
#' @param bandwidth filter bandwidth, octaves. If NULL, defaults to ERB
#' bandwidths as in \code{\link[seewave]{gammatone}}
#' @param bandwidthMult a scaling factor for all bandwidths (1 = no effect)
#' @param minFreq,maxFreq the range of frequencies to analyze
#' @param minBandwidth minimum filter bandwidth, Hz (otherwise filters may
#' become too narrow when nFilters is high; has no effect if filterType =
#' 'gammatone')
#' @param output a list of measures to return. Defaults to everything, but this
#' takes a lot of RAM, so shorten to what's needed if analyzing many files at
#' once
#' @param plotFilters if TRUE, plots the filters as central frequencies ±
#' bandwidth/2
#' @param yScale determines the location of center frequencies of the filters
#' @return Returns a list for each analyzed file, including:
#' \describe{\item{audSpec}{auditory spectrogram with frequencies in rows and
#' time in columns} \item{audSpec_processed}{same but rescaled for plotting}
#' \item{filterbank}{raw output of the filters} \item{roughness}{roughness per
#' channel (as many as \code{nFilters})}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # synthesize a sound with gradually increasing hissing noise
#' sound = soundgen(sylLen = 200, temperature = 0.001,
#' noise = list(time = c(0, 350), value = c(-40, 0)),
#' formantsNoise = list(f1 = list(freq = 5000, width = 10000)),
#' addSilence = 25)
#' # playme(sound, samplingRate = 16000)
#' # auditory spectrogram
#' as = audSpectrogram(sound, samplingRate = 16000, nFilters = 48)
#' dim(as$audSpec)
#' # compare to FFT-based spectrogram with similar time and frequency resolution
#' fs = spectrogram(sound, samplingRate = 16000, yScale = 'bark',
#' windowLength = 5, step = 1)
#' dim(fs)
#' \dontrun{
#' # add bells and whistles
#' audSpectrogram(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
#' filterType = 'gammatone',
#' nFilters = 50,
#' yScale = 'ERB',
#' bandwidth = 1/12,
#' dynamicRange = 150,
#' osc = 'dB', # plot oscillogram in dB
#' heights = c(2, 1), # spectro/osc height ratio
#' contrast = .2, # increase contrast
#' brightness = -.1, # reduce brightness
#' # colorTheme = 'heat.colors', # pick color theme...
#' col = hcl.colors(100, palette = 'Plasma'), # ...or specify the colors
#' cex.lab = .75, cex.axis = .75, # text size and other base graphics pars
#' grid = 5, # to customize, add manually with graphics::grid()
#' ylim = c(0.05, 8), # always in kHz
#' main = 'My auditory spectrogram' # title
#' # + axis labels, etc
#' )
#' # NB: frequency resolution is controlled by both nFilters and bandwidth
#' audSpectrogram(sound, 16000, nFilters = 15, bandwidth = 1/2)
#' audSpectrogram(sound, 16000, nFilters = 15, bandwidth = 1/10)
#' audSpectrogram(sound, 16000, nFilters = 100, bandwidth = 1/2)
#' audSpectrogram(sound, 16000, nFilters = 100, bandwidth = 1/10)
#' audSpectrogram(sound, 16000, nFilters_oct = 5, bandwidth = 1/10)
#' # remove the oscillogram
#' audSpectrogram(sound, samplingRate = 16000, osc = 'none')
#' # save auditory spectrograms of all audio files in a folder
#' audSpectrogram('~/Downloads/temp',
#' savePlots = '~/Downloads/temp/audSpec', cores = 4)
#' }
audSpectrogram = function(
samplingRate = NULL,
scale = NULL,
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
step = 1,
dynamicRange = 80,
filterType = c('butterworth', 'chebyshev', 'gammatone')[1],
nFilters = 128,
nFilters_oct = NULL,
filterOrder = if (filterType == 'gammatone') 4 else 3,
bandwidth = NULL,
bandwidthMult = 1,
minFreq = 20,
maxFreq = samplingRate / 2,
minBandwidth = 10,
output = c('audSpec', 'audSpec_processed', 'filterbank', 'filterbank_env', 'roughness'),
reportEvery = NULL,
cores = 1,
plot = TRUE,
savePlots = NULL,
plotFilters = FALSE,
osc = c('none', 'linear', 'dB')[2],
heights = c(3, 1),
ylim = NULL,
yScale = c('bark', 'mel', 'ERB', 'log')[1],
contrast = .2,
brightness = 0,
maxPoints = c(1e5, 5e5),
padWithSilence = TRUE,
colorTheme = c('bw', 'seewave', 'heat.colors', '...')[1],
col = NULL,
extraContour = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
xaxp = NULL,
mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2),
main = NULL,
grid = NULL,
width = 900,
height = 500,
units = 'px',
res = NA,
) {
if (!yScale %in% c('bark', 'mel', 'ERB', 'log')) {
stop('Valid yScale values: bark, mel, ERB, log')
if (!filterType %in% c('butterworth', 'chebyshev', 'gammatone')) {
stop('Valid filterType values: butterworth, chebyshev, gammatone')
# match args
myPars = c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
# myPars = mget(names(formals()), sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
# exclude some args
myPars = myPars[!names(myPars) %in% c(
'x', 'samplingRate', 'scale', 'from', 'to',
'reportEvery', 'cores', 'savePlots')]
# call .audSpectrogram
pa = processAudio(
samplingRate = samplingRate,
scale = scale,
from = from,
to = to,
funToCall = '.audSpectrogram',
myPars = myPars,
reportEvery = reportEvery,
cores = cores,
savePlots = savePlots
# htmlPlots
if (!is.null(pa$input$savePlots) && pa$input$n > 1) {
try(htmlPlots(pa$input, savePlots = savePlots, changesAudio = FALSE,
suffix = "audSpectrogram", width = paste0(width, units)))
if (pa$input$n == 1) pa$result = pa$result[[1]]
#' Auditory spectrogram per sound
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' @inheritParams audSpectrogram
#' @param audio a list returned by \code{readAudio}
#' @keywords internal
.audSpectrogram = function(
step = 1,
dynamicRange = 80,
filterType = c('butterworth', 'chebyshev', 'gammatone')[1],
nFilters = 128,
nFilters_oct = NULL,
filterOrder = if(filterType == 'gammatone') 4 else 3,
bandwidth = NULL,
bandwidthMult = 1,
minFreq = 20,
maxFreq = audio$samplingRate / 2,
minBandwidth = 10,
output = c('audSpec', 'audSpec_processed',
'filterbank', 'filterbank_env', 'roughness'),
plot = TRUE,
plotFilters = FALSE,
osc = c('none', 'linear', 'dB')[2],
heights = c(3, 1),
ylim = NULL,
yScale = 'bark',
contrast = .2,
brightness = 0,
maxPoints = c(1e5, 5e5),
padWithSilence = TRUE,
colorTheme = c('bw', 'seewave', 'heat.colors', '...')[1],
col = NULL,
extraContour = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
xaxp = NULL,
mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2),
main = NULL,
grid = NULL,
width = 900,
height = 500,
units = 'px',
res = NA,
) {
nyquist = audio$samplingRate / 2
if (is.null(maxFreq) || length(maxFreq) < 1) {
maxFreq = nyquist
} else {
maxFreq = min(maxFreq, nyquist)
if (!is.null(step)) {
len = max(1, round(audio$duration * 1000 / step))
step = audio$duration * 1000 / len # avoid rounding error
} else {
len = NULL
step = 1000 / audio$samplingRate
if (!is.null(nFilters_oct))
nFilters = round(log2(maxFreq/minFreq) * nFilters_oct)
# set up filters (if "bandwidth" is NULL, non-overlapping)
if (yScale == 'log') {
cf = 2^(seq(log2(minFreq), log2(maxFreq), length.out = nFilters))
} else if (yScale == 'bark') {
cf = tuneR::bark2hz(seq(tuneR::hz2bark(minFreq), tuneR::hz2bark(maxFreq),
length.out = nFilters))
} else if (yScale == 'mel') {
cf = tuneR::mel2hz(seq(hz2mel(minFreq), hz2mel(maxFreq), length.out = nFilters))
} else if (yScale == 'ERB') {
cf = ERBToHz(seq(HzToERB(minFreq), HzToERB(maxFreq), length.out = nFilters))
filters = data.frame(cf = cf)
if (is.null(bandwidth)) {
# default bandwidths from Staney 1993
filters$bandwidth = 24.7 * (4.37 * filters$cf/1000 + 1) * bandwidthMult
filters$from = filters$cf - filters$bandwidth/2
filters$to = filters$cf + filters$bandwidth/2
} else {
# user-specified bandwidths in octaves
bandwidth = bandwidth * bandwidthMult
filters$from = filters$cf / 2^bandwidth
filters$to = filters$cf * 2^bandwidth
filters$bandwidth = filters$to - filters$from
if (filterType != 'gammatone') {
# make sure the bandwidth in Hz (!) is always wide enough to avoid crashing
idx_narrow = which(filters$bandwidth < minBandwidth)
if (length(idx_narrow) > 0) {
half_bw_hz = ceiling(minBandwidth / 2)
filters$from[idx_narrow] = filters$cf[idx_narrow] - half_bw_hz
filters$to[idx_narrow] = filters$cf[idx_narrow] + half_bw_hz
filters$from[filters$from < 0] = 0
filters$to[filters$to > nyquist] = nyquist
# summary(filters)
# plot the filters
if (plotFilters) {
y = 1 + 5/1000 * (1:nFilters - nrow(filters) / 2)
plot(filters$cf, rep(1, nFilters), type = 'n', log = 'x',
ylim = range(y), bty = 'n', ylab = '', xlab = 'Center frequency, Hz')
for (i in 1:nrow(filters)) {
y_i = 1 + 5/1000 * (i - nrow(filters) / 2) # rnorm(1, 1, .01)
segments(x0 = filters$from[i], x1 = filters$to[i], y0 = y[i], y1 = y[i])
# bandpass filter the signal (seewave::ffilter goes via stdft - not suitable)
fb = fb_env = sp = vector('list', nFilters)
for (i in 1:nFilters) {
if (filterType == 'butterworth') {
btord = signal::FilterOfOrder(
n = filterOrder,
Wc = c(filters$from[i], filters$to[i]) / nyquist,
type = 'pass'
bt = signal::butter(btord)
fb[[i]] = signal::filter(filt = bt, x = audio$sound)
} else if (filterType == 'chebyshev') {
btord = signal::FilterOfOrder(
n = filterOrder,
Wc = c(filters$from[i], filters$to[i]) / nyquist,
type = 'pass'
ch = signal::cheby1(btord, Rp = 12)
fb[[i]] = signal::filter(filt = ch, x = audio$sound)
} else if (filterType == 'gammatone') {
d = min(10/filters$cf[i], # 10 fundamental periods of cf
audio$duration / 2) # but max half the dur of our audio
t = seq(0, d, length.out = audio$samplingRate * d)
filter_i = t^(filterOrder - 1) *
exp(-2 * pi * filters$bandwidth[i] * t) *
cos(2 * pi * filters$cf[i] * t)
# filter_i = seewave::gammatone(
# f = audio$samplingRate, d = d, cfreq = filters$cf[i])
# plot(filter_i, type = 'l')
audio_filt = stats::convolve(audio$sound, filter_i, type = 'filter')
fb[[i]] = matchLengths(audio_filt, audio$ls)
# osc(fb[[i]] / max(fb[[i]]))
fb_env_i = try(
f = 1, # not actually needed
fftw = FALSE)))
if (!inherits(fb_env_i, 'try-error') && !any(!is.finite(fb_env_i))) {
fb_env[[i]] = fb_env_i
# seewave::env(fb[[i]], f = audio$samplingRate,
# envt = 'hil',
# # msmooth = c(10, 0),
# plot = FALSE)
# plot(fb_env, type = 'l')
if (!is.null(len)) {
# downsample
fb_env_i = .resample(list(sound = fb_env_i), len = len, lowPass = FALSE)
sp[[i]] = matrix(fb_env_i, nrow = 1)
} else {
sp[[i]] = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = len)
if ('audSpec' %in% output | 'audSpec_processed' %in% output) {
audSpec =, sp)
audSpec[] = 0
rownames(audSpec) = names(fb) = names(fb_env) = filters$cf / 1000
colnames(audSpec) = step / 2 + step * (0 : (ncol(audSpec) - 1)) +
audio$timeShift * 1000
# or: seq(0, audio$duration, length.out = ncol(audSpec)) * 1000
# rescale etc in order to return $audSpectrogram_processed
Z1 = t(audSpec)
# set to zero under dynamic range
threshold = max(Z1) / 10^(dynamicRange/20)
Z1[Z1 < threshold] = 0
# re-normalize
positives = which(Z1 > 0)
nonpositives = which(Z1 <= 0)
Z1[positives] = log(Z1[positives])
if (length(positives) > 0 & length(nonpositives) > 0) {
Z1[nonpositives] = min(Z1[positives])
Z1 = Z1 - min(Z1)
# contrast & brightness
contrast_exp = exp(3 * contrast)
brightness_exp = exp(3 * brightness)
# visualization: plot(exp(3 * seq(-1, 1, by = .01)), type = 'l')
if (contrast_exp != 1) {
Z1 = Z1 ^ contrast_exp
if (any(Z1 != 0)) Z1 = Z1 / max(Z1)
if (brightness_exp != 1) {
Z1 = Z1 / brightness_exp
if (brightness_exp < 1) {
Z1[Z1 > 1] = 1 # otherwise values >1 are shown as white instead of black
} else {
audSpec = Z1 = NA
if (is.character(audio$savePlots)) {
plot = TRUE
png(filename = paste0(audio$savePlots,
width = width, height = height, units = units, res = res)
if (plot) {
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(minFreq, maxFreq) / 1000
X = as.numeric(colnames(audSpec)), # time
Y = as.numeric(rownames(audSpec)), # freq
Z = Z1,
audio = audio, internal = NULL, dynamicRange = dynamicRange,
osc = osc, heights = heights, ylim = ylim, yScale = yScale,
contrast = contrast, brightness = brightness,
maxPoints = maxPoints, colorTheme = colorTheme, col = col,
extraContour = extraContour,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxp = xaxp,
mar = mar, main = main, grid = grid,
width = width, height = height,
units = units, res = res,
if (is.character(audio$savePlots)) {
audSpec = audSpec,
audSpec_processed = t(Z1),
filterbank = fb,
filterbank_env = fb_env
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