#' Bandpass/stop filters
#' Filtering in the frequency domain with FFT-iFFT: low-pass, high-pass,
#' bandpass, and bandstop filters. Similar to \code{\link[seewave]{ffilter}},
#' but here we use FFT instead of STFT - that is, the entire sound is processed
#' at once. This works best for relatively short sounds (seconds), but gives us
#' maximum precision (e.g., for precise notch filtering) and doesn't affect the
#' attack and decay. NAs are accepted and can be interpolated or preserved in
#' the output. Because we don't do STFT, arbitrarily short vectors are also fine
#' as input - for example, we can apply a low-pass filter prior to decimation
#' when changing the sampling rate without aliasing. Note that, unlike
#' \code{\link{pitchSmoothPraat}}, \code{bandpass} by default applies an abrupt
#' cutoff instead of a smooth gaussian filter, but this behavior can be adjusted
#' with the \code{bw} argument.
#' Algorithm: fill in NAs with constant interpolation at the edges and linear
#' interpolation in the middle; perform FFT; set the frequency ranges to be
#' filtered out to 0; perform inverse FFT; set to the original scale; put the
#' NAs back in.
#' @inheritParams spectrogram
#' @inheritParams segment
#' @param lwr,upr cutoff frequencies, Hz. Specifying just lwr gives a high-pass
#' filter, just upr low-pass filter with action = 'pass' (or vice versa with
#' action = 'stop'). Specifying both lwr and upr a bandpass/bandstop filter,
#' depending on 'action'
#' @param action "pass" = preserve the selected frequency range (bandpass),
#' "stop" = remove the selected frequency range (bandstop)
#' @param dB a positive number giving the strength of effect in dB (defaults to
#' Inf - complete removal of selected frequencies)
#' @param bw bandwidth of the filter cutoffs, Hz. Defaults to 0 (abrupt, step
#' function), a positive number corresponds to the standard deviation of a
#' Gaussian curve, and two numbers set different bandwidths for the lower and
#' upper cutoff points
#' @param na.rm if TRUE, NAs are interpolated, otherwise they are preserved in
#' the output
#' @param normalize if TRUE, resets the output to the original scale (otherwise
#' filtering often reduces the amplitude)
#' @param saveAudio full path to the folder in which to save the processed audio
#' @param ... other graphical parameters passed to \code{plot()} as well as to
#' \code{\link[seewave]{meanspec}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Filter white noise
#' s1 = fade(c(runif(2000, -1, 1)), samplingRate = 16000)
#' # low-pass
#' bandpass(s1, 16000, upr = 2000, plot = TRUE)
#' # high-pass by 40 dB
#' bandpass(s1, 16000, lwr = 2000, dB = 40, plot = TRUE, wl = 1024)
#' # wl is passed to seewave::meanspec for plotting
#' # bandstop
#' bandpass(s1, 16000, lwr = 1000, upr = 1800, action = 'stop', plot = TRUE)
#' # bandpass
#' s2 = bandpass(s1, 16000, lwr = 2000, upr = 2100, plot = TRUE)
#' # playme(rep(s2, 5))
#' # spectrogram(s2, 16000)
#' # low-pass and interpolate a short vector with some NAs
#' x = rnorm(150, 10) + 3 * sin((1:50) / 5)
#' x[sample(1:length(x), 50)] = NA
#' plot(x, type = 'l')
#' x_bandp = bandpass(x, samplingRate = 100, upr = 10)
#' points(x_bandp, type = 'l', col = 'blue')
#' \dontrun{
#' # add 200 dB with a Gaussian-shaped filter instead of step function
#' s3 = bandpass(s1, 16000, lwr = 1700, upr = 2100, bw = 200,
#' dB = 20, plot = TRUE)
#' spectrogram(s3, 16000)
#' s4 = bandpass(s1, 16000, lwr = 2000, upr = 4300, bw = c(100, 500),
#' dB = 60, action = 'stop', plot = TRUE)
#' spectrogram(s4, 16000)
#' # precise notch filtering is possible, even in low frequencies
#' whiteNoise = runif(16000, -1, 1)
#' s3 = bandpass(whiteNoise, 16000, lwr = 30, upr = 40, normalize = TRUE,
#' plot = TRUE, xlim = c(0, 500))
#' playme(rep(s3, 5))
#' spectrogram(s3, 16000, windowLength = 150, yScale = 'log')
#' # compare the same with STFT
#' s4 = seewave::ffilter(whiteNoise, f = 16000, from = 30, to = 40)
#' spectrogram(s4, 16000, windowLength = 150, yScale = 'log')
#' # (note: works better as wl approaches length(s4))
#' # high-pass all audio files in a folder
#' bandpass('~/Downloads/temp', saveAudio = '~/Downloads/temp/hp2000/',
#' lwr = 2000, savePlots = '~/Downloads/temp/hp2000/')
#' }
bandpass = function(
samplingRate = NULL,
lwr = NULL,
upr = NULL,
action = c('pass', 'stop')[1],
dB = Inf,
bw = 0,
na.rm = TRUE,
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
normalize = FALSE,
reportEvery = NULL,
cores = 1,
saveAudio = NULL,
plot = FALSE,
savePlots = NULL,
width = 900,
height = 500,
units = 'px',
res = NA,
) {
# match args
myPars = c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
# exclude some args
myPars = myPars[!names(myPars) %in% c(
'x', 'samplingRate', 'reportEvery', 'cores', 'savePlots', 'saveAudio',
'width', 'height', 'units')]
pa = processAudio(x = x,
samplingRate = samplingRate,
saveAudio = saveAudio,
savePlots = savePlots,
funToCall = '.bandpass',
myPars = myPars,
reportEvery = reportEvery,
cores = cores)
# htmlPlots
if (!is.null(pa$input$savePlots) && pa$input$n > 1) {
try(htmlPlots(pa$input, savePlots = savePlots, changesAudio = TRUE,
suffix = "bandpass", width = paste0(width, units)))
# prepare output
if (pa$input$n == 1) {
result = pa$result[[1]]
} else {
result = pa$result
#' Bandpass filter per sound
#' Internal soundgen function
#' @param audio a list returned by \code{readAudio}
#' @inheritParams bandpass
#' @inheritParams segment
#' @keywords internal
.bandpass = function(audio,
lwr = NULL,
upr = NULL,
action = c('pass', 'stop')[1],
dB = Inf,
bw = 0,
na.rm = TRUE,
normalize = FALSE,
plot = FALSE,
width = 900,
height = 500,
units = 'px',
res = NA,
...) {
if ((is.null(lwr) & is.null(upr)) | (!is.numeric(lwr) & !is.numeric(upr)))
stop('Nothing to do: specify lwr and/or upr')
if ((is.numeric(lwr) & is.numeric(upr)) && lwr > upr) {
lwr = upr
upr = lwr
warning('Found lwr >= upr; swapping them')
x = audio$sound
if (!any(is.finite(x))) return(x)
len = length(x)
mean_x = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
ran_x = range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
x = x - mean_x # center to avoid a weird fade-out
if (len > 10000) {
# for long files, pad with 0 to the nearest power of 2 - much faster fft
pad_with = ifelse(prod(ran_x) < 0, 0, mean(x))
target_len = 2 ^ ceiling(log2(len))
n_zeros = target_len - len
x = c(x, rep(pad_with, n_zeros))
len = len + n_zeros
} else {
n_zeros = 0
half_len = len %/% 2
bin_width = audio$samplingRate / len
# interpolate NAs
idx_na = which(
n_na = length(idx_na)
if (n_na > 0) x = intplNA(x, idx_na = idx_na)
# get spectrum
sp = stats::fft(x)
# bandwidths for gradual Gaussian slopes instead of step functions at lwr & upr
# a = seq(-5, 5, .01)
# b = pnorm(a, mean = 0, sd = 1)
# plot(a, b)
if (is.null(bw) || !is.numeric(bw)) {
bw_lwr = bw_upr = 0
} else {
if (length(bw) == 1) {
bw_lwr = bw_upr = bw
} else {
bw_lwr = bw[1]
bw_upr = bw[2]
bw_lwr_bins = round(bw_lwr / bin_width)
bw_upr_bins = round(bw_upr / bin_width)
## set up the filter
if (is.null(lwr)) idx_lwr = 1 else
idx_lwr = max(1, round(lwr / bin_width))
if (is.null(upr)) idx_upr = half_len else
idx_upr = min(half_len, round(upr / bin_width))
# lower
a = 1:half_len
if (!is.null(lwr)) {
if (bw_lwr_bins > 0) {
b_lwr = 1 - pnorm(a, mean = idx_lwr, sd = bw_lwr_bins)
} else {
b_lwr = c(rep(1, idx_lwr), rep(0, half_len - idx_lwr))
b_lwr[idx_upr:half_len] = 0
} else {
b_lwr = rep(0, half_len)
# plot(b_lwr)
# upper
if (!is.null(upr)) {
if (bw_upr_bins > 0) {
b_upr = pnorm(a, mean = idx_upr, sd = bw_upr_bins)
} else {
b_upr = c(rep(0, idx_upr), rep(1, half_len - idx_upr))
b_upr[1:idx_lwr] = 0
} else {
b_upr = rep(0, half_len)
# plot(b_upr)
# both combined
if (action == 'pass') {
filter = 1 - b_lwr - b_upr
} else {
filter = b_lwr + b_upr
filter = filter / max(filter)
# plot(filter)
# normalize the filter
if (is.finite(dB)) {
m = 10 ^ (-abs(dB) / 20)
# normalize to (m, 1) - need to change min from 0 to m, preserving max at 1;
# solve a system of equations (1+addid)/denom = 1 and (0+addit)/denom = m
denom = 1 / (1 - m)
addit = denom - 1
filter = (filter + addit) / denom
# range(filter)
# plot(a, filter)
# mirror image of filter to cover the whole spectrum
even = len %% 2 == 0
if (even) {
filter_full = c(filter, rev(filter))
} else {
filter_full = c(filter, filter[half_len], rev(filter))
# filter_full[c(1, len)] = 1 # why?
# plot(filter_full)
# inverse fft
x_new = Re(fft(sp * filter_full, inverse = TRUE)) / len
# trim extra zeros and fade-out (10 ms)
if (n_zeros > 0) {
x_new = .fade(
list(sound = x_new[1:(len - n_zeros)],
samplingRate = audio$samplingRate),
fadeIn_points = 0,
fadeOut_points = min(half_len, audio$samplingRate * .01))
if (is.character(audio$savePlots)) {
plot = TRUE
png(filename = paste0(audio$savePlots, audio$filename_noExt, "_bandpass.png"),
width = width, height = height, units = units, res = res)
if (plot) {
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
if (is.finite(dB)) {
# plot in dB (log-scale)
filter_dB = 20 * log10(filter)
plot(a * bin_width / 1000, filter_dB, type = 'l',
xlab = 'Frequency, kHz', ylab = 'Amplitude, dB', main = 'Filter', ...)
} else {
# plot on linear scale
plot(a * bin_width / 1000, filter, type = 'l',
xlab = 'Frequency, kHz', ylab = 'Amplitude', main = 'Filter', ...)
sp_old = try(seewave::meanspec(audio$sound, f = audio$samplingRate,
plot = FALSE, dB = 'max0', ...))
sp_new = try(seewave::meanspec(x_new, f = audio$samplingRate,
plot = FALSE, dB = 'max0', ...))
if (!inherits(sp_old, 'try-error') && any(![, 2]))) {
try(plot(sp_old, type = 'l',
xlab = 'Frequency, kHz', ylab = 'dB', main = 'Spectra', ...))
if (!inherits(sp_new, 'try-error') && any(![, 2])))
try(points(sp_new, type = 'l', col = 'blue', ...))
} else {
if (!inherits(sp_new, 'try-error') && any(![, 2])))
try(plot(sp_new, type = 'l', col = 'blue', xlab = 'Frequency, kHz',
ylab = 'dB', main = 'Spectra', ...))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
if (is.character(audio$savePlots))
# back to original scale
if (normalize) x_new = x_new / max(abs(x_new)) * audio$scale_used
x_new = x_new + mean_x
if (!is.null(audio$saveAudio)) {
if (!dir.exists(audio$saveAudio)) dir.create(audio$saveAudio)
filename = paste0(audio$saveAudio, '/', audio$filename_noExt, '.wav')
writeAudio(x_new, audio = audio, filename = filename)
# put NAs back in
if (!na.rm && n_na > 0) x_new[idx_na] = NA
#' Pitch smoothing as in Praat
#' Smoothes an intonation (pitch) contour with a low-pass filter, as in Praat
#' ( Algorithm: interpolates missing values
#' (unvoiced frames), performs FFT to obtain the spectrum, multiplies by a
#' Gaussian filter, performs an inverse FFT, and fills the missing values back
#' in. The \code{bandwidth} parameter is about half the cutoff frequency (ie
#' some frequencies will still be present up to ~2 * bandwidth)
#' @seealso \code{\link{analyze}}
#' @param pitch numeric vector of pitch values (NA = unvoiced)
#' @param bandwidth the bandwidth of low-pass filter, Hz (high = less smoothing,
#' close to zero = more smoothing)
#' @param samplingRate the number of pitch values per second
#' @param plot if TRUE, plots the original and smoothed pitch contours
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pitch = c(NA, NA, 405, 441, 459, 459, 460, 462, 462, 458, 458, 445, 458, 451,
#' 444, 444, 430, 416, 409, 403, 403, 389, 375, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
#' NA, 183, 677, 677, 846, 883, 886, 924, 938, 883, 946, 846, 911, 826, 826,
#' 788, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 307,
#' 307, 368, 377, 383, 383, 383, 380, 377, 377, 377, 374, 374, 375, 375, 375,
#' 375, 368, 371, 374, 375, 361, 375, 389, 375, 375, 375, 375, 375, 314, 169,
#' NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 238, 285, 361, 374, 375, 375,
#' 375, 375, 375, 389, 403, 389, 389, 375, 375, 389, 375, 348, 361, 375, 348,
#' 348, 361, 348, 342, 361, 361, 361, 365, 365, 361, 966, 966, 966, 959, 959,
#' 946, 1021, 1021, 1026, 1086, 1131, 1131, 1146, 1130, 1172, 1240, 1172, 1117,
#' 1103, 1026, 1026, 966, 919, 946, 882, 832, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
#' NA, NA)
#' pitchSmoothPraat(pitch, bandwidth = 10, samplingRate = 40, plot = TRUE)
#' pitchSmoothPraat(pitch, bandwidth = 2, samplingRate = 40, plot = TRUE)
pitchSmoothPraat = function(pitch,
plot = FALSE) {
# make positive
m = min(pitch, na.rm = TRUE)
pitch = pitch - m
idx_unv = which(
len = length(pitch)
bin_width = samplingRate / 2 / len
half_len = len %/% 2
even = len %% 2 == 0
# interpolate NAs
pitch1 = intplNA(pitch, idx_na = idx_unv)
# get spectrum
sp = stats::fft(pitch1)
freq = seq(bin_width / 2,
samplingRate / 2 - bin_width / 2,
length.out = half_len)
# plot(freq, abs(sp[1:half_len]) / max(abs(sp[1:half_len])), type = 'l')
# gaussian filter
filter = exp(-(freq/bandwidth)^2) # NB: a bit different from dnorm()
# points(freq, filter, type = 'l', col = 'blue')
if (even) {
filter = c(filter, rev(filter))
} else {
filter = c(filter, filter[half_len], rev(filter))
# inverse fft
pitch2 = abs(fft(sp * filter, inverse = TRUE)) / len
pitch2[idx_unv] = NA
pitch2 = pitch2 + m # back to the original scale
if (plot) {
plot(pitch + m)
points(pitch2, type = 'l', col = 'red')
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