
Defines functions morph

Documented in morph

#' Morph sounds
#' Takes two formulas for synthesizing two target sounds with
#' \code{\link{soundgen}} and produces a number of intermediate forms (morphs),
#' attempting to go from one target sound to the other in a specified number of
#' equal steps. Normally you will want to set \code{temperature} very low; the
#' \code{tempEffects} argument is not supported.
#' @seealso \code{\link{soundgen}}
#' @param formula1,formula2 lists of parameters for calling
#'   \code{\link{soundgen}} that produce the two target sounds between which
#'   morphing will occur. Character strings containing the full call to soundgen
#'   are also accepted (see examples)
#' @param nMorphs the number of morphs to produce, including target sounds
#' @param playMorphs if TRUE, the morphs will be played
#' @param savePath if it is the path to an existing directory, morphs will be
#'   saved there as individual .wav files (defaults to NA)
#' @param samplingRate sampling rate of output, Hz. NB: overrides the values in
#'   \code{formula1} and \code{formula2}
#' @return A list of two sublists (\code{$formulas} and \code{$sounds}), each
#'   of length \code{nMorphs}. For ex., the formula for the second hybrid is
#'   \code{m$formulas[[2]]}, and the waveform is \code{m$sounds[[2]]}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # write two formulas or copy-paste them from soundgen_app() or presets:
#' playback = c(TRUE, FALSE)[2]
#' # [a] to barking
#' m = morph(formula1 = list(repeatBout = 2),
#'           # equivalently: formula1 = 'soundgen(repeatBout = 2)',
#'           formula2 = presets$Misc$Dog_bark,
#'           nMorphs = 5, playMorphs = playback)
#'  # use $formulas to access formulas for each morph, $sounds for waveforms
#'  # m$formulas[[4]]
#'  # playme(m$sounds[[3]])
#' # morph intonation and vowel quality
#' m = morph(
#'   'soundgen(pitch = c(300, 250, 400),
#'             formants = c(350, 2900, 3600, 4700))',
#'   'soundgen(pitch = c(300, 700, 500, 300),
#'             formants = c(800, 1250, 3100, 4500))',
#'   nMorphs = 5, playMorphs = playback
#' )
#' # from a grunt of disgust to a moan of pleasure
#' m = morph(
#'   formula1 = 'soundgen(sylLen = 180, pitch = c(160, 160, 120), rolloff = -12,
#'     nonlinBalance = 70, subDep = 15, jitterDep = 2,
#'     formants = c(550, 1200, 2100, 4300, 4700, 6500, 7300),
#'     noise = data.frame(time = c(0, 180, 270), value = c(-25, -25, -40)),
#'     rolloffNoise = 0)',
#'   formula2 = 'soundgen(sylLen = 320, pitch = c(340, 330, 300),
#'     rolloff = c(-18, -16, -30), ampl = c(0, -10), formants = c(950, 1700, 3700),
#'     noise = data.frame(time = c(0, 300, 440), value = c(-35, -25, -65)),
#'     mouth = c(.4, .5), rolloffNoise = -5, attackLen = 30)',
#'   nMorphs = 8, playMorphs = playback
#' )
#' # from scream_010 to moan_515b
#' # (see online demos at http://cogsci.se/soundgen/humans/humans.html)
#' m = morph(
#'   formula1 = "soundgen(
#'     sylLen = 490,
#'     pitch = list(time = c(0, 80, 250, 370, 490),
#'     value = c(1000, 2900, 3200, 2900, 1000)),
#'     rolloff = c(-5, 0, -25), rolloffKHz = 0,
#'     temperature = 0.001,
#'     jitterDep = c(.5, 1, 0), shimmerDep = c(5, 15, 0),
#'     formants = c(1100, 2300, 3100, 4000, 5300, 6200),
#'     mouth = c(.3, .5, .6, .5, .3))",
#'   formula2 = "soundgen(sylLen = 520,
#'     pitch = c(300, 310, 300),
#'     ampl = c(0, -30),
#'     temperature = 0.001, rolloff = c(-18, -25),
#'     jitterDep = .05, shimmerDep = 2,
#'     formants = list(f1 = c(700, 900),
#'       f2 = c(1600, 1400),
#'       f3 = c(3600, 3500), f4 = c(4300, 4200)),
#'     mouth = c(.5, .3),
#'     noise = data.frame(time = c(0, 400, 660),
#'     value = c(-20, -10, -60)),
#'     rolloffNoise = c(-5, -15))",
#'  nMorphs = 5, playMorphs = playback
#' )
#' }
morph = function(formula1,
                 playMorphs = TRUE,
                 savePath = NA,
                 samplingRate = 16000) {
  # convert formulas to lists
  if (is.character(formula1)) {
    formula1 = paste0('list', substr(formula1, 9, nchar(formula1)))
    formula1 = eval(parse(text = formula1))
  if (!is.list(formula1)) {
    stop('Formula1 must be either a list of pars like "list(sylLen = 500)"
         or a character string like "soundgen(sylLen = 500"')

  if (is.character(formula2)) {
    formula2 = paste0('list', substr(formula2, 9, nchar(formula2)))
    formula2 = eval(parse(text = formula2))
  if (!is.list(formula2)) {
    stop('Formula2 must be either a list of pars like "list(sylLen = 500)"
         or a character string like "soundgen(sylLen = 500"')

  # expand all abbreviations to full format
  if (!is.null(formula1$formants)) {  # otherwise drops NULL completely
    formula1$formants = reformatFormants(formula1$formants)
  if (!is.null(formula2$formants)) {
    formula2$formants = reformatFormants(formula2$formants)

  if (!is.null(formula1$formantsNoise)) {
    formula1$formantsNoise = reformatFormants(formula1$formantsNoise)
  if (!is.null(formula2$formantsNoise)) {
    formula2$formantsNoise = reformatFormants(formula2$formantsNoise)

  for (anchor in c('pitch', 'pitchGlobal', 'glottis',
                   'ampl', 'amplGlobal', 'mouth')) {
    if(!is.null(formula1[[anchor]])) {
      formula1[[anchor]] = reformatAnchors(formula1[[anchor]])
    if(!is.null(formula2[[anchor]])) {
      formula2[[anchor]] = reformatAnchors(formula2[[anchor]])
  if (is.numeric(formula1$noise)) {
    if (length(formula1$noise) > 0) {
      formula1$noise = data.frame(
        time = seq(0,
                   length.out = max(2, length(formula1$noise))),
        value = formula1$noise)
  if (is.numeric(formula2$noise)) {
    if (length(formula2$noise) > 0) {
      formula2$noise = data.frame(
        time = seq(0,
                   length.out = max(2, length(formula2$noise))),
        value = formula2$noise)

  # set pitchSamplingRate to the higher value
  formula1$samplingRate = formula2$samplingRate = samplingRate
  if (is.numeric(formula1$pitchSamplingRate) |
      is.numeric(formula2$pitchSamplingRate)) {
    mps = max(formula1$pitchSamplingRate, formula2$pitchSamplingRate)
    formula1$pitchSamplingRate = formula2$pitchSamplingRate = mps

  # ascertain that the formulas are not identical
  if (identical(formula1[order(names(formula1))], formula2[order(names(formula2))])) {
    stop('Nothing to morph!')

  # which pars are different from the defaults of soundgen()?
  defaults = as.character(call('print', args(soundgen)))[2]
  defaults = substr(defaults, 11, (nchar(defaults) - 12))
  defaults = paste0('list(', defaults, ')')
  defaults = eval(parse(text = defaults))
  # NB: defaults = as.list(args(soundgen)) produces list elements of type "call" :((
  # exclude booleans
  defaults = defaults[!names(defaults) %in% c('plot', 'play', 'savePath', 'invalidArgAction')]

  notDefaultIdx_formula1 = notDefaultIdx_formula2 = NA
  if (length(formula1) > 0) {
    notDefaultIdx_formula1 = which(apply(matrix(1:length(formula1)), 1, function(x) {
      identical(formula1[[x]], defaults[[names(formula1)[x]]]) == FALSE
  if (length(formula2) > 0) {
    notDefaultIdx_formula2 = which(apply(matrix(1:length(formula2)), 1, function(x) {
      identical(formula2[[x]], defaults[[names(formula2)[x]]]) == FALSE

  # these pars have to be morphed:
  notDefaultNames = unique(c(names(formula1)[notDefaultIdx_formula1],
  notDefaultNames1 = names(formula1) [names(formula1) %in% notDefaultNames]
  notDefaultNames2 = names(formula2) [names(formula2) %in% notDefaultNames]

  # set up two formulas that contain the same number of pars, fill in with
  # specified values or, for values that are not specified, with defaults
  f1 = f2 = defaults[notDefaultNames]
  f1[notDefaultNames1] = formula1[match(notDefaultNames1, names(formula1))]
  f2[notDefaultNames2] = formula2[match(notDefaultNames2, names(formula2))]
  f2 = f2[match(names(f1), names(f2))]

    # fill in formant stuff if it is missing for one sound but defined for the other
    # b/c defaults contain formants in c() form, repeat:
    if (!is.null(f1$formants)) {  # otherwise drops NULL completely
      f1$formants = reformatFormants(f1$formants)
    if (!is.null(f2$formants)) {
      f2$formants = reformatFormants(f2$formants)

    if ((!is.list(f1$formants) & is.list(f2$formants)) |
        (is.list(f1$formants) & !is.list(f2$formants))) {
      stop(paste('Specify formants either for both formulas or for neither'))

    if ((!is.list(f1$formantsNoise) & is.list(f2$formantsNoise)) |
        (is.list(f1$formantsNoise) & !is.list(f2$formantsNoise))) {
      stop(paste('Specify formantsNoise either for both formulas or for neither'))

    if ((any(is.na(unlist(f1$formants))) & !any(is.na(unlist(f2$formants)))) |
        (!any(is.na(unlist(f1$formants))) & any(is.na(unlist(f2$formants))))) {
      stop(paste('All formant amplitudes and bandwidths should be either left default',
                 'or fully specified in both formulas, not a mix'))

    if ((any(is.na(unlist(f1$formantsNoise))) & !any(is.na(unlist(f2$formantsNoise)))) |
        (!any(is.na(unlist(f1$formantsNoise))) & any(is.na(unlist(f2$formantsNoise))))) {
      stop(paste('All formantsNoise amplitudes and bandwidths should be either left default',
                 'or fully specified in both formulas, not a mix'))

  # NULL noise means these anchors should be set to the default -dynamicRange
  if ('noise' %in% notDefaultNames) {
    if (!is.numeric(f1$noise)) {
      f1$noise = reformatAnchors(-defaults$dynamicRange)
    if (!is.numeric(f2$noise)) {
      f2$noise = reformatAnchors(-defaults$dynamicRange)

  # log-transform pitch and formant frequencies before morphing
  if ('pitch' %in% names(f1)) {
    if (is.numeric(f1$pitch$value)) f1$pitch$value = log(f1$pitch$value)
    if (is.numeric(f2$pitch$value)) f2$pitch$value = log(f2$pitch$value)
  if ('formants' %in% names(f1)) {
    for (l in 1:length(f1$formants)) {
      if (is.numeric(f1$formants[[l]]$freq)) {
        f1$formants[[l]]$freq = log(f1$formants[[l]]$freq)
    for (l in 1:length(f2$formants)) {
      if (is.numeric(f2$formants[[l]]$freq)) {
        f2$formants[[l]]$freq = log(f2$formants[[l]]$freq)

  if ('formantsNoise' %in% names(f1)) {
    for (l in 1:length(f1$formantsNoise)) {
      if (is.numeric(f1$formantsNoise[[l]]$freq)) {
        f1$formantsNoise[[l]]$freq = log(f1$formantsNoise[[l]]$freq)
    for (l in 1:length(f2$formantsNoise)) {
      if (is.numeric(f2$formantsNoise[[l]]$freq)) {
        f2$formantsNoise[[l]]$freq = log(f2$formantsNoise[[l]]$freq)

  # expand attackLen
  if (length(formula1$attackLen) == 2 & length(formula2$attackLen) < 2) {
    formula2$attackLen = rep(formula2$attackLen, 2)
  if (length(formula2$attackLen) == 2 & length(formula1$attackLen) < 2) {
    formula1$attackLen = rep(formula1$attackLen, 2)

  # expand vectorized pars, if any, to anchors
  for (i in 1:length(f1)) {
    if (is.numeric(f1[[i]]) & is.numeric(f2[[i]])) {
      if (length(f1[[i]]) > 1 | length(f2[[i]]) > 1) {
        f1[[i]] = reformatAnchors(f1[[i]])
        f2[[i]] = reformatAnchors(f2[[i]])

  # f1 and f2 are now fully prepared: two target formulas,
  # both of the same length, including the same pars, in the same order

  m = f1
  formulas = rep(list(f1), nMorphs)
  sounds = list()
  for (p in 1:length(f1)) {
    # morph each element of the formula list according to its type
    if (is.numeric(f1[[p]])) {
      m[[p]] = seq(f1[[p]], f2[[p]], length.out = nMorphs)
    } else if (names(f1[p]) %in% c('formants', 'formantsNoise')) {
      m[[p]] = morphList(f1[[p]], f2[[p]], nMorphs = nMorphs)
    } else {
      m[[p]] = morphDF(f1[[p]], f2[[p]], nMorphs = nMorphs)
    # a convoluted way of saving the output of morphFormants() in appropriate
    # slots in the output list
    for (h in 1:nMorphs) {
      formulas[[h]] [[p]] = m[[p]] [[h]]

  # exponentiate pitch and formant frequencies after morphing
  if ('pitch' %in% names(f1)) {
    for (h in 1:nMorphs) {
      if (is.numeric(formulas[[h]]$pitch$value)) {
        formulas[[h]]$pitch$value = exp(formulas[[h]]$pitch$value)
  if ('formants' %in% names(f1)) {
    for (h in 1:nMorphs) {
      for (l in 1:length(f1$formants)) {
        if (is.numeric(formulas[[h]]$formants[[l]]$freq)) {
          formulas[[h]]$formants[[l]]$freq =
  if ('formantsNoise' %in% names(f1)) {
    for (h in 1:nMorphs) {
      for (l in 1:length(f1$formantsNoise)) {
        if (is.numeric(formulas[[h]]$formantsNoise[[l]]$freq)) {
          formulas[[h]]$formantsNoise[[l]]$freq =

  # generate the morphs based on the formulas
  for (h in 1:nMorphs) {
    sounds[[h]] = do.call(soundgen, formulas[[h]])
    if (playMorphs) playme(sounds[[h]], samplingRate = samplingRate)
    if (!is.na(savePath)){
      filename = paste0(savePath, 'morph_', h, '.wav')
      seewave::savewav(sounds[[h]], f = samplingRate, filename = filename)
  return(list(formulas = formulas, sounds = sounds))

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soundgen documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:29 a.m.