
Defines functions spMisalignLM

Documented in spMisalignLM

spMisalignLM <- function(formula, data = parent.frame(), coords,
                       starting, tuning, priors, cov.model,
                       amcmc, n.samples,
                       verbose=TRUE, n.report=100, ...){

  ##Check for unused args
  formal.args <- names(formals(sys.function(sys.parent())))
  elip.args <- names(list(...))
  for(i in elip.args){
    if(! i %in% formal.args)
      warning("'",i, "' is not an argument")

  if(missing(formula)){stop("error: formula must be specified")}
  if(is.list(formula) && is.list(coords)){

    if(length(formula) != length(coords)){
      stop("error: formula and coords are misspecified")
    mod.dat <- mkMisalignYX(formula, data)
    Y <- mod.dat[[1]]
    X <- mod.dat[[2]]
    misalign.n <- mod.dat[[3]]
    misalign.p <- mod.dat[[4]]
    x.names <- mod.dat[[5]]
    m <- length(formula)

    storage.mode(misalign.n) <- "integer"
    storage.mode(misalign.p) <- "integer"
    stop("error: formula is misspecified")
  p <- ncol(X)
  n <- nrow(X)
  n.ltr <- m*(m+1)/2
  ##make sure storage mode is correct
  storage.mode(Y) <- "double"
  storage.mode(X) <- "double"
  storage.mode(m) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(p) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(n) <- "integer"

  ##sampling method
  n.batch <- 0
  batch.length <- 0
  accept.rate <- 0
  is.amcmc <- TRUE
    if(missing(n.samples)){stop("error: n.samples needs to be specified")}
    n.batch <- n.samples
    batch.length <- 1
    is.amcmc <- FALSE
    names(amcmc) <- tolower(names(amcmc))
    if(!"n.batch" %in% names(amcmc)){stop("error: n.batch must be specified in amcmc list")}
    n.batch <- amcmc[["n.batch"]]
    if(!"batch.length" %in% names(amcmc)){stop("error: batch.length must be specified in amcmc list")}
    batch.length <- amcmc[["batch.length"]]

    if(!"accept.rate" %in% names(amcmc)){
      warning("accept.rate was not specified in the amcmc list and was therefore set to the default 0.43")
      accept.rate <- 0.43
      accept.rate <- amcmc[["accept.rate"]]


  storage.mode(is.amcmc) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(n.batch) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(batch.length) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(accept.rate) <- "double"
  ##Distance matrices
  if(missing(coords)){stop("error: coords must be specified")}
  coords <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind, coords))
  if(ncol(coords) != 2 || nrow(coords) != n){
    stop("error: either the coords have more than two columns or then number of rows is different than
          data used in the model formula")
  coords.D <- iDist(coords)
  storage.mode(coords.D) <- "double"
  ##Covariance model
  if(missing(cov.model)){stop("error: cov.model must be specified")}
    {stop("error: specified cov.model '",cov.model,"' is not a valid option; choose, from gaussian, exponential, matern, spherical.")}

  beta.Norm <- 0
  #beta.prior <- "flat"
  K.prior <- 0
  K.prior.name <- 0
  Psi.prior <- 0
  nu.Unif <- 0
  phi.Unif <- 0
  ##nugget <- FALSE
  if(missing(priors)) {stop("error: prior list for the parameters must be specified")}
  names(priors) <- tolower(names(priors))
  if("beta.norm" %in% names(priors)){
    warning("beta.norm prior is not yet implemented. Switching to beta flat")
  beta.prior <- "flat"
  ## if("beta.norm" %in% names(priors)){
  ##   beta.Norm <- priors[["beta.norm"]]
  ##   if(!is.list(beta.Norm) || length(beta.Norm) != 2){stop("error: beta.Norm must be a list of length 2")}
  ##   if(length(beta.Norm[[1]]) != p){stop(paste("error: beta.Norm[[1]] must be a vector of length, ",p, "",sep=""))}
  ##   if(length(beta.Norm[[2]]) != p^2){stop(paste("error: beta.Norm[[2]] must be a ",p,"x",p," covariance matrix",sep=""))}
  ##   beta.prior <- "normal"
  ## }
  if("k.iw" %in% names(priors)){
    K.prior <- priors[["k.iw"]]
    if(!is.list(K.prior) || length(K.prior) != 2){stop("error: K.IW must be a list of length 2")}
    if(length(K.prior[[1]]) != 1){stop("error: K.IW[[1]] must be of length 1 (i.e., the IW df hyperparameter)")}   
    if(length(K.prior[[2]]) != m^2){stop(paste("error: K.IW[[2]] must be a vector or matrix of length, ",m^2, ", (i.e., the IW scale matrix hyperparameter)",sep=""))}
    K.prior.name <- "IW"
  }else if("a.norm" %in% names(priors)){
    K.prior <- priors[["a.norm"]]
    if(!is.list(K.prior) || length(K.prior) != 2){stop("error: A.Norm must be a list of length 2")}
    if(length(K.prior[[1]]) != n.ltr){stop(paste("error: A.Norm[[1]] must be a vector of length, ",n.ltr, "",sep=""))}
    if(length(K.prior[[2]]) != n.ltr){stop(paste("error: A.Norm[[2]] must be a vector of length, ",n.ltr, "",sep=""))}
    K.prior.name <- "normal"
    stop("error: a valid prior for K or A must be specified")

  if(!"psi.ig" %in% names(priors)){
    stop("error: psi.ig prior must be specified. The no nugget model is not yet implemented.")
  if("psi.ig" %in% names(priors)){
    Psi.prior <- priors[["psi.ig"]]
    if(!is.list(Psi.prior) || length(Psi.prior) != 2){stop("error: Psi.IG must be a list of length 2")}
    if(length(Psi.prior[[1]]) != m){stop(paste("error: Psi.IG[[1]] must be a vector of length, ",m, "",sep=""))}
    if(length(Psi.prior[[2]]) != m){stop(paste("error: Psi.IG[[2]] must be a vector of length, ",m, "",sep=""))}
    nugget <- TRUE
  if(!"phi.unif" %in% names(priors)){stop("error: phi.Unif must be specified")}
  phi.Unif <- priors[["phi.unif"]]
  if(!is.list(phi.Unif) || length(phi.Unif) != 2){stop("error: phi.Unif must be a list of length 2")}
  if(length(phi.Unif[[1]]) != m){stop(paste("error: phi.Unif[[1]] must be a vector of length, ",m, "",sep=""))}
  if(length(phi.Unif[[2]]) != m){stop(paste("error: phi.Unif[[2]] must be a vector of length, ",m, "",sep=""))}
  if(any(phi.Unif[[2]]-phi.Unif[[1]] <= 0)){stop("error: phi.Unif has zero support")}
  phi.Unif <- as.vector(t(cbind(phi.Unif[[1]],phi.Unif[[2]])))
  if(cov.model == "matern"){
    if(!"nu.unif" %in% names(priors)){stop("error: nu.Unif must be specified")}
    nu.Unif <- priors[["nu.unif"]]
    if(!is.list(nu.Unif) || length(nu.Unif) != 2){stop("error: nu.Unif must be a list of length 2")}
    if(length(nu.Unif[[1]]) != m){stop(paste("error: nu.Unif[[1]] must be a vector of length, ",m, "",sep=""))}
    if(length(nu.Unif[[2]]) != m){stop(paste("error: nu.Unif[[2]] must be a vector of length, ",m, "",sep=""))}
    if(any(nu.Unif[[2]]-nu.Unif[[1]] <= 0)){stop("error: nu.Unif has zero support")}
    nu.Unif <- as.vector(t(cbind(nu.Unif[[1]],nu.Unif[[2]])))
  storage.mode(K.prior[[1]]) <- "double"; storage.mode(K.prior[[2]]) <- "double"
    storage.mode(Psi.prior[[1]]) <- "double"; storage.mode(Psi.prior[[2]]) <- "double"
  storage.mode(nu.Unif) <- "double"
  storage.mode(phi.Unif) <- "double"
  storage.mode(nugget) <- "integer"
  ##Starting values
  beta.starting <- 0
  A.starting <- 0
  Psi.starting <- 0
  phi.starting <- 0
  nu.starting <- 0
  if(missing(starting)){stop("error: starting value list for the parameters must be specified")}
  names(starting) <- tolower(names(starting))   
  if(!"a" %in% names(starting)){stop("error: A must be specified in starting")}
  A.starting <- starting[["a"]]
  if(length(A.starting) != n.ltr){stop(paste("error: A must be of length ",n.ltr," in starting value list",sep=""))}

    if(!"psi" %in% names(starting)){stop("error: Psi is specified as diagonal so Psi must be specified in starting value list")}
    Psi.starting <- as.vector(starting[["psi"]])
    if(length(Psi.starting) != m){stop(paste("error: Psi is specified as diagonal so Psi must be of length ",m," in starting value list",sep=""))}
  if(!"phi" %in% names(starting)){stop("error: phi must be specified in starting")}
  phi.starting <- starting[["phi"]]
  if(length(phi.starting) != m){stop(paste("error: phi must be of length ",m," in starting value list",sep=""))}
  if(cov.model == "matern"){
    if(!"nu" %in% names(starting)){stop("error: nu must be specified in starting")}
    nu.starting <- starting[["nu"]]
    if(length(nu.starting) != m){stop(paste("error: nu must be of length ",m," in starting value list",sep=""))}

  storage.mode(beta.starting) <- "double"
  storage.mode(phi.starting) <- "double"
  storage.mode(A.starting) <- "double"
  storage.mode(Psi.starting) <- "double"
  storage.mode(nu.starting) <- "double"
  ##Tuning values
  phi.tuning <- 0
  A.tuning <- 0
  Psi.tuning <- 0
  nu.tuning <- 0
  if(missing(tuning)){stop("error: tuning value vector for the spatial parameters must be specified")}
  names(tuning) <- tolower(names(tuning))
  if(!"a" %in% names(tuning)){stop("error: A must be specified in tuning value list")}
  A.tuning <- as.vector(tuning[["a"]])
  if(length(A.tuning) != n.ltr){stop(paste("error: A must be of length ",n.ltr," in tuning value list",sep=""))}
    if(!"psi" %in% names(tuning)){stop("error: Psi is specified as diagonal so Psi must be specified in tuning value list")}
    Psi.tuning <- as.vector(tuning[["psi"]])
    if(length(Psi.tuning) != m){stop(paste("error: Psi is specified as diagonal so Psi must be of length ",m," in tuning value list",sep=""))}
  if(!"phi" %in% names(tuning)){stop("error: phi must be specified in tuning value list")}
  phi.tuning <- tuning[["phi"]]
  if(length(phi.tuning) != m){stop(paste("error: phi must be of length ",m," in tuning value list",sep=""))}
  if(cov.model == "matern"){
    if(!"nu" %in% names(tuning)){stop("error: nu must be specified in tuning value list")}
    nu.tuning <- tuning[["nu"]]
    if(length(nu.tuning) != m){stop(paste("error: nu must be of length ",m," in tuning value list",sep=""))}
  storage.mode(phi.tuning) <- "double"
  storage.mode(A.tuning) <- "double"
  storage.mode(Psi.tuning) <- "double"
  storage.mode(nu.tuning) <- "double"

  ##Other stuff
  storage.mode(n.report) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(verbose) <- "integer"
  ##Pack it up and off it goes
  ptm <- proc.time()

  out <- .Call("spMisalign", Y, X, misalign.p, misalign.n, m, coords.D,
               beta.prior, beta.Norm,
               K.prior, K.prior.name,
               nu.Unif, phi.Unif,
               phi.starting, A.starting, Psi.starting, nu.starting, 
               phi.tuning, A.tuning, Psi.tuning, nu.tuning,
               nugget, cov.model, is.amcmc, n.batch, batch.length, accept.rate, verbose, n.report)

  run.time <- proc.time() - ptm

  out$p.theta.samples <- mcmc(t(out$p.theta.samples))

  col.names <- rep("null",ncol(out$p.theta.samples))
  if(!nugget && cov.model != "matern"){
    col.names <- c(rep("K",n.ltr), paste("phi[",1:m,"]",sep=""))
  }else if(nugget && cov.model != "matern"){
    col.names <- c(rep("K",n.ltr), rep("Psi",m), paste("phi[",1:m,"]",sep=""))
  }else if(!nugget && cov.model == "matern"){
    col.names <- c(rep("K",n.ltr), paste("phi[",1:m,"]",sep=""), paste("nu[",1:m,"]",sep=""))
    col.names<- c(rep("K",n.ltr), rep("Psi",m), paste("phi[",1:m,"]",sep=""), paste("nu[",1:m,"]",sep=""))
  colnames(out$p.theta.samples) <- col.names
  AtA <- function(x, m){
    A <- matrix(0, m, m)
    A[lower.tri(A, diag=TRUE)] <- x
    (A%*%t(A))[lower.tri(A, diag=TRUE)]
  K.names <- paste("K[",matrix(apply(cbind(expand.grid(1:m,1:m)), 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse=",")),m,m)[lower.tri(matrix(0,m,m), diag=TRUE)],"]",sep="")
  colnames(out$p.theta.samples)[colnames(out$p.theta.samples)%in%"K"] <- K.names
  out$p.theta.samples[,K.names] <- t(apply(out$p.theta.samples[,K.names,drop=FALSE], 1, AtA, m))
    Psi.names <- paste("Psi[",1:m,",",1:m,"]",sep="")
    colnames(out$p.theta.samples)[colnames(out$p.theta.samples)%in%"Psi"] <- Psi.names

  out$Y <- Y
  out$X <- X
  out$m <- m
  out$misalign.p <- misalign.p
  out$misalign.n <- misalign.n
  out$coords <- coords
  out$cov.model <- cov.model
  out$nugget <- nugget
  out$beta.prior <- beta.prior
  out$beta.Norm <- beta.Norm
  out$x.names <- x.names
  out$run.time <- run.time
  class(out) <- "spMisalignLM"


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