#' Generate trapezoidal regressors.
#' @param onset stimulus onset in seconds.
#' @param duration stimulus duration in seconds.
#' @param trial_type string label for the stimulus.
#' @param mrs_data mrs_data object for timing information.
#' @param tr repetition time.
#' @param Ndyns number of dynamic scans stored, potentially less than Ntrans
#' if block averaging has been performed.
#' @param Ntrans number of dynamic scans acquired.
#' @param rise_t time to reach a plateau from baseline in seconds.
#' @param fall_t time to fall from plateau level back to baseline in seconds.
#' @param exp_fall model an exponential fall instead of linear.
#' @param exp_fall_power exponential fall power.
#' @param smo_sigma standard deviation of Gaussian smoothing kernel in seconds.
#' Set to NULL to disable (default behavior).
#' @param match_tr match the output to the input mrs_data.
#' @param dt timing resolution for internal calculations.
#' @param normalise normalise the response function to have a maximum value of
#' one.
#' @return trapezoidal regressor data frame.
#' @export
gen_trap_reg <- function(onset, duration, trial_type = NULL, mrs_data = NULL,
tr = NULL, Ndyns = NULL, Ntrans = NULL, rise_t = 0,
fall_t = 0, exp_fall = FALSE, exp_fall_power = 1,
smo_sigma = NULL, match_tr = TRUE, dt = 0.01,
normalise = FALSE) {
res <- check_dyn_input(mrs_data, tr, Ndyns, Ntrans)
if (is.null(trial_type)) trial_type <- rep("stim", length(onset))
# check everything is the right length
input_lengths <- c(length(onset), length(duration), length(trial_type))
if (length(unique(input_lengths)) != 1) {
stop("Stim length input error.")
# make a time scale with dt seconds resolution for the duration of the scan
# time
n_trans <- res$Ntrans
TR <- res$tr
n_dyns <- res$Ndyns
t_fine <- seq(from = 0, to = n_trans * TR - TR, by = dt)
end <- onset + duration
stim_frame <- data.frame(onset, end, trial_type)
trial_types <- unique(trial_type)
trial_type_n <- length(trial_types)
if (match_tr) {
empty_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_dyns, ncol = trial_type_n + 1)
} else {
empty_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(t_fine), ncol = trial_type_n + 1)
output_frame <- data.frame(empty_mat)
colnames(output_frame) <- c("time", trial_types)
# time for a 95% reduction
if (exp_fall) lambda <- -fall_t ^ exp_fall_power / log(0.05)
# loop over trial types
for (m in 1:trial_type_n) {
stim_fine <- rep(0, length(t_fine))
stim_bool <- rep(FALSE, length(t_fine))
# filter out the stim of interest
stim_frame_trial <- stim_frame[(stim_frame$trial_type == trial_types[m]),]
# loop over stims of the same trial type
for (n in 1:length(stim_frame_trial$onset)) {
stim_seg <- t_fine > stim_frame$onset[n] & t_fine <= stim_frame$end[n]
stim_bool[stim_seg] <- TRUE
last_val <- 0
for (n in 1:length(stim_fine)) {
if (stim_bool[n]) {
new_val <- last_val + dt / rise_t
} else {
if (exp_fall) {
t <- (-lambda * log(last_val)) ^ (1 / exp_fall_power) + dt
new_val <- exp(-(t ^ exp_fall_power / lambda))
# new_val <- last_val - dt / lambda * last_val ^ 2
# new_val <- last_val - dt / lambda * last_val
} else {
new_val <- last_val - dt / fall_t
if (new_val > 1) new_val <- 1
if (new_val < 0) new_val <- 0
stim_fine[n] <- new_val
last_val <- new_val
if (!is.null(smo_sigma)) {
# generate a 1D Gaussian kernel
gaus_ker <- mmand::gaussianKernel(smo_sigma / dt)
stim_fine <- mmand::morph(stim_fine, gaus_ker, operator = "*",
merge = "sum")
if (normalise) stim_fine <- stim_fine / max(stim_fine)
t_acq <- seq(from = 0, by = TR, length.out = n_trans)
stim_acq <- stats::approx(t_fine, stim_fine, t_acq, method='linear')$y
if (normalise) stim_acq <- stim_acq / max(stim_acq)
# correct for missmatch between n_trans and n_dyns due to temporal averaging
if (n_trans != n_dyns) {
if (n_trans%%n_dyns != 0) stop("Dynamics and transients do not match")
block_size <- n_trans / n_dyns
t_acq <- colMeans(matrix(t_acq, nrow = block_size))
stim_acq <- colMeans(matrix(stim_acq, nrow = block_size))
if (match_tr) {
if (m == 1) output_frame[, 1] <- t_acq
output_frame[, (1 + m)] <- stim_acq
} else {
if (m == 1) output_frame[, 1] <- t_fine
output_frame[, (1 + m)] <- stim_fine
#' Generate BOLD regressors.
#' @param onset stimulus onset in seconds.
#' @param duration stimulus duration in seconds.
#' @param trial_type string label for the stimulus.
#' @param mrs_data mrs_data object for timing information.
#' @param tr repetition time.
#' @param Ndyns number of dynamic scans stored, potentially less than Ntrans
#' if block averaging has been performed.
#' @param Ntrans number of dynamic scans acquired.
#' @param match_tr match the output to the input mrs_data.
#' @param dt timing resolution for internal calculations.
#' @param normalise normalise the response function to have a maximum value of
#' one.
#' @return BOLD regressor data frame.
#' @export
gen_bold_reg <- function(onset, duration = NULL, trial_type = NULL,
mrs_data = NULL, tr = NULL, Ndyns = NULL,
Ntrans = NULL, match_tr = TRUE, dt = 0.1,
normalise = FALSE) {
res <- check_dyn_input(mrs_data, tr, Ndyns, Ntrans)
if (is.null(duration)) duration <- rep(dt, length(onset))
# set the minimum duration to dt * 1.1
min_dur <- dt * 1.1
duration[duration < min_dur] <- min_dur
if (is.null(trial_type)) trial_type <- rep("stim_bold", length(onset))
# check everything is the right length
input_lengths <- c(length(onset), length(duration), length(trial_type))
if (length(unique(input_lengths)) != 1) stop("Stim length input error.")
# make a time scale with dt seconds resolution for the duration of the scan
# time
n_trans <- res$Ntrans
TR <- res$tr
n_dyns <- res$Ndyns
t_fine <- seq(from = 0, to = n_trans * TR, by = dt)
end <- onset + duration
stim_frame <- data.frame(onset, end, trial_type, duration)
trial_types <- unique(trial_type)
trial_type_n <- length(trial_types)
if (match_tr) {
empty_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_dyns, ncol = trial_type_n + 1)
} else {
empty_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(t_fine), ncol = trial_type_n + 1)
output_frame <- data.frame(empty_mat)
colnames(output_frame) <- c("time", trial_types)
resp_fn <- gen_hrf(res_t = dt)$hrf
for (m in 1:trial_type_n) {
stim_fine <- rep(0, length(t_fine))
# filter out the stim of interest
stim_frame_trial <- stim_frame[(stim_frame$trial_type == trial_types[m]),]
for (n in 1:length(stim_frame_trial$onset)) {
index_bool <- t_fine >= stim_frame_trial$onset[n] &
t_fine < stim_frame_trial$end[n]
index <- which(index_bool)
# only use one point if an impulse
if (stim_frame_trial$duration[n] == min_dur) index <- index[1]
stim_fine[index] <- 1
stim_fine <- stats::convolve(stim_fine, rev(resp_fn), type = 'open')
stim_fine <- stim_fine[1:length(t_fine)]
if (normalise) stim_fine <- stim_fine / max(stim_fine)
t_acq <- seq(from = 0, by = TR, length.out = n_trans)
stim_acq <- stats::approx(t_fine, stim_fine, t_acq, method='linear')$y
# if (normalise) stim_acq <- stim_acq / max(stim_acq)
if (n_trans != n_dyns) {
if (n_trans%%n_dyns != 0) stop("Dynamics and transients do not match")
block_size <- n_trans / n_dyns
t_acq <- colMeans(matrix(t_acq, nrow = block_size))
stim_acq <- colMeans(matrix(stim_acq, nrow = block_size))
if (match_tr) {
if (m == 1) output_frame[, 1] <- t_acq
output_frame[, (1 + m)] <- stim_acq
} else {
if (m == 1) output_frame[, 1] <- t_fine
output_frame[, (1 + m)] <- stim_fine
#' Generate regressors by convolving a specified response function with a
#' stimulus.
#' @param onset stimulus onset in seconds.
#' @param duration stimulus duration in seconds.
#' @param trial_type string label for the stimulus.
#' @param mrs_data mrs_data object for timing information.
#' @param tr repetition time.
#' @param Ndyns number of dynamic scans stored, potentially less than Ntrans
#' if block averaging has been performed.
#' @param Ntrans number of dynamic scans acquired.
#' @param resp_fn a data frame specifying the response function to be convolved.
#' @param match_tr match the output to the input mrs_data.
#' @param normalise normalise the response function to have a maximum value of
#' one.
#' @return BOLD regressor data frame.
#' @export
gen_conv_reg <- function(onset, duration = NULL, trial_type = NULL,
mrs_data = NULL, tr = NULL, Ndyns = NULL,
Ntrans = NULL, resp_fn, match_tr = TRUE,
normalise = FALSE) {
res <- check_dyn_input(mrs_data, tr, Ndyns, Ntrans)
dt <- resp_fn[2, 1] - resp_fn[1, 1]
if (is.null(duration)) duration <- rep(0, length(onset))
# set the minimum duration to dt * 1.1
min_dur <- dt * 1.1
duration[duration < min_dur] <- min_dur
if (is.null(trial_type)) trial_type <- rep("stim_conv", length(onset))
# check everything is the right length
input_lengths <- c(length(onset), length(duration), length(trial_type))
if (length(unique(input_lengths)) != 1) {
stop("Stim length input error.")
# make a time scale with dt seconds resolution for the duration of the scan
# time
n_trans <- res$Ntrans
TR <- res$tr
n_dyns <- res$Ndyns
t_fine <- seq(from = 0, to = n_trans * TR, by = dt)
end <- onset + duration
stim_frame <- data.frame(onset, end, trial_type, duration)
trial_types <- unique(trial_type)
trial_type_n <- length(trial_types)
if (match_tr) {
empty_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_dyns, ncol = trial_type_n + 1)
} else {
empty_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(t_fine), ncol = trial_type_n + 1)
output_frame <- data.frame(empty_mat)
colnames(output_frame) <- c("time", trial_types)
resp_fn <- resp_fn[,2]
for (m in 1:trial_type_n) {
stim_fine <- rep(0, length(t_fine))
# filter out the stim of interest
stim_frame_trial <- stim_frame[(stim_frame$trial_type == trial_types[m]),]
for (n in 1:length(stim_frame_trial$onset)) {
index_bool <- t_fine >= stim_frame_trial$onset[n] &
t_fine < stim_frame_trial$end[n]
index <- which(index_bool)
# only use one point if an impulse
if (stim_frame_trial$duration[n] == min_dur) index <- index[1]
stim_fine[index] <- 1
stim_fine <- stats::convolve(stim_fine, rev(resp_fn), type = 'open')
stim_fine <- stim_fine[1:length(t_fine)]
if (normalise) stim_fine <- stim_fine / max(stim_fine)
t_acq <- seq(from = 0, by = TR, length.out = n_trans)
stim_acq <- stats::approx(t_fine, stim_fine, t_acq, method='linear')$y
# if (normalise) stim_acq <- stim_acq / max(stim_acq)
if (n_trans != n_dyns) {
if (n_trans%%n_dyns != 0) stop("Dynamics and transients do not match")
block_size <- n_trans / n_dyns
t_acq <- colMeans(matrix(t_acq, nrow = block_size))
stim_acq <- colMeans(matrix(stim_acq, nrow = block_size))
if (match_tr) {
if (m == 1) output_frame[, 1] <- t_acq
output_frame[, (1 + m)] <- stim_acq
} else {
if (m == 1) output_frame[, 1] <- t_fine
output_frame[, (1 + m)] <- stim_fine
#' Generate impulse regressors.
#' @param onset stimulus onset in seconds.
#' @param trial_type string label for the stimulus.
#' @param mrs_data mrs_data object for timing information.
#' @param tr repetition time.
#' @param Ndyns number of dynamic scans stored, potentially less than Ntrans
#' if block averaging has been performed.
#' @param Ntrans number of dynamic scans acquired.
#' @return impulse regressors data frame.
#' @export
gen_impulse_reg <- function(onset, trial_type = NULL, mrs_data = NULL,
tr = NULL, Ndyns = NULL, Ntrans = NULL) {
time <- dyn_acq_times(mrs_data, tr, Ndyns, Ntrans)
if (is.null(trial_type)) trial_type <- rep("stim_imp", length(onset))
trial_types <- unique(trial_type)
trial_type_n <- length(trial_types)
stim_frame <- data.frame(onset, trial_type)
n_dyns <- length(time)
empty_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_dyns, ncol = trial_type_n)
output_frame <- data.frame(empty_mat)
colnames(output_frame) <- c(trial_types)
for (m in 1:trial_type_n) {
stim <- rep(0, length(time))
stim_frame_trial <- stim_frame[(stim_frame$trial_type == trial_types[m]),]
for (n in 1:length(stim_frame_trial$onset)) {
ind <- which.min(Mod(time - stim_frame_trial$onset[n]))
stim[ind] <- 1
if (Mod(stim_frame_trial$onset[n] - time[ind]) > 0.01) {
warning("onset and output impulse differ by more than 10 ms")
output_frame[, m] <- stim
output_frame <- cbind(time, output_frame)
#' Generate baseline regressor.
#' @param mrs_data mrs_data object for timing information.
#' @param tr repetition time.
#' @param Ndyns number of dynamic scans stored, potentially less than Ntrans
#' if block averaging has been performed.
#' @param Ntrans number of dynamic scans acquired.
#' @return a single baseline regressor with value of 1.
#' @export
gen_baseline_reg <- function(mrs_data = NULL, tr = NULL, Ndyns = NULL,
Ntrans = NULL) {
time <- dyn_acq_times(mrs_data, tr, Ndyns, Ntrans)
reg_df <- data.frame(time = time, baseline = rep(1, length(t)))
#' Generate polynomial regressors.
#' @param degree the degree of the polynomial.
#' @param mrs_data mrs_data object for timing information.
#' @param tr repetition time.
#' @param Ndyns number of dynamic scans stored, potentially less than Ntrans
#' if block averaging has been performed.
#' @param Ntrans number of dynamic scans acquired.
#' @return polynomial regressors.
#' @export
gen_poly_reg <- function(degree, mrs_data = NULL, tr = NULL, Ndyns = NULL,
Ntrans = NULL) {
time <- dyn_acq_times(mrs_data, tr, Ndyns, Ntrans)
poly_mat <- stats::poly(time, degree)
scale_vals <- apply(Mod(poly_mat), 2, max)
poly_mat <- scale(poly_mat, center = FALSE, scale = scale_vals)
reg_df <- data.frame(time = time, poly = poly_mat)
colnames(reg_df) <- gsub("\\.", "_", colnames(reg_df)) # dots in names = bad
if (degree == 1) colnames(reg_df) <- c("time", "poly_1")
# gen double gamma model of hrf (as used in SPM) with 10ms resolution
gen_hrf <- function(end_t = 30, res_t = 0.01) {
t_hrf <- seq(from = 0, to = end_t, by = res_t)
a1 <- 6; a2 <- 16; b1 <- 1; b2 <- 1; c <- 1 / 6
hrf <- t_hrf ^ (a1 - 1) * b1 ^ a1 * exp(-b1 * t_hrf) / gamma(a1) -
c * t_hrf ^ (a2 - 1) * b2 ^ a2 * exp(-b2 * t_hrf) / gamma(a2)
hrf <- hrf / sum(hrf)
return(list(hrf = hrf, t = t_hrf))
#' Perform a GLM analysis of dynamic MRS data in the spectral domain.
#' @param mrs_data single-voxel dynamics MRS data.
#' @param regressor_df a data frame containing temporal regressors to be applied
#' to each spectral datapoint.
#' @param full_output append mrs_data and regressor_df to the output list.
#' @return list of statistical results.
#' @export
glm_spec <- function(mrs_data, regressor_df, full_output = FALSE) {
# warning, any column named time in regressor_df will be removed
# needs to be a FD operation
if (!is_fd(mrs_data)) mrs_data <- td2fd(mrs_data)
mrs_mat <- Re(mrs_data2mat(mrs_data))
regressor_df_in <- regressor_df
# drop the time column if present
regressor_df<- regressor_df[, !names(regressor_df) %in% c("time"),
drop = FALSE]
lm_res_list <- vector("list", ncol(mrs_mat))
for (n in 1:ncol(mrs_mat)) {
# no intercept
lm_res_list[[n]] <- summary(stats::lm(mrs_mat[, n] ~ . + 0, regressor_df))
# with intercept
# lm_res_list[[n]] <- summary(stats::lm(mrs_mat[, n] ~ ., regressor_df))
# extract stats with intercept
# get_glm_stat <- function(x, name) x$coefficients[-1, name, drop = FALSE]
# extract stats no intercept
get_glm_stat <- function(x, name) x$coefficients[, name, drop = FALSE]
beta_weight <-, get_glm_stat,
"Estimate", simplify = FALSE))))
#beta_weight <-, get_glm_stat,
# "t value", simplify = FALSE))))
p_value <-, get_glm_stat,
"Pr(>|t|)", simplify = FALSE))))
row.names(beta_weight) <- NULL
row.names(p_value) <- NULL
ppm_sc <- ppm(mrs_data)
beta_weight <- cbind(ppm = ppm_sc, beta_weight)
p_value_log <- -log10(p_value)
p_value_log[p_value_log > 300] <- 300
p_value <- cbind(ppm = ppm_sc, p_value)
p_value_log <- cbind(ppm = ppm_sc, p_value_log)
p_value_log_mrs <- mat2mrs_data(t(p_value_log[, -1]), fs = fs(mrs_data),
ft = mrs_data$ft, ref = mrs_data$ref,
nuc = mrs_data$nuc, fd = TRUE)
p_value_mrs <- mat2mrs_data(t(p_value[, -1]), fs = fs(mrs_data),
ft = mrs_data$ft, ref = mrs_data$ref,
nuc = mrs_data$nuc, fd = TRUE)
beta_weight_mrs <- mat2mrs_data(t(beta_weight[, -1]), fs = fs(mrs_data),
ft = mrs_data$ft, ref = mrs_data$ref,
nuc = mrs_data$nuc, fd = TRUE)
output_list <- list(beta_weight = beta_weight, p_value = p_value,
p_value_log = p_value_log, p_value_log_mrs = p_value_log_mrs,
p_value_mrs = p_value_mrs, beta_weight_mrs = beta_weight_mrs,
lm_res_list = lm_res_list)
if (full_output) output_list <- c(output_list, list(mrs_data = mrs_data,
regressor_df = regressor_df_in))
#' Calculate the efficiency of a regressor data frame.
#' @param regressor_df input regressor data frame.
#' @param contrasts a vector of contrast values.
#' @export
calc_design_efficiency <- function(regressor_df, contrasts) {
X <- as.matrix(regressor_df[, -1])
eff <- 1 / sum(diag(t(contrasts) %*% ginv(t(X) %*% X) %*% contrasts))
#' Plot regressors as an image.
#' @param regressor_df input regressor data frame.
#' @export
plot_reg <- function(regressor_df) {
time <- regressor_df$time
names <- colnames(regressor_df)[-1]
X <- t(regressor_df[, -1])
graphics::par(mar = c(2.8, 4.3, 1, 1))
graphics::image(y = time, z = X, col = viridisLite::viridis(128),
ylab = "Time (s)", axes = FALSE)
graphics::axis(1, at=seq(0, 1, length = length(names)), labels = names)
#' Append multiple regressor data frames into a single data frame.
#' @param ... input regressor data frames.
#' @return output regressor data frame.
#' @export
append_regs <- function(...) {
df_list <- list(...)
time <- df_list[[1]]$time
df_list_nt <- lapply(df_list, subset, select = -time)
output <-"cbind", df_list_nt)
return(cbind(time, output))
#' Expand a regressor matrix for a group analysis.
#' @param regressor_df input regressor data frame.
#' @param n number of datasets n the group.
#' @export
gen_group_reg <- function(regressor_df, n) {
# remove the time column and convert to a matrix
tr <- regressor_df$time[2] - regressor_df$time[1]
Nreg <- ncol(regressor_df) - 1
offset <- utils::tail(regressor_df$time, 1) + tr
reg_mat <- as.matrix(regressor_df[-1])
reg_mat_group <- kronecker(diag(n), reg_mat)
group_regressor_df <-
time <- rep(regressor_df$time, n) +
rep(offset * (0:(n - 1)), each = nrow(regressor_df))
col_inds <- seq(from = 1, by = Nreg, length.out = n) +
rep(0:(Nreg - 1), each = n)
group_regressor_df <- group_regressor_df[col_inds]
colnames(group_regressor_df) <- paste0(rep(colnames(regressor_df)[-1],
each = n), "_scan_", 1:n)
group_regressor_df <- cbind(time = time, group_regressor_df)
#' Create a BIDS file structure from a vector of MRS data paths or list of
#' mrs_data objects.
#' @param mrs_data vector of MRS data paths or list of mrs_data objects.
#' @param output_dir the base directory to create the BIDS structure.
#' @param suffix optional vector of file suffixes. Default behaviour is to
#' automatically determine these from the input data, however it is recommended
#' that they are specified to allow more efficient skipping of existing data.
#' @param sub optional vector of subject labels. If not specified, these will be
#' automatically generated as a series of increasing zero-padded integer values
#' corresponding to the mrs_data input indices.
#' @param ses optional vector of session labels.
#' @param task optional vector of task labels.
#' @param acq optional vector of acquisition labels.
#' @param nuc optional vector of nucleus labels.
#' @param voi optional vector of volume of interest labels.
#' @param rec optional vector of reconstruction labels.
#' @param run optional vector of run indices.
#' @param echo optional vector of echo time indices.
#' @param inv optional vector of inversion indices.
#' @param skip_existing skip any data files that have already been converted.
#' Defaults to TRUE, set to FALSE to force an overwrite of any existing data
#' files.
#' @export
mrs_data2bids <- function(mrs_data, output_dir, suffix = NULL, sub = NULL,
ses = NULL, task = NULL, acq = NULL, nuc = NULL,
voi = NULL, rec = NULL, run = NULL, echo = NULL,
inv = NULL, skip_existing = TRUE) {
Nscans <- length(mrs_data)
if (!is.null(suffix)) {
if (length(suffix) != Nscans) {
if (length(suffix) == 1) {
suffix <- rep(suffix, Nscans)
} else {
stop("suffix length does not match.")
allowed <- c("svs", "mrsi", "unloc", "mrsref")
wrong <- !(suffix %in% allowed)
if (any(wrong)) stop(paste0("one or more suffix labels are invalid,",
" must be one of 'svs', 'mrsi', 'unloc', 'mrsref'"))
if (is.null(sub)) sub <- auto_pad_seq(1:Nscans)
if (length(sub) != Nscans) stop("sub length does not match.")
if (!is.null(ses)) {
if (length(ses) == 1) ses <- rep(ses, Nscans)
if (length(ses) != Nscans) stop("ses length does not match.")
if (!is.null(acq)) {
if (length(acq) == 1) acq <- rep(acq, Nscans)
if (length(acq) != Nscans) stop("acq length does not match.")
if (!is.null(nuc)) {
if (length(nuc) == 1) nuc <- rep(nuc, Nscans)
if (length(nuc) != Nscans) stop("nuc length does not match.")
if (!is.null(voi)) {
if (length(voi) == 1) voi <- rep(voi, Nscans)
if (length(voi) != Nscans) stop("voi length does not match.")
if (!is.null(rec)) {
if (length(rec) == 1) rec <- rep(rec, Nscans)
if (length(rec) != Nscans) stop("rec length does not match.")
if (!is.null(run)) {
if (length(run) == 1) run <- rep(run, Nscans)
if (length(run) != Nscans) stop("run length does not match.")
run <- as.integer(run)
if (any( stop("non integer run")
if (!is.null(echo)) {
if (length(echo) == 1) echo <- rep(echo, Nscans)
if (length(echo) != Nscans) stop("echo length does not match.")
echo <- as.integer(echo)
if (any( stop("non integer echo")
if (!is.null(inv)) {
if (length(inv) == 1) inv <- rep(inv, Nscans)
if (length(inv) != Nscans) stop("inv length does not match.")
inv <- as.integer(inv)
if (any( stop("non integer inv")
for (n in 1:Nscans) {
sub_lab <- paste0("sub-", sub[n])
if (!is.null(ses)) ses_lab <- paste0("ses-", ses[n])
# generate the directory structure
if (is.null(ses)) {
dir <- file.path(output_dir, sub_lab, "mrs")
} else {
dir <- file.path(output_dir, sub_lab, ses_lab, "mrs")
if (is.character(mrs_data[n])) {
# skip if possible and we already know the suffix
if (skip_existing & !is.null(suffix)) {
# construct the filename
fname <- paste0(sub_lab)
if (!is.null(ses)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_", ses_lab)
if (!is.null(task)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_task-", task[n])
if (!is.null(acq)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_acq-", acq[n])
if (!is.null(nuc)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_nuc-", nuc[n])
if (!is.null(voi)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_voi-", voi[n])
if (!is.null(rec)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_rec-", rec[n])
if (!is.null(run)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_run-", run[n])
if (!is.null(echo)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_echo-", echo[n])
if (!is.null(inv)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_inv-", inv[n])
# suffix
fname_main <- paste0(fname, "_", suffix[n], ".nii.gz")
# construct the full path
full_path_main <- file.path(dir, fname_main)
if (file.exists(full_path_main)) {
cat("Skipping dataset ", n," of ", Nscans, " : ", full_path_main,
"\n", sep = "")
mrs_n <- read_mrs(mrs_data[n])
} else {
mrs_n <- mrs_data[[n]]
if (identical(class(mrs_n), c("list", "mrs_data"))) {
main <- mrs_n$metab
ref <- mrs_n$ref
ref_ecc <- mrs_n$ref_ecc
} else {
main <- mrs_n
ref <- NULL
ref_ecc <- NULL
if (is.null(suffix)) {
voxels <- Nx(main) * Ny(main) * Nz(main)
if (voxels == 1) {
suffix_main <- "svs"
} else {
suffix_main <- "mrsi"
} else {
suffix_main <- suffix[n]
# create the directory
dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
# construct the filename
fname <- paste0(sub_lab)
if (!is.null(ses)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_", ses_lab)
if (!is.null(task)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_task-", task[n])
if (!is.null(acq)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_acq-", acq[n])
if (!is.null(nuc)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_nuc-", nuc[n])
if (!is.null(voi)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_voi-", voi[n])
if (!is.null(rec)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_rec-", rec[n])
if (!is.null(run)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_run-", run[n])
if (!is.null(echo)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_echo-", echo[n])
if (!is.null(inv)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_inv-", inv[n])
# suffix
fname_main <- paste0(fname, "_", suffix_main, ".nii.gz")
# construct the full path
full_path_main <- file.path(dir, fname_main)
if (skip_existing & file.exists(full_path_main)) {
cat("Skipping dataset ", n," of ", Nscans, " : ", full_path_main, "\n",
sep = "")
} else {
cat("Writing dataset ", n," of ", Nscans, " : ", full_path_main, "\n",
sep = "")
# write the data
write_mrs(main, fname = full_path_main, format = "nifti", force = TRUE)
# just one ref file
if (!is.null(ref) & is.null(ref_ecc)) {
fname_ref <- paste0(fname, "_", "mrsref", ".nii.gz")
# construct the full path
full_path_ref <- file.path(dir, fname_ref)
if (skip_existing & file.exists(full_path_ref)) {
cat("Skipping dataset ", n," of ", Nscans, " : ", full_path_ref, "\n",
sep = "")
} else {
cat("Writing dataset ", n," of ", Nscans, " : ", full_path_ref, "\n",
sep = "")
write_mrs(ref, fname = full_path_ref, format = "nifti", force = TRUE)
# both conc and ecc ref files
if (!is.null(ref) & !is.null(ref_ecc)) {
# conc filename
if (is.null(acq)) {
acq_lab <- paste0("_acq-conc")
} else {
acq_lab <- paste0("_acq-", acq[n], "conc")
fname <- paste0(sub_lab)
if (!is.null(ses)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_", ses_lab)
if (!is.null(task)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_task-", task[n])
fname <- paste0(fname, acq_lab)
if (!is.null(nuc)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_nuc-", nuc[n])
if (!is.null(voi)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_voi-", voi[n])
if (!is.null(rec)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_rec-", rec[n])
if (!is.null(run)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_run-", run[n])
if (!is.null(echo)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_echo-", echo[n])
if (!is.null(inv)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_inv-", inv[n])
fname_ref_conc <- paste0(fname, "_", "mrsref", ".nii.gz")
full_path_conc <- file.path(dir, fname_ref_conc)
if (skip_existing & file.exists(full_path_conc)) {
cat("Skipping dataset ", n," of ", Nscans, " : ", full_path_conc, "\n",
sep = "")
} else {
cat("Writing dataset ", n," of ", Nscans, " : ", full_path_conc, "\n",
sep = "")
write_mrs(ref, fname = full_path_conc, format = "nifti", force = TRUE)
# ecc filename
if (is.null(acq)) {
acq_lab <- paste0("_acq-ecc")
} else {
acq_lab <- paste0("_acq-", acq[n], "ecc")
fname <- paste0(sub_lab)
if (!is.null(ses)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_", ses_lab)
if (!is.null(task)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_task-", task[n])
fname <- paste0(fname, acq_lab)
if (!is.null(nuc)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_nuc-", nuc[n])
if (!is.null(voi)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_voi-", voi[n])
if (!is.null(rec)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_rec-", rec[n])
if (!is.null(run)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_run-", run[n])
if (!is.null(echo)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_echo-", echo[n])
if (!is.null(inv)) fname <- paste0(fname, "_inv-", inv[n])
fname_ref_ecc <- paste0(fname, "_", "mrsref", ".nii.gz")
full_path_ecc <- file.path(dir, fname_ref_ecc)
if (skip_existing & file.exists(full_path_ecc)) {
cat("Skipping dataset ", n," of ", Nscans, " : ", full_path_ecc, "\n",
sep = "")
} else {
cat("Writing dataset ", n," of ", Nscans, " : ", full_path_ecc, "\n",
sep = "")
write_mrs(ref_ecc, fname = full_path_ecc, format = "nifti",
force = TRUE)
auto_pad_seq <- function(x, min_pad = 2) {
x_int <- sprintf("%d", x)
pad_n <- max(nchar(x_int))
if (pad_n < min_pad) pad_n <- min_pad
fmt_string <- paste0("%0", pad_n, "d")
return(sprintf(fmt_string, x))
#' Search for MRS data files in a BIDS filesystem structure.
#' @param path path to the directory containing the BIDS structure.
#' @param output_full_path output the full normalised data paths.
#' @return data frame containing full paths and information on each MRS file.
#' @export
find_bids_mrs <- function(path, output_full_path = FALSE) {
# find the "mrs" directories
mrs_dirs <- dir(path, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE, pattern = "mrs$",
full.names = TRUE)
# list all files in "mrs" directories
mrs_paths <- list.files(mrs_dirs, full.names = TRUE)
# remove any .json files
mrs_paths <- grep(".json$", mrs_paths, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if (output_full_path) mrs_paths <- normalizePath(mrs_paths)
mrs_names <- basename(mrs_paths)
mrs_names <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(tools::file_path_sans_ext(mrs_names))
Nscans <- length(mrs_paths)
if (Nscans == 0) stop("No data files were found.")
# create an empty data frame
na_vec <- rep(NA, Nscans)
bids_df <- data.frame(path = mrs_paths, sub = na_vec, ses = na_vec,
task = na_vec, acq = na_vec, nuc = na_vec,
voi = na_vec, rec = na_vec, run = na_vec,
echo = na_vec, inv = na_vec, suffix = na_vec)
# for each scan
for (n in 1:Nscans) {
tags <- strsplit(mrs_names[n], "_")
tags_ul <- unlist(tags)
sub <- grep("sub-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
bids_df$sub[n] <- substring(sub, 5)
ses <- grep("ses-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
if (length(ses) != 0) bids_df$ses[n] <- substring(ses, 5)
task <- grep("task-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
if (length(task) != 0) bids_df$task[n] <- substring(task, 6)
acq <- grep("acq-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
if (length(acq) != 0) bids_df$acq[n] <- substring(acq, 5)
nuc <- grep("nuc-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
if (length(nuc) != 0) bids_df$nuc[n] <- substring(nuc, 5)
voi <- grep("voi-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
if (length(voi) != 0) bids_df$voi[n] <- substring(voi, 5)
rec <- grep("rec-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
if (length(rec) != 0) bid_df$rec[n] <- substring(rec, 5)
run <- grep("run-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
if (length(run) != 0) bids_df$run[n] <- substring(run, 5)
echo <- grep("echo-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
if (length(echo) != 0) bids_df$echo[n] <- substring(echo, 6)
inv <- grep("inv-", tags_ul, value = TRUE)
if (length(inv) != 0) bids_df$inv[n] <- substring(inv, 5)
suffix <- grep("-", tags_ul, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
bids_df$suffix[n] <- suffix
#' Preprocess and perform quality assessment of a single SVS data set.
#' @param path path to the fMRS data file or IMA directory.
#' @param label a label to describe the data set.
#' @param output_dir output directory.
#' @param ref_inds a vector of 1-based indices for any water reference dynamic
#' scans.
#' @export
preproc_svs <- function(path, label = NULL, output_dir = NULL,
ref_inds = NULL) {
# TODO deal with GE style data with wref included in the same file
if (dir.exists(path)) {
mrs_data <- read_ima_dyn_dir(path)
} else {
mrs_data <- read_mrs(path)
if (!is.null(ref_inds)) {
mrs_data <- get_dyns(mrs_data, -ref_inds)
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
output_dir <- getwd()
} else {
if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) dir.create(output_dir)
if (is.null(label)) {
label <- basename(path)
label <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(label)
label <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(label)
# combine coils if needed
if (Ncoils(mrs_data) > 1) mrs_data <- comb_coils_svs_gls(mrs_data)
# if the spectral width exceeds 20 PPM, then it should be ok
# to decimate the signal to improve analysis speed
decimate <- NULL
if (is.null(decimate) & ((fs(mrs_data) / mrs_data$ft * 1e6) > 20)) {
decimate <- TRUE
} else {
decimate <- FALSE
if (decimate) {
metab <- decimate_mrs_fd(mrs_data)
# if (!is.null(w_ref)) w_ref <- decimate_mrs_fd(w_ref)
mrs_rats <- rats(mrs_data, xlim = c(4, 1.9), zero_freq_shift_t0 = TRUE,
ret_corr_only = FALSE)
# perform simple baseline offset corrected based on a noisy spectral region
mrs_rats$corrected <- bc_constant(mrs_rats$corrected, xlim = c(-0.5, -2.5))
mean_mrs <- mean_dyns(mrs_rats$corrected)
# frequency and phase correct the mean spectrum
res <- phase_ref_1h_brain(mean_mrs, ret_corr_only = FALSE)
# apply mean spectrum phase and shift to the single shots
mrs_proc <- phase(mrs_rats$corrected, -as.numeric(res$phases))
mrs_proc <- shift(mrs_proc, -as.numeric(res$shifts), units = "hz")
mrs_uncorr <- phase(mrs_data, -as.numeric(res$phases))
mrs_uncorr <- shift(mrs_uncorr,
-as.numeric(res$shifts) - mean(mrs_rats$shifts),
units = "hz")
mean_uncorr <- mean_dyns(mrs_uncorr)
snr <- as.numeric(calc_spec_snr(mrs_proc))
# single shot SNR
ss_median_snr <- stats::median(snr)
dyn_peak_info <- peak_info(mrs_proc, xlim = c(1.8, 2.2))
lw_ppm <- as.numeric(dyn_peak_info$fwhm_ppm)
tnaa_height <- as.numeric(dyn_peak_info$height)
if (anyNA(lw_ppm)) {
lw_ppm_smo <- rep(NA, length(lw_ppm))
} else {
lw_ppm_smo <- stats::smooth.spline(lw_ppm, spar = 0.8)$y
diag_table <- data.frame(dynamics = 1:length(snr),
time_sec = dyn_acq_times(mrs_data),
shifts_hz = as.numeric(mrs_rats$shifts),
phases = as.numeric(mrs_rats$phases),
snr = snr, lw_ppm = lw_ppm,
lw_ppm_smo = lw_ppm_smo, tnaa_height = tnaa_height)
# scale data to the tCr peak
amp <- spec_op(zf(res$corrected), xlim = c(2.9, 3.1), operator = "max-min")
amp <- as.numeric(amp)
mrs_proc <- scale_mrs_amp(mrs_proc, 1 / amp)
mrs_uncorr <- scale_mrs_amp(mrs_uncorr, 1 / amp)
res$corrected <- scale_mrs_amp(res$corrected, 1 / amp)
mean_uncorr <- scale_mrs_amp(mean_uncorr, 1 / amp)
# mean spec SNR and LW
mean_corr_spec_snr <- calc_spec_snr(res$corrected)
corr_peak_info <- peak_info(res$corrected, xlim = c(1.8, 2.2))
mean_corr_spec_lw <- corr_peak_info$fwhm_ppm
mean_uncorr_spec_snr <- calc_spec_snr(mean_uncorr)
uncorr_peak_info <- peak_info(bc_constant(mean_uncorr,
xlim = c(-0.5, -2.5)),
xlim = c(1.8, 2.2))
mean_uncorr_spec_lw <- uncorr_peak_info$fwhm_ppm
# measure the dynamic fluctuation range
mrs_proc_smoothed <- smooth_dyns(crop_spec(lb(mrs_proc, 5)), 10)
mrs_mean_sub <- sub_mean_dyns(mrs_proc_smoothed)
mrs_mean_sub_bc <- bc_poly(mrs_mean_sub, 2)
dfr <- diff(range(Re(mrs_data2mat(mrs_mean_sub_bc))))
# measure the dynamic lipid fluctuation range
mrs_proc_smoothed_lip <- crop_spec(mrs_proc_smoothed, xlim = c(1.8, 0.4))
mrs_mean_sub <- sub_mean_dyns(mrs_proc_smoothed)
mrs_mean_sub_bc <- bc_poly(mrs_mean_sub, 2)
dlfr <- diff(range(Re(mrs_data2mat(mrs_mean_sub_bc))))
summary_diags <- c(mean_corr_spec_snr = mean_corr_spec_snr,
mean_corr_spec_lw = mean_corr_spec_lw,
mean_uncorr_spec_snr = mean_uncorr_spec_snr,
mean_uncorr_spec_lw = mean_uncorr_spec_lw,
ss_median_spec_snr = ss_median_snr,
lw_ppm_smo_range = diff(range(lw_ppm_smo)),
shift_hz_range = diff(range(diag_table$shifts_hz)),
dfr = dfr, dlfr = dlfr)
res <- list(corrected = mrs_proc, uncorrected = mrs_uncorr,
mean_corr = res$corrected, mean_uncorr = mean_uncorr,
diag_table = diag_table, summary_diags = summary_diags,
mrs_mean_sub = mrs_mean_sub, mrs_mean_sub_bc = mrs_mean_sub_bc)
rmd_file <- system.file("rmd", "single_scan_svs_qa.Rmd",
package = "spant")
rmd_out_f <- file.path(tools::file_path_as_absolute(output_dir), label)
rmarkdown::render(rmd_file, params = list(data = res, label = label),
output_file = rmd_out_f)
#' Preprocess and perform quality assessment of one or more SVS data sets.
#' @param paths paths to the fMRS data file or IMA directory.
#' @param labels labels to describe each data set.
#' @param output_dir output directory.
#' @param exclude_labels vector of labels of scans to exclude, eg poor quality
#' data.
#' @param overwrite overwrite saved results, defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ref_inds a vector of 1-based indices for any water reference dynamic
#' scans.
#' @param return_results function will return key outputs, defaults to FALSE.
#' @export
preproc_svs_dataset <- function(paths, labels = NULL,
output_dir = "spant_analysis",
exclude_labels = NULL, overwrite = FALSE,
ref_inds = NULL, return_results = FALSE) {
# TODO print warning if there are more preprocessed results than input
# paths
if (is.null(labels)) {
labels <- basename(paths)
labels <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(labels)
labels <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(labels)
# lock in factor level order for ggplot output
labels <- factor(labels, levels = labels)
# detect non unique labels and quit if found
if (any(table(labels) > 1)) stop("Labels are non-unique.")
# find the indices of any excluded scans
if (!is.null(exclude_labels)) {
if (any(table(exclude_labels) > 1)) stop("Exclude labels are non-unique.")
N_excl <- length(exclude_labels)
exclude_inds <- rep(NA, N_excl)
for (n in 1:N_excl) {
found_bool <- (labels == exclude_labels[n])
if (sum(found_bool) == 1) exclude_inds[n] <- which(found_bool)
if (anyNA(exclude_inds)) {
stop("Above exclude labels not found.")
# root directory for all analysis results
if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) dir.create(output_dir)
# directory for qa html reports
qa_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "qa")
if (!dir.exists(qa_dir)) dir.create(qa_dir)
# directory for pre-processing results
preproc_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "preproc")
if (!dir.exists(preproc_dir)) dir.create(preproc_dir)
rds_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "preproc", "rds")
if (!dir.exists(rds_dir)) dir.create(rds_dir)
metab_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "preproc", "metab_dyn")
if (!dir.exists(metab_dir)) dir.create(metab_dir)
metab_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "preproc", "metab_av_dyn")
if (!dir.exists(metab_dir)) dir.create(metab_dir)
tot_num <- length(paths)
preproc_res_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = tot_num)
for (n in 1:tot_num) {
cat(c("Processing ", n, " of ", tot_num, " : ",
as.character(labels[n]), "\n"), sep = "")
preproc_rds <- file.path(output_dir, "preproc", "rds",
paste0(labels[n], ".rds"))
if (file.exists(preproc_rds)) {
if (overwrite) {
cat("Overwriting saved results.\n")
} else {
cat("Preprocessing already performed, using saved results.\n")
preproc_res_list[[n]] <- readRDS(preproc_rds)
preproc_res_list[[n]] <- preproc_svs(paths[n], labels[n],
file.path(output_dir, "qa"), ref_inds)
saveRDS(preproc_res_list[[n]], preproc_rds)
# write dynamic MRS data if available
if (Ndyns(preproc_res_list[[n]]$corrected) > 1) {
preproc_metab <- file.path(output_dir, "preproc", "metab_dyn",
paste0(labels[n], ".nii.gz"))
write_mrs(preproc_res_list[[n]]$corrected, preproc_metab, force = TRUE)
# write temporally averaged data
preproc_metab <- file.path(output_dir, "preproc", "metab_av_dyn",
paste0(labels[n], ".nii.gz"))
write_mrs(mean_dyns(preproc_res_list[[n]]$corrected), preproc_metab,
force = TRUE)
} else {
# write temporally averaged data
preproc_metab <- file.path(output_dir, "preproc", "metab_av_dyn",
paste0(labels[n], ".nii.gz"))
write_mrs(preproc_res_list[[n]]$corrected, preproc_metab, force = TRUE)
preproc_summary <- data.frame(t(sapply(preproc_res_list,
(\(x) x$summary_diags))))
preproc_summary <- cbind(labels, preproc_summary)
corrected_list <- lapply(preproc_res_list, \(x) x$corrected)
if (tot_num > 1) {
mean_dataset <- mean_mrs_list(corrected_list)
} else {
mean_dataset <- corrected_list[[1]]
res <- list(res_list = preproc_res_list, summary = preproc_summary,
mean_dataset = mean_dataset, exclude_labels = NULL)
rmd_file <- system.file("rmd", "dataset_summary_svs_qa.Rmd",
package = "spant")
rmd_out_f <- file.path(tools::file_path_as_absolute(output_dir), "qa",
rmarkdown::render(rmd_file, params = list(data = res),
output_file = rmd_out_f)
csv_out_f <- file.path(tools::file_path_as_absolute(output_dir), "qa",
utils::write.csv(preproc_summary, csv_out_f)
if (!is.null(exclude_labels)) {
# exclude unwanted scans
preproc_res_list <- preproc_res_list[-exclude_inds]
preproc_summary <- data.frame(t(sapply(preproc_res_list,
(\(x) x$summary_diags))))
preproc_summary <- cbind(labels = labels[-exclude_inds], preproc_summary)
corrected_list <- lapply(preproc_res_list, \(x) x$corrected)
if (tot_num > 1) {
mean_dataset <- mean_mrs_list(corrected_list)
} else {
mean_dataset <- corrected_list
res <- list(res_list = preproc_res_list, summary = preproc_summary,
mean_dataset = mean_dataset, exclude_labels = exclude_labels)
rmd_file <- system.file("rmd", "dataset_summary_svs_qa.Rmd",
package = "spant")
rmd_out_f <- file.path(tools::file_path_as_absolute(output_dir), "qa",
rmarkdown::render(rmd_file, params = list(data = res),
output_file = rmd_out_f)
csv_out_f <- file.path(tools::file_path_as_absolute(output_dir), "qa",
utils::write.csv(preproc_summary, csv_out_f)
if (return_results) return(list(preproc_metab_list = corrected_list,
preproc_metab_mean = mean_dataset))
#' Perform first-level spectral GLM analysis of an fMRS dataset.
#' @param regressor_df a data frame containing temporal regressors to be applied
#' to each spectral datapoint.
#' @param analysis_dir directory containing preprocessed data generated by
#' the preproc_svs_dataset function.
#' @param exclude_labels vector of labels of scans to exclude, eg poor quality
#' data.
#' @param labels labels to describe each data set.
#' @param xlim spectral range to include in the analysis.
#' @param vline vertical lines to add to the plot.
#' @param return_results function will return key outputs, defaults to FALSE.
#' @export
glm_spec_fmrs_fl <- function(regressor_df, analysis_dir = "spant_analysis",
exclude_labels = NULL, labels = NULL,
xlim = c(4, 0.2),
vline = c(1.35, 1.28, 2.35, 2.29),
return_results = FALSE) {
# TODO add optional arguments for datasets to preserve original
# ordering if needed
# check preproc_dir exists
if (!dir.exists(analysis_dir)) stop("analysis_dir not found.")
if (is.null(labels)) {
# discover data labels from file names
labels <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(dir(file.path(analysis_dir,
# detect non unique labels and quit if found
if (any(table(labels) > 1)) stop("Labels are non-unique.")
# remove any excluded labels
if (!is.null(exclude_labels)) {
if (any(table(exclude_labels) > 1)) stop("Exclude labels are non-unique.")
N_excl <- length(exclude_labels)
exclude_inds <- rep(NA, N_excl)
for (n in 1:N_excl) {
found_bool <- (labels == exclude_labels[n])
if (sum(found_bool) == 1) exclude_inds[n] <- which(found_bool)
if (anyNA(exclude_inds)) {
stop("Above exclude labels not found.")
labels <- labels[-exclude_inds]
# directory for spec glm html reports
spec_glm_dir <- file.path(analysis_dir, "spec_glm", "first_level")
if (!dir.exists(spec_glm_dir)) dir.create(spec_glm_dir, recursive = TRUE)
# directory for processed spectra
spec_glm_mrs_dir <- file.path(analysis_dir, "spec_glm", "proc_fmrs")
if (!dir.exists(spec_glm_mrs_dir)) dir.create(spec_glm_mrs_dir)
# read preprocessed results
Nscans <- length(labels)
preproc_res_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = Nscans)
for (n in 1:Nscans) {
cat(c("Reading ", n, " of ", Nscans, " : ",
as.character(labels[n]), "\n"), sep = "")
preproc_path <- file.path(analysis_dir, "preproc", "rds",
paste0(labels[n], ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(preproc_path)) stop("Preprocessing result not found.")
preproc_res_list[[n]] <- readRDS(preproc_path)
# run glm spec on each result separately
glm_spec_res_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = Nscans)
for (n in 1:Nscans) {
mrs_data_glm <- preproc_res_list[[n]]$corrected
glm_spec_res_list[[n]] <- gen_glm_spec_report(mrs_data_glm, regressor_df,
labels[n], analysis_dir, xlim,
# write processed data
preproc_metab <- file.path(spec_glm_mrs_dir, paste0(labels[n], ".nii.gz"))
write_mrs(glm_spec_res_list[[n]]$mrs_data, preproc_metab,
force = TRUE)
# extract just the corrected data
corrected_list <- lapply(preproc_res_list, \(x) x$corrected)
# calculate the mean spectrum
if (Nscans > 1) {
mean_dataset <- mean_mrs_list(corrected_list)
} else {
mean_dataset <- corrected_list[[1]]
# run glm spec on the mean dataset
glm_spec_mean_res <- gen_glm_spec_report(mean_dataset, regressor_df,
"dataset_mean", analysis_dir,
xlim, vline, exclude_labels)
if (return_results) {
return(list(indiv_res = glm_spec_res_list, mean_res = glm_spec_mean_res))
gen_glm_spec_report <- function(mrs_data, regressor_df, label, analysis_dir,
xlim, vline, exclude_labels = NULL) {
# process the data
mrs_data_glm <- lb(mrs_data, 3)
mrs_data_glm <- zf(mrs_data_glm)
mrs_data_glm <- crop_spec(mrs_data_glm, xlim = xlim)
# mrs_data_glm <- bc_poly(mrs_data_glm, 1)
mrs_data_plot <- zf(mean_dyns(mrs_data))
# write the processed spectra
# regress
glm_spec_res <- glm_spec(mrs_data_glm, regressor_df, full_output = TRUE)
# write output
rmd_file <- system.file("rmd", "spec_glm_results.Rmd", package = "spant")
rmd_out_f <- file.path(tools::file_path_as_absolute(analysis_dir), "spec_glm",
"first_level", label)
rmarkdown::render(rmd_file, params = list(data = glm_spec_res,
regressor_df = regressor_df, label = label,
mrs_data_plot = mrs_data_plot, xlim = xlim, vline = vline,
exclude_labels = exclude_labels),
output_file = rmd_out_f)
# Doesn't work...
# glm_spec_group_analysis <- function(glm_spec_dataset) {
# Nreg <- ncol(glm_spec_dataset[[1]]$beta_weight) - 1
# Npts <- nrow(glm_spec_dataset[[1]]$beta_weight)
# out_colnames <- colnames(glm_spec_dataset[[1]]$beta_weight)
# ppm_sc <- glm_spec_dataset[[1]]$beta_weight$ppm
# mrs_data <- glm_spec_dataset[[1]]$beta_weight_mrs
# get_betas <- function(x, n) x$beta_weight[, n + 1]
# get_p_val <- function(x) x$p.value
# get_beta_mean <- function(x) x$estimate
# p_value <- matrix(nrow = Npts, ncol = Nreg)
# beta_mean <- matrix(nrow = Npts, ncol = Nreg)
# for (n in 1:Nreg) {
# betas <- lapply(glm_spec_dataset, get_betas, n = n)
# betas <-, betas)
# stat_res <- apply(betas, 2, stats::t.test)
# p_value[, n] <- sapply(stat_res, get_p_val)
# beta_mean[, n] <- sapply(stat_res, get_beta_mean)
# }
# beta_mean <-
# p_value <-
# p_value_log <- -log10(p_value)
# beta_mean <- cbind(ppm = ppm_sc, beta_mean)
# p_value <- cbind(ppm = ppm_sc, p_value)
# p_value_log <- cbind(ppm = ppm_sc, p_value_log)
# colnames(beta_mean) <- out_colnames
# colnames(p_value) <- out_colnames
# colnames(p_value_log) <- out_colnames
# beta_mean_mrs <- mat2mrs_data(t(beta_mean[, -1]), fs = fs(mrs_data),
# ft = mrs_data$ft, ref = mrs_data$ref,
# nuc = mrs_data$nuc, fd = TRUE)
# p_value_log_mrs <- mat2mrs_data(t(p_value_log[, -1]), fs = fs(mrs_data),
# ft = mrs_data$ft, ref = mrs_data$ref,
# nuc = mrs_data$nuc, fd = TRUE)
# p_value_mrs <- mat2mrs_data(t(p_value[, -1]), fs = fs(mrs_data),
# ft = mrs_data$ft, ref = mrs_data$ref,
# nuc = mrs_data$nuc, fd = TRUE)
# return(list(p_value_log_mrs = p_value_log_mrs,
# p_value_mrs = p_value_mrs,
# beta_weight_mrs = beta_mean_mrs,
# p_value_log = p_value_log,
# p_value = p_value,
# beta_weight = beta_mean))
# }
#' Perform a t-test on spectral data points.
#' @param mrs_data an mrs_data object with spectra in the dynamic dimension.
#' @param group vector describing the group membership of each dynamic spectrum.
#' @return a list of statistical results.
#' @export
t_test_spec <- function(mrs_data, group) {
if (missing(group)) stop("group argument is missing.")
mrs_data_mat <- mrs_data2spec_mat(mrs_data)
# catches errors when passing identical values which can crop up when
# normalising to a maximum spectral data point
t_test_calc <- function(x, group, y) {
tryCatch(stats::t.test(x ~ group), error = function(e) list(p.value = 1,
statistic = 0))
t_test_res_list <- apply(mrs_data_mat, 2, t_test_calc, group)
pvals <- sapply(t_test_res_list, \(x) x$p.value)
pvals_mrs <- vec2mrs_data(pvals, mrs_data = mrs_data, fd = TRUE)
pvals_log <- -log10(pvals)
pvals_log_mrs <- vec2mrs_data(pvals_log, mrs_data = mrs_data, fd = TRUE)
tvals <- sapply(t_test_res_list, \(x) x$statistic)
tvals_mrs <- vec2mrs_data(tvals, mrs_data = mrs_data, fd = TRUE)
return(list(p_value = pvals, p_value_mrs = pvals_mrs,
p_value_log = pvals_log, p_value_log_mrs = pvals_log_mrs,
t_stat = tvals, t_stat_mrs = tvals_mrs,
t_test_res_list = t_test_res_list))
#' Simulate an example fMRS dataset for a block design fMRS experiment and
#' export a BIDS structure.
#' @param output_dir output directory for the BIDS data. Defaults to :
#' "HOME/sim_fmrs_dataset/data".
#' @export
spant_sim_fmrs_dataset <- function(output_dir = NULL) {
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
output_dir <- file.path("~", "sim_fmrs_dataset", "data")
seq_tr <- 2 # set the sequence TR
N_scans <- 448 # just under 15 mins with TR = 2s
bz_inhom_lb <- 4 # Gaussian line-broadening to simulate B0 inhomogeneity
bold_lb_hz <- 0.0 # linewidth differences in Hz from BOLD T2* effect
ss_spec_snr <- 50 # single shot spectral SNR
subjects <- 5 # number of subject scans to generate in BIDS format
set.seed(1) # random number generator seed used for noise samples
# Make a data frame containing a single row of basis signal amplitudes.
# Metabolite values are for visual cortex from Bednarik et al 2015 Table 1.
# Note Alanine and Glycine are not listed in the table and therefore set to 0.
basis_amps <- data.frame("ala" = 0.00, "asc" = 0.96, "asp" = 3.58,
"cr" = 4.22, "gaba" = 1.03, "glc" = 0.62,
"gln" = 2.79, "gly" = 0.00, "gsh" = 1.09,
"glu" = 8.59, "gpc" = 0.54, "ins" = 6.08,
"lac" = 1.01, "naa" = 11.9, "naag" = 1.32,
"pch" = 0.40, "pcr" = 3.34, "peth" = 0.93,
"sins" = 0.27, "tau" = 1.27, "lip09" = 0.00,
"lip13a" = 0.00, "lip13b" = 0.00, "lip20" = 0.00,
"mm09" = 4.00, "mm12" = 4.00, "mm14" = 4.00,
"mm17" = 4.00, "mm20" = 4.00)
# Duplicate the row N_scans times to make a table of values
basis_amps <- basis_amps[rep(1, N_scans),]
# simulate two 120 second blocks of stimulation starting at 100 and 500 seconds
onsets <- c(100, 500)
durations <- rep(120, 2)
# generate a dummy mrs_data object for generating the regressors
mrs_data_dummy <- set_Ntrans(set_tr(sim_zero(dyns = N_scans), seq_tr),
# generate metabolite response functions assuming simple trapezoidal shapes
glu_rf <- gen_trap_reg(onsets, durations, mrs_data = mrs_data_dummy,
rise_t = 120, fall_t = 150)
lac_rf <- gen_trap_reg(onsets, durations, mrs_data = mrs_data_dummy,
rise_t = 120, fall_t = 150)
asp_rf <- gen_trap_reg(onsets, durations, mrs_data = mrs_data_dummy,
rise_t = 120, fall_t = 150)
glc_rf <- gen_trap_reg(onsets, durations, mrs_data = mrs_data_dummy,
rise_t = 120, fall_t = 150)
bold_rf <- gen_bold_reg(onsets, durations, mrs_data = mrs_data_dummy)
# update the amplitudes according to predicted changes from Bednarik et at 2015
# Table 1
lac_perc_change <- 29.6
glu_perc_change <- 3.3
glc_perc_change <- -16.0
asp_perc_change <- -5.4
# update metabolite data frame to have dynamic metabolite values
basis_amps$glu <- basis_amps$glu * (glu_rf$stim * glu_perc_change / 100 + 1)
basis_amps$lac <- basis_amps$lac * (lac_rf$stim * lac_perc_change / 100 + 1)
basis_amps$asp <- basis_amps$asp * (asp_rf$stim * asp_perc_change / 100 + 1)
basis_amps$glc <- basis_amps$glc * (glc_rf$stim * glc_perc_change / 100 + 1)
# simulate a typical basis for TE=28ms semi-LASER acquisition at 3T
acq_paras <- def_acq_paras(ft = 127.8e6)
basis <- sim_basis(names(basis_amps), pul_seq = seq_slaser_ideal,
TE1 = 0.008, TE2 = 0.011, TE3 = 0.009)
# apply basis amplitudes to the basis set to generate a simulated fMRS dataset
mrs_dyn_orig <- basis2dyn_mrs_data(basis, basis_amps, seq_tr)
# broaden basis to simulate B0 inhomogeneity, apply any addition BOLD related
# narrowing
bold_lb_dyn <- (1 - bold_rf$stim_bold) * bold_lb_hz
mrs_dyn <- lb(lb(mrs_dyn_orig, bz_inhom_lb), bold_lb_dyn, 0)
# duplicate the data to generate multiple subjects with different noise samples
mrs_dyn_list <- rep(list(mrs_dyn), subjects)
# apply additional 10 Hz line-broadening to sub-02
mrs_dyn_list[[2]] <- lb(mrs_dyn_list[[2]], 10)
# add noise
mrs_dyn_list <- add_noise_spec_snr(mrs_dyn_list, ss_spec_snr,
ref_data = mrs_dyn_list[[1]])
# export to BIDS structure
mrs_data2bids(mrs_dyn_list, output_dir, skip_existing = FALSE)
#' Perform group-level spectral GLM analysis of an fMRS dataset.
#' @param regressor_df a data frame containing temporal regressors to be applied
#' to each spectral datapoint.
#' @param analysis_dir directory containing preprocessed data generated by
#' the preproc_svs_dataset function.
#' @param exclude_labels vector of labels of scans to exclude, eg poor quality
#' data.
#' @param labels labels to describe each data set.
#' @export
glm_spec_fmrs_group <- function(regressor_df, analysis_dir = "spant_analysis",
exclude_labels = NULL, labels = NULL) {
# check preproc_dir exists
if (!dir.exists(analysis_dir)) stop("analysis_dir not found.")
# directory for output
spec_glm_group_dir <- file.path(analysis_dir, "spec_glm", "group_level")
if (!dir.exists(spec_glm_group_dir)) dir.create(spec_glm_group_dir)
if (is.null(labels)) {
# discover data labels from file names
fnames <- Sys.glob(file.path(analysis_dir, "spec_glm", "proc_fmrs",
labels <- basename(fnames)
labels <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(tools::file_path_sans_ext(labels))
# detect non unique labels and quit if found
if (any(table(labels) > 1)) stop("Labels are non-unique.")
# remove any excluded labels
if (!is.null(exclude_labels)) {
if (any(table(exclude_labels) > 1)) stop("Exclude labels are non-unique.")
N_excl <- length(exclude_labels)
exclude_inds <- rep(NA, N_excl)
for (n in 1:N_excl) {
found_bool <- (labels == exclude_labels[n])
if (sum(found_bool) == 1) exclude_inds[n] <- which(found_bool)
# remove any unfound labels
exclude_inds <- exclude_inds[!]
if (length(exclude_inds) > 0) labels <- labels[-exclude_inds]
# read the processed data
Nscans <- length(labels)
preproc_mrs <- vector(mode = "list", length = Nscans)
for (n in 1:Nscans) {
fname <- paste0(labels[n], ".nii.gz")
fpath <- file.path(analysis_dir, "spec_glm", "proc_fmrs", fname)
preproc_mrs[[n]] <- read_mrs(fpath)
# modelling
glm_spec_group_res <- glm_spec_group_level(preproc_mrs, regressor_df)
# write the results
output <- list(glm_spec_group_res = glm_spec_group_res, labels = labels,
exclude_labels = exclude_labels, regressor_df = regressor_df,
acq_paras = get_acq_paras(preproc_mrs[[1]]))
saveRDS(output, file.path(spec_glm_group_dir, "group_fit.rds"))
#' Test a group-level spectral GLM linear hypothesis.
#' @param hmat linear hypothesis matrix.
#' @param analysis_dir directory containing preprocessed data generated by
#' the preproc_svs_dataset function.
#' @export
glm_spec_group_linhyp <- function(hmat, analysis_dir = "spant_analysis") {
group_dir <- file.path(analysis_dir, "spec_glm", "group_level")
group_fit_f <- file.path(group_dir, "group_fit.rds")
group_fit <- readRDS(group_fit_f)
lin_hyp_res <- lapply(group_fit$glm_spec_group_res, car::linearHypothesis,
F_vals <- sapply(lin_hyp_res, \(x) x$`F`[2])
p_vals <- sapply(lin_hyp_res, \(x) x$`Pr(>F)`[2])
p_vals_log <- -log10(p_vals)
acq_paras <- group_fit$acq_paras
p_vals_mrs <- vec2mrs_data(p_vals, fs = acq_paras$fs,
ft = acq_paras$ft, ref = acq_paras$ref,
nuc = acq_paras$nuc, fd = TRUE)
p_vals_log_mrs <- vec2mrs_data(p_vals_log, fs = acq_paras$fs,
ft = acq_paras$ft, ref = acq_paras$ref,
nuc = acq_paras$nuc, fd = TRUE)
F_vals_mrs <- vec2mrs_data(F_vals, fs = acq_paras$fs, ft = acq_paras$ft,
ref = acq_paras$ref, nuc = acq_paras$nuc,
fd = TRUE)
return(list(p_vals_log_mrs = p_vals_log_mrs, p_vals_mrs = p_vals_mrs,
F_vals_mrs = F_vals_mrs))
glm_spec_group_level <- function(mrs_data_list, regressor_df) {
Ngroup <- length(mrs_data_list)
group_regressor_df <- gen_group_reg(regressor_df, Ngroup)
mrs_data_dyn <- append_dyns(mrs_data_list)
mrs_mat <- mrs_data2spec_mat(mrs_data_dyn)
# drop the time column if present
group_regressor_df <- group_regressor_df[, !names(group_regressor_df) %in%
c("time"), drop = FALSE]
lm_res_list <- vector("list", ncol(mrs_mat))
for (n in 1:ncol(mrs_mat)) {
lm_res_list[[n]] <- stats::lm(mrs_mat[, n] ~ . + 0, group_regressor_df)
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