
Defines functions which.max.im bw.relrisk.ppp bw.relrisk bw.stoyan relrisk

Documented in bw.relrisk bw.relrisk.ppp bw.stoyan relrisk which.max.im

#    relrisk.R
#   Estimation of relative risk
#  $Revision: 1.68 $  $Date: 2023/06/25 02:23:43 $

relrisk <- function(X, ...) UseMethod("relrisk")
relrisk.ppp <- local({

  relrisk.ppp <- function(X, sigma=NULL, ..., 
                          at=c("pixels", "points"),
                          weights = NULL, varcov=NULL, 
                          adjust=1, edge=TRUE, diggle=FALSE,
                          se=FALSE, wtype=c("value", "multiplicity"),
                          casecontrol=TRUE, control=1, case, fudge=0) {
    control.given <- !missing(control)
    case.given <- !missing(case)
    at <- match.arg(at)
    ## evaluate numerical weights (multiple columns not allowed)
    weights <- pointweights(X, weights=weights, parent=parent.frame())
    weighted <- !is.null(weights)
    npts <- npoints(X)
    marx <- marks(X)
    imarks <- as.integer(marx)
    types <- levels(marx)
    ntypes <- length(types)
    if(ntypes == 1)
      stop("Data contains only one type of points")
    casecontrol <- casecontrol && (ntypes == 2)
    if((control.given || case.given) && !(casecontrol || relative)) {
      aa <- c("control", "case")[c(control.given, case.given)]
      nn <- length(aa)
      warning(paste(ngettext(nn, "Argument", "Arguments"),
                    paste(sQuote(aa), collapse=" and "),
                    ngettext(nn, "was", "were"),
                    "ignored, because relative=FALSE and",
                    if(ntypes==2) "casecontrol=FALSE" else
                    "there are more than 2 types of points"))
    ## fudge constant
    if(missing(fudge) || is.null(fudge)) {
      fudge <- rep(0, ntypes)
    } else {
      check.nvector(fudge, ntypes,
                    things="types of points", oneok=TRUE, vname="fudge")
      stopifnot(all(fudge >= 0))
      if(length(fudge) == 1)
        fudge <- rep(fudge, ntypes)
    ## initialise error report
    uhoh <- NULL
    ## prepare for analysis
    Y <- split(X) 
    splitweights <- if(weighted) split(weights, marx) else rep(list(NULL), ntypes)
    uX <- unmark(X)
    ## compute bandwidth (default bandwidth selector is bw.relrisk)
    ker <- resolve.2D.kernel(...,
                             sigma=sigma, varcov=varcov, adjust=adjust,
                             bwfun=bw.relrisk, x=X)
    sigma <- ker$sigma
    varcov <- ker$varcov

    ## determine smoothing parameters   
      edge <- FALSE
    SmoothPars <- resolve.defaults(list(sigma=sigma, varcov=varcov, at=at,
                                        edge=edge, diggle=diggle),
    ## threshold for 0/0
    tinythresh <- 8 * .Machine$double.eps
    if(se) {
      ## standard error calculation
      wtype <- match.arg(wtype)
      weightspower <-
        if(is.null(weights)) NULL else  switch(wtype,
                                               value        = weights^2,
                                               multiplicity = weights)
      if(!is.null(weights) && wtype == "multiplicity" && min(weights) < 0)
        stop("Negative weights are not permitted when wtype='multiplicity'",
      ## determine smoothing parameters for variance calculation
      VarPars <- SmoothPars
      VarPars$edge <- VarPars$diggle <- FALSE
      kernel <- SmoothPars$kernel %orifnull% "gaussian"
      if(!identical(kernel, "gaussian")) {
        ## Any kernel other than Gaussian.
        ## The square of the kernel will be computed inside second.moment.engine
        VarPars$kerpow <- 2
        varconst <- 1
      } else {
        ## Gaussian kernel.
        ## Use the fact that the square of the Gaussian kernel
        ## is a rescaled Gaussian kernel.
        if(bandwidth.is.infinite(sigma)) {
          varconst <- 1
        } else if(is.null(varcov)) {
          varconst <- 1/(4 * pi * prod(sigma))
          VarPars$sigma <- sigma/sqrt(2)
        } else {
          varconst <- 1/(4 * pi * sqrt(det(varcov)))
          VarPars$varcov <- varcov/2
      if(edge) {
        ## evaluate edge correction weights
        edgeim <- do.call(second.moment.calc,
                          append(list(x=uX, what="edge"), SmoothPars))
        if(diggle || at == "points") {
          edgeX <- safelookup(edgeim, uX, warn=FALSE)
          invmassX <- 1/edgeX
          invmassX[!is.finite(invmassX)] <- 0
        edgeim <- edgeim[Window(X), drop=FALSE]
    ## .........................................
    ## compute intensity estimates for each type
    ## .........................................
           pixels = {
             ## intensity estimates of each type
             Deach <- do.call(density.splitppp,
                              append(list(x=Y, weights=splitweights),
             if(any(fudge != 0)) {
               ## add constant to intensity estimates
               Deach <- as.imlist(mapply("+", Deach, as.list(fudge),
             ## compute intensity estimate for unmarked pattern
             Dall <- im.apply(Deach, sum, check=FALSE)
             ## WAS: Dall <- Reduce("+", Deach)
             ## variance terms
             if(se) {
               ## weights on each data point for variance calculation
               VarWeights <-
                 if(!edge) {
                   ## no edge correction
                 } else if(!diggle) {
                   ## uniform edge correction e(u)
                 } else {
                   ## Jones-Diggle edge correction e(x_i)
                   if(weighted) {invmassX^2 * weightspower} else invmassX^2
               VarWeightsSplit <-
                 if(weighted) split(VarWeights, marx) else NULL

               ## Compute variance of sum of weighted contributions
               Veach <- do.call(density.splitppp,
               if(edge && !diggle) {
                 ## uniform edge correction e(u): rescale
                 Veach <- imagelistOp(Veach, edgeim^2, "/")
                 #' Ops.imlist not yet working

               if(varconst != 1) 
                 Veach <- imagelistOp(Veach, varconst, "*")
               #' Ops.imlist not yet working

               Vall <- im.apply(Veach, sum, check=FALSE)
               ## WAS:   Vall <- Reduce("+", Veach)
           points = {
             ## intensity estimates of each type **at each data point**
             ## dummy variable matrix
             dumm <- matrix(0, npts, ntypes)
             dumm[cbind(seq_len(npts), imarks)] <- 1
             colnames(dumm) <- types
             dummweights <- if(weighted) dumm * weights else dumm
             dummweightspower <- if(weighted) dumm * weightspower else dumm
             Deach <- do.call(density.ppp,
                              append(list(x=uX, weights=dummweights),
             ## add constant to intensity estimates
             if(any(fudge != 0)) 
               Deach <- Deach + matrix(fudge[col(Deach)],
                                       nrow=nrow(Deach), ncol=ncol(Deach))
             ## compute intensity estimate for unmarked pattern
             Dall <- rowSums(Deach)

             ## variance terms
             if(se) {
               ## weights attached to data points for variance calculation
               VarWeights <-
                 if(!edge) {
                   ## no edge correction
                 } else if(!diggle) {
                   ## uniform edge correction e(u)
                 } else {
                   ## Jones-Diggle edge correction e(x_i)
                   dummweightspower * invmassX^2
               ## compute sum of weighted contributions
               Veach <- do.call(density.ppp,
                                append(list(x=uX, weights=VarWeights),

               if(edge && !diggle) {
                 ## uniform edge correction e(u)
                 Veach <- Veach * invmassX^2

               if(varconst != 1)
                 Veach <- Veach * varconst
               Vall <- rowSums(Veach)
    ## .........................................
    ## compute probabilities/risks
    ## .........................................
    if(ntypes == 2 && casecontrol) {
      if(control.given || !case.given) {
        stopifnot(length(control) == 1)
        if(is.numeric(control)) {
          icontrol <- control <- as.integer(control)
          stopifnot(control %in% 1:2)
        } else if(is.character(control)) {
          icontrol <- match(control, types)
            stop(paste("No points have mark =", sQuote(control)))
        } else
          stop(paste("Unrecognised format for argument", sQuote("control")))
          icase <- 3 - icontrol
      if(case.given) {
        stopifnot(length(case) == 1)
        if(is.numeric(case)) {
          icase <- case <- as.integer(case)
          stopifnot(case %in% 1:2)
        } else if(is.character(case)) {
          icase <- match(case, types)
            stop(paste("No points have mark =", sQuote(case)))
        } else stop(paste("Unrecognised format for argument", sQuote("case")))
          icontrol <- 3 - icase
      ## compute ......
             pixels = {
               ## compute probability of case
               Dcase <- Deach[[icase]]
               pcase <- Dcase/Dall
               ## correct small numerical errors
               pcase <- clamp01(pcase)
               ## trap NaN values, and similar
               dodgy <- (Dall < tinythresh)
               nbg <- badvalues(pcase) | really(dodgy)
               if(any(nbg)) {
                 warning(paste("Numerical underflow detected:",
                               "sigma is probably too small"),
                 uhoh <- unique(c(uhoh, "underflow"))
                 ## apply l'Hopital's rule:
                 ##     p(case) = 1{nearest neighbour is case}
                 distcase <- distmap(Y[[icase]], xy=pcase)
                 distcontrol <- distmap(Y[[icontrol]], xy=pcase)
                 closecase <- eval.im(as.integer(distcase < distcontrol))
                 pcase[nbg] <- closecase[nbg]
               if(!relative) {
                 if(!se) {
                   result <- pcase
                 } else {
                   Vcase <- Veach[[icase]]
                   NUM <- eval.im(Vcase * (1-2*pcase) + Vall * pcase^2)
                   SE <- eval.im(sqrt(pmax(NUM, 0))/Dall)
                   result <- solist(estimate=pcase, SE=SE)
               } else {
                 rcase <- eval.im(ifelse(pcase < 1, pcase/(1-pcase), NA))
                 if(!se) {
                   result <- rcase
                 } else {
                   Vcase <- Veach[[icase]]
                   Vctrl <- Veach[[icontrol]]
                   Dctrl <- Deach[[icontrol]]
                   NUM <- eval.im(Vcase + Vctrl * rcase^2)
                   SE <- eval.im(sqrt(pmax(NUM, 0))/Dctrl)
                   result <- solist(estimate=rcase, SE=SE)
               ## compute probability of case
               pcase <- Deach[,icase]/Dall
               ## correct small numerical errors
               pcase <- clamp01(pcase)
               ## trap NaN values
               dodgy <- (Dall < tinythresh)
               if(any(nbg <- badvalues(pcase) | really(dodgy))) {
                 warning(paste("Numerical underflow detected:",
                               "sigma is probably too small"),
                 uhoh <- unique(c(uhoh, "underflow"))
                 ## apply l'Hopital's rule
                 nntype <- imarks[nnwhich(X)]
                 pcase[nbg] <- as.integer(nntype[nbg] == icase)
               if(!relative) {
                 if(!se) {
                   result <- pcase
                 } else {
                   NUM <- Veach[,icase] * (1-2*pcase) + Vall * pcase^2
                   SE <- sqrt(pmax(NUM, 0))/Dall
                   result <- list(estimate=pcase, SE=SE)
               } else {
                 rcase <- ifelse(pcase < 1, pcase/(1-pcase), NA)
                 if(!se) {
                   result <- rcase
                 } else {
                   NUM <- Veach[,icase] + Veach[,icontrol] * rcase^2
                   SE <- sqrt(pmax(NUM, 0))/Deach[,icontrol]
                   result <- list(estimate=rcase, SE=SE)
    } else {
      ## several types
      if(relative) {
        ## need 'control' type
        stopifnot(length(control) == 1)
        if(is.numeric(control)) {
          icontrol <- control <- as.integer(control)
          stopifnot(control %in% 1:ntypes)
        } else if(is.character(control)) {
          icontrol <- match(control, types)
            stop(paste("No points have mark =", sQuote(control)))
        } else
          stop(paste("Unrecognised format for argument", sQuote("control")))
               #' Ops.imagelist not yet working
               probs <- imagelistOp(Deach, Dall, "/")
               ## correct small numerical errors
               probs <- as.solist(lapply(probs, clamp01))
               ## trap NaN values
               nbg <- lapply(probs, badvalues)
               nbg <- Reduce("|", nbg)
               dodgy <- (Dall < tinythresh)
               nbg <- nbg | really(dodgy)
               if(any(nbg)) {
                 warning(paste("Numerical underflow detected:",
                               "sigma is probably too small"),
                 uhoh <- unique(c(uhoh, "underflow"))
                 ## apply l'Hopital's rule
                 distX <- distmap(X, xy=Dall)
                 whichnn <- attr(distX, "index")
                 typenn <- eval.im(imarks[whichnn])
                 typennsub <- as.matrix(typenn)[nbg]
                 for(k in seq_along(probs)) 
                   probs[[k]][nbg] <- (typennsub == k)
               if(!relative) {
                 if(!se) {
                   result <- probs
                 } else {
                   SE <- list()
                   for(i in 1:ntypes) {
                     NUM <- (Veach[[i]] * (1 - 2 * probs[[i]])
                             + Vall * probs[[i]]^2)
                     SE[[i]] <- eval.im(sqrt(pmax(NUM, 0))/Dall)
                   SE <- as.solist(SE)
                   names(SE) <- types
                   result <- list(estimate=probs, SE=SE)
               } else {
                 risks <- as.solist(lapply(probs,
                                           d = probs[[icontrol]]))
                 if(!se) {
                   result <- risks
                 } else {
                   Vctrl <- Veach[[icontrol]]
                   Dctrl <- Deach[[icontrol]]
                   SE <- list()
                   for(i in 1:ntypes) {
                     NUM <- Veach[[i]] + Vctrl * risks[[i]]^2
                     SE[[i]] <- eval.im(sqrt(pmax(NUM, 0))/Dctrl)
                   SE <- as.solist(SE)
                   names(SE) <- types
                   result <- list(estimate=risks, SE=SE)
             points = {
               probs <- Deach/Dall
               ## correct small numerical errors
               probs <- clamp01(probs)
               ## trap NaN values
               dodgy <- (Dall < tinythresh)
               bad <- badvalues(probs) 
               badrow <- matrowany(bad) | really(dodgy)
               if(any(badrow)) {
                 warning(paste("Numerical underflow detected:",
                               "sigma is probably too small"),
                 uhoh <- unique(c(uhoh, "underflow"))
                 ## apply l'Hopital's rule
                 typenn <- imarks[nnwhich(X)]
                 probs[badrow, ] <- (typenn == col(result))[badrow, ]
               if(!relative) {
                 if(!se) {
                   result <- probs
                 } else {
                   NUM <- Veach * (1-2*probs) + Vall * probs^2
                   SE <- sqrt(pmax(NUM, 0))/Dall
                   result <- list(estimate=probs, SE=SE)
               } else {
                 risks <- probs/probs[,icontrol]
                 if(!se) {
                   result <- risks
                 } else {
                   NUM <- Veach + Veach[,icontrol] * risks^2
                   NUM[,icontrol] <- 0
                   SE <- sqrt(pmax(NUM, 0))/Deach[,icontrol]
                   result <- list(estimate=risks, SE=SE)
    attr(result, "sigma") <- sigma
    attr(result, "varcov") <- varcov
    if(length(uhoh)) attr(result, "warnings") <- uhoh

  clamp01 <- function(x) {
    if(is.im(x)) return(eval.im(pmin(pmax(x, 0), 1)))
    return(pmin(pmax(x, 0), 1))

  badvalues <- function(x) {
    if(is.im(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    return(!(is.finite(x) | is.na(x)))

  really <- function(x) {
    if(is.im(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    x[is.na(x)] <- FALSE
  reciprocal <- function(x) 1/x

  divideifpositive <- function(z, d) { eval.im(ifelse(d > 0, z/d, NA)) }

bw.stoyan <- function(X, co=0.15) {
  ## Stoyan's rule of thumb
  n <- npoints(X)
  W <- Window(X)
  a <- area(W)
  stoyan <- co/sqrt(5 * max(1,n)/a)

bw.relrisk <- function(X, ...) {

bw.relrisk.ppp <- function(X, method="likelihood", ...,
                           hmin=NULL, hmax=NULL, warn=TRUE) {
  ## rearrange in ascending order of x-coordinate (for C code)
  X <- X[fave.order(X$x)]
  Y <- split(X)
  ntypes <- length(Y)
  if(ntypes == 1)
    stop("Data contains only one type of points")
  n <- npoints(X)
  marx <- marks(X)
  method <- pickoption("method", method,
  if(method != "likelihood") {
    ## dummy variables for each type
    imarks <- as.integer(marx)
    if(ntypes == 2) {
      ## 1 = control, 2 = case
      indic <- (imarks == 2)
      y01   <- as.integer(indic)
    } else {
      indic <- matrix(FALSE, n, ntypes)
      indic[cbind(seq_len(n), imarks)] <- TRUE
      y01  <- indic * 1
    X01 <- X %mark% y01
  ## cross-validated bandwidth selection
  ## determine a range of bandwidth values
  if(is.null(hmin) || is.null(hmax)) {
    W <- Window(X)
    a <- area(W)
    d <- diameter(as.rectangle(W))
    ## Stoyan's rule of thumb applied to the least and most common types
    mcount <- table(marx)
    nmin <- max(1, min(mcount))
    nmax <- max(1, max(mcount))
    stoyan.low <- 0.15/sqrt(nmax/a)
    stoyan.high <- 0.15/sqrt(nmin/a)
      hmin <- max(minnndist(unique(X)), stoyan.low/5)
    if(is.null(hmax)) {
      hmax <- min(d/4, stoyan.high * 20)
      hmax <- max(hmax, hmin * 2)
  } else stopifnot(hmin < hmax)
  h <- geomseq(from=hmin, to=hmax, length.out=nh)
  cv <- numeric(nh)
  ## compute cross-validation criterion
           methodname <- "Negative Likelihood"
           ## for efficiency, only compute the estimate of p_j(x_i)
           ## when j = m_i = mark of x_i.
           Dthis <- numeric(n)
           for(i in seq_len(nh)) {
             Dall <- density.ppp(X, sigma=h[i], at="points", edge=FALSE,
                                 sorted=TRUE, ...)
             Deach <- density.splitppp(Y, sigma=h[i], at="points", edge=FALSE,
                                       sorted=TRUE, ...)
             split(Dthis, marx) <- Deach
             pthis <- Dthis/Dall
             cv[i] <- -mean(log(pthis))
           methodname <- "Least Squares"
           for(i in seq_len(nh)) {
             phat <- Smooth(X01, sigma=h[i], at="points", leaveoneout=TRUE,
                            sorted=TRUE, ...)
             phat <- as.matrix(phat)
             cv[i] <- mean((y01 - phat)^2)
           methodname <- "Weighted Least Squares"
           ## need initial value of h from least squares
           h0 <- bw.relrisk(X, "leastsquares", nh=ceiling(nh/4))
           phat0 <- Smooth(X01, sigma=h0, at="points", leaveoneout=TRUE,
                           sorted=TRUE, ...)
           phat0 <- as.matrix(phat0)
           var0 <- phat0 * (1-phat0)
           var0 <- pmax.int(var0, 1e-6)
           for(i in seq_len(nh)) {
             phat <- Smooth(X01, sigma=h[i], at="points", leaveoneout=TRUE,
                            sorted=TRUE, ...)
             phat <- as.matrix(phat)
             cv[i] <- mean((y01 - phat)^2/var0)
  ## optimize
  result <- bw.optim(cv, h, 
                     criterion=paste(methodname, "Cross-Validation"),
                     hargnames=c("hmin", "hmax"),

which.max.im <- function(x) {
  .Deprecated("im.apply", "spatstat.geom",
              "which.max.im(x) is deprecated: use im.apply(x, which.max)")
  ans <- im.apply(x, which.max)

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