
#'   Header for all (concatenated) test files
#'   Require spatstat.geom
#'   Obtain environment variable controlling tests.
#'   $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2020/04/30 05:31:37 $

FULLTEST <- (nchar(Sys.getenv("SPATSTAT_TEST", unset="")) > 0)
cat(paste("--------- Executing",
          if(FULLTEST) "** ALL **" else "**RESTRICTED** subset of",
          "test code -----------\n"))
# tests/hyperframe.R
# test "[.hyperframe" etc
#  $Revision: 1.11 $  $Date: 2023/02/03 06:17:16 $

  lambda <- runif(4, min=50, max=100)
  X <- lapply(as.list(lambda), function(x) { runifrect(rpois(1, x)) })
  h <- hyperframe(lambda=lambda, X=X)
  h$lambda2 <- lambda^2
  h[, "lambda3"] <- lambda^3
  h[, "Y"] <- X
  h[, "X"] <- lapply(X, flipxy)
  h[, c("X", "Y")] <- hyperframe(X=X, Y=X)

  names(h) <- LETTERS[1:5]


  rn <- rownames(h)
  r.n <- row.names(h)
  if(!identical(rn, r.n))
    stop("rownames and row.names conflict for hyperframes")

  dn <- dimnames(h)
  dimnames(h) <- dn
  dimnames(h)[[2]][2] <- "copacetic"
  dimnames(h)[[1]][2] <- "second"

  #' hyperframe with a hyperatom
  H <- hyperframe(A=runif(3), B=1:3, D=runifrect(10))
  #' special cases of [<-
  H$B <- H[,1]
  H[2:3,1] <- H[2:3,2]
  H[2:3,1] <- H[2,2]
  H[2,1:2] <- H[3,1:2]

  #' split
  f <- factor(c("a", "a", "b"))
  G <- split(H, f)
  G[["a"]]$B <- 42
  split(H, f) <- G

  #' [[ and [[<-
  junk <- pyramidal
  a <- junk[["group"]]
  junk[["group"]] <- sample(a)
  a <- junk[[2]]
  a <- junk[[15,2]]
  junk[[15,2]] <- "schizoaffective"
  junk[[15,2]] <- "z" # Warning given.
  a <- junk[[2]] # The warned-about NA appears as entry 15.
  junk[[10,1]] <- cells
  a <- junk[[10,1]]
  a <- junk[[10,"Neurons"]] 
#  tests/imageops.R
#   $Revision: 1.43 $   $Date: 2023/08/29 01:03:59 $

if(ALWAYS) {
    #' Test of case 'CONNECT=24' in src/distmapbin.[ch]
    #' Distance transform with 24-connected neighbours
    A <- distmap(heather$coarse, connect=24)

  #' cases of 'im' data
  tab <- table(sample(factor(letters[1:10]), 30, replace=TRUE))
  b <- im(tab, xrange=c(0,1), yrange=c(0,10))
  b <- update(b)

  mat <- matrix(sample(0:4, 12, replace=TRUE), 3, 4)
  a <- im(mat)
  levels(a$v) <- 0:4
  a <- update(a)
  levels(mat) <- 0:4
  b <- im(mat)
  b <- update(b)

  D <- as.im(mat, letterR)
  df <- as.data.frame(D)
  DD <- as.im(df, step=c(D$xstep, D$ystep))
  #' various manipulations
  AA <- A <- as.im(owin())
  BB <- B <- as.im(owin(c(1.1, 1.9), c(0,1)))
  Z <- imcov(A, B)
  stopifnot(abs(max(Z) - 0.8) < 0.1)

  Frame(AA) <- Frame(B)
  Frame(BB) <- Frame(A)
  ## handling images with 1 row or column
  ycov <- function(x, y) y
  E <- as.im(ycov, owin(), dimyx = c(2,1))
  G <- cut(E, 2)
  H <- as.tess(G)

  E12 <- as.im(ycov, owin(), dimyx = c(1,2))
  G12 <- cut(E12, 2)
  H12 <- as.tess(G12)

  AAA <- as.array(AA)
  EEE <- as.array(E)
  AAD <- as.double(AA)
  EED <- as.double(E)
  aaa <- xtfrm(AAA)
  eee <- xtfrm(E)
  d <- distmap(cells, dimyx=32)
  D6 <- (d <= 0.06)
  Z <- connected(D6, method="interpreted")
  Z <- connected(D6,                       connect=4)
  Z <- connected(D6, method="interpreted", connect=4)

  a <- where.max(d, first=FALSE)
  a <- where.min(d, first=FALSE)

  dx <- raster.x(d)
  dy <- raster.y(d)
  dxy <- raster.xy(d)
  xyZ <- raster.xy(Z, drop=TRUE)

  horosho <- conform.imagelist(cells, list(d, Z))

  #' split.im
  W <- square(1)
  X <- as.im(function(x,y){x}, W)
  Y <- dirichlet(runifrect(7, W))
  Z <- split(X, as.im(Y))
  ## ...........  cases of "[.im" ........................
  ## index window has zero overlap area with image window
  Out <- owin(c(-0.5, 0), c(0,1))
  oo <- X[Out]
  oo <- X[Out, drop=FALSE]
  if(!is.im(oo)) stop("Wrong format in [.im with disjoint index window")
  oon <- X[Out, drop=TRUE, rescue=FALSE]
  if(is.im(oon)) stop("Expected a vector of values, not an image, from [.im")
  if(!all(is.na(oon))) stop("Expected a vector of NA values in [.im")
  Empty <- cells[FALSE]
  ff <- d[Empty]
  gg <- d[2,]
  gg <- d[,2]
  gg <- d[j=2]
  gg <- d[2:4, 3:5]
  hh <- d[2:4, 3:5, rescue=TRUE]
  if(!is.im(hh)) stop("rectangle was not rescued in [.im")
  ## factor and NA values
  f <- cut(d, breaks=4)
  f <- f[f != levels(f)[1], drop=FALSE]
  fff <- f[, , drop=FALSE]
  fff <- f[cells]
  fff <- f[cells, drop=FALSE]
  fff <- f[Empty]
  ## ...........  cases of "[<-.im"  .......................
  d[,] <- d[] + 1
  d[Empty] <- 42
  ## smudge() and rasterfilter()
  dd <- smudge(d)

  ## rgb/hsv options
  X <- setcov(owin())
  M <- Window(X)
  Y <- as.im(function(x,y) x, W=M)
  Z <- as.im(function(x,y) y, W=M)
  # convert after rescaling
  RGBscal <- rgbim(X, Y, Z, autoscale=TRUE, maxColorValue=1)
  HSVscal <- hsvim(X, Y, Z, autoscale=TRUE)

  #' cases of [.im
  Ma <- as.mask(M, dimyx=37)
  ZM <- Z[raster=Ma, drop=FALSE]
  ZM[solutionset(Y+Z > 0.4)] <- NA
  ZF <- cut(ZM, breaks=5)
  ZL <- (ZM > 0)
  P <- list(x=c(0.511, 0.774, 0.633, 0.248, 0.798),
            y=c(0.791, 0.608, 0.337, 0.613, 0.819))
  zmp <- ZM[P, drop=TRUE]
  zfp <- ZF[P, drop=TRUE]
  zlp <- ZL[P, drop=TRUE]
  P <- as.ppp(P, owin())
  zmp <- ZM[P, drop=TRUE]
  zfp <- ZF[P, drop=TRUE]
  zlp <- ZL[P, drop=TRUE]

  #' miscellaneous
  ZZ <- zapsmall.im(Z, digits=6)
  ZZ <- zapsmall.im(Z)

  ZS <- shift(Z, origin="centroid")
  ZS <- shift(Z, origin="bottomleft")

  ZA <- affine(Z, mat=diag(c(-1,-2)))

  U <- scaletointerval(Z)
  C <- as.im(1, W=U)
  U <- scaletointerval(C)
  #' hist.im
  h <- hist(Z)
  h <- hist(Z, probability=TRUE)
  h <- hist(Z, plot=FALSE)
  Zcut <- cut(Z, breaks=5)
  h <- hist(Zcut) # barplot
  hp <- hist(Zcut, probability=TRUE) # barplot
  plot(h) # plot.barplotdata

  #' plot.im code blocks
  plot(Z, ribside="left")
  plot(Z, ribside="top")
  plot(Z, riblab="value")
  plot(Z, clipwin=square(0.5))
  plot(Z - mean(Z), log=TRUE)
  plot(Z, valuesAreColours=TRUE) # rejected with a warning
  IX <- as.im(function(x,y) { as.integer(round(3*x)) }, square(1))
  co <- colourmap(rainbow(4), inputs=0:3)
  plot(IX, col=co)
  CX <- eval.im(col2hex(IX+1L))
  plot(CX, valuesAreColours=TRUE)
  plot(CX, valuesAreColours=FALSE)

  #' plot.im contour code logarithmic case
  V0 <- setcov(owin())
  V2 <- exp(2*V0+1)
  plot(V2, log=TRUE, addcontour=TRUE, contourargs=list(col="white"))
  plot(V2, log=TRUE, addcontour=TRUE, contourargs=list(col="white", nlevels=2))
  plot(V2, log=TRUE, addcontour=TRUE, contourargs=list(col="white", nlevels=20))
  V4 <- exp(4*V0+1)
  plot(V4, log=TRUE, addcontour=TRUE, contourargs=list(col="white"))
  plot(V4, log=TRUE, addcontour=TRUE, contourargs=list(col="white", nlevels=2))
  plot(V4, log=TRUE, addcontour=TRUE, contourargs=list(col="white", nlevels=20))

  #' pairs.im 
  #' handling and plotting of character and factor images
  Afactor    <- as.im(col2hex("green"), letterR, na.replace=col2hex("blue"))
  Acharacter <- as.im(col2hex("green"), letterR, na.replace=col2hex("blue"),
  plot(Acharacter, valuesAreColours=TRUE)

  #' substitute for runifpoint
  rup <- function(n, W) { runifrect(n, Frame(W))[W] }
  #' safelookup (including extrapolation case)
  Z <- as.im(function(x,y) { x - y }, letterR)
  Zcut <- cut(Z, breaks=4)
  B <- grow.rectangle(Frame(letterR), 1)
  X <- superimpose(rup(10, letterR),
                   rup(20, setminus.owin(B, letterR)),
  a <- safelookup(Z, X)
  aa <- safelookup(Z, X, factor=100)
  b <- safelookup(Zcut, X)
  bb <- safelookup(Zcut, X, factor=100)
  cc <- lookup.im(Z, X)
  #' im.apply
  Z <- im.apply(bei.extra, sd)

  #' Math.imlist, Ops.imlist, Complex.imlist
  U <- Z+2i
  B <- U * (2+1i)
  V <- solist(A=U, B=B)
  negV <- -V
  E <- Re(V)
  negE <- -E


if(ALWAYS) {
    #' check nearest.valid.pixel
    W <- Window(demopat)
    X <- runifrect(1000, Frame(W))[W]
    Z <- quantess(W, function(x,y) { x }, 9)$image
    nearest.valid.pixel(numeric(0), numeric(0), Z)
    x <- X$x
    y <- X$y
    a <- nearest.valid.pixel(x, y, Z, method="interpreted")
    b <- nearest.valid.pixel(x, y, Z, method="C")
      stop("Unequal results in nearest.valid.pixel")
        stop("Equal, but not identical, results in nearest.valid.pixel")

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spatstat.geom documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:08 a.m.