
## Functions to read, create and handle peak lists

# Structure: list with one field per sample
# each sample is a data frame representing a peak list (with two columns)

# returns a dataset in standard format from all peaks in all samples
"dataset_from_peaks" = function(sample.list, metadata = NULL, description = "", type = "nmr-peaks") {
  merged.peaks = merge_eq_peaks_samplelist(sample.list)
  samples.df = get_all_intensities(merged.peaks)
  create_dataset(as.matrix(samples.df), metadata = metadata, type = type, 
                 description = description)



# reads csv files, each with a sample; 
# filenames - list of file names of the files to read
# returns list of data frames
"read_multiple_csvs" = function(filenames, ext = ".csv", ...)
  sampleList = list()
  sampleNames = c()
  snames <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(filenames));
  for (i in 1:length(filenames)) {
    print(paste("Reading sample ", filenames[i]))
    sampleList[[i]] = read.csv(paste(filenames[i], ext, sep=""), ...)
  sampleNames = snames
  names(sampleList) = sampleNames

# reads list of CSV files from a given folder
# returns list of data frames
"read_csvs_folder" = function(foldername, ...)
  files<-dir(foldername, pattern=".[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
  sampleList = read_multiple_csvs(files, ext= "", ...);


# counts number of peaks in a sample (given its index)
"peaks_per_sample" = function(sample.list, sample.index)

# counts the number of peaks in each sample in the peaklist
"peaks_per_samples" = function(sample.list)
  res = c()
  for(i in 1:length(sample.list)) res[i] = peaks_per_sample(sample.list, i)

# finds samples that have the same peak values- x and y (equal data frames)
"find_equal_samples" = function(sample.list)
  eq1 = c()
  eq2 = c()
  for (i in 1:(length(sample.list)-1))
    for(j in (i+1):length(sample.list)) 
      res = compare::compare(sample.list[[i]], sample.list[[j]])
      if(res$result == TRUE) 
        eq1 = c(eq1, names(sample.list)[i])
        eq2 = c(eq2, names(sample.list)[j])
  data.frame(eq1, eq2)

# get the full list of frequencies from all samples in a list
"get_overall_freq_list" = function(sample.list)
  res = sample.list[[1]][[1]]
  for(i in 2:length(sample.list))
    res = union(res, sample.list[[i]][[1]])

# get the value of an internsity given the sample (data frame) and the frequency
"get_intensity" = function(sample.df, freq, tolerance = 0.001)
  cond = (sample.df[[1]] > freq - tolerance) & (sample.df[[1]] < freq + tolerance)
  if (any(cond)) res = sample.df[cond,][[2]]
  else res = NA

# gets all intensities for a sample list; result is a data frame
"get_all_intensities" = function(sample.list, tol = 0.001)
  all.freqs = get_overall_freq_list(sample.list)
  for(i in 1:length(sample.list))
    intens.vals = c()
    for(k in 1:length(all.freqs)) 
      intens.vals[k] = get_intensity(sample.list[[i]], all.freqs[k], tol)
    if (i==1) res.df = data.frame(intens.vals)
    else res.df = cbind(res.df, intens.vals)
  names(res.df) = names(sample.list)
  rownames(res.df) = all.freqs

"remove_peaks_interval" = function(sample.df, peak.val.min, peak.val.max) {
  sample.df[sample.df$ppm < peak.val.min | sample.df$ppm > peak.val.max,]

"remove_peaks_interval_sample_list" = function(sample.list, peak.val.min, peak.val.max) {
  sample.list.res = list()
  for(i in 1:length(sample.list)) {
    sample.list.res[[i]] = remove_peaks_interval(sample.list[[i]], peak.val.min, peak.val.max)
  names(sample.list.res) = names(sample.list)

# functions working over the list of all intensities
"get_peak_values" = function(samples.df, peak.val)
  index = which(rownames(samples.df) == peak.val)
  values = c()
  for (s in (samples.df[index,])) {
    values = c(values, s)

"values_per_peak" = function(samples.df)
  res = c()
  for(i in 1:nrow(samples.df)) res[i] = sum(!is.na(samples.df[i,]))

"values_per_sample" = function(samples.df)
  res = c()
  for(i in 1:ncol(samples.df)) res[i] = sum(!is.na(samples.df[,i]))


# merge peaks with equal frequencies (ppm) in a sample given by a data frame
# intensity values are summed
"merge_equal_peaks" = function(sample.df, tolerance = 0.0)
  d = diff(sample.df[[1]])
  indexes = which(d <= tolerance)
  if (length(indexes) != 0){
	new.sample.df = sample.df[-(indexes+1),]
	new.sample.df[[2]] = sum_vec(sample.df[[2]], indexes)
  else {
	new.sample.df = sample.df


"sum_vec" = function(orig.vec, indexes)
  newvec = c()
  for (i in 1:length(orig.vec)) newvec[i] = orig.vec[i]
  for(k in length(indexes):1)
    newvec[indexes[k]] = newvec[indexes[k]] + newvec[indexes[k]+1]
    newvec = newvec[-(indexes[k]+1)]

# merge peaks with equal freqs (ppm) in all samples of a list 
"merge_eq_peaks_samplelist" = function(sample.list, tolerance = 0.0)
  newlist = list()
  for(i in 1:length(sample.list))
    newlist[[i]] = merge_equal_peaks(sample.list[[i]], tolerance)
  names(newlist) = names(sample.list)

# create a matrix with all values for all samples (as used by MetaboAnalyst)
"create_full_matrix" = function(sample.list)
  resmat = NULL
  for(i in 1:length(sample.list))
    for(j in 1:nrow(sample.list[[i]]))
      resmat = rbind(resmat, cbind(sample.list[[i]][j,], i))
  colnames(resmat) = c("ppm","int","sample")

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