
Defines functions plot.spikeSlabGAM plotTerm

Documented in plot.spikeSlabGAM plotTerm

#' @include spikeSlabGAM.R

#' Plot the estimated effect of a model term.
#' Plots the estimated linear predictor for a model term, i.e a main effect or a
#' (2- or 3-way) interaction. Plots for the joint effect of two numerical
#' covariates show an overlay if quantiles were specified: Regions where the
#' pointwise credible intervals do not contain zero are plotted in muted red
#' (\eqn{>0}) and blue (\eqn{< 0}), overlaid by coloured contour lines that show
#' the \code{aggregate} values.  Contour lines are shown only inside the convex
#' hull of the original observations. Plots for
#' \code{\link{srf}}:\code{\link{lin}} terms show the spatially varying
#' coefficient, i.e. the contour lines represent the change in the linear
#' predictor when the \code{lin}-covariate increases by 1 standard deviation.
#' For this reason, a cumulative plot makes no sense and the routine will set
#' \code{cumulative = FALSE} with a warning.
#' Limitations: Plots for 4-way (or higher) interactions are not implemented.
#' Requesting such a plot will return the NULL object with a warning. Plots for
#' \code{\link{mrf}} just treat the grouping variable as a conventional factor
#' i.e. will not incorporate any neighborhood or map information.
#' @param label (character) the label of the effect to be plotted.
#' @param m a fitted \code{spikeSlabGAM} model
#' @param cumulative Defaults to TRUE, in which case the lower order terms that
#'   are associated with the covariates involved in \code{label} are cumulated
#'   and then plotted. (e.g, if \code{label} denotes a smoooth term, the sum of
#'   the linear and smooth effect is displayed if TRUE, if \code{label} is a
#'   factor-factor interaction, the sum of both main effects and their
#'   interaction is displayed etc.) If FALSE, only the marginal effect of
#'   \code{label} is displayed.
#' @param aggregate (function) which summary statistic to use for the posterior
#'   of the effect. Defaults to the mean.
#' @param quantiles which quantiles to use for the borders of credible regions.
#'   Defaults to 10% and 90% percentiles. Set to NULL to omit plotting credible
#'   regions. Cannot deal with more than two quantiles.
#' @param gridlength length of the (univariate) grids on which to evaluate the
#'   posterior.
#' @param contours use how many contour lines for the joint effect of two
#'   numerical covariates. Defaults to 30.
#' @param ggElems a list of plot elements to give to
#'   \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}. Use this to supply custom themes, colour
#'   schemes etc. Defaults to an empty list, which yields the standard settings.
#' @export
#' @return an object of class \code{ggplot}. Use \code{print} or wrap the call
#'   to \code{plotTerm} in parentheses to directly render on a graphic device.
#' @author Fabian Scheipl
#' @examples
#' #see help for spikeSlabGAM
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import reshape
#' @importFrom scales muted
#' @import grDevices
plotTerm <- function(label, m, cumulative = TRUE,
                     aggregate = mean, quantiles = c(.1, .9), gridlength = 40, contours = 30,
                     ggElems = list()) {
  nBins <- contours
  alphaRug <- .2

  plotCR <- !is.null(quantiles)

    label %in% names(m$predvars),
    any(!plotCR, length(quantiles) == 2),
    class(m) == "spikeSlabGAM",
    all(is.numeric(gridlength), gridlength > 0)

  quantiles <- sort(quantiles)

  # find main effect(s) and add interactions
  trms <- allInvolvedTerms(label, m)

  # find variables that are involved...
  vars <- sapply(trms, function(x) gsub("\\)", "", gsub("([[:graph:]]+\\()", "", x)))
  xu <- lapply(m$predvars[trms], function(x) environment(x$makeNewX)$xu)
  names(xu) <- vars
  vars <- unique(vars)
  xu <- xu[!duplicated(names(xu))]

  if (length(vars) > 3) {
      "You'll have to figure that one out by yourself.",
      "Plots for 4-way or higher interactions are not implemented, returning NULL."
  isMrf <- grepl("mrf(", trms, fixed = TRUE)
  if (any(isMrf)) {
    warning("Default plots for mrf() display the MRF as a conventional factor.")

  isSrf <- grepl("srf(", trms, fixed = TRUE) & !grepl(":", trms)
  if (any(isSrf)) {
    # numeric-srf interaction only possible for lin()
    if (any(grepl("sm(", trms, fixed = TRUE))) {
      warning("Plots for srf():sm() not implemented, returning NULL.")
    isFct <- grepl("fct(", trms, fixed = TRUE) & !grepl(":", trms)
    isLin <- grepl("lin(", trms, fixed = TRUE) & !grepl(":", trms)
    varsLin <- sapply(trms[isLin], function(x) gsub(
        "\\)", "",
        gsub("([[:graph:]]+\\()", "", x)
    varsSrf <- sapply(trms[isSrf], function(x) gsub(
        "\\)", "",
        gsub("([[:graph:]]+\\()", "", x)

    if (any(isLin)) {
      # TODO: check degree = 1
      if (any(cumulative)) {
          "Cumulative plot for a space-varying linear effect ", label,
          " makes no sense. Setting cumulative = FALSE."
        cumulative <- FALSE

    dfs <- sapply(xu, is.data.frame)
    if (sum(dfs) > 1) {
      warning("Plots for srf():srf() not implemented, returning NULL.")
    srfGrid <- {
      tmp <- xu[dfs][[1]]
      uvals <- apply(tmp, 2, function(x) seq(min(x), max(x), l = gridlength / 2))
      tmp <- expand.grid(uvals[, 1], uvals[, 2])
      rng <- environment(m$predvars[trms[isSrf][1]][[1]]$makeNewX)$rng
      insidePoly <- environment(m$predvars[trms[isSrf][1]][[1]]$makeNewX)$insidePoly
      tmp <- tmp[insidePoly(tmp, rng), ]
      names(tmp) <- names(xu[dfs][[1]])

    # sort & make grid for factor variables:
    facGrid <- if (any(isFct)) {
      do.call(expand.grid, lapply(
        xu[!dfs & !(names(xu) %in% varsLin)],
        function(x) return(sort(x))
    } else {

    linGrid <- if (any(isLin)) {
      tmp <- as.list(rep(.5, length(varsLin)))
      names(tmp) <- varsLin
    } else {

    if (NCOL(linGrid) > 1) {
        "Plots for 3 way numeric interactions with srf() not implemented.",
        "Returning NULL."

    grid <- if (any(isLin) | any(isFct)) {
      tmp <- do.call(expand.grid, c(as.list(linGrid), as.list(facGrid)))
      reps <- nrow(tmp)
      ind <- rep(1:reps, e = nrow(srfGrid))
      tmp <- data.frame(tmp[ind, ])
      names(tmp) <- c(names(linGrid), names(facGrid))
      srfGrid <- do.call(rbind, replicate(reps, list(srfGrid)))
      eval(substitute(tmp$.b <- srfGrid, list(.b = names(xu)[dfs])))
    } else {
      tmp <- data.frame(FILLER = rep(NA, nrow(srfGrid)))
      eval(substitute(tmp$.b <- srfGrid, list(.b = names(xu)[dfs])))

    # get predictions
    pred <- data.frame(evalTerm(label,
      model = m, newdata = grid,
      aggregate = aggregate, quantiles = quantiles, returnData = FALSE
    fcts <- sapply(grid[names(grid) != "FILLER"], is.factor)
    nums <- sapply(
      grid[names(grid) != "FILLER"],
      function(x) !is.factor(x) & !is.data.frame(x)
    data <- data.frame(pred, grid, srfGrid)

    quantileStr <- colnames(pred)[-1]
    aggregateStr <- colnames(pred)[1]

    titleStr <- if (cumulative) paste(vars, collapse = "*") else label
    plotElems <- list(labs(title = titleStr))

    if (length(vars) == 1) {
      # srf
      nms <- names(xu[[1]])
      aesStr <- aes_string(
        x = nms[1], y = nms[2], z = aggregateStr,
        colour = "..level.."
      plotElems <- c(
        geom_contour(data = data, mapping = aesStr, bins = nBins),
          name = expression(eta),
          low = muted("darkblue"), mid = "grey80", high = muted("darkred")
          data = m$data, mapping = aes_string(x = nms[1], y = nms[2]),
          alpha = alphaRug, size = .5
      if (plotCR) {
        data$sign <- ifelse(apply(data[, 2:3], 1, prod) > 0, sign(data[, 3]), 0)
        plotElems <- c(
            data = data,
            aes_string(x = nms[1], y = nms[2], fill = "sign"), colour = NA, alpha = .1
            name = "CI", low = muted(alpha("darkblue", .1)),
            mid = "white", high = muted(alpha("darkred", .1)),
            breaks = c(-1, 1), limits = c(-1.1, 1.1), labels = c("< 0", "> 0")
    if (length(vars) == 2 & any(fcts)) {
      # srf:fct
      nms <- paste(paste(names(xu)[dfs], "$", sep = ""), names(srfGrid), sep = "")
      aesStr <- aes_string(
        x = nms[1], y = nms[2], z = aggregateStr,
        colour = "..level.."
      plotElems <- c(
          list(.a = as.name(names(fcts)[fcts]))
        )), labeller = label_both),
        geom_contour(data = data, mapping = aesStr, bins = nBins),
          name = expression(eta),
          low = muted("darkblue"), mid = "grey80", high = muted("darkred")
          data = m$data, mapping = aes_string(x = nms[1], y = nms[2]),
          alpha = alphaRug, size = .2
      if (plotCR) {
        data$sign <- ifelse(apply(data[, 2:3], 1, prod) > 0, sign(data[, 3]), 0)
        plotElems <- c(
          geom_tile(data = data, aes_string(
            x = nms[1], y = nms[2],
            fill = "sign"
          ), colour = NA, alpha = .1),
            name = "CI", low = muted(alpha("darkblue", .1)),
            mid = "white", high = muted(alpha("darkred", .1))
          breaks = c(-1, 1), limits = c(-1.1, 1.1), labels = c("< 0", "> 0")
    if (length(vars) == 2 & !any(fcts)) {
      # srf:lin
      nms <- names(xu[dfs][[1]])
      nmLin <- gsub("[aeiou]", "", varsLin[1])
      linLabel <- parse(text = paste(
        "frac(partialdiff * eta, partialdiff *",
        nmLin, ")* sd(", nmLin, ")"
      aesStr <- aes_string(
        x = nms[1], y = nms[2], z = aggregateStr,
        colour = "..level.."
      plotElems <- c(
        geom_contour(data = data, mapping = aesStr, bins = nBins),
          name = linLabel, low = muted("darkblue"),
          mid = "grey80", high = muted("darkred")
          data = m$data, mapping = aes_string(x = nms[1], y = nms[2]),
          alpha = alphaRug, size = .5
      if (plotCR) {
        data$sign <- ifelse(apply(data[, 2:3], 1, prod) > 0, sign(data[, 3]), 0)
        plotElems <- c(
          geom_tile(data = data, aes_string(
            x = nms[1], y = nms[2],
            fill = "sign"
          ), colour = NA, alpha = .1),
            name = "CI",
            low = muted(alpha("darkblue", .1)), mid = "white",
            high = muted(alpha("darkred", .1))
          breaks = c(-1, 1), limits = c(-1.1, 1.1), labels = c("< 0", "> 0")
    if (length(vars) == 3 & sum(fcts) == 2) {
      # sort factors by decreasing no. of levels
      lvls <- sapply(grid[, fcts, drop = F], nlevels)
      lvlsO <- order(lvls)
      vars <- c(vars[fcts][lvlsO], vars[!fcts])

      nms <- paste(paste(names(xu)[dfs], "$", sep = ""), names(srfGrid), sep = "")
      aesStr <- aes_string(
        x = nms[1], y = nms[2], z = aggregateStr,
        colour = "..level.."
      plotElems <- c(
          formula(.b ~ .a),
            .a = as.name(names(fcts)[fcts][1]),
            .b = as.name(names(fcts)[fcts][2])
        )), labeller = label_both),
        geom_contour(data = data, mapping = aesStr, bins = nBins),
          name = expression(eta),
          low = muted("darkblue"), mid = "grey80", high = muted("darkred")
          data = m$data, mapping = aes_string(x = nms[1], y = nms[2]),
          alpha = alphaRug, size = .2
      if (plotCR) {
        data$sign <- ifelse(apply(data[, 2:3], 1, prod) > 0, sign(data[, 3]), 0)
        plotElems <- c(
          geom_tile(data = data, aes_string(
            x = nms[1], y = nms[2],
            fill = "sign"
          ), colour = NA, alpha = .1),
            name = "CI",
            low = muted(alpha("darkblue", .1)), mid = "white",
            high = muted(alpha("darkred", .1)),
            breaks = c(-1, 1), limits = c(-1.1, 1.1), labels = c("< 0", "> 0")
    if (length(vars) == 3 & sum(fcts) == 1) {
      nms <- paste(paste(names(xu)[dfs], "$", sep = ""), names(srfGrid), sep = "")
      nmLin <- gsub("[aeiou]", "", varsLin[1])
      linLabel <- parse(text = paste(
        "frac(partialdiff * eta, partialdiff *",
        nmLin, ")"
      aesStr <- aes_string(
        x = nms[1], y = nms[2], z = aggregateStr,
        colour = "..level.."
      plotElems <- c(
          formula(. ~ .a),
          list(.a = as.name(names(fcts)[fcts]))
        )), labeller = label_both),
        geom_contour(data = data, mapping = aesStr, bins = nBins),
          name = linLabel,
          low = muted("darkblue"), mid = "grey80", high = muted("darkred")
          data = m$data, mapping = aes_string(x = nms[1], y = nms[2]),
          alpha = alphaRug
      if (plotCR) {
        data$sign <- ifelse(apply(data[, 2:3], 1, prod) > 0, sign(data[, 3]), 0)
        plotElems <- c(
            data = data, aes_string(x = nms[1], y = nms[2], fill = "sign"),
            colour = NA, alpha = .1
            name = "CI",
            low = muted(alpha("darkblue", .1)), mid = "white",
            high = muted(alpha("darkred", .1)),
            breaks = c(-1, 1), limits = c(-1.1, 1.1), labels = c("< 0", "> 0")
    # end any(isSrf)
  } else {
    # sort / make grid:
    grid <- do.call(expand.grid, lapply(xu, function(x) {
      if (!is.factor(x)) {
        x <- seq(min(x), max(x), length = gridlength)
      } else {
        x <- sort(x)

    pred <- data.frame(if (cumulative) {
      Reduce("+", lapply(trms, evalTerm,
        model = m, newdata = grid,
        aggregate = aggregate, quantiles = quantiles, returnData = FALSE
    } else {
        model = m, newdata = grid, aggregate = aggregate,
        quantiles = quantiles, returnData = FALSE

    quantileStr <- colnames(pred)[-1]
    aggregateStr <- colnames(pred)[1]

    data <- data.frame(grid, pred)

    titleStr <- if (cumulative) paste(vars, collapse = "*") else label
    plotElems <- list(labs(title = titleStr))

    if (length(vars) == 1) {
      if (is.factor(grid[, 1])) {
        # factor
        geom <- if (plotCR) {
            x = vars, y = aggregateStr,
            ymin = quantileStr[1], ymax = quantileStr[2]
        } else {
          geom_point(aes_string(x = vars, y = aggregateStr))
        plotElems <- c(
          geom, list(ylab(expression(eta))),
      } else {
        # num
        aesAggrStr <- aes_string(x = vars, y = aggregateStr)
        plotElems <- c(
          geom_line(data = data, aesAggrStr),
            data = data.frame(m$data), aes_string(x = vars, y = NULL),
            alpha = alphaRug
        if (plotCR) {
          aesCRStr <- aes_string(
            x = vars, ymin = quantileStr[1],
            ymax = quantileStr[2]
          plotElems <- c(geom_ribbon(data = data, aesCRStr, alpha = .3), plotElems)
    } else {
      fcts <- sapply(grid, is.factor)
      nums <- !fcts
      if (length(vars) == 2) {
        if (any(fcts)) {
          if (all(fcts)) {
            # factor:factor
            lvls <- sapply(grid, nlevels)
            f1 <- vars[which.min(lvls)]
            f2 <- vars[-which.min(lvls)]
            geom <- if (plotCR) {
              aesStr <- aes_string(
                x = f2, y = aggregateStr, colour = f1,
                group = f1, ymin = quantileStr[1], ymax = quantileStr[2]
              geom_pointrange(aesStr, position = position_dodge(width = .66))
            } else {
              aesStr <- aes_string(
                x = f2, y = aggregateStr, colour = f1,
                group = f1
              geom_point(aesStr, position = position_dodge(width = .66))
            plotElems <- c(
              geom, list(ylab(expression(eta))),
          } else {
            # num:factor
            aesAggrStr <- aes_string(
              x = vars[nums], y = aggregateStr,
              col = vars[!nums]
            plotElems <- c(
                data = m$data, aes_string(
                  x = vars[nums],
                  col = paste("as.factor(", vars[!nums], ")"), y = NULL
                alpha = alphaRug
            if (plotCR) {
              aesCRStr <- aes_string(
                x = vars[nums], ymin = quantileStr[1],
                ymax = quantileStr[2], fill = vars[!nums]
              plotElems <- c(geom_ribbon(aesCRStr, alpha = .3), plotElems)
        } else {
          # num:num
          meltdata <- melt(data, id.vars = vars)
          # data for geom_rug has to contain the faceting variable (and everything else too for some reason?!?)
          # so we blow up the data a little
          suppressWarnings(rugdata <- data.frame(do.call(
            c(xu, value = 0)
          rugdata <- do.call(rbind, apply(
            t(levels(meltdata$variable)), 2,
            function(x) cbind(rugdata, variable = x)

          convhull <- m$data[chull(as.matrix(m$data[, vars])), vars]
          keep <- which(insidePoly(data[, vars], convhull))

          aesStr <- aes_string(
            x = vars[1], y = vars[2], z = aggregateStr,
            colour = "..level.."
          plotElems <- c(
              data = data[keep, ], mapping = aesStr,
              bins = nBins
              name = expression(eta),
              low = muted("darkblue"), mid = "grey80", high = muted("darkred"),
              guide = "legend"
              data = rugdata,
              mapping = aes_string(x = vars[1], y = vars[2]), alpha = alphaRug
          if (plotCR) {
            data$sign <- ifelse(apply(data[, 4:5], 1, prod) > 0,
              sign(data[, 5]), 0
            plotElems <- c(
              geom_tile(data = data, aes_string(
                x = vars[1],
                y = vars[2], fill = "sign"
              ), colour = NA, alpha = .1),
                name = "CI",
                low = muted(alpha("darkblue", .1)), mid = "white",
                high = muted(alpha("darkred", .1)), guide = "legend",
                breaks = c(-1, 1), limits = c(-1.1, 1.1),
                labels = c("< 0", "> 0")
      } else {
        if (!any(fcts)) {
            "You'll have to figure that one out by yourself.",
            "Plots for 3-way interactions of numeric variables are not implemented."

        # sort factors by decreasing no. of levels
        lvls <- sapply(grid[, fcts, drop = F], nlevels)
        lvlsO <- order(lvls)
        vars <- c(vars[fcts][lvlsO], vars[nums])
        if (sum(fcts) == 1) {
          # fct:num:num
          meltdata <- melt(data, id.vars = vars)
          # data for geom_rug has to contain the faceting variable (and everything else too for some reason?!?)
          # so we blow up the data a little
          # suppressWarnings(rugdata <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, c(xu, value = 0))))
          # rugdata <- do.call(rbind, apply(t(levels(meltdata$variable)), 2, function(x) cbind(rugdata, variable = x)))

          convhull <- m$data[chull(as.matrix(m$data[, vars[2:3]])), vars[2:3]]
          keep <- which(insidePoly(data[, vars[2:3]], convhull))

          aesStr <- aes_string(
            x = vars[2], y = vars[3], z = aggregateStr,
            colour = "..level.."
          plotElems <- c(
              data = data[keep, ], mapping = aesStr,
              bins = nBins
              name = expression(eta),
              low = muted("darkblue"), mid = "grey80", high = muted("darkred")

          if (plotCR) {
            data$sign <- ifelse(apply(data[, 5:6], 1, prod) > 0,
              sign(data[, 5]), 0
            plotElems <- c(
                data = data,
                aes_string(x = vars[2], y = vars[3], fill = "sign"), colour = NA,
                alpha = .1
                name = "CI",
                low = alpha(muted("darkblue"), .1), mid = alpha("white", .1),
                high = alpha(muted("darkred"), .1), breaks = c(-1, 1),
                limits = c(-1.1, 1.1), labels = c("< 0", "> 0")
          plotElems <- c(list(facet_grid(eval(substitute(
            list(.a = as.name(vars[1]))
          )), labeller = label_both)), plotElems)
        if (sum(fcts) == 2) {
          # fct:fct:num
          aesAggrStr <- aes_string(x = vars[3], y = aggregateStr, col = vars[2])
          plotElems <- c(
              data = m$data, aes_string(
                x = vars[3],
                col = paste("as.factor(", vars[2], ")"), y = NULL
              alpha = alphaRug
          if (plotCR) {
            aesCRStr <- aes_string(
              x = vars[3], ymin = quantileStr[1],
              ymax = quantileStr[2], fill = vars[2]
            plotElems <- c(geom_ribbon(aesCRStr, alpha = .3), plotElems)
          facetFrml <- eval(substitute(
            list(.a = as.name(vars[1]))
          plotElems <- c(list(
            facet_grid(facetFrml, labeller = label_both),
          ), plotElems)
        if (all(fcts)) {
          # fct:fct:fct
          geom <- if (plotCR) {
            aesStr <- aes_string(
              x = vars[3], y = aggregateStr,
              colour = vars[2], group = vars[2], ymin = quantileStr[1],
              ymax = quantileStr[2]
            geom_pointrange(aesStr, position = position_dodge(width = .66))
          } else {
            aesStr <- aes_string(
              x = vars[3], y = aggregateStr, colour = vars[2],
              group = vars[2]
            geom_point(aesStr, position = position_dodge(width = .66))
          facetFrml <- eval(substitute(
            list(.a = as.name(vars[1]))
          plotElems <- c(list(
            facet_grid(facetFrml, labeller = label_both),
            geom, list(ylab(expression(eta)))
          ), plotElems)
  ret <- ggplot(data = data)
  return(p <- ret + plotElems + ggElems)

#' Generates graphical summaries of a fitted model
#' This function plots the estimated linear predictors of the terms in a model on
#' a grid of values. By default displays all 3-way, 2-way interactions and main
#' effects present in the model. Starting with ggplot-0.9.2 these are no longer
#' aligned by their axes due to internal changes in grid and ggplot2. Uses
#' \pkg{gridExtra}'s  \code{\link[gridExtra]{marrangeGrob}} to arrange the plots
#' for the terms, also over multiple pages if necessary. This means the graphics
#' device type is temporarily set to the value of \code{interactive.dev} in
#' interactive use in RStudio if necessary since the \code{RStudioGD} graphical
#' device does not support opening multiple pages.
#' @param x a fitted \code{spikeSlabGAM} model
#' @param labels a character vector of names of model terms to be plotted
#' @param cumulative Defaults to TRUE, in which case all lower order terms that
#'  are involved in an interaction are cumulated and then plotted (e.g, if a
#'  model contains 2 smooth effects and their interaction, ONLY the sum of the
#'  marginal smooth and linear terms and all their interactions are plotted.) If
#'  FALSE, a separate plot for every term in the model is produced.
#' @param commonEtaScale use the same limits for all vertical axes of the
#'  different panels? Defaults to FALSE. Can be useful to compare effect sizes
#'  more easily between panels, but tends to mess up the scales.
#' @param aggregate (function) which summary statistic to use for the posterior
#'  of the model terms. Defaults to the mean.
#' @param quantiles which quantiles to use for the borders of credible regions.
#'  Defaults to 10\% and 90\% percentiles. Set to NULL to omit plotting credible
#'  regions.
#' @param gridlength length of the (univariate) grids for the covariates on which
#'  to evaluate the posterior. Defaults to 20.
#' @param base_size default base font size for plot (see e.g.
#'  \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme_gray}})
#' @param ggElems a list of plot elements to give to \code{ggplot}. Use this to
#'  supply custom themes or colors, fortify the plot(s) with partial residuals
#'  etc. Defaults to an empty list. Unless specified differently here, the
#'  default ggplot-theme (\code{\link[ggplot2]{theme_gray}}) is changed to a
#'  white background with major gridlines in gray (\code{'grey95'}), no minor
#'  grid lines, and smaller text for the legends.
#' @param nrow	number of rows per page, defaults to min(sqrt(no. of plots), 3).
#'  See \code{\link[gridExtra]{marrangeGrob}}.
#' @param ncol  number of columns per page, defaults to min((no. of plots)/nrow,
#'  3). See \code{\link[gridExtra]{marrangeGrob}}.
#' @param interactive.dev alternative device to use in interactive mode in
#'  RStudio if output needs to be spread on multiple pages, since the RStudio
#'  graphical device does not support opening multiple displays.
#' @param ... 	arguments passed to \code{\link[gridExtra]{marrangeGrob}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotTerm}} for more details on the specific plots
#' @note Note that \code{cumulative = TRUE} will only find all relevant terms to
#'  accumulate if, for all numeric covariates that have a smooth term, the
#'  smooth term is specified \emph{after} the linear term in the formula.
#' @export
#' @importFrom gridExtra marrangeGrob
#' @return a list of \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}-objects (invisible)
#' @author Fabian Scheipl
#' @examples
#' #see ?spikeSlabGAM
# FIXME: only wrks if smooth trms are specified AFTER linear terms...
plot.spikeSlabGAM <- function(x, labels = NULL, cumulative = TRUE,
                              commonEtaScale = FALSE, aggregate = mean, quantiles = c(.1, .9),
                              gridlength = 20, base_size = 12, ggElems = list(),
                              nrow = min(ceiling(sqrt(length(plotList))), 3),
                              ncol = min(ceiling(length(plotList) / nrow), 3),
                              interactive.dev = c("x11", "quartz", "windows"), ...) {
  interactive.dev <- match.arg(interactive.dev)

  # add custom theme / overwrite default theme
  ggElems <- c(
      panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = NA),
      panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey95"),
      panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
      legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "white"),
      legend.text = element_text(size = base_size * 0.6),
      legend.title = element_text(
        face = "bold", size = base_size * 0.6,
        hjust = 0

  if (is.null(labels)) {
    if (cumulative) {
      # find out which interactions can subsume all lower order effects...
      trms <- terms(x$formula)
      terms <- names(x$predvars)
      order <- attr(trms, "order")
      if (max(order) > 3) {
          "You'll have to figure that one out by yourself.",
          "Plots for 4-way interactions and higher are not implemented."
        rm <- which(order > 3)
        terms <- terms[-rm]
        order <- order[-rm]

      labels <- terms[order == 1]
      varsList <- sapply(
        function(x) {
              "(:?[[:lower:]]+)(\\([[:alnum:]._]+\\))", "\\2",
            ), c("\\)"))),
            function(y) gsub("(", "", y, fixed = T)
      names(varsList) <- terms
      vars <- unique(unlist(varsList))
      # FIXME: this only works if smooth terms are specified in the formula
      # AFTER linear terms...
      combos <- rev(names(varsList))[!duplicated(rev(varsList))]
      comboOrder <- rev(order)[!duplicated(rev(varsList))]

      plotLabels <- c()
      for (o in max(order):1) {
        plotLabels <- c(plotLabels, combos[comboOrder == o])
        if (any(comboOrder == o)) {
          # find main effect(s)
          done <- sapply(combos[comboOrder == o], allInvolvedTerms, m = x)
          # rm all term combinations that are already involved in the current one
          rm <- unlist(sapply(done, match, table = combos))
          rm <- sort(unique(rm[!is.na(rm)]))
          combos <- combos[-rm]
          comboOrder <- comboOrder[-rm]
    } else {
      plotLabels <- names(x$predvars)
  } else {
    plotLabels <- labels

  # TODO: order plots as in formula or via term importance...?
  if (is.null(labels)) plotLabels <- rev(plotLabels)

  plotList <- lapply(as.list(plotLabels), plotTerm,
    m = x, cumulative = cumulative,
    aggregate = aggregate, quantiles = quantiles, gridlength = gridlength,
    ggElems = ggElems
  nPlots <- length(plotList)

  if (commonEtaScale) {
    # get range of eta across all plots...
    rangeEta <- range(lapply(plotList, function(p) {
      useCols <- unlist(mapply(grep,
        pattern = c("^eta$", "percentile$"),
        MoreArgs = list(x = colnames(p$data))
      range(p$data[, useCols])
    # .. and apply to all 2-d plots
    plotList <- lapply(plotList, function(p) {
      geoms <- sapply(1:length(p$layers), function(i) {
      if ("contour" %in% geoms) {
      else {
        return(p + coord_cartesian(ylim = rangeEta))
  if (dev.interactive()) {
    # work around RStudio quirk,
    # see https://github.com/baptiste/gridextra/issues/6
    rstudio <- identical(options()$device, "RStudioGD")
    if (rstudio & nrow * ncol < length(plotList)) {
        "Temporarily setting <options(device ='", interactive.dev,
        "')> to open multiple graphics displays since dispatch on multiple graphic devices is not supported in RStudio."
      options(device = interactive.dev)
      on.exit(options(device = "RStudioGD"))
  print(marrangeGrob(plotList, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, ...))

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spikeSlabGAM documentation built on June 10, 2022, 5:10 p.m.