
Defines functions bestSpatMod fitModels

Documented in fitModels

#' Fit spatial models per time point
#' Perform REML analysis at each time point using either SpATS or asreml. The
#' idea is to is to accurately separate the genetic effects from the spatial
#' effects at each time point. SpATS is used as a default method. See details
#' for the exact models fitted.
#' The actual model fitted depends on the function parameters specified. The
#' basic model is the following:\cr
#' trait = \strong{genotype} + e\cr
#' In case \code{useCheck = TRUE}, instead of genotype, genoCheck is used as
#' genotype and check is used as an extra fixed effect. So then the model
#' becomes:\cr
#' trait = \emph{check} + \strong{genoCheck} + e\cr
#' Variables in \code{extraFixedFactors} are fitted as extra fixed
#' effects.\cr\cr
#' When \code{SpATS} is used for modeling, an extra spatial term is always
#' included in the model. This term is constructed using the function
#' \code{\link[SpATS]{PSANOVA}} from the SpATS package as\cr
#' \code{PSANOVA(colNum, rowNum, nseg = nSeg, nest.div = 2)}
#' where\cr \code{nSeg = c(number of columns, number of rows)}.\cr\cr
#' When \code{asreml} is used for modeling and \code{spatial = TRUE},
#' four models are fitted with different covariance structures.
#' The best model is determined based on a goodness-of-fit criterion, AIC,
#' on 20% of the time points or at least 10 time points. The best model is then
#' run on all time points.
#' The following combinations of random and spatial terms are fitted
#' \itemize{
#' \item{random = repId:rowId + repId:colId, spatial = NULL}
#' \item{random = repId:rowId + repId:colId, spatial = ar1(rowId):colId}
#' \item{random = repId:colId + repId:colId, spatial = rowId:ar1(colId)}
#' \item{random = repId:rowId + repId:colId, spatial = ar1(rowId):ar1(colId)}
#' }
#' If there are no replicates in the model, repId is left out from the random
#' parts above.\cr\cr
#' When \code{geno.decomp} is specified, the genotypic variance is decomposed
#' following the variable(s) chosen. For example, when a treatment is used in
#' \code{geno.decomp}, the initial model becomes:\cr
#' trait = \emph{treatment} + \strong{treatment:genotype} + e\cr
#' @param TP An object of class \code{TP}.
#' @param trait A character string indicating the trait used as response
#' variable in the model.
#' @param timePoints A character or numeric vector indicating the time points
#' to be modeled. When using a character string to reference a time point, the
#' value has to be an exact match to one of the existing time points. When using
#' a number it will be matched by its number ("timeNumber") in the timePoints
#' attribute of the \code{TP} object.
#' @param extraFixedFactors A character vector indicating the variables to use
#' as extra fixed effects in the model.
#' @param geno.decomp A character vector indicating the variables to use to
#' group the genotypic variance in the model.
#' @param what A character vector specifying whether "genotype" should
#' be fitted as "random" or "fixed" effect. Note that when using
#' \code{geno.decomp}, fitting a model with genotype as "fixed" effect is not
#' possible.
#' @param useCheck Should check genotypes be used as an extra factor in the
#' model?
#' @param useRepId Should repId be used as a fixed effect in the model? When
#' fitting a spatial model rowId and colId are also nested within repId in the
#' random part of the model.
#' @param engine A character string indicating the engine used to fit the
#' models.
#' @param spatial Should a spatial model be fitted for asreml?
#' @param quiet Should printed progress messages be suppressed?
#' @return An object of class \code{fitMod}, a list of fitted models.
#' @examples
#' ## Using the first example dataset (PhenovatorDat1):
#' ## Fit a model using SpATS on few time points:
#' \donttest{
#' ## Create an object of class TP.
#' phenoTP <- createTimePoints(dat = PhenovatorDat1,
#'                             experimentName = "Phenovator",
#'                             genotype = "Genotype",
#'                             timePoint = "timepoints",
#'                             repId = "Replicate",
#'                             plotId = "pos",
#'                             rowNum = "y", colNum = "x",
#'                             addCheck = TRUE,
#'                             checkGenotypes = c("check1", "check2",
#'                                                "check3", "check4"))
#' ## Fit a model with SpATS for three time points.
#' modPhenoSp <- fitModels(TP = phenoTP,
#'                         trait = "EffpsII",
#'                         timePoints = c(3, 6, 20))
#' summary(modPhenoSp)
#' ## Fit a model with SpATS for a single time point with extra fixed factors
#' ## and check genotypes:
#' modPhenoSpCheck <- fitModels(TP = phenoTP,
#'                              trait = "EffpsII",
#'                              extraFixedFactors = c("repId", "Image_pos"),
#'                              useCheck = TRUE,
#'                              timePoints = 3)
#' ## Fit a model with asreml on few time points with a spatial function:
#' if (requireNamespace("asreml", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   modPhenoSpAs <- fitModels(TP = phenoTP,
#'                             trait = "EffpsII",
#'                             timePoints = c(1, 6, 20),
#'                             engine = "asreml",
#'                             spatial = TRUE)
#' }
#' ## Using the second example dataset (PhenoarchDat1):
#' ## Fit a model with SpATS on one time points with two variables for
#' ## geno.decomp:
#' data("PhenoarchDat1")
#' phenoTParch <- createTimePoints(dat = PhenoarchDat1,
#'                                 experimentName = "Phenoarch",
#'                                 genotype = "Genotype",
#'                                 timePoint = "Date",
#'                                 plotId = "pos",
#'                                 rowNum = "Row",
#'                                 colNum = "Col")
#' modPhenoSpGD <- fitModels(TP = phenoTParch,
#'                           trait = "LeafArea",
#'                           geno.decomp = c("Scenario", "population"),
#'                           timePoints = 16)
#' }
#' @references
#' Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez, Martin P. Boer, Fred A. van Eeuwijk, Paul H.C.
#' Eilers (2017). Correcting for spatial heterogeneity in plant breeding
#' experiments with P-splines. Spatial Statistics
#' \doi{10.1016/j.spasta.2017.10.003}
#' Butler, D. G., et al. (2018). ASReml-R Reference Manual Version 4. VSN
#' International Ltd, http://asreml.org
#' @family functions for spatial modeling
#' @export
fitModels <- function(TP,
                      timePoints = names(TP),
                      extraFixedFactors = NULL,
                      geno.decomp = NULL,
                      what = c("random", "fixed"),
                      useCheck = FALSE,
                      useRepId = FALSE,
                      engine = c("SpATS", "asreml"),
                      spatial = FALSE,
                      quiet = FALSE) {
  ## Checks.
  if (missing(TP) || !inherits(TP, "TP")) {
    stop("TP should be an object of class TP.\n")
  experimentName <- attr(x = TP, which = "experimentName")
  ## Check time points and convert numerical input to corresponding
  ## character values.
  timePoints <- chkTimePoints(TP, timePoints)
  ## Restrict TP to selected time points.
  TP <- TP[timePoints]
  ## Check trait.
  if (missing(trait) || !is.character(trait) || length(trait) > 1) {
    stop("trait should be a character string.\n")
  if (!all(sapply(X = TP, FUN = hasName, name = trait))) {
    stop(trait, " should be a column in TP for all timePoints.\n")
  missTraitTP <- names(TP)[sapply(X = TP, FUN = function(timePoint) {
  if (length(missTraitTP) > 0) {
    warning(trait, " has only NA values for the following time points: \n",
            paste0(missTraitTP, collapse = ", "), "\n",
            "Model not fitted for those time points.", call. = FALSE)
    TP <- TP[names(TP)[!names(TP) %in% missTraitTP]]
    if (length(TP) == 0) {
      stop("No time points left for fitting models.\n")
  ## Check extra fixed factors.
  if (useRepId) {
    ## Add repId to extraFixedFactors so it is used as fixed effect.
    extraFixedFactors <- c(extraFixedFactors, "repId")
  if (!is.null(extraFixedFactors)) {
    if (!is.character(extraFixedFactors)) {
      stop("extraFixedFactors should be a character vector.\n")
    for (extraFF in extraFixedFactors) {
      if (!all(sapply(X = TP, FUN = hasName, name = extraFF))) {
        stop(extraFF, " should be a column in TP for all timePoints.\n")
      for (timePoint in TP) {
        if (all(is.na(timePoint[[extraFF]]))) {
          stop(extraFF, " has only missing values for ",
               timePoint[["timePoint"]][[1]], ".\n")
  ## Check geno.decomp.
  if (!is.null(geno.decomp)) {
    if (!is.character(geno.decomp)) {
      stop("geno.decomp should be a character vector.\n")
    for (gd in geno.decomp) {
      if (!all(sapply(X = TP, FUN = hasName, name = gd))) {
        stop(gd, " should be a column for all timePoints.\n")
  what <- match.arg(what)
  genoRand <- what == "random"
  if (useCheck) {
    if (!all(sapply(X = TP, FUN = hasName, name = "check"))) {
      stop("check should be a column in TP for all timePoints.\n")
  engine <- match.arg(engine)
  ## When asreml is selected check installation.
  if (engine == "asreml") {
  ## For spatial models spatial columns are required.
  if (engine == "SpATS" || (engine == "asreml" && spatial)) {
    spatCols <- c("rowId", "colId", "rowNum", "colNum")
    if (!all(sapply(X = TP, FUN = hasName, name = spatCols))) {
      stop(paste(spatCols, collapse = ", "), " should be columns in TP for ",
           "all timePoints when fitting spatial models.\n")
  ## combination of what = fixed and use of geno.decomp gives inconsistent
  ## results for both asreml and SpATS.
  if (what == "fixed" && !is.null(geno.decomp)) {
    stop("Fitting models with genotype as fixed effect and ",
         "geno.decomp is not possible.\n")
  ## Combination of what = fixed and useCheck = TRUE not allowed.
  if (what == "fixed" && useCheck) {
    stop("Fitting models with genotype as fixed effect and useCheck = TRUE ",
         "is not possible.\n")
  ## Extract timepoints attribute for re-adding in the end.
  timePoints <- attr(TP, which = "timePoints")
  ## If geno.decomp is used genotype and extraFixedFactors have to be replaced
  ## by an interaction of genotype and extraFixedFactors with the geno.decomp
  ## variables. Construct an interaction of all variables in geno.decomp.
  if (length(geno.decomp) > 0) {
    TP <- lapply(X = TP, FUN = function(timePoint) {
      timePoint[["geno.decomp"]] <- interaction(timePoint[geno.decomp],
                                                sep = "_")
    ## Set geno.decomp to newly constructed variable.
    geno.decomp <- "geno.decomp"
  ## Get column containing genotype.
  genoCol <- if (useCheck) "genoCheck" else "genotype"
  if (!is.null(geno.decomp) && engine == "SpATS") {
    ## Replace genotype by its interaction with geno.decomp.
    TP <- lapply(X = TP, FUN = function(timePoint) {
      timePoint[[genoCol]] <- interaction(timePoint[[geno.decomp]],
                                          timePoint[[genoCol]], sep = "_")
  ## All extraFixedFactors should be factors. If not convert them to factor.
  for (extraFF in extraFixedFactors) {
    TP <- lapply(X = TP, FUN = function(timePoint) {
      if (!is.factor(timePoint[[extraFF]])) {
        timePoint[[extraFF]] <- as.factor(timePoint[[extraFF]])
  ## Fixed part consists of extraFixedFactors, geno.decomp and check.
  fixedForm <- formula("~ 1")
  if (!is.null(extraFixedFactors)) {
    fixedForm <- update(fixedForm,
                        paste("~ . +" , paste(c(extraFixedFactors),
                                              collapse = "+")))
  if (useCheck) {
    fixedForm <- update(fixedForm, "~ . + check")
  if (genoRand && !is.null(geno.decomp)) {
    fixedForm <- update(fixedForm, "~ . + geno.decomp")
    if (useCheck) {
      fixedForm <- update(fixedForm, "~ . + geno.decomp:check")
    if (!is.null(extraFixedFactors)) {
      fixedForm <- update(fixedForm,
                          paste0("~ . + ",
                                 paste0("geno.decomp:", extraFixedFactors),
                                 collapse = "+"))
  if (engine == "SpATS") {
    if (useRepId) {
      randForm <- formula("~ repId:rowId + repId:colId")
    } else {
      randForm <- formula("~ rowId + colId")
    ## Loop on timepoint to run SpATS.
    fitMods <- lapply(X = TP, function(timePoint) {
      if (!quiet) {
      ## Only keep columns needed for analysis.
      modCols <- c("timePoint", "plotId", "genotype", "genoCheck", "check",
                   "colId", "rowId", "colNum", "rowNum", extraFixedFactors,
                   geno.decomp, trait)
      modDat <- timePoint[colnames(timePoint) %in% modCols]
      modDat <- droplevels(modDat)
      if (useRepId) {
        ## Assure nesting of rows and columns within replicates.
        rowTab <- table(modDat[["repId"]], modDat[["rowNum"]])
        colTab <- table(modDat[["repId"]], modDat[["colNum"]])
        ## Count the number of non-zero entries per replicate.
        sumNonZero <- function(x) { sum(x != 0) }
        nRowRep <- max(apply(X = rowTab, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sumNonZero))
        nColRep <- max(apply(X = colTab, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sumNonZero))
        ## Make nesting by assuring row/columns values of zero to max number of
        ## non zero entries for each replicate.
        ## If there is no nesting in one of the dimensions nothing will happen.
        modDat[["rowId"]] <- factor(modDat[["rowNum"]] %% nRowRep,
                                    levels = c(1:nRowRep, 0))
        modDat[["colId"]] <- factor(modDat[["colNum"]] %% nColRep,
                                    levels = c(1:nColRep, 0))
      ## number of segments for SpATS.
      nseg <- c(length(unique(modDat[["colNum"]])),
      ## Fit and return the model.
      SpATS::SpATS(response = trait, fixed = fixedForm,
                   random = randForm,
                   spatial = ~ SpATS::PSANOVA(colNum, rowNum, nseg = nseg,
                                              nest.div = c(2, 2),
                                              center = TRUE),
                   genotype = genoCol, genotype.as.random = genoRand,
                   geno.decomp = geno.decomp, data = modDat,
                   control = list(maxit = 50, tolerance = 1e-03,
                                  monitoring = 0))
  } else if (engine == "asreml") {
    ## fixed in asreml needs response variable on lhs of formula.
    fixedForm <- update(fixedForm, paste(trait, "~ ."))
    ## Genotype should be specified in either the fixed or the random part
    ## of the model.
    if (genoRand) {
      ## Construct formula for random part of the model.
      randForm <- formula(paste("~ ", if (is.null(geno.decomp)) genoCol else
        #paste0("at(", geno.decomp, "):", genoCol, "+ units")))
        paste0("at(", geno.decomp, "):", genoCol)))
    } else {
      ## For genotype fixed the base random formula is empty.
      ## Genotype is added to the fixedForm.
      fixedForm <- update(fixedForm,
                          paste("~ . + ", if (is.null(geno.decomp)) genoCol else
                            paste0(geno.decomp, ":", genoCol)))
      randForm <- NULL
    if (!spatial) {
      ## Loop on timepoint to run asreml.
      fitMods <- lapply(X = TP, function(timePoint) {
        if (!quiet) {
        ## Only keep columns needed for analysis.
        modDat <- droplevels(timePoint)
        ## Run model.
        ## Put everything in tryCatchExt.
        ## This gives the option to remove some redundant wanrnings and
        ## convert so warnings that are actually errors to error.
        asrFit <- tryCatchExt({
          asreml::asreml(fixed = fixedForm, random = randForm, data = modDat,
                         trace = FALSE, maxiter = 200,
                         na.action = asreml::na.method(x = "include"))
        if (!is.null(asrFit$warning)) {
          ## Remove warnings about 1% change in last iter when irrelevant.
          asrFit <- chkLastIter(asrFit)
          ## Convert some warnings to errors.
          asrFit <- wrnToErr(asrFit)
        if (length(asrFit$warning) != 0) {
          ## Throw warnings that are left.
          warning("Warning in asreml for trait ", trait, " in time point ",
                  timePoint[["timePoint"]][1], ":\n", asrFit$warning, "\n",
                  call. = FALSE)
        if (is.null(asrFit$error)) {
          ## Set output to value.
          asrFit <- asrFit$value
        } else {
          warning("Error in asreml for trait ", trait, " in trial ",
                  timePoint[["timePoint"]][1], ":\n", asrFit$error, "\n",
                  call. = FALSE)
          asrFit <- NULL
        ## evaluate call terms so predict can be run.
        ## The first (unnamed) item in call contains the full asreml function.
        ## This is replaced by a named reference to drastically reduce output
        ## size.
        asrFit$call[[1]] <- quote(asreml::asreml)
        asrFit$call$fixed <- eval(asrFit$call$fixed)
        asrFit$call$random <- eval(asrFit$call$random)
        asrFit$call$data <- substitute(modDat)
    } else {
      ## First find the best spatial model over all timePoints by fitting
      ## all models for 20% of the time points (with a minimum of 10)
      bestNum <- min(max(length(TP) / 5, 10), length(TP))
      bestMod <- character()
      for (i in round(seq(1, length(TP), length.out = bestNum))) {
        timePoint <- TP[[i]]
        ## Only keep columns needed for analysis.
        modDat <- droplevels(timePoint)
        asrFitSpat <- bestSpatMod(modDat = modDat, traits = trait,
                                  fixedForm = fixedForm, randomForm = randForm)
        bestMod <- c(bestMod, attr(asrFitSpat[["sumTab"]][[trait]], "chosen"))
      bestMod <- names(which.max(table(bestMod)))
      fitMods <- setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = length(TP)), names(TP))
      for (i in seq_along(TP)) {
        timePoint <- TP[[i]]
        if (!quiet) {
        ## Only keep columns needed for analysis.
        modDat <- droplevels(timePoint)
        asrFitSpat <- bestSpatMod(modDat = modDat, traits = trait,
                                  fixedForm = fixedForm, randomForm = randForm,
                                  useRepId = useRepId, spatTerms = bestMod)
        asrFit <- asrFitSpat[["fitMods"]][[trait]]
        attr(x = asrFit, which = "sumTab") <- asrFitSpat[["sumTab"]]
        ## evaluate call terms so predict can be run.
        ## The first (unnamed) item in call contains the full asreml function.
        ## This is replaced by a named reference to drastically reduce output
        ## size.
        asrFit$call[[1]] <- quote(asreml::asreml)
        asrFit$call$fixed <- eval(asrFit$call$fixed)
        asrFit$call$random <- eval(asrFit$call$random)
        asrFit$call$data <- eval(asrFit$call$data)
        fitMods[[i]] <- asrFit
                      experimentName = experimentName,
                      what = what,
                      useRepId = useRepId,
                      useCheck = useCheck,
                      spatial = spatial,
                      timePoints = timePoints))

#' Helper function for calculating best spatial model using asreml.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
bestSpatMod <- function(modDat,
                        criterion = "AIC",
                        useRepId = FALSE,
                        spatTerms = c("none", "AR1(x)id", "id(x)AR1",
                        ...) {
  dotArgs <- list(...)
  spatTerms <- match.arg(spatTerms, several.ok = TRUE)
  ## Increase max number of iterations for asreml.
  maxIter <- 200
  ## Add empty observations.
  TPTab <- as.data.frame(table(modDat[["colId"]], modDat[["rowId"]]))
  TPTab <- TPTab[TPTab$Freq == 0, , drop = FALSE]
  if (nrow(TPTab) > 0) {
    extObs <- setNames(as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(TPTab),
                                            ncol = ncol(modDat))),
    extObs[["timePoint"]] <- modDat[["timePoint"]][1]
    extObs[, c("colId", "rowId")] <- TPTab[, c("Var1", "Var2")]
    extObs[, c("colNum", "rowNum")] <-
      c(as.numeric(levels(TPTab[, "Var1"]))[TPTab[, "Var1"]],
        as.numeric(levels(TPTab[, "Var2"]))[TPTab[, "Var2"]])
    modDat <- rbind(modDat, extObs)
  ## modDat needs to be sorted by row and column to prevent asreml from crashing
  modDat <- modDat[order(modDat[["rowId"]], modDat[["colId"]]), ]
  spatCh <- c("none", "AR1(x)id", "id(x)AR1", "AR1(x)AR1")
  spatSel <- which(spatCh %in% spatTerms)
  spatCh <- spatCh[spatSel]
  spatTerm <- c(NA, paste("~", c("ar1(rowId):colId", "rowId:ar1(colId)",
  randTermNoRep <- c("~ . + rowId + colId" , "~ . + rowId + colId",
                     "~ . + rowId + colId",  "~ . + rowId + colId")[spatSel]
  randTermRep <- c("~ . + repId:rowId + repId:colId",
                   "~ . + repId:rowId + repId:colId",
                   "~ . + repId:rowId + repId:colId",
                   "~ . + repId:rowId + repId:colId")[spatSel]
  ## Create empty base lists.
  fitMods <- spatial <- sumTab <- setNames(vector(mode = "list",
                                                  length = length(traits)),
  btCols <- c("spatial", "AIC", "BIC", "row", "col", "error", "converge")
  for (trait in traits) {
    ## Reset criterion to Inf.
    criterionBest <- Inf
    ## Create data.frame for storing summary for current trait.
    modSum <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(spatCh), ncol = length(btCols),
                                   dimnames = list(NULL, btCols)))
    ## Fit model with genotype random for all different random/spatial terms.
    for (i in seq_along(spatTerm)) {
      ## Add extra random term to random part.
      if (useRepId) {
        randForm <- update(randomForm, randTermRep[i])
      } else {
        randForm <- update(randomForm, randTermNoRep[i])
      asrArgs <- c(list(fixed = fixedForm, random = randForm, aom = TRUE,
                        data = modDat, maxiter = maxIter, trace = FALSE,
                        na.action = asreml::na.method(x = "include")),
      if (!is.na(spatTerm[i])) {
        asrArgs[["residual"]] <- formula(spatTerm[i])
      ## Fit the actual model.
      ## Put everything in tryCatchExt.
      ## This gives the option to remove some redundant wanrnings and
      ## convert so warnings that are actually errors to error.
      capture.output(fitMod <- tryCatchExt(do.call(what = asreml::asreml,
                                                   args = asrArgs)),
                     file = tempfile())
      if (!is.null(fitMod$warning)) {
        ## Remove warnings about 1% change in last iter when irrelevant.
        fitMod <- chkLastIter(fitMod)
        ## Convert some warnings to errors.
        fitMod <- wrnToErr(fitMod)
      if (length(fitMod$warning) != 0) {
        ## Throw warnings that are left.
        warning("Warning in asreml for model ", spatCh[i], " trait ",
                trait, " in timePoint ", modDat[["timePoint"]][1], ":\n",
                fitMod$warning, "\n", call. = FALSE)
      if (is.null(fitMod$error)) {
        ## Set output to value.
        fitMod <- fitMod$value
      } else {
        warning("Error in asreml for model ", spatCh[i], " trait ", trait,
                " in timePoint ", modDat[["timePoint"]][1], ":\n",
                fitMod$error, "\n", call. = FALSE)
        fitMod <- NULL
      ## Fill model summary table.
      modSum[i, "spatial"] <- spatCh[i]
      modSum[i, "converge"] <- isTRUE(!is.null(fitMod) & fitMod$converge)
      if (!is.null(fitMod)) {
        summ <- summary(fitMod)$varcomp["component"]
        modSum[i, "AIC"] <- -2 * fitMod$loglik + 2 * nrow(summ)
        modSum[i, "BIC"] <- -2 * fitMod$loglik +
          log(length(fitted(fitMod))) * nrow(summ)
        ## Row and column output differs for regular/non-regular.
        ## Always max. one of the possibilities is in summary so rowVal and
        ## colVal are always a single value.
        rowVal <- summ[rownames(summ) == "rowId:colId!rowId!cor", ]
        modSum[i, "row"] <- ifelse(length(rowVal) == 0, NA, rowVal)
        colVal <- summ[rownames(summ) == "rowId:colId!colId!cor", ]
        modSum[i, "col"] <- ifelse(length(colVal) == 0, NA, colVal)
        modSum[i, "error"] <- summ[rownames(summ) %in%
                                     c("units!R", "rowId:colId!R"), ]
        ## If current model is better than best so far based on chosen criterion
        ## define best model as current model.
        if (fitMod$converge) {
          if (criterion == "AIC") {
            criterionCur <- modSum[i, "AIC"]
          } else {
            criterionCur <- modSum[i, "BIC"]
          if (criterionCur < criterionBest) {
            bestModTr <- fitMod
            ## Evaluate call terms in bestModTr so predict can be run.
            ## The first (unnamed) item in call contains the full asreml
            ## function.
            ## This is replaced by a named reference to drastically reduce
            ## output size.
            ## Needs to be called in every iteration to prevent final result
            ## from always having the values of the last iteration.
            bestModTr$call[[1]] <- quote(asreml::asreml)
            bestModTr$call$fixed <- eval(bestModTr$call$fixed)
            bestModTr$call$random <- eval(bestModTr$call$random)
            bestModTr$call$residual <- eval(bestModTr$call$residual)
            bestModTr$call$data <- substitute(modDat)
            criterionBest <- criterionCur
            bestMod <- spatCh[i]
          } # End better model.
        } # End converge
      } # Not NULL fitMod
    } # End for loop spatial terms.
    fitMods[[trait]] <- bestModTr
    spatial[[trait]] <- spatCh[bestMod]
    attr(x = modSum, which = "chosen") <- bestMod
    sumTab[[trait]] <- modSum
  } # End for traits.
  return(list(fitMods = fitMods, spatial = spatial, sumTab = sumTab))

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statgenHTP documentation built on April 14, 2023, 9:12 a.m.