
Defines functions phour checkPrep listUpdate makeOpenKeyLegend strip.fun

Documented in phour

##' Hour rose plot. Copied and modified from the openair package.
##' `phour()` plotted a 24-hour clock, indicating the active hours on the basis of a time column in a data frame. It is highly cumstomized on the basis of the `openair::windrose()` function`.
##' @param my_df A data frame containing the fields ws and wd.
##' @param ws A character string of the name of the column representing the radium of the circular sectors in the diagram. It can be SBD payout, votes, comments, etc..
##' @param wd A character sring of the name of the column representing the hour of the day.
##' @param ws2 The user can supply a second set of data with which the first can be compared.
##' @param wd2 see ws2.
##' @param ws.int A numeric vector of the ws interval. Default is 2.
##' @param angle The hour spokes. Other potentially useful angle is 3 (hours).
##' @param type type determines how the data are split i.e. conditioned, and then plotted.  It can be 'season', 'year', 'weekday'...  The default is will produce a single plot using the entire data. It can also be a numeric or factor vector.
##' @param cols Colours for plotting.  'default', 'increment', 'heat', 'jet', 'hue' and user defined, such as c("yellow", "green", "blue", "black").
##' @param grid.line Grid line interval. NULL in default.It can also be a numeric value like 10, or a list like list(value = 10, lty = 5, col = "purple").
##' @param width The adjustment factor for width of payout intervals. For example, width = 1.5 will make the paddle width 1.5 times wider. For paddle = TRUE.
##' @param seg  The width of the segments. 0.5 will produce segments 0.5 * angle.
##' @param auto.text  A logical value of whether formatting the names and units automatically in the titles and axis labels
##' @param breaks A numeric vector of the number of break points for payouts. 4 by default, which generates the break points 2, 4, 6, 8 SBD for ws.int default of 2 SBD. It can also be c(0, 1, 10, 100), which breaks the data into segments <1, 1-10, 10-100, >100.
##' @param offset A numeric value (default 10) of the size of the 'hole' in the middle of the plot, expressed as a percentage of the polar axis scale.
##' @param paddle A logic value. TRUE means the 'paddle' style spokes, and FALSE means the 'wedge' style spokes.
##' @param key.header A character string of additional text above the scale key.
##' @param key.footer A character string of additional text below the scale key.
##' @param key.position A character string of the location of the scale key. 'top', 'right', 'bottom' and 'left'.
##' @param key Fine control of the scale key
##' @param dig.lab A numeric value of the signficant digits at which scientific number formatting is used in break point.
##' @param statistic A character string of the statistic to be applied.
##' - 'prop.count' (default) sizes bins according to the proportion of the frequency of the records,
##' - 'prop.mean' sizes bins according to their relative contribution to the mean,
##' - 'abs.count' provides the absolute count of records in each bin.
##' @param pollutant Alternative data series to be sampled.
##' @param annotate A logic value or a character string.
##' - TRUE: the percentage calm and mean values are printed in each panel together with a description of the statistic below the plot.
##' - " ": only the stastic is below the plot.
##' - Custom annotations may be added by setting value to c("annotation 1", "annotation 2").
##' @param border A character string of the border colour for shaded areas.
##' @param cust_labels A numeric vector displayed as the customed labels
##' @param ... other parameters
##' @param col_time the column name for the time stamp
##' @param quantile_line whether to display the quantile line
#' @return A figure with the active hour rose
#' @import plyr
#' @import openair
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' phour()
#' }
phour <- function(my_df = NA, col_time = 'created',
                  ws = "ws", wd = "hour360",
                  ws2 = NA, wd2 = NA,
                  ws.int = 30, angle = 1, type = "default", cols = "default",
                  grid.line = NULL, width = 1, seg = 0.9, auto.text = TRUE,
                  breaks = 4, offset = 10, paddle = FALSE,
                  key.header = NULL, key.footer = "(SBD)",
                  key.position = "right", key = FALSE,
                  dig.lab = 5, statistic = "prop.count", pollutant = NULL,
                  cust_labels = c(0, 6, 12, 18), annotate = FALSE,
                  border = NA, quantile_line = TRUE,
  if(is.na(my_df)) {
    return(print('Please give a valid data frame.'))
  } else {
    my_df <- as.data.frame(my_df)
    angle <- 15 * angle
    my_df$hour <- round(as.numeric(format(my_df[, col_time], '%H')) + as.numeric(format(my_df[, col_time], '%M'))/60, 1)
    my_df$hour360 <- my_df$hour * 360 / 24
    my_df$ws <- 1

    if (is.null(seg))
      seg <- 0.9
    if (length(cols) == 1 && cols == "greyscale") {
      lattice::trellis.par.set(list(strip.background = list(col = "white")))
      calm.col <- "black"
    else {
      calm.col <- "forestgreen"
    current.strip <- lattice::trellis.par.get("strip.background")
    on.exit(lattice::trellis.par.set("strip.background", current.strip))
    if (360/angle != round(360/angle)) {
      warning("In windRose(...):\n  angle will produce some spoke overlap",
              "\n  suggest one of: 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 30, 45, etc.",
              call. = FALSE)
    if (angle < 3) {
      warning("In windRose(...):\n  angle too small", "\n  enforcing 'angle = 3'",
              call. = FALSE)
      angle <- 3
    extra.args <- list(...)
    extra.args$xlab <- if ("xlab" %in% names(extra.args))
      openair::quickText(extra.args$xlab, auto.text)
    else openair::quickText("", auto.text)
    extra.args$ylab <- if ("ylab" %in% names(extra.args))
      openair::quickText(extra.args$ylab, auto.text)
    else openair::quickText("", auto.text)
    extra.args$main <- if ("main" %in% names(extra.args))
      openair::quickText(extra.args$main, auto.text)
    else openair::quickText("", auto.text)
    if (is.character(statistic)) {
      ok.stat <- c("prop.count", "prop.mean", "abs.count",
      if (!is.character(statistic) || !statistic[1] %in% ok.stat) {
        warning("In windRose(...):\n  statistic unrecognised",
                "\n  enforcing statistic = 'prop.count'", call. = FALSE)
        statistic <- "prop.count"
      if (statistic == "prop.count") {
        stat.fun <- length
        stat.unit <- "%"
        stat.scale <- "all"
        stat.lab <- "Frequency of counts (%)"
        stat.fun2 <- function(x) signif(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
        stat.lab2 <- "mean"
        stat.labcalm <- function(x) round(x, 1)
      if (statistic == "prop.mean") {
        stat.fun <- function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        stat.unit <- "%"
        stat.scale <- "panel"
        stat.lab <- "Proportion contribution to the mean (%)"
        stat.fun2 <- function(x) signif(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
        stat.lab2 <- "mean"
        stat.labcalm <- function(x) round(x, 1)
      if (statistic == "abs.count" | statistic == "frequency") {
        stat.fun <- length
        stat.unit <- ""
        stat.scale <- "none"
        stat.lab <- "Count"
        stat.fun2 <- function(x) round(length(x), 0)
        stat.lab2 <- "count"
        stat.labcalm <- function(x) round(x, 0)
    if (is.list(statistic)) {
      stat.fun <- statistic$fun
      stat.unit <- statistic$unit
      stat.scale <- statistic$scale
      stat.lab <- statistic$lab
      stat.fun2 <- statistic$fun2
      stat.lab2 <- statistic$lab2
      stat.labcalm <- statistic$labcalm
    vars <- c(wd, ws)
    diff <- FALSE
    rm.neg <- TRUE
    if (!is.na(ws2) & !is.na(wd2)) {
      vars <- c(vars, ws2, wd2)
      diff <- TRUE
      rm.neg <- FALSE
      my_df$ws <- my_df[, ws2] - my_df[, ws]
      my_df$wd <- my_df[, wd2] - my_df[, wd]
      id <- which(my_df$wd < 0)
      if (length(id) > 0)
        my_df$wd[id] <- my_df$wd[id] + 360
      pollutant <- "ws"
      key.footer <- "ws"
      wd <- "wd"
      ws <- "ws"
      vars <- c("ws", "wd")
      if (missing(angle))
        angle <- 10
      if (missing(offset))
        offset <- 20
      if (is.na(breaks[1])) {
        max.br <- max(ceiling(abs(c(min(my_df$ws, na.rm = TRUE),
                                    max(my_df$ws, na.rm = TRUE)))))
        breaks <- c(-1 * max.br, 0, max.br)
      if (missing(cols))
        cols <- c("lightskyblue", "tomato")
      seg <- 1
    if (any(type %in% dateTypes))
      vars <- c(vars, "date")
    if (!is.null(pollutant))
      vars <- c(vars, pollutant)
    my_df <- checkPrep(my_df, vars, type, remove.calm = FALSE,
                                 remove.neg = rm.neg)
    my_df <- na.omit(my_df)
    if (is.null(pollutant))
      pollutant <- ws
    my_df$x <- my_df[, pollutant]
    my_df[, wd] <- angle * ceiling(my_df[, wd]/angle - 0.5)
    my_df[, wd][my_df[, wd] == 0] <- 360
    my_df[, wd][my_df[, ws] == 0] <- -999
    if (length(breaks) == 1)
      breaks <- 0:(breaks - 1) * ws.int
    if (max(breaks) < max(my_df$x, na.rm = TRUE))
      breaks <- c(breaks, max(my_df$x, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (min(breaks) > min(my_df$x, na.rm = TRUE))
      warning("Some values are below minimum break.")
    breaks <- unique(breaks)
    my_df$x <- cut(my_df$x, breaks = breaks, include.lowest = FALSE,
                   dig.lab = dig.lab)
    theLabels <- gsub("[(]|[)]|[[]|[]]", "", levels(my_df$x))
    theLabels <- gsub("[,]", " to ", theLabels)
    prepare.grid <- function(my_df) {
      if (all(is.na(my_df$x)))
      levels(my_df$x) <- c(paste("x", 1:length(theLabels),
                                 sep = ""))
      all <- stat.fun(my_df[, wd])
      calm <- my_df[my_df[, wd] == -999, ][, pollutant]
      my_df <- my_df[my_df[, wd] != -999, ]
      calm <- stat.fun(calm)
      weights <- tapply(my_df[, pollutant], list(my_df[,
                                                       wd], my_df$x), stat.fun)
      if (stat.scale == "all") {
        calm <- calm/all
        weights <- weights/all
      if (stat.scale == "panel") {
        temp <- stat.fun(stat.fun(weights)) + calm
        calm <- calm/temp
        weights <- weights/temp
      weights[is.na(weights)] <- 0
      weights <- t(apply(weights, 1, cumsum))
      if (stat.scale == "all" | stat.scale == "panel") {
        weights <- weights * 100
        calm <- calm * 100
      panel.fun <- stat.fun2(my_df[, pollutant])
      u <- mean(sin(2 * pi * my_df[, wd]/360))
      v <- mean(cos(2 * pi * my_df[, wd]/360))
      mean.wd <- atan2(u, v) * 360/2/pi
      if (all(is.na(mean.wd))) {
        mean.wd <- NA
      else {
        if (mean.wd < 0)
          mean.wd <- mean.wd + 360
        if (mean.wd > 180)
          mean.wd <- mean.wd - 360
      weights <- cbind(data.frame(weights), wd = as.numeric(row.names(weights)),
                       calm = calm, panel.fun = panel.fun, mean.wd = mean.wd)
    if (paddle) {
      poly <- function(wd, len1, len2, width, colour, x.off = 0,
                       y.off = 0) {
        theta <- wd * pi/180
        len1 <- len1 + off.set
        len2 <- len2 + off.set
        x1 <- len1 * sin(theta) - width * cos(theta) + x.off
        x2 <- len1 * sin(theta) + width * cos(theta) + x.off
        x3 <- len2 * sin(theta) - width * cos(theta) + x.off
        x4 <- len2 * sin(theta) + width * cos(theta) + x.off
        y1 <- len1 * cos(theta) + width * sin(theta) + y.off
        y2 <- len1 * cos(theta) - width * sin(theta) + y.off
        y3 <- len2 * cos(theta) + width * sin(theta) + y.off
        y4 <- len2 * cos(theta) - width * sin(theta) + y.off
        lattice::lpolygon(c(x1, x2, x4, x3), c(y1, y2, y4, y3), col = colour,
                          border = border)
    else {
      poly <- function(wd, len1, len2, width, colour, x.off = 0,
                       y.off = 0) {
        len1 <- len1 + off.set
        len2 <- len2 + off.set
        theta <- seq((wd - seg * angle/2), (wd + seg * angle/2),
                     length.out = (angle - 2) * 10)
        theta <- ifelse(theta < 1, 360 - theta, theta)
        theta <- theta * pi/180
        x1 <- len1 * sin(theta) + x.off
        x2 <- rev(len2 * sin(theta) + x.off)
        y1 <- len1 * cos(theta) + x.off
        y2 <- rev(len2 * cos(theta) + x.off)
        lattice::lpolygon(c(x1, x2), c(y1, y2), col = colour, border = border)
    my_df <- openair::cutData(my_df, type, ...)
    results.grid <- plyr::ddply(.data = my_df,
                                .variables = type,
                                .fun = prepare.grid)
    results.grid$calm <- stat.labcalm(results.grid$calm)
    results.grid$mean.wd <- stat.labcalm(results.grid$mean.wd)
    strip.dat <- strip.fun(results.grid, type, auto.text)
    strip <- strip.dat[[1]]
    strip.left <- strip.dat[[2]]
    pol.name <- strip.dat[[3]]
    if (length(theLabels) < length(cols)) {
      col <- cols[1:length(theLabels)]
    else {
      col <- openair::openColours(cols, length(theLabels))
    max.freq <- max(results.grid[, (length(type) + 1):(length(theLabels) + length(type))], na.rm = TRUE)
    off.set <- max.freq * (offset/100)
    box.widths <- seq(0.002^0.25, 0.016^0.25, length.out = length(theLabels))^4
    box.widths <- box.widths * max.freq * angle/5
    legend <- list(col = col, space = key.position, auto.text = auto.text,
                   labels = theLabels,
                   footer = key.footer, header = key.header,
                   height = 0.6, width = 1.5, fit = "scale",
                   plot.style = if (paddle) "paddle" else "other")
    legend <- makeOpenKeyLegend(key, legend, "windRose")
    temp <- paste(type, collapse = "+")
    myform <- formula(paste("x1 ~ wd | ", temp, sep = ""))
    mymax <- 2 * max.freq
    myby <- if (is.null(grid.line))
      pretty(c(0, mymax), 10)[2]
    else grid.line
    if (myby/mymax > 0.9)
      myby <- mymax * 0.9
    xyplot.args <- list(x = myform,
                        xlim = 1.03 * c(- max.freq - off.set, max.freq + off.set),
                        ylim = 1.03 * c(- max.freq - off.set, max.freq + off.set),
                        data = results.grid, type = "n",
                        sub = stat.lab, strip = strip, strip.left = strip.left,
                        as.table = TRUE, aspect = 1, par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.8),
                        scales = list(draw = FALSE), panel = function(x, y,
                                                                      subscripts, ...) {
                          lattice::panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
                          angles <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 360)
                          sapply(seq(off.set, mymax, by = myby), function(x) lattice::llines(x *
                                                                                               sin(angles), x * cos(angles), col = "grey85",
                                                                                             lwd = 1))
                          subdata <- results.grid[subscripts, ]
                          upper <- max.freq + off.set
                          lar <- upper * 0.9
                          for (langle in seq(0, 2 * pi, pi/4)) lattice::larrows(0, 0, lar * cos(langle), lar * (sin(langle)), code = 3,length = 0, col = 'grey')
                          for (langle in seq(0, 2 * pi, pi/2)) lattice::larrows(0, 0, lar * cos(langle), lar * (sin(langle)), code = 3,length = 0)
                          if (quantile_line) {
                            for (langle in quantile(my_df[, wd], seq(0.25, 1, 0.25)) / 180 * pi) lattice::larrows(0, 0, lar * sin(langle), lar * (cos(langle)), code = 1,length = 0, col = 'red')

                          # larrows(-upper * 0.9, 0, upper * 0.9, 0, code = 3,
                          #         length = 0)
                          # larrows(0, -upper * 0.9, 0, upper * 0.9, code = 3,
                          #         length = 0)

                          lattice::ltext(0 * upper, upper * 0.95, cust_labels[1], cex = 1)
                          lattice::ltext(upper * 0.95, 0 * upper, cust_labels[2], cex = 1)
                          lattice::ltext(0 * upper, upper * -1 * 0.95, cust_labels[3],
                                         cex = 1)
                          lattice::ltext(upper * -1 * 0.95, 0 * upper, cust_labels[4],
                                         cex = 1)
                          if (nrow(subdata) > 0) {
                            for (i in 1:nrow(subdata)) {
                              with(subdata, {
                                for (j in 1:length(theLabels)) {
                                  if (j == 1) {
                                    temp <- "poly(wd[i], 0, x1[i], width * box.widths[1], col[1])"
                                  } else {
                                    temp <- paste("poly(wd[i], x", j - 1,
                                                  "[i], x", j, "[i], width * box.widths[",
                                                  j, "], col[", j, "])", sep = "")
                                  eval(parse(text = temp))
                          lattice::ltext(seq((myby + off.set), mymax, myby) * sin(pi/4),
                                         seq((myby + off.set), mymax, myby) * cos(pi/4),
                                         paste(seq(myby, mymax, by = myby), stat.unit,
                                               sep = ""), cex = 0.7)
                          if (annotate) if (statistic != "prop.mean") {
                            if (!diff) {
                              lattice::ltext(max.freq + off.set, -max.freq - off.set,
                                             label = paste(stat.lab2, " = ", subdata$panel.fun[1],
                                                           "\ncalm = ", subdata$calm[1], stat.unit,
                                                           sep = ""), adj = c(1, 0), cex = 0.7, col = calm.col)
                            if (diff) {
                              lattice::ltext(max.freq + off.set, -max.freq - off.set,
                                             label = paste("mean ws = ", round(subdata$panel.fun[1],
                                                                               1), "\nmean wd = ", round(subdata$mean.wd[1],
                                                                                                         1), sep = ""), adj = c(1, 0), cex = 0.7,
                                             col = calm.col)
                          } else {
                            lattice::ltext(max.freq + off.set, -max.freq - off.set,
                                           label = paste(stat.lab2, " = ", subdata$panel.fun[1],
                                                         stat.unit, sep = ""), adj = c(1, 0), cex = 0.7,
                                           col = calm.col)
                        }, legend = legend)
    xyplot.args <- listUpdate(xyplot.args, extra.args)
    plt <- do.call(lattice::xyplot, xyplot.args)
    if (length(type) == 1)
    else plot(latticeExtra::useOuterStrips(plt, strip = strip, strip.left = strip.left))
    newdata <- results.grid
    output <- list(plot = plt, data = newdata, call = match.call())
    class(output) <- "openair"

# Check input file and prepare data.
# Author: DCC

checkPrep <- function(mydata, Names, type, remove.calm = TRUE, remove.neg = TRUE,
                      strip.white = TRUE, wd = "wd") {

  ## deal with conditioning variable if present, if user-defined, must exist in data
  ## pre-defined types
  ## existing conditioning variables that only depend on date (which is checked)
  conds <- c(
    "default", "year", "hour", "month", "season", "weekday",
    "weekend", "monthyear", "gmtbst", "bstgmt", "dst", "daylight",
    "yearseason", "seasonyear"
  all.vars <- unique(c(names(mydata), conds))

  varNames <- c(Names, type) ## names we want to be there
  matching <- varNames %in% all.vars

  if (any(!matching)) {
    ## not all variables are present
    stop(cat("Can't find the variable(s)", varNames[!matching], "\n"))

  ## add type to names if not in pre-defined list
  if (any(type %in% conds == FALSE)) {
    ids <- which(type %in% conds == FALSE)
    Names <- c(Names, type[ids])

  ## if type already present in data frame
  if (any(type %in% names(mydata))) {
    ids <- which(type %in% names(mydata))
    Names <- unique(c(Names, type[ids]))

  ## just select data needed
  mydata <- mydata[, Names]

  ## if site is in the data set, check none are missing
  ## seems to be a problem for some KCL data...
  if ("site" %in% names(mydata)) { ## split by site

    ## remove any NA sites
    if (anyNA(mydata$site)) {
      id <- which(is.na(mydata$site))
      mydata <- mydata[-id, ]

  ## sometimes ratios are considered which can results in infinite values
  ## make sure all infinite values are set to NA
  mydata[] <- lapply(mydata, function(x) {
    replace(x, x == Inf | x == -Inf, NA)

  if ("ws" %in% Names) {
    if ("ws" %in% Names & is.numeric(mydata$ws)) {

      ## check for negative wind speeds
      if (any(sign(mydata$ws[!is.na(mydata$ws)]) == -1)) {
        if (remove.neg) { ## remove negative ws only if TRUE
          warning("Wind speed <0; removing negative data")
          mydata$ws[mydata$ws < 0] <- NA

  ## round wd to make processing obvious
  ## data already rounded to nearest 10 degress will not be affected
  ## data not rounded will be rounded to nearest 10 degrees
  ## assumes 10 is average of 5-15 etc
  if (wd %in% Names) {
    if (wd %in% Names & is.numeric(mydata[, wd])) {

      ## check for wd <0 or > 360
      if (any(sign(mydata[[wd]][!is.na(mydata[[wd]])]) == -1 |
              mydata[[wd]][!is.na(mydata[[wd]])] > 360)) {
        warning("Wind direction < 0 or > 360; removing these data")
        mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] < 0] <- NA
        mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] > 360] <- NA

      if (remove.calm) {
        if ("ws" %in% names(mydata)) {
          mydata[[wd]][mydata$ws == 0] <- NA ## set wd to NA where there are calms
          mydata$ws[mydata$ws == 0] <- NA ## remove calm ws
        mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] == 0] <- 360 ## set any legitimate wd to 360

        ## round wd for use in functions - except windRose/pollutionRose
        mydata[[wd]] <- 10 * ceiling(mydata[[wd]] / 10 - 0.5)
        mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] == 0] <- 360 # angles <5 should be in 360 bin
      mydata[[wd]][mydata[[wd]] == 0] <- 360 ## set any legitimate wd to 360

  ## make sure date is ordered in time if present
  if ("date" %in% Names) {
    if ("POSIXlt" %in% class(mydata$date)) {
      stop("date should be in POSIXct format not POSIXlt")

    ## if date in format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm (basic check)
    if (length(grep("/", as.character(mydata$date[1]))) > 0) {
      mydata$date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(mydata$date, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), "GMT")

    ## try and work with a factor date - but probably a problem in original data
    if (is.factor(mydata$date)) {
      warning("date field is a factor, check date format")
      mydata$date <- as.POSIXct(mydata$date, "GMT")

    mydata <- arrange(mydata, date)

    ## make sure date is the first field
    if (names(mydata)[1] != "date") {
      mydata <- mydata[c("date", setdiff(names(mydata), "date"))]

    ## check to see if there are any missing dates, stop if there are
    ids <- which(is.na(mydata$date))
    if (length(ids) > 0) {
      mydata <- mydata[-ids, ]
        "Missing dates detected, removing",
        length(ids), "lines"
      ), call. = FALSE)

    ## daylight saving time can cause terrible problems - best avoided!!

    if (any(lubridate::dst(mydata$date))) {
      warning("Detected data with Daylight Saving Time, converting to UTC/GMT")
      mydata$date <- lubridate::force_tz(mydata$date, tzone = "GMT")

  if (strip.white) {
    ## set panel strip to white
    suppressWarnings(lattice::trellis.par.set(list(strip.background = list(col = "white"))))

  ## return data frame

dateTypes <- c(
  "year", "hour", "month", "season", "weekday", "weekend",
  "monthyear", "gmtbst", "bstgmt", "dst", "daylight",
  "seasonyear", "yearseason"

## list update function
## for lattice type object structure and ... handling

## (currently used by)
## (all openair plots that include colorkey controlled by drawOpenKey)

## listUpdate function
# [in development]
listUpdate <- function(a, b, drop.dots = TRUE,
                       subset.a = NULL, subset.b = NULL) {
  if (drop.dots) {
    a <- a[names(a) != "..."]
    b <- b[names(b) != "..."]
  if (!is.null(subset.a)) {
    a <- a[names(a) %in% subset.a]
  if (!is.null(subset.b)) {
    b <- b[names(b) %in% subset.b]
  if (length(names(b) > 0)) {
    a <- modifyList(a, b)

## makeOpenKeyLegend v0.1

## common code for making legend list
## objects for use with drawOpenkey outputs

## uses listUpdate in utilities

makeOpenKeyLegend <- function(key, default.key, fun.name = "function") {
  # handle logicals and lists
  if (is.logical(key)) {
    legend <- if (key) default.key else NULL
  } else if (is.list(key)) {
    legend <- listUpdate(default.key, key)
  } else {
    if (!is.null(key)) {
          "In ", fun.name, "(...):\n unrecognised key not exported/applied\n",
          " [see ?drawOpenKey for key structure/options]",
          sep = ""
        call. = FALSE
    legend <- NULL

  # structure like legend for drawOpenKey
  if (!is.null(legend)) {
    legend <- list(right = list(
      fun = drawOpenKey, args = list(key = legend),
      draw = FALSE
    if ("space" %in% names(legend$right$args$key)) {
      names(legend)[[1]] <- legend$right$args$key$space

## gives names of lattice strips
strip.fun <- function(results.grid, type, auto.text) {
  ## proper names of labelling ###################################################
  pol.name <- sapply(
    function(x) quickText(x, auto.text)
  strip <- lattice::strip.custom(factor.levels = pol.name)

  if (length(type) == 1) {
    strip.left <- FALSE
  } else { ## two conditioning variables

    pol.name <- sapply(
      function(x) quickText(x, auto.text)
    strip.left <- lattice::strip.custom(factor.levels = pol.name)
  if (length(type) == 1 & type[1] == "default") strip <- FALSE ## remove strip
  list(strip, strip.left, pol.name)

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steemr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:04 p.m.